Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning ability"" "subject:"c1earning ability""
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Modification, elaboration and empirical evaluation of the Burger learning potential structural modelPrinsloo, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa‟s social political past that was led by the Apartheid system has deprived the majority of South Africans of the opportunity to develop and accumulate human capital. As a result, this political system has left this country with a range of challenges including; a shortage of critical skills in the marketplace, high unemployment and poverty rates, inequality in terms of income distribution, unequal racial representation in the workplace, together with other social challenges such as high crime rates, extensive poverty, horrendous living conditions and a consequent increasing dependence on social grants (Van Heerden, 2013). These challenges prohibit this country from realising its global competitive potential.
Organisations are primarily affected by these struggles faced by the country, and their continuous fight with these legacies of Apartheid is especially evident when they try to comply with the two responsibilities that form part of the personnel selection function. These include their responsibility to (1) employ the „best‟ employee for the job to result in the production of products and services of high economic utility, and (2) to act under moral, economic, political and legal pressure to diversify their workforce (Theron, 2009). Due to South Africa‟s past political system, the majority previously disadvantaged individuals have underdeveloped job competency potential which currently prohibits them from succeeding in the world of work. Consequently, if organisations try to comply with their first responsibility, the process of selecting the „best‟ employee results in adverse impact. If organisations comply with their second responsibility through traditional affirmative action measures, they allow incompetent employees to be appointed. The incompetence is not due to one race having fundamentally less competency potential then another. It is because South Africa‟s intellectual capital is not, and has not been uniformly developed and distributed across races (Burger, 2012). This current situation faced by organisations should be dealt with for three important reasons. Firstly, a solution could improve the global competitiveness of this country. Secondly, a solution could contribute to solving the social challenges faced by this country, and lastly, not only because the situation could possible become precarious, but simple because it is the right thing to do. It is not implied that affirmative action should be abolished. This study rather suggests that the interpretation of affirmative action should change and the focus of this corrective policy should shift to a more developmental approach. This entails that more emphasis should be placed on providing the previously disadvantaged with the necessary training and development to foster the needed competency potential to succeed in the world of work. However, resources for these developmental opportunities are scarce, and as a result, a need exist to identify a method that could identify individuals who will gain maximum benefit from these suggested affirmative development opportunities. Consequently, a need exist to identify individuals who display the highest potential to learn and to create the conditions conducive for learners with high learning potential to actualise that potential. In order to successfully identify the individuals who display a high level of learning potential and to create the person- and environmental characteristics that have to be present to facilitate successful learning, the learning potential construct must be understood. De Goede (2007), Burger (2012), and Van Heerden (2013) have completed research studies on this specific construct, and to assist in the understanding of the complexity of this construct, it made more empirical sense to build on existing structural models. This should result in the production of a more complete understanding of learning and the determinants of learning performance.
The objective of this study was therefore to modify and elaborate the Burger (2012) learning potential structural model by expanding the model with the inclusion of additional non-cognitive variables. The proposed hypothesised learning potential structural model was empirically evaluated. The measurement model achieved good close fit. However, the first analysis of the structural model only obtained reasonable model fit. After the consideration of the full range of fit indices, standardised residuals, modification indices and parameter estimates, a few modifications were made to the model. The final revised structural model achieved good fit. All of the paths in the final model were empirically corroborated.
The limitations of the research methodology, the practical implications of this study, and recommendations for future research are also discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se verlede wat gelei was deur die Apartheidsisteem, het die meeste Suid-Afrikaners die geleentheid om toegang tot ontwikkelingsgeleenthede ontneem. Dit het gelei tot die onderontwikkeling van meeste Suid-Afrikaners se bevoegdheidspotensiaal wat hulle moet help om die eise wat tans in die wêreld van werk aan hul gestel word suksesvol te hanteer. Dié politieke sisteem het veroorsaak dat Suid-Afrika „n reeks probleme ervaar, insluitende; „n tekort aan kritieke vaardighede in die mark, baie hoë werkloosheid en armoede, ongelykheid in terme van inkomste-verdeling en ongelyke rasverteenwoordiging in die werksplek, asook oormatige misdaad, afskuwelike leefsomstandighede vir meeste Suid-Afrikaners, en „n toenemende afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes (Van Heerden, 2013). Hierdie uitdagings verhoed dat Suid-Afrika sy globale mededingendheidspotentiaal realiseer.
Organisasies word direk deur hierdie uitdagings beïnvloed, en hulle deurlopende worsteling met hierdie nalatenskap van Apartheid is veral duidelik wanneer hulle probeer voldoen aan twee vereistes wat personeelkeuring stel. Hierdie sluit in (1) om die mees bevoegde werknemers aan te stel wat produkte/dienste van hoë kwaliteit en hoë ekonomiese nut verseker, en (2) om die werksplek onder morele, ekonomiese, politieke en wetlike druk te diversifiseer (Theron, 2009). As gevolg van Suid-Afrika se Apartheidsisteem, het die meeste indiwidue onderontwikkelde werksbevoegdheidspotensiaal wat hulle verhoed om suksesvol te wees in hulle aanstellings. Die gevolg daarvan is dat, sodra organisasies poog om aan die eerste verantwoordelikheid van personeelkeuring te voldoen dan lei die keuring tot nadelige impak. As organisasies aan die ander kant poog om aan die tweede verantwoordelikheid te voldoen deur die implimentering van tradisionele regstellende aksie, dan laat hulle onbevoegde indiwidue toe om in „n pos in te tree. Hierdie onbevoegdheid is nie die gevolg van „n fundamentele verskil in bevoegdheidspotensiaal tussen rassegroepe nie. Dit is die gevolg van die feit dat Suid-Afrika se intellektuele potentiaal nie eweredig tussen rasse ontwikkel is nie (Burger, 2012). Die huidige situasie waarin organisasies hul bevind moet op gelos word om drie belangrike redes. „n Oplossing kan eerstens die globale mededigendheid van die land verbeter. „n Oplossing kan tweedens die druk van die geïdentifiseerde sosiale uitdagings verlig, en laastens, „n oplossing is nodig nie net omdat ons huidige situasie moontlik haglik kan word nie, maar eenvoudig omdat dit die regte ding is om te doen.
Daar word glad nie geïmpliseer dat regstellende aksie tot niet gemaak moet word nie. Hierdie studie stel slegs voor dat die interpretasie van regstellende aksie asook die fokus daarvan „n meer ontwikkelings-benadering moet aaneem. Dit behels dat „n groter klem daarop geplaas moet word om lede van voorheen benadeelde groepe die geleenthede te gee om die nodige bevoegdheidspotensiaal te ontwikkel om suksesvol in the werksplek te wees. Hulpbronne vir hierdie ontwikkelingsgeleenthede is egter beperk. Die behoefte bestaan dus om daardie indiwidue te identifieer wat die grootste voordeel hieruit sal trek. Daarom is dit nodig om eerstens indiwidue wat die hoogste vlak van leerpotensiaal het te identifiseer, en tweedens om die omstandighede/kondisies te skep wat hierdie leerpotensiaal sal laat aktualiseer. Om uiteindelik sulke indiwidue te identifiseer asook om die persoon- en omgewingstoestande te skep wat as voorvereistes vir suksesvolle leer geld, moet die leerpotensiaalkonstruk verstaan word. Leerpotensiaalnavorsings-studies deur De Goede (2007), Burger (2012), en Van Heerden (2013) is reeds voltooi, maar om die kompleksiteit van hierdie konstruk ten volle te verstaan moet opeenvolgende studies onderneem word. Hierdie studie het gevolglik gefokus op die uitbreiding van hierdie bestaande modelle om sodoende „n meer volledige begrip van leerprestasie te ontwikkel.
Die doel van hierdie studie was daarom om die bestaande Burger (2012) leerpotensiaal strukturele model te wysig en uit te brei deur die toevoeging van addisionele nie-kognitiewe veranderlikes. Die strukturele model was empiries ge-ëvalueer en die metingsmodel het „n goeie passing getoon. Die strukturele model het aanvanklik slegs „n redelike passing bereik, maar na die oorweging van die volle spektrum pasgehaltemaatstawwe, gestandaardiseerde residue, modifikasie-indekse and parameterskattings is „n aantal wysigings aan die model aangebring. Die finaal-gewysigde strukturele model het goed gepas. Al die bane in die finale model is empiries bevestig. Die beperkinge van die navorsingsmetodiek, die praktiese implikasies van die studie en aanbevelinge vir toekomstige navorsing was ook bespreek.
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Modification, elaboration and empirical evaluation of the De Goede learning potential structure model : rising above adversityPretorius, Dirk J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current study is an attempt to acknowledge the existing inequalities South Africa faces, while presenting a solution to reach the ideal of equal opportunities so many South Africans strive for each day. The catalyst for the current study is the observed shortage in skills, knowledge and general abilities among those South Africans who were previously denied developmental and equal educational opportunities. Through addressing the challenges faced by those most at risk of not achieving learning performance success, an attempt is launched to uncover the factors that should be considered when evaluating learning potential. The study is directly aimed at addressing the failures of previous affirmative development attempts. The core belief of the author remains in line with the current government‟s view, namely that successful affirmative development is the most effective way to correct the injustices of the South Africa‟s past.
Through scientific assistance to the corporate sector, Industrial Psychologists can play a leading role by using the practice of selection as a vehicle to drive the process of affirmative development in a responsible manner through selective developmental opportunities. The author has attempted to identify cognitive and non-cognitive learning performance variables that are to be considered when considering learning performance success. The current study is an elaboration of previous research presented by De Goede (2007) that was based on the findings of Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997).
The current learning potential structural model is an elaboration of the De Goede (2007) learning potential structural model. The author has proposed additional non-cognitive variables as an attempt to gain a more thorough understand with respect to what constitutes success in learning performance. By adding more variables to the existing nomological network that constitute learning performance, the author attempted to uncover a more holistic insight into the construct of learning performance success.
The research was conducted using a sample of 395 grade 9 school learners from previously disadvantaged communities in the Cape Town area, including Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg and Goodwood. All the learners in the sample group successfully completed term 1 and 2 passing English first language, Afrikaans second Language, Mathematics and Science. The proposed hypothesised expanded learning potential structural model was empirically evaluated. The fit of the measurement model achieved exact fit. The researcher extended the investigation by considering the full range of fit indices, standardised residuals, modification indices and parameter estimate. From the results obtained the researcher modified the structural model, by removing one of the interaction effects. The results of the final revised structural model achieved good fit. Only five of the paths in the final model were empirically corroborated. Support was found, indicating that a statistical significant positive relationship exist between Learning Motivation and Tenacity, Conscientiousness and Resilience, Parental Quality and Learning Motivation, Grit and Cognitive Engagement as well as Grit and Learning Motivation. In addition to these findings, the researcher also presented some limitation to the research methodology, practical implications as well as recommendations for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie verteenwoordig „n poging om erkenning te gee aan die heersende ongelykhede wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, terwyl „n oplossing gesoek word om die ideaal van gelyke ontwikkeling, waarna soveel Suid-Afrikaners elke dag streef. Die katalisator vir die huidige studie is die waargenome ongelykhede in vaardighede, kennis en algemene vermoëns onder daardie Suid-Afrikaners van wie ontwikkeling- en gelyke opvoedingsgeleenthede weerhou is. Deur die huidige uitdagings aan te spreek, wat die individue in die gesig staar met die grootste risiko om nie leerprestasie-sukses te behaal nie, word „n poging geloods om die faktore te identifiseer wat oorweeg behoort te word wanneer leer potensiaal geëvalueer word. Hierdie studie is direk daarop gemik om die mislukkings van vorige regstellende aksie pogings aan te spreek. Die outeur se kernoortuiging is in lyn met die huidige regering se sienswyse, naamlik dat „n suksesvolle regstellende ontwikkelingspoging die mees effetiewe manier is om die ongeregtelikhede van Suid-Afrika se verlede te korrigeer.
Deur wetenskaplike ondersteuning aan die korporatiewe sektor, kan Bedryfsielkundiges „n leidende rol vervul deur die gebruik van seleksiepraktyke wat daarop afgestem is om die proses van regstellende aksie aan te dryf op „n verantwoordelike manier, deur selektiewe ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. Die outeur het gepoog om kognitiewe en nie-kognitiewe leerprestasie-veranderlikes te identifiseer wat oorweeg moet word ten einde leerprestasie-sukses te bevorder. Die huidige studie is ‟n uitbreiding van vorige navorsing deur De Goede (2007) gebaseer op die bevindinge van Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997).
Die huidige leerpotensiaal strukturele model is „n uitbreiding van De Goede (2007) se leerpotensiaal strukturele model. Die outeur het addisionele nie-kognitiewe veranderlikes voorgestel in „n poging om dieper insig te verkry in dit wat leerprestasie-sukses konstitueer. Deur die toevoeging van meer veranderlikes tot die bestaande nomologiese netwerk wat leerprestasie konstitueer, poog die outeur om „n meer holistiese insig te openbaar in die konstruk van leerprestasie-sukses.
Die navorsingstudie was toegepas om n groep van 395 graad 9 skooliere van voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe in die Kaapstad omgewing, insluitend Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg en Goodwood. Al die leerlinge in die steekproef het kwartaal 1 en 2 suksesvol geslaag met die vakke Engels eerste taal, Afrikaans tweede taal, Wiskunde en Wetenskap. Die voorgestelde leerpotensiaal strukturele model was empiries ge-ëvalueer. Die passing van die metingsmodel het n presiese passing getoon. Die navorser se ondersoek is uitgebrei deur die volle spektrum pasgehaltemaatstawwe, gestandaardiseerde residue, modifikasie-indekse en parameter skattings te oorweeg. Die resultate het daartoe gelei dat die navorser besluit het om „n wysiging te maak deur een van die interaksie- effekte te verwyder. Die resultate van die finaal-gewysigde strukturele model het n goeie passing getoon. Slegs vyf van die bane in die finale model kon empiries bevestig word. Ondersteuning is gevind wat aantoon dat a statisties beduidende positiewe verhouding bestaan tussen Leer Motivering en Volharding, Pligsgetrouhied en Veerkragtigheid, Ouer Ingesteltheid en Leer Motivering, Volharding en Kognitiewe Inspanning, so wel as Volharding en Leer Motivering. Die navorser het addisioneel tot hierdie bevindinge, ook sekere beperkinge van die navorsings metodiek, praktiese implikasies van die studie, asook toekomstige navorsing bepreek.
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The need for parent involvement in developing a learning culture in Hlanganani SouthGezani, Baloyi Phineas 30 November 2003 (has links)
The main assertion in this dissertation is that there is a lack of adequate and appropriate parent involvement in Hlanganani South Schools to make them centres of teaching and learning excellence.
The empirical research was conducted in one of the most under-researched and often misunderstood areas of education in South Africa. The purpose was to investigate how effective parent involvement in the schools could improve the learning culture in the Hlanganani schools and their communities. A qualitative investigation of parent involvement in four secondary schools of Hlanganani South was conducted by collecting data through interviews with four school managers (principals), twenty-eight parents and six educators (teachers).
The literature that was reviewed focused on the history of parent involvement in the world and South Africa, factors that increase and hinder parent involvement, legislation concerning parent involvement in education and issues involved in education provision to South African rural areas such as Hlanganani South.
The research has revealed that the lack of a culture of learning in Hlanganani is influenced by factors such as high unemployment rate, poor socio-economic background, high illiteracy rate, high failure rate of learners, and urbanisation of the area. The investigation further found that there is an urgent need for school managers to acquire knowledge, skills, and strategies for active involvement of parents in schools. The participation of parents in schools needs effective school management strategies, regular communication between parents and schools, and clearly communicated community expectations for the schools. There must be training of School Governing Bodies, educators, and school managers for parent involvement to be effective in the improvement of a learning culture. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Comparative Education)
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The comparison of the learnability and recognition between blissymbolics and cyberglyphsKoekemoer, Henriette 11 May 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MA (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / unrestricted
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Les stratégies d’apprentissage chez les apprenants du FLE en milieu universitaire irakien : étude multifactorielle qualitative et quantitative à partir de questionnaires, d’entretiens et d’observations / Learning strategies of learners of FFL in Iraqi universities : qualitative and quantitative multifactorial study based on questionnaires, interviews and observationsBali, Wadeea Younus Daham 11 March 2016 (has links)
Chacun a sa propre façon d'apprendre. Une particularité vient de multiples différences. Chaque différence engendre une différence. L’utilisation des stratégies d'apprentissage est un type de différences. Notre étude explore les stratégies utilisées par l’apprenant irakien du FLE. Trois principaux objectifs sont poursuivis. Le premier objectif vise à attirer l'attention sur la notion de stratégie et son rôle déterminant dans la réussite scolaire. Le deuxième objectif vise à amorcer un modèle pédagogique pour l'apprentissage des stratégies. À cette fin, le troisième et dernier objectif vise à déterminer quelles sont les stratégies les plus et les moins utilisées par l’apprenant irakien et si leur utilisation est influencée par certaines variables individuelles et situationnelles. Les données quantitatives sont obtenues à l'aide de deux questionnaires différents. Les données qualitatives sont obtenues à l'aide d’entretiens et d'observations. L'analyse des données quantitatives a montré (1) une différence significative dans le nombre et la fréquence d’utilisation des stratégies, (2) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le sexe, (3) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le niveau de compétence linguistique, (4) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la scolarité antérieure (5) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la méthode d’enseignement, (6) aucune différence significative n’a été décelée entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le stage linguistique. Elle a montré aussi que les enseignants (1) connaissent peu les stratégies, (2) ne savent pas comment les enseigner, (3) considèrent les stratégies comme une méthode d'apprentissage, (4) ont besoin d'être initiés à la psychologie de l'éducation, (5) souffrent de l'absence d'un cadre commun de référence pour les stratégies. L’analyse des données qualitatives a montré qu’un peu moins de la moitié des apprenants s'intéresse aux stratégies de planification, d’organisation et d'autocontrôle, les autres ne les envisagent pas, croient qu’il vaut mieux les confier à l’enseignant. La majorité d'entre eux préfèrent se reposer sur le savoir de leur enseignant que recourir au concept d'auto-apprentissage. Plus de la moitié des apprenants s'engage à utiliser les stratégies d’auto-évaluation visant à mesurer l'efficacité. Ce choix s’explique par le climat de compétition et l'intensité des examens qui poussent les apprenants à faire le suivi et à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. / We all have our own ways of learning. This peculiarity comes from many differences. Each difference creates a difference. The use of learning strategies constitutes a type of differences. Our study aimed to explore the learning strategies employed by Iraqi learners of French as a foreign language. Three main purposes are pursued. The first purpose is to draw attention to the concept of strategy in order to take full advantage of these tools to learn French. The second purpose is to develop a method for teaching and learning strategies. To that end, the third and final purpose is to determine the most and the least frequent strategies and whether their use is influenced by some individual and situational variables. The quantitative data was collected using two different questionnaires. The qualitative data was collected using interviews and classroom observations. Analysis of data received from quantitative methods showed that there was (1) statistically significant difference between strategy groups, (2) statistically significant difference between strategy use and sex, (3) statistically significant difference between strategy use and language proficiency level, (4) statistically significant difference between strategy use and antecedent academic, (5) statistically significant difference between strategy use and teaching method, (6) no statistically significant relationship between strategy use and language training. It also showed that professors (1) know little about the strategies, (2) have no idea about its teaching, (3) see the learning strategies as a learning method, (4) didn't have a scientific base in educational psychology, (5) suffer from the lack of a common base for strategies. Analysis of data received from qualitative methods showed that a little less than half of learners use management, planning and self-monitoring strategies, while others entrust it to teacher or institution. The most of the students prefer to receive knowledge from their professors rather than engaged in self-directed learning. More than half of learners use self-evaluation strategies to measure self-efficacy. This choice work well with the environmental competition and the relative intensity of tests.
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Teachers' handbook for implementing learning styles through multiple intelligencesEstrada Silva, Diedreann 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to provide teachers with different teaching assessement, tools, approaches, and strategies. The context of this problem was to address the need to develop a teacher handbook proposal entitled Teachers' Handbook For Implementing Learning Styles Through the Multiple Intelligences.
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Distans- eller närundervisning? : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieelevers upplevelse av distans- och närundervisning och dess påverkan på deras psykiska hälsa och inlärning / Distance- or classroom learning? : A quantitative study about upper secondary school students’ experience of distance- and classroom learning and its effect on mental health and learning processSjöström, Felicia, Green, Anniina January 2022 (has links)
Upper secondary school students in Sweden had to experience how it was to hastily shift from classroom learning to distance learning due to the corona pandemic. Social support from classmates and teachers and social interaction on a daily basis has a great effect on students' mental health. Distance learning takes away the physical aspect of togetherness and brings freedom with responsibility. To maintain a good learning process the school needs to provide the right kind of conditions so the students can continue learning during the transition to distance learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how distance learning due to the corona pandemic has affected the experience of mental health and learning process of senior high-school students. The study is done with a quantitative research approach for analyzing data gathered through a survey. A digital survey was used. The selection (N=89) consisted of senior high-school students’ in Sweden. The research showed a negative tendency on the students’ experience of mental health during distance learning in comparison with the students’ experience of mental health during classroom learning and a negative effect on the students' experience of the learning process during distance learning compared to classroom learning. / Gymnasieelever runt om i Sverige fick erfara att på kort tid övergå från närundervisning i klassrum till distansundervisning som en följd av coronapandemin. Socialt stöd från klasskamrater och lärare och en daglig social interaktion har god effekt på elevers psykiska hälsa. Distansundervisning tar bort den fysiska samvaron och medför frihet i studierna under eget ansvar. För att bibehålla goda inlärningsprocesser krävs det att skolan skapar rätt förutsättningar för elevernas fortsatta inlärning vid övergången till distansstudier. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur distansundervisning som en följd av coronapandemin har påverkat upplevelsen av den psykiska hälsan och inlärningsförmågan hos sistaårselever på gymnasiet. Studien har utgått från en kvantitativ forskningsansats för analys av data som inhämtats genom enkäter. Enkäterna har besvarats digitalt. Urvalet (N = 89) bestod av sistaårselever på gymnasiet runt om i Sverige. Resultatet av studien visade en negativ effekt av elevernas upplevda psykiska hälsa vid distansundervisning jämfört med närundervisning samt en negativ effekt av elevernas upplevda förutsättningar för inlärning vid distansundervisning jämfört med närundervisning.
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The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the selection of haul truck operators in an open-pit minePelser, Marikie Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the prediction of haul truck operator (N=128) performance in an open-pit mine. Specific aims were to determine the nature of the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor ability; whether there are higher order cognitive or psychomotor factors present in the combined use of the TRAM 1 and Vienna Test System measures; and the relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of haul truck operator performance. The validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures was partially supported. A positive correlation between general (cognitive) ability (g) and psychomotor ability was reported. Factor analysis provided relatively consistent evidence for a general (cognitive) ability factor (g) underlying performance on all measures. The relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of performance could not be established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The construction and evaluation of a dynamic computerised adaptive test for the measurement of learning potentialDe Beer, Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Recent political and social changes in South Africa have created the need for culture-fair tests for cross-cultural measurement of cognitive ability. This need has been highlighted by the professional, legal and research communities. For cognitive assessment, dynamic assessment is more equitable because it involves a test-train-retest procedure, which shows what performance levels individuals are able to attain when relevant training is provided. Following Binet’s thinking, dynamic assessment aims to identify those individuals who are likely to benefit from additional training. The theoretical basis for learning potential assessment is Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development.
This thesis describes the development, standardisation and evaluation of the Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test (LPCAT), for measuring learning potential in the culturally diverse South African population by means of nonverbal figural items. In accordance with Vygotsky’s view, learning potential is defined as a combination of present performance and the extent to which performance is increased after relevant training. This definition allows for comparison of individuals at different levels of initial performance and with different measures of improvement. Computerised adaptive testing based on item response theory, as used in the LPCAT, is uniquely suitable for increasing both measurement accuracy and testing efficiency of dynamic testing, two aspects that have been identified as problematic. The LPCAT pretest and the post-test are two separate adaptive tests, hence eliminating the role of memory in post-test performance. Several multicultural groups were used for item analysis and test validation. The results support the LPCAT as a culture-fair measure of learning potential in the nonverbal general reasoning domain. For examinees with a wide range of ability levels, LPCAT scores correlate strongly with academic performance. For African examinees, poor proficiency in English (the language of teaching) hampers academic performance. The LPCAT ensures the equitable measurement of learning potential, independent of language proficiency and prior scholastic learning and can be used to help select candidates for further training or developmental opportunities. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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The predictive validity of learning potential and English language proficiency for work performance of candidate engineersMphokane, Adelaide January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this research was (1) to provide empirical data of learning potential and English language proficiency for work performance; (2) to establish whether race and gender influence work performance; (3) to evaluate practical utility and to propose recommendations for selection purposes. The Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test and the English Literacy Skills Assessment were used as measuring instruments to measure learning potential and English language proficiency respectively. Work performance data were obtained from the normal performance data system of the company where the research was conducted. ANOVA results showed differences between race and gender groupings. A regression analysis confirmed the predictive validity of learning potential and English language proficiency on work performance. The Spearman rho correlation coefficient (p < 0.05) showed a significant positive correlation between the investigated variables / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. A. (Industrial & Organisational Psychology)
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