Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pris"" "subject:"tris""
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Modélisation de la sécurisation d’accès aux réseaux par la technique de cryptographie asymétrique en utilisant la reconnaissance de l’iris et la technologie des agents / Modeling security for network access through asymmetric cryptography using iris recognition and agent technologyEl Khoury, Franjieh 18 December 2009 (has links)
La croissance exponentielle dans l’utilisation du réseau Internet ainsi que l’apparition de nouveaux types d’applications ont augmenté les contraintes du réseau en termes de sécurité. Depuis quelques années, les techniques biométriques ont prouvé une grande précision et fiabilité et ont été utilisées dans plusieurs domaines afin de sécuriser l’accès à différentes ressources. Des solutions intégrant des agents et des systèmes multi-agents (SMA) ont aussi prouvé leur efficacité pour la résolution de nombreux problèmes dans les réeaux. Nous proposons un modèle « IrisCrptoAgentSystem » (ICAS) basé sur la méthode biométrique pour l’authentification utilisant l’iris de l’œil et la méthode de cryptographie asymétrique utilisant l’algorithme « Rivest-Shamir-Adleman » (RSA), et en intégrant des agents. Ce modèle doit assurer un accès sécurisé aux informations et garantir la protection des informations confidentielles. Notre travail porte sur la mise en place de nouvelles méthodes dans le modèle d’authentification biométrique afin de donner plus d’efficacité à notre modèle ICAS. Nous introduisons des aspects prétopologiques dans l’élaboration de la hiérarchie indexée pour classer les gabarits DHVA. Notre approche consiste à améliorer les méthodes relatives à la localisation des contours externe et interne de l’iris. / The exponential growth in the use of the Internet as well as the emergence of new types of applications has increased the network’s constraints in terms f security. Fort the last several years, biometric techniques have proven their applicability and reliability in providing secure access to shared resources in different domains. Furthermore, software agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have evidently been efficient in resolving several problems in network. Therefore, the aim of this research is to propose a model “IrisCryptoAgentSystem” (ICAS) that is based on a biometric method for authentication using the iris of the eyes and an asymmetric cryptography method using “Rivest-Shamir-Adleman” (RSA) in an agent-based architecture. This model should provide secure access to information and ensure the protection of confidential information. Therefore, our work focuses on the development of new methods in biometric autheitcation in order to provide greater efficiency in the ICAS model. We introduce pretopological aspects in the development of the indexed hierarchy to classify DHVA templates. Our approach aims to improve the existing methods for the localization of the external and the internal edges of the iris.
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Construction de sous-systèmes utilisant une machine abstraite. Réalisation autour du noyau GEMAULaforgue, Pierre 01 February 1975 (has links) (PDF)
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Identificación histopatológica de lesiones inducidas por bioacumulación de metales pesados en branquias, hígado y músculo de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) de cultivo en etapa comercial de la laguna de Mamacocha, área de influencia minera, Cajamarca-PerúHuancaré Pusari, Rosalía Karina January 2014 (has links)
El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue identificar las lesiones histopatológicas presentes en trucha Arcoíris, Oncorhynchus mykiss, de cultivo por exposición a un ambiente contaminado. Se colectaron 35 peces (edad=8-9 meses, peso=200 g ±1,7 y talla=26,65 cm ±1,43) al azar para obtener muestras de branquias, hígado y músculo estriado esquelético, además se tomó muestra de un (1) litro de agua de la laguna. La determinación de metales pesados en el sedimento fue realizada en diciembre de 2011 a cargo de la concesión acuática y estos datos fueron proporcionados al presente estudio para su análisis. La concentración de metales pesados se determinó con espectrofotometría de absorción atómica y los niveles de metales pesados en agua no superaron el límite máximo permisible; sin embargo, algunos valores (As, Cd y Hg) en sedimento estuvieron por encima del nivel permitido. Los tres tejidos analizados bioacumularon mayor cantidad de Zn y Ba (músculo>hígado>branquias) y en menor cantidad Cd, Cr, Cu y Pb. La tinción H&E fue usada para la histopatología, hallándose en branquias las alteraciones más importantes, las lamelas presentaron degeneración hidrópica, acortamiento, fusión y necrosis, en el filamento se observó hiperplasia de células basales indiferenciadas y necrosis. En hígado se observó degeneración, hidrópica y grasa, y necrosis; y en músculo estriado esquelético se halló edema intramuscular y degeneración hialina y granular. De acuerdo al protocolo propuesto por Bernet et al. (1999), los cambios patológicos fueron convertidos en índices para su evaluación cuantitativa. Los índices promedio obtenidos muestran que las branquias (28,77) fueron más afectadas que el hígado (25,77) y músculo estriado esquelético (18,29). Se concluye que las lesiones en los tejidos estudiados pueden ser inducidas por los metales pesados debido a que son similares a las reportadas en varias investigaciones a exposición natural y controlada a metales pesados, y también a la bioacumulación encontrada en cada tejido.
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Estudo dos sinais anatômicos em íris humana com finalidade de pintura da íris em prótese ocular / Study of the anatomical signs in human iris with the finality of the painting iris in the ocular prostheticsCarvalho, Giorgia Borges de 27 February 2008 (has links)
A devolução da estética em prótese ocular está diretamente relacionada ao conhecimento da anatomia e morfologia da íris humana, e uma pintura da íris mais fiel será decorrente de uma boa determinação e reprodução dos sinais anatômicos presentes na íris remanescente do paciente. Nesta pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo dos sinais anatômicos presentes em ambas as íris do globo ocular de 112 indivíduos escolhidos aleatoriamente, através de imagens fotográficas digitais. Foram elaboradas tabelas de avaliação dos sinais: lacunas, anéis de tensão,radiis solaris, sulcos radiais, manchas, flocos de neve, nuvens e anel de gordura, verificando a freqüência com que os mesmos aparecem nas íris consideradas de cor escura (castanho, castanho claro e castanho escuro); de cor clara (azul, verde e cinza) e de média (hazel e âmbar). Os dados obtidos foram processados em análise estatística, através do Teste Exato de Fisher e qui quadrado em nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram que: os sinais anatômicos são menos evidentes nas íris de cor escura, sendo que, as lacunas e os anéis de tensão foram os mais observados e as nuvens não foram observadas. Nas íris de cor clara, os sinais mais observados foram as manchas e os flocos de neve e o anel de gordura não foi observado. As íris de cor média foram as que apresentaram maior variedade de sinais, prevalecendo os anéis de tensão e as lacunas, e os menos freqüentes foram as nuvens e o anel de gordura. O sinal anel de gordura foi observado apenas em indivíduos em idade superior a 50 anos. Por fim, verificou-se também, que as íris direita e esquerda do mesmo indivíduo são similares, mas não iguais, havendo pequenas alterações na quantidade do mesmo sinal presente em ambas. / The devolution of the aesthetics in ocular prosthesis is directly related to the knowledge of the anatomy and morphology of the iris, and a painting of the most fidelity iris will be due to a good determination and reproduction of the present anatomical signs in the patient\'s remaining iris. In this research, the study of the anatomical signs was accomplished in 112 individuals\' human iris, analyzing the right and left irises, through images of digital pictures. Tables of evaluation were created of the signs: tension rings, lacuna, clouds, cholesterol ring, radiis solaris, snow flakes (lymphatic rosary), spots and spastic furrows and later verified the frequency with that the same ones appear in the irises of color blue, green, gray, hazel, amber, brown colors (brown, dark brown and light brown). The sequence of obtained data was processed in statistical analysis, and the results showed that the signs that more they appeared were the lacuna, stress ring and radiis solaris, and the anatomical signs that fewer appeared in the human iris were snow flakes (lymphatic rosary), clouds and cholesterol ring, however the signs of the type cholesterol rings presented the characteristic of being related the patient\'s age (above 50 years). The irises of color amber and hazel were the ones that presented the largest variety of anatomical signs. Already in the irises of brown color (dark brown, brown and light brown), the signs as a whole is less evident. Finally the same individual\'s right and left irises are similar and no same, suffering alteration in the amount of the same sign presented in both.
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Implémentation d'algorithmes de reconnaissance biométrique par l'iris sur des architectures dédiées / Implementing biometric iris recognition algorithms on dedicated architecturesHentati, Raïda 02 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons adapté trois versions d'une chaine d'algorithmes de reconnaissance biométrique par l’iris appelés OSIRIS V2, V3, V4 qui correspondent à différentes implémentations de l’approche de J. Daugman pour les besoins d’une implémentation logicielle / matérielle. Les résultats expérimentaux sur la base de données ICE2005 montrent que OSIRIS_V4 est le système le plus fiable alors qu’OSIRIS_V2 est le plus rapide. Nous avons proposé une mesure de qualité de l’image segmentée pour optimiser en terme de compromis coût / performance un système de référence basé sur OSIRIS V2 et V4. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à l’implémentation de ces algorithmes sur des plateformes reconfigurables. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que l’implémentation matériel / logiciel est plus rapide que l’implémentation purement logicielle. Nous proposons aussi une nouvelle méthode pour le partitionnement matériel / logiciel de l’application. Nous avons utilisé la programmation linéaire pour trouver la partition optimale pour les différentes tâches prenant en compte les trois contraintes : la surface occupée, le temps d’exécution et la consommation d’énergie / In this thesis, we adapted three versions of a chain of algorithms for biometric iris recognition called OSIRIS V2, V3, V4, which correspond to different implementations of J. Daugman approach. The experimental results on the database ICE2005 show that OSIRIS_V4 is the most reliable when OSIRIS_V2 is the fastest. We proposed a measure of quality of the segmented image in order to optimize in terms of cost / performance compromise a reference system based on OSIRIS V2 and V4. We focused on the implementation of these algorithms on reconfigurable platforms. The experimental results show that the hardware / software implementation is faster than the software implementation. We propose a new method for partitioning hardware / software application. We used linear programming to find the optimal partition for different tasks taking into account the three constraints : the occupied area, execution time and energy consumption
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"Son corps déchiqueté " : les genres à l’œuvre dans le mythe d’Orphée au XXème siècle / His torn body : genders at work in the myth of Orpheus in the XXth century (Dino Campana, Jean Cocteau, Marguerite Yourcenar, Iris M. Zavala)Hauptmann, Barunka 25 June 2013 (has links)
La fascination exercée par le mythe d’Orphée sur des artistes, des écrivains, des musiciens et des poètes semble pérenne. Comme toujours, au vingtième siècle des auteurs reviennent aux personnages mythiques d’Orphée et d’Eurydice. En 1914, un jeune poète italien nommé Dino Campana compose Canti Orfici (Chants Orphiques), un recueil de poèmes uniques. En 1926, une pièce de théâtre, Orphée, est composée et montée par un artiste français remarquable : Jean Cocteau, qui voyait l’interprétation contemporaine du poète inspiré et de lui-même dans ce sujet. Il reprend le mythe une fois de plus dans un de ses grands films, Orphée, en 1950. Une femme écrivain belge, Marguerite Yourcenar compose un roman, La Nouvelle Eurydice qui est publié en 1931 et en 1991. Auteur portoricaine de nombreuses œuvres critiques, Iris M. Zavala a écrit un roman théorique, El sueño del amor (Le rêve de l’amour) en 1998. L’histoire et le mythologique s’entrecroisent dans ce roman polyphonique. Elle ressuscite ce mythe pour parler des préoccupations aux Caraïbes et de son écriture afin de détacher Eurydice du récit mythique. La comparaison de ces textes soigneusement choisis et placés ensemble, bien que l’on n’en a pas l’habitude, serait intéressante et complémenterait des recherches antérieures dont elle profiterait. Cette étude comparatiste se propose alors de mettre en valeur le genre par l’explication et la révelation de différences et similarités importantes entre ces visions variées du mythe d’Orphée pour dévoiler la richesse de ces textes inspirés par la mythologie grecque qui par conséquent prouve celle d’Orphée et Eurydice, qui retentissent toujours dans une variété de genres artistiques de nos jours car ils nous communiquent encore. L’écho du mythe d’Orphée suggère finalement qu’il y a une conversation entre le mythe et l’auteur qui s’inspire et expire la création d’un texte racontant une histoire à la fois ancienne et moderne. Nous allons traiter en premier temps les anciennes versions du mythe pour voir les images d’Orphée qui se trouvent dans les légendes et la mythologie grecques. Il faut donc exposer graduellement des éléments importants des narrations où figurent Orphée et/ou Eurydice de façons différentes dépendant de la version de l’histoire du chantre de Thrace. Cela nous permettra ensuite de regarder la ressuscitation de l’intérêt pour le mythe d’Orphée pendant le XXe siècle. Les éléments mythiques permanents et modifiés seront regardés attentivement par ces réinterprètes avec le but de montrer leur rôle sur le sens du mythe. Ceci faisant que nous cherchons à voir comment le sens du mythe est modifié en accord avec le genre du texte et le genre sexuel des auteurs de ces variations. Cette étude cherche à démontrer la valeur du genre qui par conséquence dévoile les raisons pour lesquelles certains réinterprètes s’identifient au chantre Orphée tandis que d’autres réinterprètes s’approprient Eurydice tout en ayant le même but de faire renaître ces personnages mythiques pour nous enchanter et inspirer avec leur voix éternelle. Nous proposons donc de compléter l’étude du mythe en suivant de près ces variations à travers l’objectif de notre hypothèse cherchant à enrichir aussi bien que inspirer les multiples recherches qui continuent même au delà du XXe siècle de regarder en arrière le mythe du chantre Orphée et de la nymphe Eurydice. / The fascination exerted by the myth of Orpheus on artists, writers, musicians and poets seems perennial. As always, in the twentieth century authors come back to the characters of Orpheus and Eurydice. In 1914, a young Italian poet named Dino Campana composed Canti Orfici (Orphic Songs), a collection of unique poems. In 1926, a theater play, Orphée, is composed and produced by a remarkable French artist : Jean Cocteau, who associated himself with the contemporary interpretation of the inspired poet in this subject. He comes back to the myth again in one of his great films, Orphée, in 1950. A Belgian woman writer, Marguerite Yourcenar composed a novel, La Nouvelle Eurydice which is published in 1931 and in 1991. A Puerto Rican author of numerous critical works, Iris M. Zavala wrote a theoretical novel, El sueño del amor (The dream of love) in 1998. History and the mythological intertwine in this polyphonic novel. She resuscitates this myth in order to speak about her preoccupations in the Caribbean and about her own writing so as to unatach Eurydice from the narrative of the myth.The comparison of these carefully chosen and unusually paired together texts would be interesting and would complement past researches from which it will profit. This comparative study proposes then to valorize genre and gender by explaining and revealing the important differences and similarities between these various visions of the myth of Orpheus in order to unveil the richness of these texts that are inspired by Greek mythology which consequently proves the value of Orpheus and Eurydice who still resound in a variety of artistic genres to this day since they continue to communicate with us. The echo of the myth of Orpheus finally suggests that there is a conversation between the myth and the author who is inspired and exhales the creation of a text that tells the story, which is ancient and modern at the same time.Firstly, we shall treat the ancient versions of the myth so as to see the images of Orpheus that can be found in Greek legends and myths. The important elements of the narrations including Orpheus and/or Eurydice will be shown gradually in accordance with the different versions of the story of the bard from Thrace. This will allow us to look at the resuscitation of interest in the myth of Orpheus during the 20th century. The permanent and modified mythical elements will be studied attentively by these reinterprets with the goal of showing their role in the meaning of the myth. This leads to our looking for ways to explore how the sense or the meaning of the myth is modified in accordance with the textual genre and the gender of the authors of these variations. This study seeks to underline the value of genre/gender which consequently unveils the reasons for which certain reinterprets identify with Orpheus while other reinterprets appropriate Eurydice with the same goal of allowing the rebirth of these mythical characters so that they may enchant and inspire us with their eternal voice. We propose then to complete the study of the myth by closely following these variations through the objective of our hypothesis while striving to enrich as well as inspire the multitude of researches that continue to look behind even past the 20th century to see the myth of Orpheus the bard and Eurydice the nymph.
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Möjliga efterträdare till robotsystem 70 / Possible successors to missilesystem 70Andersson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Under många år har det funnits en diskussion om att robotsystem 70 behöver bytas ut mot en mer modern korträckviddig eldenhet. Vid luftvärnsregementet har ett konceptförslag framta-gits för en eventuell efterträdare till det nuvarande robotsystemet. För att visa på att det finns fler alternativ som kan vara tänkbara ersättare för robotsystemet har en analys av tre relativt olika eldenheter gjorts utefter vissa värderingskriterier som återspeglas i Försvarsmaktens grundläggande förmågor. Analysen görs genom tre scenarion som skall spegla några av de uppgifter som ett korträckviddigt luftvärn skall hantera. Detta för att visa på fördelar och nackdelar med eldenheterna. Genom scenariostudien framkom sju kriterier som extra viktiga att ta hänsyn till när en ny eldenhet skall inskaffas för att kunna lösa de uppgifter som förvän-tas. Dessa kriterier är: Flermålsförmåga, mörkerkapacitet, verkansområde, skydd av terrängen genom kamouflage, småmålsförmåga, allväderskapacitet och grupperingstid. / For many years, there has been a discussion about the needs to replace missilesystem 70 witha more modern short range air defense unit. The anti-aircraft regiment has prepared a conceptproposal against a possible successor to the current robotsystem. In order to show that thereare other options which can be potential replacements instead of the concept proposal, ananalysis of three quite different launchers is made along certain valuation criteria, which arereflected against the Swedish Armed Forces basic abilities. The analysis is made of three scenariosin order to reflect some of the tasks that a short range air defense has to handle. Thescenarios will also show the advantages and disadvantages of the different units. By the scenariosseven criteria are revealed as extra important to take into account when a new air defenseunit is ordered to be able to solve the expected tasks.These criteria’s are: Multi-Targeting, darkness capacity, performance area, protection of theterrain - camouflage, Small Claims Act, all-weather capability and set up time.
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Métodos para reconhecimento de íris em ambiente não cooperativoSouza, Jones Mendonça de 14 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-14 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The identification of humans by their iris structure has been explored since 1993, when the first algorithm was made available by John Daugman. Since then, iris recognition systems are widely used for access control of several kinds of environments. Such systems typically requires the user´s cooperation, appropriate lighting conditions, and images obtained in the infra-red band. Dynamic methods for biometric identification has been the subject of studies in the past few years, including iris recognition in non-cooperative environments. This paper proposes a pre-processing methodology to enable iris images classification taken in a noncooperative setting, from users at a certain distance, or while moving. The methodology aims to select images from the visible band containing an acceptable level of noise, and as such being suitable to apply the classification algorithms. Experimental results have shown that images with up to 40% of noise can still be used, suggesting the methodology may be useful as an aid to implement iris recognition systems at distance or in motion. / A identificação de seres humanos pela estrutura da íris vem sendo explorada desde 1993, quando foi disponibilizado o primeiro algoritmo por John Daugman. Desde então, os sistemas de reconhecimento de íris são amplamente utilizados para o controle de acesso de diversas aplicações. Tais sistemas normalmente, requerem a cooperação do usuário, condições de iluminações adequadas, e imagens obtidas na banda infravermelha. Métodos dinâmicos para identificação biométrica tem sido objeto de estudo nos últimos anos, incluindo o reconhecimento de íris em ambientes não cooperativos. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia de pré-processamento da imagens da íris para classificação de amostras capturadas de forma não cooperativa, a uma certa distância, ou em movimento pelo usuário. A metodologia visa selecionar imagens a partir da banda visível contendo um nível de ruído aceitável, de forma que possa ser eficaz na aplicação dos algoritmos de classificação. Resultados experimentais demostraram que imagens com até 40% de ruído podem ainda ser utilizadas, sugerindo a utilização da metodologia como um auxílio para implementação de sistemas de reconhecimento de íris à distância ou em movimento.
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Uma proposta para melhoria na efluencia de um sistema de reconhecimento de Iris Humana / A new proposal for improvement in the iris recognition systemLarico Chavez, Roger Fredy 28 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Yuzo Iano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T15:45:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
LaricoChavez_RogerFredy_M.pdf: 5399459 bytes, checksum: 98e285b0ab78aa02b5bde3944dc7d9d6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A biometria tem sido utilizada amplamente em segurança de sistemas automatizados. Neste trabalho propõe-se um sistema de reconhecimento pessoal baseado na biometria de íris. Essa escolha baseia-se no fato de que a íris fornece uma das melhores formas de biometria, atualmente. Tem-se como objetivo, estudar e melhorar os métodos existentes visando uma diminuição no tempo de processamento, na quantidade de memória requerida bem como na porcentagem de erros. A pesquisa mostra que o bloco mais lento corresponde ao da localização. O bloco que insere mais erros no processo de reconhecimento é o da captura de dados, isso porque a coleta de informações é feita por um dispositivo (câmera) em um ambiente onde muitos fatores transformam-se em fontes de erros. Os algoritmos de reconhecimento estudados visam uma percentagem de erro mínimo. Para o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo rápido visando o reconhecimento de íris, é necessária uma localização adequada da imagem, com pouca perda de informação. Neste trabalho, também se apresenta um algoritmo detalhado de localização rápida da textura da íris. Para isso, se utiliza um esquema de busca iterativa de centros e raios de círculos concêntricos bem como a aplicação de ruído gaussiano e a utilização de filtros medianos para se conseguir uma resposta confiável. Os resultados encontrados são comparados com algoritmos publicados na literatura e exaustivamente testados. O algoritmo proposto apresenta desempenho superior em comparação com outros em relação à velocidade de processamento assim como um incremento na exatidão de reconhecimento / Abstract: The biometric has been widely used in automated security systems. In this work we propose a biometrics personal identification system based on iris, due to its better biometrics parameters results. The purpose of this study is to improve existing methods aiming to decrease the processing time, the required storage memory and the error rate. Our research shows that the slowest operation is the segmentation of iris. Also, the block that adds more errors in the recognition process is the data capture, due to the fact it is made by a device (camera) in such environment that many factors can become source of errors. The studied recognition algorithms search for a minimum error percentage. In order to develop a fast algorithm for iris recognition we need a fine segmentation image, with a low loss of information. In this work, we also present a detailed algorithm for the fast segmentation of iris texture that was achieved using an iterative search for centers and radius of concentric circles, as well as the application of Gaussian noise and the utilization of median filters to get reliable results. The achieved results are evaluated and compared to the published algorithms. The algorithm presents a better performance with relation to processing speed as well as an improvement of the recognition precision / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Detecção da alcoolemia por meio da pupilometria dinâmica / Alcohol use detection by means of dynamic pupilometryPinheiro, Hedenir Monteiro 01 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-12T15:44:11Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-12T15:47:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T15:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Hedenir Monteiro Pinheiro - 2016.pdf: 10629960 bytes, checksum: 8e9ad91ef8469eb04b05cd6c8017daf1 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-01 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The consumption of alcohol beverages causes disturbance to society, such as traffic accidents, problems at work and interpersonal violence. The main methods for the detection of alcohol are the use of a breathalyzer and a blood test. Such methods are, however, relatively invasive. The purpose of this work is to develop a portable device and a method capable of performing the dynamic pupillometry to verify the feasibility of detect alcohol use by means of recording pupillary movements under light stimulation. After the device creation, was recorded and collected biometric information of 49 people in sober and inebriated state, producing a database with 356 video. So were selected the most relevant pupillary features. This set of features was subjected to statistical tests and pattern recognition algorithms KNN, Ensemble KNN and SVM. The results showed that pupillometry was performed efficiently with 96% accuracy, the alcohol changes the pupillary behavior and detecting alcohol consumption is feasible when the analysis is done individually and with many videos. / O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas causa transtornos para a sociedade, tais como acidentes de trânsito, problemas no trabalho e violência interpessoal. Os principais métodos para detecção da alcoolemia são o teste com o etilômetro e o exame de sangue. Esses métodos, entretanto, são relativamente invasivos. A proposta desse trabalho é desenvolver um dispositivo portátil e uma metodologia capaz de realizar a pupilometria dinâmica para verificar a viabilidade de se diagnosticar o consumo de álcool por meio da filmagem e estimulação pupilar. Para isso, após o desenvolvimento do dispositivo, realizou-se filmagem e coleta de informações biométricas de 49 pessoas em estado sóbrio e alcoolizadas, produzindo uma base de dados com 356 vídeos. Então, foram selecionadas as características pupilares mais relevantes. Esse conjunto de características foi submetido a testes estatísticos e aos algoritmos de reconhecimento de padrões KNN, Ensemble KNN e SVM. Os resultados mostraram que a pupilometria foi realizada de maneira eficiente com 96% de acurácia, que o álcool altera o comportamento pupilar e que a detecção do consumo de álcool é viável quando a análise é feita de maneira individualizada e são realizados bastantes vídeos.
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