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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Štíhlá výroba - kanban / Lean production - kanban

Fous, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to characterize lean production and kanban method in TRW Carr, s.r.o., Stará Boleslav. The thesis describes current firm situation with focus on kanban method. The another aim was to propose possible improvements. In the thesis are proposed solutions, successfully implemented in different plants. The thesis also include totaly new proposals, which can be implemented only in concrete plant. The last aim of this thesis was to find more effective system and implement new trends, if possible.

Restrukturalizace podniku podle ROI / Company restructuring by ROI

Matějka, Marcel January 2005 (has links)
The fundamental problem of a company restructuring is the absence of a common criteria indicator when deciding among the product, process and source alternatives. The aim of the study is to solve the problem with new process metrics of capital and ROI and to describe the main areas of the practical use of the new solution.

Analys och optimering av transportflöden i Eskilstuna kommun : Eliminering av slöseri och dess effekter ur ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv

Deldar, Sam, Cizmeli, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka de potentiella fördelarna vid implementering av Lean-baserade metoder för att möta prestanda, tillgänglighet och effektivitet i transportsystemet samt användningen av en varuflödesplan för att identifiera slöseri. Vidare, att observera hur fördelarna med en ruttoptimering kan minimera slöseri och reducera kostnader relaterade till transport samt minskningen av miljöutsläpp, stadsbuller och säkerhet. Metod och genomförande: För att uppnå syftet med denna studie och att besvara forskningsfrågorna har en fallstudie och en litteraturstudie kombinerats och genomförts. Fallstudien innehåller observationer och intervjuer som har genomförts för att samla in information om hur fallföretaget arbetar med transport dagligen, användningen av standardisering och effektivisering samt hantering av ruttplanering. Vidare har en implementering utförts av de föreslagna ruttoptimeringsmetoderna för att få större förståelse för de föreslagna metoderna och litteraturen. Slutligen har en analys och diskussion genomförts där de empiriska resultaten studerats och jämförts med litteraturstudien. Resultat: Genomförandet av Lean-baserade metoder för att identifiera och minska slöseri baserat på prestationsmätningsverktyg, såsom värdeflödekartläggning och användningen av ruttoptimering, har visat flera fördelar. De identifierade fördelarna var kortare körtider för chaufförerna, en minskad total kilometersträcka, en mer optimerad fyllnadsgrad i lastbilarna samt mer effektiv tid vid lastning och lossning av gods. Den sistnämna fördelen påverkar främst tillgängligheten och prestandan av den totala fordon- och chaufförseffektiviteten. En del av fördelarna var tolkbara i monetära termer för att ge insikt om hur de eventuella kostnadsbesparingarna. Rekommendationer: För att få bättre och mer djupgående resultat i framtida studier, föreslås att: fallföretaget kartlägger alla transporter som utförs för att bedöma lönsamheten i vissa körrutter samt för att undersöka hur all transport kan uppdelas geografiskt med hjälp av presenterat material i denna studie; noggrannare observationer av förare under andra veckodagar för att identifiera ytterligare problemområden och förbättringsmöjligheter; standardisera och implementera Lean metoder i närliggande processer i verksamheten för fortsatt strävan efter en lönsam verksamhet, till exempel genom att granska mottagandet av varor från leverantörer och utvärdera möjligheten med att ha lokala leverantörer; slutligen, all personal ska utbilda sig inom Lean och standardiserat arbete för att ytterligare eliminera och minska interna NIT-aktiviteter, såsom väntetid. / Purpose: To explore the possible benefits with the implementation of Lean methods to measure performance, availability and efficiency in transportation, including the use of a value stream map to identify waste. Furthermore, to observe how the benefits with a route optimization eventually can minimize waste and reduce costs related to transportation as well as the reduction of environmental emissions, urban noise and security. Methodology: To achieve the purpose of this study and to solve the research questions, a case study and a literature study has been combined and carried out. The case study contains observations and interviews which has been executed in order to gather information related to how the case-company work with transportation on a daily basis, the usage of standardization and the management of route planning. Moreover, an implementation of the proposed route optimizations has been executed with the purpose of gaining knowledge related to the outcome. Finally, an analysis and discussion has been performed where the empirical results are studied and compared with the literature findings. Findings: The implementation of Lean methods to identify and reduce waste based on performance measuring tools, such as value stream mapping and the use of route optimization, showed several advantages. The identified advantages were shorter driving schedules for the chauffeurs, a reduced overall mile distance, a more optimal degree of filling in the driver trucks and more efficient time spent while loading and unloading the trucks. The last advantage mainly affecting the availability and performance of the overall vehicle efficiency. Some of the advantages were interpretable into monetary terms in order to provide an insight into any cost savings. Recommendations: To gain better and more profound results in any further studies, it is suggested that: the case company map out all transports carried out in order to assess the profitability of certain driving routes, as well as to examine how all transport can be geographically divided using the presented material in this study; more thorough observations of drivers during other weekdays to further identify problem areas and improvement opportunities ought to be done; standardization and implementation of Lean methods in related processes in the company for continued pursuit of profitable operations. For example, by reviewing the receipt of goods from suppliers and reviewing the option of having local suppliers; lastly, all staff gets training and education of Lean methods and standardized work for additional elimination and reduction of internal NIT activities, such as waiting time.

Uplatnění LEAN managementu ve zdravotním zařízení / Application of LEAN management in healthcare centre

Pešková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The Master's Thesis reviews the application of Lean management methods in the healthcare sector. The theoretical section describes the background of Lean process management - its history, principles, methods and tools. The methods currently used to manage processes in the healthcare sector are then described. The practical section of the thesis tests whether these processes could be improved by implementing a Lean methodology. A project was undertaken in a healthcare centre where the principles, tools and methods described in the theoretical section were applied. The project consisted of five phases, according to DMAIC cycle. The conclusion of the Master Thesis summarises the findings and results which evidence the improvement of the processes in this specific healthcare centre after the implementation of a Lean methodology.

The Use of Weight and Height in Calculating Lean Body Mass Indexes of Young College Women

Hartman, Billye Reynolds 08 1900 (has links)
Since no lean body mass (LBM) index was available for women, the purpose of the present study was to use the formula of Behnke et al. in the calculation of an LBM Index for women.

Process improvement proposal for the reduction of machine setup time in a copper transformation company using lean manufacturing tools

Lora-Soto, Anthony, Morales-Silva, Cristhoffer, Llontop-Jesus, Jose, Mamani, Nestor 01 January 2021 (has links)
This study aimed to identify the causes of significant problems existing in the metallurgical sector, and a solution is proposed for the setup process. We detail the theoretical background of the processes in the lean manufacturing methodology, which will be applied to a rolling machine. Further, we provide a brief description of the company and the sector’s problems. We describe success stories of companies that implemented various lean manufacturing tools. We also present some of the results achieved across sectors to gain an in-depth understanding of the technique and a practical support of the implemented model. Our proposal is based on the lean manufacturing methodology; tools such as Single Minute Exchanges of Dies, Kaizen, 5S, and value stream mapping (VSM) will be used to reduce setup times and to impact machine layout and productivity positively. We also show the implementation results of a pilot plan conducted in the company over a period of more than 3 months. / Revisión por pares

Diseño de un modelo de gestión Lean Management de servicios legales para la Consejería Jurídica en la Corporación Nacional del cobre de Chile

Brieba Vial, Diego Enrique January 2018 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / En los últimos años la minería del cobre ha enfrentado un dificultoso escenario de disminución del precio del cobre, caracterizada por una marcada volatilidad hacia la baja y con una aparente reversión a partir del segundo semestre del año 2017 y de bastante fluctuación durante el año 2018. Además, la minería del cobre, en general, vive una ya histórica y marcada disminución de las leyes del mineral, incluyendo los yacimientos de Codelco, con alzas en costos y bajas en productividad, impactando en el costo C1 (OPEX). En consecuencia, la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile ( Codelco o la Corporación ) decidió implementar el proyecto llamado Excelencia Operacional C+ , el cual, apoyado en el concepto del Lean Management, busca mejorar sus indicadores de gestión y por ende su última línea de resultados, esto es, los excedentes de Codelco. A la fecha, las consecuencias de la implementación de C+, en el mundo de las operaciones, han mostrado resultados medibles que aportan valor a la organización. El tesista analiza la oportunidad de implementar C+ en el mundo de los servicios jurídicos que provee la Consejería Jurídica de Codelco. Como estructura y como diagramas de bloques secuenciales, desarrolla La definición de la oportunidad, la que se desagrega en diagnóstico de la situación existente, identificación de brechas y las propuestas y planes de acción. Luego, evalúa los aspectos Operacionales para su implementación, incluyendo mediciones en entornos reducidos, determinación de potenciales impactos y procesos de adaptación y adopción. También propone desarrollar estas etapas, a través de especialistas externos. Finalmente, sigue la cuantificación de los Resultados, los que se comunican al interior de Codelco, diseminándose mediante el Story Telling y la agregación de valor a la Corporación. Las conclusiones de esta tesis y los gaps que se identifican, tanto en estructura como gestión, dan cuenta que es posible implementar Excelencia Operacional C+ en la Consejería Jurídica y, más allá de los beneficios cualitativos, también pueden lograrse beneficios cuantitativos, medidos indirectamente. Los servicios que provee Consejería Jurídica son de aplicación transversal en Codelco, impactando a sus respectivos stakeholders. Se propone presentar esta tesis al interior de Codelco con el fin de dar cuenta de esta oportunidad y lograr que sea implementada en Codelco y mostrar su alineamiento con una visión de valor para Codelco y su sostenibilidad de largo plazo.

Propuesta de mejora de gestión de mantenimiento en un centro comercial como estrategia de excelencia operativa / Proposal for improvement of maintenance management in a shoping center as a strategy of operational excellence

Huaricancha Cristobal, Greimm Royer 29 January 2020 (has links)
Esta tesis tiene por finalidad elaborar una propuesta de mejora en gestión de mantenimiento en uno de los Centro Comerciales más importantes del país, el objetivo es de incrementar el porcentaje de condición de operatividad a 97% de los sistemas de ingeniería que se maneja (hidráulica, montacargas y escaleras eléctricas, eléctrico, aire acondicionado, red contra incendio y sanitario) que actualmente están en 94% en promedio. El primer capítulo contiene artículos de investigación referentes a la propuesta de mejora con evidencias de empresas que tuvieron éxitos aplicando metodología Lean y herramientas como TPM, con la aplicación de las hojas FMEA. El segundo capítulo se enfoca en diagnosticar los problemas de operatividad de los sistemas, teniendo en cuenta la condición de operatividad que se maneja, además se identificará y priorizará las causas de los principales problemas teniendo en cuenta los sistemas con mayor costo de mantenimiento correctivos no programados, sobre los cuales se aplicará propuestas de mejora. El tercer capítulo se desarrollará las propuestas de mejora para reducir los trabajos de mantenimiento correctivo no programado y mejorar la condición de operatividad de los sistemas, mediante la introducción de la hoja FMEA y con el apoyo del equipo formado con los técnicos operarios. Finalmente se presentarán conclusiones y recomendaciones las cuales darán a conocer el ahorro y el tiempo de recupero de la propuesta. / This project aims to develop a proposal for improvement in maintenance management in one of the most important Commercial Centers in the country, the objective is to increase the percentage of operational condition to 97% of the engineering systems that are managed (hydraulic, elevators and escalators, electric, air conditioning, fire network and sanitary) that are currently at 94% on average. The first chapter contains research articles referring to the improvement proposal with evidence of companies that had success applying Lean methodology and tools such as TPM, with the application of FMEA sheets. The second chapter focuses on diagnosing the problems of operation of the systems, taking into account the operating condition that is handled, in addition the causes of the main problems will be identified and prioritized taking into account the systems with the highest unscheduled corrective maintenance costs , on which improvement proposals will be applied. The third chapter will develop improvement proposals to reduce the unscheduled corrective maintenance work and improve the operating condition of the systems, by introducing the FMEA sheet and with the support of the team formed with the operating technicians. Finally, conclusions and recommendations will be presented which will make the savings and recovery time of the proposal known. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Värdeflödesanalys hos beställare i planeringsfasen

Henningsson, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
The usage of value stream mapping has to a high degree been limited to entrepreneurs in the construction phase, but it might still be possible for the client to use the tool in the planning phase. If so, this opens up for a new efficiency tool to be used by clients, which could enable economical advantages. This study is thus directed towards the investigation of value stream mapping applications by the client, through a case study at the Swedish Transport Administration. The purpose of the study is to limit waste and increase efficiency in the process activity for quality control of time, costs, and content, from descriptions of new investments until they are approved. The study also intends to investigate the possibilities of applying the Lean tool value stream mapping within the planning phase in the role as client. The study is conducted based on a qualitative strategy. Which follows that gathered data is analyzed thoroughly through the stream mapping analysis. The research approach which is applied is based upon a deductive method, which follows out of that theory concerning value stream mapping and Lean makes up the base of the study. Empirical data for the study was gathered by interviews and documents. Interviews were conducted with both a representative from the section for planning and one from the investments section from all ten of the chosen projects. This was done to get two perspectives on how the process had been conducted.  Value stream mapping were conducted by the means of five stages. The first stage concerned the definition of the process. While the second stage was based around the conductions of a current situation mapping, to conduct this, a statistical analysis was required to get the necessary values. The third stage is made up by a future situation mapping, whereby previous mapping was analyzed through a qualitative strategy, whereby waste and Lean from theory were applied. At this stage, some suggestions for improvements that could be directly implemented were produced. The fourth stage was based upon an ideal situation mapping, which was based upon the expectations that the Swedish Transport Administration have for the process for quality control of time, costs, and content. In this stage improvements that are too complicated for immediate implementation were produced. The fifth stage were based upon creating an action plan for implementation of the suggestions for improvement.  The produced suggestions in the study are the following. ·       Strengthened communication. ·       A priority list. ·       Increased transparency. ·       Increased knowledge within the process for quality control of time, costs, and content. ·       Increased flexibility. The study also clearly indicates that value stream mapping can be applied by clients within the planning phase in repetitive processes with product families. / Användandet av värdeflödesanalys (VFA) har i hög grad begränsats till produktionsfasen inom byggsektorn, men möjligheten för applicering av beställare i planeringsfasen framstår ändå möjlig. Detta öppnar upp för ett nytt effektiviseringsverktyg för beställare, vilket kan medföra ekonomiska fördelar. Studien är riktad mot att undersöka VFA appliceringsmöjligheter genom en fallstudie hos Trafikverket. Syftet för studien utgörs av att begränsa slöseri och öka effektiviteten i TKI-säkringsprocessen, från framtagande av åtgärdsbeskrivning (ÅB) tills godkännande av ÅB. Studien syftar även till att utvärdera möjligheterna för att applicera Lean verktyget värdeflödesanalys inom planeringsfasen i rollen som beställare. Studien genomförs utifrån en kvalitativ strategi. Detta följer i att inhämtad data analyseras ingående i värdeflödesanalysen. Forskningsansatsen som appliceras bygger på en deduktiv metod, vilket följer ur att både tidigare teori gällande värdeflödesanalys och Lean utgör grunden för studien. Empiri inhämtades via intervjuer och dokument. Intervjuer har genomförts med en person från Trafikverkets VO Planering och en från VO Investering för respektive av de tio projekten som studien bygger på. Detta i syfte att få två perspektiv på hur processen utförts i respektive projekt.  Värdeflödesanalysen har genomförts utifrån fem steg. Varvid det initiala steget utgjordes av att definiera processen för studien. Det andra steget utgjordes av att en nulägeskartläggning utfördes, för denna kartläggning genomfördes en statistik analys för att få fram mätvärden utifrån insamlade data. Det tredje steget utgjordes av framtidskartläggning, där föregående kartläggning analyserades ur en kvalitativ strategi, varvid slöseri och Lean från litteraturstudien applicerades. Här framtogs förbättringsförslag som kan implementeras omgående. Det fjärde steget utgjordes av att genomföra en idealkartläggning baserad på de förhoppningar som finns inom Trafikverket för TKI-säkringsprocessen. Även framtagande av förbättringsförslag som är mer komplicerade att implementera. Det femte steget utgjordes av att skapa en handlingsplan, för att implementera förbättringsförslagen.  De framtagna slutsatserna i studien utgörs av fem förbättringsförslag för Trafikverket på processen: ·       Stärkt kommunikation ·       Prioriteringslista ·       Ökad transparens ·       Ökad kompetens i TKI-säkringen ·       Ökad flexibilitet Utöver detta visar studien att värdeflödesanalys kan appliceras av beställare inom planeringsfasen på repetitiva processer med produktfamiljer.

Studie skladovací techniky a technologie pro vybraný podnik / Study of Storage Techniques and Technologies for a Selected Organization

Orvanová, Katarína January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of process automatization in the company ABB s.r.o, specifically in the warehouse 701, where the operated forklift is currently used. Based on the analysis, proposals are made to improve the current logistics processes taking place in the warehouse, to increase the quality of operations associated with the storage and removal of material, increase the use of labor capacity, improve workplace conditions, and increase occupational safety.

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