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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogų požiūris į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose / Teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies

Jaruševičienė, Oksana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sparti socialinio bei kultūrinio gyvenimo kaita, informacinės visuomenės plėtra, globalizacija kelia Lietuvos švietimui naujus iššūkius, kurie lemia jau antrą dešimtmetį vykstančius jo pokyčius. Gyvenimo pokyčiai sąlygoja ugdymo idėjų kaitą, vyksta naujų efektyvesnių mokymo ir mokymosi teorijų bei metodų paieškos. Šiandieniame švietime svarbus pedagogų papildomų kompetencijų įgijimas, todėl vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas perkvalifikavimo studijų organizavimui. Nes nuo pedagogų kvalifikacijos bei turimos kompetencijos, priklauso švietimo kokybė ir sėkminga švietimo įstaigų veikla. Šio mokslinio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti pedagogų požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose. Darbo uždaviniai yra panagrinėti pedagogų perkvalifikavimo sampratą ir procesą Lietuvos švietimo reformų kontekste, aptarti suaugusiųjų mokymosi organizavimo ypatumus ir ištirti pedagogų, dalyvaujančių perkvalifikavimo programose, požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose. Tyrimas parodė, kad pedagogų dalyvavimą perkvalifikavimo studijose dažniausiai lemia būtinybė įgyti dalykinę kvalifikaciją bei noras tobulėti, siekis įgyti pedagoginių ir psichologinių žinių. Tačiau šių studijų paskaitose taikomi mokymo(si) metodai dažniausiai tik dalinai tenkina besimokančių poreikius. Nustatyta, kad perkvalifikavimo studijose yra naudojami įvairūs mokymo metodai. Vyraujantys du tradiciniai mokymo(si) metodai – paskaita ir aiškinimas – geriausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The rapid alternation of social and cultural life, development of informative society, globalization challenges the education of Lithuania and condition changes of the past two decades. The changes of life determine the alteration of educational ideas, search for new and more effective theories and methods of teaching and learning. It is important in recent education for teachers to gain additional competence. Thus, greater attention is paid at the organization of retraining studies, as the quality of education and successful work of educational institutions depend on the teachers’ qualifications and competence. The aim of this research is to analyze teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies. The objectives of the research are to study the conception of teachers‘ retraining and its process in the context of educational reforms in Lithuania, discuss the peculiarities of the organization of adult teaching, and survey teachers’ who participate in retraining programs approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies. The research clearly shows that usually teachers’ participation in the refresher course centers is due to the necessity to have the right qualification for the job and a wish for proper pedagogical and psychological knowledge. However, the teaching-learning methods used during the lectures only partly meet the requirements of the teachers. It is estimated that there are various teaching... [to full text]

Unsupervised induction of semantic roles

Lang, Joel January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, a considerable amount of work has been devoted to the task of automatic frame-semantic analysis. Given the relative maturity of syntactic parsing technology, which is an important prerequisite, frame-semantic analysis represents a realistic next step towards broad-coverage natural language understanding and has been shown to benefit a range of natural language processing applications such as information extraction and question answering. Due to the complexity which arises from variations in syntactic realization, data-driven models based on supervised learning have become the method of choice for this task. However, the reliance on large amounts of semantically labeled data which is costly to produce for every language, genre and domain, presents a major barrier to the widespread application of the supervised approach. This thesis therefore develops unsupervised machine learning methods, which automatically induce frame-semantic representations without making use of semantically labeled data. If successful, unsupervised methods would render manual data annotation unnecessary and therefore greatly benefit the applicability of automatic framesemantic analysis. We focus on the problem of semantic role induction, in which all the argument instances occurring together with a specific predicate in a corpus are grouped into clusters according to their semantic role. Our hypothesis is that semantic roles can be induced without human supervision from a corpus of syntactically parsed sentences, by leveraging the syntactic relations conveyed through parse trees with lexical-semantic information. We argue that semantic role induction can be guided by three linguistic principles. The first is the well-known constraint that semantic roles are unique within a particular frame. The second is that the arguments occurring in a specific syntactic position within a specific linking all bear the same semantic role. The third principle is that the (asymptotic) distribution over argument heads is the same for two clusters which represent the same semantic role. We consider two approaches to semantic role induction based on two fundamentally different perspectives on the problem. Firstly, we develop feature-based probabilistic latent structure models which capture the statistical relationships that hold between the semantic role and other features of an argument instance. Secondly, we conceptualize role induction as the problem of partitioning a graph whose vertices represent argument instances and whose edges express similarities between these instances. The graph thus represents all the argument instances for a particular predicate occurring in the corpus. The similarities with respect to different features are represented on different edge layers and accordingly we develop algorithms for partitioning such multi-layer graphs. We empirically validate our models and the principles they are based on and show that our graph partitioning models have several advantages over the feature-based models. In a series of experiments on both English and German the graph partitioning models outperform the feature-based models and yield significantly better scores over a strong baseline which directly identifies semantic roles with syntactic positions. In sum, we demonstrate that relatively high-quality shallow semantic representations can be induced without human supervision and foreground a promising direction of future research aimed at overcoming the problem of acquiring large amounts of lexicalsemantic knowledge.

Nuotolinio mokymosi metodų taikymo matematikos dalykui mokyti galimybių tyrimas / The research of possibilities of distance learning methods application in teaching of mathematics subject

Butkutė, Lina 18 August 2014 (has links)
Šiandieninėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje labai svarbu ugdyti sąmoningą, naujoms technologijoms atvirą, žinias su praktika gebantį sieti žmogų. Tam neabejotinai prireiks matematinių žinių ir įgūdžių. Matematika – svarbus gamtos mokslų ir technologijų įrankis. Visi mokiniai, nepriklausomai nuo jų gabumų, polinkių ar mokymosi ypatumų turėtų pajusti matematikos praktinę naudą. Mokydamasis matematikos kiekvienas mokinys turi patirti sėkmę, o pačios matematikos ugdymo turinys, jo perteikimo būdai ir tam naudojami metodai turi padėti mokiniui susikoncentruoti į mokymosi sėkmę. Taigi vienas iš svarbiausių mokytojo uždavinių yra surasti tokius mokymo metodus ir priemones, kurie būtų įdomūs, tikslingi įvairių gebėjimų bei poreikių mokiniams ir leistų visiems pasiekti gerų mokymosi rezultatų. Vienas iš tokių būdų galėtų būti nuotolinis mokymasis. Nuotolinis mokymasis – tai nuo laiko ir erdvės apribojimo, mokytoją ir mokinį, išlaisvinanti mokymosi forma. Pasitelkiant kompiuterį ir interneto ryšį, įvairių poreikių, bei skirtingų gabumų mokiniai nevaržomi vietos ir laiko gali mokytis savarankiškai – pakartoti, pagilinti, pritaikyti ar pasitikrinti savo žinias ne tik per pamokas, bet ir po pamokų. Vis dėlto, nuotolinis mokymasis daugiau įprastas suaugusiųjų mokymesi. Daugeliu atvejų mokymuisi naudojami informacijos perdavimą užtikrinantys mokymosi metodai. O matematikos dalykui įsisavinti reikia ne tik teorinių žinių, bet ir praktinių įgūdžių. Šiame darbe tiriamos nuotolinio mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's secondary school it is very essential to develop a conscious, open to new technologies person, who will be capable to link knowledge and practices. This will undoubtedly require mathematical knowledge and skills. Mathematics - an important science and technology tool. All students, regardless of their abilities, aptitudes and learning features should feel mathematics practical benefits. Learning mathematics each student has to experience success in mathematics education and the content of the rendering techniques and the methods should help the student to concentrate on learning success. So one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to find such teaching methods and tools that are interesting, targeted to different abilities and needs of students and to enable them to attain academic success. One such way could be distance learning. Distance learning - this is the unlocking form that helps to separate the teacher and the pupil from time and space limitation. With the help of a computer and an Internet connection, students with different needs and different abilities can learn self without the restrictions to place and time - repeat, deepen, adapt, or test their knowledge not only in the classroom but also after school. However, remote learning is more common in adult learning. In most cases, the transfer of learning is used to ensure learning methods. In order to master the things of math it is essential to have not only theoretical but also practical... [to full text]

Encouraging the Development of Deeper Learning and Personal Teaching Efficacy: Effects of Modifying the Learning Environment in a Preservice Teacher Education Program

Gordon, Christopher John January 2000 (has links)
Through the development and implementation of modified learning contexts, the current study encouraged undergraduate teacher education students to modify their approaches to learning by reducing their reliance on surface approaches and progressively adopting deeper approaches. This outcome was considered desirable because students who employed deep approaches would exit the course having achieved higher quality learning than those who relied primarily on surface approaches. It was expected that higher quality learning in a preservice teacher education program would also translate into greater self-confidence in the management of teaching tasks, leading to improvements in students� teaching self-efficacy beliefs. Altered learning contexts were developed through the application of action research methodology involving core members of the teaching team. Learning activities were designed with a focus on co-operative small-group problem-based learning, which included multiple subtasks requiring variable outcome presentation modes. Linked individual reflection was encouraged by personal learning journals and learning portfolios. Students also provided critical analyses of their own learning during the completion of tasks, from both individual and group perspectives. Assessment methods included lecturer, peer and self-assessment, depending on the nature of the learning task. Often these were integrated, so that subtasks within larger ones were assessed using combinations of methods. Learning approach theorists (Biggs, 1993a, 1999; Entwistle, 1986, 1998; Prosser & Trigwell, 1999; Ramsden, 1992, 1997) contend that learning outcomes are directly related to the learning approaches used in their development. They further contend that the approach adopted is largely a result of students� intent, which in turn, is influenced by their perception of the learning context. The present study therefore aimed to develop an integrated and pervasive course-based learning context, constructively aligned (after: Biggs, 1993a, 1996), achievable within the normal constraints of a university program, that would influence students� adoption of deep learning approaches. The cognitive processes students used in response to the altered contexts were interpreted in accordance with self-regulatory internal logic (after: Bandura, 1986, 1991b; Zimmerman, 1989, 1998b). Longitudinal quasi-experimental methods with repeated measures on non-equivalent dependent variables were applied to three cohorts of students. Cohort 1 represented the contrast group who followed a traditional program. Cohort 2 was the main treatment group to whom the modified program was presented. Cohort 3 represented a comparison group that was also presented with the modified program over a shorter period. Student data on learning approach, teaching efficacy and academic attributions were gathered from repeated administrations of the Study Process Questionnaire (Biggs, 1987b), Teacher Efficacy Scale (Gibson & Dembo, 1984) and Multidimensional-Multiattributional Causality Scale (Lefcourt, 1991). In addition, reflective journals, field observations and transcripts of interviews undertaken at the beginning and conclusion of the course, were used to clarify students� approaches to learning and their responses to program modifications. Analyses of learning approaches adopted by Cohorts 1 and 2 revealed that they both began their course predominantly using surface approaches. While students in Cohort 1 completed the course with approximately equal reliance on deep and surface approaches, students in Cohort 2 reported a predominant use of deep approaches on course completion. The relative impact of the modified learning context on students with differing approaches to learning in this cohort were further explained through qualitative data and cluster analyses. The partial replication of the study with Cohort 3, across the first three semesters of their program, produced similar effects to those obtained with Cohort 2. The analyses conducted with teaching efficacy data indicated a similar pattern of development for all cohorts. Little change in either personal or general dimensions was noted in the first half of the program, followed by strong growth in both, in the latter half. While a relationship between learning approach usage and teaching efficacy was not apparent in Cohort 1, developmental path and mediation analyses indicated that the use of deep learning approaches considerably influenced the development of personal teaching efficacy in Cohort 2. The current research suggests that value lies in the construction of learning environments, in teacher education, that enhance students� adoption of deep learning approaches. The nature of the task is complex, multifaceted and context specific, most likely requiring the development of unique solutions in each environment. Nevertheless, this research demonstrates that such solutions can be developed and applied within the prevailing constraints of pre-existing course structures.

Unlearning before creating new knowledge: A cognitive process.

Grisold, Thomas, Kaiser, Alexander, Hafner, Julee January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Recent research expresses serious doubts on the concept of unlearning. It is argued that knowledge cannot be discarded or eliminated in order to make space for the creation of new knowledge. Taking into account the recent scepticism, we focus on the cognitive dimension of unlearning and propose an alternative conceptualization. Considering how far unlearning can go from a psychological/cognitive scientific perspective, we propose that unlearning is about reducing the influence of old knowledge on our cognitive capacity. This study: (a) investigates the unlearning process within the cognitive domain and on an individual level and (b) proposes unlearning process triggers that detract or facilitate the knowledge change process, which could subsequently contribute to unlearning on an organizational level.

Tecnologias digitais e a mudança de paradigma na educação : a aprendizagem ativa dos educadores como favorecedora de diferenciação e sustentação da mudança

Voelcker, Marta Dieterich January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta movimentos e teorias que demandam a mudança de paradigma na educação básica. A adoção de métodos ativos de aprendizagem com uso de tecnologia digital é defendida como oportunidade para concretização da inovação desejada. O problema é definido com a identificação de barreiras para concretização da mudança em escala. A intenção de diferenciar a educação esbarra em limitações na formação e vivência de educadores em relação ao paradigma desejado e ao uso da tecnologia digital. Uma pesquisa ação participante foi conduzida em um centro social, com organização semelhante a uma escola, com objetivo de envolver educadores e gestores locais na construção de instrumentos e na melhoria de práticas educacionais a partir do uso de tecnologias digitais com métodos ativos de aprendizagem. A estratégia proposta foi estruturada sobre quatro elementos que fundamentaram intervenções para mudanças de práticas educacionais: Referencial de Habilidades do Século XXI como possíveis objetivos; aprendizagem por atividades; Rede Social com biblioteca individual no papel de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem; a construção de rubricas por parte dos educadores para detalhar, valorizar e monitorar novas dimensões de avaliação. A partir de uma análise situacional foram propostos ciclos de mudanças de práticas, onde atores locais se envolveram com o planejamento, implementação e análise de mudanças viabilizadas pelo uso de tecnologias digitais e alinhadas com os objetivos priorizados pela equipe local. Estes ciclos incluíram a construção de instrumentos destinados a facilitar e sistematizar as estratégias propostas. Os resultados mostram que as atividades planejadas e desenvolvidas pelos educadores evoluíram ao longo dos ciclos aproximando-se do paradigma desejado. A análise do uso da rede social aponta para o crescimento da autoria e expressão dos alunos, mas não apresenta evidências de interações que promovam a reflexão dos aprendizes autores. As rubricas mostraram-se valiosas para aprendizagem ativa dos educadores, porém apresentaram certa incompatibilidade com práticas construtivistas alinhadas com o paradigma desejado. A estratégia foi eficiente em provocar o desequilíbrio dos educadores e iniciá-los em práticas, reflexões e aprendizagem ativa sobre o paradigma desejado, porém várias limitações são apontadas para o uso da estratégia em grande escala. O desenvolvimento de sistemas digitais específicos para o apoio à mudança desejada é discutido e sugerido para estudos futuros. / This thesis presents moves and theories that ask for change of paradigm on basic education. The adoption of active learning methods with the use of digital technology is thought as an opportunity for the consolidation of the desired innovation. The identification of barriers to consolidate the change in large scale is presented as the research problem. The intention to differentiate education faces a barrier on educators limited education and experience on the desired paradigm as well as on the use of digital technology. An action participatory research was conducted on a social center, structured similar to a regular school, having as goal the engagement of local educators and coordinators on the design of instruments and on the improvement of educational practices enabled by the use of digital technologies with active learning methods. The strategy proposed was based on four elements that influenced the interventions for the change on educational practices: Framework on 21st Century Skills as possible goals; learning by activities; a social network with personal library on the role of digital learning environment; educators building rubrics to design, give value and monitor new dimensions for evaluation. Based on a situational analysis, cycles of change on practices were proposed on a way that local subjects got involved with planning, implementation and analysis of changes enabled by the use of digital technology and aligned with the goals selected by the local educational team. These cycles included the creation of instruments designed to facilitate and systematize the proposed strategies. The results show that the activities designed and implemented by the educators have evolved through the research cycles becoming better aligned with the desired paradigm. The strategy has proved to be efficient to unbalance the educators and start them in practices, reflections and active learning related to the desired paradigm, but in the other hand, some limitations were pointed out when considering the adoption of this strategy in a systemic way. The development of digital systems designed specifically to support the desired change is discussed and suggested for future studies.

Coptic interference in the syntax of Greek letters from Egypt

Fendel, Victoria Beatrix Maria January 2018 (has links)
Egypt in the early Byzantine period was a bilingual country where Greek and Egyptian (Coptic) were used alongside each other. Historical studies as well as linguistic studies of the phonology and lexicon of early Byzantine Greek in Egypt testify to this situation. In order to describe the linguistic traces the language-contact situation left behind in individuals' linguistic output, this thesis analyses the syntax of early Byzantine Greek texts from Egypt. The primary object of interest is bilingual interference in the syntax of verbs, adverbial phrases, discourse organising devices and formulaic sections. The thesis is based on a corpus of Greek and Coptic private letters on papyrus, all of which date from the fourth to mid-seventh centuries, originate from Egypt and belong to bilingual, Greek-Coptic, papyrus archives. The data is analysed with a particular focus on three interrelated questions: (1) What kinds of deviations from the standard pattern appear and to what extent can language-internal confusion account for them? (2) How are instances of language-internal confusion and bilingual interference distributed over the selected syntactic domains? (3) Do deviations from the standard accumulate in certain letters or archives belonging to the corpus and do they correlate with additional indicators of bilingualism such as code-switching or circumstantial information about writers? In addition to answering these questions, the thesis seeks to explain the observed distributions. The results obtained from this study suggest that bilingual interference is linked to the way writers assimilated structures. In fact, there is a marked difference between deviating syntactic structures in non-formulaic and formulaic contexts. The study further suggests that bilingual interference does not affect every domain of syntax to the same degree. The degree of complexity of the syntactic structure in question as well as the degree of divergence from the corresponding Coptic structure seem to play a role.

Supervised Classification of Missense Mutations as Pathogenic or Tolerated using Ensemble Learning Methods

Balasubramanyam, Rashmi January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Missense mutations account for more than 50% of the mutations known to be involved in human inherited diseases. Missense classification is a challenging task that involves sequencing of the genome, identifying the variations, and assessing their deleteriousness. This is a very laborious, time and cost intensive task to be carried out in the laboratory. Advancements in bioinformatics have led to several large-scale next-generation genome sequencing projects, and subsequently the identification of genome variations. Several studies have combined this data with information on established deleterious and neutral variants to develop machine learning based classifiers. There are significant issues with the missense classifiers due to which missense classification is still an open area of research. These issues can be classified under two broad categories: (a) Dataset overlap issue - where the performance estimates reported by the state-of-the-art classifiers are overly optimistic as they have often been evaluated on datasets that have significant overlaps with their training datasets. Also, there is no comparative analysis of these tools using a common benchmark dataset that contains no overlap with the training datasets, therefore making it impossible to identify the best classifier among them. Also, such a common benchmark dataset is not available. (b) Inadequate capture of vital biological information of the protein and mutations - such as conservation of long-range amino acid dependencies, changes in certain physico-chemical properties of the wild-type and mutant amino acids, due to the mutation. It is also not clear how to extract and use this information. Also, some classifiers use structural information that is not available for all proteins. In this study, we compiled a new dataset, containing around 2 - 15% overlap with the popularly used training datasets, with 18,036 mutations in 5,642 proteins. We reviewed and evaluated 15 state-of-the-art missense classifiers - SIFT, PANTHER, PROVEAN, PhD-SNP, Mutation Assessor, FATHMM, SNPs&GO, SNPs&GO3D, nsSNPAnalyzer, PolyPhen-2, SNAP, MutPred, PON-P2, CONDEL and MetaSNP, using the six metrics - accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, NPV and MCC. When evaluated on our dataset, we observe huge performance drops from what has been claimed. Average drop in the performance for these 13 classifiers are around 15% in accuracy, 17% in sensitivity, 14% in specificity, 7% in NPV, 24% in precision and 30% in MCC. With this we show that the performance of these tools is not consistent on different datasets, and thus not reliable for practical use in a clinical setting. As we observed that the performance of the existing classifiers is poor in general, we tried to develop a new classifier that is robust and performs consistently across datasets, and better than the state-of-the-art classifiers. We developed a novel method of capturing long-range amino acid dependency conservation by boosting the conservation frequencies of substrings of amino acids of various lengths around the mutation position using AdaBoost learning algorithm. This score alone performed equivalently to the sequence conservation based tools in classifying missense mutations. Popularly used sequence conservation properties was combined with this boosted long-range dependency conservation scores using AdaBoost algorithm. This reduced the class bias, and improved the overall accuracy of the classifier. We trained a third classifier by incorporating changes in 21 important physico-chemical properties, due to the mutation. In this case, we observed that the overall performance further improved and the class bias further reduced. The performance of our final classifier is comparable with the state-of-the-art classifiers. We did not find any significant improvement, but the class-specific accuracies and precisions are marginally better by around 1-2% than those of the existing classifiers. In order to understand our classifier better, we dissected our benchmark dataset into: (a) seen and unseen proteins, and (b) pure and mixed proteins, and analysed the performance in detail. Finally we concluded that our classifier performs consistently across each of these categories of seen, unseen, pure and mixed protein.

Tecnologias digitais e a mudança de paradigma na educação : a aprendizagem ativa dos educadores como favorecedora de diferenciação e sustentação da mudança

Voelcker, Marta Dieterich January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta movimentos e teorias que demandam a mudança de paradigma na educação básica. A adoção de métodos ativos de aprendizagem com uso de tecnologia digital é defendida como oportunidade para concretização da inovação desejada. O problema é definido com a identificação de barreiras para concretização da mudança em escala. A intenção de diferenciar a educação esbarra em limitações na formação e vivência de educadores em relação ao paradigma desejado e ao uso da tecnologia digital. Uma pesquisa ação participante foi conduzida em um centro social, com organização semelhante a uma escola, com objetivo de envolver educadores e gestores locais na construção de instrumentos e na melhoria de práticas educacionais a partir do uso de tecnologias digitais com métodos ativos de aprendizagem. A estratégia proposta foi estruturada sobre quatro elementos que fundamentaram intervenções para mudanças de práticas educacionais: Referencial de Habilidades do Século XXI como possíveis objetivos; aprendizagem por atividades; Rede Social com biblioteca individual no papel de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem; a construção de rubricas por parte dos educadores para detalhar, valorizar e monitorar novas dimensões de avaliação. A partir de uma análise situacional foram propostos ciclos de mudanças de práticas, onde atores locais se envolveram com o planejamento, implementação e análise de mudanças viabilizadas pelo uso de tecnologias digitais e alinhadas com os objetivos priorizados pela equipe local. Estes ciclos incluíram a construção de instrumentos destinados a facilitar e sistematizar as estratégias propostas. Os resultados mostram que as atividades planejadas e desenvolvidas pelos educadores evoluíram ao longo dos ciclos aproximando-se do paradigma desejado. A análise do uso da rede social aponta para o crescimento da autoria e expressão dos alunos, mas não apresenta evidências de interações que promovam a reflexão dos aprendizes autores. As rubricas mostraram-se valiosas para aprendizagem ativa dos educadores, porém apresentaram certa incompatibilidade com práticas construtivistas alinhadas com o paradigma desejado. A estratégia foi eficiente em provocar o desequilíbrio dos educadores e iniciá-los em práticas, reflexões e aprendizagem ativa sobre o paradigma desejado, porém várias limitações são apontadas para o uso da estratégia em grande escala. O desenvolvimento de sistemas digitais específicos para o apoio à mudança desejada é discutido e sugerido para estudos futuros. / This thesis presents moves and theories that ask for change of paradigm on basic education. The adoption of active learning methods with the use of digital technology is thought as an opportunity for the consolidation of the desired innovation. The identification of barriers to consolidate the change in large scale is presented as the research problem. The intention to differentiate education faces a barrier on educators limited education and experience on the desired paradigm as well as on the use of digital technology. An action participatory research was conducted on a social center, structured similar to a regular school, having as goal the engagement of local educators and coordinators on the design of instruments and on the improvement of educational practices enabled by the use of digital technologies with active learning methods. The strategy proposed was based on four elements that influenced the interventions for the change on educational practices: Framework on 21st Century Skills as possible goals; learning by activities; a social network with personal library on the role of digital learning environment; educators building rubrics to design, give value and monitor new dimensions for evaluation. Based on a situational analysis, cycles of change on practices were proposed on a way that local subjects got involved with planning, implementation and analysis of changes enabled by the use of digital technology and aligned with the goals selected by the local educational team. These cycles included the creation of instruments designed to facilitate and systematize the proposed strategies. The results show that the activities designed and implemented by the educators have evolved through the research cycles becoming better aligned with the desired paradigm. The strategy has proved to be efficient to unbalance the educators and start them in practices, reflections and active learning related to the desired paradigm, but in the other hand, some limitations were pointed out when considering the adoption of this strategy in a systemic way. The development of digital systems designed specifically to support the desired change is discussed and suggested for future studies.

Tecnologias digitais e a mudança de paradigma na educação : a aprendizagem ativa dos educadores como favorecedora de diferenciação e sustentação da mudança

Voelcker, Marta Dieterich January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta movimentos e teorias que demandam a mudança de paradigma na educação básica. A adoção de métodos ativos de aprendizagem com uso de tecnologia digital é defendida como oportunidade para concretização da inovação desejada. O problema é definido com a identificação de barreiras para concretização da mudança em escala. A intenção de diferenciar a educação esbarra em limitações na formação e vivência de educadores em relação ao paradigma desejado e ao uso da tecnologia digital. Uma pesquisa ação participante foi conduzida em um centro social, com organização semelhante a uma escola, com objetivo de envolver educadores e gestores locais na construção de instrumentos e na melhoria de práticas educacionais a partir do uso de tecnologias digitais com métodos ativos de aprendizagem. A estratégia proposta foi estruturada sobre quatro elementos que fundamentaram intervenções para mudanças de práticas educacionais: Referencial de Habilidades do Século XXI como possíveis objetivos; aprendizagem por atividades; Rede Social com biblioteca individual no papel de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem; a construção de rubricas por parte dos educadores para detalhar, valorizar e monitorar novas dimensões de avaliação. A partir de uma análise situacional foram propostos ciclos de mudanças de práticas, onde atores locais se envolveram com o planejamento, implementação e análise de mudanças viabilizadas pelo uso de tecnologias digitais e alinhadas com os objetivos priorizados pela equipe local. Estes ciclos incluíram a construção de instrumentos destinados a facilitar e sistematizar as estratégias propostas. Os resultados mostram que as atividades planejadas e desenvolvidas pelos educadores evoluíram ao longo dos ciclos aproximando-se do paradigma desejado. A análise do uso da rede social aponta para o crescimento da autoria e expressão dos alunos, mas não apresenta evidências de interações que promovam a reflexão dos aprendizes autores. As rubricas mostraram-se valiosas para aprendizagem ativa dos educadores, porém apresentaram certa incompatibilidade com práticas construtivistas alinhadas com o paradigma desejado. A estratégia foi eficiente em provocar o desequilíbrio dos educadores e iniciá-los em práticas, reflexões e aprendizagem ativa sobre o paradigma desejado, porém várias limitações são apontadas para o uso da estratégia em grande escala. O desenvolvimento de sistemas digitais específicos para o apoio à mudança desejada é discutido e sugerido para estudos futuros. / This thesis presents moves and theories that ask for change of paradigm on basic education. The adoption of active learning methods with the use of digital technology is thought as an opportunity for the consolidation of the desired innovation. The identification of barriers to consolidate the change in large scale is presented as the research problem. The intention to differentiate education faces a barrier on educators limited education and experience on the desired paradigm as well as on the use of digital technology. An action participatory research was conducted on a social center, structured similar to a regular school, having as goal the engagement of local educators and coordinators on the design of instruments and on the improvement of educational practices enabled by the use of digital technologies with active learning methods. The strategy proposed was based on four elements that influenced the interventions for the change on educational practices: Framework on 21st Century Skills as possible goals; learning by activities; a social network with personal library on the role of digital learning environment; educators building rubrics to design, give value and monitor new dimensions for evaluation. Based on a situational analysis, cycles of change on practices were proposed on a way that local subjects got involved with planning, implementation and analysis of changes enabled by the use of digital technology and aligned with the goals selected by the local educational team. These cycles included the creation of instruments designed to facilitate and systematize the proposed strategies. The results show that the activities designed and implemented by the educators have evolved through the research cycles becoming better aligned with the desired paradigm. The strategy has proved to be efficient to unbalance the educators and start them in practices, reflections and active learning related to the desired paradigm, but in the other hand, some limitations were pointed out when considering the adoption of this strategy in a systemic way. The development of digital systems designed specifically to support the desired change is discussed and suggested for future studies.

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