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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

Iriarte, Urbina January 2007 (has links)
<p>This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school.</p><p>The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils’ needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage.</p>

In a Man´s World : Tolkninger av lovbrudd gjort i langtransportens yrkeskontekst / In a Man’s World : Interpretations of law-violations commited in the context of long-distance trucking

Lundgren Sørli, Vanja January 2005 (has links)
Criminological studies have shown that economical and/or occupational crimes are committed within all examined trades and occupations. This is also a fact in the gendered occupational context the Norwegian and Swedish long-distance trucking trade constitutes. This dissertation sets out to determine, by qualitative in-depth interviews with 24 interviewees and field observations, what certain gaining occupational and economical crimes mean to trade actors and how to interpret the meaning criminologically. A hermeneutical orientation constitutes the methodological and epistemological basis of the interpretation. Analysis of the material shows two central consistent patterns in the interpretations made by interviewees and other trade actors: 1) T<u>he actors´ explanations of why law violations are committed</u>. These are influenced by the actors´ view of how wide the specific violations are spread and influence the violation’s acceptability. 2) <u>The actors´ normative evaluation of the law violations</u>. The actors construct normative distinctions between normal, acceptable and unacceptable actions. The distinction is influenced by how the law violations are explained and how widespread they are considered to be. The first pattern; actors interpretation of why law violations are committed, corresponds with explanations in established criminological theories. The actors’ explanations are discussed as techniques of neutralisation. However, explanations of cause of actions are established also in the discourse of trade-actors who do not violate laws, and a deeper interpretation is called for. A discussion about law violations, based on interviewees discourse, as caused by criminogenic structures are developed. The actors identify the structures as criminogenic and this discourse of coersive structures implies conservation of law violations as part of normality. An interpretation of why several but not all individuals violate laws even if the law violations considers to be normal and acceptable, is developed in terms of differential association. However, solely use of established theoretical perspectives is not a sufficient interpretation of the law violations; the perspective of interpretation indicated by the second pattern will then be lost. Why is law violations considered both normal and deviant? This dissertation applies a gender-theoretical perspective and argues that actors constitute masculinity through acceptable law violations and that masculinity and normality are correlated. A cultural discourse of borders between normality and deviance is conserved and processed, and the actors discourses of law violations as without victims and as a necessity to continue as truckers, are central in the normalization of normative borders.

Vem är ”schysst” i skolan? : Samband mellan self-efficacy och gymnasieelevers

Andersson, Ann-Charlotte January 2007 (has links)
Två studier undersökte hur self-efficacy, individens tro på sin förmåga, inverkar på prosocialt beteende i skolmiljö. I Studie 1 besvarade 121 gymnasieelever en enkät, som mätte akademisk och emotionell self-efficacy samt prosocialt beteende. I Studie 2 besvarade 48 gymnasieelever en enkät, som mätte emotionell self-efficacy och prosocialt beteende. Studie 1 visade att akademisk men inte emotionell self-efficacy korrelerade positivt med prosocialt beteende. I begreppet emotionell self-efficacy finns två känsloreaktioner: själv- och andraorienterade. Studie 1 tog hänsyn enbart till självorienterade reaktioner. Eftersom andraorienterade reaktioner saknades, kan det förklara bristen på samband. I Studie 2 korrelerade emotionell self-efficacy positivt med prosocialt beteende, och andraorienterade känsloreaktioner visade sig ha störst betydelse. Andraorienterad emotionell self-efficacy kan antas vara en kraftfull källa till prosocialt beteende i skolmiljö.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

Iriarte, Urbina January 2007 (has links)
This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school. The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils’ needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage.

Inför den Andre är jag dum : om dumhet, etik och kreativitet i Samuel Becketts pjäs Slutspel

Helsing, Sophie January 2006 (has links)
This study constitutes an attempt to bring the notion of stupidity into relation with ethics and creativity, through a reading of Samuel Beckett's Endgame. Employing Emmanuel Lévinas' theories on ethics - the responsible responsiveness in regard to the Other and the concept of the Face - the objective is to demonstrate how stupidity, conceived as lack of control and knowledge, functions as a precondition for the ethical relation between humans, as well as that of the individual to her creativity.

A Study On Learners&amp / #8217 / Readiness For Autonomous Learning Of English As A Foreign Language

Kocak, Ayfer 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT A STUDY ON LEARNERS&amp / #8217 / READINESS FOR AUTONOMOUS LEARNING OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE KO&Ccedil / AK, Ayfer MSc, Department of Educational Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fersun Payko&ccedil / September 2003, 115 pages The purpose of this study is to investigate whether, or not, students attending English Language Preparatory School at BaSkent University are ready to be involved in autonomous language learning. This study also argues that before any interventions aiming at fostering autonomy are implemented, it is necessary to explore learners&amp / #8217 / readiness for autonomous learning in four different areas. These areas are as follows: (a) Learners&amp / #8217 / motivation level in learning English, (b) Learners&amp / #8217 / use of metacognitive strategies in learning English, (c) Learners&amp / #8217 / responsibility perception of their own and their teachers&amp / #8217 / in learning English and (d) Learners&amp / #8217 / practice of English in the outside class activities. The questionnaire used in the study was administered to 186 students attending Preparatory School of BaSkent University. The data analysis was carried out through quantitative (frequencies, means, standard deviations, t-test and one-way ANOVA) analysis techniques. The results of the study indicated that majority of the students had high motivation. Another result revealed that the students tended to use some metacognitive strategies like self-monitoring and self-evaluation. The third result showed that the learners considered the teacher as more responsible for most of the tasks during their own learning process. Fourthly, majority of the students tended to be spending quite little time for out-of-class activities to improve their English. The fifth result displayed that females and elementary learners had higher motivation in learning English, but a significant difference was not in the motivation level concerning the learners&amp / #8217 / major field. The sixth result pointed out that females used more metacognitive strategies in learning English / however, proficiency level and major field of the learners were not found to be significant factors in the use of metacognitive strategies. The seventh result revealed that responsibility perceptions did not show a significant difference regarding the respondents&amp / #8217 / gender, proficiency level and major field. Finally, the present study indicated that intermediate level language learners tended to do more out-of-class activities in learning English. On the other hand, the frequency of respondents&amp / #8217 / conducting out-of-class activities in learning English did not show a significant difference concerning the subjects&amp / #8217 / gender and major field. Key words: Learner Autonomy, Learner Responsibility, Self-regulated learner.

Local Brand versus Global Brand: A Case Study of the Cola Soft Drink Industry in Thailand

Tantiwongwat, Usamas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the cola market situation in Thailand and the possibility of a local brand to compete with global brands. Due to the high value of this market, every cola company wants to get the biggest piece of the market share pie. Moreover, there is a situation regarding a global cola brand Pepsi falling into the trouble in terms of logistics and distribution channels after having been separated from its local partner company. In addition, Pepsi’s ex-partner company has launched a new cola brand into the market, a completely separate operation without any ties to Pepsi. As a result, the cola market in Thailand now has witnessed fierce competition and it attracts many players in the beverage industry to take part. Therefore, this research is designed to understand the brand preference, brand substitution, brand loyalty, taste preference, and relation between several factors from customers’ perspective to answer the possibility of a local brand competing with global brands, as well as to investigate the general cola market situation.   Information was collected by questionnaire which was answered by 420 participants, 51 percent of which were female and 49 percent were male. The results of the questionnaire found that their brand preference is actually in an opposite direction with the current cola market share, due to the effect of cola brand substitution in the market. Moreover, the research found that taste preference and gender have an influence on brand preference, while frequency of drinking and other demographics do not have any effect on brand preference

Spatial pattern of occurrence of eleven epiphytic lichen species in a heterogeneous landscape

Muhammadi, Usman Haider January 2011 (has links)
Oaks (Quercus robur) are an important substrate for many epiphytic lichens, and with increasing age the bark of oaks becomes suitable for red-listed species. These species may respond to environmental and landscape factors differently, and at different spatial scales. We tested the effect of tree, environmental and land use factors on the occurrence and richness patterns of lichens species at various spatial scales (circles with radius ranging from 28 to 1225 m), in a heterogeneous landscape in South Eastern Sweden. The occurrence patterns of Cliostomum corrugatum and Chaenotheca phaeocephala were best explained by the density of oaks within radii of 400 and 302 m, respectively. In contrast, Ramalina baltica was best explained at smaller scale (263 m) as was species richness (302 m). This study shows that the most important factor for the occurrence and richness patterns of lichens was oak density at almost all the considered scales. Tree circumference also positively affected all four response variables.

När hjärtat sviker : Kvinnors upplevelser och behov av stöd i samband med hjärtinfarkt

Sarén, Ann, Holén, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser i samband med hjärtinfarkt samt vilket behov av stöd dessa kvinnor har. Studien utfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie där resultatet är baserat på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar sökta ur databaserna Elin@, Swemed och Pubmed. För att säkra studiernas kvalitet är artiklarna granskade utifrån granskningsmallar. Resultatet visade att många av kvinnorna som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt inte tog sina symtom på allvar, diagnosen kom som en chock och de förnekade vad som hade hänt. De skämdes över att vara sjuka och behöva hjälp. Att komma tillbaka till det dagliga livet efter hjärtinfarkten upplevdes som svårt, de ville att allt skulle vara som innan och när de inte klarade av det kändes det som om de tappade kontrollen. De kände också en stor press på sig att förändra sin livsstil. Vetskapen om att livet fort kunde ta slut framkallade känslor som oro, rädsla och respekt för livet. Kvinnors behov av stöd visade sig genom att de önskade mer individuellt anpassad information och råd om bland annat medicinering och livsstilsförändringar. Socialt och emotionellt stöd genom ett stödjande nätverk och att få dela med sig av sina upplevelser för andra med liknande erfarenheter beskrevs också som ett behov.

New Strategy For The Synthesis Of Chiral N-substituted-3,4-dialkoxypyrrole From 2,5-dihydro-2,5-dimethoxyfuran

Kapakli, Fadile 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
NEW STRATEGY FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF CHIRAL N-SUBSTITUTED-3,4-DIALKOXYPYRROLE FROM 2,5-DIHYDRO-2,5-DIMETHOXYFURAN KAPAKLI, FADiLE M.S., Department of Chemistry Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Cihangir Tanyeli July 2006, 80 pages Pyrroles are very valuable class of substances which have wide usage area in organic synthesis. In this study, chiral 3,4-dialkoxy-N-substituted pyrrole derivatives were synthesized. These compounds are widely used as building blocks for the synthesis of natural compounds that have focused on heterocyclic rings in their structures. In addition, chiral pyrrole derivatives can be used as monomers for the synthesis of chiral conducting polymers which have received great interest due to their potential applications as electrodes for electrochemical asymmetric synthesis, stereoselecive analyses and in many areas, such as electronics, electrochromic devices, polymeric batteries, antielectronic coatings and functional membranes. 3,4-dialkoxy-N-substituted chiral pyrrole derivatives were synthesized starting from 2,5-dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran which is a commercially available, inexpensive material. After oxidation, the resultant diol were protected with alkoxy goups and then correponding 3,4-dialkoxy-N-substituted chiral pyrrole derivatives were afforded via pyrrolization reaction by using several chiral amines or aminoalcohols.

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