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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

JSF framework pro komplexní vizualizaci dat / JSF Framework for Complex Data Visualization

Linha, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of JSF framework providing components for complex data visualizations. Its objective consists of the implementation of the API for creating JSF components rendering complex charts based on the JavaScript library C3.js and subsequent implementation of a set of chart components using this API. The contribution of this thesis is a library providing a tool for creating new JSF components based on C3.js together with a set of ready to use components. It begins with research of relevant JSF libraries, following with API analysis and design. Based on that is API implemented, in which a component set is then created. As a part of this work is a user guide, API reference guide and presentation web of implemented components.

Multispektrální zpracování obrazu / Multispectral Image Processing

Li, You January 2021 (has links)
S rychlým rozvojem technologie multispektrálního zobrazování v posledních desetiletích obrázky získané zobrazovacími systémy obsahují nejen barevná pásma RGB v každodenním životě, ale také mají multispektrální barevná pásma a vysoké prostorové rozlišení v multispektrálních obrazových datech. Díky tomu obrázky obsahují bohaté informace o charakteristických cílových oblastech. Fúze obrazu je také důležitou větví v oblasti zpracování obrazu, kde je více obrázků ze stejné oblasti ve stejné výšce sloučeno do jednoho obrazu. Poté se zlepší korelace mezi spektrálními informacemi multispektrálních obrazů. Aby se informace na obrázku neztratily. Tato práce obsahuje popis návrhu a implementace multispektrálního obrazového systému, předzpracování multispektrálních obrazů, fúzi multispektrálních obrazů a analýzu hlavních komponent. Nakonec je představeno hodnocení celého systému.

Vizualizace spektroskopických dat pomocí metody analýzy hlavních komponent / Visualization of spectroscopic data using Principal Component Analysis

Šrenk, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with using laser-induced breakdown plasma spectroscopy for determining the elemental structure of unknown samples. It was necessary to design an appropriate method to qualify material by laser-induced emission spectrum. Pretreatment of data and using a variety of chemometrics methods had to be done in order to qualify the structure of elements. We achieved a required solution by projecting the data to a new PCA space, creating clusters and computing the Euclidean distance between each cluster. The experiment in the practical part was set to detect an interface of two elements. We created a data file simulating the ablation on the interface. This data set was gradually processed applying a mathematical-chemical-physical view. Several data procedures have been compiled: approximation by Lorenz, Gauss and Voigt function and also a pretreatment method such as the detection of outliers, standardization by several procedures and subsequent use of principal components analysis. A summarization of processes for input data is fully described in the thesis.

Analytický nástroj pro generování bicích triggerů z downmix záznamu / Analysing Tool for Generating of Drum Triggers from Downmix Record

Konzal, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a tool for generating drums triggers from a downmix record. The work describes the preprocessing of the input audio signal and methods for the classification of strokes. The drum classification is based on the similarity of the signals in the frequency domain. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the number of dimensions and to find the characteristic properties of the input data. The method support vector machine (SVM) was used to classify the data into individual classes representing parts of the drum kit. The software was programmed in Matlab. The classification model was trained on a set of 728 drum samples for seven categories (kick, snare, hi-hat, crash, ride, kick + hi-hat, snare + hi-hat). The success of the system in the classification is 75 %.

Detekce ischemie v EKG záznamech / Detection of ischemia in ECG

Tichý, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This paper describes the manifestations of ischemia in the ECG signals and summarizes some methods allowing automatic detection of ischemia. Morphological features were then calculated from ECG signals available from UBMI and statistically evaluated to select features appropriate for further automatic classification. Multilayer feedforward neural network was used for classification of heart beats. The neural network was designed in Matlab. Classification performance up to 99.9% was obtained on available dataset.

Návrh robotického pracoviště pro mazání komponent / Design of a Robotic Cell for Lubrication Application

Dlouhý, Rostislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with a robotic workstation for the specific application which is lubrication of components. There is designed a complete robotic cell including input and output devices. Its particular features are described. The task is based on the industry requirements and the projected workplace is replaced by manual labor. The original technology is replaced by an automatic solution. The whole workstation is designed with security in mind. They are used mechanical and electronic security features. The thesis contains economic evaluation of the workplace, including estimated payback period.

Aplikace řídkých reprezentací dat / Applications of sparse data representations

Navrátilová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to demonstrate practical application of sparse data representation in the processing of sparse signals. For solving several example problems - denoising, dequantization, and sparse signal decomposition - convex optimization was used. The solutions were implemented in the Matlab environment. For each of the problems, there are two solutions - one for one-dimensional, and one for two-dimensional signal.

Analýza elektrických biologických signálů v experimentální kardiologii / Analysis of Biosignals in Cardiovascular Research

Janoušek, Oto January 2013 (has links)
The new approach for motion artifact suppression in optical action potential records is presented in this thesis. Presented approach is based on independent component analysis utilization. Efficiency of proposed approach is evaluated here as well as its comparison with state of the art motion artifact suppression approaches.

A Proposal for Augmented Reality Integration in Navigation

Nyeko Moini, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
In today’s society, approximately half of the world population utilize their smart phone for their everyday tasks as handling scheduled events, financial inquires and general social life, according to Ash Turner’s statistical study on the topic. They have been an amazing tool for helping people handle these tasks easily, conveniently and swiftly, all at the palm of our hand. This also includes traveling and navigation. Even for traveling by foot, smartphones possess features that makes it a flexible option. As such, navigation apps have been of heavy use. They do have some problems, such as lacking information of more recent paths or smaller known areas that have not been added to the database. Hence, Neava AB had an interest in exploring this field and find a solution using Augmented Reality (AR). This thesis will document the process, from the creation of the development plan, to the development process, the final result and discussion. It will also showcase other applications of the AR technology in similar and completely different fields, along with future potential usage. The final prototype is a small program that allows the user to guided from a start position to a destination with visual aid in terms of an arrow that points the user towards the destination. It guides the user to a certain checkpoint between the two points. When the user has reached the checkpoint, they press the button on the screen to be guided to the next checkpoint with audio in the form of a audio clip informing which direction to turn. This is repeated until the destination is reached. At that point, pressing the button again will bring out text. The current text is dummy text currently, but is meant to contain information about the destination in the final build. This thesis will also analyse the reliability of the GPS and Gyroscope components within a smartphone by request of the examiner. This test is done by walking from a starting position towards a set location while recording the current coordinates and time since departure. These values are recorded in a text file. The program is then terminated and the process repeats itself back to the starting position. The data will then be visualised analysed to determine the stability. In the end, the prototype showed promise in becoming a commercial product with more development time. There were many features that did not make into the prototype such as a virtual trail for improved visual guidance and have voicelines and checkpoints change automatically. The GPS tests showed great promise in reliability and stability, showcasing small deviation which could be attributed to other factors than the component itself. The gyroscope was a bit less reliable, but that can be addressed in software. / I dagens samhälle, använder sig ungefär hälften av världens befolkning av smarttelefoner för att sin vardagliga åtgärder. Detta kan inkludera hantering av schemalagda åtgärder, finansiella behov och fritidslivet, enligt Ash Turner’s statistiska forskning. Smarttelefoner har blivit ett praktiskt modell för att hantera dessa ˚åtgärder enkelt, lämpligt och snabbt. Detta inkluderar även resa och navigering. När man även reser till fots, är smarttelefoner ett mer praktiskt val för navigeringsmedel än traditionella kartor. PA grund av detta, har navigeringsappar sett stor användning. Dock är de inte utan sina nackdelar, speciellt i mindre kända områden. Neava AB har haft ett intresse att undersöka detta fall och skapa en lösning till problemet. Därför önskade de en prototyp för smarttelefoner som använder sig av Augmented Reality(AR). Denna rapport dokumenterar hela processen, från skapandet av utvecklingsplanen till utvecklingsprocessen, slutresultatet och diskussion. Rapporten kommer även visa gå igenom tidigare tillämpningar av AR i olika industrier och framtida tillämpningar. Slutprototypen blev ett litet program som låter användaren bli vägled från Punkt A till Punkt B med både en pil och ljusröd. Mellan dessa punkter finns det mellanpunkter som kopplar Punkt A till Punkt B. Användaren börjar med att bli vägled till den första mellanpunkten. När den har nåtts så trycker man på knappen och då vägleds man till nästa mellanpunkt, med pilen riktad åt den och ljudklipp som säger vilken riktning man ska ta. Denna process upprepas tills man har kommit till punkt B, då man trycker på knappen och textinformation dyker upp på skärmen. Rapporten kommer också undersöka pålitligheten hos GPS och gyroskop komponenten inom en smarttelefon. Undersökningen kommer att genomföras genom ett test då programmet startas och telefon är tagen från startposition, genom en specifik rutt, till en destination. Under tiden man rör sig mot destination, sparas tid och nuvarande koordinater varje sekund i en textfil. När man har nått destinationen, termineras programmet, åter-uppstartas och man rör tillbaks till startpositionen, samma process. All data från textfilen sedan visualieras och analyseras. Prototypen har en bra chans att bli en kommersiell produkt om det byggs på vidare. Det fanns flera funktioner och idéer som kunde inte implementeras i prototypen på grund av tid. Några av dessa funktioner var bättre visuell vägledning (rita en virtuell linje går från användaren till den kommande mellanpunkten). En annan idéer var att låta ljudspelningar och mål byta automatiskt när man når en mellanpunkt, istället för att användaren måste göra det manuellt. Resultatet från testerna för GPSen visar att den är stabil och pålitlig när de inte är påverkade av andra faktorer. Gyroskopen visade sig vara mindre pålitlig, men det kan lösa mig hjälp av mjukvara som rättar till den.

Rozlišení různých druhů vajec pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie / Differentiation of different types of eggs by mass spectrometry

Švárová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to distinguish bird species based on the expected different protein composition of eggs and their individual components using mass spectrometry. The obtained results could be possibly used to identify the animal origin of egg materials used in works of art. For the research, components of the eggs (yolk, egg white and their mixture) of nine available bird species were collected and dried - pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), domestic goose (Anser anser domesticus), domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus), muscovy duck (Cairina moschata), chicken (Gallus gallus f. domestica) - four different specimens, Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), pampas rhea (Rhea americana), red ore (Alectoris rufa), speckled guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). The samples were digested by the enzyme trypsin and prepared using ZIP-TIP for the next measurements by MALDI-TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization - Time of Flight) mass spectrometry. The obtained data were evaluated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The used method showed that the most bird species can be distinguished by yolks (with an approximately 95% success rate) and more than half of the species by egg white proteins (success rate 83%) and by the egg white and yolk mixtures (success rate 80%). Two samples of...

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