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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

5S hybrid management model for increasing productivity in a textile company in Lima

Neyra, Juanirene, Muñoz, José, Eyzaguirre, Juan, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / In general, lean strategies in the textile sector are applied in production to improve productivity, reduce production time, and reduce errors, among other aspects. However, there are also documented studies, which are not common in the literature that uses these strategies to improve storage operations. This study shows the implementation of the Lean 5S Hybrid tool in the warehouse of a textile company based in Lima. The objective of the implementation was to improve productivity in the warehouse, as there were high response times when searching for materials, which reduced production time, warehouse redistribution, better using available space, and being able to strategically locate main materials. The results revealed an increase in warehouse productivity 3.95 times the initial one, an Inventory Record Accuracy of 98.17%, a decrease in the requirement search time by 66.12% (from 25 to 8 min), and stock rotation of 6.22 times.

6TOC model for small wood furniture companies to increase machining productivity in Villa El Salvador industrial cluster

Gutierrez, Leonel, Laredo, Jesus, Sotelo, Fernando, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This research article focuses on the application of the main engineering tools in the wood furniture manufacturing sector. It uses as an information source furniture companies of the industrial park of Villa El Salvador. Its objective is to implement 6TOC methodology based on LEAN philosophy, Six Sigma and restrictions theory, focusing on improvements to the bottleneck. Defines the product design as an ideal input for the planning and development of activities. Start to know the work environment: stations and functions, machines and tools, plant layout and ergonomics in order to increase productivity. Application of tools level operations for planning, control and execution of production. Resulted in the GDP in the year 2017 increased by 2.2%. However, the manufacturing sector of goods decreased by 5.5%, that is, it impairs GDP growth, since the wood and furniture industry, which had an aggregate gross manufacturing value of −19.9%.

Lean manufacturing model for the reduction of production times and reduction of the returns of defective items in textile industry

Andrade, Yanira, Cardenas, Leslie, Viacava, Gino, Raymundo, Carlos, Dominguez, Francisco 01 January 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Textile garment industries must be readily aware of the system’s current situation, respond quickly to changes in style to process orders on time, and manage an appropriate method of work to avoid production delays. In addition, the textile sector plays an important role because it presents a significant weight in the world economy. Likewise, this sector is considered influential when defining an international business agreement. Therefore, adequate management is required in the sector. Otherwise, it will generate a competitive disadvantage because the Peruvian industry is approaching an export recession. This paper proposes using the lean manufacturing methodology to reduce production times. The project is validated through a simulation of the current and proposed processes with the application of lean thinking tools to reduce waste (manufacturing process times).

Process optimization using lean manufacturing to reduce downtime: Case study of a manufacturing SME in Peru

Henríquez-Alvarado, Francisco, Luque-Ojeda, Victor, Macassi-Jauregui, Iliana, Alvarez, Jose Maria, Raymundo-Ibañez, Carlos 27 September 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The sector of small industrial companies has a problem with not being able to satisfy total market demand, mainly due to factories not capitalizing on their production capacity. Consequently, a method to solve downtime related problems has been proposed, which consists of applying 5S to reduce dead time stemming from disorder and uncleanliness, while simultaneously applying value stream mapping (VSM) to find the most efficient method to conduct processes. In conclusion, by implementing these tools in this manner, it was proven that businesses in this sector could operate with up to 73% efficiency.

Process management model in dry cleaning and fabric finishes applying Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen matrix for the textile sector

Romero-Sanchez, Jose, Martinez-Vilchez, Ruby, Galvez-Zarate, Carlos, Raymundo-Ibanez, Carlos 01 November 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The textile sector presents a general problem, due to the increasing introduction of international products (Chinese, Hindu, etc.) due to the low cost of labor and the use of high-tech equipment, this forces companies in the field to improve their productive processes, produce more with less, and reduce costs from the most basic jobs. Therefore, it is proposed to implement the Lean methodology, focusing directly on the optimization of production processes using its various tools and a selection of indicators for monitoring the results. To validate, a case study was carried out in a real company that implemented the different Lean tools and the Kaizen matrix in the dyeing and finishing process, a process that presents a high percentage of defects. This allowed us to effectively reduce the number of reprocesses by a significant 8.14%, which allowed the company to save $ 184,320.42.

Maintenance management model based on Lean Manufacturing to increase the productivity of a company in the Plastic sector

Ames, Victor, Vásquez, Walter, Macassi, Iliana, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2019 (has links)
The current demand of the plastic sector has been increasing, managing to exceed the productivity of SMEs in developing countries such as Peru. Within this framework, the demand is greater than the supply due to the low production of the companies, which present a high index of hours due to lack of maintenance of the machines. The purpose of solving the main problem is to reduce the hours of low productivity that represent a great monetary loss for the company. That is why, by implementing this maintenance management model that is based on Lean Manufacturing, it will allow for a broad competitive advantage in the sector. This model was validated by implementing the TPM and SMED tools of the Lean Manufacturing philosophy within the plastics plant, achieving results that determine the degree of improvement of productivity in the company. Finally, after having validated the model, it is concluded that it could increase the capacity used by the company by 20% with the reduction of the changes.

Lean model of service to increase the attention span of an automotive workshop

Tuesta, Victor, Viacava, Gino, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2019 (has links)
The sale of vehicles in Peru has increased by more than 6% only between the years 2016-2017, with Peru being one of the seven countries with an increase in vehicle fleet between these years, and it is also the fourth country with the highest sales, only after Brazil, Argentina and Chile. However, the post-sale service by the companies that provide these services currently does not meet certain essential aspects to meet the demand, one of the most outstanding, the delivery time, largely due to bad practices and capacity problems. of the concessionaire, generating considerable losses. Thus, this study developed a methodology to optimize the production of preventive maintenance services in automotive dealers applying lean manufacturing tools in order to reduce waiting times, delivery of vehicles at the wrong time and defective services. The pilot proposal was validated in one of the largest concessionaires of preventive maintenance service. The methodology reduced the lead time in two hours. The queues were reduced before each process and the percentage of vehicles delivered untimely from 28% to only 8% was reduced. In addition, the culture of good practices was implemented.

Mejora en los procesos del servicio integral de sepelio en la empresa Campo Fe, para afrontar la creciente demanda por el Covid-19, mediante la aplicación de la Filosofía Lean / Improvement in the processes for the integral burial service in the Campo Fe’s company, to face the growing demand for Covid 19, through the application of the Lean Philosophy

Aspajo Ruiz, Alan Arturo, Orlandini Chavez , Homero, Pacheco Tello, Obed Carlos, Pardo Figueroa Mendez, Oscar Martín 01 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo identificar, analizar y mejorar los principales procesos del servicio integral de sepelio en la empresa Servicios Funerarios Campo Fe SAC, para afrontar la creciente demanda por el Covid-19, con el fin de identificar y reducir las actividades que no generan valor al proceso, así como de optimizar todas aquellas actividades que sí generan valor, reduciendo desperdicios y logrando un proceso más esbelto, ganando mayor competitividad y reduciendo costos. El trabajo está compuesto por cinco capítulos: en el primer capítulo se desarrolla el estado del arte, marco teórico, casos de éxito y normatividad; en el segundo capítulo se procede a describir la situación actual de la empresa mediante el diagnóstico; en el tercer capítulo se expone la propuesta de mejora de los procesos; en el cuarto capítulo se muestra el impacto económico y la validación de la propuesta de mejora y por último en el capítulo cinco, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la aplicación del presente trabajo de investigación. Para ello se utilizaron herramientas de Lean Manufacturing mejorando los tiempos de los principales procesos (Takt Time). Todo ello mostró una mejora en la organización de los espacios de trabajo (5S). La aplicación de la filosofía Lean redujo costos y mejoró la productividad de la empresa, con lo cual se alcanzó una disminución acumulada en el tiempo de servicio integral de sepelio. / The objective of this investigation is to identify, analyze and improve the main processes of the integral burial service in Campo Fe SAC, in order to help them face in a more appropriate way the growing demand for Covid-19. The focus is to identify and reduce the activities that do not generate value to the process, as well as to optimize all those activities that do generate value, reducing waste and achieving a leaner process, gaining greater competitiveness and reducing costs. This study has five chapters: the first chapter shows a summary of the state of the art, theoretical framework, success stories and regulations; the second chapter describes the current situation of the company through the diagnosis; the third chapter presents a proposal to improve the processes; the fourth chapter shows the economic impact and validation of the improvement proposal and the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of the application of this research. The current work applies Lean Manufacturing tools to improve the time of the main processes (Takt time). Results showed an improvement in the organization of workspaces (5S). The application of Lean philosophy reduced costs and improved the productivity of the company, achieving a cumulative decrease in the comprehensive burial service time. / Trabajo de investigación

Erfarenhetsåterföring : Vad skapar en bra erfarenhetsåterföring och hur den kan implementeras i ett traditionellt byggföretag / Experience feedback : What creates a good experience feedback and how it can be implemented in a traditional construction company

Svensson, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
Erfarenhetsåterföring (EF) leder till flera fördelar som ökat resultat och nöjdare kunder. Det traditionella byggandet saknar en metod och modell för erfarenhetsåterföring. Det industriella byggandet har kommit längre i arbetet med erfarenhetsåterföring men generellt finns det utrymme för en bättre erfarenhetsåterföring inom byggbranschen. Inom tillverkningsindustrin arbetas det framgångsrikt med erfarenhetsåterföring genom ständiga förbättringar och Lean. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur industriella byggare och tillverkningsindustrin arbetar med erfarenhetsåterföring och hur det kan implementeras hos en traditionell byggentreprenör. Genom frågan vad som skapar en bra erfarenhetsåterföring var målet att utforma en modell för implementering av erfarenhetsåterföring hos målföretaget Contractor. För att få inblick har en litteraturstudie genomförts, samt intervjuer med branschföretag.  Studien visar att de industriella byggarna arbetar med dagliga möten och det finns en eller flera personer med ansvar för erfarenhetsåterföringen. Inom tillverkningsindustrin använder de inte begreppet erfarenhetsåterföring även fast syftet och målet är detsamma som hos byggsektorn; att förbättra och nå ett högre resultat. Därför kan begreppet erfarenhetsåterföring användas i båda branscher men tillverkningsindustrin arbetar mer systematiskt. De har en starkare kultur och ser ett större värde i arbetet eftersom det är högre prioriterat. Det som visat sig skapa en bra erfarenhetsåterföring är först och främst när företagsledningen har en tydlig strategi kopplat till erfarenhetsåterföring. Det ska finnas en person som driver arbetet med erfarenhetsåterföring, en koordinator som skapar ett dragande efter erfarenheter. Strukturering av arbetet sker genom kontinuerlig användning av pulsmöten där avvikelser, förbättringar och planering diskuteras. Motiverade medarbetade behövs för att lyfta avvikelser och erfarenheter, där feedback och insyn i resultatet är viktigt för motivationen att rapportera. Avslutningsvis kan implementeringen av EF-modellen ske i ett pilotprojekt där arbetssätt med pulsmöten testas i en mindre skala för att sedan utvärderas och testas igen, för att sedermera fastställas. Det fastställda arbetssättet kan sedan spridas till fler arbetslag och till sist hela organisationen, där efterfrågande ledarskap fortsatt är viktigt. Det måste ständigt arbetas med frågan kring erfarenhetsåterföring, annars är den inte viktig. / Experience feedback leads to several benefits such as increased results and more satisfied customers. Traditional construction lacks a method and model for experience feedback. Industrial construction has come a long way in the work with experience feedback, but in general there is room for a better experience feedback in the construction industry. In the manufacturing industry, they work successfully with experience feedback through continuous improvement and Lean.  The purpose of the study was to investigate how industrial builders and the manufacturing industry work with experience feedback and how it can be implemented with a traditional construction company. Through the question of what creates a good experience feedback, the goal was to design a model for implementing experience feedback at the target company Contractor. To gain insight, a literature study was conducted, as well as interviews with industry companies. The study shows that the industrial builders work with daily meetings and there is one or more people responsible for the feedback of experience. In the manufacturing industry, they do not use the concept of experience feedback even though the purpose and goal are the same as in the construction sector; to improve and achieve a higher result. Therefore, the concept of experience feedback can be used in both industries, but the manufacturing industry works more systematically. They have a stronger culture and see a greater value in the work because it is a higher priority.  What has been shown to create a good experience feedback is first and foremost when the company management has a clear strategy linked to experience feedback. There must be a person who drives the work with experience feedback, a coordinator who creates a desire for experience. Structuring of the work takes place through continuous use of pulse meetings where deviations, improvements and planning are discussed. Motivated employees are needed to highlight deviations and experiences, where feedback and transparency in the results is important for the motivation to report. Finally, the implementation of the EF model can take place in a pilot project where working methods with pulse meetings are tested on a smaller scale and then evaluated and tested again, to be determined later. The established way of working can then be spread to more work teams and finally the entire organization, where in-demand leadership remains important. The issue of experience feedback must be constantly worked on, otherwise it is not important.

Lean Manufacturing Production Method using the Change Management Approach to Reduce Backorders at SMEs in the Footwear Industry in Peru

Dextre-Del-Castillo, D., Urruchi-Ortega, S., Peñafiel-Carrera, J., Raymundo-Ibañez, C., Dominguez, F. 06 April 2020 (has links)
This article proposes a production method that aims to increase the manufacturing capacity of a footwear small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) to reduce backorders. Therefore, an assessment is carried out and delays in production processes, excess product transport time, defective products, and inefficient work methods are identified. This article proposes designing a Lean manufacturing method using the change management approach, whose methodology is composed of six phases. In phase 0, change management is carried out; in phase 1, the company's current situation is reviewed using the Value Stream Mapping (VSM); in phase 2, the work area is reorganized (implementing SLP and 5S); in phase 3, production is balanced (implementing Line Balancing); in phase 4, continual improvement is established using the Kaizen tool; and finally, in phase 5, the results are evaluated. Through validation, it was possible to confirm that Lean manufacturing tools along with change management increased order deliveries by 82%.

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