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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IN-SYNC. V. Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics in the Orion A Molecular Cloud

Da Rio, Nicola, Tan, Jonathan C., Covey, Kevin R., Cottaar, Michiel, Foster, Jonathan B., Cullen, Nicholas C., Tobin, John, Kim, Jinyoung S., Meyer, Michael R., Nidever, David L., Stassun, Keivan G., Chojnowski, S. Drew, Flaherty, Kevin M., Majewski, Steven R., Skrutskie, Michael F., Zasowski, Gail, Pan, Kaike 16 August 2017 (has links)
The kinematics and dynamics of young stellar populations enable us to test theories of star formation. With this aim, we continue our analysis of the SDSS-III/APOGEE IN-SYNC survey, a high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopic survey of young clusters. We focus on the Orion A star-forming region, for which IN-SYNC obtained spectra of similar to 2700 stars. In Paper IV we used these data to study the young stellar population. Here we study the kinematic properties through radial velocities (vr). The young stellar population remains kinematically associated with the molecular gas, following a similar to 10 km s(-1) gradient along the filament. However, near the center of the region, the vr distribution is slightly blueshifted and asymmetric; we suggest that this population, which is older, is slightly in the foreground. We find evidence for kinematic subclustering, detecting statistically significant groupings of colocated stars with coherent motions. These are mostly in the lower-density regions of the cloud, while the ONC radial velocities are smoothly distributed, consistent with it being an older, more dynamically evolved cluster. The velocity dispersion sigma(v) varies along the filament. The ONC appears virialized, or just slightly supervirial, consistent with an old dynamical age. Here there is also some evidence for ongoing expansion, from a v(r)-extinction correlation. In the southern filament, sigma(v) is similar to 2-3 times larger than virial in the L1641N region, where we infer a superposition along the line of sight of stellar subpopulations, detached from the gas. In contrast, sv decreases toward L1641S, where the population is again in agreement with a virial state.

Near-infrared proper motion surveys

Smith, Leigh Charles January 2016 (has links)
I present the development of two near infrared proper motion pipelines for high resolution near infrared data from UKIDSS and the VISTA VVV survey. The UKIDSS pipeline is capable of accuracies of order 5-10 mas yr⁻¹ for bright sources with the largest epoch baselines (~ 8 years). The VVV pipeline reaches 1-2 mas yr⁻¹ proper motion precision at the bright end and parallax measurements at ~ 1 mas precision. It will be possible to improve upon the VVV astrometric precision due to increases in data volume and further pipeline development. I have used the proper motion pipelines to generate three near infrared proper motion catalogues of the UKIDSS LAS and GPS and the VVV survey. The LAS proper motion catalogue covers 1500 deg2 at high Galactic latitudes and contains approximately 15 million sources with two J band epochs. The GPS proper motion catalogue covers 1500 deg2 of the northern Galactic plane and contains approximately 400 million sources with two K band epochs. The VVV proper motion catalogue covers 560 deg2 of the Galactic bulge and disc and contains approximately 200 million sources with between 50 and 150 Ks band epochs. I have also produced a preliminary 5σ parallax catalogue containing 3403 VVV sources. The LAS and GPS proper motion catalogues have been used by myself and other authors to identify and study many new examples of high proper motion stars, brown dwarfs, ul-tracool dwarf benchmark candidates, cool white dwarfs, substellar subdwarfs and nearby sources within < 25 pc. These catalogues remain far from fully exploited and will be a useful resource for future research by the astronomical community. Exploitation of the VVV proper motion catalogue is still in its infancy, yet it has already generated large numbers of new high proper motion sources. These include new brown dwarf candi-dates, important benchmark objects, and nearby sources which have previously avoided detection. Parallax results from the VVV pipeline will be useful to improve low mass star/ultracool dwarf luminosity functions, significantly increasing the numbers of brown dwarfs with known parallaxes and illustrates how general purpose multi-epoch wide area surveys can generate parallaxes. Finally, I discuss the long term usefulness of such catalogues in the Gaia era and how they might be exploited in the future.

Galaxie se slupkami: kinematika slupek, rozpad satelitní galaxie a dynamické tření / Shell galaxies: kinematical signature of shells, satellite galaxy disruption and dynamical friction

Ebrová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
Title: Shell galaxies: kinematical signature of shells, satellite galaxy disruption and dynamical friction Author: Ivana Ebrová Department / Institute: Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: RNDr. Bruno Jungwiert, Ph.D., Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Abstract: Stellar shells observed in many giant elliptical and lenticular as well as a few spiral and dwarf galaxies presumably result from radial minor mergers of galaxies. We show that the line-of-sight velocity distribution of the shells has a quadruple-peaked shape. We found simple analytical expressions that connect the positions of the four peaks of the line profile with the mass distribution of the galaxy, namely, the circular velocity at the given shell radius and the propagation velocity of the shell. The analytical expressions were applied to a test-particle simulation of a radial minor merger, and the potential of the simulated host galaxy was successfully recovered. Shell kinematics can thus become an independent tool to determine the content and distribution of dark matter in shell galaxies up to ~100 kpc from the center of the host galaxy. Moreover we investigate the dynamical friction and gradual disruption of the cannibalized galaxy...

Models of the Morphology, Kinematics, and Star Formation History of the Prototypical Collisional Starburst System NGC 7714/7715 = ARP 284

Struck, Curtis, Smith, Beverly J. 20 May 2003 (has links)
We present new N-body, hydrodynamical simulations of the interaction between the starburst galaxy NGC 7714 and its poststarburst companion NGC 7715, focusing on the formation of the collisional features, including (1) the gas-rich star-forming bridge, (2) the large gaseous loop (and stellar tails) to the west of the system, (3) the very extended H I tail to the west and north of NGC 7714, and (4) the partial stellar ring in NGC 7714. Our simulations confirm the results of earlier work that an off-center inclined collision between two disk galaxies is almost certainly responsible for the peculiar morphologies of this system. However, we have explored a wider set of initial galaxy and collisional encounter parameters than previously and have found a relatively narrow range of parameters that reproduce all the major morphologies of this system. The simulations suggest specific mechanisms for the development of several unusual structures. We find that the complex gas bridge has up to four distinct components, with gas contributed from two sides of NGC 7715, as well as from NGC 7714. The observed gas-star offset in this bridge is accounted for in the simulations by the dissipative evolution of the gas. The models suggest that the most recently formed gas bridge component from NGC 7715 is interacting with gas from an older component. This interaction may have stimulated the band of star formation on the north side of the bridge. The models also indicate that the low surface brightness H I tail to the far west of NGC 7714 is the end of the NGC 7715 countertail, curved behind the two galaxies. The sensitivity of the tidal structures to collision parameters is demonstrated by comparisons between models with slightly different parameter values. Comparison of model and observational (H I) kinematics provides an important check that the morphological matches are not merely fortuitous. Line-of-sight velocity and dispersion fields from the model are found to match those of the observations reasonably well at current resolutions. Spectral evolutionary models of the NGC 7714 core by Lançon et al. suggest the possibility of multiple starbursts in the last 300 Myr. Our hydrodynamic models suggest that bursts could be triggered by induced ringlike waves and a postcollision buildup of gas in the core of the galaxy.

Kinematics and stellar populations of galaxies in the local universe / Cinemática e populações estelares de galáxias no universo local

Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo 26 September 2016 (has links)
Galaxies are the major building blocks of the universe, but we are still learning about fundamental aspects of their formation. In particular, we would like to understand how galaxies acquire their stars, and where and when these stars were born. In this thesis, we investigate these questions by the study of the dynamical and chemical abundances of galaxies in the local universe. Extending previous works in the field, we have developed a Bayesian framework to obtain luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and alpha-element abundances. In our initial study, we have surveyed six galaxy groups to understand how this particular environment may be related to morphological transformations. We have obtained a sample of 59 group members with a wide range of dynamical masses, which have been used to demonstrate that the mass-metallicity relation extends to low-mass galaxies. We then proceeded to the study of NGC 3311, a cD galaxy at the center of the Hydra I cluster. We have confirmed previous observations of the velocity dispersion profile of the system, which indicates the presence of a large photometric substructure which illustrates the ongoing accretion of the diffuse stellar halo. We performed a study of the stellar populations of the system, which indicated that stars in the diffuse stellar halo have been accreted from past merger events of large elliptical galaxies, whereas the central region of the galaxy is most probably the remnant of a rapid dissipative collapse. Moreover, the metallicity of the stars in the photometric substructure suggest an ongoing disruption of dwarf galaxies possibly related to the presence of an infalling group. These results are consistent with the two-phase model for the mass assembly of galaxies, in which massive ellipticals are formed by dissipative processes at high-redshifts, but continue to build-up their halos by the continuous accretion of satellite systems. / Galáxias são os principais blocos de construção do universo, mas ainda estamos aprendendo sobre aspectos fundamentais da sua formação. Em particular, gostaríamos de entender como as galáxias adquirem suas estrelas, e onde e quando essas estrelas nasceram. Nesta tese, investigamos estas questões pelo estudo da dinâmica e das abundâncias químicas de galáxias no universo local. Estendendo trabalhos anteriores na área, desenvolvemos um método Bayesiano para a obtenção de idades, metalicidades e abundância de elementos alfa ponderados pela luminosidade. Em nosso estudo inicial, pesquisamos seis grupos de galáxias para compreender como esse ambiente em particular pode estar relacionado às transformações morfológicas. Obtivemos uma amostra de 59 membros de grupos com uma vasta gama de massas dinâmicas, que foram utilizados para demonstrar que a relação massa-metalicidade se estende para galáxias de baixa massa. Então, procedemos ao estudo de NGC 3311, uma galáxia cD no centro do aglomerado Hydra I. Confirmamos as observações anteriores do perfil de dispersão da velocidades do sistema, que indicam a presença de uma grande subestrutura fotométrica que ilustra a acreção atual de estrelas no halo estelar difuso. Foi realizado um estudo das populações estelares do sistema, que indica que as estrelas no halo estelar difuso foram obtidas em eventos passados de fusão de grandes galáxias elípticas, enquanto que a região central da galáxia é provavelmente o remanescente de uma rápido colapso dissipativo. Além disso, a metalicidade das estrelas na subestrutura fotométrica sugere a ruptura atual de galáxias anãs relacionadas com a presença de um grupo se movimentando em direção ao centro do aglomerado. Estes resultados são consistentes com o modelo de duas fases para a acumulação da massa de galáxias, no qual galáxias elípticas gigantes são formadas por processos dissipativos em altos redshifts, mas continuam a acrescentar estrelas em seus halos pelo deposição de sistemas satélite.

Modélisation hiérarchique bayésienne des amas stellaires jeunes / Bayesian hierarchical modelling of young stellar clusters

Olivares Romero, Javier 19 October 2017 (has links)
Il semble maintenant établi que la majorité des étoiles se forment dans des amas (Carpenter 2000; Porras et al. 2003; Lada & Lada 2003). Comprendre l'origine et l'évolution des populations stellaires est donc l'un des plus grands défis de l'astrophysique moderne. Malheureusement, moins d'un dixième de ces amas restent gravitationellement liés au delà de quelques centaines de millions d'années (Lada & Lada 2003). L’étude des amas stellaires doit donc se faire avant leur dissolution dans la galaxie.Le projet Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters (DANCe, Bouy et al. 2013), dont le travail fait partie, fournit le cadre scientifique pour l'analyse des amas proches et jeunes (NYC) dans le voisinage solaire. Les observations de l'amas ouvert des Pléiades par le projet DANCe offrent une opportunité parfaite pour le développement d'outils statistiques visant à analyser les premières phases de l'évolution des amas.L'outil statistique développé ici est un système intelligent probabiliste qui effectue une inférence bayésienne des paramètres régissant les fonctions de densité de probabilité (PDF) de la population de l'amas (PDFCP). Il a été testé avec les données photométriques et astrométriques des Pléiades du relevé DANCe. Pour éviter la subjectivité de ces choix des priors, le système intelligent les établit en utilisant l'approche hiérarchique bayésienne (BHM). Dans ce cas, les paramètres de ces distributions, qui sont également déduits des données, proviennent d'autres distributions de manière hiérarchique.Dans ce système intelligent BHM, les vraies valeurs du PDFCP sont spécifiées par des relations stochastiques et déterministes représentatives de notre connaissance des paramètres physiques de l'amas. Pour effectuer l'inférence paramétrique, la vraisemblance (compte tenu de ces valeurs réelles), tient en compte des propriétés de l'ensemble de données, en particulier son hétéroscédasticité et des objects avec des valeurs manquantes.Le BHM obtient les PDF postérieures des paramètres dans les PDFCP, en particulier celles des distributions spatiales, de mouvements propres et de luminosité, qui sont les objectifs scientifiques finaux du projet DANCe. Dans le BHM, chaque étoile du catalogue contribue aux PDF des paramètres de l'amas proportionnellement à sa probabilité d'appartenance. Ainsi, les PDFCP sont exempts de biais d'échantillonnage résultant de sélections tronquées au-dessus d'un seuil de probabilité défini plus ou moins arbitrairement.Comme produit additionnel, le BHM fournit également les PDF de la probabilité d'appartenance à l'amas pour chaque étoile du catalogue d'entrée, qui permettent d'identifier les membres probables de l'amas, et les contaminants probables du champ. La méthode a été testée avec succès sur des ensembles de données synthétiques (avec une aire sous la courbe ROC de 0,99), ce qui a permis d'estimer un taux de contamination pour les PDFCP de seulement 5,8 %.Ces nouvelles méthodes permettent d'obtenir et/ou de confirmer des résultats importants sur les propriétés astrophysiques de l'amas des Pléiades. Tout d'abord, le BHM a découvert 200 nouveaux candidats membres, qui représentent 10% de la population totale de l'amas. Les résultats sont en excellent accord (99,6% des 100 000 objets dans l'ensemble de données) avec les résultats précédents trouvés dans la littérature, ce qui fournit une validation externe importante de la méthode. Enfin, la distribution de masse des systèmes actuelle (PDSMD) est en général en bon accord avec les résultats précédents de Bouy et al. 2015, mais présente l'avantage inestimable d'avoir des incertitudes beaucoup plus robustes que celles des méthodes précédentes.Ainsi, en améliorant la modélisation de l'ensemble de données et en éliminant les restrictions inutiles ou les hypothèses simplificatrices, le nouveau système intelligent, développé et testé dans le présent travail, représente l'état de l'art pour l'analyse statistique des populations de NYC. / The origin and evolution of stellar populations is one of the greatest challenges in modern astrophysics. It is known that the majority of the stars has its origin in stellar clusters (Carpenter 2000; Porras et al. 2003; Lada & Lada 2003). However, only less than one tenth of these clusters remains bounded after the first few hundred million years (Lada & Lada 2003). Ergo, the understanding of the origin and evolution of stars demands meticulous analyses of stellar clusters in these crucial ages.The project Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters (DANCe, Bouy et al. 2013), from which the present work is part of, provides the scientific framework for the analysis of Nearby Young Clusters (NYC) in the solar neighbourhood (< 500 pc). The DANCe carefully designed observations of the well known Pleiades cluster provide the perfect case study for the development and testing of statistical tools aiming at the analysis of the early phases of cluster evolution.The statistical tool developed here is a probabilistic intelligent system that performs Bayesian inference for the parameters governing the probability density functions (PDFs) of the cluster population (PDFCP). It has been benchmarked with the Pleiades photometric and astrometric data of the DANCe survey. As any Bayesian framework, it requires the setting up of priors. To avoid the subjectivity of these, the intelligent system establish them using the Bayesian Hierarchical Model (BHM) approach. In it, the parameters of prior distributions, which are also inferred from the data, are drawn from other distributions in a hierarchical way.In this BHM intelligent system, the true values of the PDFCP are specified by stochastic and deterministic relations representing the state of knowledge of the NYC. To perform the parametric inference, the likelihood of the data, given these true values, accounts for the properties of the data set, especially its heteroscedasticity and missing value objects. By properly accounting for these properties, the intelligent system: i) Increases the size of the data set, with respect to previous studies working exclusively on fully observed objects, and ii) Avoids biases associated to fully observed data sets, and restrictions to low-uncertainty objects (sigma-clipping procedures).The BHM returns the posterior PDFs of the parameters in the PDFCPs, particularly of the spatial, proper motions and luminosity distributions. In the BHM each object in the data set contributes to the PDFs of the parameters proportionally to its likelihood. Thus, the PDFCPs are free of biases resulting from typical high membership probability selections (sampling bias).As a by-product, the BHM also gives the PDFs of the cluster membership probability for each object in the data set. These PDFs together with an optimal probability classification threshold, which is obtained from synthetic data sets, allow the classification of objects into cluster and field populations. This by-product classifier shows excellent results when applied on synthetic data sets (with an area under the ROC curve of 0.99). From the analysis of synthetic data sets, the expected value of the contamination rate for the PDFCPs is 5.8 ± 0.2%.The following are the most important astrophysical results of the BHM applied tothe Pleiades cluster. First, used as a classifier, it finds ∼ 200 new candidate members, representing 10% new discoveries. Nevertheless, it shows outstanding agreement (99.6% of the 105 objects in the data set) with previous results from the literature. Second, the derived present day system mass distribution (PDSMD) is in general agreement with the previous results of Bouy et al. (2015).Thus, by better modelling the data set and eliminating unnecessary restrictions to it, the new intelligent system, developed and tested in the present work, represents the state of the art for the statistical analysis of NYC populations.

Kinematics and stellar populations of galaxies in the local universe / Cinemática e populações estelares de galáxias no universo local

Carlos Eduardo Barbosa 26 September 2016 (has links)
Galaxies are the major building blocks of the universe, but we are still learning about fundamental aspects of their formation. In particular, we would like to understand how galaxies acquire their stars, and where and when these stars were born. In this thesis, we investigate these questions by the study of the dynamical and chemical abundances of galaxies in the local universe. Extending previous works in the field, we have developed a Bayesian framework to obtain luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and alpha-element abundances. In our initial study, we have surveyed six galaxy groups to understand how this particular environment may be related to morphological transformations. We have obtained a sample of 59 group members with a wide range of dynamical masses, which have been used to demonstrate that the mass-metallicity relation extends to low-mass galaxies. We then proceeded to the study of NGC 3311, a cD galaxy at the center of the Hydra I cluster. We have confirmed previous observations of the velocity dispersion profile of the system, which indicates the presence of a large photometric substructure which illustrates the ongoing accretion of the diffuse stellar halo. We performed a study of the stellar populations of the system, which indicated that stars in the diffuse stellar halo have been accreted from past merger events of large elliptical galaxies, whereas the central region of the galaxy is most probably the remnant of a rapid dissipative collapse. Moreover, the metallicity of the stars in the photometric substructure suggest an ongoing disruption of dwarf galaxies possibly related to the presence of an infalling group. These results are consistent with the two-phase model for the mass assembly of galaxies, in which massive ellipticals are formed by dissipative processes at high-redshifts, but continue to build-up their halos by the continuous accretion of satellite systems. / Galáxias são os principais blocos de construção do universo, mas ainda estamos aprendendo sobre aspectos fundamentais da sua formação. Em particular, gostaríamos de entender como as galáxias adquirem suas estrelas, e onde e quando essas estrelas nasceram. Nesta tese, investigamos estas questões pelo estudo da dinâmica e das abundâncias químicas de galáxias no universo local. Estendendo trabalhos anteriores na área, desenvolvemos um método Bayesiano para a obtenção de idades, metalicidades e abundância de elementos alfa ponderados pela luminosidade. Em nosso estudo inicial, pesquisamos seis grupos de galáxias para compreender como esse ambiente em particular pode estar relacionado às transformações morfológicas. Obtivemos uma amostra de 59 membros de grupos com uma vasta gama de massas dinâmicas, que foram utilizados para demonstrar que a relação massa-metalicidade se estende para galáxias de baixa massa. Então, procedemos ao estudo de NGC 3311, uma galáxia cD no centro do aglomerado Hydra I. Confirmamos as observações anteriores do perfil de dispersão da velocidades do sistema, que indicam a presença de uma grande subestrutura fotométrica que ilustra a acreção atual de estrelas no halo estelar difuso. Foi realizado um estudo das populações estelares do sistema, que indica que as estrelas no halo estelar difuso foram obtidas em eventos passados de fusão de grandes galáxias elípticas, enquanto que a região central da galáxia é provavelmente o remanescente de uma rápido colapso dissipativo. Além disso, a metalicidade das estrelas na subestrutura fotométrica sugere a ruptura atual de galáxias anãs relacionadas com a presença de um grupo se movimentando em direção ao centro do aglomerado. Estes resultados são consistentes com o modelo de duas fases para a acumulação da massa de galáxias, no qual galáxias elípticas gigantes são formadas por processos dissipativos em altos redshifts, mas continuam a acrescentar estrelas em seus halos pelo deposição de sistemas satélite.

Návrh dynamických modelů pro řízení trakce experimentálního vozidla / Design of dynamic models for traction control of experimental vehicle

Jasanský, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with the simulations kinematics and dynamics of experimental four-wheeled vehicle with all-wheel steering and all-wheel drive. Suggestion of vehicle stability systems ABS/ASR for traction control is included. There are several dynamics models with their comparison. The estimation of important vehicle parameters is implemented. Based on knowledge the simple vehicle stability system ABS/ASR is created.

Mass assembly in star formation via interstellar filaments

Chen, Michael Chun-Yuan 28 January 2021 (has links)
Understanding how diffuse molecular clouds at large scales (~10 pc) assemble mass into dense, star-forming cores at small scales (~ 0.1 pc) is crucial to building a holistic theory of star formation. While recent observations suggest that filaments play an important role in the mass assembly of dense cores, detailed gas kinematics studies are still lacking. My dissertation presents three innovative techniques that enable us to study star-forming filaments' complex gas kinematics in unprecedented detail: multi-component spectral fit, multi-dimensional filament identification, and membership assignment of velocity-coherent structures. Through these techniques, I analyzed star-forming filaments in the Perseus Molecular Cloud and unveiled unexpectedly complex velocity structures at scales where filaments are well resolved, to as low as the 0.01 pc scale. Moreover, the correlations I discovered between the various filament properties further suggest a scenario in which thermally supercritical filaments grow continuously via accretion from their surroundings while simultaneously forming cores through fragmentation along their lengths. / Graduate / 2022-01-08

Effect of Whole-Body Kinematics on ACL Strain and Knee Joint Loads and Stresses during Single-Leg Cross Drop and Single-Leg Landing from a Jump

Sadeqi, Sara 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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