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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Manal Alduraibi (15265348) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Data Governance and Data Privacy are critical aspects of organizational management that are widely utilized across all organizational scales. However, this research focused specifically on the significance of Data Governance and Data Privacy in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). While the importance of maintaining these systems is paramount across all organizations, the challenges faced by SMEs in maintaining these systems are greater due to their limited resources. These challenges include potential errors such as data leaks, use of corrupted data, or insufficient data, as well as the difficulty in identifying clear roles and responsibilities regarding data handling. To address these challenges, this research investigated the impact of utilizing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tools and practices to overcome the anticipated gaps and challenges in SMEs. The qualitative methodology utilized is a grounded theory design, chosen due to the limited understanding of the best LSS practices for achieving data governance and data privacy in SMEs and how LSS can improve the adoption of data governance concerning privacy in SMEs. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions that were reviewed by an expert panel and pilot tested. The sampling method included purposive, snowballing, and theoretical sampling, resulting in 20 participants being selected for interviews. Open, axial, and selective coding were performed, resulting in the development of a grounded theory. The obtained data were imported into NVivo, a qualitative analysis software program, to compare responses, categorize them into themes and groups, and develop a conceptual framework for Data Governance and Data Privacy. An iterative data collection and analysis approach was conducted to ensure that all aspects were considered. The applied grounded theory resulted in retrieving the themes used to generate a theory from the participants’ descriptions of LSS, SMEs, data governance, and data privacy. Finally, ISM technique has been applied to identify the relationships between the concepts and factors resulted from the grounded theory. It helps arranging the levels the criteria, drawing the relationships in a flowchart, and providing valuable insights to the researcher. </p>


Khasawneh, Ahmad Ali 05 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Systematiskt förbättringsarbete för minskning av kvalitetsbristkostnader : En fallstudie inom industriellt byggande

Winninge, Alexander, Rülcker, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Byggindustrin har problem med stora kvalitetsbristkostnader, förutom att organisationer jobbar på ett reaktivt sätt gällande kvalitet identifieras sällan rotorsaken till uppkomna kvalitetsbristkostnader. Tillverkningsindustrin har under många år jobbat med att komma till bukt med kvalitetsbrister och har utvecklat metoder för att förebygga uppkomsten av kvalitetsbrister. Förbättringsmetoder som DMAIC och PDCA anses vara generella metoder som är lämpade för alla organisationer och industrier. Trots att dessa metoder påvisats ha positiv verkan för organisationers kvalitetsarbete finns det enligt akademiska skrifter brist på systematiska arbeten mot bättre kvalitet inom byggindustrin. För att undersöka och testa systematiskt förbättringsarbete inom byggindustrin utfördes en fallstudie på ett företag inom industriellt byggande. Fallföretaget för studien producerade prefabricerade betongelement. Genom att utföra ett DMAIC-projekt på Fallföretaget undersökte studien möjligheten att applicera metodiken och dess verktyg. Studien utgick från en kategorisering av Fallföretagets kvalitetsbristkostnader för att finna områden för förbättring. Syftet med studien var således att undersöka möjligheten att använda kategorisering av kvalitetsbristkostnader som avstamp för systematiskt förbättringsarbete inom industriellt byggande. Genom kategoriseringen av kvalitetsbristkostnader kunde studien använda paretodiagram för att finna de största kostnaderna för företaget. Utifrån de mest kostsamma kvalitetsbristerna undersöktes dess härkomst genom produktionsmätningar. Från produktionsmätningarna upprättades styrdiagram och en duglighetsanalys utfördes. Genom produktionsmätningarna konstaterades att de kvalitetsbristkostnader som kategoriserats hade delvis inte sin uppkomst i produktionen. Därav misstänktes bristfälliga processer innan produktion som eventuell orsak till kvalitetsbristkostnaderna. Utifrån studien presenterades olika rekommendationer som delades upp i produktionsförbättringar och organisationsförbättringar. Organisationsförbättringarna berörde de kringliggande processerna som inte är en del av produktionen. Förslagen var att investera i teknik för kvalitetssäkring av produkterna i produktion. Studien rekommenderade även förslag på förbättringar som inte krävde investering. Så som referensmätningar och formjusteringar samt visuell styrning och planering. På organisationsförbättringar rekommenderades att utveckla och strukturera projektledningsprocessen och konstruktionsprocessen, vilket var de processer som identifierats som potentiella källor till kvalitetsbristkostnaderna. Studien kunde genom insamlade data i form av intervjuer och observationer tillsammans med en litteraturstudie konstatera att byggindustrin idag arbetar på ett reaktivt sätt med kvalitet. Därav förespråkar studien att byggindustrin arbetar med ett mer förbyggande arbetssätt för att nå kvalitet. Studien kunde även konstatera att ett DMAIC-projekt med utgångspunkt att kategorisera kvalitetsbristkostnader bidrar till att finna förbättringsområden för en organisation inom industriellt byggande. Arbetet i sin helhet bidrar även till att skapa en bättre förståelse för hur kvalitetsarbete kan appliceras inom industriellt byggande.

Lean Six Sigma as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Cavallini, Alessandro Giorgio 14 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Anecdotal data affirms that companies applying Lean Six Sigma in their operations not only deliver higher quality products and services, but also obtain superior financial results. The goal of this research was to empirically verify anecdotal data. The study proposed to analyze a group of publicly traded manufacturing companies with the intent of verifying if a correlation exists between companies being lean and the attainment of superior returns on investments. The researcher performed a series of statistical tests comparing key Financial Performance Indicators (FPI) extracted from annual reports (10-K) from a large pool of companies. The outcome of this study showed that superior financial rewards result from a systematic application of lean and quality tools. At the conclusion of this thesis we verified that companies having a business model that stimulates a high level of communication between them and their markets - because they are lean - obtained substantially higher financial advantages when compared to companies that still followed a more traditional mode of production. The results also revealed that lean companies obtained on average Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) 10% higher than mass producers. Therefore, companies wanting to strategically invest their capital should consider Lean Six Sigma as a source of competitive advantage. Another strategic insight derived from this study was the recognition of signs of a smart business. Potential investors should look for the presence of lean and quality improvement programs as one sign that capital is being wisely invested to generate value. Another sign is how well historically ROIC have performed against Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). The research revealed that, on average, lean companies had ROIC of 16%. Assuming that the hurdle rate (WACC) for most companies is near 10%, having ROIC of 16% is an incentive to become lean, thus allowing such companies to create value for their shareholders. Finally, we learned that many factors affect ROIC, namely, brand equity, market positioning, patents, core competency, innovation, leadership, etc. However, the presence of a Lean Six Sigma program in a manufacturing business was a strong positive factor impacting ROIC.

Lean Manufacturing as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Williams, Ryan Scott 22 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The productivity advances generated from lean manufacturing are self-evident. Plants that adopt lean are more capable of achieving high levels of quality, shorter lead times, and less waste in the system. While it seems logical that higher levels of productivity and quality, as is common in lean companies, should result in positive financial performance, the research community has failed to establish the financial profitability of lean. Those researchers who have studied the financial returns issue report varying results. The goal of this research was to determine if a connection exists between lean and financial success and to discover why so many researchers are finding mixed results. Information Velocity (IV) was theorized to provide the solidifying link between lean and financial performance. Measured by combining the environmental volatility with a company's leanness, IV measures how fast a company can transmit information from the market into a customer-satisfying product in the hands of the consumer. This study analyzed over 530 publicly-traded manufacturing companies to validate the following hypotheses: 1) there is a positive relationship between leanness and financial returns, 2) there is a negative relationship between environmental volatility and financial returns, and 3) there is a positive relationship between IV and financial returns. Regression models were run in various combinations to determine the effect of lean, environmental instability, environmental unpredictability, and IV on financial performance indicators such as return on sales (ROS), return on assets (ROA), and quarter-closing stock price. The outcome of this study showed that financial rewards do result from lean, which positively affected financial performance in almost all scenarios. Environmental instability always negatively correlated with financial returns, and IV mostly shows a positive effect, but with mixed results. Lastly, IV does not explain why researchers find mixed results on the profitability measures of lean. The results of this thesis highlight the significance of implementing lean manufacturing, especially in a dynamic environment. As the instability in the environment increases, profitability decreases. Therefore, an increase in leanness by boosting inventory turns can compensate for the volatility and create enhanced productivity measures and financial results.

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