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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive word prediction and its application in an assistive communication system / Prédiction de mots adaptative pour l'aide à la communication pour personnes handicapées

Wandmacher, Tonio 22 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail étudie les capacités de méthodes d’adaptation pour la prédiction de mots. Le premier groupe de méthodes traite de l’adaptation aux préférences lexicales et syntaxiques de l’utilisateur d’un système de communication assistée. Au sein de ce groupe de méthodes, nous avons étudié le modèle cache, le lexique auto-adaptatif et le modèle d’utilisateur dynamique (MUD), intégrant toute saisie de l’utilisateur. Le deuxième groupe de méthodes rassemble des approches qui ont pour objectif d’exploiter le contexte sémantique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons en particulier étudié l’Analyse Sémantique Latente (LSA), un modèle vectoriel qui se base sur les propriétés distributionnelles. Dans la dernière partie nous présentons un système d’aide à la communication, dans lequel nous avons implémenté les méthodes d’adaptation. Après une description de l’interface utilisateur nous avons exposé quelques expériences réalisées avec ce système, qui est utilisé dans un centre de rééducation fonctionnelle. / This thesis investigates the capacities of adaptive methods for word prediction. We present and evaluate several adaptation methods: First, we consider strategies enabling to adapt to the lexical and syntactic preferences of the user of an AAC system. Here we investigate the cache model, an auto-adaptive user lexicon and the dynamic user model (DUM), which integrates every input of the user. The second class of methods aims to adapt to the semantic context. Here we focus in particular on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), a vectorial model establishing semantic similarity from distributional properties. In the last part an assistive communication system is presented that implements the previously investigated adaptation methods. After a description of the user interface we report results from the application of this system in a rehabilitation center. / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Kapazitäten adaptiver Methoden für die Wortprädiktion, einer zentralen Strategie im Kontext der unterstützenden Kommunikation (UK) für sprach- und bewegungsbehinderte Menschen. Zunächst wird eine allgemeine Einführung in die Forschungsgebiete der UK einerseits und derWortprädiktion andererseits gegeben. Dabei wird insbesondere Bezug genommen auf stochastische Sprachmodelle, welche sich für die Prädiktion als sehr geeignet erwiesen haben. Die Untersuchung adaptiver Methoden erfolgt daraufhin entlang zweier Achsen: In einem ersten Abschnitt werden die Verfahren betrachtet, welche die Adaption an die spezifische Lexik und Syntax des Benutzers eines UK-Systems erlauben. Dabei werden insbesondere das sogenannte Cache-Modell, ein selbstlernendes Benutzerlexikon sowie das dynamische Benutzermodell (dynamic user model, DUM) diskutiert. Auf der zweiten Achse werden nun Modelle untersucht, welche auf eine Adaption der Wortprädiktion an den semantischen bzw. topikalischen Kontext abzielen. Hier rückt vor allem eine Methode in den Mittelpunkt: die Latent-Semantische Analyse (LSA), ein vektorraumbasiertes Verfahren, welches semantische Ähnlichkeit durch distributionelle Eigenschaften lexikalischer Einheiten etabliert. Als schwierig erweist sich jedoch die Integration der LSA-basierten semantischen Information in das allgemeine Prädiktionsmodell, weshalb hier verschiedene Integrationsmöglichkeiten untersucht werden. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein UK-System vorgestellt, welches die erfolgreichsten der zuvor betrachteten Adaptionsverfahren implementiert. Nach einer Präsentation der verschiedenen kommunikationsfördernden Komponenten wird von der Anwendung dieses Systems berichtet, welches seit mehreren Jahren in einem Rehabilitationszentrum eingesetzt wird.

Text analytics in business environments: a managerial and methodological approach

Marcolin, Carla Bonato January 2018 (has links)
O processo de tomada de decisão, em diferentes ambientes gerenciais, enfrenta um momento de mudança no contexto organizacional. Nesse sentido, Business Analytics pode ser visto como uma área que permite alavancar o valor dos dados, contendo ferramentas importantes para o processo de tomada de decisão. No entanto, a presença de dados em diferentes formatos representa um desafio. Nesse contexto de variabilidade, os dados de texto têm atraído a atenção das organizações, já que milhares de pessoas se expressam diariamente neste formato, em muitas aplicações e ferramentas disponíveis. Embora diversas técnicas tenham sido desenvolvidas pela comunidade de ciência da computação, há amplo espaço para melhorar a utilização organizacional de tais dados de texto, especialmente quando se volta para o suporte à tomada de decisões. No entanto, apesar da importância e disponibilidade de dados em formato textual para apoiar decisões, seu uso não é comum devido à dificuldade de análise e interpretação que o volume e o formato de dados em texto apresentam. Assim, o objetivo desta tese é desenvolver e avaliar um framework voltado ao uso de dados de texto em processos decisórios, apoiando-se em diversas técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural (PNL). Os resultados apresentam a validade do framework, usando como instância de demonstração de sua aplicabilidade o setor de turismo através da plataforma TripAdvisor, bem como a validação interna de performance e a aceitação por parte dos gestores da área consultados. / The decision-making process, in different management environments, faces a moment of change in the organizational context. In this sense, Business Analytics can be seen as an area that leverages the value of data, containing important tools for the decision-making process. However, the presence of data in different formats poses a challenge. In this context of variability, text data has attracted the attention of organizations, as thousands of people express themselves daily in this format in many applications and tools available. Although several techniques have been developed by the computer science community, there is ample scope to improve the organizational use of such text data, especially when it comes to decision-making support. However, despite the importance and availability of textual data to support decisions, its use is not common because of the analysis and interpretation challenge that the volume and the unstructured format of text data presents. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate a framework to contribute with the expansion and development of text analytics in decision-making processes, based on several natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The results presents the validity of the framework, using as a demonstration of its applicability the tourism sector through the TripAdvisor platform, as well as the internal validation of performance and the acceptance by managers.

Text analytics in business environments: a managerial and methodological approach

Marcolin, Carla Bonato January 2018 (has links)
O processo de tomada de decisão, em diferentes ambientes gerenciais, enfrenta um momento de mudança no contexto organizacional. Nesse sentido, Business Analytics pode ser visto como uma área que permite alavancar o valor dos dados, contendo ferramentas importantes para o processo de tomada de decisão. No entanto, a presença de dados em diferentes formatos representa um desafio. Nesse contexto de variabilidade, os dados de texto têm atraído a atenção das organizações, já que milhares de pessoas se expressam diariamente neste formato, em muitas aplicações e ferramentas disponíveis. Embora diversas técnicas tenham sido desenvolvidas pela comunidade de ciência da computação, há amplo espaço para melhorar a utilização organizacional de tais dados de texto, especialmente quando se volta para o suporte à tomada de decisões. No entanto, apesar da importância e disponibilidade de dados em formato textual para apoiar decisões, seu uso não é comum devido à dificuldade de análise e interpretação que o volume e o formato de dados em texto apresentam. Assim, o objetivo desta tese é desenvolver e avaliar um framework voltado ao uso de dados de texto em processos decisórios, apoiando-se em diversas técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural (PNL). Os resultados apresentam a validade do framework, usando como instância de demonstração de sua aplicabilidade o setor de turismo através da plataforma TripAdvisor, bem como a validação interna de performance e a aceitação por parte dos gestores da área consultados. / The decision-making process, in different management environments, faces a moment of change in the organizational context. In this sense, Business Analytics can be seen as an area that leverages the value of data, containing important tools for the decision-making process. However, the presence of data in different formats poses a challenge. In this context of variability, text data has attracted the attention of organizations, as thousands of people express themselves daily in this format in many applications and tools available. Although several techniques have been developed by the computer science community, there is ample scope to improve the organizational use of such text data, especially when it comes to decision-making support. However, despite the importance and availability of textual data to support decisions, its use is not common because of the analysis and interpretation challenge that the volume and the unstructured format of text data presents. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to develop and evaluate a framework to contribute with the expansion and development of text analytics in decision-making processes, based on several natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The results presents the validity of the framework, using as a demonstration of its applicability the tourism sector through the TripAdvisor platform, as well as the internal validation of performance and the acceptance by managers.

Performance Comparison of EIGRP/ IS-IS and OSPF/ IS-IS / Performance Comparison of EIGRP/ IS-IS and OSPF/ IS-IS

Lemma, Esuendale Shewandagn, Hussain, Syed Athar, Anjelo, Wendwossen Worku January 2010 (has links)
In modern communication networks, routing protocols are used to determine the shortest path to the destination. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) and Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) are the dominant interior routing protocols for such networks. This thesis presents a simulation based analysis of these protocols. We used the combination of EIGRP&IS-IS, OSPF&IS-IS routing protocols on the same network in order to reveal the advantage of one over the other as well as the robustness of each protocol combination and how this is measured. To carry out the network simulations, we used Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET). The comparison analysis is based on several parameters that determine the robustness of these protocols. The routing protocol convergence time is one important parameter which determines the time needed by the routers to learn the new topology of the network whenever a change occurs in the network. The routing protocol which converges faster is considered a better routing protocol. Point-to-point link throughput, HTTP object response time, database response time and e-mail download response time are other parameters we used to measure the routing performance of the network. / I moderna kommunikationsnät, är routingprotokoll används för att bestämma den kortaste vägen till destinationen. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) och Intermediate System till Intermediate System (IS-IS) är den dominerande interiören routingprotokoll för sådana nät. Denna avhandling presenterar en simulering baserad analys av dessa protokoll. Vi använde en kombination av EIGRP & IS-IS, IS OSPF &-IS routingprotokoll i samma nätverk i syfte att avslöja fördel ovanpå varandra samt robustheten i varje protokoll kombination och hur detta mäts. Att utföra nät simuleringar har vi använt Optimerad Network Engineering Tool (OPNET). Jämförelsen Analysen bygger på flera parametrar som avgör hur starka dessa protokoll. De routingprotokoll konvergens tid är en viktig parameter som bestämmer den tid som krävs av routrar för att lära sig nya topologi i nätverket snart en ändring sker i nätet. Routing-protokoll som konvergerar snabbare anses vara en bättre routing protokoll. Punkt-till-punkt länk genomströmning, HTTP objekt svarstid, databas responstid och e-post nedladdning responstid är andra parametrar som vi använde för att mäta routing nätverkets prestanda. / Esuendale- +46738790290 Syed- +46738957792 Wendwossen +46738956203

As the Need Presents Itself: Social Identity Theory and Signaling in Online Crowdfunding Campaigns

Hamilton, Scott J 12 1900 (has links)
As social interactions increasingly become exclusively online, there is a need for research on the role of identity and social identity in online platforms. Drawing on Symbolic Interactionist approaches to identity, namely Social Identity Theory and Identity Theory, as well as Signaling Theory, this study argues that actors will selectively use religious language to signal their credentials to an audience for the purpose of garnering prosocial behavior in the form of donations to their fundraising campaign. Using latent semantic analysis topic models to analyze the self-presentations of crowdsourcing campaigners on GoFundMe.com, this study found evidence for the presence of signaling to a religious identity online as well as a significant difference in the presentation of need for campaigns originating in areas with high reported religiosity compared to campaigns from areas of low religiosity. In comparison to other campaigns, campaigners engaging in religious signaling were significantly increasing their donations. I suggest that strategically chosen religious topics in online crowdfunding is an example of low-cost identity signaling and provides insight into how signaling happens online and the potential outcomes resulting from this cultural work.

Celokovový letoun kategorie UL a LSA s aplikací moderních avionických, řídících a kontrolních systémů / The all-metal aeroplane UL and LSA category with instalation of modern avionics, control and test systems

Kadlčík, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a project of all metal aircraft by UL-2 and LSA rules. The background research of aircrafts in existing category has been made in the market. The concept, with whom this thesis deals with, has been projected thanks to this analysis. The second part of the thesis is focused on avionics equipments of aircrafts. Market analysis has been made and the way of medernizing small sports airfts' equipment in categories UL and LSA has been projected.

Návrh letounu pro zástavbu hybridní pohonné jednotky / Aircraft design for the installation of a hybrid powerplant

Kapoun, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The master‘s thesis "Aircraft design for the installation of a hybrid powerplant" is focused on the design of the airplane suitable for hybrid powerplant. At the same time it is also deal with the most suitable location of the components necessary for this powerplant. These components are: a combustion engine, electric motor, gearbox and bed engine. Part of the master thesis is application-mount designed components: location and number of containers with batteries, a proposal for a new engine bed suitable for a hybrid powerplant. In the sub - section of the thesis is made a simple calculation of the economic return on investment from the perspective of the end-user aircraft with a hybrid powerplant.

Resource monitoring in a Network Embedded Cloud : An extension to OSPF-TE

Roozbeh, Amir January 2013 (has links)
The notions of "network embedded cloud", also known as a "network enabled cloud" or a "carrier cloud", is an emerging technology trend aiming to integrate network services while exploiting the on-demand nature of the cloud paradigm. A network embedded cloud is a distributed cloud environment where data centers are distributed at the edge of the operator's network. Distributing data centers or computing resources across the network introduces topological and geographical locality dependency. In the case of a network enabled cloud, in addition to the information regarding available processing, memory, and storage capacity, resource management requires information regarding the network's topology and available bandwidth on the links connecting the different nodes of the distributed cloud. This thesis project designed, implemented, and evaluated the use of open shortest path first with traffic engineering (OSPF-TE) for propagating the resource status in a network enabled cloud. The information carried over OSPF-TE are used for network-aware scheduling of virtual machines. In particular, OSPF-TE was extended to convey virtualization and processing related information to all the nodes in the network enabled cloud. Modeling, emulation, and analysis shows the proposed solution can provide the required data to a cloud management system by sending a data center's resources information in the form of new opaque link-state advertisement with a minimum interval of 5 seconds. In this case, each embedded data centers injects a maximum 38.4 bytes per second of additional traffic in to the network.<p> / Ett "network embedded cloud", även känt som ett "network enabled cloud" eller ett "carrier cloud", är en ny teknik trend som syftar till att tillhandahålla nätverkstjänster medan on-demand egenskapen av moln-paradigmet utnyttjas.  Traditionella telekommunikationsapplikationer bygger ofta på en distributed service model och kan använda ett "network enabled cloud" som dess exekverande plattform. Dock kommer sådana inbäddade servrar av naturliga skäl vara geografiskt utspridda, varför de är beroende av topologisk och geografisk lokalisering. Detta ändrar på resurshanteringsproblemet jämfört med resurshantering i datacentrum. I de fall med ett network enabled cloud, utöver informationen om tillgängliga CPU, RAM och lagring, behöver resursfördelningsfunktionen information om nätverkets topologi och tillgänglig bandbredd på länkarna som förbinder de olika noderna i det distribuerade molnet. Detta examensarbete har utformat, tillämpat och utvärderat ett experiment-orienterad undersökning av användningen av open shortest path first med traffich engineering (OSPF-TE) för resurshantering i det network enabled cloud. I synnerhet utvidgades OSPF-TE till att förmedla virtualisering och behandla relaterad information till alla noder i nätverket. Detta examensarbete utvärderar genomförbarheten och lämpligheten av denna metod, dess flexibilitet och prestanda. Analysen visade att den föreslagna lösningen kan förse nödvändiga uppgifter till cloud management system genom att skicka ett datacenters resursinformation i form av ny opaque LSA (kallat Cloud LSA) med ett minimumintervall av 5 sekunder och maximal nätverksbelastning av 38,4 byte per sekund per inbäddade data center.

Even sexier: How visual communication can be designed to encourage testing for STDs / Ännu sexigare: Hur visuell kommunikation kan utformas för att uppmuntra till testning för könssjukdomar

Bengtsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Könssjukdomar är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne, som särskilt drabbar unga vuxna. Det faktum att könssjukdomar kan smitta och ha lÃ¥ngsiktiga konsekvenser även när de är asymptomatiska gör det viktigt att som sexuellt aktiv testa sig – ändÃ¥ är det mÃ¥nga unga vuxna som sällan eller aldrig gör det. Det här arbetet syftar till att undersöka hur visuell kommunikation kan utformas för att uppmuntra unga vuxna att testa sig vid varje ny sexuell partner. Genom relevant teori i samband med en förstudie bestÃ¥ende av en enkätundersökning, semistrukturerade intervjuer och en analys av existerande visuell kommunikation kring sexuell hälsa har en möjlig lösning pÃ¥ problemet kunnat formulerats, i form av en grafisk kampanj bestÃ¥ende av tre annonser. Kampanjen visar pÃ¥ hur visuell kommunikation kring könssjukdomar kan se ut, och slutsatserna som dras är att visuell kommunikation kring det här ämnet med fördel kan utformas pÃ¥ ett ungdomligt, avstigmatiserande och fängslande sätt. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

How interactive information design can counteract stigmatization of mental illness / Hur interaktiv informationsdesign kan bryta stigmatisering kring psykisk ohälsa

Krantz, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa och psykisk sjukdom har under lÃ¥ng tid varit stigmatiserade. Samtidigt är psykisk ohälsa ett allt mer växande samhällsproblem som pÃ¥verkar stora delar av befolkningen i olika grad. Stigmatiseringen av psykisk ohälsa kan ofta ha förödande konsekvenser pÃ¥ en individ-, samhälls- och strukturell nivÃ¥. Denna studie undersöker hur man, med hjälp av interaktiv informationsdesign, kan öka medvetenheten kring stigmatisering av psykisk ohälsa hos unga samt hur man genom detta kan bidra till att bryta stigmatiseringen. Detta är det som utformar studiens syfte samt forskningsfrÃ¥gor. Förstudien och det akademiska sammanhanget lade grund till de val som gjordes under designprocessen och bidrog till att kunna besvara frÃ¥gorna och uppnÃ¥ syftet. Genomförandet bestod här av mÃ¥lsättning, konceptgenerering, praktiskt designarbete, användartester som analyserades och slutligen en mindre revidering av designen. Med allt detta kunde slutligen studiens syfte och forskningsfrÃ¥gor besvaras. Studien resulterade i en interaktiv informationsdesignsprototyp i mobilformat med hög verklighetstrogenhet som informerar om stigmatisering av psykisk ohälsa samt ger konkreta exempel pÃ¥ sätt som mÃ¥lgruppen kan bidra till att bryta stigmatiseringen. Slutsatserna som drogs var att de flesta av studiens effektmÃ¥l hade uppfyllts men att det finns ett flertal förbättringsmöjligheter som kan genomföras i framtiden i nästa fas av ett designarbete. Specifikt sÃ¥ har prototypen störst möjlighet till att vara informativ samt att bidra till att öka medvetenheten hos användarna. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

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