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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återvinning av förbrukade lakan till Prepreg : Undersökning i att genom nålning mekaniskt binda polymerfibrer i väv och nålnings påverkan på färdig komposit.

Lindström, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
Undersökning har gjorts av möjligheten att återvinna uttjänta lakan från textilserviceföretaget Textilia till tillverkning av prepreg. Då dessa lakan, till skillnad mot mycket annat textilavfall, utgör en kontinuerlig resurs av relativt konsekvent kvalitet, finns stora möjligheter att tillverka en produkt av detta. Detta skulle även innebära att förbränning av lakan undviks samt att ett bättre utnyttjande av resurser åstadkoms. Stapelfiber av bi-komponent i polyester har tillförts väven genom nålning, samma typ av nålning som används vid non-woven-tillverkning. Genom att nålarna har fört bikomponentfibrer ner genom lakansväven har en mekanisk bindning skapats mellan väv och bi-komponent. Väven blir således en bärare av bi-komponenten och dessa har sedan värmepressats ihop till ett kompositmaterial. Dock orsakar nålningen brott i vävens trådsystem. Tester har genomförts för undersökning av mekaniska egenskaper hos ensam väv och färdig komposit. Ett tydligt resultat var att nålning signifikant försämrade vävens dragstyrka men hos färdig komposit gjorde nålning endast mindre påverkan på mekaniska egenskaper. Med förändringar i nålningsdjup och nålningsdensitet tros försvagning av väv bli lägre och färdig komposit påverkas än mindre. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Återvinning av förbrukade lakan till Prepreg : Undersökning i att genom nålning mekaniskt binda polymerfibrer i väv och nålnings påverkan på färdig komposit.

Lindström, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
Undersökning har gjorts av möjligheten att återvinna uttjänta lakan från textilserviceföretaget Textilia till tillverkning av prepreg. Då dessa lakan, till skillnad mot mycket annat textilavfall, utgör en kontinuerlig resurs av relativt konsekvent kvalitet, finns stora möjligheter att tillverka en produkt av detta. Detta skulle även innebära att förbränning av lakan undviks samt att ett bättre utnyttjande av resurser åstadkoms. Stapelfiber av bi-komponent i polyester har tillförts väven genom nålning, samma typ av nålning som används vid non-woven-tillverkning. Genom att nålarna har fört bikomponentfibrer ner genom lakansväven har en mekanisk bindning skapats mellan väv och bi-komponent. Väven blir således en bärare av bi-komponenten och dessa har sedan värmepressats ihop till ett kompositmaterial. Dock orsakar nålningen brott i vävens trådsystem. Tester har genomförts för undersökning av mekaniska egenskaper hos ensam väv och färdig komposit. Ett tydligt resultat var att nålning signifikant försämrade vävens dragstyrka men hos färdig komposit gjorde nålning endast mindre påverkan på mekaniska egenskaper. Med förändringar i nålningsdjup och nålningsdensitet tros försvagning av väv bli lägre och färdig komposit påverkas än mindre. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Faktory životní úrovně českých domácností

Bílková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
BÍLKOVÁ, L. Factors of the living standard of households in the Czech Republic. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This diploma thesis deals with selection the most important factors of the living standard of households in the Czech Republic, i.e. the selection of such factors of the living standard that have the greatest impact on Czech households. The living standard can be seen from two points of view. First, the living standard in the Czech Republic can be seen from the objective point of view -- we focus on evolution of GDP per capita, household's income and expenditures, unemployment, household's debt and poverty rates. Second, the living standard can be seen from the subjective point of view based on data provided by The Public Opinion Research Centre. In this case, we monitor changes in opinions of Czech citizens regarding the living standard and economic situation in the Czech Republic. Subjective opinions of Czech households are also used in the next part of this diploma thesis, especially in the questionnaire survey. Thanks to these data, using the Prin-cipal Component Analysis, the most important factors of the living standard of households in the Czech Republic can be identified.

The territorial disputes in the region of South China Sea - case study of selected countries in the region

Valeček, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with disputes of contested territory in South China Sea region and describes the maritime trade in the region using statistical techniques. The theoretical part is focused on regional security of the region and legalistic theories. In practical part are described historical actions that took place in South China Sea and analysis of the commodities going through the South China Sea region. Analysis is based on Container port throughput, Liner shipping Connectivity index and export and import groups of goods and their impact on balance of trade.

Historie a současnost vývoje technických prvků a doplňků horského kola \\ / Historical and Current Evolution of Components and Accessories of Mountain Bikes\\

ŠKARKA, Jan January 2007 (has links)
The dissertation describes the historical development of chosen components of a mountain bike. From the beginning of the seventies until the model lines components of the year 2007. It is divided to two main parts. The first deals with general level of the given task which is performed by the history of bicycle and mountain bike. Then the survey of individual disciplines of the world racing cycling with the focus on mountain bike disciplines follows. The second part solves the own dissertation problems that gives the concrete survey of the development of individual components. The development is compiled from historical survey point of view and deals with essential and in little measure with uncommon constructional solutions.

Frazémy s číselným komponentem v českém a čínském jazyce / Idioms with numerical component in the Czech and Chinese Languages

Gong, Luoxi January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis is devoted to comparing Czech and Chinese phrasemes and idioms containing basic numbers of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. The theoretical work contains materials related to the definitions, history and traditions of IF in Czech and Chinese linguistics, as well as the history of phraseological discipline in their own countries. After comparing the conceptual and associative meanings of the numerals after entering some collocations in both languages, the obtained materials were analyzed by statistics. In the last part of this work we demonstrated the equivalents of phrasemes in the second language. Key words: phrasem, chengyu, idiomics and phraseology, numerals as a component of phrasemes, equivalents, Czech and Chinese. .

Hur narrativt berättande påverkar mottagandet av skriftlig intern kommunikation

Bergner, Malin, Eriksson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett internt meddelande uppfattas av mottagaren, beroende på om meddelandet är positivt eller negativt, samt om det finns skillnad i mottagandet av meddelandet när det är strikt faktabaserat alternativt framfört med ett narrativt berättande. Digitala enkäter skickades till mottagare via sociala medier. Enkäten innehöll fyra olika texter, två meddelanden var narrativt utformade och två strikt faktabaserade. Frågorna i enkäten var utformade för att besvara om mottagandet påverkas av textstatus (retoriskt vs fakta), samt om skillnader fanns mellan valens (positivt vs negativt laddat meddelande). Mottagandet mättes på en likertskala utifrån dimensionerna öppenhet, förståelse och tydlighet. Resultatet visar på att retoriskt berikade meddelanden tagits emot bättre i alla tre dimensionerna, oberoende om budskapet var positivt eller negativt. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how a written internal message is perceived by a recipient depending on whether the message is phrased positive or negative, and whether the message is strictly fact-based or presented in a narrative. This study was conducted through digital surveys which were sent to the recipient via social media. The questionnaire contained four different texts, two messages were presented in a narrative and two were strictly fact-based. Further, the messages are designed in the way that two messages have a negative message and the other two are designed with positive messages. The questions in the survey are designed to answer whether the reception is affected by text status (rhetorical vs. factual) and whether differences exist between the valence (positive vs. negatively charged message). Reception was measured on a Likert scale based on the dimensions of openness, understanding and clarity. The result shows that the rhetorically enriched message was better received, regardless of whether the message was positive or negative.

Možnosti využití metod vícerozměrné statistické analýzy dat při hodnocení spolehlivosti distribučních sítí / Possibilities of using multi - dimensional statistical analyses methods when evaluating reliability of distribution networks

Geschwinder, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study is evaluation of using multi-dimensional statistical analyses methods as a tool for simulations of reliability of distribution network. Prefered methods are a cluster analysis (CLU) and a principal component analysis (PCA). CLU is used for a division of objects on the basis of their signs and a calculation of the distance between objects into groups whose characteristics should be similar. The readout can reveal a secret structure in data. PCA is used for a location of a structure in signs of multi-dimensional matrix data. Signs present separate quantities describing the given object. PCA uses a dissolution of a primary matrix data to structural and noise matrix data. It concerns the transformation of primary matrix data into new grid system of principal components. New conversion data are called a score. Principal components generating orthogonal system of new position. Distribution network from the aspect of reliability can be characterized by a number of new statistical quantities. Reliability indicators might be: interruption numbers, interruption time. Integral reliability indicators might be: system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) and system average interruption duration index (SAIDI). In conclusion, there is a comparison of performed SAIFI simulation according to negatively binomial division and provided values from a distribution company. It is performed a test at description of sign dependences and outlet divisions.

Design kadeřnického křesla / Design of armchair for hairdressing

Nečasová, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to design a modern innovative hairdresser chair. The main innovation of the proposal is seen in the new interior arrangement with a washing component as a central point. The main idea of the whole work is to design such a hairdresser chair that would supersede all other chairs normally used in hairdressing salons. All activities concerned with the hair care (washing, trimming, colouring etc.) would be done on a sole chair that would be in the case of need placed to the washing component. By reclining the chair backrest and turning the washing component a client’s hair could be easily washed (or other functions that need water tap could be done). There are several advantages within this proposal. Primarily it offers fewer chairs in hair dressing salon as well as a more variable interior. Another positive feature is that the washing component can be used more economically when it serves to more seats. Finally, the visual aspect and shape interconnection of two basic components - washing basin and hairdresser’s chair - are innovative.

Modelovací nástroj pro grafický návrh komponentových systémů / A Tool for Modelling of Component-Based Systems

Zemko, Zoltán January 2013 (has links)
Component-based Software Engineering describes a complex information system as a set of components. The thesis seeks to highlight the benefits of this approach. Also defines terms such as standard software, component software, and others. It provides an introduction to the modeling techniques of component-based systems in UML. The second half of the document describes the structure of the Eclipse Modeling Project. The reader by these lines should obtain a theoretical overview of the development of modeling tools under Eclipse. The document includes design and implementation process description of the tool for modeling component-based systems which has been developed using the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Graphical Modeling Framework.

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