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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett förändrat liv : Patienters erfarenheter av att följa diet- och vätskerestriktioner vid njursvikt

Palm, Sofia, Wrigsell, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att leva med njursvikt kan innebära att patienterna upplever utmaningar, exempelvis angående att följa en viss diet och hantering av känslor som uppkommer på grund av detta. Detta påverkar även sjuksköterskor och anhöriga. Problem: Sjuksköterskor och anhöriga anser att vården av patienter med njursvikt kan underlättas om de blir välinformerade. Det framkommer dock att informationen inte alltid individanpassas efter patientens behov. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att följa diet- och vätskerestriktioner vid njursvikt. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes, baserat på 10 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Två teman framkom efter analysen, utmaningar till förändring samt att uppnå acceptans. Att få information från vårdpersonal är en framträdande del i patienternas liv när det kommer till deras restriktioner och kan innebära svårigheter om den inte individanpassas. En del patienter hade svårt att följa restriktionerna vilket kunde bero på förlusten av sitt tidigare liv och vanor. Stöd från anhöriga kunde hjälpa patienterna att lättare följa restriktionerna genom exempelvis påminnelser och råd. Andra lyckades acceptera dem genom att bland annat använda sig av egna strategier och rutiner. Slutsats: Det finns många utmaningar i att följa restriktioner vid njursvikt. Det är då viktigt att patienterna erhåller stöd från exempelvis sjuksköterskor och anhöriga. / Background: Living with kidney failure can create challenges for the patient’s, such as following a certain diet and as a cause of this also management of feelings. This also affects nurses and relatives. Problem: Nurses and relatives believe that the care of patients with kidney failure may be facilitated if they are well informed. However, it appears that the information is not always individualized according to the patients need. Aim: To describe patients’ experiences of following diet and fluid restrictions while having a kidney disease. Method: A qualitative literature review with descriptive synthesis, based on 10 qualitative and scientific articles. Results: Two themes arose from the analysis, “challenges to change” and “to reach acceptance”. To receive information from medical staff is a prominent part of the patients’ life when it comes to their restrictions and if it’s not individualized it can cause difficulties. Some patients had difficulties in following the restrictions, which could be due to the loss of their previous lives and habits. Support from relatives could help the patients to follow the restrictions, for example through reminders and advices. Others managed to accept them by using their own strategies and routines. Conclusion: There are many challenges to following restrictions when having a kidney disease. It is important that patients receive support from, for example, nurses and relatives.

Epidemiologische Studie zur Mundgesundheit von Dialysepatienten

Siepmann, Marion 23 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund: Die Parodontitis (PA) ist eine Entzündung des Zahnhalteapparats und führt unbehandelt zu Zahnlockerung und Zahnverlust. Ein erhöhter systemischer Entzündungszustand, Wechselwirkungen zum Diabetes mellitus und Assoziationen zur Atherosklerose sowie kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen sind bekannt. Bei Dialysepatienten sind kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen und Infektionen die Haupttodesursachen. Parodontitis als gut behandelbare Erkrankung könnte damit ein veränderbarer Risikofaktor der Mortalität bei Dialysepatienten sein. Der Zustand der terminalen Niereninsuffizienz bedingt eine beeinträchtigte, schlechtere Immunantwort auf Entzündungen und Infektionen. Malnutrition und das urämische Milieu führen ebenso zu einer Veränderung der Immunabwehr. Eine schlechte Mundhygiene und damit einhergehende vermehrt auftretende Entzündungen des Parodonts könnten den systemischen Entzündungszustand bei Dialysepatienten noch verstärken. Mehr kariöse und fehlende Zähne sind Ausdruck eines schlechten Gebisszustandes und führen zu ungenügender Kaufunktion. Auch hat die terminale Niereninsuffizienz Auswirkungen auf den oralen Gesundheitszustand wie z. B. Veränderungen der Mundschleimhaut, Xerostomie, Veränderungen der Zahnhartsubstanzen und des Kieferknochens. Diese können ihrerseits die Kaufähigkeit negativ beeinflussen und den Zustand der Malnutrition noch verstärken. Dialysepatienten verbringen viel Zeit an der Dialyse und legen häufig ein nicht so großes Augenmerk auf andere Gesundheitsfragen. Zielstellung: Die Arbeit untersuchte, ob Unterschiede in der Mund- und Zahngesundheit bei Dialysepatienten gegenüber einer Kontrollgruppe ohne terminale Niereninsuffizienz bestehen. Ebenso wurden Angaben zur Zahn- und Mundgesundheit bewertet. Ein Ziel der Arbeit war die Suche nach Assoziationsfaktoren für das Auftreten einer generalisierten Parodontitis. Die Frage nach dem Einfluss der Hämodialyse für das Vorliegen einer generalisierten Parodontitis bildete den Abschluss der Auswertungen. Methode: 72 Dialysepatienten (Dialysegruppe) des KfH-Nierenzentrums Chemnitz wurden während der Dialysesitzung untersucht. 147 Pattienten ohne Dialyse einer allgemeinzahnärztlichen Praxis bildeten die Kontrollgruppe. Die Untersuchungen hierzu erfolgten in der Praxis. Es wurden der Plaqueindex (PI), Gingivaindex (GI), die Sondierungstiefe (ST), der Attachmentverlust (AV) und der Decayed Missing Filled/Tooth-Index (DMFT-Index) bestimmt. Ein Fragebogen gab Auskunft über Demografie, Gesundheitsfragen, Mundhygieneverhalten und Medikation in beiden Gruppen. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte deskriptiv und im Gruppenvergleich. Eine multivariate logistische Regressionsanalyse diente der Ermittlung des Erkrankungsrisikos für eine fortgeschrittene generalisierte Parodontitis in Abhängikeit verschiedener Prädiktoren. Zur Datenauswertung wurde das Statistikprogramm BIAS für Windows°, Version 9.12 verwendet. Ergebnisse: Die Altersverteilung, der Raucherstatus und die Schulbildung waren in beiden Gruppen vergleichbar. Dialysepatienten wiesen mehr Rentner auf (79 % vs. 44 %; p < 0,0001). In der Dialysegruppe nahmen mehr Männer (74 % vs. 52 %; p < 0,003) an den Untersuchungen teil. Dialysepatienten hatten signifikant mehr allgemeine Erkrankungen, wie Hypertonie (82 % vs. 35 %; p < 0,0001), Diabetes mellitus Typ II (33 % vs. 11 %; p = 0,0002) andere Herzerkrankungen als Herzinfarkte (40 % vs. 8 %; p < 0,0001), Lebererkrankungen (10 % vs. 0,5 %; p < 0,004) und nahmen häufiger und mehr Medikamente (97 % vs. 58 %; p < 0,0001) ein. Die Ursache für die chronische Niereninsuffizienz deckt sich mit den Angaben in der Literatur (u. a. 22 % Glomerulonephritis, 15 % diabetische Nephropathie, 11 % Zystennieren und 9 % vaskuläre Nephropathien). Dialysepatienten hatten einen höheren Anteil kariöser (1,1 vs. 0,2; p < 0,001) und fehlender Zähne (10 vs. 7; p < 0,009). Der Anteil gefüllter Zähne war in der Kontrollgruppe größer (9 vs. 5; p < 0,001). Mittlerer PI, GI und AV waren in der Dialysegruppe signifikant höher bei vergleichbaren Werten für die ST. Dialysepatienten hatten mehr Zähne mit einem AV von > 5 mm (Median 21 %) im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (Median 13 %; p = 0,011). Die Patienten der Dialysegruppe zeigten häufiger (44 % vs. 29 %; p < 0,03) eine generalisierte PA (> 30% der Zähne mit einem AV > 5 mm). Nach anamnestischen Angaben war eine PA bei den Dialyseepatienten öfter bekannt (82 % vs. 40 %; p < 0,001), wurde jedoch signifikant seltener behandelt (14 % vs. 49 %, p < 0,001). Auch das Auftreten von Zahnfleischbluten bemerkten sie häufiger (80 % vs. 60 %; p < 0,003). Die Häufigkeit des Zähneputzens sowie der Grund für einen Zahnarztbesuch unterschieden sich nicht. In der Kontrollgruppe wurden mehr Hilfsmittel zur Zahnreinigung sowie häufiger ein Recall genutzt. Bei 69 % der Dialysepatienten ergab sich keine zahnärztliche Therapieänderung nach Bekanntwerden der Dialysepflichtigkeit und nur 15 % der Dialysepatienten wurden Prophylaxemaßnahmen angeboten. Univariat sind in beiden Gruppen der PI, GI und das Alter signifikante Assoziationsfaktoren für den prozentualen Anteil der Zähne mit einem AV > 5 mm. In der Kontrollgruppe hatten zusätzlich Männer und Diabetiker einen signifikant höheren Anteil betroffener Zähne. Diese Assoziation konnte bei Dialysepatienten nicht beobachtet werden. Ein hoher PI, längere Dialysepflichtigkeit, schlechteres Kt/V und geringerer BMI waren bei HD-Patienten in der multiplen logistischen Regressionsanalyse signifikante Risikofaktoren für das Auftreten einer generalisierten PA. In der Kontrollgruppe erwiesen sich Alter, Rauchen und der GI als entsprechende Risikofaktoren, wobei der Hilfsmittelgebrauch die Signifikanz knapp verfehlte. In der multiplen logistischen Regressionsanalyse unter Einschluss aller Probanden in die Analyse und ohne Berücksichtigung der Zahnzahl zeigte sich ein erhöhtes Risiko für eine generalisierte PA bei Rauchern, einem hohen GI, höherem Alter und bei längerer Dialysepflichtigkeit (> 3 Jahre) verbunden mit niedrigerem Kt/V (< 1,6). Unter Berücksichtigung der Zahnzahl waren Rauchen, das Alter, eine geringere Zahnzahl, das männliche Geschlecht und ebenso eine längere Dialysepflichtigkeit (> 3 Jahre) verbunden mit niedrigem Kt/V (< 1,6) die entscheidenden Prädiktoren. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen lassen sich so zusammenfassen, dass Dialysepatienten eine schlechtere Mundhygiene, mehr fehlende und kariöse Zähne sowie einen schlechteren Parodontalstatus aufwiesen. Sie litten häufiger an einer generalisierten PA. Es ergaben sich Hinweise, dass eine längere Dauer der Dialysepflichtigkeit sowie eine schlechtere Dialyseeffizienz das Auftreten einer generalisierten PA begünstigten. Auf Grund der hohen Rate generalisierter Parodontitiden unter den Dialysepatienten wäre ein erhöhter systemischer Entzündungszustand denkbar. Malnutrition, die veränderte Immunantwort und die chronische urämische Intoxikation tragen zur Anfälligkeit gegenüber Entzündungen und Infektionen bei. Entzündungen sind eine Haupttodesursache unter Dialysepatienten. Die Parodontitis als gut behandelbare Erkrankung führt zur Verringerung des systemischen Entzündungszustandes. Somit könnte eine Parodontitistherapie den Entzündungszustand von Dialysepatienten positiv beeinflussen. Eine größere Beachtung seitens des zahnärztlichen Personals sollte die Verbesserung der Kaufähigkeit bei Dialysepatienten erlangen. Damit könnte eine mögliche Ursache der Malnutrition behoben werden. Dialysepatienten sind potenzielle Empfänger eines Nierentransplantats. Gesunde orale Strukturen sind Voraussetzungen zur Vermeidung von Infektionen und einem Transplantatversagen. Daraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit der Verbesserung der Behandlung von Dialysepatienten, insbesondere der Prophylaxe und parodontalen Therapie. / Background: Periodontitis is a chronic, destructive infection of the periodontium caused by periodontopathogenic bacteria of the oral biofilm. It results in inflammation and irreversible destruction of periodontal tissue. Remaining untreated, periodontitis causes tooth loss in the long run. The increase of systemic inflammation due to local periodontal inflammation is a biological plausible background of well-known periodontitis interactions with other chronic diseases such as diabetes or atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. The main causes of death for patients on haemodialysis are cardiovascular diseases and infections. Therefore periodontitis as a highly treatable disease could be a modifiable risk factor for the mortality in haemodialysis patients. On the other hand, terminal kidney insufficiency affects and can worsen the systemic inflammatory status as well as host immune reactions to infections. Additionally, malnutrition and the uraemic milieu contribute to a worse immune answer. Thus, the terminal kidney insufficiency could have some influence on the oral health status, like alteration of the mucosa, xerostomia, changes of dentin, enamel and jaw, and increased susceptibility to inflammation. These oral changes could themselves affect the mastication and the condition of malnutrition adversely. Patients on haemodialysis spend a lot of time on blood purification and do not focus their attention to other medical questions. The aim of the study was to determine, if there are differences in oral and teeth health between dialysis patients and a control group without kidney insufficiency. Predictors of the occurrence of generalized periodontitis should be analysed. Finally, the question should be answered, if there is an influence of haemodialysis on the susceptibility for generalized periodontitis. Methods: 72 dialysis patients of the KfH-Kidney Center Chemnitz were clinically examined, and 147 patients without dialysis from the own dental practice comprised the control group. The plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (ST), attachment loss (AV) and the DMF/T-Index were determined. A questionnaire allowed information about demographic conditions, medical history, oral hygiene habits and the medication of both groups. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, univariate comparison of means, correlation analysis as well as multivariate regression. The statistic programm Bias for windows° version 9.12 was used for statistical evaluation. Results: Age distribution, smoking status and education were similar in both groups. Of the dialysis group were retired (79% vs. 44%, p < 0.0001), and more men attended to the study (74% vs. 52%, p < 0,003). Dialysis patients suffered from more other diseases, such as hypertension (82% vs. 35%, p < 0.0001), diabetes mellitus type II (33% vs. 11%, p = 0.0002), other heart diseases than heart attack (40% vs. 8%, p < 0.0001), or liver diseases (10% vs. 0.5%, p < 0.004), and needed more drugs (97% vs. 58%, p < 0.0001). The causes of kidney insufficiency were comparable with the data in the literature (including 22% glomerulonephritis, 15% diabetic kidney disease, 11% polycystic kidneys and 9% vascular nephropathies). Dialysis patients had more decayed teeth (1.1 vs. 0.2, p < 0.001) and missing teeth (10 vs. 7, p < 0.009). Patients of the control group had more filled teeth (9 vs. 5, p < 0.001). Mean PI, GI and AV were significantly higher in the haemodialysis group (HD) compared to controls. However, the ST was comparable between the groups. A higher proportion of teeth of dialysis patients had an AV of > 5 mm (median 21% vs 13% in the control group, p = 0.011). HD-patients suffered more frequently from advanced generalized periodontitis (44% vs. 29%, p < 0,03). Generalized periodontitis (g-PA) was defined by at least 30% of the teeth with proximal AV of 5 mm or more. In the anamnesis a PA was more renowned among the HD-patients (82% vs. 40%, p < 0.001) but was less treated (49% vs. 14%, p < 0,001). These patients also observed gingival bleeding more often (80% vs. 60%, p < 0.003). There were no differences between the frequency of tooth brushing and the causes to go to a dentist. However, patients of the control group used other tools than tooth brush to clean teeth more often, and participated more frequently in maintenance programs. After dentist became known the necessity of dialysis, 57% of the patients did not receive changes in dental treatment, and only 15% of these patients were offered any prophylaxis. In the univariate analysis PI, GI and age were significant association factors for the percentage of teeth with AV > 5mm in both groups. In the control group, men and diabetics showed more frequently teeth with at least moderate periodontitis. But these could not be observed in the dialysis group. In the dialysis group the multiple logistic regressions analysis showed that a higher PI, longer time on dialysis, a worse Kt/V and a less BMI are independent, significant risk factors for a g-PA. In the control group age, smoking and GI are the risk factors for a generalized periodontitis. The multiple logistic regressions analysis of the complete study population revealed that smoking, GI, age and longer time on dialysis (> 3 years) together with a worse Kt/V (< 1,6) is associated with a higher risk for a generalized periodontitis. Including the teeth number in the model, smoking, age, less count of teeth, male gender and also longer time on dialysis and a worse Kt/V were the crucial predictors. Summary: Hemodialysis patients had a worse oral hygiene, less and more decayed teeth, worse periodontal conditions. Especially, they suffered more often from generalized periodontitis. There was some evidence that the time on dialysis and the efficiency of dialysis treatment has an influence on the extent and severity of a periodontitis. Due to the high frequency of generalized periodontitis, it is conceivable that in dialysis patients an increased systemic inflammation status is possible. Malnutrition, altered immune resistance and chronic uremic intoxication additionally contribute to vulnerability against inflammations and infections. Inflammations are a main cause for the high mortality of dialysis patients. Periodontitis is a well treatable disease reducing systemic inflammatory burden. Therefore, periodontitis therapy could affect the inflammatory status positively in these patients. Furthermore, dialysis patients need more attention of dental care providers to improve the ability to bite. Thereby, one cause of malnutrition could be removed. Dialysis patients are potential recipients of a kidney transplant. A healthy oral system is a well-known condition to avoid infection and transplant failure. Thus, the treatment of dialysis patients, especially the prophylaxis and periodontal treatments should be improved.

Factors associated with the severity of pruritus in patients with terminal chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis in Lima, Peru

Kossuth-Cabrejos, Stefano, Gavino-Gutiérrez, Arquímedes M., Silva-Caso, Wilmer 01 January 2020 (has links)
The objective of the study is to analyze the factors associated with the severity of pruritus in patients with terminal chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. The methodology used is based on a cross-sectional study in patients receiving hemodialysis at the Centro Nacional de Salud Renal. Severe pruritus was defined as a score on the visual analogue scale greater than or equal to 7, and the strength of association with the possible risk factors was assessed by calculating prevalence ratios. Regarding the results, 264 patients were included, 59.9% were male, with a mean time on hemodialysis of 10.26 ± 7.14 years. 75% experienced pruritus, of this group, 1 in 3 presented severe pruritus. Hyperphosphatemia and the use of antihistamines were associated with a higher prevalence of severe pruritus (RP 1.71, 95% CI 1.09-267 and RP 2.39, 95% CI 1.51-3.75, respectively). The positive serology for Hepatitis C Virus was described as a protective factor for presenting severe pruritus (RP 0.55, 95% CI 0.33 - 0.89). In conclusion, severe uremic pruritus is a frequent problem in patients with chronic terminal kidney disease who have hyperphosphatemia and treatment with antihistamines independently of the time they have been on hemodialysis. / Revisión por pares

I väntans tider : En litteraturstudie om patientens upplevelse av att vänta på en njurtransplantation / Time of waiting : A literature study about the patient's experience of waiting for a kidney transplant

Måttgård, Anna, Stridh, Tiina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Njurtransplantation ses som den främsta behandlingsmetoden vid terminal njursvikt, då den ökar både livskvalitet och livslängd för patienten jämfört med dialys. Prevalensen av njursvikt ökar i hela världen och efterfrågan av njurar möter inte behovet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa patientens upplevelse i väntan på en njurtransplantation. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats, för att bilda en uppfattning om hur forskningsläget ser ut inom valt område. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på nio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar från sju olika länder, där fyra kategorier framkom, Ett liv som begränsar, Förväntningar, Glädje och sorg samt Behov och betydelse av stöd. Gemensamt för samtliga artiklar var att livet begränsades i väntan på en njurtransplantation, vilket påverkade patienterna både emotionellt och fysiologiskt. Ju längre tid som patienterna befann sig på väntelistan minskade hoppet om en ny njure, och känslan av frustration samt oro ökade. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visar på att behovet av information från sjuksköterskan till patienter som väntade på en njurtransplantation var stort. Information skapade en känsla av delaktighet i vården som i sin tur bevarade patientens hopp, samt minskade upplevelsen av oro. / Background: Kidney transplantation is seen as the main treatment method for terminal kidney failure as it increases both quality of life and longevity of the patient compared to dialysis. The prevalence of kidney failure is increasing worldwide and the demand for kidneys is not meeting the need. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight the patient's experience while waiting for a kidney transplant. Method: The study was conducted as a literature study with an inductive approach to form an idea of what the research situation looks like in the chosen area. Result: The result is based on nine qualitative articles from seven different countries where four categories emerged: A life that limits, Expectations, Joy and sorrow and Need and importance of support. Common to all articles was that life was limited while waiting for a kidney transplant, which affected the patients both emotionally and physiologically. The longer the patients were on the waiting list, the less hope for a new kidney diminished and the feeling of frustration and anxiety increased. Conclusion: The literature study shows that the need for information from the nurse to patients waiting for a kidney transplant was great. Information created a sense of participation in care which in turn preserved the patient's hope and reduced the experience of anxiety.

Exploiting the use of mesenchymal stromal cells genetically engineered to overexpress insulin-like growth factor-1 in gene therapy of chronic renal failure

Kucic, Terrence. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Survival analysis of time-to-first peritonitis among kidney patients who are on peritoneal analysis at Pietersburg Provincial Hospital, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Maja, Tshepo Frans January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Statistics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) is a process of replacing kidney function which cleans waste from the blood and remove extra fluid from the body. In most cases, the process of PD is slowed down by a peritoneal membrane infection called peritonitis. Despite recent advancements in treatments and prevention, peritonitis still remains the leading complication which results in high morbidity and technique failure among PD patients. Using a prospective peritonitis dataset of 159 kidney patients who were on PD from 2008 to 2015 in Pietersburg Provincial Hospital, the aim of this study was to identify potential social, demographic and biological risk factors that contribute to the first episode of peritonitis. Both semi-parametric (Cox PH) and parametric (Accelerated Failure Time: Weibull, exponential, loglogistic, and gamma) survival models were fitted to the peritonitis dataset. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was applied to select models which best fit to the peritonitis data. Accordingly, log-logistic Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model was found to be a working model that best fit to the data. A total of 96 (60.38%) peritonitis cases were recorded over the follow-up period with majority of peritonitis infection coming from females (65.4%) and rural dwellers (65.7%) with (62.6%) of black Africans showing higher risk of developing peritonitis. The multivariate log-logistic AFT model revealed that availability of water (p-value=0.018), electricity (p-value=0.018), dwelling (p-value=0.008), haemoglobin status (p-value=0.002) and duration on PD (p-value=0.001) are significant risk factors for the development of peritonitis. Therefore, patients with no water and electricity, coming from rural background with low level of haemoglobin and shorter duration on PD are associii ated with high risk or hazard of developing peritonitis for the first time.

Calcinosis in Alpaca Crias (Vicugna pacos) Due to Vitamin D Intoxication—Clinical, Laboratory and Pathological Findings with a Focus on Kidney Function

Wagener, Matthias Gerhard, Helmer, Carina, Kammeyer, Patricia, Kleinschmidt, Sven, Punsmann, Teresa Maria, Meilwes, Johanna Maria, Schwennen, Cornelia, von Altrock, Alexandra, Wilkens, Mirja, Schwert, Barbara, von Keyserlingk-Eberius, Nicole, Ganter, Martin 24 April 2023 (has links)
Alpacas kept in Central Europe are often deficient in vitamin D3, which is supplemented orally or by injection by the owners or veterinarians. Vitamin D3 can be specified in two different units (IU and µg), which differ by a factor of 40. By mixing up these units, an overdosage can be induced. In this study, three alpaca crias were examined after vitamin D3 intoxication, with particular reference to kidney function. All three animals developed non-specific clinical alterations 1–2 weeks after a vitamin D3 overdose of approximately 40 times. Plasma of the animals revealed several alterations. The main findings were severe azotemia, hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, 15 days after treatment. Kidney function analysis (endogenous creatinine clearance) in two of the crias revealed severe glomerular damage. All crias died despite intensive treatment within 23 days after vitamin D3 treatment. Necropsy revealed calcification in different organs, mainly the kidneys, lungs and liver. Since nine other crias in the same group were treated with comparable doses of vitamin D3 and no clinical signs were observed in these animals, it is concluded that individual animals show different levels of sensitivity to vitamin D3.

The Economic Burden of End-stage Renal Disease in Canada: Present and Future / Economic Burden of End-Stage Renal Disease in Canada

Zelmer, Jennifer 02 1900 (has links)
End-stage renal disease (ESRD), or kidney failure, is a serious illness with significant health consequences and high-cost treatment options. Since the early 1980s, the number of Canadians with ESRD has more than quadrupled (CIHI, 2001), leading to questions about the current and future impact of the disease on public health, quality of life, health spending, and patients’ productivity. Using an economic burden of illness approach, this thesis estimates ESRD’s “direct” health care costs and “indirect” costs, such as productivity losses due to premature death and short- and long-term disability. It also projects future results under various alternative assumptions using a multi-state discrete time Markov model. The analysis suggests that, although less than 0.1% of Canadians have ESRD, it generated direct health care costs of $1.3 billion in 2000 or $51,099 per person with ESRD. That compares to $3,183 per capita for Canadians overall (CIHI, 2002b). Adding indirect morbidity and mortality costs brings the total to $1.9 billion. Rising ESRD numbers suggest higher costs in the future. Further analysis explored the effect of various assumptions about drivers of past trends, such as population growth, changes in the age structure, and the prevalence of conditions known to cause ESRD (e.g. diabetes). Projections were most sensitive to assumptions about the rate at which new cases are diagnosed. If current trends continue, the total economic burden of the disease can be expected to reach $7.9 billion by 2015 (year 2000 dollars). On the other hand, if the rate of new cases in 2000 were maintained, the economic burden of illness would be $5.7 billion in 2015. Nevertheless, under this and many other assumptions, there is likely to be a significant gap between available organs for transplant and the demand for transplantation. The likely effects of various options for addressing this gap are also explored. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Análise crítica da prescrição de diálise peritoneal crônica em pacientes pediátricos / Critical analysis of chronic peritoneal dialysis prescription in pediatric patients.

Watanabe, Andreia 10 March 2008 (has links)
Introdução: Diálise peritoneal (DP) é modalidade de terapia renal substitutiva útil em crianças em estágio final de doença renal. O estado nutricional e o crescimento são considerados como marcadores prognósticos na adequação em diálise pediátrica, que dependem da sua prescrição, do controle da volemia e pressão arterial e do manejo dos distúrbios metabólicos e eletrolíticos. Objetivo: Descrever a prescrição da DP e parâmetros de adequação dos pacientes seguidos na Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP; analisar os resultados hemodinâmicos e antropométricos iniciais e finais; comparar os parâmetros observados na adequação da DP com aqueles sugeridos pela literatura em DP Crônica pediátrica. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva baseada na avaliação de prontuário durante o período entre janeiro de 1998 e maio de 2005, incluindo pacientes em DP por mais de 6 meses. Dados antropométricos, pressão arterial sistêmica, volume de infusão, pressão intra-abdominal (PIA), Teste do Equilíbrio Peritoneal (PET) e Kt/V semanal de uréia e mudanças de prescrição dialítica peritoneal foram analisadas. Resultados: foram analisados dados de 30 pacientes pediátricos, 17/30 (56,7%) sexo masculino. Uropatia foi a etiologia de doença renal crônica em 66,7% dos pacientes. A membrana peritoneal foi caracterizada como alto transportador em 5/18 pacientes, médio/alto transportador em 9/18 pacientes, médio/baixo transportador em 1/18 pacientes e baixo transportador em 3/18 pacientes. O Kt/V de uréia semanal foi > 2,1 em todos os pacientes em que este índice foi coletado. Pressão arterial sistêmica acima do p95 foi observada em 5/30 pacientes. Quatro dos cinco pacientes com hipertensão arterial apresentavam glomerulopatia como etiologia de doença renal crônica. O índice de massa corpórea e o índice de peso para estatura iniciais e finais foram preservados na maioria dos pacientes. Conclusão: Manejo clínico ótimo parece ser mais importante para adequação de DP pediátrica que índices de adequação baseados em estimativa de remoção de pequenos solutos. / I ntroduction: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an useful modality of renal replacement therapy in pediatric end-stage renal disease. Growth and nutritional state are considered outcome markers of adequacy in pediatric dialysis, which depends on the dialysis prescription, volume and blood pressure control and management of metabolic and electrolyte disorders. Objective: To describe the PD prescription and adequacy parameters of patients followed by the Pediatric Nephrology Unit of \"Instituto da Criança\" of \"Hospital das Clínicas\" of University of São Paulo; to analyze initial and final anthropometric and hemodynamic results; to compare the observed PD adequacy parameters with those suggested by the pediatric chronic PD literature. Methods: Retrospective analysis based on patients\' files evaluation covering the period between January 1998 and May 2005 and including patients on PD for more than 6 months. Data on anthropometry, systemic blood pressure, infusion volume, intraperitoneal pressure (IPP), peritoneal equilibration test (PET), weekly Kt/V urea and changes in peritoneal dialysis prescription were analyzed. Results: Data from 30 pediatric patients were analyzed, 17/30 (56,7%) boys. Uropathy was the etiology of chronic renal disease in 66,7% patients. The infusion volume was > 1000 ml/m2 in 9 patients. The peritoneal membrane was characterized as a high transporter in 5/18 patients, high/average transporter in 9/18 patients, low/average transporter in 1/18 patients and low transporter in 3/18 patients. The weekly Kt/V urea was >2,1 in all patients for whom this parameter was collected. Systemic blood pressure was above p95 in 5/30 despite antihypertensive medication. Four of 5 patients with high blood pressure had chronic renal failure related to glomerulopathy. The initial and final body mass index and weight to height index were preserved in most of the patients. Conclusion: Optimal clinical management seems to be more important for pediatric PD adequacy than adequacy indexes based on estimation of small solute removal.

Marcadores prognósticos na nefropatia isquêmica em pacientes submetidos à intervenção terapêutica (angioplastia com ou sem implante de stent) / Markers prognostics in the ischemic nephropathy in patients submitted to the therapeutic intervention (angioplasty with or without stenting)

Costa, Marcelo Maciel da 11 September 2006 (has links)
A nefropatia isquêmica é caracterizada pela piora da função renal e perda de massa renal decorrente de uma estenose hemodinamicamente significativa. A reversibilidade potencial da injúria renal após intervenção terapêutica é ponto crucial. A intervenção terapêutica tem como objetivo restabelecer um fluxo renal adequado e conseqüentemente melhorar a taxa de filtração glomerular e obter um melhor controle pressórico. Objetivo: avaliar e comparar os marcadores prognósticos tradicionais e novos (quantificação da ecogenicidade renal - relação parênquimo-sinusal (RPS) e histologia renal) na nefropatia isquêmica em pacientes submetidos à angioplastia com ou sem implante de stent. Material e Métodos: foi realizado um estudo prospectivo de casos consecutivos no HC-FMUSP com duração de dois anos e sete meses. A população foi composta de 20 pacientes com diagnóstico de estenose de artéria renal e com creatinina sérica acima 1,5mg/dl, submetida à angioplastia renal com ou sem implante de stent. Coleta de Dados e Procedimentos: realizados antes da intervenção - exames laboratoriais (creatinina sérica e cálculo da depuração de creatinina estimada - Cockcroft-Gault e da depuração de creatinina do rim submetido à angioplastia, proteinúria de 24 horas, hemoglobina, ácido úrico sérico, dosagem de atividade de renina plasmática (ATP) em veias renais e veia cava inferior); exames de imagem e de radioisótopos (ultra-sonografia renal com histograma, Doppler renal, renograma com captopril e arteriografia renal digital); biópsia renal com realização de processamento para microscopia óptica. Após a intervenção os pacientes foram divididos em: grupo 1- melhora da função renal (n=14) e grupo 2 - piora ou estabilização da função renal (n=6). End-points: Depuração de creatinina estimada - Cockcroft- Gault no primeiro mês após à angioplastia. Análise Estatística: os dados foram o submetidos a análise uni variada, com aplicação do teste t de Student ou do teste de Mann-Whitney. O teste exato de Fisher foi utilizado para comparação de proporções. A curva ROC foi realizada para análise do RPS. Resultados: A dosagem de creatinina sérica (p=0,04), a depuração da creatinina no rim submetido à angioplastia (p=0,02), o tamanho renal (p=0,02), o renograma com captopril - teste positivo (0,04) e o RPS (p=0,02) apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos. Através da análise da curva ROC para o RPS, o cálculo da área sob a curva ROC foi 0,833 (0.63- 1.0, IC95%). Conclusão: O RPS é um novo teste capaz de prever a evolução da taxa de filtração glomerular após angioplastia com e sem stent na nefropatia isquêmica / The ischemic nephropathy is characterized by the worsening of the renal function and loss of renal mass due to an renal artery stenosis hemodynamically significant. To the potential reversibility of the renal injury after therapeutic intervention is a crucial point and the therapeutic intervention has as objective to reestablish an appropriate renal flow, and consequently improve the glomerular filtration rate and obtain a better pressorical control. Objective: to evaluate and to compare the markers traditional and new prognostics (measure of the renal ecogenicity - relationship sinusal parênquimum (RSP) and renal histology) in the ischemic nephropathy in patients submitted to the therapeutic intervention with success. Material and Methodology: prospective studies of consecutive cases were accomplished in HC-FMUSP in two years and seven months time. The population was composed of 20 patients with diagnosis of renal artery stenosis with plasma creatinine level above 1.5 mg/dl; that had indication of therapeutic intervention - angioplasty with or without stenting. Collection of Data and Procedures: accomplished before the intervention - laboratorial exams (plasma creatinine level and calculation of creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault formula, calculation of creatinine clearance of kidney submitted to the therapeutic intervention, proteinuria of 24 hours, haemoglobin, serum uric acid and renin in renal veins and inferior cava vein), image exams and of radioisotopes (renal ultrasonography with histogram, renal Doppler ultrasonography, captopril-enhanced 99mTc-DTPA renal scintigraphy and digital renal arteriography) and renal biopsy with processing accomplishment for optical microscopy. After the intervention the patients were separate in group 1 - it gets better of the renal function (n=14) and group 2 - it worsens or stabilization of the renal function (n=6). End-points: Creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault formula the first month after therapeutic intervention with success. Statistical analysis: the data were submitted the unvarieted analysis, with application of the Student test or the Mann-Whitney test. Also the exact test of Fisher was used for proportions comparison. ROC curv was used for RPS analisys Results: Plasma creatinine level (p=0,04), creatinine clearance of kidney submitted to the therapeutic intervention (p=0,02), renal size (p=0,02), renal scintigraphy with positive captopril-test (p=0,04) and RSP (p=0,02) presented significant difference among the groups. In the ROC curve analysis of RSP, the calculated area under the curve was 0.833 (95% CI, 0.63-1.0). Conclusion: the RSP is a new test to predict the evolution of glomerular filtration rate after angioplasty with or without stenting

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