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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transcriptional and translational dynamics of the human heart

Schneider-Lunitz, Valentin 21 July 2022 (has links)
Die Genexpression wurde bisher hauptsächlich auf Transkriptions- und Proteinebene untersucht, wobei der Einfluss der Translation, die die Proteinhäufigkeit direkt beeinflusst, weitgehend außer Acht gelassen wurde. Um diese Rolle besser zu verstehen, habe ich Ribosomen-Profiling-Daten (Ribo-seq) verwendet, um die Translationsregulation zu untersuchen und neue Translationsvorgänge in 65 linksventrikulären Proben von DCM-Patienten im Endstadium und 15 Nicht-DCM-Kontrollen zu identifizieren. Dieser Datensatz half dabei, die Transkriptions- und Translationsregulation zwischen erkrankten und nicht betroffenen menschlichen Herzen zu sezieren und enthüllte Gene und Prozesse, die rein unter Translationskontrolle stehen. Darüber hinaus habe ich neue kardiale Proteine vorhergesagt, die von langen nicht-kodierenden RNAs (lncRNAs) und zirkulären RNAs (circRNAs) translatiert werden. Computergestützte Analysen dieser evolutionär jungen Proteine legten eine Beteiligung an verschiedenen molekularen Prozessen nahe, mit einer besonderen Anreicherung für den mitochondrialen Energiestoffwechsel. Schließlich identifizierte ich RNA-bindende Proteine (RBPs), deren Expression die Menge der Ziel-mRNA oder die Frequenz der Translationseffizienz (TE) beeinflusst. Für eine Untergruppe von 21 RBPs habe ich die Regulation auf beiden quantitativen Merkmalen beobachtet, was zu einer unterschiedlichen mechanistischen Basis der Expressionskontrolle für unabhängige Gensätze führte. Obwohl die genaue Umschaltung der RBP-Funktion wahrscheinlich durch eine Kombination von mehreren Faktoren erreicht wird, haben wir für drei Kandidaten eine starke Abhängigkeit von der Zielgenlänge und der 5'-UTR-Struktur beobachtet. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen Katalog von neu identifizierten Translationsereignissen und einen quantitativen Ansatz zur Untersuchung der Translationsregulation im gesunden und kranken menschlichen Herzen. / Gene expression has primarily been studied on transcriptional and protein levels, largely disregarding the extent of translational regulation that directly influences protein abundance. To elucidate its role, I used ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq) data, obtained through ribosome profiling, to study translational regulation and identify novel translation events in 65 left ventricular samples of end-stage DCM patients and 15 non-DCM controls. This dataset helped dissect transcriptional and translational regulation between diseased and unaffected human hearts, revealing genes and processes purely under translational control. These would have remained undetected by only looking at the transcriptional level. Furthermore, I predicted novel cardiac proteins translated from long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and circRNAs. Computational analysis of these evolutionary young proteins suggested involvement in diverse molecular processes with a particular enrichment for mitochondrial processes. Finally, I identified RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) whose expression influences target mRNA abundance or translational efficiency (TE) rates. For a subset of 21 RBPs, I have observed regulation on both quantitative traits, which resulted in different mechanistic basis expression control for independent sets of genes. Though the precise switch in RBP function is likely achieved by a combination of multiple factors, for three candidates we have observed a strong dependency on target length and 5’ UTR structure. This work presents a catalogue of newly identified translation events and a quantitative approach to study translational regulation in the healthy and failing human heart.

Cliometrische Untersuchungen zur Bildungsökonomie in Deutschland

Wiedemann, Hartmut 06 May 2013 (has links)
Das primäre Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, Belege für die zentrale Hypothese der Humankapi-taltheorie zu finden, dass Investitionen in Bildung, Forschung und Entwicklung einen erhöh-ten Output für die Gesellschaft und für das Individuum generieren. Die dafür notwendige Untersuchung wird anhand langer Zeitreihen für Deutschland mit Hilfe cliometrischer und ökonometrischer Methoden durchgeführt und das Ergebnis einer kritischen Würdigung unterzogen. Zur Einstimmung und zum besseren Verständnis des Untersuchungshintergrundes werden die Initiativen der in Deutschland bildungspolitisch Verantwortlichen beschrieben und an der Bildungssituation der früheren Bundesrepublik und des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands ab 1990 gespiegelt. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit ist es, die Genese der Bildungsökonomie, ihre wichtigsten Aussagen und mathematischen Modelle zu skizzieren. Außerdem werden die in der Literatur schon veröffentlichten wichtigsten statistischen Ergebnisse, z. B. über Kosten und Renditen von Bildungs- und Forschungs-investitionen, wiedergegeben. Im Ergebnisteil dieser Dissertation werden die Interdependenzen der Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsausgaben u. a. mit den Schul- und Studienabschlüssen und dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt mit Hilfe der Zeitreihenanalyse untersucht. Bei kointegrierten Variablen werden die Schätzungen einer Fehlerkorrekturrechnung unterzogen, um eine Scheinregression zu vermeiden. Die Interdependenz der Variablen im Sinne der Humankapitaltheorie wird bestätigt; allerdings zeigen die Schätzgleichungen unterschiedlich große Ergebnisse bzgl. der Bestimmtheitsmaße. / The primary objective of this thesis is to provide proof for the central hypothesis of Human Capital Theory, that investment in education, research and development generates an increase in output for society and for the individual. Analysis will be made on the basis of long time series for Germany by making use of cliometric and econometric methods. The findings will then be thoroughly discussed and critically compared. To begin with, and to give a better understanding of the issue the initiatives of the educational-policy-makers will be described and put into relation to the educational situation in former West Germany and reunited Germany since 1990. The main aspect of this piece of research is to outline the genesis of economics of education, its core statements and underlying mathematical models. Furthermore, important statistical data which has already been published regarding (for example) the costs and return of investments in education, research and development will be presented. In the conclusion of this thesis, the interdependences of spending in education, research and development with inter alia graduation and gross domestic product (GDP) will be analysed by the means of time series analysis. When variables are cointegrated, estimates will be subjected to an estimate correction in order to avoid a spurious regression. The interdependency of the variables in the Human Capital Theory is affirmed, although the estimating equations give different results for the coefficients of determination.

GRAVIDA KVINNORS INTAG AV KOSTTILLSKOTT : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på järn och probiotika / PREGNANT WOMEN´S INTAKE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENT : A quantitative study focusing on iron and probiotics

Lange Bålman, Miriam January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning  Bakgrund Vitamin- och mineralbrister hos gravida kvinnor kan leda till missfall och allvarliga störningar i barnets utveckling. Moderns tarmflora överförs med stor sannolikhet till barnet under förlossningen och kan därför innebära ett viktigt steg i utvecklingen av barnets tarmflora. En tänkbar lösning för att säkra ett adekvat intag kan vara konsumtion av kosttillskott och probiotika. I dagsläget finns osäkra uppgifter om hur många gravida kvinnor som intar tillskott.  Syfte Att undersöka hur många gravida kvinnor i Västerbottens län som valde att inta kosttillskott, främst järn och probiotika, samt om det fanns en skillnad mellan olika faktorer och intag.  Metod En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där gravida kvinnor (n=1473) från Northpop-studien i Västerbottens län svarade på ett frågeformulär gällande intag av kosttillskott och faktorer som ålder, utbildning, kostregim etc. De statistiska tester som användes var Chi-2-test, oberoende t-test och Mann Whitney U-test. Materialet analyserades i SPSS. Signifikansnivån sattes till p<0,05.  Resultat Majoriteten av deltagarna svarade att de intog kosttillskott. Faktorer som ökade intaget av kosttillskott hos gravida kvinnor var högre ålder (p=0,030) jämfört med lägre ålder, högre utbildningsnivå (p=0,006) jämfört med lägre utbildningsnivå och vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,021) jämfört med blandkost. Femtiofem procent uppgav att de intog järntillskott. De faktorer som ökade intaget av järntillskott hos gravida kvinnor var vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,001) jämfört med blandkost. Probiotika intogs av 2 procent. Ett högre intag av probiotika sågs hos personer boende i stadsområde (p=0,024) jämfört med övriga boenderegioner samt de som åt vegetarisk/vegansk kost (p=0,001) jämfört med blandkost.  Slutsats Majoriteten av deltagarna intog någon typ av kosttillskott, hälften intog järntillskott och en liten andel intog probiotika. Lågutbildade, yngre, de som äter blandkost och bor utanför stadsområde verkar vara i riskgruppen för att inte inta kosttillskott. / Abstract  Background Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage and serious disturbances in children’s development. The intestinal flora of the mother is most likely transmitted to the child during childbirth and may lay the foundation for the child's health. One possible solution to ensure an adequate intake may be the consumption of dietary supplements and probiotics. At present, there is insufficient data on supplement consumption among pregnant women.  Objective The purpose of the study was to examine how many pregnant women in Västerbotten County chose to consume dietary supplements, mainly iron and probiotics, and whether there was a difference between different factors and intake.  Method A quantitative cross-sectional study where pregnant women (n=1473) from the Northpop-study in Västerbotten County responded to a questionnaire regarding consumption of dietary supplements and factors such as age, education, diet etc. The material was analyzed in SPSS with Chi-2-test, independent T-Test and Mann-Whitney U-Test. Using significance level <0.05.  Results The majority of participants, 90 percent, responded that they consumed dietary supplements. The factors that increased the intake of dietary supplements in pregnant women were higher age (p=0.030), higher education (p=0.006) and vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.021). Iron was reported to be consumed by 804 people, 55 percent. The factors that increased the intake of iron supplement in pregnant women were vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.001). Probiotics were consumed by 25 people, 2 percent. Living in urban areas (p=0.024) and eating vegetarian/vegan diet (p=0.002) increased consumption of probiotics.  Conclusion The majority of participants chose to consume some type of dietary supplement, half of the participants consumed iron supplements and a small part consumed probiotics. It appears that pregnant women who are low educated, younger, eating an omnivorous diet and living outside urban areas are in the risk zone for not consuming dietary supplements. / Northpop

Mikropáskové vazební směrové a hybridní členy - laboratorní úloha / Microstrip Directional and Hybrid Couplers - a laboratory experiment

Orság, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the elaboration of a laboratory experiment with basic types of microstrip directional and hybrid couplers in the frequency range up to tens GHz. The thesis is concerned on branch line directional coupler, rat-race directional coupler, De Rondeho coupler, coupled-line coupler, and Lange directional coupler. Simulated results are confronted with measured results obtained by a skalar network analyzer. From overall findings the relevant laboratory experiment was configured and designed.

Sovereignties Displaced: Avant-Garde Prose and Authoritarianism in Spain, Chile, and Argentina (1923-1936)

Ryan, William, 0000-0003-1748-469X January 2020 (has links)
Whereas contemporary debates in Latin American studies addressing sovereignty often focus on dictatorships and the transitions to democratic governments in Latin America in the late twentieth century, Sovereignties Displaced: Avant-Garde Prose and Authoritarianism in Spain, Chile, and Argentina (1923-1936) adopts a transatlantic framework and directs critical attention to the cultural production of the interwar period. The historical and cultural events preceding and following 1929 are connected to World War I, the political crisis of democratic systems, and the global socioeconomic instability of the period. The three countries studied in the present work would be affected by these conditions, sharing an almost synchronic development of the authoritarian governments of Miguel Primo de Rivera in Spain (1923-1930), of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo in Chile (1927-1931), and José Félix Uriburu in Argentina (1930-1932). Additionally, the rise of authoritarianism and the decay of parliamentary institutions characterizing this epoch condition and inscribe the political essays and avant-garde novels composed by the intellectuals and writers analyzed in this study: from Spain, María Zambrano (1904-1991), Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1888-1963), and Benjamín Jarnés (1888-1949); from Chile, Alberto Edwards Vives (1874-1932), Juan Emar (1893-1964), and Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948); and from Argentina, Ramón Doll (1896-1970), Norah Lange (1905-1972), and Roberto Arlt (1900-1942). It should be noted that while considering national circumstances, my argumentation is divided into sections organized not by country, but rather by subject matter: a methodological and theoretical introduction, three analytical chapters, and concluding remarks. Established critical assessments of the avant-gardes, as offered by experts like Renato Poggioli (1907-1963), have underscored that democratic forms of government would provide the initial conditions of possibility of the historical avant-gardes. Other scholars, however, have recognized the interdependency of early twentieth century artistic discourses, revolutionary ideas, and authoritarianism. Informed by the theorization of sovereignty and democracy of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), and the concept of community of Roberto Esposito (1950-), my research examines, in political essays and vanguard novels, the opposition of individual vis-à-vis collective forms of rule. The texts of my corpus manifest a recurrent concern relating to the tension between self-rule and collective-rule, a dynamic which organizes and destabilizes avant-garde formations themselves. Consequently, I analyze the philosophical and political ramifications of these authors’ defense, negation, or destabilization of the individual-collective opposition in the context of the deterioration of parliamentarism. In my first chapter, I examine the following essays that represent a range of political positions from the interwar years: Horizonte del liberalismo (1930) by María Zambrano, Liberalismo en la literatura y la política (Con una segunda edición de: “Democracia mal menor”) (1934, n/d) by Ramón Doll, and La fronda aristocrática en Chile (1928) by Alberto Edwards Vives. Framed by the sociological assessments of José Ortega y Gasset in La rebelión de las masas (1930), this chapter considers these essayists’ observations regarding mass politics and the role of political and economic elites. I foreground the ethical problems relating to these authors’ conceptions of the human subject and their concomitant formulations of governance, deriving from various ideological orientations. The essayists’ comparable anxieties regarding the limits of democratic politics reveal the complexities of the period and serve as a springboard for the subsequent chapters that study the politics of avant-garde novels. In my second chapter, shifting from essayistic discourse to vanguard fiction, I analyze philosophical oppositions central to the configuration of sovereignty, and to the theory and practice of democracy. These tensions organize various components of the following novels: Un año (1935) by Juan Emar (pseudonym of Álvaro Yáñez Bianchi), 45 días y 30 marineros (1933) by Norah Lange, and El caballero del hongo gris (1928) by Ramón Gómez de la Serna. I demonstrate that, although these narratives do not contain explicit references to the emergence of authoritarianism and the erosion of parliamentarism of the period, these narratives are structured by problems that have implications for a thinking of issues relating to sovereignty and democracy. These novels similarly present how individuals interact with groups, such that it becomes imperative to consider the political consequences of these relations in order to critique, for example, fraternalistic and nationalistic notions of political filiation. My final chapter studies the narrative presentations of radical political projects that aim to restructure society in Los siete locos (1929) by Roberto Arlt, La próxima (1934) by Vicente Huidobro, and Lo rojo y lo azul (1932) by Benjamín Jarnés. In contrast to the narratives included in the second chapter, these avant-garde novels establish an explicit dialogue with the conditions of crisis of the interwar years. From insurrections and utopian settlements, to revolutionary military revolts, these narrations depict small vanguard groups that propose various plots that seek to radically reshape the social order. Even though poetry is often positioned as the paradigmatic form of vanguard literary expression, my research theorizes the understudied phenomenon of Hispanic avant-garde prose. In particular, I account for the variation among avant-garde novels of the period, by sustaining that there are gradations of vanguard narrative depending on different factors that range from the transparency or opacity of linguistic expression, to the organization of the narrative material. In this sense, some novels considered vanguardist, while approaching a certain radicality in terms of language and form, may incorporate elements of the realist-naturalist novelistic tradition. Likewise, I assert the importance of attending to the varied uses of meta-reflexive procedures in Hispanic vanguard prose. Given their implicit and explicit interaction with contemporary historical conditions and political and artistic discourses of the 1920s and 1930s, I contend that the essays and avant-garde novels analyzed offer a fertile ground to examine the nature of sovereignty, while also presenting, in some crucial instances, potential images of what a democracy worthy of this name could look like. / Spanish

Entschlüsselung der Genome von <i>Ralstonia eutropha</i> H16 und <i>Methanosphaera stadtmanae</i> und vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Anpassungen der Genomorganisation / Decipherment of the genomes of <i>Ralstonia eutropha</i> H16 and <i>Methanosphaera stadtmanae</i> and comparative analysis of adaptations of the genome organisation

Fricke, Wolfgang Florian 30 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Jahresbericht 2011 / Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz / Annual Report 2011 / University Library of Chemnitz

Malz, Angela 11 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2011 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2011

Jahresbericht 2011 / Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz

Malz, Angela 11 July 2014 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2011 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2011

Summerhill school is it possible in Aotearoa ??????? New Zealand ???????: Challenging the neo-liberal ideologies in our hegemonic schooling system

Peck, Mikaere Michelle S. January 2009 (has links)
The original purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibility of setting up a school in Aotearoa (New Zealand) that operates according to the principles and philosophies of Summerhill School in Suffolk, England. An examination of Summerhill School is therefore the purpose of this study, particularly because of its commitment to self-regulation and direct democracy for children. My argument within this study is that Summerhill presents precisely the type of model Māori as Tangata Whenua (Indigenous people of Aotearoa) need in our design of an alternative schooling programme, given that self-regulation and direct democracy are traits conducive to achieving Tino Rangitiratanga (Self-government, autonomy and control). In claiming this however, not only would Tangata Whenua benefit from this model of schooling; indeed it has the potential to serve the purpose of all people regardless of age race or gender. At present, no school in Aotearoa has replicated Summerhill's principles and philosophies in their entirety. Given the constraints of a Master's thesis, this piece of work is therefore only intended as a theoretical background study for a much larger kaupapa (purpose). It is my intention to produce a further and more comprehensive study in the future using Summerhill as a vehicle to initiate a model school in Aotearoa that is completely antithetical to the dominant neo-liberal philosophy of our age. To this end, my study intends to demonstrate how neo-liberal schooling is universally dictated by global money market trends, and how it is an ideology fueled by the indifferent acceptance of the general population. In other words, neo-liberal theory is a theory of capitalist colonisation. In order to address the long term vision, this project will be comprised of two major components. The first will be a study of the principal philosophies that govern Summerhill School. As I will argue, Summerhill creates an environment that is uniquely successful and fulfilling for the children who attend. At the same time, it will also be shown how it is a philosophy that is entirely contrary to a neo-liberal 3 mindset; an antidote, to a certain extent, to the ills of contemporary schooling. The second component will address the historical movement of schooling in Aotearoa since the Labour Party's landslide victory in 1984, and how the New Zealand Curriculum has been affected by these changes. I intend to trace the importation of neo-liberal methodologies into Aotearoa such as the 'Picot Taskforce,' 'Tomorrows Schools' and 'Bulk Funding,' to name but a few. The neo-liberal ideologies that have swept through this country in the last two decades have relentlessly metamorphosised departments into businesses and forced ministries into the marketplace, hence causing the 'ideological reduction of education' and confining it to the parameters of schooling. The purpose of this research project is to act as a catalyst for the ultimate materialization of an original vision; the implementation of a school like Summerhill in Aotearoa. A study of the neo-liberal ideologies that currently dominate this country is imperative in order to understand the current schooling situation in Aotearoa and create an informed comparison between the 'learning for freedom' style of Summerhill and the 'learning to earn' style of our status quo schools. It is my hope to strengthen the argument in favour of Summerhill philosophy by offering an understanding of the difference between the two completely opposing methods of learning.

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