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Memorie traumatiche, fotografie e intermedialità nella narrativa contemporanea di lingua inglese / Traumatic Memories, Photography and Intermediality in Anglophone Contemporary NarrativeTolfo, Giorgia <1984> 29 May 2013 (has links)
La fotografia viene utilizzata intermedialmente per la narrazione di contromemorie e memorie traumatiche ricorrendo a numerose modalità e strategie di inserzione e impiego diverse. Se l’intermedialità da un lato non è riconducibile ad una serie di pratiche convenzionali, ma dipende dal contesto narrativo, dall’altro essa detiene un’organicità che la allinea funzionalmente ai processi e alle indagini sulla rappresentabilità del trauma. Inoltre, per la versatilità della sua natura poliedrica, la pratica narrativa intermediale (nelle sue configurazioni più diverse) assume una valenza epistemologica e metodologica nei confronti degli studi sull’esternazione e rielaborazione del trauma. Questo studio si prefigge di mettere a confronto testi teorici e testi narrativi per metterne in rilievo il reciproco apporto. / Photography is used intermedially, recurring to different insertion modalities and strategies, to narrate countermemories and traumatic memories. Although intermediality is not ascribable to a series of convential practices, depending each of them on the narrative context, however it detains an organicity that guarantees the possibility to align it functionally to the processes and studies on the representability of trauma.
Morever, because of the versatility of its poliedric nature, the narrative use of intermedial photographies (in their different declensions) retains an epistemological and methodological value for the studies on the externalization and processing of trauma. The aim of this study is to confront theoretical and narrative texts to analyze how they influence each other.
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Da Laodice I a Laodice III: l'orizzonte politico delle regine seleucidi / From Laodice I to Laodice III: The Political Horizon of Seleucid QueensD’Agostini, Monica <1984> 16 September 2013 (has links)
Questo studio indaga la tradizione storiografica sulle regine seleucidi di III secolo a.C. - da Laodice I fino all’ascesa al trono di Laodice III - alla luce delle testimonianze documentarie. L’intento è stabilire l’orizzonte politico dell’azione delle regine nel momento meno conosciuto e più buio della storia del regno di Siria. Il III secolo seleucidico è infatti un periodo caratterizzato da incertezza nella ricostruzione evenemenziale e nell’analisi delle dinamiche sociopolitiche, soprattutto a causa dell’interesse relativo e limitato delle fonti storiografiche antiche a noi giunte relativamente alle vicende della monarchia seleucidica precedenti l’avvento di Antioco III il Grande. In questo panorama rappresenta un’eccezione il caso di Laodice I, che è al centro di un rilevante numero di testimonianze. Tenendo conto della differente natura delle fonti e della complessità del contesto evenemenziale, non sempre ricostruibile, è stata studiata la figura di Laodice I nell’intento di comprendere il paradigma di regalità femminile stabilito dalle azioni della regina, e quindi l’influenza di tale paradigma sulla generazione seleucide successiva. La ricerca si articola in tre sezioni, legate agli eventi principali del III secolo seleucide che vedono coinvolta la regina. La prima parte è dedicata all’attività di Laodice I dopo il secondo matrimonio di Antioco II con la tolemaica Berenice. La seconda parte riguarda il ruolo di Laodice nei complessi eventi che seguirono la morte del marito Antioco II nel 246 e nella Terza Guerra Siriaca, che vide la regina a fianco del figlio Seleuco II contrapporsi a Tolemeo III e Berenice Sira. La terza sezione si occupa dell’azione di Laodice I nella Guerra Fraterna al fianco di Antioco Ierace contro Seleuco II e Laodice II. Nella conclusione si riflette sull’influenza delle azioni politiche di Laodice I sulla scelta di Antioco III di sposare la cugina Laodice III, prima principessa del Ponto entrata nella dinastia regnante. / This research investigates the historiographical tradition on Seleucid queens of III century BCE - from Laodice III to the rise to the throne of Laodice III- according to the documentary evidences. The aim is to define the political horizon of the queen’s action in the darkest period of the kingdom of Syria. The III century of Seleucid history is actually characterized by uncertainty in the event reconstruction and in the analysis of the socio-political features. This is mainly due to the poor interest of the ancient historiographical sources into the history of the Seleucid kingdom prior to Antiochus III the Great. A clear exception to this situation is represented by the case of Laodice I, who is the focus of a relevant number of ancient testimonies. Therefore, according to the different nature of the ancient sources and to the complexity of the historical context, Laodice I has been studied in order to define the paradigm of queenship she built through her actions, and to understand how this paradigm affected the next Seleucid generation.
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Can EPs use the principles of consultation to build effective partnerships with parents?Conroy, Ruth January 2012 (has links)
This paper explores whether the principles of consultation can be applied to broad EP practice, with the aim of building effective partnerships with parents. Parents are an important group of service users for EPs to engage with, as, even though their right to involvement in decision-making regarding their child’s education is well documented, this group has been described as remaining on the periphery of decision making. By exploring the various models and definitions of consultation, five key principles of consultation are proposed and evaluated by parents using a rating scale, supplemented with short open-ended questions. The implications for consultation specifically, and EP practice generally, are discussed, particularly in relation to strengthening partnerships between EPs and parents.
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'Have you brought your singing voice?' : an investigation into whether a small group singing intervention can improve phonological discrimination in young childrenHunt, Audrey January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a small group singing intervention can improve phonological discrimination, in young children. This is an important question because of the impact phonological awareness, and the precursors to it, have on later literacy. Early activities which enable children to use their voice are particularly pertinent, in light of increasing concerns over young children’s expressive language when starting school. The study was carried out in a primary school nursery class. A mixed methods design was used. Firstly, a quasi experimental method, where 18 participants, aged three to four, received singing intervention, for six sessions, in four small groups and 20 participants were randomly allocated to a control group. The participants were assessed in phonological discrimination, before and after the intervention. Secondly, a qualitative research method, where a semi-structured interview gained the views of the class teacher, in relation to any potential benefits of the intervention and the feasibility of small group singing in future practice. Thirdly, a mosaic approach was used to gather the children’s views of the intervention, underpinned by the important assumption that children are active co-constructors in the research process. Statistical analysis, using ANOVA and post hoc tests, revealed a significant gain in phonological discrimination for children in the intervention group, compared to the control group, where there was no gain. Thematic analysis revealed broader benefits of the intervention, in terms of improved communication, motivation, confidence and opportunities “to shine”. There appeared to be a value to a small singing group, that could add to existing classroom experience, and that was feasible in practice. Themes that were drawn from the mosaic approach highlighted the importance of paying attention to social learning, enjoyment and building on previous experiences when delivering the intervention. The research concluded, therefore, that both the content of the intervention, as well as the nature of the intervention, are important factors to inform practice. The discussion proposed that the wider literature provides a plausible explanation for these gains in phonological discrimination, in terms of an early common development of music and language and shared learning mechanisms, resulting in a ‘near transfer’ of similar skills. The findings are consistent with a number of studies which have found that music instruction resulted in significant gains in phonological awareness with older children, aged four to six years. Significant gains in phonological discrimination, in this study, can perhaps be best understood by considering the development of phonological awareness within a larger phonological processing system, which includes broader language development. This highlights the important relationships between sub-skills such as large scale phonological awareness (rime and syllable), articulation, and receptive language, and acquiring later reading skills. Singing, in particular, gave the children opportunities to use their voice and enjoy rhythm and rhyme and it therefore seems likely that the singing intervention was tapping into these important sub-skills. Alternative possible explanations for the gains were also discussed. Limitations of the study were described, suggestions for improvements made and recommendations for future research outlined. The study provides a fruitful start to an emerging dialogue in relation to small group singing in the early years classroom. Implications for practice include early intervention in terms of language and literacy development and potential partnerships between music specialists and early years settings to support training, resources and staff confidence.
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Confessione e reticenza nell'opera autobiografica di Andre Gide e Julien Green / Confession and Reticence. The Writing of the Self in André Gide and Julien Green's Autobiographies / Confession et réticence dans l’œuvre autobiographique d’André Gide et Julien GreenGuerini, Enrico <1985> January 1900 (has links)
Le autobiografie di André Gide e di Julien Green nascono entrambe dalla tensione tra due istanze conflittuali: la necessità di offrire al lettore una piena confessione e le forti resistenze incontrate durante la stesura. Il pudore spinge infatti i due autori a cercare una forma di compromesso che consenta l’espressione letteraria di alcuni temi tabù. Nelle loro opere autobiografiche devono trattare un tema fondamentale, continuamente alluso, ma mai affrontato in maniera diretta: si tratta della questione ‘scabrosa’ della sessualità e, in particolare, dell’omosessualità.
Lo scopo del mio lavoro è stato quello di comprendere la specificità della scrittura autobiografica di Gide e Green, con particolare attenzione alla strutturazione del discorso e all’impiego di una peculiare retorica della confessione. Anzitutto, ho studiato la genesi di queste opere per dimostrare come le difficoltà incontrate dagli autori li abbia condotti a creare dei testi complessi, enigmatici e talvolta contraddittori. In seguito, mi sono concentrato sull’analisi delle strategie discorsive da loro impiegate per affrontare alcune questioni ‘delicate’, quali la masturbazione, il desiderio erotico e gli incontri con alcuni partner del proprio sesso.
Gide e Green impiegano entrambi un’ampia gamma di strategie discorsive che permette loro di trattare la questione sessuale; le ho analizzate nel dettaglio dal punto di vista delle scelte lessicali e delle figure retoriche, vagliando anche alcune immagini che è possibile ritrovare in entrambi i testi (per esempio l’ambigua presenza del demonio e la mitologia classica). Inoltre ho individuato alcune strutture narrative ricorrenti – anacronie, annunci e rinvii –, che concorrono anch’esse alla creazione di un discorso assolutamente originale. La confessione è continuamente differita e al contempo rilanciata: le autobiografie presentano una fitta rete di allusioni che produce un paradossale effetto di onnipresenza; sebbene in maniera obliqua, la questione sessuale attraversa in maniera pervasiva tutte e due le opere. / While writing their autobiographies, André Gide and Julien Green both faced a taboo: how to deal with sexuality and especially homosexuality. Both their works constantly hint at these topics. Nonetheless, the authors do not talk about them overtly. They ingeniously make use of a series of rhetorical strategies which allow them to bring these themes to light. As paradoxical as it might seem, sex is constantly disguised and, at the same time, put to the fore. Thus, the reader is asked to be very receptive. Both texts are disseminated with clues and cross-references which require his cooperation in tracing this “hidden path”. The authors resort to some peculiar lexical choices, figures of speech and recurring imagery (such as the ambiguous presence of the devil and classical mythology), as well as to the manipulation of the narrative structure through anachronies and delays, which aim at deferring the “ultimate” confession: their sexual orientation.
In my dissertation, I investigated the reason why both authors decided to write their autobiographies and the challenges they had to face in order to speak without reserve about their innermost life and especially about their sexuality. As far as the texts are concerned, I focused on the analysis of rhetorical and narrative strategies which allowed the authors to deal both with censorship and self-censorship. As a result, the autobiographical discourse turns out to be a battleground in which the desire to speak out meets the “decency” of being reticent.
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La science en dialogue dans l'Europe de la renaissance. Une enquete autour des dialogues scientifiques du XVIe siecle en langue vernaculaire / Science in dialogue in the Europe of the Renaissance. A survey about vernacular scientific dialogues of the sixteenth centuryFelice, Maura <1987> January 1900 (has links)
Est-ce qu’il existe une lignée de la science en dialogue? Est-ce que les dialogues célèbres en italien de Giordano Bruno et de Galileo Galilei s’insèrent dans un continuum qui part de Platon ? Dans l’Europe occidentale, quels sont les dialogues écrits et publiés au XVIe siècle, très moins connus de nos jours, et quel rôle ont-ils joué à l’aube de la science moderne ?
L’énorme production de dialogues philosophico-scientifiques du XVIe siècle démontre la valeur significative de ces ouvrages dans l’histoire de la science moderne ainsi que l’importante contribution à l’affirmation de la pensée humaniste.
Nous avons voulu montrer les conditions historico-épistémologiques qui favorisent la production des dialogues, leur héritage rhétorique, le débat théorique en cours, les caractéristiques de la science en dialogue. Nous nous sommes penchées plus attentivement sur les premiers dialogues européens du siècle, afin de découvrir le ferment intellectuel qui annonce l'avènement de la science moderne, plus communément associée seulement aux noms des scientifiques du XVIIe siècle.
Après la mise au point sur la période 1500-1543, nous avons voulu ouvrir des pistes pour voir l’évolution diachronique du motif scientifique à l’intérieur du genre dialogique. D’un côté, le dialogue prend un chemin sérieux, il compare et divulgue les nouvelles positions, les doutes et les opinions sur les sciences ; de l’autre, il présente des motifs brodés, qui questionnent les savoirs et tournent en ridicule leurs (faux) détenteurs. / The enormous production of scientific-philosophical dialogues of the sixteenth century demonstrates the significant value of these works in the history of modern science and the important contribution to the affirmation of humanist thought.
Our aim is to show the historical and epistemological conditions that promote the production of dialogues, their rhetorical heritage, the theoretical debate and the characteristics of the science in dialogue.
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L'(in)utilità del "pit-gazing": morte, memoria e narrazione nell'opera di Julian Barnes / The (dis)advantages of pit-gazing: death, memory and narrative in Julian Barnes's worksChiesa, Valentina <1979> 02 September 2016 (has links)
Questa tesi si prefigge di evidenziare, nell’ambito dei diversi quadri teorici e critici di riferimento, i nessi tematici che legano a doppio filo morte, memoria e narrazione nell’opera di Julian Barnes, nonché di verificare come tale opera sia attraversata dall’ossessione dell’autore per il pensiero della fine nelle sue molteplici forme, a partire dal disimpegnato Metroland sino ad arrivare al più recente The Noise of Time, il cui protagonista Šostakovič addirittura teorizza su come affrontare la paura della morte. Davanti alla “finestra che dà sul niente”, Barnes adotta un atteggiamento di risoluto distacco, anche quando si trova a parlare della scomparsa dell’amatissima moglie o quando affronta il pensiero della sua stessa dipartita. A ben vedere, però, questa imperturbabile razionalità – vera cifra dell’opera barnesiana – ne rappresenta anche il più grande limite: nell’affrontare le tematiche a lui care (la paura dell’annichilimento, la riflessione sul passato, il ruolo dell’arte per affrontare la vita e la morte, la fallibilità della memoria, la ricerca della verità, il restringimento dell’orizzonte delle possibilità che caratterizza la vecchiaia), lo scrittore tende privilegiare un freddo raziocinio e raramente supera il mero approccio filosofico-razionale prendendo contatto con la sfera delle emozioni. Lo stesso si può dire dei suoi personaggi. Il pit-gazing, la fissità dello sguardo vacuo, a capofitto nel buio del nulla di fronte al quale, pur riconoscendo la propria sconfitta, Barnes si ostina a insistere nella riflessione, tende a rivelarsi una scomoda zavorra per la sua poetica non meno che – possiamo azzardarci a supporre – per la sua stessa vita interiore. / This thesis purports to analyse, within the relevant theories and critical frameworks, the themes of death, memory and narration in Julian Barnes’s fiction and non-fiction. The author’s obsession with ‘the sense of the end’ in its various forms, evident since the times of Metroland (1980), informs also his latest novel, The Noise of Time (2016), whose protagonist, the Russian composer Šostakovič, theorises upon how to cope with the terror of death. Throughout his career, Barnes’s attitude towards the thought of annihilation is one of aloofness, even when he muses over his own death (as in Nothing to be Frightened of) or his beloved wife’s (as in Levels of Life).
This cerebral attitude, though, seems to represent a limit: when dealing with the issues that most concern him (i.e. fear of death, the retrieval of the past, the role of art when coping with life and death, the fallibility of memory, the search for truth, the limitations of old age), Barnes resorts to rationality and philosophical reasoning, and seldom chooses to explore feelings and emotions. The same happens with his characters, from Geoffrey Braithwaite in Flaubert’s Parrot (behind whose search for the “real” Flaubertian parrot lies an attempt to understand his wife’s suicide) to Tony Webster in The Sense of an Ending (who tries to grasp the sense of Adrian’s death and ends up re-defining his own life) and Jean Serjeant in Staring at the Sun (who looks at the prospect of death with serenity). Barnes’s engagement in pit-gazing leads him to realise there is no sense in an ending and proves to be dead weight for his writing as well as – we might imagine – for his inner life.
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The Literary Criticism of H. L. MenckenSellers, Stephen W. 12 1900 (has links)
The thesis of this paper is that Mencken was a better critic than he is credited with being, that he was unusually discerning in his judgment of the fiction of his time, and that his criteria are clearly stated in various of his writings. It is conceded, however, that his taste in poetry was limited and that his contribution to dramatic criticism was not? greatly significant.
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Pressed to change : systematically reconsidering journalistic boundaries in the newsroom, boardroom and classroomNel, F. P. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to present and reflect on a collection of research that has informed and shaped pedagogical and andrological praxis across the two decades since pioneers launched the first online news sites onto the World Wide Web, thereby setting off what is frequently described as a revolution in journalism. It makes a case for revisiting core principles of systems thinking to develop a holistic approach to reflecting on changing journalistic realities. A critical systems heuristic is then operationalised to consider how the diverse work in this portfolio reconsiders journalistic parameters in newsroom, boardroom and classroom situations that are both distinct and interrelated. In doing so it illustrates how a commitment to social and cultural fluidity can enable researchers to constructively engage with role players inside and outside of academic interpretative communities. Furthermore, in its suggestions for further research this study adds its voice to other calls for journalism scholars to extend the boundaries of their concern beyond the academy and to generate insights that empower individuals and impact on industry - to the ultimate benefit of society.
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Estrutura e função das cisteína proteinases intestinais do besouro Tenebrio molitor / Structure and function of intestinais cysteine proteinases of Tenebrio molitor beetleBeton, Daniela 17 December 2009 (has links)
A catepsina L é uma cisteína proteinase da família da papaína (clã CA, família C1), sendo esta família a mais conhecida entre as cisteína proteinase. A catepsina L, como outras proteinases da família C1, é sintetizada como uma pró-enzima inativa que é ativada através da remoção do pró-peptídeo. Os pró-peptídeos das catepsinas da subfamília catepsina L apresentam um motivo consenso, denominado motivo ERFNIN. A catepsina L corresponde a principal proteinase digestiva em Tenebrio molitor. No nosso laboratório 3 pró-catepsinas L (pCALs) foram clonadas e seqüenciadas a partir de uma biblioteca de cDNA de intestino médio de larvas de T. molitor: pCAL1 (CAL lisossomal), pCAL2 e pCAL3 (enzimas digestivas). Estas proteinases apresentam o motivo ERFNIN e os resíduos envolvidos na catálise: Cys25, His169, e Asn175 com Gln19 (numeração da papaína). Neste trabalho descrevemos a clonagem em vetores de expressão e a expressão em bactérias das sequências codificadoras de pCAL1, pCAL2 e pCAL3. As pró-catepsinas L recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade e a incubação em pH ácido resultou na formação das enzimas maduras CAL1, CAL2 e CAL3 com atividade sobre o substrato Z-FR-MCA. O anticorpo policlonal anti-pCAL2 foi produzido em coelho e reconheceu pCAL2 e CAL2 em immunoblots. Experimentos de immunoblots com diferentes tecidos de T. molitor mostraram que o anticorpo policlonal anti-pCAL3 reconheceu pCAL3 e CAL3 nos dois terços anteriores do intestino médio de larvas de T. molitor. Estudos de imunocitolocalização indicam que a catepsina L 3 ocorre em vesículas no intestino médio anterior e em microvilosidades no intestino médio posterior. Para os experimentos de cristalização, nós expressamos pCAL1, pCAL2 e pCAL3 como mutantes Cys25→Ser inativos. pCAL3Cys26Ser foi cristalizada por difusão de vapor (gota sentada) contra 0,1-1,6M de dihidrogênio fosfato de amônio. Os cristais são monoclínicos com grupo espacial C2 e parâmetros de célula: a=57,634 Å, b=89,322 Å, c=70,076 Å, α=γ=90°, β=92,502° e uma molécula na unidade assimétrica. A e strutura foi determinada por substituição molecular usando a estrutura de Fasciola hepatica (42% de identidade) como modelo. O modelo foi refinado a 2,1 Å com fator R final de 16,19% (Rfree=20,5%). pCAL2Cys25Ser foi cristalizada por difusão de vapor (gota sentada) contra acetato de sódio 0,2M, cacodilato de sódio 0,1M pH6,6-6,7 e 20% de PEG 8000. Os cristais são triclínicos com grupo espacial P1 e parâmetros de célula: a=51,669 Å, b=52,37 Å, c=59,716 Å, α= 91,278°, γ=109,586°, β=91,547° e duas moléculas na unidade assimétrica. A estrutura foi determinada por substituição molecular usando a estrutura da pCAL3 (44% de identidade) como modelo. O modelo foi refinado a 2,0 Å com fator R final de 17,61% (Rfree=22,48%). A estrutura terciária da pró-catepsinas L digestivas é muito similar as estruturas de cisteína proteinases da família da papaína / Cathepsin L is a cysteine proteinase of the papain family (clan CA, family C1), which is the most known among the cysteine proteinases. Cathepsin L, like other proteinases of family C1, is synthesized as an inactive proenzyme that is activated by propeptide removal. The propeptide of cathepsin L-like subfamily contain a highly conserved motif, the so called ERFNIN motif. Cathepsin L corresponds to the major digestive proteinase in Tenebrio molitor. In our laboratory, 3 procathepsins L (pCALs) were cloned and sequenced from a cDNA library prepared from T. molitor larval midguts: pCAL1 (lysosomal CAL), pCAL2 and pCAL3 (digestive enzymes). These proteinases have ERFNIN motif and 3 residues directly involved in catalysis: Cys25, His169, Asn175 with Gln19 (papain numbering). In this work we report the cloning into the expression vector and bacterial expression of the sequences coding pCAL1, pCAL2 and pCAL3. The recombinant procathepsins L were purified by affinity chromatography and activation of these enzymes occurs under acidic conditions. The cathepsins L (CAL1, CAL2 and CAL3) were able to hydrolyse Z-FR-MCA. The polyclonal antibody anti-pCAL2 was produced in rabbit and recognized pCAL2 and CAL2 on immunoblots. Immunoblot analyses of different T. molitor larval tissues demonstrated that the polyclonal antibody anti-pCAL3 recognised pCAL3 and CAL3 in the anterior two-thirds of midgut tissue of T. molitor larvae. Immunolocalization studies indicate that cathepsin L 3 occurs in vesicles in the anterior midgut and microvilli in posterior midgut. To crystallographic studies we expressed pCAL1, pCAL2 and pCAL3 as inactive Cys25→Ser mutants. pCAL3Cys26Ser was crystallized by vapor diffusion in sitting drops against 0.1-1.6 M mono-ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. The crystals are monoclinic, belonging to space group C2, with cell parameters: a = 57.634 Å, b = 89.322 Å, c = 70.076 Å, α = γ =90°, β = 92.502° and contain one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined by molecular replacement using the structure of Fasciola hepatica procathepsin L (42.5% identity) as a model. The model was refined at 2.1 Å resolution with an R factor of 16.19% (Rfree = 20.5%). pCAL2Cys25Ser was crystallized by vapor diffusion in sitting drops against 0.2M sodium acetate, 0.1M sodium cacodylate pH 6.6-6.7 and 20% polyethylene glycol 8,000. The crystals are triclinic, belonging to space group P1, with cell parameters: a = 51.669 Å, b = 52.37 Å, c = 59.716 Å, α = 91.278° γ = 109.586°, β = 91.547° and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined by molecular replacement using the structure of procathepsin L 3 (44 % identity) as a model. The model was refined at 2.0 Å resolution with an R factor of 17.61% (Rfree = 22.48%). The tertiary structure ofdigestive procathepsins L is very similar to papain-like cysteine proteinases structures
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