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Повышение эффективности деятельности металлургического предприятия на основе цифровизации логистических процессов в системе материально-технического снабжения : магистерская диссертация / Increasing the efficiency of a metallurgical enterprise based on digitalization of logistics processes in the material and technical supply systemЮдкин, А. Ю., Iudkin, A. I. January 2024 (has links)
Целю работы является повышение эффективности деятельности металлургического предприятия на основе цифровизации логистических процессов в системе материально-технического снабжения. Разработаны методические рекомендации по совершенствованию системы материально-технического снабжения металлургического предприятия на основе цифровизации логистических процессов, включающие формирование модели интегрированной системы закупок для предприятия, основанной на синтезе технологий и их слиянии в единую цифровую систему с качественно новыми функциональными возможностями. / The main goal of the work is to increase the efficiency of a metallurgical enterprise based on the digitalization of logistics processes in the material and technical supply system. Methodological recommendations have been developed for improving the material and technical supply system of a metallurgical enterprise based on the digitalization of logistics processes, including the formation of a model of an integrated procurement system for the enterprise, based on the synthesis of technologies and their merging into a single digital system with qualitatively new functionality.
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Rediseño de la gestión de inventarios en la empresa Estación de Servicio Túcume E.I.R.L. para disminuir las ventas no percibidasRoca Romero, Julio Ernesto January 2024 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación se enfocó en rediseñar la gestión de inventarios en una Estación de Servicios. El análisis reveló que la empresa pierde un monto de 74 336,88 soles, los cuales son originados rincipalmente por la falta de capacitación al personal de la empresa, dispensadores en mal estado, falta de instrumentos de medición precisos para medir inventarios y la falta de un sistema de gestión de inventarios. Para abordar estos desafíos, se propuso la implementación de un modelo de gestión de inventarios basado en el cálculo de inventarios de seguridad, puntos de reorden, junto con mejoras en los procesos logísticos, capacitación del personal y la adquisición de un sistema de medición por telemetría. La evaluación económica respaldó la viabilidad de estas mejoras, al mostrar un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) a 5 años de 64 278,89 soles, una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 111,3%, un Beneficio Costo de 1,65 soles y un período de recuperación de 255 días. En resumen, esta investigación identificó desafíos, ofreció soluciones efectivas y generó resultados positivos en la gestión de inventarios que tuvieron un impacto directo en la disminución de las ventas no percibidas. / The research work focused on redesigning inventory management in a Service Station. The analysis revealed that the company loses an amount of 74 336,88 soles, which are mainly caused by the lack of training for the company's personnel, dispensers in poor condition, lack of precise measuring instruments to measure inventories and the lack of an inventory management system. To address these challenges, the implementation of an inventory management model based on the calculation of safety inventories, reorder points, along with improvements in logistics processes, staff training and the acquisition of a telemetry measurement system was proposed. The economic evaluation supported the viability of these improvements, showing a 5-year Net Present Value (NPV) of 64 278,89 soles, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 111,3%, a Cost Benefit of 1,65 soles and a recovery period of 255 days. In summary, this research identified challenges, offered effective solutions, and generated positive inventory management results that had a direct impact on decreasing lost sales.
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Vildsvinskedjan : - En utvärderingsstudie av handeln av vildsvinskött i södra Sverige / The wild boar chain : - An evaluation study of the market of wild boar meat in southern SwedenBörjesson, Max, Fagerlund Larsson, Victoria, Lindh, Anton January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Vildsvinskedjan – En utvärderingsstudie av handeln av vildsvinskött i södra Sverige Kurs: Kandidatuppsats Civilekonomprogrammet, Controller 15 hp (2FE24E) Lärosäte: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitet Växjö Författare: Victoria Fagerlund Larsson, Anton Lindh och Max Börjesson Handledare: Elin Funck Examinator: Pia Nylinder Nyckelord: Logistikprocesser, processer, trånga sektioner, flaskhalsar, effektivitet, kvalitet, produktivitet, kartläggning, utvärdering och Supply Chain Management. Bakgrund: Det finns problem med handeln av vildsvinskött, där det idag inte är mer än 15% av köttet som når den legala marknaden. Detta beror på de hinder och flaskhalsar som existerar i kedjan som i dagsläget hindrar en effektiv kedja. Den resterande delen av köttet förbrukas antingen av jägarna själva eller för populationskontroll och skadedjursskjutning då vildsvin kan orsaka stora skador på bönders verksamhet. Detta leder till att det sker ett stort svinn av helt ätbart kött som hade kunnat säljas på en marknad. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga logistikkedjan för vildsvinskött i södra Sverige. Genom kartläggningen identifieras svårigheter som finns inom logistikkedjan idag. Utifrån relevant teori ges förslag på potentiella förbättringar. Genom att överkomma svårigheterna möjliggörs en mer effektiv logistikkedja, med mer vildsvinskött på marknaden och ökad lönsamhet för de olika aktörerna som verkar inom kedjan. Metod: I uppsatsen har en processutvärdering använts för att kunna få en överblick över processerna och vad som behöver förändras. Den empiriska materialinsamlingen gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: I uppsatsen har handeln av vildsvinskött kartlagts. Hinder har identifierats och förslag presenterats. En av de tydligaste slutsatserna har visat sig vara stora fluktuationerna i både utbud och efterfrågan vilket innebär att det är svårt att göra prognoser, vilket vi ändå föreslår att man gör. Digitaliseras prognoserna skulle informationsutbytet bli betydligt bättre då butiker och anläggningar skulle kunna dela prognoser om utbud och efterfrågan med varandra. Det hade lett till ett bättre in- och utflöde på marknaden vilket slutligen resulterat i en bättre fungerande handel av vildsvinskött. / Abstract Title: The wild boar chain- An evaluation study of the market of wild boar meat in southern Sweden Course: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, Controller 15 hp (2FE24E) Institution: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University in Växjö Authors: Victoria Fagerlund Larsson, Anton Lindh and Max Börjesson Tutor: Elin Funck Examiner: Pia Nylinder Keywords: Logistics processes, processes, narrow section, bottleneck, efficiency, improvement, quality, productivity, process mapping and evaluation. Background: No more than 15% of wild boar meat reaches the market because of the issues surrounding the market. It exists of obstacles and bottlenecks in the chain that hinder an effective market. The rest of the 85% of wild boar meat that does not reach the market is consumed by hunters and wasted because of population control and pest control because wild boars cause damage for farmers. This leads to partially wasted meat which could have been sold on the market for profits. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to map the process of the logistic chain for wild boar meat in southern Sweden. The difficulties that exist today in the logistic chain will be identified through process mapping. We also give suggestions for potential improvements, supported by relevant theory. Overcoming these difficulties will enable a more efficient logistic chain, with more wild boar meat on the market and increased profitability for the different actors that operate within the chain. Method: This essay uses a process evaluation study to be able to get an overview of the processes and what needs to change. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The market for wild boar meat in Sweden has been identified through process mapping. Problems have been visualized and potential solutions have been presented. This paper has showed large fluctuations in both demand and supply. That means that it is difficult to make forecasts. We suggest forecasts as a tool for predicting the fluctuations. The sharing of information between the different parties will be considerably better if stores and the plants that handle wild boar meat in Sweden digitalize the forecasts. That would increase the inflow and the outflow to the market. This would result in a better logistic chain for wild boar meat.
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Optimalizace logistických procesů ve společnosti zabývající se hotelnictvím / Logistics Processes Optimization in Company Specialized in Hotel IndustryNovotný, Josef January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the application of Lean management in optimizing business processes, namely logistics processes. The author narrows the theoretical view as possible in today's practice to optimize the logistics processes in the real case study of a company. One of the theoretical foundations of modern Japanese approach based on Lean Management is called Toyota Production System. The practical focus of the work lies in analysis of the actual deployment of optimization in company specialized in hotel industry. Finally, thesis evaluates the success of optimization in the organization. The author has proposed some practical pieces of advice and techniques to approach optimization in near future.
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Los procesos logísticos y su relación con las exportaciones de harina de pescado hacia China durante el periodo 2015-2019 / The logistics processes and their relationship with exports of fishmeal to China during the period 2015-2019Soto Trujillo, Sandra Valeria, Mechato Calderón, Maria del Carmen 03 August 2020 (has links)
La harina de pescado es uno de los commodities que lidera las exportaciones del Perú, seguido de países como Dinamarca, Chile, Estados Unidos, Vietnam, entre otros. Dentro los años 2015 al 2019, el incremento de las exportaciones de harina de pescado hacia China ha sido muy relevante, esto se debe a que este producto es una de las fuentes proteicas más importantes a nivel mundial para la alimentación ganadera, por lo que ha tenido una tendencia muy positiva.
El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación entre los procesos logísticos y las exportaciones de la harina de pescado dentro de este periodo. Se optó por realizar una investigación cuantitativa. En ella, se tomó la decisión de usar como herramienta a la encuesta, con este instrumento se procedió a encuestar a 30 colaboradores con la experiencia necesaria en el rubro de las principales empresas exportadoras de harina de pescado. Asimismo, para realizar el análisis de las respuestas brindadas, se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS, con el objetivo de poder evaluar las hipótesis que fueron planteadas.
De esta forma, se pudo determinar que los procesos logísticos si tienen relación con las exportaciones de harina de pescado como la gestión de inventarios, almacenamiento, compras y transporte. / Fishmeal is one of the commodities that leads Peru's exports, followed by countries such as Denmark, Chile, the United States, Vietnam and others. Within the years 2015 to 2019, the increase in fishmeal exports to China has been very relevant, this is due to the fact that this product is one of the most important protein sources worldwide for livestock feed, so it has had a very positive trend.
The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between logistics processes and fishmeal exports within this period, it was decided to carry out a quantitative research, in which the decision was made to use the survey as a tool, with this instrument 30 employees with the necessary experience in the field were surveyed, from the main fishmeal exporters, the leading companies in the market. For this reason, to perform the analysis of the answers provided, the statistical program SPSS was used, in order to be able to evaluate the hypotheses that were raised.
In this way, it was possible to determine that the logistics processes are related to fishmeal exports such as inventory management, storage, purchases and transportation. / Tesis
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A best practice framework in reverse logisticsBadenhorst, Amanda 10 July 2013 (has links)
Reverse logistics is an important process that is often misunderstood. Reverse logistics can cause considerable cost, but provide numerous opportunities. Many organisations do not understand the correct processes and procedures to follow and how to manage reverse logistics efficiently. The focus of this study was on best practices in reverse logistics. A best practice framework was developed to help organisations overcome problems and manage their reverse logistics more efficiently. This study adopted a mixed method research approach with both qualitative and quantitative elements. A comprehensive literature study was conducted to develop a conceptual best practice framework in reverse logistics and a survey was conducted to seek inputs from industry in South Africa to refine the framework into a workable instrument in practice. The study concluded that the best practices identified in literature have proven to be important in practice, and applying such practices will enable organisations to manage their reverse logistics more efficiently. / Business Management / M. Com. (Logistics)
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A best practice framework in reverse logisticsBadenhorst, Amanda 02 1900 (has links)
Reverse logistics is an important process that is often misunderstood. Reverse logistics can cause considerable cost, but provide numerous opportunities. Many organisations do not understand the correct processes and procedures to follow and how to manage reverse logistics efficiently. The focus of this study was on best practices in reverse logistics. A best practice framework was developed to help organisations overcome problems and manage their reverse logistics more efficiently. This study adopted a mixed method research approach with both qualitative and quantitative elements. A comprehensive literature study was conducted to develop a conceptual best practice framework in reverse logistics and a survey was conducted to seek inputs from industry in South Africa to refine the framework into a workable instrument in practice. The study concluded that the best practices identified in literature have proven to be important in practice, and applying such practices will enable organisations to manage their reverse logistics more efficiently. / Business Management / M. Com. (Logistics)
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