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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexibel monteringslayout : Hur kan en layout utformas för lågvolymsprodukter under kundkontrakt i elektronikbranschen / Flexible assembly layout : How a layout can be designed for low volume products under customer contracts in the electronics industry

Liedberg, Jesper, Werthén, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Flexibility is a concept that is becoming more and more common in industries around the world. Customers demand products that is suitable for their specific needs. This requires that the production systems easily can be adapted to meet these needs.  Together with a company in the electronics industry, this thesis studied flexible assembly layouts. The company today has three customer contracts where the products not continuously assembled.  This leaves the production areas unused which creates low resource utilization. In order to address this issue the authors investigated how a more flexible assembly layout would meet the needs of a changing production.  The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how a flexible assembly layout could be designed, for low volume products under customer contract in the electronics industry. The goal was to find the most ideal layout design that would reduce the area which the assembly line occupies. This would make room for more customer contracts and still maintain the set requirements.  To make it possible to evaluate the layout change, specific requirement for the assembly area was set. From there, the authors used three different concepts to create a flexible assembly area. Movable tool boards Small batch sizes U-line shaped assembly cells. Using these tools, three different layout designs were created and required different levels of investment. These layouts were compared to each other in order to identify differences.  The result from this study shows a reduction of 24 -46 % in the assembly area if the proposed layouts designs were to be used. In conclusion, the authors propose to carry out a layout change but further studies need to be made on which potential customer contracts could benefit from this newly available area. From there, an appropriate degree of investment can be established. The layout designs consists of different concepts, as mentioned above, and they can be modulated to adapt to different needs. This makes the concepts generalizable and can be implemented in other assembly layouts with similar conditions

The effectiveness of Lean Manufacturing Audits in driving improvements in operational performance

Taggart, Patrick 16 September 2010 (has links)
MSc (Enginnering), Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / In recent years companies have made increased use of Lean Manufacturing audits to measure the degree of Lean Manufacturing implementation within their organizations. Thereafter, a gap analysis highlights areas for improvement, which leads to increased Operational Performance. This approach may be flawed. The audit may measure Lean Manufacturing characteristics that are not beneficial or the Lean Manufacturing audit may be inaccurate due to auditor bias or inadequate scope. The result is frustration and a lack of belief in the effectiveness of Lean Manufacturing as a competitive strategy. This study tests the hypothesis that “Lean Manufacturing audits drive improvements in Operational Performance.” A sample company comprising sixty four organizations operating in a job shop and Batch operations management environment is used as a case study. The organizations manufacture and service high value added products for heavy industry. The Lean Manufacturing audit developed to assess the effectiveness of Lean Manufacturing audits in driving Operational Performance uses Lean Manufacturing characteristics commonly used in previous research. These characteristics include policy deployment, standardized work, visual management and housekeeping, quick changeover techniques, total preventative maintenance, continuous improvement, error proofing, cultural awareness, material control and level production. Commonly used Operational Performance measures such as On-Time-Delivery, Inventory turns and Direct Labour Utilization are used to assess Operational Performance. A range of independent auditors were used to gather data on the extent of implementation of Lean Manufacturing and Operational Performance measures. Structural Equation Modelling is used to relate the results of the Lean Manufacturing audits to Operational Performance. This is the first known paper to use Structural Equation Modelling in measuring the extent of implementation of Lean Manufacturing to Operational Performance. Lean Manufacturing audit results have a significant correlation to Operational Performance but with a high degree of variation in Operational Performance not accounted for by the results of the Lean Manufacturing audit. This variation is caused by the inadequate scope of the audit relative to Operational Performance measures as well as auditor bias. Lean Manufacturing audits are effective in driving improvements in Operational Performance provided that the scope of the audit is expanded to include office functions, supplier networks and customer and branch distribution networks. A recommended audit framework is suggested in this research. A large scale study of a number of different companies should be conducted to verify the results of this research using the audit framework developed.

Framgångsfaktorer och barriärer vid implementering av Lean : En jämförande studie vid LKAB Specialprodukter / Success factors and barriers for Lean implementation : A comparative study at LKAB Special Products

Halvarsson, Nils, Karlberg, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
Lean är idag populärt att införa bland företag och organisationer i syfte att minska slöserier och effektivisera verksamhetsprocesser. Däremot visar litteraturen att uppemot 90 procent av Leansatsningar misslyckas. Organisationer fokuserar ofta på specifika metoder och verktyg, men misslyckas med att betrakta Lean utifrån ett bredare perspektiv. Ett företag som har försökt satsa på Lean men inte uppnått önskade resultat, är LKAB. Företaget vill nu genomföra ett till försök att implementera Lean som ska genomsyra en av företagets divisioner, LKAB Specialprodukter. Syftet med examensarbetet är därför att undersöka vilka framgångsfaktorer och barriärer som finns vid implementering av Lean vid LKAB:s division Specialprodukter. Divisionen består av fem dotterbolag: LKAB Mekaniska, LKAB Wassara, LKAB Berg & Betong, LKAB Minerals och LKAB Kimit. Ett av dotterbolagen, LKAB Mekaniska, har självständigt redan initierat arbetet med Lean. En kvalitativ ansats antogs där totalt femton intervjuer genomfördes med chefer från samtliga dotterbolag och ett urval från divisionsledningen. Svaren från respondenterna analyserades och jämfördes med befintlig litteratur om framgångsfaktorer och barriärer för implementering av Lean. Slutsatserna från examensarbetet är att varken divisionsledningen eller cheferna vid dotterbolagen har en enad bild om vad Lean är. Samtliga anser dock att Lean kan gynna dem i olika grad. Det saknas idag direktiv och en målbild från divisionsledningen om vad Lean innebär för divisionen Specialprodukter. Det medför att dotterbolagen som arbetar med Lean, gör det på egen vilja. Förutsättningarna för att implementera Lean vid dotterbolagen skiljer sig dessutom. LKAB Minerals och LKAB Berg & Betong har geografiskt spridd verksamhet med mycket variation i deras produktion vilket försvårar implementeringen av Lean. Examensarbetet resulterade i ett antal rekommendationer kopplade till framgångsfaktorer och barriärer som divisionen bör beakta vid en implementering av Lean. Vid en implementering av Lean måste divisionsledning och chefer vara engagerade för att få satsningen att bestå. Leanarbetet bör följas upp av divisionsledningen eftersom det skapar engagemang hos cheferna vid dotterbolagen. För att främja en förbättringskultur bör chefer och divisionsledning visa på resultat av det nya arbetssättet för medarbetarna. En gemensam bild av Lean med tydliga mål bör etableras genom hela divisionen; alla måste förstå vad Lean innebär för LKAB Specialprodukter. Lean ska även integreras i det dagliga arbetet och inte ses som ett sidoprojekt. Användandet av metoder och verktyg främjar implementeringen, men de ansvariga måste beakta helhetsbilden och förstå det bakomliggande syftet. Satsningen kan mötas av motstånd från medarbetarna. Chefer och divisionsledningen måste då försöka förstå medarbetarnas åsikter och visa på resultaten av arbetet. Studien fann även att cheferna vid dotterbolagen värderade förändringsviljan lägre än divisionsledningen, vilket framtida studier uppmanas att undersöka vidare. / Lean is today popular amongst companies and organizations with the purpose to reduce waste and make processes more efficient. However, the literature shows that up to 90 percent of the Lean implementation efforts fail. Organizations often focus on specific Lean methodologies and tools but fail to view Lean from a broader perspective. One company that has tried to implement Lean, but with limited success in achieving desired results, is LKAB. The company now wants to make another attempt to implement Lean throughout one of its divisions, LKAB Special Products. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study success factors and barriers for Lean implementation at the Special Products division. The division consists of five subsidiaries; LKAB Mekaniska, LKAB Wassara, LKAB Berg & Betong, LKAB Minerals and LKAB Kimit. One of the subsidiaries, LKAB Mekaniska, has already begun implementing Lean independently. The study used a qualitative approach through fifteen interviews in total, with respondents from lower management at every subsidiary and a selection from the upper management at the division. The answers from the respondents were analyzed and compared with success factors and barriers found in the literature. The conclusions from the thesis are that neither the upper nor the lower management levels of the division have a common view of Lean, but all agree that Lean could be beneficial for them to various degrees. The upper management has not established clear directives and goals regarding what Lean actually means for the Special Products division. This implies that the subsidiaries that are currently in the process of implementing Lean, are implementing it on their own account. The prerequisites for Lean implementation also differ between subsidiaries. LKAB Berg & Betong and LKAB Minerals are affected by factors such as geographical dispersion and high variability in production. This thesis resulted in recommendations on how the division should consider critical success factors and barriers to increase the probability for successful implementation of Lean. During an implementation of Lean, the upper and lower management must be dedicated to make the effort last. The process of implementing Lean should be followed up by the upper management since it would create commitment for the lower management. To promote a culture of improvement, the upper and lower management should highlight the results from the new ways of working to the employees. A unified view of Lean with distinct goals must be established throughout the division; everyone must understand the purpose of Lean within LKAB Special Products. Lean should be integrated into the daily work processes and not be considered a sideproject. The use of methodologies and tools promotes Lean implementation, but the responsible managers should consider a holistic view when using these and they must understand the underlying purpose of them. A Lean implementation effort may encounter resistance to change from the employees. In this case, the upper and lower management should try to understand the employees’ opinions and highlight the results of Lean. The thesis also found that the lower management seems to assess the willingness of organizational change lower than the upper management, which is of interest to study further.

Modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor para implantações de lean em ambientes hospitalares: proposta e aplicação / A value stream mapping model for lean projects in healthcare environments: proposal and application

Henrique, Daniel Barberato 05 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta conceitos relacionados ao pensamento enxuto, e mais especificamente, ao mapeamento de fluxo de valor (MFV), inseridos no contexto hospitalar, destacando exemplos encontrados na literatura e a análise de um caso prático conduzido pelo autor. Com a elaboração do trabalho, foi possível concluir que não existe um modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor padronizado para aplicações de lean em ambientes hospitalares. De maneira geral, a utilização do MFV em hospitais se dá através de adaptações da manufatura que não levam em conta todas as atividades que interferem no fluxo dos pacientes, como o fluxo de informações e de materiais. Para contornar esse problema, esta dissertação visa propor um novo modelo de MFV, voltado para ambientes hospitalares, que consiga contemplar em um único mapa todos os fluxos que interferem diretamente na duração do tratamento do paciente e sirva como modelo padrão para aplicações de lean em hospitais. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, que buscou identificar, no período de 2000 a 2013, os principais modelos de MFV atualmente empregados em implantações de lean healthcare e identificar as principais características e pontos positivos de cada um. Estes pontos positivos serviram como requisitos para a elaboração do novo modelo, passando a integrar um único mapa. Com a aplicação prática desse novo MFV, foi possível identificar os gargalos operacionais e inúmeros desperdícios que interferem no tratamento do paciente e que não poderiam ser identificados pelos outros modelos de mapeamento estudados. É possível concluir, com os resultados alcançados, que o modelo proposto atendeu aos objetivos definidos e demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para identificação de desperdícios em ambientes hospitalares. / This thesis presents lean thinking concepts focused on healthcare environments and more specifically on the value stream mapping (VSM). The research could concluded that there is no value stream map standardized for lean healthcare applications. In general, the use of VSM in hospitals are made by manufacturing adaptations that do not take into account all activities that interfere in the patient flow, such as information and material flow. To solve this problem, this research aims to propose a new VSM model for healthcare, which could contemplate all activities that directly affects the treatment time and also be a template for lean healthcare applications. Therefore, the focus in the literature review was to identify the main healthcare VSM models published between 2000 and 2013 and the key characteristics and strengths of each. These strengths were used as requirements for the new mapping model elaboration and were integrated in a single map. The practical application, conducted by the author, identified operational bottlenecks and numerous wastes that interfere in the patient\'s treatment that could not be identified by the other mapping models studied. In conclusion, the new VSM model proposed has achieve the defined goals and proved to be a valuable tool for identifying waste in hospital environments.

Estudo de caso das práticas de melhoria contínua de manufatura enxuta e seis sigma em uma unidade multinacional no Brasil / Case study of lean manufacturing and six sigma continuous improvement practices in a multinational company

Rocha, Thiago Freire de Carvalho Lopes 04 August 2016 (has links)
Cada vez mais presentes no ambiente industrial, as metodologias de melhoria contínua estruturam e sistematizam a implantação e a aplicação de técnicas, ferramentas e práticas de melhoria dos processos, que permitem reduzir o lead time, aumentar a satisfação do cliente, diminuir a variabilidade dos processos e elevar a qualidade do produto. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é, com o auxílio de um framework teórico, estudar o uso de Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma em um caso real pertencente ao parque industrial nacional. Dessa forma, optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo automobilístico, visto a relação do setor com a melhoria contínua. A companhia já utilizava as técnicas e ferramentas há mais de uma década e, além de mostrar a sua abordagem com relação à melhoria contínua de forma geral, apresentou dois casos para comparação das soluções encontradas para seu próprio aperfeiçoamento. Foi observado que a empresa encontra-se em um estágio intermediário-avançado dentro do framework construído e foi ressaltado que o Kaizen é a principal forma de melhoria usada. / Increasingly present in industrial environment, the continuous improvement methodologies structured and systematized the implementation and employment of techniques, tools and practices of process improvement, which allow reducing lead time, enhancing customer satisfaction, decreasing process variability and raising product quality. In this context, supported by a framework, what this study aims at is to review the use of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma in a real case belonging to the national industrial park. Hence, a case study was chosen in a company from the automotive industry, insofar as its relationship with continuous improvement. The company had already been using the techniques and tools for over a decade and it was provided an overview of its approach and, in addition, two cases to have their solution compared. It was observed that the company stands in an upper intermediate stage according to the developed framework and it was also highlighted that Kaizen is the main improvement means used.

Production optimisation systems and consequences for workers' health and safety : lean production and effects on stress and musculoskeletal disorders

Koukoulaki, Theoni January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates production optimisation systems such as lean production and their consequences for the health and safety of workers. In particular it examines potential positive effects and adverse effects on stress and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The thesis com-prises an extended literature survey and a field study in the manufacturing and the services sector applying lean production. It provides an extensive review of studies carried out in lean production environments in the last 20 years that aims to identify the effects of lean production (negative or positive) on occupational health and related risk factors. Thirty-six studies of lean effects were accepted from the literature search and sorted by sector and type of outcome. Lean production was found to have a negative effect on health and risk factors; the most negative outcomes being found in the earliest studies in the automotive industry. However, examples of mixed and positive effects were also found in the literature. The strongest correlations of lean production with stress were found for characteristics found in Just-In-Time production that related to reduced cycle time and reduction of resources. In-creased musculoskeletal risk symptoms were related to increases of work pace and lack of recovery time also found in Just-In-Time systems. An interaction model is developed to pro-pose a pathway from lean production characteristics to musculoskeletal and psychosocial risk factors and also positive outcomes. An examination is also made of the changing focus of studies investigating the consequences of lean production over a 20-year period. Theories about the effects of lean production have evolved from a conceptualization that it is an inherently harmful management system, to a view that it can have mixed effects depending on the management style of the organization and the specific way it is implemented. The field study was carried out in lean environments in the manufacturing and services sec-tors, namely in the electronics, beverage, and metal industry and call centres in Greece and UK. For the psychosocial factors and recording of MSD symptoms; self reported questionnaires were administrated to the workers. In total 353 workers responded to the questionnaires. Additionally qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with managers and lean officials, safety officers and workers in the sample. Finally, observation visits in the companies completed the data collection process. The lean implementation level of the companies was estimated on a five-point scale, according to a validated model (Conti et al, 2006). A follow up study to collect qualitative data was possible in one company in the sample. The research hypotheses of the field study tested the relationship between job stress and MSDs with quantitative job demands, job control, performance monitoring, and the level of lean implementation. The hypotheses were partly supported in both sectors: In the service sector findings confirm that quantitative job demands are predictors of job stress, consistent with similar studies in call centres. Stress is strongly asso-ciated with MSD development. In the manufacturing sector, quantitative job demands were not predictors of job stress, neither of MSDs. Positive challenges were a mediator of job stress. Stress was not a predictor for MSDs symptoms. Mechanical exposure increased after lean implementation in manufacturing although the opposite was aimed at. Consultation of workers on lean characteristics was another mediator to MSD development. A comparison was made between manufacturing and the services sectors. Differences be-tween sectors in job demands -with the exception of learning demands that are higher in manufacturing- were not significant. Predictability on the other hand was higher in call centres. Employees in the call centres reported statistically significant more frequent MSD symptoms compared to workers in manufacturing. Stress differences were not significant among sectors whereas job satisfaction was significantly higher in manufacturing. This can partly be explained by the positive social context, job security and management commitment to have no lay offs due to lean application; that workers enjoyed in the manufacturing companies of the sample. This was not the case in the call centres. In conclusion it was not the stressors that were higher in the call centres sample but a significant number of job support and control characteristics that were reported as being higher in the manufacturing sample of the study. Analysis of the relationship between job characteristics, stress and leanness revealed a high degree of non-linearity. The best fit was achieved with quadratic curves. At low levels of lean implementation stress was increasing. At a middle level of implementation stress reached a peak after which, with advanced implementation, it decreased. This is consistent with earlier study findings. The study demonstrates that it is not so much the level of lean implementation that is important for the health & safety effects but the lean characteristics that are employed. Characteristics linked to JIT can be critical and can be associated with increased job demands and for some cases increased stress and MSD symptoms. Moreover it is the social context (management mentality and actual workers participation) in lean application that is crucial for the implications of lean work to health. Further research is needed to compare lean effects between sectors including also other services. Finally, more research is needed on alternatives to intensive systems that would have better consequences for the health & safety of workers. Ergonomics has an obligation to pro-pose work redesign that aims at sustainability for all parties.

Lean Manufacturing e Lean Accounting Cost: um enfoque no real desempenho em empresas de capital aberto na BOVESPA

Teixeira, Hipólito Francisco 08 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-01-10T11:25:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Hipólito Francisco Teixeira.pdf: 832071 bytes, checksum: 3ab1fe2813b92844c74427d5f5e814e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-10T11:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hipólito Francisco Teixeira.pdf: 832071 bytes, checksum: 3ab1fe2813b92844c74427d5f5e814e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-08 / This study and reaserch have targeted a field much explored nowadays, Lean Accounting through of the companies that implemented the filosofy of the Lean manufacturing.The Companies inside this dynamic enviroment, no predictible and competitive had looking for adopting strategies targeting their own survival and being diferent.In this way, new production Technologies and accounting control have been necessary.Lean accounting can be understood as a set of management accounting tools adapted and structured with models of specific decision to supply the decision process where They are adopting or adopted the values and the principles of the Lean Production.Considering these concepts we can definy the following question for this reasearch:With the implementations of this process of the production and the Lean accounting Cost, have the Brazilian companies obtained a good result in decreasing the level of available inventories? Did the Brazilian Companies really could delivery order from exclusively order from the clients, order – production – delivery? Did the Gross margins of the products and net income reflect te high financial investments in trainning that justified the spent time in this changing culture of work? Other question from this work to be considered is if the companies had improved and set their internal accounting system for given right support in this Lean Manufacturing. We should recognize the existence of a new Field of knowledge rising from renewed enterprising practices in managment accounting. In this direction those new practices need of future development and new evidences for the future, as well new systems e collecting of new results / Esta pesquisa teve por alvo o campo de estudo denominado Lean Accounting (LA) aplicado as empresas que adotam os procedimentos de Produção Enxuta (PE). As empresas neste ambiente competitivo e muito imprevisivel têm procuradoadotar decisões e procedimentos voltadosa valorizar sua própria continuidade e diferencial para se expor perante ao mercado. Neste sentido novas tecnologias de produção e controles contábeis são necessários. Lean Accounting (LA) ou Contabilidade Lean ou “enxuta” pode ser entendida como um conjunto de ferramentas de contabilidade gerêncial adaptadas e estruturadas com modelos de decisão específicos para suprir o processo decisório de empresas que estão adotando os princípios e valores da produção lean ou “enxuta”.Considerando estas premissas definimos algumas paridades e medições para a questão central desta pesquisa, com a implementação dos processos de produção e a contabilidade de custos Lean, averiguando se a empresa brasileira obteve resultados de performance quanto a efetiva diminuição de estoques disponíveis e bem como a teoria puxada dos clientes.Dentro destes parametros serão averiguado os resultados de produtos e lucros auferidos se realmente refletiram os altos investimentos financeiros e no tempo dispendido em treinamentos justificando esta mudança extrema de Cultura.Outra questão, fruto deste trabalho a ser e analisado, é se a empresa brasileira em questão adequou os controles contábeis para dar suporte ao Lean Manufacturing. Neste caso observou-se que após 5 anos de adoção da produção enxuta, as empresas implementaram ferramentas, práticas e técnicas de Lean Accounting em graus variados. Neste sentido deve-se reconhecer a existência de um campo novo de conhecimento emergindo de práticas empresariais renovadoras em Contabilidade Gerencial

Förändrad syn på arbetsprocesser genom tillämpning av Lean. / Changed view on work processes through implementation of Lean.

Daniel, Karlsson January 2008 (has links)
De tankar om förbättringsprocesser som tillslut har blivit konceptet Lean härstammar ifrån ”The Toyota Production System” där Kiiro Toyodas vision att alla delar av en bil skall levereras precis ”i rätt tid” står i fokus. Delarna som arbetarna behöver skall alltså vara tillgängliga precis när de behöver dem varken förr eller senare. Det tog tid innan hans vision blev realitet men ett decennium efter hans död använder hela Toyota koncernen sig utav hans idéer över hela världen. Man kan se systemutveckling som en form av produktutveckling. Troligtvis är det mesta av den mjukvara du använder köpt som en produkt. Kunder köper inte mjukvaran som utvecklats de köper en tjänst, någonting som är större än de kodrader som utgör mjukvaran, de köper ett koncept, en produkt. Allt eftersom tiden går blir det svårare och svårare att hantera förändringar i ett informationssystem. Detta på grund utav att komplexiteten växer till dess att det blir omöjligt att ha en överblick över vad som gör vad. Det är därför viktigt att man hela tiden utvecklar med tanke på att det skall vara lätt att utföra förändringar och anpassningar i framtiden. Genom att man anammar goda principer för systemutveckling för att sedan finna sätt att tillämpa dem på kan man komma en bra bit på vägen mot perfektion, men att endast titta på hur Toyota arbetar med Lean, kopiera detta tillvägagångssätt och implementera detta på ens egna företag kommer troligtvis inte att fungera. Man kan däremot lära sig principerna bakom arbetssättet för att sedan hitta egna sätt att arbeta med dessa principer. Dessa principer kallas ”De sju principerna kring Lean mjukvaruutveckling” och genom förståelse för dessa principer och en arbetsmetod som kan implementera dem anser jag med denna undersökning visat på vilken otrolig förbättringspotential ett företag kan ha så länge man är objektiv och strävar efter ständig förbättring. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Metodologia Lean Six Sigma: um modelo para implementação

Lemos, Cleary Marquezini 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T17:40:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo597_1.pdf: 3436623 bytes, checksum: 8bbb71dd0d1a5827437a026f07b7fa98 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / No mundo globalizado e de intensa concorrência que vivemos hoje, fica evidente a necessidade de buscarmos forma de melhoria no desempenho competitivo das organizações, seja pela melhoria de qualidade nos processos, produtos e serviços, seja pela diminuição dos desperdícios em nossas operações, neste sentido a metodologia Lean Six Sigma tem sido preconizada como forma de atingir a excelência necessária a sobrevivência das organizações. A presente dissertação propõem um modelo de implementação da metodologia LSS nas organizações, utilizando seus elementos mais visíveis , apresentados como ferramentas do sistema e os organiza levando-se em conta os aspectos sistêmicos e subjetivos da mesma, representados pela filosofia, cultura, conceitos e questões psico-sociais necessárias para que o LSS cumpra seu papel no desenvolvimento das diferentes áreas da organização. O modelo de implementação do LSS utiliza ainda, alguns indicadores de desempenho que visam possibilitar o melhor acompanhamento do processo de implementação, da performances das ferramentas utilizadas e do próprio resultado obtido por esta metodologia para organizações, além de se preocupar em aferir o alinhamento do LSS com a própria estratégia de negócio da organização

Estudo de caso das práticas de melhoria contínua de manufatura enxuta e seis sigma em uma unidade multinacional no Brasil / Case study of lean manufacturing and six sigma continuous improvement practices in a multinational company

Thiago Freire de Carvalho Lopes Rocha 04 August 2016 (has links)
Cada vez mais presentes no ambiente industrial, as metodologias de melhoria contínua estruturam e sistematizam a implantação e a aplicação de técnicas, ferramentas e práticas de melhoria dos processos, que permitem reduzir o lead time, aumentar a satisfação do cliente, diminuir a variabilidade dos processos e elevar a qualidade do produto. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é, com o auxílio de um framework teórico, estudar o uso de Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma em um caso real pertencente ao parque industrial nacional. Dessa forma, optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo automobilístico, visto a relação do setor com a melhoria contínua. A companhia já utilizava as técnicas e ferramentas há mais de uma década e, além de mostrar a sua abordagem com relação à melhoria contínua de forma geral, apresentou dois casos para comparação das soluções encontradas para seu próprio aperfeiçoamento. Foi observado que a empresa encontra-se em um estágio intermediário-avançado dentro do framework construído e foi ressaltado que o Kaizen é a principal forma de melhoria usada. / Increasingly present in industrial environment, the continuous improvement methodologies structured and systematized the implementation and employment of techniques, tools and practices of process improvement, which allow reducing lead time, enhancing customer satisfaction, decreasing process variability and raising product quality. In this context, supported by a framework, what this study aims at is to review the use of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma in a real case belonging to the national industrial park. Hence, a case study was chosen in a company from the automotive industry, insofar as its relationship with continuous improvement. The company had already been using the techniques and tools for over a decade and it was provided an overview of its approach and, in addition, two cases to have their solution compared. It was observed that the company stands in an upper intermediate stage according to the developed framework and it was also highlighted that Kaizen is the main improvement means used.

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