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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la modélisation de l’intégration lean green appliquée au management des déchets pour une performance équilibrée (économique, environnementale, sociale) / Contribution à la modélisation de l’intégration lean green appliquée au management des déchets pour une performance équilibrée (économique, environnementale, sociale)

Fercoq, Alain 07 April 2014 (has links)
Depuis les années 80, les entreprises des pays développés sont confrontées à une concurrence de plus en plus acérée. Dans ce contexte, l'adoption du Management Lean s'est généralisée. Il vise à accélérer les flux, à réduire les non valeurs ajoutées, dans le cadre d'un processus d'amélioration continue. Par ailleurs, depuis les années 90, le développement durable suscite un intérêt croissant. La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) est la contribution des entreprises aux enjeux du développement durable. La démarche consiste pour les entreprises à prendre en compte les impacts sociaux et environnementaux de leur activité pour adopter les meilleures pratiques possibles et contribuer ainsi à l'amélioration de la société et à la protection de l'environnement. Cette étude positionne l'intégration Lean Green au service d'une stratégie de Responsabilité Sociétale de l'Entreprise (RSE). Un premier modèle stratégique Lean Green donne un cadre structuré pour des développements scientifiques ciblés, priorisant telle ou telle performance. Une segmentation selon la performance majeure impactée (économique, sociale) au-delà de la performance environnementale et le périmètre (interne / externe à l'entreprise), est proposée. Quatre stratégies se dégagent alors : l'éco-efficience, l'éco-responsabilisation, l'éco-partenariat, l'éco-solidarité. Chaque stratégie répond à des parties prenantes spécifiques de l'entreprise. Pour l'éco-efficience, une étude quantitative (plan d'expérience) hiérarchise les facteurs impactant la minimisation des déchets en Production et montre l'intérêt d'associer les 2 méthodes : les « 7 muda » du Lean et la hiérarchie 3R (Réduire, Réutiliser, Recycler) du Green. L'exploitation d'une « matrice Lean 3R » est même souhaitable. Pour l'éco-responsabilisation, un modèle de Management Visuel de l'Eco-Performance (MVEP), évalué qualitativement (recherche-intervention) améliore un indice de motivation. Il est révélé que l'intégration d'une dimension écologique dans l'animation d'une performance économique, est favorable à son amélioration. / Since the 80s , companies in developed countries are facing with competition increasingly sharp . In this context, the adoption of lean management has become widespread. It aims to speed up the flow , to reduce non- value added , as part of a continuous improvement process. Moreover, since the 90s , sustainable development is a growing interest . Social responsibility (CSR) is the business contribution to sustainable development issues. The approach is for companies to take into account the social and environmental impacts of their business to adopt the best practices and contribute to the improvement of society and the protection of the environment. This study positions the integration Lean Green serving a strategy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) . A first strategic Lean Green model gives a structured framework for targeted scientific developments, prioritizing a particular performance. Segmentation according to the impacted (social, economic) major performance beyond environmental performance and the scope (internal / external to the company) , is proposed. Four strategies emerge then : eco-efficiency , eco-responsibility , eco-partnership , eco- solidarity. Each strategy responds to specific stakeholders of the company. For eco-efficiency, a quantitative study (design of experiment) prioritizes the factors affecting the minimization of waste in production and demonstrates the value of combining the two methods : the Lean "7 muda " and the Green 3Rs hierarchy ( reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Operating a "matrix Lean 3R " is desirable. For eco-responsibility, a model of Visual Management of Eco-Performance (VMEP), evaluated qualitatively (intervention research) improves an index of motivation. It is revealed that the integration of environmental considerations into the animation of economic performance , is in favor of improving.

Extreme Production - Administration Makeover : ur ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv

Granlund, Mirva, Hjerling, Sandra January 2007 (has links)
Extreme Production Makeover™ fångade vårt intresse för en tid sedan, strax innan vi skulle börja skriva vår C-uppsats. Metoden går ut på att under mycket kort tid förändra och effektivisera en produktionslina för att höja produktiviteten. Vi blev genast nyfikna på om Extreme Production Makeover™ skulle gå att omsätta i administrativa flöden och tjänste-flöden med ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv. Inom produktion finns det en lång tradition av att arbeta med effektiviseringar och förbättringar. Våra studier av effektiviseringsmetoder inom administrativa flöden visar på att me-toderna inte är lika utbredda inom tjänste- och servicebranschen. Vad beror det på? Normalt tar ett förändringsarbete av administrativa flöden eller tjänsteflöden en ganska lång tid i anspråk. Men, om en Extreme Production Makeover™ kan genomföras på en kort tid, så borde ju också en Extreme Administration Makeover kunna genomföras. Syfte: Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka och jämföra effektivisering i produktionsflöden med effektivisering i administrativa flöden och tjänsteflöden. Vi vill belysa nyttan med informationslogistik i samband med förändringsarbeten, för företag och personer som arbetar med processeffektivisering. Resultatet av studien är en handlingsplan för Extreme Administration Makeover. Metod: Vårt arbete är genomfört som en skrivbordsstudie, vi har alltså inte provat eller utvärderat Extreme Administration Makeover i verkligheten. Vi har studerat olika typer av litteratur som rör informationslogistik och effektivisering av olika flöden. Detta har vi sammanfattat och redovisat under rubriken Teori. För att ge ytterligare kraft till teorin, har vi samtalat med nyckelpersoner inom Extreme Production Makeover™ och Lean Forum, för att bilda oss en uppfattning om hur metoderna kan jämföras och tillämpas. Resultatet av dessa diskussioner tas upp i Empirin. Till detta har vi lagt vår kunskap i informationslogistik och därefter skapat en handlingsplan med tillhörande modell, för Extreme Administration Makeover. Därefter följer Analysen av vårt studieresultat och en Avslutande Diskussion. Avgränsning: Vi har i vår rapport valt att begränsa oss till metoderna inom traditionell produktionseffektivisering och Lean Production men är väl medvetna om att metoderna för förändringsarbete är fler än så. Resultat: Delar av ett förändringsarbete kan genomföras under en kortare, eller extremt kort tid, men att etablera och rota arbetssätt och framför allt tanken bakom; att få tänkandet att genomsyra verksamheten, kräver förmodligen betydligt längre tid. Det beror på de personer som berörs och blir involverade i den. Genom att förankra tankar, mål och visioner i organisationens alla led, skapas en grund för en stabil förändring och en förutsättning för ett gott resultat. / Extreme Production Makeover™ caught our interest before we began to write our C-essay. The method is about transformation and how to make a production line more efficient in order to raise the productivity level within a short timeframe. Since we are about to gradu-ate in Information logistics, we are curious to find out if Extreme Production Makeover™ is transferable to administrative and service flows, from an information logistics perspec-tive. Within the area of production, there has been a long tradition to work with efficiency and improvements. Our studies of efficiency methods within administrative flows indicate that these methods are not as widespread within the service trades. How come? In general, the procedure of changing administrative and service flows is a long process, however, if an Extreme Production Makeover™ could be accomplished during a short timeframe, so could probably also Extreme Administration Makeover. Aim: The aim of our study is to examine and compare production flow efficiency along with ef-ficiency in administrative and service flows. We want to illustrate the benefit of using in-formation logistics in structural changes, for both companies and personnel working with process efficiency. The result of our study is an action plan for Extreme Administration Makeover. Method: Our essay was created as a proposal; we did not test or evaluate Extreme Administration Makeover in reality. We have studied a variety of literature linked to information logistics and the efficacy of different flows, which we have summarized and illustrate under the heading Theory. In order to support the theory further, we spoke to key personnel within Extreme Production Makeover™ and Lean Forum and determined how the methods could be compared and applied. The result of these discussions is presented in the Em-pirical research. Furthermore, we have added our knowledge about information logistics and created an action plan, with an attached model exclusively for Extreme Administration Makeover. Accordingly, the result presented in the Analysis is followed by a Conclusion. Delimitation: We have chosen to limit our essay to the methods of traditional production efficiency and Lean Production, although we are well aware that there are several other methods for change. Results: Parts of a transformation plan could be accomplished during a short, or minimally short timeframe, however, in order to establish a deeply rooted work process, particularly the underlying force, and to permeate this vision into the enterprise, almost certainly requires more time. The outcome depends on the individuals affected and involved in the process. By establishing deeply rooted thoughts, goals and visions throughout the organisation, a solid foundation generates a sound transformation, which is crucial for a positive outcome.

Framtidens pallhantering / Future Pallet Handling

Johansson, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Kapavdelningen Preco på företaget Ovako Sweden AB har under senare år ökat sin produktion samt börjat röra sig mer mot en kundorderstyrd verksamhet. Genom att fokus lagts på en växande produktion har effektiviteten för kringliggande processer hamnat efter, och flödet och logistiken gällande hanteringen av pallar är idag inte optimerad. Arbetet syftar till att utifrån den givna problembeskrivningen ta fram ett eller flera förbättringsförslag hur pallflödet kan optimeras. Studien har inletts med en kartläggning över företagets nuläge, och utifrån detta har ett flertal problemområden identifieras. Två av de dessa, att man inte vet var pallarna befinner sig samt att tillverkningskvantiteterna vid lagerpåfyllnad är för höga, behandlas vidare och ges förslag på till förbättringar. De olika förslagen diskuteras med underlag från teori och empiri. Arbetet mynnar slutligenut i en rekommendation om införandet av pallställ, vilket löser lokaliseringsproblemet för pallen. En rekommendation ges även att nuvarande tillverkningskvantiteter bör uppdateras och minskas, för att få mer kontroll på flödet samt stödja det nya kundorderstyrda arbetssättet. / The cutting department Preco in the company Ovako Sweden AB has in recent years increased their production and started to move towards a customer-driven organization. By putting the focus on a growing production, efficiency for surrounding processes has fallen behind, and the flow and logistics regarding the handling of pallets is currently not optimized. The project aims at from the given problem description produce one or more improvement suggestions regarding how the pallet handling can be optimized. The study begins with a survey of the company´s current situation, and based on this, a number of problem areas has been identified. Two of these are being further processed and given suggestions how to improve: that the pallets location is unknown and the productions quantities in the replenishment are too high. The various proposals are eventually discussed, with input from theory and empiricism. The study culminates in a recommendation regarding the introduction of a pallet rack where the pallets can be located. A recommendation is also given that the current order quantities should be updated and reduced, to gain more control over the flow and to support the new customer-driven approach.

Implementación del sistema de lean construction para la mejora de productividad en la ejecución de los trabajos de estructuras en obras de edificación de viviendas

Sánchez Cusihuaman, Alex Shander, Rosa Cruz, Danny Daniel, Benavides Salazar, Pedro Antonio 13 August 2015 (has links)
Esta investigación nace de la inquietud generada por información encontrada referente productividad en nuestro país en los procesos productivos, específicamente en la industria de la construcción, rescatamos el siguiente párrafo: En el Perú solo producimos efectivamente el 28% de tiempo. De no mejorar los niveles de ocupación del tiempo y mantenernos en niveles productivos tan bajos, nuestro país no podrá despegar de su condición de nación subdesarrollada, no importa que tan bueno sea el gobierno que nos toque, debemos convencernos de que la mayor parte del cambio está en nuestras manos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es mejorar la productividad en la ejecución de los trabajos en la parte de estructuras en la edificación de viviendas implementando el sistema de Lean Construction, tomando como referencia a una obra típica en la ciudad de Cusco de la empresa “Ingenius Construcciones S.R.L.” Plantearemos un plan de gestión de producción utilizando las herramientas del sistema de gestión de producción LEAN CONSTRUCTION. Para tal fin, iniciaremos la investigación realizando un diagnóstico de la situación actual de la Obra denominada “Residencial Calicanto” en inicios de ejecución, para definir la cantidad de tiempo ocupado en actividades productivas, contributorias y no contributorias, utilizando la herramienta del sistema de gestión de producción de la filosofía Lean Construction conocida como Nivel General de Actividad. Seguidamente propondremos la implementación de las herramientas del sistema de gestión Lean Construction para la planificación de la ejecución de la obra, desde la planificación general hasta la planificación operacional y las herramientas de control. Así podremos realizar una comparación de indicadores de productividad de la gestión tradicional de obras versus la gestión de obras aplicando las herramientas del sistema de gestión de producción de la filosofía Lean Construction, para demostrar las virtudes de éste y poder implementarlas mostrando no solo fundamentos teóricos, sino que también las dificultades de aplicabilidad que éste pueda tener. Luego de recopilar los datos requeridos en obra, se implementaron las herramientas de gestión Lean construction, a partir de la semana 06 de nuestra intervención, hasta el final del proceso constructivo de la obra. Para analizar los efectos en el proyecto se controlaron las tres principales partidas de la obra en la parte de estructuras como son: encofrado, acero y concreto. Se tomaron registros semanales del avance físico y de la productividad de estas tres partidas. Además, se controló el porcentaje de actividades completadas y las causas de no cumplimiento observadas en la programación semanal.

Kommunikationsmodell för APD-plan vid användning av materialrutor och gångstråk / Model of communication for a construction site plan when using material zones and walking path

Ahlander, Alfred, Ekroth, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Platsbyggd byggnadsproduktion är en komplicerad process. En tillfällig fabrik, med nya materialupplag och nytt arbetsplatsområde upprättas vid varje enskilt projekt, vilket komplicerar processen ytterligare. Materialhanteringen utgör en stor besparingsmöjlighet i byggnadsprojekt och 40 % av tiden som förloras på en byggarbetsplats kan tillskrivas materialhantering. För att få bukt med slöseri kopplat till materialhantering krävs en väl bearbetad logistikplanering, fungerande kommunikation samt kunskapsbeaktning från tidigare genomförda projekt. Studiens mål är därför att identifiera förbättringsåtgärder gällande användning av materialrutor och gångstråk, samt skapa en kommunikationsmodell för arbetsplatsdispositionsplanen (APD-planen) som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring. Metod: Studien har utfört fallstudier på två projekt inom NCC:s organisation. Kvalitativ datainsamling i form av litteraturstudie, intervjuer, dokumentanalys och observation har använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts och innefattar sju respondenter med olika befattningar inom byggbranschen. Resultat: Studien har tagit fram faktorer som bör beaktas vid planeringen av materialrutor och gångstråk. Vidare visar resultatet att det krävs resurser och strukturerade processer för att erfarenhetsåterföring i byggnadsprojekt skall fungera. För att lyckas med användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk krävs god kommunikation av APD-planen. I studien har även en kommunikationsmodell av APDplanen som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring tagits fram. Konsekvenser: Det är under inköps- och leveransplaneringen som förutsättningarna för materialrutor och gångstråk sätts, därför bör APD-planen vara mer i fokus under detta skede. En förutsättning för att användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk skall fungera är att det finns resurser som stödjer platsledningen vid planering och utförandet. Genom att använda sig av logistikresurser inom organisationen underlättas planering och hantering av material på byggarbetsplatsen och insamlade erfarenheter kan förmedlas mellan projekt. Ute i produktionen bör det finnas en ansvarig godsmottagare som är extra insatt i APD-planen och materialrutor, genom kontinuerlig kommunikation med platsledning och logistikresurs. Begränsningar: Eftersom arbetet endast omfattar studie av två byggnadsprojekt finns det en begränsning i vilka faktorer och resonemang som lyfts fram. Även om resultatet grundas från två byggnadsprojekt är de grundläggande processerna och händelseförloppen vid uppförande av byggnader likartade och resultatet kan därför tillämpas på liknande byggnadsprojekt. / Purpose: On-site construction is a complicated process. A temporary factory, with new zones for materials and workplace area must be established for each new project, which complicates the process further. Material management stands for a big saving opportunity in building projects and 40 % of the time lost on a construction site can be attributed to material management.  To overcome this waste connected to material management a well-processed logistics planning, god communication as well as experience feedback from previous projects is required. The aim for this thesis is therefore to identify improvement measure regarding the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, and as well as create a model of communication that supports experience feedback. Method The thesis is a case study on two projects within the organization of NCC.  A qualitative data collection with literature review, interviews, document analysis and observation has been conducted. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted and includes seven respondents with different position within the construction industry. Findings: The thesis has produced factors that should be taken into consideration when material zones and walking paths are planned. The result shows that resources and structured processes are required if experience feedback should work during the construction project. To succeed with the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, good communication of the construction site plan is needed. Furthermore, the thesis has resulted in a model of communication that supports experience feedback.   Implications: It’s during the purchase and delivery planning that the conditions for the material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths are set, therefore the construction site planning should be involved more in this phase. A prerequisite for using dedicated material zones and walking paths are resources which supports the construction management with planning and performance. By using logistic resources within the organization facilitates planning and management of material at the construction site, enables that collected experience can be conveyed between projects. In the production there should be a responsible receiver of material deliveries, who is extra briefed in the constructions site plan and the material-dedicated buffer zones through continuous communication with the construction management and logistic resource. Limitations: Since the thesis only includes two building projects, there is a limitation of the factors and arguments that are treated. Although the result is based on two building projects the fundamental processes and course of events are similar and can therefore be applied on other building projects.

Values and behaviours that the lean production philosophy supports

Lotz, Gerrit 09 December 2013 (has links)
M.Phil. (Leadership, Performance & Change) / *Orientation - More and more South African organisations are turning to prominent productivity improvement systems such as Lean Production (LP). Sustaining LP, however, requires the creation of a discernible management system. One of the perennial questions in LP is whether a management system with such a strong Japanese orientation can be successfully transplanted into a heterogeneous culture such as South Africa. * Research purpose - This research aimed to investigate whether the behaviours and values adopted by successful middle managers in supporting a sustainable LP management system differ from those identified by Van Dun (2008) in a comparative study conducted in the Netherlands. The research also aimed to establish whether managers from different ethnic groups in South Africa adopt different behaviours and values. * Motivation for the study – Identifying the behaviours and values of LP middle managers in the context of both national and sub-cultures will assist in making the necessary allowances in order to limit dissonance and strengthen LP transformation. * Research design, approach and method – The study was conducted in two phases. Firstly, a two round Delphi-study was undertaken to identify criteria for the identification of successful LP middle managers, and to ensure that the Behavioural Leadership Questionnaire developed in the Netherlands has theoretical equivalence in South Africa. During the second phase, successful LP managers, their immediate superiors, subordinates and internal LP practitioners were surveyed in order to identify the extent to which certain LP behaviours and values were demonstrated. The data from the survey was analysed using parametric and comparative statistics. * Main findings – The results indicate that altough LP behaviours and values appear universal, these behaviours and values are to a large extent influenced by national culture. Cross-cultural influences based on racial demographics in South Africa is however inconsequential.

Agile in Multisite Software Engineering : Integration Challenges

Mehta, Naresh, Gill, Muhammad Junaid January 2017 (has links)
Many big organizations who are in existence since before the term agile came into existence are pursuing agile transformations and trying to integrate it with their existing structure. It has been an accepted fact that agile integrations are difficult in big organizations and many of such organizations fail the transformations. This is especially true for multisite software organizations where a traditional mix of old and new ways of working ends up creating issues. The result of such failure is the implementation of a hybrid way of working which ultimately leads to lower output and higher cost for the organizations.This paper looks at the integration challenges for multisite software engineering organizations and correlates with the theoretical findings by earlier with practical findings using survey and interviews as data collection tools. This paper specifically focusses on integration challenges involving self-organizing teams, power distribution, knowledge hiding and knowledge sharing, communications and decision making. The paper also has empirical evidence that shows that there is a communication and understanding gap between the employees and management in basic understanding of agile concepts.

Enablers for lean process sustainability within South African manufacturing industries

Roth, Benlloyd Koekemoer January 2015 (has links)
James Womack and his colleagues Daniel Jones and Daniel Roos changed the way western civilization approached manufacturing. In 1990, they published a book called ‘The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production’. It was a concept that had slowly filtered from the east but had not made its mark on the manufacturing sector. The concept of lean, born out of the Japanese Toyota Manufacturing System, was first thought to be impossible to duplicate outside of Japan. Since Womack and company popularised this “new” way of producing goods and delivering services it spread across industries finding popularity in the medical, engineering, accounting and especially the manufacturing industries. Over the last few decades lean practices has been synonymous with efficiency, cost reduction, supply chain optimisation and innovative problem solving (Anvari Norzima, Rosnah, Hojjati and Ismail, 2010; Pieterse et al., 2010; Womack et al., 1990). Lean process implementation has been researched in abundance, as has failed attempts at lean implementation. The purpose of this study was to identify and assess enablers of lean sustainability in organisations where lean processes are already being implemented. The literature study found Organisational Culture, Leadership, Employee Engagement and Trade Unions participation as factors that contributed to successful lean implementations. The author developed a model to test Organisational Culture, Leadership, Employee Engagement and Trade Unions as enablers to sustain lean practices in organisations in South Africa’s manufacturing industries. The results proved that Organisational Culture, Leadership and Employee Engagement were considered enablers for lean sustainability. These three enablers have an interlinked relationship and together help sustainability. Lacking just one factor would surely result in unsustainable lean practices. The study was conducted in the quantitative paradigm, as the hypothesised relationship was statistically tested. The data was collected from a homogenous group via an email sent with a link to the questionnaire. The data was statistically analysed with Statistica software and Microsoft Excel.

Establishing the links between performance improvement programmes, maturity and performance to facilitate improvement strategy formulation

Ebrahim, Zahier January 2016 (has links)
The automotive components manufacturing sector is facing tremendous pressure to remain competitive in a global economy. The application of performance improvement techniques to optimise factor production inputs remains a key strategic mechanism to effect the necessary change towards competitiveness. The high failure rate of these programmes, however, is a risk factor that should be considered by manufacturing firms. The investment into the implementation of these programmes will yield no return if the organisational maturity profile is not considered. The expected gains may not materialise and the execution of critical projects may take much longer than required. It is for this reason that an approach towards selecting the correct Performance Improvement Programme to optimise the performance of companies is a business imperative. Through a better understanding of the relationships between Performance Improvement Programmes and Organisational Maturity Variables, implementation success rates can increase, leading to improved results and sustainability. The approach taken to this research was quantitative in nature. Various descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to the selected respondents from the Eastern Cape automotive sector. The respondents had a working knowledge of Lean Manufacturing, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Six Sigma. The research instrument was administered through an online survey. The research sought to identify whether there was a relationship amongst the variables under the three identified constructs. The research also sought to establish whether there was a difference between the specific Performance Improvement Programmes’ and Organisational Maturity Variables’ relationships. This affirmed the use of a new framework that integrates the programmes on the basis of their relationship to Organisational Maturity Variables. The research also provided insight into the challenges of the industry from a performance perspective and linked these with the relationship between Organisational Maturity Variables and Organisational Performance Variables. This allowed the researcher to include this additional insight as a consideration in the integrated implementation framework developed as part of the research. The results show that good consideration should be given to the Organisational Maturity Variables as these variables are related to the successful adoption of Performance Improvement Programmes. The research also shows that Lean Manufacturing, Total Productive Maintenance and Six Sigma are related to an organisations’ maturity profile in different ways. These results support the integrated Performance Improvement Programme approach, using a common set of tools and selecting the necessary programme specific tools based on a firm’s maturity profile. The research affords industry a framework to aid in decision making considering the relationships tested as part of this research. The linkages between Performance Programmes, Organisational Maturity Variables and Organisational Performance Variables are now more specific in nature.

Stanovení úrovně štíhlosti konkrétního podniku v automobilovém průmyslu / Assessment level of leanness in the automotive company

Šimeček, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Lean management is an approach that has made a revolution in a several industries. The measurement of its approach usually deal with quantitative approaches. However, the expansion of this phenomena lacks of qualitative perspective. Therefore, this is new opportunity to explore new metric to determinate the level of leanness of the organisation. This thesis explores new approach to deal with measurement of leanness. Main goal is to analyse level of leanness in the company automotive industry through the ethnography research and propose improvement which increase current state in that company.

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