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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategier för att minska elevers konsumtion av utrymmesmat i skolcafeterior : en studie av sex högstadieskolor cafeterior / Strategies to reduce student intake of discretionary calories in high school cafeterias : a study at the senior level of six compulsory schools

Johansson, Louise, Lundmark, Linnea January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förekomsten av övervikt och karies ökar hos barn och ungdomar vilket delvis beror på ohälsosamma matvanor. Dessa formas redan i skolåldern och en av fyra ungdomar säger att skolan har lärt dem vad de ska äta och dricka för att må bra. Trots detta säljer 34 % av skolorna i Sverige och hälften av skolorna i Västerbotten godis, läsk och andra sötsaker. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att hitta de faktorer som kan leda till en lyckad och hälsofrämjande skolcafeteria baserat på intervjuer av föreståndare för verksamheten. Metod: Fallstudier av fyra cafeteriaverksamheter på högstadieskolor i Västerbotten och två telefonintervjuer med skolcafeterior i Eskilstuna genomfördes. Samtliga bestod av intervjuer av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades enligt Graneheim och Lundmans kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Resultat: Alla skolor hade ett basutbud av smörgåsar, frukt och varma och kalla drycker. Två skolor hade efter ett kommunbeslut ingen utrymmesmat. På tre skolor förekom utrymmesmat men elevernas konsumtion av denna begränsades genom prissättning och reglering av försäljningstider. Ansvarsfulla vuxna kunde påverka elevernas matvanor genom att föregå med gott exempel. Faktorer som påverkade om eleverna handlade i skolcafeterian var, förutom utbudet, deras möjlighet att påverka utbudet och vad en eventuell vinst skulle användas till samt att de arbetade och deltog i den dagliga driften. Närvaron av engagerade vuxna och en trivsam och ren miljö i och runt cafeterian var också viktigt för att uppmuntra eleverna att gå till cafeterian och handla. Slutsats: Flera faktorer kan leda till en hälsofrämjande och lyckad skolcafeteria. Den viktigaste är ett brett och varierat utbud av hälsosamma produkter. Samtidigt är det viktigt att begränsa utbudet av utrymmesmat och elevernas konsumtion av denna. Utrymmesmaten kan plockas bort helt via ett kommunbeslut eller så kan elevernas konsumtion minskas genom prissättning och reglerade försäljningstider. De vuxna bör föregå med gott exempel som en del i att lära eleverna goda matvanor. Både indirekta och direkta faktorer bidrar till att uppmuntra eleverna att handla i cafeterian. / Salut-satsningen, Västerbottens läns landsting

Varför konsumerar vi probiotika? : En enkätundersökning om motiv till konsumtion samt vad konsumenter anser om probiotiska produkters pris. / Why do we consume probiotics? : A survey on motives to consumption and consumers point of view about the prices on products with probiotics.

Johansson, Sofia, Lundberg, Camilla January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund Probiotika definieras som levande mikroorganismer som när de intas i tillräckliga mängder ger hälsosamma fördelar. Livsmedel med probiotika får bära ett produktspecifikt hälsopåstående, om produkten har visat sig ha en signifikant effekt jämfört med traditionella livsmedel. Få studier är gjorda på människors attityder kring dessa livsmedel.Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka varför personer valde att köpa livsmedel med probiotika.Metod En enkätstudie genomfördes där 103 personer, varav 63 kvinnor och 40 män i åldrarna 19-77, som köpte eller hade testat produkter innehållande probiotika svarade på enkäten. Dessa söktes upp på två stormarknader, ICA Maxi och Willys, i Umeå samt på Umeå Universitet. Insamlad data analyserades i SPSS Statistics 17,0 för att göra hypotesprövning med hjälp av Chi2-test och ett p-värde <0,05 ansågs visa en statistisk säkerställd skillnad mellan grupperna. Resultat Flera anledningar fanns till varför man köpte produkterna, varav den vanligaste var för magfunktionens skull (35 %). Även smak och utseende spelade roll för valet av produkt. Personer med laktoskänslighet angav att de köpte produkterna främst för deras laktosfria egenskaper. Av 99 deltagare var 81 % positivt inställda till priset på produkterna, gentemot 19 % som var mer negativt inställda. Resultaten visade att ProViva var den produkt som köptes mest regelbundet (n=38) och därefter kom Verum (n=35). ProViva var även den produkt informanterna angav att de köpte oftast vid sjukdom (n=16).Slutsats Personer i Umeå köpte probiotiska produkter av olika anledningar, där den största anledningen var för att ha en väl fungerande mage. Även produkternas utseende, smak och deras hälsopåståenden var något som bidrog till konsumtion. I den utsträckning informanterna köpte produkterna ansåg majoriteten att produkterna var prisvärda men hade probiotiska produkter haft ett lägre pris är det inte helt osannolikt att fler personer hade köpt dessa. / Background Probiotics is defined as live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Foods with probiotics are allowed to bear a specific health claim if the product has shown to have a significant effect compared to traditional foods. Few studies have been made on attitudes regarding these foods. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate why people chose to buy foods that contain probiotics. Method A questionnaire study was conducted where 103 individuals, 63 women and 40 men between 19 and 77 years of age, who bought or had tested products containing probiotics answered the questionnaire. These were sought at two supermarkets, ICA Maxi and Willys, in Umeå and at Umeå University. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS Statistics 17.0 for doing hypothesis testing with Chi2-test and a p-value <0.05 was considered to show a statistically significant difference between groups. Results Several reasons were given as to why people bought the products. The most common reason was for stomach functions (35%). Taste and appearance also played a role in product selection (24 %). People with lactose sensitivity indicated that they bought the products mainly because of their lactose-free qualities. Of the 99 participants 81 % were in favor of the price of products, while 19 % were more negative towards the price. The results showed that ProViva was the product that was most frequently purchased (n=38) and second place came Verum (n=35). ProViva was also the product the informants indicated that they purchased most often during sickness (n=16). Conclusion People in Umeå bought probiotics for different reasons. The primary reason appeared to be to have a well functioning stomach. The products appearance, taste and “health claims” also contributed to consumption. To the extent the informants purchased the products, the majority considered them to be affordable, but if probiotic products had a lower price, it is likely that more people would have bought them.

Om man vill äta korv sju dar i veckan så måste man ju få göra det : Personliga assistenters tankar kring kost, motion och autonomi hos personer med Downs Syndrom

Hansson, Jon, Ståhlberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Egenkontroll i caféverksamheter : En kvalitativ studie / Own-checking in coffehouse businesses : A qualitativ study

Edlund, Marie, Gustavsson, Patrik, Sandberg Larsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"Det handlar inte bara om maten!" : Dietisters upplevelse av att ge kostbehandling med fokus på livsstilsförändring / “It´s not all about the food!” : Experiences among dietitians about dietary treatment with focus on lifestyle changes

Thune, Madeleine, Björklund, My January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund Livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar är idag den största dödsorsaken i Sverige, men stora möjligheter till både primär och sekundär prevention finns. För att åstadkomma detta är förändringar av kostvanor och livsstil centrala delar. Här har dietisten en viktig roll då dessa förändringar visat sig vara mycket svåra att klara av på egen hand. Men hur upplever dietister arbetet med denna patientgrupp? Ibland kan de känna sig otillräckliga i sin yrkesroll, men de upplever ändå sitt arbete som viktigt. Vidare skulle det vara intressant att undersöka vilka andra tankar och känslor som kan uppkomma hos dietister.Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur dietister upplever och hanterar att arbeta med patienter som ordineras behandling vilken innefattar en livsstilsförändring där kostomläggning ingår som en central del.Metod Fyra kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med dietister som arbetade med livsstilspatienter. Som stöd vid intervjuerna användes en semistrukturerad frågeguide. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades sedan ordagrant. Transkriberat material analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat Dietistens arbete med denna patientgrupp upplevdes som väldigt komplext. Det var inte bara dietisternas eget arbetssätt och egenskaper som påverkade upplevelsen av att behandla dessa patienter. Även patientens beteende och hinder samt de behandlingstekniker som behärskades av dietisten hade en betydande roll. Dietisterna upplevde också att det fanns vissa begränsningar som kunde påverka deras förmåga att ge bästa behandling. Motivation hos patienten upplevdes vara av stor betydelse för att lyckas med en livsstilsförändring.Slutsats Dietister upplever att arbetet med patienter som ska genomgå en livsstilsförändring inbegriper mer än att förmedla kunskaper om kost. Motivationsfrämjande insatser betraktas som dietistens viktigaste redskap vid behandling av denna patientgrupp. Ökad kunskap om sådana behandlingsstrategier skulle därför kunna gynna både dietister och patienter. / Background Lifestylerelated diseases are the most common causes of death in Sweden, but there are great options for both primary and secondary prevention. To achieve this, changes in diet and lifestyle are both central elements. Here dietitians play an important role as these changes proved to be very difficult for patients to cope with on their own. How do dietitians experience the work with these patients? Although they may feel inadequate they still feel that their work is important. Furthermore it would be interesting to examine other thoughts and feelings that may arise among dietitians.Objective The objective of this study was to examine how dietitians perceive and manage to work with patients who are prescribed treatment that involves lifestyle changes where changes in diet are central parts.Method Four qualitative interviews were conducted with dietitians working with patients undergoing lifestyle change. A semi structured topic guide was used to broadly shape the interviews. All interviews were digitaly recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were analysed with qualitative content analysis.Result Dietitians experienced work with patients undergoing lifestyle changes as very complex. Not only the dietitian’s own practice and qualities influenced the experience of treating these patients. Patientbehavior and barriers along with different treatment strategies mastered by the dietitian were also important. Dietitians experienced that there were certain limitations that could affect their ability to provide best treatment. The patients motivation was thought of as very important to achieve lifestyle changes.Conclusion This study suggests that dietitians’ work experience with patients undergoing lifestyle change includes more than just thorough knowledge about food. Promoting motivation is an important tool in treatment of these patients. Increased knowledge about different behavior modification strategies could therefore favour both patients and dietitians.

”En stämpel på hur dagen ska bli” : Ungdomars resonemang kring sina frukostsituationer / ”A label on how the day will be” : Adolescents reasoning about theirs breakfast situations

Steinwender, Robin, Sjöblom, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Att förse kroppen med bränsle efter en natts fasta är en god idé. Frukost har fått benämningen som dagens viktigaste måltid. Frukostkonsumtion har generellt sett positiva effekter på kognitiv prestanda jämfört med utelämnande av frukost. Samtidigt har nyligen utförd forskning visat motsatsen. För att ta reda på vad som är viktigt för ungdomar och deras frukostvanor, genomfördes en kvalitativ studie då sådan saknas, för att belysa ämnet och för att få en djupare förståelse för frukostsituationer bland elever på högstadiet. Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ungdomar resonerar kring sina frukostsituationer. Metod Vi använde oss av kvalitativa intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod, en semistrukturerad intervjuguide med förutbestämda frågor där varje respondent, högstadieelever från olika delar av landet, fick samma huvudfrågor. Vi genomförde tolv intervjuer med inspelningsmaterial mellan 20–45 minuter. Data samlades in digitalt. Efter transkribering, plockades syftesrelaterade meningsenheter ut, dessa kodades och placerades ut i slutgiltiga kategorier, som resultatdelen baserades på. Resultat Resultaten som framkom i undersökningen svarade mot frågeställningarna om hur ungdomar resonerar kring sina frukostsituationer. Respondenterna uttryckte sig angående ork och energi samt frukostens näringsinnehåll. De resonerade om hur stor betydelse sällskapet hade samt sociala medier, föräldrar och skolans påverkan på frukostsituationen. Respondenterna resonerade kring hur stress kunde påverka frukostval samt för hur vanor ändrades på grund av säsong. Slutsats Respondenterna hade en medvetenhet om att de behövde energi på morgonen för att orka med sina aktiviteter om dagarna. Sällskapet hade stor betydelse för en trevligare frukostsituation. Sociala medier och föräldrar inspirerade till goda frukostvanor. Gemensamt för alla respondenter var att de ville utöka sina kunskaper om att skapa mer hälsosamma matvanor men att de inte gavs möjlighet till tillräckligt med kunskap om ämnet i skolan. / Background Providing the body with fuel after a night of fasting is a good idea. Breakfast has been named the most important meal of the day and breakfast consumption has generally had positive effects on cognitive performance compared to omitting breakfast. Recent research has however shown the opposite. In order to find out what is important for adolescence and their breakfast habits, a qualitative study was conducted, to illustrate the subject from a wider angle. Objective The aim of the study was to investigate how adolescence reason about their breakfast situations. Method We used qualitative interviews as a data collection method, a semi-structured interview guide with predetermined questions where each respondent, high school students from different parts of the country, were given the same questions. We conducted twelve interviews with recording material between 20-45 minutes. Data were collected digitally. After transcription, purpose-related sentence units were picked out, coded and placed in definitive categories, on which the results section were based. Results The results that emerged from the interviews with young people reason about their breakfast situations. The respondents commented on energy- as well as the nutritional intake of breakfast. They reasoned about the importance of society as well as social media, parents and the school's impact on the breakfast situation. The respondents reasoned about how stress could affect breakfast choices and how habits changed due to the season. Conclusion The respondents had an awareness that they needed energy in the morning to cope with their activities during the day. The company was of great importance for a nicer breakfast situation. Social media and parents inspired good breakfast habits. Common to all respondents was that they wanted to expand their knowledge of creating healthier eating habits but that they were not given the opportunity to have sufficient knowledge of the subject in school.

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. </p><p>The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. </p><p>The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work. </p>

Sensory quality of pork : Influences of rearing system, feed, genotype, and sex

Jonsäll, Anette January 2000 (has links)
<p>Hampshire crosses of different genotype and sex were used to investigate the effects of rearing system, feed and handling on sensory quality, consumer preference and cooking loss. A selected and trained panel carried out descriptive tests. Two preference tests were carrieout by, in each case, 200 consumers.</p><p> The genotype had a major effect on sensory quality in all four studies irrespective of rearing system, feed and sex. In three of the four studies pork from RN¯ carriers scored higher for juicines, tenderness, acidulous taste and meat taste intensity. </p><p> Sex showed contradictory effects on sensory quality, while rearing system and feed had minor effects on sensory properties of pork. </p><p> Hams (<i>M. biceps femoris</i>) from pigs reared outdoors scored lower for juiciness and acidulous taste than hams from pigs reared indoors. Loins from pigs organically reared (KRAV) scored lower for juiciness and higher for crumbliness than ones from pigs conventionallreared.</p><p> Loins (<i>M. longissimus dorsi</i>) aged four days from conventionally fed pigs were juicier than ones from silage-fed pigs. When loins were aged eight days there was no difference in juicines while acidulous taste became weaker and tenderness and meat taste intensity increased.</p><p> In the case of loins stored frozen one year, those from silage-fed pigs scored higher for acidulous taste and off-flavour than those from conventionally fed pigs.</p><p>Cooking, thawing and total loss data showed minor and contradictory differences between genotypes, sexes, rearing systems and feeding regimes. </p><p> Organically and conventionally produced loins were equally liked and loins from RN¯ carrier pigs were preferred to loins from non-carriers.</p>

Sensory quality of pork : Influences of rearing system, feed, genotype, and sex

Jonsäll, Anette January 2000 (has links)
Hampshire crosses of different genotype and sex were used to investigate the effects of rearing system, feed and handling on sensory quality, consumer preference and cooking loss. A selected and trained panel carried out descriptive tests. Two preference tests were carrieout by, in each case, 200 consumers. The genotype had a major effect on sensory quality in all four studies irrespective of rearing system, feed and sex. In three of the four studies pork from RN¯ carriers scored higher for juicines, tenderness, acidulous taste and meat taste intensity. Sex showed contradictory effects on sensory quality, while rearing system and feed had minor effects on sensory properties of pork. Hams (M. biceps femoris) from pigs reared outdoors scored lower for juiciness and acidulous taste than hams from pigs reared indoors. Loins from pigs organically reared (KRAV) scored lower for juiciness and higher for crumbliness than ones from pigs conventionallreared. Loins (M. longissimus dorsi) aged four days from conventionally fed pigs were juicier than ones from silage-fed pigs. When loins were aged eight days there was no difference in juicines while acidulous taste became weaker and tenderness and meat taste intensity increased. In the case of loins stored frozen one year, those from silage-fed pigs scored higher for acidulous taste and off-flavour than those from conventionally fed pigs. Cooking, thawing and total loss data showed minor and contradictory differences between genotypes, sexes, rearing systems and feeding regimes. Organically and conventionally produced loins were equally liked and loins from RN¯ carrier pigs were preferred to loins from non-carriers.

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work.

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