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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taktinės kriminalistinės ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonės ir jų panaudojimo problematika / Tactical criminalistical techniques in prejudicial inquiry and problems of their using

Švedaitė, Marija 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama suformuluoti taktinių kriminalistinių ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonių sampratą, panaudojant anketavimo, teorinės ir praktinės medžiagos analizės metodus, siekta nustatyti plačiausiai naudojamas taktines kriminalistines ikiteisminio tyrimo priemones bei jų praktinio panaudojimo problemas. Buvo suformuluotas toks taktinių kriminalistinių ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonių apibrėžimas- taktinės kriminalistinės ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonės- tai tokios funkcinės paskirties priemonės, kurios atitinka teisėtumo, etiškumo, saugumo reikalavimus, naudojamos atitinkamoje tyrimo situacijoje tam, kad kuo efektyviau pasiekti ikiteisminio tyrimo tikslus. Atlikus tyrimą, buvo nustatyta kad dažniausiai naudojamos taktinės kriminalistinės ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonės yra: taktinis būdas, taktinė rekomendacija, kriminalistinės versijos, tyrimo organizavimas ir planavimas, taktinės kriminalistinės kombinacijos ir operacijos. Darbe buvo pateikti šių priemonių apibrėžimai, specifiką, nustatyti juos vienijantys elementai. Visos išnagrinėtos šiame darbe taktinės kriminalistinės ikiteisminio tyrimo priemonės yra glaudžiai susijusios, jų tikslus galima pasiekti taikant jas kompleksiškai, kas padės išvengti tyrimo klaidų. / The purpose of the given work was to try to formulate concept of Tactical Criminalistical Techniques in Prejudicial Inquiryand as, using methods of questioning, the analysis of a theoretical and practical material, to establish the most widespread Tactical Criminalistical Techniques in Prejudicial Inquiry and the problems connected with their practical application. Such definition of Tactical Criminalistical Techniques in Prejudicial Inquiry–has been formulated - Tactical Criminalistical Techniques in Prejudicial Inquiry are such means of a functional purpose which correspond to requirements of legality, ethics, the safety used in the corresponding situation of investigation for the most effective achievement of the purposes of pre-judicial investigation. Having executed research, it has been established that most often used Tactical Criminalistical Techniques it: Tactical reception, the tactical recommendation, Criminalistical versions, the organisation and investigation planning, Tactical Criminalistical combinations and operations. In work definitions of the given means have been given, their specificity, their uniting elements are established.

Trestný čin vraždy - trestněprávní, kriminologické a kriminalistické aspekty / THE CRIME OF MURDER - JURISTIC, CRIMINOLOGICAL AND FORENSIC ASPECTS

Zárubová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
1 THE CRIME OF MURDER - JURISTIC, CRIMINOLOGICAL AND FORENSIC ASPECTS ABSTRACT The objective of this diploma thesis is to formulate complex view on the crime of murder from the perspective of three scientific field - juristic, criminological and forensic - and in three parts to create comprehensive set of information about the most serious crime against human life. First part is dedicated to juristic aspects and it contains development of legislation in time, which by its gradual adjustements led to current legislation. Then the current legislation of the crime of murder is described in details and it is also compared with other crimes against human life and with legislation of selected states. In one of the chapters there is definiton of euthanasia, which is illegal in Czech republic, but this thesis offers comparation with legislation in other states, where euthanasia is legal. In the second part the crime of murder is described with criminological aspects. There are many statistics and graphs showing state, structure and dynamics of this crime in the Czech republic in past few years. One chapter is dedicated to a offender, including psychological treatise, statistics based on gender or relaps, and information about motives for committing. Next chapter is dedicated to the victims and it offers graphs and...

Kriminalistické učení o oběti trestného činu / Criminalistics Study of Crime Victims

Valešová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
1 Criminalistics Study of Crime Victims (Criminalistics Victimology) Abstract The submitted diploma thesis on the topic of criminalistics study of crime victims (criminalistics victimology) aims to acquaint its readers with victimology, its basic concepts and the legal development of the position of victims in Czech, European and international law. Furthermore, it aims to provide an insight into the subject of criminalistics victimology. The thesis is divided into introduction, five chapters and conclusion The first two chapters of the thesis focus on the definition of the basic terms of victimology, as understanding these terms is necessary for further content of the thesis. The thesis then provides a brief description of the development of victimology. It also focuses on the topic of victimization of victims - primary, secondary and tertiary. Part of the thesis describes the evolution of victims' rights in the Czech Republic and the European and international law, because the victim has long been an unknown term for legal systems. Vulnerable victims and the specifics of their treatment are mentioned in the second chapter as well. In the chapters which are devoted to criminalistics victimology, the thesis first deals with the victim as the originator of material and memory forensic traces. The chapters...

Kriminalistický význam způsobu spáchání trestného činu / The role of modus operandi in criminalistics

Pivná, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The role of modus operandi in criminalistics Abstract The reflection of a person's personality can be observed in every single one of his actions and criminal activity is no exception. The modus operandi of a crime is currently a very neglected topic within the professional public. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe in detail the concept of modus operandi of a crime and to outline its criminal significance. The secondary goal of the thesis is then to show in practical cases whether the assumption of perseverance of the offender is true. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the history of the perception of this issue by criminologists across the centuries, the very definition of the term modus operandi of a crime, its systematic classification, its definition and its possible understanding in other fields and countries. It also describes the components of the modus operandi of a crime and their possible division, discusses the determinants of modus operandi of a crime, both subjective and objective, and the mechanisms that contribute to the formation of modus operandi a crime. The last chapter, the fourth chapter, of the theoretical part deals with the possible importance of modus operandi of a crime for criminalistics, namely the...

Kriminalistické učení o oběti trestného činu / Criminalistic theory of victims of crime

Komárková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Criminalistic theory of victims of crime Abstract This thesis focuses on learning about victims of crime. The aim is to present the doctrine of victims called victimology with a particular focus on criminalistic victimology. The content is divided into four major chapters. The first chapter is devoted to general victimology and explains the key concepts of this field, emphasizing their criminalistic use. Moreover, the chapter discusses the position and classification of this field of science among other disciplines, provides a brief historical insight into the development of this discipline, and finally presents ways of caring for victims of crime. The second chapter focuses on crime reporting from the perspective of the victim. First, it deals with the internal processes that the victim experiences after primary victimization, then lists the factors that motivate or discourage the victim from reporting crime, including potential fear of secondary victimization. The third chapter deals with the role of the victim in the investigation of criminal offenses, especially in the conduct of investigative acts. The victim interrogation and its specifics from the point of view of criminology, psychology and criminal law, as well as recognition and confrontation are discussed in detail in this chapter. Furthermore,...

Metodika vyšetřování vražd /vybrané problémy/ / Methods of investigation of murders (selected issues)

Hájková, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the investigation methodology of murders. The main emphasis is given to the procedure of the police authority within the investigation of murders. Since this topic is very extensive and the methodology comprises of the great amount of activities, I dedicate this diploma thesis only to the selected areas thereof. The first chapter describes the specification of the crimes against life, in particular legal regulation and related aspects. I focused on the legal regulation in Czech law with respect to a crime of murder, homicide and murder of a new born by its mother. Only marginal attention is given to a crime of negligent manslaughter and a crime of assisting with suicide. The second chapter comprises of the statistics of the committed murders. I analyse the statistics of the numbers of murders committed within the European Union, the Czech Republic and the Ústí region. Another part of the thesis is theoretically orientated. I concentrate on the criminalistics characteristic of a murder and the fundamental aspects thereof - the mode of committing a crime, the personality of a murderer, the personality of a victim and a criminal motive. The following chapter forms the crucial part the diploma thesis in which I analyse typical investigation situations, in particular in...

Rekonstrukce trestného činu / Reconstruction of a crime

Valnohová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Title of the dissertation: Reconstruction of a criminal offence Key words: reconstruction, criminal offence, criminology Abstract This dissertation deals with reconstruction of criminal offence, its definition, the tactics used and the relevant aspects of the criminal law. The first chapter is concerned with the term of 'crime reconstruction'and the use of the crime reconstruction, discussing the historical development of crime reconstruction together with the development of the views and opinions dealing with the crime reconstruction. The second chapter considers specific types of crime reconstruction, that is a reconstruction of criminologically significant crime locations, significant objects and significant signs of a criminal and, finally, the reconstruction of criminologically significant actions and events. The third chapter deals with the legal aspects of the reconstruction of criminal offence, specifically its embedding in the criminal law. The fourth chapter discusses the difference between the reconstruction of criminal offence and the other methods of investigation, such as the initial investigation, verification of statements on the site and the inspection of the scene of crime. The fifth chapter concentrates on the psychological aspects of carrying out the reconstruction of criminal offence....

Metodika vyšetřování vražd /vybrané problémy/ / Methods of investigation of murders (selected issues)

Polívková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
in English The topic of the thesis is the " The Methodology of Investigation of Murders (selected issues)". The topic is too broad for the limited capacity of the dissertation. While writing the thesis, after the necessary theoretical introduction (which contains the definition of crimes against life, medical definition of death, etc.), I focused only on the initial stage of the investigation of the crime of murder. I specifically focused on the discovery of the body, on securing the crime scene, on autopsy and on the demarcation of investigative versions. Next stage of the investigation is only briefly summarized in the ninth chapter. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter explains basic terms, especially murder, murder of a newborn baby by its mother and other crimes against life, such as manslaughter, negligent homicide and assistance to suicide. This chapter also includes medical definition of death, and a brief description of the post-mortem changes. The second chapter consists of brief statistics on the number of murders in the Czech Republic between the periods 2000 to 2012. It contains two graphs; the first graph shows the evolution of the total number of murders each year and their solving. The second graph divides murders according to the specific motives. The third...

Eismo įvykių tyrimo praktika ir tobulinimo perspektyvos (remiantis Utenos apskrities medžiaga) / Traffic accident investigation practice and improvement perspectives (on the basis of the material of Utena county)

Karpickaitė, Inga 17 February 2009 (has links)
Lietuva pagal eismo įvykių skaičių yra pirmaujanti Europos sąjungos valstybė ir nors Lietuvoje eismo įvykių skaičius mažėja, vėl pastebimas įprastinių rodiklių „grįžimas“. Lietuva yra vienintelė Europos Sąjungos šalis, kurioje kasmet eismo įvykiuose žūva daugiau kaip 200 žmonių vienam mln. gyventojų. Taigi eismo įvykių tyrimas yra aktuali tema ir teoriniu, ir praktiniu pobūdžiu. Šiame darbe pateikta eismo įvykių baudžiamoji teisinė bei kriminalistinė charakteristika, eismo įvykių kriminalistinė charakteristika ir tyrimo praktika Utenos apskrityje ir eismo įvykių tyrimo ir prevencijos tobulinimo kryptys. Darbe nagrinėjamos teorinės ir praktinės problemos, su kuriomis susiduria pareigūnai tirdami eismo įvykius. Išnagrinėjus visus ikiteisminius tyrimus, pradėtus dėl eismo įvykių ir išanalizavus 100 apklausos anketų, kurias užpildė Utenos apskrities policijos komisariatų pareigūnai ir Utenos apskrities prokuratūrų prokurorai, darbe pateikiama eismo įvykių, įvykusių Utenos apskrityje, kriminalistinė charakteristika, nurodomi neigiami veiksniai, įtakojantys eismo įvykių tyrimą Utenos apskrityje. Baigiamojo darbo pagrindinė išvada - eismo įvykių tyrimo praktika Utenos apskrityje nėra vienoda ir neigiamai įtakoja eismo įvykių tyrimą. Eismo įvykių tyrimo praktiką Utenos apskrityje reikia vienodinti, o eismo įvykių tyrimą pavesti viešosios policijos padaliniams. / By the number of traffic accidents Lithuania takes the leading position among the European Union countries. Although the number of traffic accidents in Lithuania is declining, usual rates are observed to return. Lithuania is the only EU country where over 200 persons per one million of the population get killed in traffic accidents every year. Therefore investigation of traffic accidents is a relevant topic both in the theoretical and practical aspect. The thesis describes traffic accidents in terms of criminal law and criminology, discusses criminological characteristics of traffic accidents and investigation practice in Utena County and indicates the directions for improvement of investigation and prevention of traffic accidents.

Kriminalistický experiment / Criminalistic Experiment

Svoboda, Edvin January 2018 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is the Criminalistic Experiment. The first chapter deals with more general issues. It states what is meant by the experiment in the normal sense and then explains the difference between experiment and the criminalistic experiment. The next chapter discusses the essence of the criminalistic experiment. The second chapter describes the legal treatment of the investigative trial, especially in Act No. 141/1961 Coll., Criminal Procedure Code. The issue of people participating in the investigative trial is also easily mentioned. The third chapter focuses on the historical aspects of the investigative trial, the comparison of several criminologists and their view on the subject of a criminalistic experiment. Next, the fourth chapter describes the investigative trial in comparison with similar forensic operations, and reconstruction, clearance testimony on the spot, recognition, and inspection of forensic expertise. The fifth chapter focuses on the essence, purpose, and objectives of the investigative attempt of the forensic science. The sixth chapter divides the investigative trial into several types, in terms of when they occur or according to the facts. The seventh chapter discusses in greater detail the questions pertaining to participants in the investigative trial....

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