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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public Understandings of Environmental Quality: A Case Study of Private Forest Land Management in Southwest Virginia

Richert, David 04 May 2001 (has links)
Environmental quality is a construct that has currency at the interface between science and policy—it is used both to describe current conditions as well as prescribe desired future conditions. However, environmental quality has a multiplicity of definitions, owing to: a) the fact that there are a number of terms (or "sub constructs") taken to be synonymous with environmental quality (i.e. environmental health, sustainability, biodiversity, integrity, and the like), and b) the fact that each of these sub constructs, in turn, have multiple meanings. Many in the field of natural sciences have been working on this problem of ambiguity—attempting to develop precise and powerful definitions. Still others argue that environmental quality is a concept open to societal negotiation (in addition to scientific discovery). In this thesis, I argue that environmental quality can be understood and discussed by examining understandings of Nature and evaluations for Nature that seem to contribute to the ambiguity of meanings and outcomes for environmental quality. To reach these conclusions, I interviewed 24 stakeholders who represented a broad range of concerns about and interests in environmental quality on private forest land in Southwest Virginia. I reviewed nearly 300 pages of interview text, looking for emerging themes and structures from their hour-long (on average) discussions of environmental quality. I found that among these 24 stakeholders, there were indeed, many ways of defining environmental quality (i.e. health, biodiversity, site productivity, et cetera). Additionally, I found that these different definitions for environmental quality seem to correlate with different understandings of Nature (what is Nature like?) and different values for Nature (how should Nature be used?) I conclude by discussing these implications, using examples from forestry outreach and extension. / Master of Science

A study of the small landowner, and of the tenantry during the years 1780-1832, on the basis of the land tax assessments

Davies, Evan January 1926 (has links)
No description available.

The right to a view : common law, legislation and the constitution

Koch, Carolina Augusta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African law does not recognise an inherent right to the existing, unobstructed view from a property. Nevertheless, seemingly in disregard of this general principle, property owners often attempt to protect such views and courts sometimes in fact grant orders that provide such protection. This dissertation aims to establish whether South African law does indeed not acknowledge a right to a view and whether there are any exceptions to the general rule against the recognition of the right to a view. The principle that the existing view from a property is not an inherent property right is rooted in Roman and Roman-Dutch law. This principle was received in early South African case law. Inconsistency in the application of the principle in recent case law renders its development uncertain. An analysis of recent decisions shows that the view from a property is sometimes protected in terms of servitudes or similar devices, or by virtue of legislation. In other instances, property owners attempt to prevent the erection of a neighbouring building that will interfere with their existing views, based either on a substantive right or an administrative shortcoming. When the protection of view is based on a limited real right (servitudes or similar devices) or legislation, it is generally effective and permanent. Conversely, when it is founded on a substantive right to prevent building on neighbouring land or an administrative irregularity rendering a neighbouring building objectionable, the protection is indirect and temporary. A comparative study confirms that the position regarding the protection of view is similar in English and Dutch law. Constitutional analysis in terms of the methodology developed by the Constitutional Court in FNB indicates that cases where view is protected are not in conflict with section 25(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The investigation concludes with an evaluation of policy considerations which show that the position with regard to a right to a view in South African law is rooted in legitimate policy rationales. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Inherente reg op die bestaande, onbelemmerde uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom word nie deur die Suid-Afrikaanse reg erken nie. Desnieteenstaande poog eienaars dikwels om die uitsig vanaf hul eiendomme te beskerm en soms staan die howe bevele tot dien effekte toe. Dit skep die indruk dat die Suid-Afrikaanse reg wel die bestaande uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom as 'n inherente eiendomsreg erken of dat sodanige uitsig minstens onder sekere omstandighede beskerm kan word. Hierdie verhandeling het ten doel om onsekerhede betreffende die algemene beginsel oor 'n reg op uitsig uit die weg te ruim en om lig te werp op gevalle waar 'n onbelemmerde uitsig wel beskerm word. Die Romeinse en Romeins-Hollandse reg het nie 'n reg op uitsig erken nie. Hierdie posisie is deur vroeë regspraak in die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel opgeneem. 'n Ondersoek na latere Suid-Afrikaanse regspraak toon egter aan dat howe wel onder sekere omstandighede, skynbaar strydig met die gemeenregtelike beginsel, beskerming aan die onbelemmerde uitsig vanaf eiendomme verleen. 'n Eerste kategorie sake behels gevalle waar die uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom deur 'n beperkte saaklike reg, in die vorm van 'n serwituut of 'n soortgelyke maatreël, of ingevolge wetgewing beskerm word. In 'n tweede kategorie sake word die beskerming van 'n uitsig deur middel van 'n aanval op die goedkeuring van 'n buureienaar se bouplanne bewerkstellig. Sodanige aanval kan óf op 'n substantiewe reg óf op 'n administratiewe tekortkoming berus. Die onderskeie kategorieë verskil wat betref die doelmatigheid en omvang van die beskerming wat verleen word. 'n Saaklike reg of wetgewing verleen meestal effektiewe en permanente beskerming. Hierteenoor het 'n aanval op die goedkeuring van 'n buureienaar se bouplanne hoogstens indirekte en tydelike beskerming van die uitsig tot gevolg. Regsvergelyking bevestig dat die Engelse en Nederlandse reg die Suid-Afrikaanse posisie ten opsigte van'n reg op uitsig tot 'n groot mate eggo. Grondwetlike analise aan die hand van die FNB-metodologie dui daarop dat die gevalle waar uitsig wel beskerming geniet nie strydig is met artikel 25(1) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 nie. Bowendien regverdig beleidsgronde die behoud van die huidige beginsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg.

Expression artistique et conscience patrimoniale d’après les textes de l’Écosse des Lumières / Artistic expression and cultural heritage awareness after the texts of the Scottish Enlightenment

Godard Desmarest, Clarisse 19 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le rapport des élites du monde politique, économique et intellectuel à leur patrimoine en Ecosse. A la fin du XVIIe siècle, après la Restauration de 1660, la situation économique de l’Ecosse est encore morose et le contexte politique incertain. Pourtant un renouveau intellectuel s’exprime ouvrant la voie aux Lumières écossaises du XVIIIe siècle. Il transforme les Arts, domaine où les aristocrates vont jouer un rôle décisif. Non seulement ces derniers sont ouverts aux idées nouvelles du continent dont ils ont pu apprécier les richesses grâce au Grand Tour et aux échanges commerciaux mais ils disposent aussi des moyens financiers et politiques de réaliser des projets ambitieux. Tandis que l’investissement artistique demeure l’apanage de la seule aristocratie jusqu’au début du XVIIIe siècle, de nouveaux mécènes issus de la gentry, des professions juridiques et commerciales prennent une part croissante aux innovations au cours du siècle. La terre et le domaine étant une source majeure de reconnaissance sociale, cette étude saisit le sens de l’investissement entrepris par les différents propriétaires terriens écossais. Les récits de voyageurs, les mémoires, les correspondances, les journaux intimes, les inventaires des demeures, les plans d’architectes et les représentations visuelles révèlent la créativité d’hommes de talent –architectes, artisans et artistes– en architecture et en décoration intérieure. Cette thèse expose la richesse d’une rencontre avec la Hollande, la France et l’Italie et rend compte d’une complexité, à savoir préserver le patrimoine familial et national, source d’immense fierté, et œuvrer au progrès auquel de nombreux Ecossais n’ont de cesse de vouloir contribuer. / This thesis analyses the connection between the elites belonging to the political, economic and intellectual world and their cultural heritage in Scotland. At the end of the 17th century, most specifically after the Restoration of 1660, the economy of Scotland was still sluggish whilst its political situation remained unsettled. However, an intellectual revival took place and paved the way for the 18th century Scottish enlightenment. It transformed the Arts, a field in which the aristocrats took a leading role. Not only were they open to the new ideas of the continent –the treasures of which they had been able to appreciate thanks to the Grand Tour and through trade– but they also had the financial and political means to carry out ambitious projects. Whereas artistic investment remained the aristocrats’ prerogative until the beginning of the 18th century, new patrons belonging to the gentry and to the legal and trading professions emerged and fostered innovations throughout the century. Since land property and estate were considered to be a major source of social recognition, this thesis explores the meaning and impact of various Scottish landowners’ investment. Travel books, memoirs, private correspondence, diaries, house inventories, architects’ plans and visual representations reveal the creativity with which some gifted men –architects as well as artists and artisans– carried out original projects in architecture and interior decoration. This thesis lays stress on Scotland’s rewarding encounter with Holland, France and Italy and shows a certain complexity expressing itself in the need to preserve the national heritage –source of immense pride– and the desire –shared by many Scots– to take part in progress.

Wetland Conservation in Southern Ontario: Exploring a Modified Club Goods Approach

Coatsworth, Brook 21 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of a modified club goods approach to wetland conservation in southern Ontario as an alternative to the current policy approach. As the regulatory framework for wetland conservation continues to develop, however, so does an emerging resistance to participate in government conservation programs by private rural landowners protesting regulatory erosion of citizen rights in private land ownership. The modified club goods approach was evaluated as a fair and effective conservation method through a multiple-case study that explored six non-governmental organizations applying a modified club goods conservation model. As non-governmental organizations broaden their economic base to increase their scope of operations, they are susceptible to influence from changing sources of revenue. They must remain accountable and transparent to members and donors in order to receive their continued financial support, rather than depending on government funds which leads to an organization’s evolution away from the modified model. / The intention of this thesis is not to suggest that the Ontario government should not take part in wetland conservation. On the contrary, it is there duty to be active stakeholders that ensure the province's wetlands are managed fairly and effectively. This thesis explores a modified club goods approach as an alternative approach which the government should support as mediator, not as leader nor as spectator. That said, provincial wetland policy should be developed as a tool for guiding best management and conservation practices of wetlands, and to enhance the provision of environmental goods and services from wetlands. / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the University of Guelph Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics Department.

Estado e classes dominates no Brasil (1930-1964) / State and dominant class in Brasil (1930-1964) : State and dominant class in Brasil (1930-1964)

Farias, Francisco Pereira de 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Armando Boito Junior / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T14:49:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Farias_FranciscoPereirade_D.pdf: 1211385 bytes, checksum: 83a86d8b26fc8ba49893654bdfa8b8f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A pesquisa procura mostrar que, no Brasil de 1930-64, tem-se uma crise de hegemonia no interior do bloco no poder, cuja especificidade é dada pelo caráter independente (relativo aos interesses das frações de classe dominante) da política de desenvolvimento, embora tal política faça concessões aos interesses opostos (burguesia industrial, capital mercantil, fazendeiros). A burguesia industrial revelava uma incapacidade de exercer a hegemonia política, embora não mais tivesse uma posição subordinada no bloco de classes dominantes brasileiras, conseguindo implementar alguns enclaves de políticas afinadas com as suas reivindicações. O capital mercantil teve os seus interesses restringidos pela política econômica inaugurada com a "revolução de 1930", sinal de que esse capital já não detinha mais a hegemonia no interior do bloco no poder. Isso, porém, não significava ao capital mercantil uma posição rendida frente à indústria. A grande propriedade fundiária pré-capitalista possuía uma condição subordinada no interior do bloco no poder, sendo derrotadas reivindicações estratégicas dos seus setores mais importantes. A metodologia da pesquisa consiste principalmente na consulta a trabalhos monográficos sobre a economia e a política no Brasil de 1930-64, nos quais se procura perceber a relação dos interesses das frações de classe dominante com as políticas do Estado. Trata-se de um trabalho que, baseado prevalentemente em dados secundários, privilegia a análise interpretativa, inspirando-se em obras clássicas de sociologia histórica / Abstract: The research aims to show that, in Brazil, from 1930-64, there was a crisis of hegemony within the power bloc, the specificity of which is given by the independent character (relative to the interests of dominant class fractions) of development policy, although such a policy makes concessions to opposing interests (industrial bourgeoisie, merchant capital, farmers). The industrial bourgeoisie revealed an inability to exercise political hegemony, but no longer had a subordinate position in the bloc of the Brazilian ruling classes. Some of its enclaves succeeded in implementing policies according to their demands. The merchant capital had its economic interests constrained by the political "modus faciendi" inaugurated with the "1930 revolution", a sign that the merchant capital had no longer hegemony within the power bloc. This, however, did not mean that the merchant capital were completely weakened in contrast with the industrial power. The large pre-capitalist landowners had a subordinate status within the bloc in power, and had many of the claims of its most important strategic sectors defeated. The research methodology is based primarily on examinations of monographs on economics and politics in Brazil from 1930-64, in which it is attempted to understand the relationship of the interests of fractions of the dominant class with government policies. This is a study which, based predominantly on secondary data as it is, focuses on interpretive analysis, seeking inspiration in classic works of historical sociology / Doutorado / Estado, Processos Politicos e Organização de Interesses / Doutor em Ciência Política

Conflitos agrários: a atuação do juiz numa abordagem histórico-criminal / Agrarian conflitts: the role of the judge in a criminal history approach

Souza, Raniel Nascimento de 30 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T09:28:58Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raniel Nascimento de Souza - 2015.pdf: 532937 bytes, checksum: 221aff768d5231c2f7ec405fbc7647e2 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-01T09:30:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raniel Nascimento de Souza - 2015.pdf: 532937 bytes, checksum: 221aff768d5231c2f7ec405fbc7647e2 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-01T09:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raniel Nascimento de Souza - 2015.pdf: 532937 bytes, checksum: 221aff768d5231c2f7ec405fbc7647e2 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-30 / Agrarian conflicts: the role of the judge in a criminal-history approach aims to address in the required depth, about what instruments the judge who militates in the criminal field of agrarian conflicts have to apply to acting with deliberation, fairness and justice required before of the case. For this, back in time and go to the time leading up to the system of appearance of land grants in Brazil. It points out that the system of land grants, as implemented in Portugal first, aimed at solving specific issues, such as a strong supply crisis that was mainly in Portugal but also in other countries. Nevertheless, Portugal decides to deploy in Cologne newfound, Brazil, the same system deployed there, this incorrectly, with bias and with great disorder, privilegiano a small class of noble people or prestige enjoyed by the Crown. This disorganized and unfairly generated, according to many historians, the latifundia in Brazil. The land issue in Brazil has its origins in the way we implemented the system of land grants in Brazil. This not only generated large estates, but, in particular, was the cause of the first conflicts existing here. From the earliest conflicts, those between sesmeiros and squatters, to the present time, there are thousands of outstanding conflicts in a state of effective action in the rush to try to contain the problems of land tenure. From these historical data concerning the origin and form of distribution of land in Brazil, as well as data on the conflict, the work seeks to bring the judge die elements more strictly criminal, as the postulate of minimal intervention so that in case Concrete related to agrarian conflicts, the judge's analysis is as comprehensive as possible, preventing, blindly, that only repressively apply strictly dogmatic criminal law. The thesis points out that the judgment and the sensitivity of the judge in everyday approach must pass necessarily by in-depth knowledge of the historical and social issues surrounding the issue of agrarian conflicts. A judgment of the Superior Court of Justice - STJ, the Habeas Corpus - HC No. 5574 / SP is taken with one of the bases for the construction of the idea that wanted to bring in the dissertation. He concluded the STJ every citizen has the right to protest and demand the implementation of agrarian reform. He concluded, though, that mister judge, it is essential that judge has a keen discernment to distinguish the crime of the right to protest Based on this, brings out the teachings of Francesco Carnelutti on some features that should have the judge what is called the act in criminal proceedings so that, in this case, especially on the theme of agrarian conflicts, acts not to criminalize conduct, but to contain them, seeking the composition of conflicts applying to a minimum, the repressive criminal law. / Conflitos Agrários: a atuação do juiz numa abordagem histórico-criminal visa a abordar, na profundidade necessária, sobre quais instrumentos o juiz que milita no campo penal dos conflitos agrários precisa se valer para que atue com a ponderação, a equidade e a justiça necessários diante do caso concreto. Para isso, volta no tempo e vai ao momento que antecedeu ao surgimento do sistema das sesmarias no Brasil. Destaca que o sistema das sesmarias, como implantado em Portugal primeiramente, visava solucionar questões pontuais, como por exemplo uma forte crise de abastecimento que acontecia principalmente em Portugal, mas também noutros países. Não obstante, Portugal resolve implantar na Colônia recém-descoberta, o Brasil, o mesmo sistema implantado lá, isso de forma equivocada, com parcialidade e com muita desordem, privilegiando uma pequena classe de gente nobre ou que gozava de prestígio junto à Coroa. Essa forma desorganizada e injusta gerou, de acordo com muitos historiadores, o latifúndio no Brasil. A questão fundiária no Brasil tem suas origens na forma como foi implantado o sistema das sesmarias no Brasil. Isso gerou não somente o latifúndio, mas, em especial, foi a causa dos primeiros conflitos existentes por aqui. Desde os primeiros conflitos existentes, aqueles entre sesmeiros e posseiros, até os tempos atuais, são milhares de conflitos ainda pendentes de uma ação efetiva do Estado no afã de tentar conter os problemas da questão fundiária. A partir desses dados históricos referentes à origem e forma de distribuição de terras no Brasil, bem como sobre os dados referentes aos conflitos, o trabalho procura trazer ao juiz elementos de cunho mais estritamente penais, como o postulado da intervenção mínima para que, no caso concreto referente aos conflitos agrários, a análise do juiz seja a mais abrangente possível, evitando que, cegamente, aquele só aplique repressivamente o direito penal estritamente dogmático. A dissertação destaca que o discernimento e a sensibilidade do juiz na abordagem do dia a dia precisa passar, necessariamente, pelo aprofundado conhecimento das questões históricas e sociais que envolvem a temática dos conflitos agrários. Um julgado do Superior Tribunal de Justiça - STJ, no Habeas Corpus – HC nº 5.574/SP é tido com uma das bases para a construção da ideia que se quis trazer na dissertação. Concluiu o STJ todo o cidadão tem direito de protestar e reclamar a implantação da reforma agrária. Concluiu, ainda que, nesse mister de julgar, é indispensável que juiz tenha um apurado discernimento para distinguir o crime do direito de protestar, Com base nisso, traz à tona ensinamentos de Francesco Carnelutti sobre algumas características que deve possuir o juiz que é chamado a atuar no processo penal para que, no caso concreto, em especial na temática dos conflitos agrários, atue não para criminalizar condutas, mas para contê-las, visando à composição dos conflitos, aplicando, no mínimo possível, o direito penal repressor.

A Survey of Landowner Attitudes Toward the Construction of Lake Ray Roberts

Norris, Paula Sue 08 1900 (has links)
Documentation of social impacts resulting from the construction of Lake Ray Roberts is to be incorporated into a two year post-impoundment study. Research objectives are to: 1) locate current residences of landowners and previous landowners who were displaced; 2) determine social impacts resulting from construction of Lake Ray Roberts; 3) document degree of satisfaction with current living conditions; 4) document landowners' degree of satisfaction associated with COE negotiations; 5) document landowners' observations. Landowners were identified by telephone and sent a mail-back questionnaire. Respondents were generally happy with current residences and communities. While courtesy and sufficient information were provided by the COE, respondents would have preferred for property settlements to be more consistent and timely.

Středověké osídlení na středním toku řeky Bystřice / Medieval settlement in the middle stream of the river Bystrice

Drnovský, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The present study deals with the selected chapters of a medieval settlement in the territory lying along the middle stream of the river Bystřice in northeastern Bohemia. This area is consistent with the surroundings towns Hořice and Miletín. Introductory section evaluates the material and written sources. The main part of the study devoted to the development settlement is divided into several basic sections. Because of declining value of archaeological findings, came mostly from fieldwalking is put emphasis mainly on the study of Early and early Middle Ages. Before 13th century early medieval settlement did not beyond the boundaries old settled area. On several of early medieval settlements is documented continuity of settlement dating back to the 13th century, when most of settlements were abandoned. In the 13th century also were created an absolutely new settlement, which is located near the old sites, or in areas where early medieval sites were not recorded. Most of these sites disappeared at the end of the 13th century or the early 14th century. In the vicinity of these sites we often found present villages. Other sections deal with the issue of churches, cemeteries and deserted medieval villages with an emphasis on residences of the landowners. Part of the study is a catalog of all medieval...

Economic factors influencing industrial landowner assistance programs on private forest land in the south

Crowther, Kevin D. 02 May 2009 (has links)
The survey of medium-to-large forest industry firms across the South found 11,215 landowners enrolled in formal industrial landowner assistance programs in 1989. LAPs appeal to landowners with relatively large holdings who normally have financial returns as a part of their objectives. The forest industry has encouraged this group of owners to participate because of the efficiency in managing large tracts. The average LAP tract size of 428 acres is much larger than the average southern NIPF holding of 47 acres by a factor of ten (Birch et al. 1982). The forest industry enrolled 4,798,274 acres in their LAPs in 1989. Most firms indicated that they planned to increase the size of their LAPs by a total of 1,094,000 acres (23%) over the next five years. The popularity of LAPs in the forest industry appears to be based primarily upon their reliability and cost in comparison to other timber supply strategies (i.e., fee land, leased land, and the open market). Over half (53%) of the firms reported that they had successfully purchased at least 90 percent of the desired timber put up for sale in their LAPs. In case studies of three company programs, a capital budgeting analysis showed that the LAP was the least costly alternative for one firm and that the open market was the least costly timber supply strategy, followed closely by LAPs, for two firms. The LAP was the least costly strategy for Company C primarily because the probability of procuring timber in the LAP (0.95) was much greater than the probability of procurement on the open market (0.30). Since more than half of the surveyed firms were successful in purchasing a substantial part (90%) of the desired timber offered for sale in their LAPs, these results suggest that firms which operate in areas of heavy competition for timber, with correspondingly low probabilities of procurement success on the open market, may find LAPs to be their least expensive timber supply strategy. / Master of Science

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