Spelling suggestions: "subject:"daying"" "subject:"1aying""
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Biodisponibilité relative du chlordécone de l'andosol et du nitisol chez les animaux d'élevage monogastriques / Relative bioavailability of chlordecone in andosol and nitisol in monogastric farm animalsBouveret, Cécile 28 November 2012 (has links)
Le chlordécone est un pesticide organochloré, qui a été utilisé dans les Antilles françaises pour lutter contre le charançon du bananier Cosmopolites sordidus. Ce pesticide a été interdit en 1993 en raison de sa toxicité et de sa persistance dans l'environnement. Cependant des études ont montré que la population antillaise continue d'être exposée (lait maternel et sang contaminés, transfert de chlordécone mère-jeune, retard du développement cognitif, risque de cancer de la prostate) en particulier via l'alimentation. Depuis 2008, la réglementation européenne n°396/2005 est appliquée sur le territoire antillais (limite maximale fixée à 10 et 20 µg chlordécone /kg poids frais repsectivement dans le foie et l'oeuf et de 100 µg/kg de matière grasse dans le gras). Il s'avère que la contamination des denrées au chlordécone est due au fait que les sols d'anciennes bananeraies autrefois traités au chlordécone (principalement des andosols, des nitisols et des ferrisols) demeurent contaminés. L'andosol contient de l'argile allophane, structure qui confère une microporosité élevée par l'enchevêtrement de motifs particulaires répétés à plusieurs échelles. Le chlordécone de l'andosol a été potentiellement piégé par ce réseau de micropores et est supposé être fortement retenu. Au contraire, le nitisol contient de l'argile halloysite, dont la structure correspond à une superposition de couches et ménage une faible porosité. Notre hypothèse est que le chlordécone est moins retenu par le nitisol que par l'andosol. Les animaux monogastriques élevés en plein air (porcin, volaille) sont susceptibles d'ingérer du sol de manière involontaire. Chez la poule pondeuse, les niveaux d'ingestion de sol peuvent atteindre 25 % de la ration alimentaire journalière dans le cas d'une réduction du couvert végétal et/ou d'un rationnement alimentaire. L'ingestion de sol pour le porcin a été peu étudiée. Nous avons cherché à déterminer les aptitudes d'un andosol et d'un nitisol à retenir le chlordécone durant le processus digestif. Pour cela nous avons évalué la biodisponibilité relative du chlordécone d'un andosol et d'un nitisol chez l'animal monogastrique. La détermination de la biodisponibilité relative repose sur la comparaison des pentes entre la réponse (concentration de chlordécone dans les matrices animales) obtenue lors des doses croissantes de chlordécone ingérées via la matrice testée (l'andosol ou le nitisol) à la réponse obtenue lors des mêmes doses de chlordécone ingérées via une matrice de référence (huile). Les résultats obtenus chez la poule pondeuse et le porcelet ont indiqué que l'andosol et le nitisol n'affectent pas la biodisponibilité du chlordécone. Ainsi, la biodisponibilité relative du chlordécone des sols étudiés a été identique et considérée égale à 100% aussi bien chez la poule que chez le porcelet. Le chlordécone du sol a donc été extrait durant le processus digestif et absorbé par l'animal monogastrique à l'identique du chlordécone dissous dans de l'huile. Le chlordécone du sol est donc assimilable par l'animal d'élevage. Ainsi, les sols contaminés en chlordécone présentent un réel risque pour la filière animale. Les teneurs en chlordécone des produits (foie, gras, oeuf) ont dépassé les limites maximales acceptables dès lors que les animaux monogastriques ont ingéré 6,8 µg chlordécone /jour/kg de poids vif. Sachant que 10% des sols cultivables contiennent au moins 1 mg chlordécone /kg, dès lors qu'un animal monogastrique (poule pondeuse ou porcelet) ingère 17 % de sol dans sa ration alimentaire quotidienne, les teneurs en chlordécone des produits dépasseront les limites maximales et seront « impropres » à la consommation. Il convient ainsi d'identifier les pratiques d'élevage à risques pour préconiser des mesures limitant la contamination des produits animaux au chlordécone / Chlordecone (CLD) is an organochlorine pesticide used in the French West Indies against black weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. This pesticide was banned in 1993, because of the toxicity and persistence of this compound in the environment. However, several studies indicated that the population is already exposed to chlordecone (contaminated blood and maternal milk, chlordecone transfer to the mother from the child, memory delay in child and risk to the prostate cancer) particularly by food ingestion. Since 2008, European Regulation °396/2005 is applied in French West Indies (maximal limit fixed at 10 and 20 µg chlordecone/kg of fresh weight in liver and egg and at 100 µg chlordecone /kg of fat in fat). Soils of banana crops previously treated by chlordecone (mainly andosols, nitisols, ferrisols) are still contaminated and are the major source of contamination of food products. Andosol contains allophane clay structure which allows a high microporosity with the formation of particle aggregates in a pattern repeated at different scales. chlordecone would be strongly trapped by this micropores structure and supposed to be strongly retained. Nitisol contains halloysite clayed structure composed to the clay layers superposition with a low porosity. Our hypothesis is that chlordécone is less retained by nitisol than by andosol. Monogastric animals reared outside (pig, poultry) may involuntary ingest soil. It has been shown that hen can ingest soil amounts corresponding to 25 % of the daily ration in the case of vegetation reduction and of nutritional imbalance. Soil ingestion by pig was less studied. In the frame of this research work, we determined andosol and nitisol capacities to retain chlordecone during the digestive process. The relative bioavailability of soil-bound chlordecone in monogastric farm animals (laying hen and juvenile swine) was established. The relative bioavailability determination consists to the slope comparison between the response (concentrations of chlordecone in animal matrices) obtained with increasing chlordecone doses via andosol or nitisol and the response obtained with the same chlordecone ingestion doses via a reference matrix (oil). Results showed that andosol and nitisol did not reduce the chlordecone bioavailability. Thus, relative bioavailability of soil-bound chlordecone was considered to be equal to 100% in laying hen and in juvenile swine. chlordecone was extracted during the digestive process and was absorbed by the monogastric animals. Thus, soil-bound chlordecone is directly assimilated by monogastric farm animals. Concentrations of chlordecone in animal products (liver, fat, egg) exceeded maximal limits for a chlordecone ingestion at least equal to 6.8 µg chlordecone/day/kg of body weight. Since 10% of agricultural soils are contaminated with at least 1 mg/kg, the ingestion of 17% of soil in the daily food ration will result in animal products not acceptable for human consumption. Therefore, it is important to characterize the risk livestock farming practices in order to limit the contamination of food products
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Ambiência, bem-estar e microbiota intestinal de aves poedeiras no sistema free-range livre de antibióticos / Ambience, welfare and gut microbiota of laying hens in the free-range antibiotics-free systemRomano, Gislaine Goretti 14 June 2017 (has links)
O bem-estar animal pode influenciar o sistema produtivo na avicultura de postura. Sendo assim, o sistema free-range ou \"ao ar livre\" sem o uso de antibióticos surge como uma alternativa aos sistemas confinados. Espera-se que esse sistema torne-se cada vez mais difundido em atenção à demanda do mercado consumidor e bem-estar animal. Neste estudo, são abordados à influência da ambiência nas características qualitativas da cama aviária e ninhos, qualidade do ar, padrões fisiológicos e comportamentais, e avaliação da microbiota intestinal de galinhas poedeiras criadas no sistema free-range sem o uso de antibióticos. O estudo foi conduzido em um galpão comercial de galinhas poedeiras da linhagem Lohmann Brown. O período experimental correspondeu da 18ª a 24ª semanas de idade, para as avaliações relacionadas à ambiência, parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais. Para a estimativa da densidade bacteriana intestinal, as aves foram avaliadas durante o período de produção dos ovos, correspondendo à idade de pré-pico de postura (13ª semana), pico de postura (24ª semana) e pós-pico de postura (63ª semana). Água e ração foram fornecidas ad libitum. Constatou-se que as condições climáticas foram favoráveis, ou seja, as aves permanceram dentro da zona de termoneutralidade e na faixa de conforto térmico ideal. Resultados referentes à amônia volatilizada foram satisfatórios, assim como a umidade da cama e ninhos. Não houve incidência de pododermatite e as condições de empenamento das aves permaneceram íntegras nas regiões avaliadas. As avaliações comportamentais das aves demonstrou que as mesmas estavam em totais condições de bem-estar animal, ademais os níveis de corticosterona foram significativamente inferiores. Em relação ao estudo da microbiota intestinal das aves, as análises revelaram diferentes padrões de densidade dos simbiontes em relação às regiões estudas. A população das bactérias benéficas foi significativamente maior em comparação as bactérias patogênicas. Os simbiontes intestinais estudados demonstraram crescimento diferencial ao longo do período estudo. Diante do exposto, podemos reportar que o sistema free-range sem o uso de antibióticos apresentou qualidade de vida às aves poedeiras no que tange o bem-estar animal. / Animal welfare quality may affect egg laying livestock. Thus, the antibiotics-free free-range rearing system (AFFRS) came to light as an alternative to conventional production systems. Furthermore, it is expected AFFRS become more and more widespread as a response to consumer demand and animal welfare rules. In here, we aimed to evaluate the influence of the ambiance on the avian litter and nests, air quality, bird physiology and behavioral patterns, and their intestinal microbiota as well. The study was carried out using Lohmann Brown laying hens breed of the 18th to the 24th weeks-old kept in a commercial shed, and the environmental, physiological and behavioral parameters were evaluated. Additionally, gut microbiota was estimated by using hens of three different egg production cycles. The first cycle was represented by grower hens with 13th weeks of age as their reproductive organs were developing (i.e. early cycle), followed by 24th weeks-old grower hens (high egg production cycle), and 63th weeks-old grower cycle hens (late egg-laying cycle). Water and feed were supplied ad libitum. Data demonstrated birds were in optimal thermal comfort and the volatilized ammonia concentration remained at very low rates, as well as the bed and nest moisture levels. There was no incidence of pododermatitis and the conditions of feathering of the birds remained intact. Animal welfare conditions were optimal as demonstrated through behavioral data and corticosterone levels. Furthermore, gut microbiota densities were different between target symbiont-groups of the same gut region and among different gut segments investigated. Beneficial bacteria densities were significantly higher than pathogenic bacteria and gut symbionts showed differential growth curve throughout the studied period. Thus, our results demonstrated that the AFFRS met the laying hen\'s welfare quality rules and can be considered a good alternative rearing system to the egg production industry.
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Untersuchung verschiedener in Sachsen angewandter Impfstrategien zur Vorbeugung der Salmonella Enteritidis-Infektion in LegehennenbeständenKäser, Cornelia 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde einerseits der Verlauf der Schutzwirkung der zurzeit in Sachsens Legehennenbeständen überwiegend angewandten Impfschemata gegen Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) untersucht. Andererseits wurden die Impfschemata, die ausschließlich modifizierte Lebendimpfstoffe (MLV) umfassen, und Impfschemata, die aus einer Kombination von MLV und Inaktivatimpfstoffen (KV) bestehen, auf Unterschiede in der Wirksamkeit geprüft.
Um die Wirksamkeit der Impfschemata im Verlauf der Legeperiode und im Vergleich miteinander untersuchen zu können, wurden zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Legeperiode (39., 54. und 69. Lebenswoche (LW)) Infektionsversuche mit einem Nalidixinsäure-resistenten SE-Stamm durchgeführt. Es wurden insgesamt 180 Legehennen verwendet, die in fünf verschiedenen Herkunftsbetrieben etwa gleicher Größe aufgezogen und geimpft worden waren. In jedem der Herkunftsbetriebe wurde eines von fünf Impfschemata (A bis E) angewendet. Die Impfschemata A und C beinhalteten ausschließlich MLV, die Impfschemata B, D und E eine Kombination aus MLV und KV. Zu den genannten Zeitpunkten (39., 54. und 69. LW) wurden jeweils zwölf Tiere aus den Betrieben in den Infektionsstall des Instituts für Tierhygiene und Öffentliches Veterinärwesen verbracht und eingestallt. Nach der Adaptionsphase von einer Woche und der Prüfung der Tiere auf Salmonellenfreiheit wurde jedes Tier mit 1,0 x109 KbE SE oral infiziert. Zwei und sieben Tage post infectionem (p.inf). wurden jeweils sechs Hennen euthanasiert und seziert. Caeca, Leber-, Ovar- und Oviduktproben wurden entnommen und gemäß anerkannter quantitativer und qualitativer Untersuchungsmethoden auf den Infektionsstamm untersucht. Zur Kontrolle der Erregerausscheidung wurden ein, drei und fünf Tage p.inf. Kloakentupferproben von jedem Tier entnommen und entsprechend auf SE untersucht.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen variierten in Abhängigkeit von Versuchs- und Sektions- bzw. Kloakentupferentnahmezeitpunkt, untersuchtem Organ sowie quantitativer und qualitativer Untersuchung. Die ausschließlich mit MLV geimpften Gruppen A und C wiesen im Vergleich zu den Gruppen D und E, die mit demselben MLV und zusätzlich mit einem KV geimpft worden waren, in den Kloakentupfer- und Caecumproben in der Regel qualitativ und quantitativ weniger Salmonellen auf. Der Salmonellennachweis in den Leberproben und den vereinzelt besiedelten Reproduktionsorganen variierte nur geringfügig zwischen den Impfgruppen. Da die Tiere der vier Impfgruppen aus jeweils anderen Herkunftsbetrieben stammten, sind haltungsbedingte Unterschiede anzunehmen. Das äußere Erscheinungsbild (Befiederung, Bemuskelung, makroskopische pathologische Veränderungen) und das Sozialverhalten der Tiere variierten, was mit Unterschieden in der Immunität einhergehen kann. Bei den Tieren der Gruppe A bzw. C waren in der 69. LW und in 54. LW, respektive, ein ausgeprägtes kannibalistisches Verhalten und dessen Konsequenzen (reduzierte Wasser- und Futteraufnahme der gepickten Tiere, Hackverletzungen) zu beobachten.
Tendenziell waren die Tiere der Gruppen B bis E in der 54. LW stärker mit SE belastet als in der 39. und 69. LW. Ein Einfluss der unter Umständen erhöhten Umgebungstemperaturen in den Betrieben sowie des hohen Leistungsstresses während der mittleren Phase der Legeperiode auf die Immunität der 54 LW alten Tiere, die im August 2010 infiziert wurden, ist nicht auszuschließen. Auch eine sich ausbildende Altersresistenz könnte die bessere Salmonellenabwehr der 69 LW alten Tiere erklären. Tiere der Gruppe A waren jedoch in der 69. LW am stärksten mit SE belastet, was auf ein Nachlassen der durch die Impfung induzierten Immunität und möglicherweise auf den im Vergleich zu den jüngeren Tieren allgemein schwächeren Zustand der Tiere zurückzuführen ist. Die Ergebnisse einer Kontrollgruppe zur Beurteilung der von der Impfung unabhängigen Faktoren fehlen. Da in den sächsischen Legehennenhaltungen aufgrund der hohen Tierzahlen entsprechend der Hühner-Salmonellen Verordnung (Impfpflicht für Betriebe mit mehr als 350 Tieren) gegen SE geimpft wird, hätten zur Bildung einer ungeimpften Kontrollgruppe Tiere aus kleineren Betrieben oder Zuchttierhaltungen mit völlig anderen Haltungsstrukturen verwendet werden müssen. Damit wären die wissenschaftlichen Ansprüche an eine Kontrollgruppe jedoch nicht erfüllt worden.
Entsprechend der Ergebnisse und Umstände dieser Studie scheint eine Zusatzimpfung mit einem KV im Vergleich zu einer Impfung mit ausschließlich MLV keinen Vorteil im Schutz vor SE zu bieten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Immunität der gemäß der Impfschemata B bis E geimpften Legehennen gegen SE am Ende der Legeperiode nicht nachlässt.
Die Impfung allein kann den Erreger nicht eliminieren und muss daher stets in ein verantwortungsvolles und vielseitiges Bekämpfungsprogramm integriert werden.
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Mycoplasma synoviae assoziierte Eischalenpoldefekte bei LegehennenRanck, Frederik 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In einer klinisch-prospektiven Feldstudie wurden Legehennenherden untersucht, in denen poldefekte Eier auftraten. Aus 3 betroffenen Herden wurden hierzu gezielt 86 Hühner, die poldefekte Eier legten, sowie willkürlich 72 Hühner, die normale Eier legten, untersucht. Alle Herden zeigten eine gute Legeleistung und eine hohen Sekundaanteil von über 5% an der Legeleistung, wobei die verschmutzten Eier die größte Fraktion ausmachten. Je mehr poldefekte Eier auftraten, umso höher waren der Schmutzeianteil sowie der Anteil an Bruch- und Fließeiern. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich durch die verringerte Schalenstabilität der poldefekten Eier erklären. Bei den auf poldefekte Eier selektierten Hühnern machten die poldefekten Eier den Hauptanteil der absoluten Legeleistung mit 46 bis 64% aus, sie hatten zudem einen Bruch- und Fließeianteil zwischen 27 und 38%. Der Bruch –und Fließeianteil hat die absolute Legeleistung gesenkt, aufgrund ihrer Instabilität gingen viele dieser Eier auf dem Weg vom Huhn zur Packstelle verloren. Hatte ein Huhn einmal begonnen poldefekte Eier zu legen, legte es fast keine normalen Eier mehr.
In der serologischen Untersuchung mittels ELISA hatten die Hühner aller drei Herden, welche poldefekte Eier legten, einen signifikant höheren Antikörpertiter (p<0,05) gegen Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe. Bei allen Hühnern konnte MS-spezifische DNA in Trachealabstrichen mittels PCR amplifiziert werden. Kloakenabstriche erwiesen sich mittels MS-PCR bei den Hühnern mit poldefekten Eiern zu 87% (n=72), bei den Kontrollhühner dagegen nur zu 18% (n=13) als MS positiv. MS war darüber hinaus aus Legedarmabstrichen von fünf Hühnern, welche poldefekte Eier legten, kultivierbar.
Darüber hinaus wurden 49 poldefekte Eier und 43 Eier ohne Poldefekte im Eiklar auf MS untersucht. Bei fast allen poldefekten Eiern konnte im Eiklar MS-spezifische DNA nachgewiesen werden (n=48; 98%), im Unterschied zu den Kontrolleiern (n=11; 26%). Ein kausal-pathogenetischer Zusammenhang zwischen einer Infektion des Legedarms mit MS und dem Legen von Eiern mit Poldefekten ist den Ergebnissen folgend wahrscheinlich, wobei verschiedene Faktoren für die Infektion des Legedarms verantwortlich zu sein scheinen.
Bei der qualitativen Untersuchung hatten die poldefekten Eier eine signifikant (p<0.05) geringere Schalenstabilität im Vergleich zu den Kontrolleiern. Die Eischalenspitzen der Gruppe „Pol A“ hielten mit 11,4N fast nur ein Viertel der Belastung der Referenzherde aus. Die hohe Schalenstabilität der Kontrolleier von über 40N zeigte, dass die Legehennen, die keine poldefekten Eier legten, keine Schalenstabilitätsprobleme hatten. Die Farbe der braunen poldefekten Eier war oft signifikant heller als die der Kontrolleier, auch waren die Farbpigmente (a- und b-Wert) signifikant (p<0,05) verändert. Das trockene Schalengewicht war bei den poldefekten Eiern mit bis zu einem Gramm Unterschied pro Ei signifikant (p<0,05) niedriger als bei den Kontrolleiern. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Eischale wurden an 2 poldefekten Eiern und 2 Eiern ohne Poldefekte durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die poldefekten Eier sowohl in Struktur als auch im Durchmesser der Eischale erheblich von den Kontrolleiern unterschieden.
Es ist fraglich, ob die veränderte Schale der poldefekten Eier in ihrer mikrobiologischen Barrierefunktion beeinträchtigt ist. Die für die Eifrische relevanten Größen wichen bei den poldefekten Eiern teilweise signifikant von den Kontrolleiern ab. In den braunen poldefekten Eiern traten vermehrt Fleischflecken auf. Aus den poldefekten Eiern ließ sich der Erreger MS jedoch nicht isolieren und anzüchten. Die untersuchten poldefekten Eier erfüllten damit - soweit ihre Schale intakt war - die formalen Anforderungen an frische Eier der Güteklasse A nach VO (EG) Nr. 1234/2007 und 598/2008.
In der gelelektrophoretischen Analyse der organischen Matrix der Eischalen war in den poldefekten Eiern die Intensität der Lysozym zugeordneten Bande jeweils höher als in den Kontrolleiern, dies ließ sich jedoch statistisch nicht untermauern. Ätiologisch ist denkbar, dass eine subklinische bakterielle Besiedlung des Legedarms mit MS und die daraus resultierende Immunantwort den Lysozymspiegel des Uterussekrets erhöht. Die Verschiebung des Lysozymspiegels wirkt sich sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ negativ auf die Eischalenbildung aus. Das Resultat ist eine verringerte Schalenstabilität, das morphologische Korrelat der im Eischalenspitzenbereich sichtbare Defekt. / Hens laying eggs with egg-pole shell defects (EPS) were examined in a clinical prospective study. 86 hens with EPS and 72 hens without EPS from 3 flocks were selected for this study. All examined flocks showed a good laying performance, although laying many eggs off quality class B. The rate was over 5 percent of all laid eggs, most of them were dirty eggs. There was a significant correlation between EPS-eggs and dirty eggs, although between EPS-eggs and broken- and thin shelled eggs. This phenomenon could be explained by the decreased eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs. The selected hens with EPS showed a rate between 46 and 64 percent EPS-eggs of all laid eggs, the rate of broken- and thin shelled eggs was between 27 and 38 percent. Those broken- and thin shelled eggs increased absolute laying performance, because of their instability many of them were lost on the way from the cage to the packing station. The selected hens with EPS produced almost no normal eggs. It could be shown that if a hen starts laying EPS-eggs, she is almost unable to lay normal eggs any more.
It could be proven serologically that hens with EPS had significant (p<0.05) higher titers against Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) then hens without EPS. MS-DNA was detectable from the tracheal swab in all tested hens. PCR tested cloacal swabs for MS were more frequently positive from hens with EPS (n=72; 87%) then from hens without EPS (n=13; 18%). Furthermore MS could be cultivated from the oviduct of 5 hens with EPS. Additionally 49 Eggs with EPS and 43 Eggs without EPS were examined microbiologically. MS-DNA was detectable in the albumen of nearly all eggs with EPS (n = 48; 98 %), contrary to the eggs without EPS (n = 11; 26%). Due to the findings it is very likely that an infection of the oviduct with MS results in eggs with EPS, whereas different factors may play an important role for the infection of the oviduct.
In the qualitative investigation EPS-eggs had a significant (p<0.05) decreased pole eggshell strength than the eggs without EPS. The pole eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs of flock A (group “Pol A”) was with 11,4N just about a quarter of the pole eggshell strength of the reference flock. Nearly all eggs without EPS had a pole eggshell strength over 40N. It could be shown that hens without EPS had no decreased eggshell strength. The color of the brown EPS-eggs was often significant brighter than color of brown eggs without EPS. Furthermore the color pigments of the EPS-eggs were significant (p<0.05) changed. Dry eggshell weight was in EPS-eggs up until 1 gram difference significant (p<0.05) lower compared to eggs without EPS.
Scanning electron microscopy was performed in 2 eggs with EPS and 2 eggs without EPS. This investigation revealed that eggs with EPS showed considerable differences of the eggshell structure as well as the cross section dimension according to eggs without EPS.
It is doubtful whether the changed eggshell of EPS-eggs is impaired in its microbiological barrier function. The relevant variables for the freshness of the egg varied in the EPS-eggs in some cases significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control eggs. In Brown EPS-eggs increased Meat-spots occurred. However, MS could not be cultivated from EPS-eggs. Therewith fulfilled the investigated EPS-eggs - if their shell was intact - the formal requirements for fresh eggs of grade A eggs under regulation VO (EG) No. 1234/2007 and 598/2008.
A gel electrophoretic analysis of the organic matrix of the eggshells of EPS-eggs and normal eggs was made. Intensity of the lysozyme-associated band was in the EPS eggs respectively higher than in the control eggs. However, this could not be proven statistically. Etiologically is conceivable that subclinical bacterial colonization of the hens oviduct with MS and the resulting immune response increases the lysozyme level in the uterine secretions. The shift of the lysozyme level affects both quantitatively and qualitatively negative on the eggshell formation. The result is a decrease in shell strength. The morphological correlate is the visible eggshell pole defect.
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Vorkommen aviärer Metapneumoviren in sächsischen Legehennenbeständen während der LegeperiodeNemecek, Britt 21 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Legeleistungseinbußen – vor allem mit verminderter Eischalenqualität – stellen in einem Legehennenbetrieb hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste dar. Impfungen gegen entsprechende Erreger, u.a. gegen das aviäre Metapneumovirus (aMPV), sind daher weit verbreitet. AMPV ist seit den 70er Jahren als Auslöser der Rhinotracheitis der Puten (Turkey Rhinotracheitis; TRT) und des sogenannten Swollen Head Syndroms (SHS) der Hühner bekannt. Jedoch liegen nur wenige epidemiologische Studien zu der Verbreitung des Virus und dessen Subtypen in Legehennenbetrieben vor.
Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, die Verbreitung des aMPV, vor allem der Subtypen A und B, zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten der Legeperiode zu untersuchen, um ein besseres Verständnis über den Zeitpunkt der Erstinfektionen sowie evtl. Re- oder Neuinfektionen zu erhalten. Dafür wurden erstmals 18 Legehennenherden in Sachsen alle drei Monate über die gesamte Legeperiode auf das Vorkommen von aMPV-RNA und aMPV-spezifischer Antikörper untersucht. Verschiedene Haltungssysteme wurden berücksichtigt, um ein unterschiedliches seuchenhygienisches Risiko unter Praxisbedingungen bewerten zu können. Pro Herde wurden von je zehn Hühnern Trachealtupfer und Serumproben entnommen. Die Tupferproben wurden mittels duplex nested RT-PCR untersucht, die Serumproben mittels zweier kommerzieller ELISA-Tests. In jeder Herde gelang der aMPV-RNA-Nachweis mindestens einmal zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten. Bereits bei der Einstallung konnten in 17 Herden aMPV-spezifische Antikörper und/oder aMPV-RNA nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen die hohe Verbreitungsrate des aMPV in Legehennenbetrieben. Bereits in der Aufzucht fand in der Mehrzahl der Herden eine aMPV-Infektion statt; während der Legeperiode kam es zu häufigen Re- oder Neuinfektionen bzw. zu einer langen Persistenz des Virus.
Subtyp A kam alleine (51%) mehr als doppelt so häufig vor wie ausschließlich Subtyp B (22%). Doppelinfektionen mit den Subtypen A und B (27%) wurden ungefähr so häufig gefunden wie eine Infektion ausschließlich mit Subtyp B. Ein Wechsel der Subtypen A und B während einer Legeperiode wurde am häufigsten beobachtet: zehn der 18 Herden (56%) zeigten diesen Verlauf. Ausschließlich Subtyp A in allen positiven Entnahmen pro Betrieb wurde in vier von 18 Herden gefunden, ausschließlich Subtyp B in drei von 18 Herden, Subtyp A gemeinsam mit Subtyp B in einer von 18 Herden. Dies verdeutlicht die Dominanz des Subtyps A in Legehennenbetrieben.
Obwohl drei Herden während der Aufzucht mit einer Subtyp B-Vakzine geimpft wurden, gelang der aMPV-RNA Nachweis in bis zu vier Probenentnahmen. Der Subtyp A dominierte auch in den geimpften Herden. Neben dem Subtyp B Feldvirus wurde in einer Herde zum Zeitpunkt der Einstallung auch ein Subtyp B ähnlich dem Impfstamm nachgewiesen. Es ist daher davon auszugehen, dass trotz bekannter Kreuzimmunität eine Impfung nicht vor Infektionen schützt, aber die Persistenz von Subtyp B vermindert.
Die Analyse der Serumproben mit zwei kommerziellen ELISA-Tests ergab zum Teil konträre Ergebnisse. Da die Diagnose einer aMPV-Infektion häufig nur über diese Methode gestellt wird, ist dies von praktischer Relevanz. Eine Evaluierung des ELISA-Tests mit der höchsten Spezifität und Sensitivität sollte daher folgen.
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Planejamento, implantação e administração de medidas de defesa sanitária animal para o controle da laringotraqueíte infecciosa aviária, de 2002 a 2006, na região de Bastos, Estado de São Paulo, BrasilBuchala, Fernando Gomes [UNESP] 10 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2008-01-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:44:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
buchala_fg_dr_jabo.pdf: 2239800 bytes, checksum: 45318e9bad370d2fed0afb87b5d25d4f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A suspeita de Laringotraqueíte Infecciosa Aviária (LTI) em galinhas de postura de ovos comerciais da região de Bastos, Estado de São Paulo, foi notificada em 27/12/2002 ao Serviço de Defesa Sanitária Animal. A Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuária instituiu um programa de saúde animal para o controle da doença, com base no planejamento de fases que foram implantadas durante o seu desenvolvimento e amparadas por instrumentos legais especificamente elaborados para esta finalidade. A Portaria CDA no 2, de 10 de janeiro de 2003, proibiu o trânsito interestadual de aves de descarte da região e deu início à fase preparatória. A Resolução SAA no 27, de 30 de setembro de 2003, caracterizou a fase de execução com a delimitação da área infectada, denominada “Bolsão” de Bastos. A Portaria CDA no 4, de 20 de janeiro de 2004, estabeleceu um programa compulsório de vacinação contra a LTI. A partir de junho de 2004, nenhum novo caso de LTI foi observado no “Bolsão”. A Resolução SAA no 43, de 17 de novembro de 2005, declarou a LTI controlada com vacinação, dando início à fase de consolidação das medidas de profilaxia implantadas. Com a Resolução SAA no 55, de 20 de dezembro de 2006, e a Portaria CDA no 58, de 29 de dezembro de 2006, o programa evoluiu para a fase de manutenção. Todas as fases foram complementadas por medidas de biosseguridade implantadas pelos avicultores. / A suspect of Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) in layer hens from Bastos region, São Paulo State, was communicated on December 27, 2002, to the Official Service of Animal Health. The Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuária (CDA) instituted an animal health program for the control of the disease, based on the planning of phases established during the development of the program and supported by legal instruments especially developed for this aim. The Portaria CDA Nº 2 on January 10, 2003 forbade interstate traffic of adult layer poultry from the region and started the preparatory phase. The Resolução SAA no 27 on September 30, 2003, characterized the execution phase by the delimitation of the infectious zone identified as “Bolsão” of Bastos. The Portaria CDA no 4 on January 20, 2004, established a compulsory program of vaccination against ILT. From the month of June, 2004, no new case was observed in the “Bolsão”. The Resolução SAA no 43 on November 17, 2005, declared the ILT controlled with vaccination, and started the phase of consolidation of the implanted prophylactic measures. From the Resolução SAA no 55 on December 20, 2006, and the Portaria CDA no 58 on December 29, 2006, the program evolved to the phase of maintenance. All the phases were complemented by biosecurity measures implanted by the owners of the layer hens.
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Studium reprodukční biologie u raků - páření, kladení a morfologická struktura samčích a samičích gamet / Study of the reproductive biology of the crayfish - mating, laying eggs and morphological structure of the male and female gametesKUBEC, Jan January 2015 (has links)
In the nature, crayfish are represented like predators or a part of food base of some fish. Also in free waters they acts as detrivors and are an important element in the nutrient and energy circle in aquatic ecosystem. The crayfish weren't able to avoid negative impacts of anthropogenic activities such as water pollution and devastation of habitats. For these reasons reproduction of the crayfish is necessary in hatcheries and farms. The main aim of my work was to study the reproductive biology of the crayfish focused on the process of mating, the interval between mating and laying eggs, fertilization and morphological structure of the male and female gametes. Among the secondary objectives there was included using of repeated electrostimulation of the crayfish and the possibility of hybrids of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). The observation of the period of reproduction was realized on representativies of the noble crayfish and the narrow-clawed crayfish throughout natural mating in the tanks. The structure of gametes was observed on the samples taken from thenoble crayfish (Astacus astacus), the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus), the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and spinycheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus). The experiments were carried out during the autumn season in 2012 and 2013. The results of observations of the reproduction of crayfish made us clear as for the period and intervals for all phases of the process of mating crayfish. For females the noble crayfish and the narrow-clawed crayfish was found oviposition without the presence of males. Their individual components have been described by using ultrastructure of males and female gametes. Repeated electrostimulation showed at the family Astacidae as a suitable tool for collecting large mass of sperm material. Hybridization experiment proved that it can occur to mate the two species of crayfish in areas where they occur simultaneously. These experiments helped to further knowledge of reproductive biology of crayfish.
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Gluconato de Sódio e fontes de metionina sobre o desempenho, morfometria intestinal e excreção de nitrogênio de poedeiras comerciaisMarchizeli, Patrícia de Cassia Andrade [UNESP] 22 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:18:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
marchizeli_pca_me_jabo.pdf: 379771 bytes, checksum: 4ab368a5eecf24097fb6ff931d682d28 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do uso do gluconato de sódio e duas fontes de metionina em rações com diferentes níveis de metionina + cistina sobre o desempenho, qualidade dos ovos, integridade da mucosa intestinal e a excreção de nitrogênio de poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 480 poedeiras da linhagem Isa Brown, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 (5 níveis de metionina+cistina com 2 níveis de gluconato de sódio), e para estudar o efeito do gluconato de sódio sobre as duas fontes de metionina estudadas, optou-se por um esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (dois níveis de gluconato de sódio e duas fontes de metionina), com 5 repetições de 8 aves cada. As variáveis foram submetidas à análise de variância e posteriormente (em caso de significância estatística <0,001) realizadas análises de regressão pelo modelo polinomial linear e quadrático (SAS, 2002). A exigência de metionina+cistina para o melhor desempenho das poedeiras foram de 0,753% para consumo de ração, 0,738% para a produção de ovos, 0,758% para massa de ovos e 0,703% para conversão alimentar. As fontes de metionina não revelaram diferenças estatísticas. Conclui-se que o uso do gluconato de sódio não expressou resultado significativo estatisticamente nas variáveis analisadas, no entanto, a produção e massa de ovos, a conversão alimentar e a integridade intestinal mostraram-se com tendência de melhora. / One experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of sodium gluconate and two sources of methionine and different levels of methionine + cistyne in laying hens diets, one egg quality, intestinal mucosal integrity and nitrogen excretion. It was used 480 Isa Brown laying hens, distributed at range in a factorial design 5 x 2 (5 levels of methinine + cistyne with 2 levels of sodium gluconate), and to study the effect of sodium gluconate on two sources of methionine, it was chosen a factorial design 2 x 2 (two levels of sodium gluconate and two sources of methionine), with 5 repetitions of 8 hens each. Variables was submitted to analyses of variance and subsequent (when the test had significant effect < 0,001) related regression analyses by linear and quadratic polynomial model (SAS, 2002). The requirement of methionine + cistyne for better performance of laying hens were 0,753% for feed intake, 0,738% for eggs production, 0,758% for egg mass and 0,703% for feed conversion. The sources of methionine did not show statistical difference. It was concluded that the use of sodium gluconate did not expressed significant statistical result in variables analyzed, however, egg production and mass, feed conversion and intestinal mucosal integrity tended to be better.
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Fatores críticos da competitividade da cadeia produtiva do ovo no estado de São PauloKakimoto, Sergio Kenji 07 December 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-07 / Brazil is the second greatest world producer of eggs; the production value of the egg ranks 13th among the agricultural products in the country. The Brazilian export of eggs is still incipient, but, the production potential is great since there are positive points such the climate, space, input availability and technology. It was aimed through this work to report the functioning, to investigate the role of the several economic agents and identify the critical determinants of the competitiveness of the production chain of the egg in the state of São Paulo. The methodology utilized was done through the evaluation of the competitiveness drivers with the aid of questionnaires, ascribing values of very unfavorable, neutral, favorable and very favorable to a series of sub-factors. Seven competitiveness drivers of greatest impact in the sector were selected, namely: firm management, technology, inputs, market structure, chain governance, infrastructure and institutional setting. Out of these factors were ascribed sub-factors which were evaluated and advised the survey and the analysis of the results. By means of the rapid appraisal methodology were interviewed key-agents of the chain as well obtained data in secondary sources. The interviews were directed towards the agents of the production chain link and agents of the sectoral organization of the state of São Paulo. It follows that the drivers who contribute towards the competitiveness of the production chain of eggs were both technology and firm management which have the control degree by the firm while the others remain neutral, not contributing to competitiveness. The cost of inputs, mainly the corn and the freight value, were sub-factors unfavorable to the production chain. / O Brasil é o sétimo maior produtor mundial de ovos, e o valor de produção do ovo encontra-se em 13ª lugar entre os produtos agrícolas do país. A exportação brasileira de ovos ainda é incipiente, porém, é grande o potencial produtivo dado o fato de existirem pontos positivos, como clima, espaço, disponibilidade de insumos e tecnologia. A proposta desta dissertação foi descrever o funcionamento, analisar o papel dos diversos agentes econômicos e identificar os determinantes críticos de competitividade da cadeia produtiva do ovo no Estado de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada foi produzida através da avaliação dos direcionadores de competitividade, com auxílio de questionários, para cujos quesitos foram atribuídos os valores: muito desfavorável, desfavorável, neutro, favorável e muito favorável, os quais contemplaram uma série de subfatores. Foram selecionados previamente setes direcionadores de competitividade de maior impacto nos setores: gestão da firma, tecnologia, insumos, estrutura de mercado, governança da cadeia, infraestrutura e ambiente institucional. Os subfatores foram avaliados e orientaram o levantamento e a análise dos resultados dos fatores. Por meio da metodologia de rapid appraisal, foram entrevistados agentes-chave da cadeia e também foram coletados dados em fontes secundárias. As entrevistas foram direcionadas para os agentes do elo da cadeia produtiva e agentes da organização setorial do Estado de São Paulo. Esse material permitiu concluir que os direcionadores que contribuíram positivamente para a competitividade da cadeia produtiva de ovos foram a tecnologia e a gestão da firma. O valor do frete foi subfator desfavorável para a cadeia produtiva.
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Desempenho de poedeiras em diferentes programas de luz ao início da postura / Performance of layers in different lighting programs in the onset of layYuri, Flavio Manabu 01 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-01 / With the objective of evaluate the effect of continuous and intermittent lighting programs on the production and quality egg of laying hens in the early lay pullets rearing in open poultry house, a trial was conducted at Aviculture Section of Santa Catarina State University, Lages, SC, Brazil. Were used 420 laying hens with 21 weeks during seven periods of 28 days, they were submitted to three different lighting programs in a completely randomized design with 10 replications. The continuous program with 16 hour photoperiod (daylight + artificial light) and escotoperiod eight hours. The intermitente lighting program of 30 minutes had two photophases of 30 min between natural light and main night eight hours and two escotofases and intermitente lighting of 15 minutes, this program is similar to the previous program, with two photophases 15 min between natural light, a main night eight hours and two escotofases. The avaliation was based on the feed intake (g/bird/day), egg production (%/bird/day), egg weight (g), feed conversion (g/g), egg mass (g), specific gravity (g/cm³), albumen height (mm), Haugh unit, egg componente yield (%), organ index (%) and the means compared by Tukey test (5%). The results presented for feed conversion, specific gravity, weight of fresh egg and stored for 14 and 28 days, egg yield componentes and organs index showed no difference (P>0.05). The intermitente lighting programs 30 minutes and 15 minutes showed significant differences (P<0.05) for feed intake in the second, sixth and seventh trial period, but no significant differences (P>0.05) in egg production. The egg weight, egg mass, showed no significant difference (P>0.05) as well as albumen height and Haugh unit showed no significant difference (P>0.05) for continuous and intermitente lighting programs 30 min and 15 min. Intermittent lighting programs applied in laying hens in the early lay pullets rearing in open poultry house not adversely affect the production performance, egg quality and internal organs of birds, as well as shorten the use of artificial lighting, reducing energy consumption / Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de programas de iluminação contínuo e intermitentes sobre produção e qualidade de ovos de poedeiras comerciais semipesadas em início de postura criadas em galpão aberto, realizou-se um trabalho no Setor de Avicultura da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages - SC. Utilizou-se 420 galinhas de 21 semanas de idade durante sete períodos de 28 dias, as quais foram submetidas a três diferentes programas de iluminação em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com 10 repetições. O programa contínuo contou com fotoperíodo de 16 horas (luz natural + luz artificial) e escotoperíodo de oito horas. O programa de iluminação intermitente 30 minutos teve duas fotofases de30min entre a luz natural e uma noite principal de oito horas e duas escotofases e o programa de iluminação intermitente 15 minutos, semelhante ao programa anterior, com duas fotofases de 15min entre a luz natural, uma noite principal de oito horas e duas escotofases. Avaliou-se o consumo de ração (g/ave/dia), produção de ovos (%/ave/dia), peso dos ovos (g), conversão alimentar (g/g), massa de ovos (g), gravidade específica (g/cm³), altura de albúmen (mm), unidade Haugh, rendimento dos componentes do ovo (%), índice de órgãos (%) sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste Tukey (5%). Os resultados apresentados para conversão alimentar, gravidade específica, peso de ovo fresco e armazenado por 14 e 28 dias, rendimento dos componentes do ovo e índices de órgãos não apresentaram diferença (P>0,05). Os programas de iluminação intermitente 30 min e intermitente 15 min apresentaram diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para consumo de ração no segundo, sexto e sétimo período experimental, porém não apresentaram diferenças significativas (P>0,05) na produção de ovos. O peso de ovo, massa do ovo, não apresentou diferença significativa (P>0,05), assim como altura de albúmen e unidade Haugh não apresentaram diferença significativa (P>0,05) para os programas de iluminação contínuo e intermitentes 30min e 15min. Programas de iluminação intermitentes aplicados em poedeiras semipesadas ao início da postura criadas em galpões abertos não afetam negativamente o desempenho zootécnico, a qualidade de ovos e órgãos internos das aves, além de diminuir o tempo de uso de iluminação artificial, reduzindo o consumo de energia elétrica
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