Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inventory"" "subject:"lnventory""
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Studie logistiky opatřování se zaměřením na nákup a skladování / Study Logistics Procurement Focusing on Pourchase and StorageLaichman, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Subject of this thesis called "Study logistics procurement focusing on purchase and storage" is optimize logistic process in chosen company so that be more effective and economical. At the beginning of my thesis is introduce company Turlak. Then is worked out analysis of actual situation on the base of theoretical part. At the end of this work are submited a proposales of improvement in purchase, manage of inventory and storage.
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Návrh logistické koncepce ve velkoobchodní organizaci / The Proposal of Logistics Concepts in the Wholesale OrganizationLondinová, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on logistics concepts in the wholesale organization XYZ Ltd. The theoretical part is focused on the ligistics and performance of the company. In the practical part of this knowledge is used to analyze the current state of society in order to optimize the logistics of materiál and information flows. The final section is devoted to proposals and their implementation.
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Die Prüfung der Test-Retest-Reliabilität des Onset of Depression InventoryDoehring, Claudius 10 November 2016 (has links)
Eine depressive Erkrankung kann sich mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit innerhalb weniger Stunden oder über Monate hinweg ausbilden. Zur Erfassung dieses bisher wenig untersuchten klinischen Merkmals wurde das Onset of Depression Inventory (ODI), ein standardisiertes klinisches Interview, entwickelt. Die vorliegende Studie prüfte die Test-Retest-Reliabilität des Onset of Depression Inventory und betrachtete die Frage nach dem optimalen Zeitpunkt der Durchführung des Interviews im Krankheitsverlauf. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Patientenangaben zur Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns über den Beobachtungszeitraum zwischen zwei Untersuchungszeitpunkten stabil sind und auf hohem Niveau signifikant korrelieren. Im Weiteren zeigte sich keine Beeinflussung der Angaben zur Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns durch die Schwere der depressiven Symptomatik. Die hohe Übereinstimmung der Patientenangaben resultiert in einer hohen Test-Retest-Reliabilität und spricht für die Verlässlichkeit der mit dem ODI erhobenen Daten. Damit ist mit dem ODI ein geeignetes Instrument für die reliable Erfassung der Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns gegeben, was gleichermaßen für die klinische Arbeit als auch für wissenschaftliche Zwecke anwendbar ist und vor allem im klinischen Kontext eine frühe Differenzierung zwischen Unipolarer Depression und Bipolarer Affektiver Störung ermöglicht.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 2
1 EINFÜHRUNG 10 - 28
1.1 Einführung zum Thema affektive Störungen 10
1.1.1 Klassifizierung affektiver Störungen 10
1.1.2 Unipolare Depression 11
1.1.3 Bipolare Affektive Störung 12
1.1.4 Pathogenese, Pathophysiologie 13
1.1.5 Risikofaktoren 14
1.2 Unipolare Depression 15
1.2.1 Epidemiologie 15
1.2.2 Diagnostik 16
1.2.3 Therapie 17
1.2.4 Prognose 18
1.3 Bipolare Affektive Störung 19
1.3.1 Epidemiologie 19
1.3.2 Diagnostik 19
1.3.3 Therapie 20
1.3.4 Prognose 20
1.4 Differenzierung zwischen uni- und bipolarer Depression 21
1.5 Vorgeschichte des Onset of Depression Inventory 22
1.5.1 Betrachtungen der Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns 23
1.6 Validierung von Testinstrumenten 26
1.6.1 Testtheoretische Vorüberlegungen 27
2.1 Hypothese 29
2.2 Fragestellungen 29
3 METHODIK 30 - 36
3.1 Allgemeine Überlegungen und Studiensetting 30
3.2 Testpsychologische Instrumente 31
3.2.1 Onset of Depression Inventory 31
3.2.2 Weitere Testinstrumente 33
3.3 Statistische Auswertung 34
3.3.1 SPSS-Datenbank 34
3.3.2 Studienkollektiv und Ausschlusskriterien 35
3.3.3 Kategoriale Einteilung der Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns 36
4 ERGEBNISSE 37 - 50
4.1 Deskriptive Beschreibung der Stichprobe 37
4.2 Ergebnisse der Erstinterviews („Test“) 38
4.3 Ergebnisse der Zweitinterviews („Retest“) 39
4.4 Vergleich der Angaben zur Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns 42
4.5 HAM-D-17- und IDS-30-Score-Reduktion 43
4.6 Statistische Testung 44
4.6.1 Wilcoxon-Test 45
4.6.2 Korrelationskoeffizienten nach Spearman-Brown 45
4.6.3 Unabhängigkeit der Angaben zur Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns von der Schwere der Symptomatik 46
4.6.4 Korrelation der Geschwindigkeit des Beginns von aktueller und vorhergehender depressiver Episode 47
4.7 Abklingen der Beschwerden 47
4.8 Zusammenfassung 48
5 DISKUSSION 51 - 61
5.1 Stabilität der Patientenangaben 51
5.2 Unabhängigkeit der Angaben von der Schwere der depressiven Symptomatik 52
5.3 Zeitwahrnehmung und -angabe durch depressive Patienten 52
5.4 Bezug auf Hypothesen, Haupt- und Nebenfragestellungen 53
5.5 Bedeutung der Retest-Untersuchung für das ODI und seine Anwendung 55
5.6 Wissenschaftliche Relevanz 55
5.7 Klinische Relevanz 56
5.8 Fehlerbetrachtung und Limitationen 57
5.9 Ausblick 61
Muster des Onset of Depression Inventory (ODI), 3 Seiten 70
Muster der ODI-Kurzversion, 1 Seite 73
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Cluster Analysis of the MMPI-2 in a Chronic Low-Back Pain PopulationDeBeus, Roger J. (Roger John) 12 1900 (has links)
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most frequently used psychological measure in the assessment of chronic pain. Since the introduction of the MMPI-2 in 1989 only two published studies have focused on cluster analysis of chronic pain patients. This study investigated MMPI-2 cluster solutions of chronic low-back pain patients. Data was collected from 2,051 chronic low-back pain patients from a multidisciplinary pain clinic in the southwestern United States. A hierarchical clustering procedure was performed on K-corrected T-scores of the MMPI-2 using the three validity and ten clinical scales. Four relatively homogeneous subgroups were identified for each sex with the MMPI-2. In general, these results replicated the findings of previous researchers using both the MMPI and MMPI-2.
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Comparison between proactive block replacement with no inventory and separate reactive replacement with inventoryBengtsson, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
To become a successful company today all costs, must be kept to a minimum. To make sure they are companies need to try new methods and policies to get closer to an optimum production. One of the things that need attention is the inventory of spare parts and the replacement of the same. The companies want their machines to have as many active hours as possible and therefore they need to replace components in them from time to time. This study will compare the current policy with a new one to see if it is economically justifiable to minimize the inventory of spare parts. This will be done by replacing two identical components in the same machine before they fail and production stops. We call it the proactive block replacement policy. To test this new policy a simulation based on historical data was made where the costs associated with the different replacements such as cost of component, cost o lost production and cost of the two types of replacements. All these costs were considered to see is the company could save money through this change. The result showed that the new policy was not suitable for this specific component because the cost of the component and the variation of lifetime on it was too high. Because of the big variation of lifetime, the time of the replacement had to be set after fewer hours of production which means more components will be used and the cost per active hour will be higher. This study is limited because only one specific component at a specific machine was studied and it is not possible to make any assumptions for other components from this study. This had to be done to get the most precise information from the company to get the best result. The conclusion of this study is that the company should keep their current replacement theory and not change into the new one. Though there might be possible ways of lowering the costs by only having one component in inventory instead of two. / För att bli ett framgångsrikt företag i dagens samhälle måste alla kostnader hållas till ett minimum. För att försäkra sig om detta måste företagen försöka hitta nya metoder och strategier för att komma närmare en optimal produktion. En av de saker som behöver undersökas är lagerhållningen av reservdelar och byten av de samma. Företagen vill att deras maskiner ska ha så många aktiva timmar som möjligt och därför behöver de ersätta komponenter i dem ibland. Denna undersökning kommer att jämföra den nuvarande strategin med en ny för att se om det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt att minimera lagret av reservdelar. Detta görs genom att byta två identiska komponenter i samma maskin innan de hinner gå sönder och produktionen stannar. Vi kallar det för den proaktiva blockersättningspolicyn. För att testa den nya strategin gjordes en simulering baserad på historiska data där kostnaderna förknippade med de olika bytena, som till exempel komponentkostnad, kostnader och förlorad produktion och kostnad för de två typerna av byten. Alla dessa kostnader användes för att se om företaget kunde spara pengar genom att byta strategi. Resultatet visade att den nya strategin inte var lämplig för den specifika komponenten eftersom kostnaden för komponenten och variationen i livstiden, var för hög. På grund av den stora variationen i livslängden måste tiden för bytet planeras in efter färre timmars produktion, vilket betyder att fler komponenter kommer behöva köpas in och kostnaden per aktiv timme blir högre. Denna studie är avgränsad på så vis att endast en specifik komponent, på en specifik maskin, har studerats och det är inte möjligt att göra några generella antaganden för andra komponenter utifrån denna studie. För att få rättvisa och exakta resultat valdes att endast en komponent skulle undersökas för bästa resultat. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att företaget bör behålla sin nuvarande strategi för byten av komponenter och inte förändra till den nya. Trots detta kan det finnas möjliga sätt att sänka kostnaderna genom att bara ha en komponent i lager istället för två.
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Implementation of a process management model and inventory control to increase the level of service in the after-sales area of industrial equipmentGuzman, Pamela, Montalvo, Franklin, Carvallo, Edgardo, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2019 (has links)
Currently, many industrial companies generate many losses in their after sales this is generated to an error in the control of inventories and in turn in a mishandling of their assets through their processes, therefore the present research proposes a management model of processes and control of inventories in order to reduce customer losses due to the large number of existing complaints and thus increase sales. Therefore, the process management model, which will contribute to the standardization, optimization and control of its critical processes, and for which indicators, procedures and policies will be proposed for each stage of the process in order to measure its efficiency and effectiveness for correct decision making. With respect to the control of inventories, it is proposed to make a segmentation of the products, which allows the identification of the most important products for the company, to then design a demand forecast model for families of products that will later be individualized considering their factors initial and finally using an inventory management model will obtain the optimal quantity of spare parts order to use in the technical service of the equipment reducing the annual costs related to the inventory.
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Orsaker till saldodifferenser inom fordonsindustrinBook, Oscar, Falkenberg, Isac, Gunnarsson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte var att analysera saldodifferenser på Haldex. För att besvara detta syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer, observationer samt en enkät. Detta empiriska material analyserades sedan med hjälp av relevanta teorier som berörde inventory management, RFID teknik och anställdas beteende. Det vi kom fram till var att saldodifferenserna på Haldex beror på både mänskliga och teknologiska fel. De mänskliga felen beror på en bristande utbildning i det nya affärssystemet som implementerades för drygt ett år sedan. De teknologiska felen beror på svaga kriterier vid klassificering av sitt lager. Idag använder sig Haldex av ett det vanligaste kriteriet vid en ABC klassificering, nämligen värdet på produkten. Vi föreslår att det bör kompletteras med ledtiden och betydelsen av produkten för att ge ett mer rättvisande klassificering på lagret. För att minska felen som uppstår i lagret föreslår vi att Haldex bör implementera RFID teknologin på sina A produkter. / The purpose of this study was to analyze inventory inaccuracy at Haldex. In order to answer the purpose a qualitative method in the form of interviews, a survey and observations were conducted. The empirical material was then later analyzed with relevant theories regarding inventory inaccuracy. This study found that the inventory inaccuracy at Haldex mainly was a result of human errors combined with technological errors. The human errors came from a lack of knowledge in the company's ERP system AX12. The interviews found that the system had been implemented too fast and without relevant training, which later resulted in employees not knowing how to properly use it. The technological errors came from the company's weak criteria’s when it came to classify the inventory. Today Haldex uses an ABC-classification that is based on the products value, this essay suggests that lead time and importance of the product should be added. In order to minimize inventory errors this essay suggest that RFID technology needs to be added to the company's A-products.
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Temporal Growth and Harvest Adjustment Procedures for Large-Scale Forest Inventory DataBeard, Jacob R 09 December 2016 (has links)
The Mississippi Institute for Forest Inventory (MIFI) multi-product forest inventory divides Mississippi into five inventory regions with one region inventoried each year on a rotating basis. Resource analyses that overlap these temporally separated regions require adjustment to a common comparative time base by applying appropriate forest stand growth and harvest allocation models to the portions of a selected area not inventoried at the desired common time base. Currently the Mississippi Dynamic Inventory Reporter (MDIR) does not make adjustments to temporally synchronize portions of user selected working circles, polygons, or counties that occur in separate inventory regions. Separate inventory reports for each overlap area must be prepared to which growth and harvest are manually allocated to bring each area to the same point in time. The study objective was to provide an automated solution to temporal reconciliation by developing a growth and yield system that reconciles modeled timber volume growth, mortality, and harvests with known values from previous successive inventories and state tax records of harvested volumes at the county level. The modeling effort focused on constructing an optimized system for the Southwest MIFI 2004 and 2012 inventories. Species group specific, distance independent, tree-list models, including probability of survival and diameter growth equations, were developed through logistic and linear regressions, respectively. Probability of survival models were assessed for model performance using logistic regression concordant/discordant pairs. R2 and parameter p-values were used to evaluate diameter growth model performance. As the 2004 and 2012 datasets are each composed of randomly selected plots within the Southwest region, county totals were used for temporal comparison. County level Doyle volume calibration was within 150 units of tolerance for all counties in the Southwest region. The resulting growth and yield system represents a successful effort to develop a methodology for bridging temporally separated MIFI inventory analyses, while providing newly developed diameter and mortality equations for the state. The accompanying computer application allows the addition of both enhanced growth and yield and stand table projection models. System implementation will greatly reduce the time required for producing multi-temporal analyses and, thus, increase their usability and functionality.
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Addressing Allocation and Disparity in Methods of Life Cycle InventoryCruze, Nathan B. 22 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Additive Manufacturing in the Aircraft Spare Parts Supply ChainMokasdar, Abhiram S., M.S. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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