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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statybos įmonės veiklos valdymas įdiegus ISO 9000 ir ISO 14000 standartus / The administration of constructional enterprise practice after introducing into it ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards

Vaičiūnaitė, Raimonda 25 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas statybinės įmonės veiklos valdymas įdiegus kokybės ir aplinkos apsaugos vadybos standartus, išaiškinamos ISO 9000 serijos standarto kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimo problemos visuotinės kokybės vadybos atžvilgiu. Išsamiai analizuojami vadybos sistemų integravimo ypatumai, kokybės ISO 9000 ir aplinkos apsaugos ISO 14000 vadybos sistemos standartų reikalavimai bei juos įtakojantys veiksniai, kokybės bei aplinkosaugos sistemų naudą įmonėje. Teoriniai sprendimai pagrįsti: Abramavičiaus Š., Adomėno V., Jucevičiaus R., Paulauskaitės N., Rutkausko J., Vanago P., Gardin D., Hoyle D., Tsiakals J., West J. bei kitų autorių moksliniais straipsniais ir knygomis, kuriose teoriniais aspektais analizuojamos ISO 9000 serijos standarto kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimo problemos, vadybos sistemų integravimo ypatumai, Aplinkos vadybos sistemų diegimas Lietuvos įmonėse. Atlikta anketinė apklausa, siekiant identifikuoti įmonės veiklos valdymą įdiegus kokybės ir aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistemas. Patvirtinama autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad VKV – į kokybę orientuotas UAB „NCC titanas“ vadovavimo būdas, pagrįstas visų jos narių dalyvavimu, siekiant ilgalaikės sėkmės tenkinant klientą ir naudos visiems savo organizacijos nariams bei visuomenei. Tačiau visgi UAB „NCC titanas“ reiktų didesnį dėmesį skirti paslaugų ir darbuotojų veiklos kokybės gerinimui, VKV žinių tobulinimui, komunikavimo procesui bei vidinių ir išorinių klientų lūkesčių tenkinimui. / This work analyses the practice of constructional enterprise administration after introducing into it the quality and anti-pollution standards, also the problems of ISO 9000 quality of standard management system implemention regard to general quality management. The management system integration peculiarities are analysed as well as the requirements for quality of ISO 9000 series and anti-pollution ISO 14000 series management system standarts, factors that influence them, quality and anti-pollution systems benefit in enterprise. Theoretical decisions are based on: Abramavičius Š., Adomėnas V., Jucevičius R., Paulauskaitė N., Rutkauskas J., Vanagas P., Gardin D., Hoyle D., Tsiakals J., West J. and other authors memoirs and books in which the ISO 9000 series quality standards of management systems implemention problems and pecularities, anti-pollution management system installation in Lithuania companies and so on are analysed by theoretical aspects. The survey was made by seeking to identify the administration of enterprise after implemention of quality and anti-pollution management systems. The hypothesis of author that the style of leadership TQM, which is oriented to JSC „NCC titanas“ and based on participation of all members, trying to reach permanent success to meet the requirements of customer and get a big benefit for all members of organization and society was confirmed. Though still JSC „NCC titanas“ should pay more attention to development of the service and the... [to full text]

Chaos Based RFID Authentication Protocol

Chung, Harold 17 June 2013 (has links)
Chaotic systems have been studied for the past few decades because of its complex behaviour given simple governing ordinary differential equations. In the field of cryptology, several methods have been proposed for the use of chaos in cryptosystems. In this work, a method for harnessing the beneficial behaviour of chaos was proposed for use in RFID authentication and encryption. In order to make an accurate estimation of necessary hardware resources required, a complete hardware implementation was designed using a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. The results showed that only 470 Xilinx Virtex slices were required, which is significantly less than other RFID authentication methods based on AES block cipher. The total number of clock cycles required per encryption of a 288-bit plaintext was 57 clock cycles. This efficiency level is many times higher than other AES methods for RFID application. Based on a carrier frequency of 13.56Mhz, which is the standard frequency of common encryption enabled passive RFID tags such as ISO-15693, a data throughput of 5.538Kb/s was achieved. As the strength of the proposed RFID authentication and encryption scheme is based on the problem of predicting chaotic systems, it was important to ensure that chaotic behaviour is maintained in this discretized version of Lorenz dynamical system. As a result, key boundaries and fourth order Runge Kutta approximation time step values that are unique for this new mean of chaos utilization were discovered. The result is a computationally efficient and cryptographically complex new RFID authentication scheme that can be readily adopted in current RFID standards such as ISO-14443 and ISO-15693. A proof of security by the analysis of time series data obtained from the hardware FPGA design is also presented. This is to ensure that my proposed method does not exhibit short periodic cycles, has an even probabilistic distribution and builds on the beneficial chaotic properties of the continuous version of Lorenz dynamical system.

Kan en standard för miljökommunikation förbättra miljöprestanda? : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med NQA Nordic AB

Silvander, Therese January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mankind has always been communicating, it is almost impossible to not communicate. The communication tree has grown a new branch, the environmental communication branch, and an ISO standard, the ISO 14 063 Environmental communication- guidelines and examples was issued October 2006. The purpose of this thesis is commissioned by the managing director of NQA Nordic AB in order to examine and analyse how organisations communicate environmental issues today, and how big the need for ISO 14 063 actually is, and further more if there are needs and wishes to make ISO 14 063 a certifiable standard. The main conclusion is that the there is a need for the standard, but it is difficult to say in which form since the knowledge about the standard is far to low among the organisations examined in this thesis. Clarity and transparency as ISO 14 063 promotes are important ingredients in organisations’ environmental work, so sure a standard for environmental communication can help improve environmental performance, for example through opening up for two-way communication and from that on take part of the stakeholders’ opinions.</p><p>This study is based on a literature study and a questionnaire survey where 70 organisations (in this case authorities, corporations and non-governmental organisations) randomly chosen from the seven criteria, which ISO 14 001 defines as the environment: land, water, air, flora, fauna, natural resources and man and his collaboration with those. The chosen organisations all have a connection to the environment, directly or indirectly. The authorities are chosen from Sweden’s 16 environmental objectives. To get an extra perspective an interview was made. The results from the questionnaire survey show that there is a big dispersal among the questioned organisations. Some trends are distinguishable. When it comes to communication in common it is often the information manager who communicates, when it comes to environmental subjects it is as often the environmental manager who communicates. The fora which are used for environmental communication are traditional, for example brochures and homepages. Only 6 out of 29 respondents knew about ISO 14 063, compared to 23 out of 29 that knew about ISO 14 001. The results from the questionnaire have been analysed from three perspectives; in total, comparing the different types of organisations and the seven different environmental areas. Authorities have the highest respondent frequency and it seems like they have implemented the environmental best into their tasks. The natural resources organisations among with the water organisations are those best at communicating environmental issues, the humanitarian organisations is in last place. Drawing a conclusion from that, it is easier to take in environmental issues and work with environmental communication the closer to the issue you are. Only one questionnaire answer came from the fauna group, which makes the fauna group difficult to compare with. In general the larger organisations’ answers follow the ISO 14 063 better that the small and medium-sized ones, among many said no thank you to answering the questionnaire because they couldn’t see the connection to their own activity. So the thought about ISO 14 063 also suiting small and medium-sized organisations well does not work in reality Summing up it has been interesting study to do, even though it has been difficult due to the fact that there is little literature about environmental communication.</p><p>2008:Nr 4 Teknik</p><p> </p><p> </p> / <p>Människan har i alla tider kommunicerat, och det nästintill omöjligt att inte kommunicera. I detta examensarbete har undersökts hur organisationer kommunicerar miljö i dagsläget och hur stort behovet av miljökommunikationsstandarden ISO 14 063 är och om det finns behov och önskemål att göra den till en certifierbar standard. Slutsatsen är att standarden behövs, men i vilken form är det svårt att uttala sig om då kunskapen om standarden är alldeles för låg hos de undersökta organisationerna. En standard för miljökommunikation kan förbättra miljöprestanda, t.ex. genom att öppna för tvåvägskommunikation och då få del av intressenters åsikter. Studien är ett uppdrag från NQA Nordic AB och baseras på litteraturstudier samt en enkätundersökning där 70 organisationer (i detta fall myndigheter, företag och intresseorganisationer) slumpmässigt valts ut utifrån de sju områden ISO 14 001 definierar som miljö: mark, vatten, luft, flora, fauna, naturresurser samt människan och dess samspel med dessa. De utvalda organisationerna har alla en koppling till miljö, direkt eller indirekt. För att få in ytterligare ett perspektiv genomfördes även en intervju. Enkätresultaten visar att det finns stor spridning bland svaren som spridningen på de tillfrågade organisationerna. Endast 6 av 29 enkätrespondenter kände till ISO 14 063, medan 23 av 29 kände till ISO 14 001. Enkätsvaren har analyserats utifrån tre perspektiv; totalt, jämförande mellan de tre utvalda organisationstyperna samt mellan de sju miljöområdena. Slutsatsen där är att det är lättare att ta till sig miljöarbete och därmed jobba tydligare med miljökommunikation ju närmare miljöproblemen man är. Generellt följer de större organisationernas svar ISO 14 063 bättre än de små och medelstora organisationerna. Så tanken med att ISO 14 063 ska passa även dem fungerar inte i praktiken. Över huvudtaget har det varit en intressant studie att genomföra, även om det har svårt då miljökommunikationslitteraturutbudet varit begränsat.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Sistema integrado de gestão em organizações hospitalares

Sanchez, Kristiane Rico January 2003 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-20T14:07:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Na área da saúde a escassez de recursos e a necessidade de demonstrar melhoria nos processos de assistência se constituem em fatores que impulsionam os gestores a buscar ferramentas capazes de promover o monitoramento contínuo dos processos, definir indicadores de desempenho e estratégias de atuação. O Ministério da Saúde, consciente da necessidade de melhorar a qualidade dos serviços oferecidos nos hospitais credenciados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, desenvolveu a Metodologia de Acreditação Hospitalar, que se fundamenta na avaliação de padrões de qualidade. Essa pesquisa busca identificar em que aspectos a Acreditação Hospitalar pode atuar em conjunto com os requisitos preconizados pelas normas NBR ISO 9001 que trata da gestão da qualidade, NBR ISO 14001, que busca estabelecer um sistema de gestão ambiental e BS 8800, com alcance definido na saúde e segurança ocupacional. Foram pesquisadas organizações hospitalares no sentido de se avaliar a aplicabilidade do sistema de acreditação e de que forma poderiam convergir para a formulação de um sistema integrado de gestão. O sistema integrado resultante preconiza padrões que devem ser observados de acordo com uma complexidade crescente que indica para o nível 1 o atendimento à segurança, requisitos de documentação do sistema da qualidade e gestão de recursos. No nível 2 avaliam-se os aspectos de segurança, organização, responsabilidade da direção e realização do produto. E finalmente, no nível 3, as organizações hospitalares necessitam atender aos padrões de segurança, organização, práticas de gestão da qualidade e os requisitos de medição, análise e melhoria.

Implementación y certificación del SGC bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 de las áreas de Talleres y Laboratorios y Centro de Documentación y Fondo Editorial de la UC

García Arroyo, Carolay Rosarella 27 August 2018 (has links)
Actualmente venimos atravesando diferentes cambios en nuestro país, cambios para la mejora en la calidad de la educación, como el proceso de Licenciamiento por SUNEDU y las acreditaciones por diferentes empresas reconocidas para cada Universidad. La calidad educativa es una necesidad inherente hoy en día, puesto que toda organización se debe a sus clientes, y en el caso de educación principalmente a los estudiantes y docentes; por ende, toda organización debe centrarse en gestionar y controlar adecuadamente sus procesos operativos, estratégicos, de soporte, entre otros y esto se da mediante un adecuado Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC). Es entonces, que el presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo implementar, certificar y mantener los Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad bajo la Norma ISO 9001:2015 para los Talleres y Laboratorios y el Centro de Documentación y Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Continental, sede Huancayo. Se utilizó el método descriptivo, tipo de investigación básica y como técnicas se utilizaron las encuestas, entrevistas de auditorias y el análisis documental. Usando cuestionarios, correo electrónico, auditorias presenciales y las Normas: ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 9000:2015 como instrumentos. Como resultados tenemos los informes de auditorias principales, en donde se evidencian las respuestas favorables para el logro de las certificaciones de las áreas en mención. Finalmente se concluye que la implementación, certificación y mantenimiento de los SGC bajo la Norma ISO 9001:2015 para talleres y laboratorios como para el centro de documentación y fondo editorial fue fructífero ya que mejoró la satisfacción de las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, usuarios y demás grupos de interés pertinentes.

Priorização dos requisitos da ISO 14001 para certificação ambiental com uso do método ANP /

Oliveira, Luiz Alberto Frederico de. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Rosani de Castro / Co-orientador: Regiane Máximo de Souza / Banca: José Alcides Gobbo Júnior / Banca: Roberto Antônio Martins / Resumo: A certificação ambiental ISO 14001 é uma mudança nas práticas organizacionais, a partir da introdução da gestão ambiental na cultura organizacional. A implantação da norma ISO 14001 baliza o Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) para a certificação ISO 14001, que contribuirá na preparação da mudança organizacional. Dada a importância da ISSO 14001 para as organizações e o meio ambiente, o objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a priorização dos requisitos da ISO 14001 como ferramenta de implantação do SGA. A ideia principal da pesquisa é proporcionar a identificação da priorização dos requisitos para adequação da organização em uma certificação ambiental. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, e a tipologia de pesquisa caracterizada em pesquisa mista. Além disso, foi utilizado o método ANP, desenvolvido por Saaty (1980), para análise e discussão dos resultados. Em uma organização, o fato de se conhecerem os níveis de implantação de seu SGA, os esforços serão direcionados em requisitos nas atividades a serem executadas, dado requisitos que já foram atendidos. Nesse contexto, foi elaborada uma ferramenta com a finalidade de auxiliar os gestores quanto ao caminho a seguir em busca da certificação ambiental reconhecida mundialmente. / Abstract: The ISO 14001 environmental certification is a change in organizational practices, from the introduction of environmental management in the organizational culture. The implementation of ISO 14001 Beacon Environmental Management System (EMS) for ISO 14001 certification, which will help in the preparation of organizational change. Given the importance of ISO 14001 for organizations and the environment, the objective of this research is to evaluate the prioritization of requirements of ISO 14001 as the EMS deployment tool. The main idea of the research is to provide identification of the prioritization of requirements for adequacy of the organization in an environmental certification. The study was a quantitative and qualitative approach, and research typology characterized in joint research. In addition, we used the ANP method developed by Saaty (1980) for analysis and discussion of results. In an organization, the fact that they met the deployment levels of their EMS, efforts will be focused on requirements in the activities to be performed, given that requirements have been met. In this context, it created a tool in order to assist managers about the way forward in search of environmental certification recognized worldwide. / Mestre

Os impactos da mudança da ISO 9001:1944 para a ISO 9001:2000 em uma empresa metalurgica

Val, Guilherme Trindade do 21 June 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Eugenio Jose Zoqui / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T00:39:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Val_GuilhermeTrindadedo_M.pdf: 732727 bytes, checksum: 869c1ce09ec685ab76c9bf3a0f247764 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar criticamente a implantação da ISO 9001:2000, demonstrando e avaliando os impactos no setor de processos e um estudo de caso em situação real apontando as vantagens sobre a ISO 9001:1994, assim como os problemas relacionados à organização da empresa, propondo soluções através dos métodos e ferramentas mais adequadas. Uma comparação entre as normas ISO 9001:1994 e ISO 9001:2000 foi feita para demonstrar os impactos da revisão. A Implantação foi realizada na área de Processos Metalúrgicos, mais precisamente em uma empresa que tem como principal processo a Trefilação de Aços Inoxidáveis. Neste trabalho, estão descritos os principais passos da implantação do sistema em todos os níveis da organização, analisando-os criticamente, através de indicadores da qualidade e produtividade, destacando os principais resultados obtidos e as dificuldades encontradas. Nesse processo de implantação a maior dificuldade foi à conscientização da alta diretoria seguida pelos demais setores da empresa, porém, após passar por essa dificuldade, a responsabilidade diante da política da empresa fez com que todos os setores participassem ativamente para o cumprimento e monitoramento das metas estabelecidas pela organização / Abstract: This research has as objective to analyze critically the introduction of ISO 9001:2000, showing and evaluating the impacts in the process department and a case study and real situation pointing the advantages against ISO 9001:1994, as well as the problems related to the company organization, proposing solutions through method and more suitable tools. A comparision between the norm ISO 9001:1994 and ISO 9001:2000 was done to demonstrate the revision impacts. The introduction was accomplished in the Metallurgical Process, more precisally in a company that has as principal process the Stainless Steel Trefilation. At this research are described the principal steps of the system introduction in all levels of the organization, analyzing them critically through quality indicators and productivity, emphasizing the principal results taken and the difficulties found. In this process of introduction the biggest difficulty was to make aware the company management followed by the other departments of the company, however, after finished this difficulty, the responsibility to the company politics made all departments change their mind and participate actively to execute and follow up the mark established by the organization / Mestrado / Gestão da Qualidade Total / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Chaos Based RFID Authentication Protocol

Chung, Harold January 2013 (has links)
Chaotic systems have been studied for the past few decades because of its complex behaviour given simple governing ordinary differential equations. In the field of cryptology, several methods have been proposed for the use of chaos in cryptosystems. In this work, a method for harnessing the beneficial behaviour of chaos was proposed for use in RFID authentication and encryption. In order to make an accurate estimation of necessary hardware resources required, a complete hardware implementation was designed using a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. The results showed that only 470 Xilinx Virtex slices were required, which is significantly less than other RFID authentication methods based on AES block cipher. The total number of clock cycles required per encryption of a 288-bit plaintext was 57 clock cycles. This efficiency level is many times higher than other AES methods for RFID application. Based on a carrier frequency of 13.56Mhz, which is the standard frequency of common encryption enabled passive RFID tags such as ISO-15693, a data throughput of 5.538Kb/s was achieved. As the strength of the proposed RFID authentication and encryption scheme is based on the problem of predicting chaotic systems, it was important to ensure that chaotic behaviour is maintained in this discretized version of Lorenz dynamical system. As a result, key boundaries and fourth order Runge Kutta approximation time step values that are unique for this new mean of chaos utilization were discovered. The result is a computationally efficient and cryptographically complex new RFID authentication scheme that can be readily adopted in current RFID standards such as ISO-14443 and ISO-15693. A proof of security by the analysis of time series data obtained from the hardware FPGA design is also presented. This is to ensure that my proposed method does not exhibit short periodic cycles, has an even probabilistic distribution and builds on the beneficial chaotic properties of the continuous version of Lorenz dynamical system.

Implementace systému managementu kvality podle normy ISO 9001:2015 / Implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015

Čížková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of my thesis is to show the process of transitioning the current quality management system (in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2008) into the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015 in Sipral a.s. company. The thesis analyses current state in the company concerning requirements of the norm and suggests changes necessary for implementation of the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015. The first section introduces the field of quality management system in theoretical perspective. Main approaches to quality management system, key terms and short historical review are presented. The norm ISO 9001: 2015 is analysed in detail, especially in relation to its previous version from 2008. Above all, I focus on the changes which the current norm brings and which are necessary to implement to functioning of the company. The second section of the thesis is dedicated to introduction of Sipral a.s. company, analysis of the current state, suggestions for changes and realization of them, which are brought about with implementation of the new norm. Attention is paid especially to areas undergoing essential changes: organizational structure, process model, labour risk and context of the organization. These areas are analysed from the view of the current norm, as well as from the view of the new norm. Transition in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015, which I participated in, is described.

Quality Management in Museum Information Systems: A Case Study of ISO 9001-2000 as an Evaluative Technique

Karr, Fred H. 05 1900 (has links)
Museums are service-oriented information systems that provide access to information bearing materials contained in the museum's collections. Within museum environments, the primary vehicle for quality assurance and public accountability is the accreditation process of the American Association of Museums (AAM). Norbert Wiener founded the field of cybernetics, employing concepts of information feedback as a mechanism for system modification and control. W. Edwards Deming applied Wiener's principles to management theory, initiating the wave of change in manufacturing industries from production-driven to quality-driven systems. Today, the principles are embodied in the ISO 9000 International Standards for quality management systems (QMS), a globally-recognized set of standards, widely employed as a vehicle of quality management in manufacturing and service industries. The International Organization for Standardization defined a process for QMS registration against ISO 9001 that is similar in purpose to accreditation. This study's goals were to determine the degree of correspondence between elements of ISO 9001 and quality-related activities within museum environments, and to ascertain the relevance of ISO 9001-2000 as a technique of museum evaluation, parallel to accreditation. A content analysis compared museum activities to requirements specified in the ISO 9001-2000 International Standard. The study examined museum environment surrogates which consisted of (a) web sites of nine museum studies programs in the United States and (b) web sites of two museum professional associations, the AAM and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Data items consisted of terms and phrases from the web sites and the associated context of each item. Affinity grouping of the data produced high degrees of correspondence to the categories and functional subcategories of ISO 9001. Many quality-related activities were found at the operational levels of museum environments, although not integrated as a QMS. If activities were unified as a QMS, the ISO 9001 Standard has potential for application as an evaluative technique in museum environments.

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