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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implantação de um kanban eletrônico em uma montadora de produtos de linha branca / A electronic kanban implementation at a white goods maker

Amann, Plinio José 13 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2746.pdf: 1680345 bytes, checksum: 08b72fbe2a79b35006680ea8e40c15a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-13 / In the race to improve stock management there are two approaches, one based on the Japanese philosophy of Lean Production and the other based on the implementation of information technology that improves the flow of information an reduces response times in the supply chain. These study aims to understand the impact of a White Goods Maker on stock levels of a solution that combines both approaches, i.e. Electronic Kanban via internet, which is a hybrid form of Kanban, using Information Technology as a control and management method. Using Action Research methodology, the implementation process of this tool was analysed through stock turnover indicators, enacting three cycles that include data gathering and intervention in the observed reality. This study led to the conclusion that the implementation of Electronic Kanban contributed towards the improvement of the stock turnover of the company in question. / Na corrida pela melhoria da gestão dos estoques estão abertas duas frentes claras, uma no sentido da implantação de sistemas de gestão do abastecimento alinhados com a filosofia japonesa de produção enxuta e outra no sentido da implantação de tecnologias de informação para estreitar o canal de informação e reduzir o tempo de resposta da cadeia. Esse estudo procura entender o impacto nos inventários de uma montadora de produtos de linha branca causado por uma solução que alinha essas duas frentes, o Kanban Eletrônico via internet, que aparece como uma forma híbrida de Kanban, usando a tecnologia da informação como forma de controle e gerenciamento. Através da metodologia de pesquisa-ação, o processo de implantação dessa ferramenta foi acompanhado a partir dos indicadores de giro de estoques e da repetição de três ciclos de seminários que incluem a coleta de dados e a intervenção junto ao objeto de estudo. Através desse levantamento, foi possível identificar que a implantação do Kanban Eletrônico contribuiu para a melhoria no giro dos estoques da empresa estudada.

ECO-Kanban: sistematização no reaproveitamento de resíduos industriais. / ECO-Kanban: systematization of recycling of industrial waste.

Miroslava Hamzagic 09 June 2010 (has links)
Alguns fatores influenciam a competitividade das organizações na atualidade, frente às empresas globais: a utilização de tecnologia de ponta, a difusão do conhecimento, a preocupação com questões ambientais, entre outros. Este último fator tem sido de grande interesse, devido a todas as mudanças que o mundo tem enfrentado. Para todas as empresas, a busca pela mudança de processos e pela extinção de atividades poluidoras não tem sido muito fácil. Uma das maiores dificuldades é inserir ações de reaproveitamento nas atividades do dia a dia da empresa, aproveitando práticas que vem sendo utilizadas com resultados positivos. Sistemas de administração da produção, ferramentas como kanban podem ser um dos exemplos destas práticas, ou seja, a sistematização das informações consideradas vitais para a empresa. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de propor um modelo de sistematização das informações sobre resíduos, através da utilização do kanban, como forma de auxiliar o reaproveitamento destes resíduos entre membros da cadeia produtiva. A metodologia proposta é tanto experimental, do modelo em teste, uma vez que o modelo foi testado por quatro empresas, como observação participante e a abordagem é triangular, onde os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos foram somados para buscar os dados necessários à concepção do modelo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que quando a informação da quantidade e freqüência de geração do resíduo é sistematizada, ou seja, é disponibilizada pela empresa cliente de forma repetitiva e contínua, como parte integrante de todo o sistema de informação, outra empresa da cadeia não só reaproveita este resíduo como também providencia adequadamente os recursos necessários para a realização deste fluxo de reaproveitamento. A conclusão a que se chegou foi de que a informação sistematizada para ambas as empresas é importante, principalmente para o planejamento do reaproveitamento do resíduo, pois, quando a sua geração for inevitável, sua disposição precisará de todos os tipos de recursos para que seja feita adequadamente. / Some factors influence the competitiveness of the organizations in the present time, front to the global companies: the use of new technology, the diffusion of the knowledge, the concern with ambient questions, and others. This last factor has been of great interest, which had to all the changes that the world has faced. For all the companies, the search for the change of processes and the extinguishing of polluting activities has not been very easy. One of the biggest difficulties is to insert action of recycling in the activities of the company, being used to advantage practical that it comes being used with positive results. Systems of production planning, tools as kanban can be one of the examples of these practical, that is, the systematization of the information considered vital for the company. This work has the objective to present a model of systematization of the waste information, through the use of kanban, as form of assisting the recycling of this waste between members of the productive chain. The methodology proposal is experimental, of the model in test, a time that the model was tested by four companies, and participant, and the boarding is triangular, where the qualitative and quantitative aspects will be added to search the necessary data to the conception of the model. The gotten results had shown that when the information of the amount and frequency of generation of the waste is systemized, that is, are showed by the company customer of continuous and repetitive forms, as integrant part of all the information system, another company of the chain not only recycle this waste as well as provides adequately the necessary resources for the accomplishment of this flow of recycling. The conclusion was of that the information systemize for both the companies is important, mainly for the planning of the recycling of the residue, therefore, when its generation will be inevitable, its disposal will need all the types of resources so that it is made adequately.

Proposta de estudo de sistematização da implantação de sistemas Kanban no contexto da produção enxuta / Proposal systematization\'s study of the implantation of systems Kanban in the lean production context

Alessandro Lucas da Silva 27 August 2004 (has links)
\"Houve época em que as empresas podiam ser organizações focadas nos próprios processos produtivos e comerciais, pressionando o mercado a se adaptar a suas necessidades ou características, de acordo com o modelo de negócios por elas praticado. Na medida em que a sociedade e o mercado se alteraram em profundidade e complexidade, exigindo ao mesmo tempo melhores produtos, mais resultados e ganhos crescentes, as empresas passaram a sentir a necessidade de se envolver num processo contínuo de melhoria\", (PINEDO, 2003). Devido ao processo de globalização produtiva os concorrentes passaram a pressionar muito mais duramente, pelo fato espantoso de que o espaço de mercado passou a ser o mundo inteiro. Defeitos e atrasos na entrega dos produtos são mazelas não mais aceitas pelos consumidores. A crescente exigência destes por produtos customizados e entregas rápidas tem provocado um litígio entre as empresas e o tradicional sistema de produção em massa, que muitas vezes não consegue atingir as expectativas dos clientes. Para se adaptarem a esse ambiente competitivo, as empresas de manufatura, seguindo os passos da indústria automobilística, estão cada vez mais utilizando os conceitos e técnicas da Produção Enxuta, ou seja, produzindo em resposta a demandas específicas, somente quando necessário, controlando a qualidade do produto e do prazo de entrega, e ao mínimo custo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho é propor um método de implantação de sistema Kanban que possa auxiliar as organizações a utilizarem esta ferramenta da Produção Enxuta, retirando dessa os maiores benefícios possíveis, como redução do inventário, melhoria do sistema de gerenciamento, redução de atrasos em entregas, entre outros. Esse método deverá servir como base de orientação para os envolvidos num processo de implantação de Kanban. / \"There were time where the companies could be organizations directed in the proper productive and commercial processes, pressuring the market to adapt its necessities or characteristics, in accordance with the model business-oriented for them practised. In the measure where the society and the market have modified in depth and complexity, demanding at the same time better products, more increasing results and profits, the companies had started to feel the necessity of involving in a continuous process of improvement\" (PINEDO, 2003). In consequence of the process of globalization\'s productive the competitorshad started to pressure much more hardly, for the amazing fact that the market space started to be the entire world. Defects and delays in the delivery of the products are problems not more accepted for the consumers. The increasing requirement of these for specific products and special deliveries has provoked a litigation between the companies and the traditional system of mass production, that many times do not obtain to reach the expectations of the customers. To be detached to this competitive environment, the companies of manufacture, following the steps of the automobile industry, are each time more using the concepts and techniques of the Lean Production, or either, producing in reply the specific demands, only when necessary, controlling the stated period and product quality of delivery, and minimum cost. In this direction, the objective of this work isto consider a method of system implantation Kanban that it can assist the organizations to use this tool of the Lean Production, removing that the biggest possible benefits, as reduction of inventory, improvement of the management system, reduction of delays in deliveries, among others. This method will have to serve as base of orientation for the involved ones in a process of Kanban\'s implantation.

Internal improvements for Skanska AB : A working method for Group Support Unit IT

Lindblad, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
The Group Support Unit IT on Skanska AB has an issue concerning how improvement of their business should be done. Improvement efforts have been worked on before but there is still no functioning working method for the group. Through the feasibility study, the lack of working method was discovered, which led to the bachelor thesis mainly presenting a suggestion for working method, to help the group improve their business. To examine the area and find the most suitable working method, the current situation regarding improvement efforts was studied and important success factors have been identified.   The study has been performed as a case study, using methods as interviews, a survey and observations to collect data. The data has later been analysed in connection to relevant literature. The study has a qualitative purpose of collecting data, analysing data and later suggesting a working method for improvement efforts. The current situation concerning improvement efforts in Group Support Unit IT was examined through the themes of goalsetting, kanban as a tool, management and feedback and general idea of improvements. Through the study, success factors were identified as management and structure (with subcategories). These areas are presented as the most important factors for a successful improvement method. A suggestion of working method for improvement efforts is presented through the model of Principles – Methods – Tools. Methods, such as Policy Deployment and Process Management is suggested to create common goals for the group to work towards, and a clear structure to perform improvement according to. Further, tool such as Kanban and Cause-effect diagrams are also presented. / Group Support Unit IT på Skanska AB har problem med hur förbättring av verksamheten ska ske. Förbättringsarbete har setts över och planerats, men det finns fortfarande ingen fungerande arbetsmetod för gruppen. Genom förstudien upptäcktes bristen på arbetsmetod, vilket ledde till denna kandidatuppsats. Uppsatsen syftar till att huvudsakligen lämna ett förslag till arbetsmetod, för att hjälpa gruppen att förbättra sin verksamhet. För att undersöka området och hitta den lämpligaste arbetsmetoden har nuläget avseende förbättringsinsatser studerats och viktiga framgångsfaktorer har identifierats. Studien har utförts som en fallstudie, med hjälp av metoder som intervjuer, en enkät och observationer för att samla in data. Dessa data analyseras senare i samband med relevant litteratur. Studien har ett kvalitativt syfte att samla in data, analysera data och senare föreslå en arbetsmetod för förbättringsinsatser. Nuläget för förbättringsåtgärder i Group Support Unit IT undersöktes utifrån temana målsättning, kanban som ett verktyg, ledning och feedback och allmänna syn om förbättringar. Under studien identifierades framgångsfaktorer som ledning och struktur (med underkategorier). Dessa områden presenteras som de viktigaste faktorerna för en framgångsrik förbättringsmetod. Ett förslag på arbetsmetod för förbättringsinsatser presenteras genom modellen av principer – metoder – verktyg. Metoder, såsom Måldelning och Processledning har föreslagits för att skapa gemensamma mål för gruppen att arbeta mot och en tydlig struktur för att genomföra förbättringar. Dessutom presenteras verktyg som Kanban och Orsaks-verkan diagram.

Studie logistiky opatřování ve výrobním podniku / The Study of Logistics Procurement in the Manufacturing Company

Hanzlíková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of logistics procurement in the manufacturing company. In the introductory part of the thesis there are mentioned theoretical basis of logistics, logistic control and logistic technology including the system e-kanban. In the practical part of the thesis there is made the analysis of examined company and there is described the implementation of SAP e-kanban for Supplier of examined company.

Analys av framtida materialflöde för Ögonkliniken US / Analysis of future material flow for Ögonkliniken US

Hallén, Wilma, Henriksson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Inom sjukvården är det viktigt att material finns tillgängligt när operationer och ingrepp ska genomföras för att patienter ska få den vård de behöver. För att materialbrist inte ska uppstå krävs bra planering och hantering av material. Det finns ett flertal olika materialstyrningsmetoder som syftar till att undvika materialbrist och uppnå låga kostnader. I dagsläget ligger Ögonkliniken på sjukhusområdet på Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping men då lokalerna är gamla ska kliniken flytta till nya lokaler på Garnisonen, ett område utanför sjukhusområdet. I och med flytten kommer ett nytt materialflöde att uppstå för Ögonklinikens steriliserade material. Detta då Ögonkliniken innan flytten steriliserade allt sitt material själva på avdelningen och efter flytten kommer materialet istället att skickas till Sterilcentralen som ligger på sjukhusområdet för sterilisering. Syftet med studien är därför att skapa en bättre förståelse för det framtida materialflödetmellan Ögonkliniken och Sterilcentralen genom att analysera lämpligheten i olika materialstyrningsmetoder för Ögonklinikens verksamhet. Målet med studien är att kartlägga det framtida materialflödet samt att beräkna mängden material som behöver finnas i flödet för att materialbrist inte ska uppstå för Ögonkliniken. För att besvara syftet utgår studien från fyra frågeställningar: Vilka processer och aktiviteter kommer det framtida flödet att bestå av? Vilka karaktäristiska drag har Ögonklinikens sterila material? Givet de karaktäristiska drag som identifierats i fråga 2, vilken materialstyrningsmetod är mest lämplig? Vilka andra effektermedför valet av materialstyrningsmetodför det framtida flödet? För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har information och data samlats in genom litteraturstudie, sekundärdata och intervjuer. Sekundärdata som samlats in är efterfrågedata,antal diskprocesser, antal autoklavkörningar och antal omkörda processer och körningar. Det framtida flödet kommer bestå av fyra parter; Ögonkliniken, Sterilcentralen, Stångåbuss och Inre Logistik. Intervjuer har genomförts med samtliga parter, där de har svarat på semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Studien resulterar i en kartläggning över det framtida flödet, där processer och aktiviteter som flödet kommer bestå av illustreras. Det sterila materialet identifieras ha kort ledtid, ojämn efterfråganoch antingen fast eller varierande beställningsintervall samt beställningskvantitet. Kanban anses vara den mest lämpliga materialstyrningsmetoden att använda för Ögonkliniken. Detta för att kanban lämpar sig bäst för det sterila materialets karaktäristiska drag. De effekter som ett kanbansystem medför är att beställningspunkt och beställningskvantitet bestäms samt att kostnaderna och kapitalbindning kan hållas låga. Dock är inte de transporter som finns idag anpassade för ett kanbansystem, vilket leder till att detta kan behöva åtgärdas för att få ett fungerande kanbansystem. För att ett kanbansystem ska fungera behöver materialet transporteras direkt när behovet uppstår och i dagsläget fungerar inte de avtalade transporter på detta sätt. Då de avtalade transporterna går specifika tider istället. / It is crucial that sterile material is available when surgeries and other medical procedures need to be performed so that the patients receive the required healthcare. To ensure that shortfalls of required material do not occur good planning and efficient material management is required. There are several different material planning methods that can be used to avoid shortfall of material. As of today, Ögonkliniken is located within the hospital area at the university hospital in Linköping. However, Ögonkliniken is being relocated to new facilities located at Garnisonen, which is an area outside of the hospital area.The relocation is due to that the current facilities are old and worn down. Ögonkliniken handled their own sterile material and the sterilization process in their current facilities. When the relocation is complete the used sterile material will be transportedto Sterilcentralen, which is located within the hospital area, for sterilization. After sterilization,the material must be transported back to Ögonkliniken. Hence, a new material flow will emerge because of the relocation. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the new materialflow. This is achieved by analyzing different material planning methods and whether they are suited for Ögonkliniken.The aim of the study is to map the future material flow and to calculate the amount of materialt hat needs to be present in the flow to avoid material shortages at Ögonkliniken. To fulfill the purpose of the study four research questions have been formulated: What activities will the material flow consist of? What specific features does Ögonklinikens sterilized material have? Given the specific features that have been identified in question 2, which material planning method is best suited? What other impacts does the chosen material planning method result in for the future material flow? Toanswer the questions, information and data have been collected through literature study, secondary data and interviews. The secondary data that have been collected are statistics over number of preformed operations, number of washing processes, number of sterilization processes and number of processes that needed to be reprocessed. The future material flow will consist of four departments: Ögonklinken, Sterilcentralen, Stångåbuss and Inre Logistik. All departments have been interviewed where they have been asked semi structured questions. The sterile material has been identified with the following specific features, short lead time, irregular demand and either fixed or varying order interval and order quantity. The best suited material planning method for Ögonkliniken is the Kanban system. This is due to that the sterile material’s specific features match with the method. An implementation of a Kanban system will result in routines for when and what volume should be ordered. The system also allows for the cost of purchased material to be low. However, the way the transports are set up today does not suit a Kanban system. Therefore, the transports may have to be adapted so that the Kanban system will function well. For the Kanban system to work transportation of material must occur when the demand appears and today the transports only allow material to be picked up at specific times.

Effektivisering av materialhantering inom hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie på Barnonkologen, Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus / Optimization of material handling in public healthcare

Forsberg, Marcus, Tådne, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
Barnonkologen vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus är en barnavdelning för blod- och tumörsjukdomar. Avdelningen hanterar dagligen en stor mängd förbrukningsvaror för att kunna utföra en högkvalitativ och säker vård för patienterna. Ett identifierat behov är att effektivisera det nuvarande inventerings- och beställningsförfarandet på avdelningen, samt att organisera förråden efter personalens behov. Denna studie utreder och ger förslag på hur Barnonkologen kan förbättra sin hantering av förbrukningsmaterial. Syftet är att öka personalens tid för att vårda patienter genom att minska det administrativa arbete som vårdpersonalen spenderar på materialhanteringen idag. Tillverkande företag inom den privata sektorn har arbetat kontinuerligt med att identifiera och eliminera aktiviteter som inte skapar värde för slutkunden. Genom innovativ design av processer har industriföretagens service och kvalité kunnat förbättras. Drivkraften har bland annat varit en allt hårdnande konkurrens och för att möta denna har en viktig faktor varit att öka företagens effektivitet. Ett framgångsrikt och beprövat koncept för att åstadkomma effektivitetsökningar inom industrin är Lean Production. Sjukvården är en viktig funktion i samhället och kräver mycket resurser, men den står idag inför stora utmaningar. Liknande metoder för att leverera högre kvalitet till lägre kostnader skulle vara värdefullt för hälso- och sjukvården, men det måste även utredas noggrant hur processerna i slutändan påverkar patienten och säkerheten. Patienten bör vara i fokus och bekvämlighet och tid är viktiga aspekter som kan användas vid utvärdering av nya rutiner och processer. Studien inledes med en observation av den befintliga inventerings- och beställningsprocessen på Barnonkologen för att utföra en processkartläggning av avdelningens aktiviteter. Syftet med kartläggningen var att få en överblick över verksamheten för att vidare identifiera aktiviteter som inte var värdeskapande för varken personalen eller patienterna. I syfte att studera framgångsrika koncept för materialhantering inom vården genomfördes en omvärldsanalys bestående av observationer på andra sjukhusavdelningar. Resultatet från omvärldsanalysen var att de studerade avdelningarna använder ett materialhanteringssystem som kallas kanban. Systemet härstammar från Toyota Production System, där kanban betyder signalering på japanska, vilket ska meddela beställning. Beställningen ska ske efter rätt mängd och tid till rätt plats. Med hjälp av processkartläggningen och resultatet från omvärldsanalysen kunde en ny utformning av Barnonkologens materialhantering utformas. I ett förändringsarbete är det viktigt att den nya lösningen är väl förankrad hos personalen. Det hjälper med andra ord inte hur bra den förslagna lösningen är, om den inte är genomförbar. Därför utfördes en fokusgrupp där personalen fick ge sina synpunkter på den nya utformningen, samt hur de ansåg att ett införande skulle kunna ske. Genom detta kunde utformningen av systemet inte bara anpassas ytterligare efter personalens behov, utan också skapa underlag för förändringsarbetet.Denna studie kan visa på att ett nytt materialhanteringssystem baserat på Lean för Barnonkologens fall kan vara framgångsrikt. För Barnonkologen uppskattas att över tusen arbetstimmar kan besparas per år genom en eliminering av den visuella inventeringen och ett minskat letande efter material. Studien betonar de praktiska hinder som kan uppstå vid en implementering och understryker även vikten av ett lyckat förändringsarbete. Otillräckligt förberedda initiativ kan innebära risker som till och med kan överstiga risken att misslyckas med en förändring. Riskerna med att misslyckas kan förutom slöseri med resurser, få vårdpersonal att bli förändringströtta och i framtiden motsätta sig viktiga initiativ. I granskningen av den befintliga forskningslitteraturen inom området fanns det få empiriska undersökningar om hur sjukavdelningar kan effektivisera sina materialhanteringsprocesser. Denna studie kan visa på hur materialhanteringen kan förbättras för Barnonkologen och även fungera som underlag till vidare användning, både för andra sjukhusavdelningar men även som empiriskt bidrag till forskningsområdet. / Research Questions: I: How could a material handling system that is more time-saving and convenient than the present be structured? II: How can a new material handling system be implemented under current circumstances? III: How can Lean Healthcare be used to improve material handling in public healthcare? Purpose: The scope of the project was to study the material handling in a pediatric oncology department and give suggestions how to improve efficiency regarding time and convenience. Furthermore, analyze how Lean and Change Management can bring improvements to the public healthcare. Methodology: This master thesis is an abductive case study at Uppsala University Hospital which is equivalent to 30 ECTS. Primary data was collected through observations, a focus group, interviews and internal documents as well as business intelligence from external hospital departments. Secondary data collection was made through research papers and literature from the field of Lean, logistics' and change management. Findings: The material handling process can be improved with Leanprinciples, but the implementation requires resources and training. A two-bin replenishsystem based on kanban-methodology can save both time and be more comfortable than current material handling – by eliminating non-value activities such as visual inventory. However, there are some practical barriers regarding bacterial risks and traceability of goods.

Aplicación ágil del modelo Kanban para la mejora del rendimiento de metas de investigación para la EAP. Ingeniería de Sistemas UPeU Sede Lima.

Loaiza Jara, Omar Leonel 04 1900 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación fue mostrar los resultados de la implementación ágil del modelo Kanban en la visualización y rendimiento de metas de investigación para la EP. Ingeniería de Sistemas – UPeU sede Lima en el semestre 2014-I. El problema identificado fue el ineficaz rendimiento y visualización del cumplimiento de metas. El método utilizado es cuasi experimental con diseño de serie cronológica, de tipo descriptivo, longitudinal y aplicada con enfoque es cuantitativo. En cuanto a la metodología empleada comenzó con la formación de un conjunto de requerimientos a cumplir, que fueron desagregados en tareas específicas que debieron pasar por un conjunto de estados (planificación, pre-aprobado, aprobado, en ejecución y terminado) observados en su comportamiento y colocados en un tablero, permitiendo al equipo hacer ajustes en cualquier momento y mejorar el control del rendimiento de metas según se muestran los resultados en el cuerpo de este documento. Es así que se logró que el 46.88% de los indicadores superaran la meta propuesta, 31.25% la cumplan y 7 estén en proceso. Este modo de trabajo puede ser extrapolado a cualquier proceso administrativo u operativo en la administración eclesiástica y educativa

Material replenishment system

Andersson, Stefan, Elfvenfrost, Johan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis work has been written both for and in co-operation with the company IAC Group Gothenburg. The main purpose of the report is to find a new alternative material replenishment system which will improve the internal material flow and eliminate unnecessary work activities such as manual call offs. The aim is to find a new system to reduce the incidental costs incurred and improve customer service in quality and performance. Observations and interviews were conducted and an analysis of the current situation was made. Waste was identified in the form of unnecessary transport, specifically in milk runs, where time was spent looking for materials to be loaded. This creates uncertainty and may contribute to increased costs and poor customer service. Three different options for a new replenishment system were developed which were compared with the theory and present situation. The proposal was evaluated with respect to cost, available support, complexity and future compatibility. The analysis of the theory and current state shows the importance of a long-term solution with few risks of waste. The solution that best cope with this is an e-Kanban system that automates the replenishment system and would make manual material call offs disappear completely. The conclusion is that an e-Kanban system is the best long term option for a manufacturing company like IAC because it is highly adaptable to change, and can be integrated in the company’s ERP system. The recommendation is to implement a new e-Kanban system. First, it should be tested on a pilot station and then introduced to the whole production process.

Analýza systému kanban ve výrobním podniku / Analysis of a System of KANBAN in a manufacturing Concern

Schacherl, Norbert January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the diploma work is the use of modern methods in the management of stock. Stock represents very important part of the company's economy; its right level contributes to the increase of competitiveness of the company. The diploma work states the theoretical basis for management of stock and analyzes in detail the chosen methods -- kanban a Just-In-Sequence, which is often understood as a next step in implementation of the pull principle -- consumption manager inventory. The main aim of the work is the analysis of definition of the stock for the system of kanban and Just-In-Sequence and definition which effect have it's parts on the stock. According to a target of the work a hypothesis was defined. The right implementation of kanban, or Just-In-Sequence and incidence on it's parts contributes to a reduction of stock. The practical part of the work analyzes in detail the formulas of calculation of the stock in the system of kanban, it's factors are simulated and the level of stock examined. Accordingly, the comparison of the system of kanban and Just-In-Sequence is provided. In the end of the work the recommendations for implementation of kanban and Just-In-Sequence are made. Also the successfulness of the implementation of new methods in the defined company is evaluated and recommendations are prepared.

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