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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ligga steget före : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om personalens arbete med utagerande ungdomar på LSS boenden / One step ahead : A qualitative interview study about staff work with youth with a challengingbehavior in LSS institutions

Tärnfalk, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vad personal på LSS institutioner gör isituationer där brukarna har ett utagerande-och/eller självdestruktivt beteende samt vilkasvårigheter de upplever i dessa situationer. Frågeställningarna är 1. Hur handlar personalen isituationer där brukare är utagerande? 2. Hur upplever personalen det är att arbeta medutagerande situationer utifrån lagstiftningen? 3. Vilka svårigheter upplever personalen isituationer när brukaren är utagerande?Uppsatsens empiri består av sju halvstrukturerde intervjuer med omsorgspersonal från femolika LSS verksamheter där det vistas ungdomar med ett utagerande beteende. Resultatet visaratt det finns vissa likheter i personalens bemötande mot brukarna. Genomgående är detförebyggande arbetet viktigt. Det handlar om att läsa av brukarna och anpassa kraven efterdagsform. Verksamheterna formar sig efter brukarnas behov. När ett utagerande beteende ändåuppstår finns likheter i bemötandet. Många respondenter uppger att de backar undan frånbrukaren. Andra menar att de ber brukaren sätta sig ner, eller byter personal. Även om detfinns generella drag i personalens bemötande skiljer det sig ändå mellan olika brukare utifrånderas individuella behov. Personalen är flexibel och bemöter varje brukare individuellt. Isällsynta fall behöver personalen hålla fast eller brotta ner brukaren för att inte själva bliskadade.Materialet analyseras med hjälp av rollteori och coercion theory. Studiens slutsatser är attdet är ett komplext arbete personalen gör. Hela tiden krävs att personalen ligger ett steg förebrukaren för att kunna avvärja ett utbrott. De som arbetar med brukarna behöver både ha brautbildning och ha rätt personlighet. Stämningen i arbetsgruppen måste vara öppen fördiskussion och fri från prestige.

Det är deras plats, ska vi gå in till dem så knackar vi : Delaktighet och självbestämmande för hyresgäster på LSS-boenden / ”It ́s their place. If we will pay a visit, then we knock on the door” : Participation and self-determination for tenants in LSS-housing

Lofgren, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
Assessor: The purpose of this study is to highlight tenants and staff’s perception of user’s involvement and influence in municipal group housing in living by the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). The study where performed in five small municipalities in the southern part of Sweden. Leading research questions have inter alia been in what way the process of decision-making is shared between the user and support person. Applied methods are mixed between qualitative interpretative modes with a certain quantitative approach. Qualitative group interviews consist of two focus groups with professional employees. One consists of three middle managers and the other one of five caregivers at special housing (LSS). Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with three individual users, i.e. a person who has assistance according to LSS. Twenty-four quantitative questionnaires directed to professionals in varying positions, all with the common feature that they are working with people with disabilities according to LSS. The assembled data was coded and themed into participation, influence, integrity and self-determination, living like others. Findings: Users can influence through board meetings and by legal predecessors and staff. The situational built in asymmetrical power imbalance can be compensated through mutual acceptance.

"Får jag ta med mig brukaren hem på julafton?" : En kvalitativ studie om vart gränsen går mellan att vara professionell och privat inom personlig assistans. / "Can I take the care recipient home on Christmas Eve?" : A qualitative study about the boundry between being professional and being private, within personal assistance.

Sjöberg, Emma, Johansson Nilsson, Amanada January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to illustrate where the boundary between being professional and being private in the line of work as a personal assistant lie, this study will focus on the perspective of the unit manager. This to clarify the ethical approach in the assistance matters for the unit manager. To answer the study's purpose and questions, six individual semi-structured interviews have been held with unit managers responsible for personal assistance in municipal activities. During the interviews, the unit managers shared their own experiences about the subject of the study. The empirical material has been analyzed with the help of normative ethics theories of duty and sense ethics. The result of the study shows that unit managers find it difficult to take a stand as where the boundary between being professional and being private in personal assistance lies. There are many different factors to take into consideration when discussion where the boundary lies for each individual. Having good municipal guidelines regarding the work of the assistance is something the unit managers see as a good tool for taking a position on questions about the work of the assistants. The empirical material also highlights that there is a lot of ethical dilemmas in the matter of personal assistance, and how the unit managers handle these.

Alla barn är lika mycket värda! : En kvalitativ studie om hur LSS-handläggare till barn bemöter och inkluderar deras klienter.

Kaiser, Ebba, Dahlbom, Mimmi January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka i vilken mån handläggarna inom “Lagen om stöd och service för vissa funktionshindrade” (LSS) involverar barnen i deras utredningar om möjliga insatser och om de tänker på deras bästa vid beviljande av insatser. Undersökningen bygger på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med LSS-handläggare som genomfördes i sex olika kommuner i Mellansverige. Det teoretiska perspektivet som använts har utgångspunkt i den ekologiska systemteorin, som är uppbyggd i nivåer som är sammankopplade. Nivåerna kallas mikro-, meso-, exo- och makrosystem. Studien har valt att fokusera på mikro- meso- och makrosystemen. Resultatet visade att LSS-handläggarna träffar majoriteten av barnen endast en gång vid utredning av insats. Det framkom även att handläggarna tolkar LSS-lagen olika, vilket gör att barnen och familjerna får olika förutsättningar beroende på var de bor. Studien kom fram till att tydliga riktlinjer inom arbetsrollen som socionom är viktigt, för att kunna samarbeta bättre mellan verksamheter samt enheter och kunna göra så att barnen får ett liv med god livskvalitet. Det framkom även att det finns en övertro på LSS-lagen bland andra enheter och organisationer. / The aim of the study was to investigate the extent to which the case managers within “the Act on Support and Service for certain people with disabilities” (LSS) involve the children in their investigation on possible actions and whether they think about their best interests in taking actions. The survey is based on seven semi-structured interviews with LSS case managers who were conducted in six different municipalities in central Sweden. The theoretical perspective used is based on the ecological system theory, which is built up in levels that are interconnected. The levels are called micro-, meso-, exo- and macrosystems. The study was chosen to focus on the micro-, meso- and macrosystems. The result showed that the LSS case managers met the majority of the children only once when investigating the interventions. It was also clear that the case managers interpreted the LSS law differently, which means that the children and families got different treatment depending on where they live. The study concluded that clear guidelines within the work role as social workers are important, in order to cooperate better between activities and units and to be able to make the children have a life of good quality. It also emerged that there is a reliance of the LSS Act among other entities and organizations.

När ett hem blir en arbetsplats : Om skärningspunkten mellan den enskildes självbestämmanderätt och arbetstagarens rätt till en god arbetsmiljö vid insatser enligt LSS / When a home becomes a workplace : The intersection between the individual's right to autonomy and the worker's right to a good work environment by activities under LSS

Olsson, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
The essay is based on the constitutional differences between two swedish laws and the fact that they appear collaterally in practice. The topic is the legal aspects of the conflict of interests that appears in the relationship between the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments and the Work Environment Act. The separate interests are rediscovered in several different sources of law. This essay aims to find guidance for operators within care and welfare on how to make a correct consideration between these interests, in a legal purposive way. The legal dogmatic method has been used to achieve the purpose. The main conclusions is that the risk for a conflict of interests between the Work Environment Act and other laws has been foreseen by the swedish legislator. Although, the legislator states that it is impossible to find a general solution for the conflict and leaves to concerned authorities to issue further regulation if necessary. Today, these regulations does not provide for any guidance regarding the conflict of interest between the concerned laws. Although the consideration has a tendency to be subjective, some implications can be made regarding the argumentation of the court and authority. Case law takes self determination, integrity, participation and the functional impairments into account, when discussing the rights for persons with functional impairments. Regarding the workers’ rights, case law indicate that the psychological strain, the professional precondition and the regularity of the events are relevant factors. In summary, case law show that the person with functional disability has an unconditional right to the entitled assistance. How the assistance shall be performed is depending on a consideration whether the measures taken in order to improve the working environment are reasonable on the results that can be achieved. Further, some examples of taken measures estimated as being comfortable and not are rediscovered. Finally, the outcome for individuals is discussed followed by a further evolved analysis of the dilemma, with connection to specific cicumstances within care and welfare.

Skattning av kommunikativ förmåga hos vuxna brukare på daglig verksamhet : En pilotstudie av ett klassifikationssystem för personal och närstående

Hillver, Lisa, Johansson, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Communication difficulties are common in individuals with different types of disabilities. Hence, many may need Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to be able to communicate. Communication is the foundation of all social relations and studies report that insufficient communication can lead to reduced quality of life and be a predictor for behavioral problems. Even though communication is important there are indications that many individuals with communication difficulties do not get the support they need. People in the individuals’ network, such as family and personnel, play an important role in identifying these individuals, but to date there is no simple tool for that purpose. The aim of this pilot study was therefore to investigate if the Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) could be used to classify the communicative ability in adults attending a day center. Individuals attending day centers usually have disabilities that involve communication difficulties. The participants (n = 9) were family members (n = 3), personnel at day centers (n = 5) and speech-language pathologist (n = 1). The participants classified the communicative abilities of two individuals using CFCS. Two statistical measures, average deviation and percent agreement, were used to calculate the inter-rater reliability. The total average deviation was 0,2 and the total percent agreement was 65 %, which indicate that CFCS can be used to classify the communicative ability in adults attending a day center. However, the participants addressed some critique toward CFCS, therefore future studies should consider using another tool for identifying communication difficulties. / Kommunikativa svårigheter är vanligt hos individer med olika typer av funktionsnedsättningar. Många av dessa behöver därför ett Alternativt och Kompletterande Kommunikationssätt (AKK) för att kunna kommunicera. Kommunikation är grunden för all social gemenskap och forskare har rapporterat att bristande kommunikation kan leda till sämre livskvalitet samt vara en riskfaktor för olika typer av problembeteenden. Trots att kommunikation är viktigt finns indikationer på att många individer med kommunikativa svårigheter inte får det stöd de behöver. Omgivningen i form av till exempel personal och närstående spelar en viktig roll i identifieringen av dessa individer, men det saknas ett enkelt verktyg för dem att använda i det syftet. Föreliggande studie syftade därför till att, i en pilotstudie, undersöka om klassifikationssystemet Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) kan användas för att skatta den kommunikativa förmågan hos vuxna brukare med insatsen daglig verksamhet. De som får insatsen daglig verksamhet har funktionsnedsättningar som ofta innefattar kommunikativa svårigheter. Deltagarna (n = 9) i studien var närstående till två brukare, daglig verksamhetspersonal, och en logoped. Deltagarna i studien skattade brukarnas kommunikativa förmåga utifrån CFCS. Två statistiska mått, genomsnittlig avvikelse och procentuell överensstämmelse, användes för att beräkna interbedömarreliabiliteten för deltagarnas skattningar. Den totala genomsnittliga avvikelsen var 0,2 och den totala procentuella överensstämmelsen var 65 %. Det begränsade underlaget gör slutsatserna osäkra, men resultaten tyder ändå på relativt god samstämmighet mellan deltagarna, och att CFCS skulle kunna användas för att skatta den kommunikativa förmågan hos vuxna brukare med insatsen daglig verksamhet. Deltagarna riktade dock viss kritik mot CFCS, vilket gör att fortsatta studier bör överväga att använda ett annat verktyg för identifiering av kommunikativa svårigheter.

Self-Reliance Guidelines for Large Scale Robot Colonies

Engwirda, Anthony, N/A January 2007 (has links)
A Large Scale Robot Colony (LSRC) is a complex artifact comprising of a significant population of both mobile and static robots. LSRC research is in its literary infancy and it is therefore necessary to rely upon external fields for the appropriate framework, Multi Agent Systems (MAS) and Large Scale Systems (LSS). At the intersection of MAS, LSS and LSRC exist near identical issues, problems and solutions. If attention is paid to coherence then solution portability is possible. The issue of Self-Reliability is poorly addressed by the MAS research field. Disparity between the real world and simulation is another area of concern. Despite these deficiencies, MAS and LSS are perceived as the most appropriate frameworks. MAS research focuses on three prime areas, cognitive science, management and interaction. LSRC is focused on Self-Sustainability, Self-Management and Self-Organization. While LSS research was not primarily intended for populations of mobile robots, it does address key issues of LSRC, such as effective sustainability and management. Implementation of LSRC that is based upon the optimal solution for any one or two of the three aspects will be inferior to a coherent solution based upon all three. LSRC’s are complex organizations with significant populations of both static and mobile robots. The increase in population size and the requirement to address the issue of Self-Reliance give rise to new issues. It is no longer sufficient to speak only in terms of robot intelligence, architecture, interaction or team behaviour, even though these are still valid topics. Issues such as population sustainability and management have greater significance within LSRC. As the size of a robot populations increases, minor uneconomical decisions and actions inhibit the performance of the population. Interaction must be made economical within the context of the LSRC. Sustainability of the population becomes significant as it enables stable performance and extended operational lifespan. Management becomes significant as a mechanism to direct the population so as to achieve near optimal performance. The Self-Sustainability, Self-Management and Self-Organization of LSRC are vastly more complex than in team robotics. Performance of the overall population becomes more significant than individual or team achievement. This thesis is a presentation of the Cooperative Autonomous Robot Colony (CARC) architecture. The CARC architecture is novel in that it offers a coherent baseline solution to the issue of mobile robot Self-Reliance. This research uses decomposition as a mechanism to reduce problem complexity. Self-Reliance is decomposed into Self-Sustainability, Self-Management, and Self-Organization. A solution to the issue of Self-Reliance will comprise of conflicting sub-solutions. A product of this research is a set of guidelines that manages the conflict of sub-solutions and maintains a coherent solution. In addressing the issue of Self-Reliance, it became apparent that Economies of Scale, played an important role. The effects of Economies of Scale directed the research towards LSRC’s. LSRC’s demonstrated improved efficiency and greater capability to achieve the requirements of Self-Reliance. LSRC’s implemented with the CARC architecture would extend human capability, enabling large scale operations to be performed in an economical manner, within real world and real time environments, including those of a remote and hostile nature. The theory and architecture are supported using published literature, experiments, observations and mathematical projections. Contributions of this work are focused upon the three pillars of Self-Reliance addressed by CARC: Self-Sustainability, Self-Management and Self-Organization. The chapter on Self-Sustainability explains and justifies the relevance of this issue, what it is, why it is important and how it can be achieved. Self-Sustainability enables robots to continue to operate beyond disabling events by addressing failure and routine maintenance. Mathematical projections are used to compare populations of non-sustained and sustained robots. Computer modeling experiments are used to demonstrate the feasibility of Self-Sustainability, including extended operational life, the maintenance of optimal work flow and graceful physical degradation (GPD). A detailed explanation is presented of Sustainability Functions, Colony Sites, Static Robot Roles, Static Robot Failure Options, and Polymorphism. The chapter on Self-Management explores LSS research as a mechanism to exert influence over a LSRC. An experimental reactive management strategy is demonstrated. This strategy while limited does indicate promising potential directions for future research including the Man in the Loop (MITL) strategy highly desired by NASA JPL for off world command and control of a significant robot colony (Huntsberger, et. al., 2000). Experiments on Communication evaluate both Broadcast Conveyance (BC) and Message Passing Conveyance (MPC). These experiments demonstrate the potential of Message Passing as a low cost system for LSRC communication. Analysis of Metrics indicates that a Performance Based Feedback Method (PBFM) and a Task Achievement Method (TAM) are both necessary and sufficient to monitor a LSRC. The chapter on Self-Organization describes a number of experiments, algorithms and protocols on Reasoning Robotics, a minor variant of Reactive Robotics. Reasoning Robotics utilizes an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) rather than a Stimulus Driven Architecture (SDA) common to Reactive Robotics. Enhanced robot performance is demonstrated by a combination of EDA and environmental modification enabling stigmergy. These experiments cover Intersection Navigation with contingency for Multilane Intersections, a Radio Packet Controller (RPC) algorithm, Active and Passive Beacons including a communication protocol, mobile robot navigation using Migration Decision Functions (MDF’s), including MDF positional errors. The central issue addressed by this thesis is the production of Self-Reliance guidelines for LSRC’s. Self-Reliance is perceived as a critical issue in advancing the useful and productive applications for LSRC’s. LSRC’s are complex with many issues in related fields of MAS and LSS. Decomposition of Self-Reliance into Self-Sustainability, Self-Management and Self-Organization were used to aid in problem understanding. It was found that Self-Sustainability extends the operational life of individual robots and the LSRC. Self-Management enables the exertion of human influence over the LSRC, such that the ratio of humans to robots is reduced but not eliminated. Self-Organization achieves and enhances performance through a routine and reliable LSRC environment. The product of this research was the novel CARC architecture, which consists of a set of Self-Reliance guidelines and algorithms. The Self-Reliance guidelines manage conflict between optimal solutions and provide a framework for LSRC design. This research was supported by literature, experiments, observations and mathematical projections.

Flerfunktionshinder : ur ett föräldraperspektiv

Sari Aslan, Ghassem January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna studie ville belysa en specifik grupps livsföring bland personer med funktionshinder nämligen de som inte kan föra sin egen talan. Området utforskades genom intervjuer med föräldrar. Syftet var att öka kunskapen om hur föräldrar till personer med flerfunktionshinder bemästrar sin situation. Frågeställningarna var dels hur föräldrarna uppfattade omgivningens stöd och stress, vad de tyckte om ett normalt liv och hur de bedömde samhällets insatser, dels deras syn på barnets autonomi och betydelsen av deras makt i relation till barnet. Studien hade en kvalitativ och fenomenologisk ansats och användes som metod. Resultatet visade att merparten av föräldrarna utvecklade aktiva copingstrategier för att anpassa sig till situationen även om de led av en kronisk sorg. Omgivningens stöd minskades med tiden. Föräldrarna tyckte inte att deras barn lever ett normalt liv men ett värdigt liv. De var nöjda med samhällsinsatserna men kommunala neddragningar kunde ibland hämma familjens möjligheter. Samtidigt som de var nöjda med personliga assistenters insatser hade de problem med enskildheten i hemmet. Föräldrarna bevakade barnets självbestämmande genom att kämpa för deras rättigheter. Föräldrarnas makt över dessa barn kunde förstås som ett positivt element vilket hjälper dem att organisera barnets vardag och lösa konflikter.</p>

Genom personkretsens nålsöga : en rättssociologisk studie om handläggningen av bistånd enligt LSS och SoL till personer med psykiska funktionshinder

Åberg, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna c-uppsats är att få ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur biståndshandläggare i Stockholm praktiskt tillämpar biståndslagarna i handläggningen gällande personer med psykiska funktionshinder. Studien är genomförd i Stockholm Stads arton stadsdelar och i åtta av Stockholms nordvästkommuner med hjälp av en mixad design som består av en enkät med uppföljande frågor. Frågeställningarna är: -Vilken lagstiftning tillämpas i Stockholms Stads stadsdelar samt i Stockholms nordvästkommuner när insatser ges till personer med psykiska funktionshinder, LSS eller SoL, och i vilken omfattning? -Hur motiverar handläggarna valet av lagstiftning då de beslutar om bistånd till personer med psykiska funktionshinder? -Vilka kan konsekvenserna bli för personer med psykiska funktionshinder avseende hur handläggningen genomförs, hur nordvästkommunerna och stadsdelarna organiserar sig samt samarbetar med relevanta parter?</p><p>Studiens resultat bekräftar mycket av den tidigare forskningen på området. Denna c-uppsats visar att LSS används i mycket mindre utsträckning än SoL för personer med psykiska funktionshinder. Detta på grund av att lagtextformuleringen i personkrets 3 i LSS är oklar och insatser för målgruppen saknas i LSS. Traditionen att använda SoL är också en bidragande orsak liksom att förvaltningarnas organisation stundtals gör det svårare att ge stöd enligt LSS.</p>

Inflytande med personlig assistans – på egna eller andras villkor? : – En jämförande studie av brukarens inflytande mellan en kommun, ett assistansbolag och ett brukarkooperativ.

Westin, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on the influence a user may have over his or her welfare service, personal assistance. A county, an assistance firm and a user cooperative are compared with the thesis that the organisation that surrounds the users shapes the possibilities the user have to influence his or her personal assistance. There are questions that try to answer if there are outspoken social goals within each organisation. Questions regarding influence of the user when she or he is choosing the assistance provider and the users possibility to influence and his or her power to decide who and when anyone works as an assistant are asked.</p> / Examination skedde vid Mittuniversitetet den 8 juni 2010 på campus Östersund. Betyget för uppsatsen är VG, väl godkänd enligt den äldre betygsmodellen. Uppsatsen är skriven som en del av min magisterutbildning med inriktning mot välfärdsstatens sociala och politiska ekonomi.

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