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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pohlavní dimorfismus tvaru incisura ischiadica major pánevní kosti člověka. / Shape sexual dimorphism of the greater sciatic notch on human hip bone.

Nehasilová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is sexual dimorphism quantification of greater sciatic notch profile using 2D geometric morphometrics methods. The curvature was digitized by two different methods - manually with contact digitizer MicroScribe G2 and automatically with software Morphome3cs. Results from each method were comparised and advatages and disadvantages of boths methods were discussed. Target sample of 114 adult specimens of known sex was analyzed. This collection comes from Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and contains 57 male and 57 female hip bones. For the method verification the test smaple contains 112 adult specimens of known sex was used. This collection comes from Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM). This collection contains 56 male and 56 female hip bones. The procrustes analysis, principal components analysis, thin plate spine and discriminant function analysis were used for analysis. We could make a detail description of morphologic differences in greater sciatic notch shape of men and women because of shape visualisation and difference of both group was confirmed by discriminant function analysis. Sex assesment achieves accuracy 92,11% - 98,25% in dependence on used methods and number of semilandmarks.

Analýza školních vzdělávacích programů přírodopisu na druhém stupni základních škol / Analysis of school education programmes of natural science for lower secondary education

Roreitnerová, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
8 Abstract About fifteen years ago, the Czech education system underwent a curricular reform. Thanks to that, schools have gained more freedom, but also responsibility how education will look in their case. The implementation of the reform was accompanied by various expectations but also by misunderstandings and problems. A revision of Framework Education Programme (FEP) is now planned. At the moment, however, it is not yet clear what will be the subject or the goals of this revision. This work aims to examine the current situation in the field of natural science and to subject selected school educational programs (SEP) to quantitative analysis. SEPs are understood here as one of the possible indicators of how some ideas from the Framework Educational Programs for Lower Education were conceived and developed by teachers. The thesis focuses mainly on areas that have been newly accentuated by the curricular reform. These are topics of key competences, interconnection of subjects (either within cross-curricular topics or interdisciplinary links through selected curriculum) and last but not least the topic of methods and forms of teaching and work with the content itself. All online SEPs of Prague lower secondary schools (plus ten unpublished on the school websites) were analyzed, taking into account only the...

Möjligheten att integrera elektronik i textil : Möjliggörande av elektroniska applikationer i arbetskläder

Görrel, Elina, Hjelm, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Husqvarna är ett företag som bland annat tillverkar skyddskläder avsedda för arbete i skogen. På uppdrag av Husqvarna skall möjligheten att integrera elektronik i skyddskläder undersökas, vilket ligger till grund för följande arbete. Genom en litteraturstudie har möjliga tekniker studerats. Baserat på det faktum att skyddskläder oftast är vävda valdes vävning som teknik. Olika typer av ledande material i form av garner undersöktes genom att resistansen hos dessa uppmättes. Därefter gjordes ett urval utav de konduktiva materialen där de med lägst resistans togs vidare för testning och prototypframtagning. Prover med kanaler som det konduktiva materialet lades in i vävdes fram. Dessutom laminerades vissa provkroppar som innehöll icke-isolerat konduktivt garn. Lamineringens syfte var att isolera det ledande garnet och därmed skydda arbetaren från stötar och systemet från att kortslutas. Det utfördes sedan tester på de tillverkade provkropparna som undersökte tåligheten mot tvätt och svett. Tvättestet gjordes i enlighet med SS- EN ISO 6330:2012 och för svettestet konstruerades en egen metod eftersom det i nuläget inte finns en standard som involverar svettlösning och konduktiva material i textil. Efter tvättestet visade det sig att det laminat som användes inte är att rekommendera då det lossnade på majoriteten av provkropparna. Däremot påverkades inte resistansen i garnen nämnvärt av tvättningen. Det resultat som erhölls av svettestet visade på att laminatet bidrog till att ingen kontakt mellan de ledande banorna uppstod. Laminatet är trots det inte att föredra på grund av dess påverkan i tvättestet. Utöver det var det endast de prov som innehöll endast FISK-kabel som klarade sig från att få kontakt mellan de ledande banorna. Då elektronik och textil inte vanligtvis används tillsammans är möjligheten att separera de olika systemen vid återvinning av plagget nödvändig. Ur miljösynpunkt är det därför fördelaktigt att integrera elektroniken så lite som möjligt, eftersom den då blir lättare att separera från tyget. Dessutom möjliggör det för eventuella reparationer av de olika komponenterna, vilket i sin tur kan förlänga hela produktens livslängd. För komfortens och säkerhetens skull måste dock elektroniken och ledningsbanorna integreras betydligt mer. Det bästa alternativet för att integrera elektronik i ett plagg för det här ändamålet är antagligen att placera ledningsbanorna i förslagsvis ett fodertyg. Rekommendationen är en tunn isolerad kabel som läggs i kanaler i tyget. Eftersom den här studien gjorts som en undersökning till om det skulle vara möjligt att integrera elektronik i skyddskläder krävs vidare produktutveckling och designarbete för att ett skyddsplagg med smarta funktioner ska bli verklighet. / Husqvarna is a company that manufactures workwear intended for work in the forest. On behalf of Husqvarna, the possibility of integrating electronics into workwear will be investigated, which is the basis for this work. Through a literature study possible techniques have been studied. Due to the fact that workwear usually is of woven structure, weaving was chosen as the technique. Different types of conductive materials were examined by measuring the electrical resistance. A selection was made of the conductive materials with the lowest resistance for further testing and prototype development. Specimens were woven with canals, into which the conductive material was inserted. In addition, specimens containing non-insulated conductive yarn were laminated. The purpose of the lamination was to insulate the conductive yarn and thereby protect the worker from electrical shocks and cause a short curcuit. Tests were then performed on the manufactured specimens which examined the resistance to washing and sweat. The washing test was done on the basis of SS-EN ISO 6330: 2012 and for the sweat test an own method was constructed, because there is currently no standard that involves sweat and conductive materials in textiles. After washing tests it turned out that the laminate is not to recommend as it came loose on the majority of the specimens. However, the electrical resistance was not significantly affected by the washing. The results obtained from the sweat test showed that the laminate prevented contact between the conductive lines. Nevertheless, the laminate is not to be preferred in this case due to how it was affected in the washing test. In addition, only those specimens that contained only FISK-cable managed to not create contact between the conductive paths. As electronics and textiles are not usually used together, the possibility of separating the different systems when recycling the garment is necessary. From an environmental point of view, it is therefore advantageous to integrate the electronics as little as possible, as it will then be easier to separate from the fabric. In addition, it allows for possible repairs of the various components, which can extend the life of the entire product. For the sake of comfort, however, the electronics and wiring must be integrated much more. The best option for integrating electronics into a garment for this purpose is probably to place the conduits in a lining fabric with a thin insulated cable lying in canals in the fabric. This study´s purpose was to determine whether it would be possible to integrate electronics into workwear, further product development and designwork is neccessary in order to create garments with smart features.

Modelovací nástroj pro grafický návrh komponentových systémů / A Tool for Modelling of Component-Based Systems

Gál, Ivan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with component software, software frameworks for the Eclipse platform and the creation of a graphical editor for designing component systems with the usage of the Eclipse platform. After introducing the conception of UML component diagram, it describes the overview of component software, components and component technologies of major players on ground of component software: OMG, Sun, Microsoft. A significant part is dedicated to software frameworks for the Eclipse platform for manipulating with meta models. EMF, GEF and GMF are described in more detail. The main part presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a graphical editor for designing component systems with emphasis on understandability and good arrangement.

Redesigning a fragmented checkbox design system component in a startup / Omdesign av en fragmenterad designsystemkomponent för kryssrutor i ett startupföretag

Kesarla Suresh, Somesh January 2022 (has links)
A Design System is a single source of truth for an organisation’s products helping designers and developers realise an idea in an efficient workflow. Sometimes, a Design System can become inefficient, leading to problems like increasing design inconsistencies, delayed design workflow, unclear design guidelines, and increasing use of UI elements outside the Design System. A similar set of problems were identified in a rapidly growing electronics software startup, and out of all the Design System components, a checkbox is picked to showcase the redesign process. This led to the research question, “What are the key design challenges faced while redesigning a fragmented checkbox component in a startup?”. To tackle such problems, some methods like: Design System audit, stakeholder interviews, dot voting, secondary research, ideation, survey, and diary studies were used to gather insights. Five to ten internal stakeholders took part in most of the research activities. Four prominent challenges were discovered during the entire incremental redesign process. First is the difficulty in locating multiple instances of a UI component from various design files. Second is the difficulty in manually replacing the old with new UI components to visualise them in the context of many UI components and screens. The third is the difficulty in evaluating the redesigned UI components. Last is the challenge of transitioning the current UI screens with new UI components in bulk. It is challenging from the state of discovery until the test and transition. Consistent documentation and bulk action Figma plugins such as Similayer can be useful for a smooth transition. / Ett designsystem är en gemensam källa med anvisningar för en organisations produkter, som hjälper designers och utvecklare att förverkliga en idé i ett effektivt arbetsflöde. Ibland kan ett designsystem bli ineffektivt, vilket leder till problem som mer inkonsekventa designlösningar, försenat designarbetsflöde, oklara designriktlinjer och ökad användning av lånade UI-element från utanför designsystemet. En liknande uppsättning problem identifierades i en snabbt växande startup med fokus på elektronikprogramvara, och av alla designsystemkomponenter är en kryssruta markerad för att visa upp omdesignprocessen. Detta ledde till forskningsfrågan, "Vilka är de viktigaste designutmaningarna när manomdesignar en fragmenterad kryssrutekomponent i en startup?". För att ta itu med sådana problem användes metoder som: Designsystemrevision (Design System audit), intressentintervjuer, punktomröstning (dot voting), sekundär forskning, idéering, enkät och dagboksstudier för att samla in insikter. Fem till tio interna intressenter deltog i de flesta av dessa aktiviteter. Fyra huvudsakliga utmaningar upptäcktes under den inkrementella omdesignprocessen. Den första är svårigheten att hitta flera instanser av en UI-komponent från olika designfiler. Den andra är svårigheten att manuellt ersätta äldre UI-komponenter för att visualisera dem tillsammans med flera olika UI-komponenter och skärmar. Den tredje är svårigheten att utvärdera de omdesignade UI-komponenterna. Sist är utmaningen att enkelt uppdatera alla de existerande gränsnitten med nya UI-komponenter i ett svep. Vi ser med andra ord utmaningar ända från designprocessens initiala skede till testet och övergången. Konsekvent dokumentation och ”bulk action” Figma-plugins som Similayer kan vara användbara för en smidig övergång.

Stolthet och tillhörighet : Gymnasielärares känslomässiga och tankemässiga upplevelser av personlig och kollektiv arbetsidentitet

Pihl Åsberg, Johanna, Zens, Thea January 2024 (has links)
The present study aimed to explore upper secondary school teachers' experiences of emotional and cognitive personal and collective work identity. The study adopted a qualitative method with a deductive approach to complement previous quantitative research. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews with seven upper secondary school teachers from central Sweden. The collected material was analyzed using a deductive thematic analysis with predetermined main themes of emotional personal work identity, cognitive personal work identity, emotional collective work identity, and cognitive collective work identity. Respondents demonstrated an apparent emotional and cognitive personal work identity through pride in their work, the perception of work as part of themselves, and alignment between their work and private lives. Their experiences of praise and criticism of the school varied, with the majority not taking it personally. Therefore, most respondents had a vague emotional collective work identity. Respondents' experiences of the cognitive collective work identity were distinct, as they felt they were a part of the school and identified with its success. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka gymnasielärares upplevelser av emotionell och kognitiv personlig respektive kollektiv arbetsidentitet. Studien antog en kvalitativ metod med deduktiv ansats, detta för att komplettera tidigare kvantitativ forskning. Datainsamlingen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju gymnasielärare från Mellansverige. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv tematisk analys där de förutbestämda huvudteman var emotionell personlig arbetsidentitet, kognitiv personlig arbetsidentitet, emotionell kollektiv arbetsidentitet samt kognitiv kollektiv arbetsidentitet. Respondenterna visade en tydlig emotionell och kognitiv personlig arbetsidentitet genom stolthet över sitt arbete, uppfattningen av arbetet som en del av dem, samt överensstämmelse mellan deras arbete och övriga liv. Deras upplevelser av beröm samt kritik mot skolan var varierade, där merparten inte tog det personligt. Därför hade majoriteten en vag emotionell kollektiv arbetsidentitet. Respondenternas upplevelser av den kognitiva kollektiva arbetsidentiteten var tydlig, eftersom de kände sig som en del av skolan och identifierade sig med dess framgång.

Sdružená EEG-fMRI analýza na základě heuristického modelu / Joint EEG-fMRI analysis based on heuristic model

Janeček, David January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the joint EEG-fMRI analysis based on a heuristic model that describes the relationship between changes in blood flow in active brain areas and in the electrical activity of neurons. This work also discusses various methods of extracting of useful information from the EEG and their influence on the final result of joined analysis. There were tested averaging methods of electrodes interest, decomposition by principal components analysis and decomposition by independent component analysis. Methods of averaging and decomposition by PCA give similar results, but information about a stimulus vector can not be extracted. Using ICA decomposition, we are able to obtain information relating to the certain stimulation, but there is the problem in the final interpretation and selection of the right components in a blind search for variability coupled with the experiment. It was found out that although components calculated from the time sequence EEG are independent for each to other, their spectrum shifts are correlated. This spectral dependence was eliminated by PCA / ICA decomposition from vectors of spectrum shifts. For this method, each component brings new information about brain activity. The results of the heuristic approach were compared with the results of the joined analysis based on the relative and absolute power approach from frequency bands of interest. And the similarity between activation maps was founded, especially for the heuristic model and the relative power from the gamma band (20-40Hz).

Nedourčená slepá separace zvukových signálů / Underdetermined Blind Audio Signal Separation

Čermák, Jan January 2008 (has links)
We often have to face the fact that several signals are mixed together in unknown environment. The signals must be first extracted from the mixture in order to interpret them correctly. This problem is in signal processing society called blind source separation. This dissertation thesis deals with multi-channel separation of audio signals in real environment, when the source signals outnumber the sensors. An introduction to blind source separation is presented in the first part of the thesis. The present state of separation methods is then analyzed. Based on this knowledge, the separation systems implementing fuzzy time-frequency mask are introduced. However these methods are still introducing nonlinear changes in the signal spectra, which can yield in musical noise. In order to reduce musical noise, novel methods combining time-frequency binary masking and beamforming are introduced. The new separation system performs linear spatial filtering even if the source signals outnumber the sensors. Finally, the separation systems are evaluated by objective and subjective tests in the last part of the thesis.

Modelling Credit Spread Risk with a Focus on Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk / Modellering av Kredit Spreads Risk med Fokus på Systematisk och Idiosynkratisk Risk

Korac Dalenmark, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents an application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical PCA to credit spreads. The aim is to identify the underlying factors that drive the behavior of credit spreads as well as the left over idiosyncratic risk, which is crucial for risk management and pricing of credit derivatives. The study employs a dataset from the Swedish market of credit spreads for different maturities and ratings, split into Covered Bonds and Corporate Bonds, and performs PCA to extract the dominant factors that explain the variation in the data of the former set. The results show that most of the systemic movements in Swedish covered bonds can be extracted using a mean which coincides with the first principal component. The report further explores the idiosyncratic risk of the credit spreads to further the knowledge regarding the dynamics of credit spreads and improving risk management in credit portfolios, specifically in regards to new regulation in the form of the Fundemental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). The thesis also explores a more general model on corporate bonds using HPCA and K-means clustering. Due to data issues it is less explored but there are useful findings, specifically regarding the feasibility of using clustering in combination with HPCA. / I detta arbete presenteras en tillämpning av Principal Komponent Analysis (PCA) och Hierarkisk PCA på kreditspreadar. Syftet är att identifiera de underliggande faktorer som styr kreditspreadarnas beteende samt den kvarvarande idiosynkratiska risken, vilket är avgörande för riskhantering och prissättning av diverse kreditderivat. I studien används en datamängd från den svenska marknaden med kreditspreadar för olika löptider och kreditbetyg, uppdelat på säkerställda obligationer och företagsobligationer, och PCA används för att ta fram de mest signifikanta faktorerna som förklarar variationen i data för de förstnämnda obligationerna. Resultaten visar att de flesta av de systematiska rörelserna i svenska säkerställda obligationer kan extraheras med hjälp av ett medelvärde som sammanfaller med den första principalkomponenten. I rapporten undersöks vidare den idiosynkratiska risken i kreditspreadarna för att öka kunskapen om dynamiken i kreditspreadarna och förbättre riskhanteringen i kreditportföljer, särskilt med tanke på regelverket "Fundemental Review of the Tradring book" (FRTB). I rapporten undersöktes vidare en mer allmän modell för företagsobligationer med hjälp av HPCA och K-means-klustering. På grund av dataproblem är den mindre utforstkad, men det finns användbara resultat, särskild när det gäller möjligheten att använda kluster i kombination med HPCA.

Vibrační spektroskopie ve farmaceutické analýze / Vibrational spectroscopy in pharmaceutical analysis

Průchová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the application of vibrational spectroscopy in pharmaceutical analysis in studying solid pharmaceutical forms. The surface of tablet samples containing the active substance from the group of statins has been studied especially by the methods infrared microscopy. Spectral maps of samples were collected thanks to the techniques of specular reflection, attenuated total reflection (ATR) and "inverse" ATR after determining optimal conditions for measurements. In order to evaluate these measured maps, one-dimensional analysis and principal component analysis were used. As the same samples of tablets were also measured by Raman microscopy, the comparison has been provided. The measured distribution maps enable both a determination of substances in the sample and conclusion concerned a method of tablets' preparation. The method in this case is a granulation, which has been found out from a comparison of maps of generic and original medicament. The specular reflection method was selected to be the most appropriate technique for obtaining the maps of the surface of a tablet, via confrontation of particular methods consequently with consideration of their advantages and disadvantages in the measurement and data processing.

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