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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Italianismy v evropské španělštině - diachronní pohled / Italianisms in European Spanish - Historical View

Čížková, Jana January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this Master's degree thesis are the lexical loanwords from Italian to European Spanish from the diachronic point of view. The first part is dedicated to the problems of language contact focused on lexical borrowings, followed by the characteristics of Italianisms and the history of the mutual contact of Spain and Italy, that led to the adoption of Italian word in Spanish and vice versa. The adaption of Italianisms in Spanish language is also analysed. The research part of this work is based on the so far most extensive and complex publication about Italianisms in Spanish, which at the same time has been strongly criticized by the science community. The expressions marked in Terlingen's work as Italianisms from the field of commerce are submitted to dictionary analysis. Based on approximately 70 historical, etymological and contemporary Spanish dictionaries, it is being verified whether the chosen words are truly loanwords of Italian origin. Every entry has its origin, meaning and ortographical variations evaluated, and the attention is also drawn to the period of time of their first occurrence and their use in Spanish. These aspects are being studied both in historical and the contemporary language. Last, the conclusions about mercantile Italianisms in Spanish are phrased and the...

Der Bereich Nahrungszubereitung im althochdeutschen Wortschatz: Onomasiologisch-semasiologische Untersuchungen

Mikeleitis-Winter, Almut 27 April 2023 (has links)
Wortschatz aus den verschiedenen Bereichen des materiellen Lebens hat sich in der althochdeutschen Überlieferung, die sich zumeist auf die lateinische Tradition der Antike und des Christentums bezieht, nur spärlich und eher sporadisch erhalten. Dennoch kann die gründliche philologische Analyse des Belegmaterials auch für den Überlieferungsanfang des Deutschen eine vielfältige, zum Teil überraschend spezialisierte Lexik zum Sachgebiet der Nahrungszubereitung erschließen. Nach einer einleitenden Darstellung der sprachgeschichtlichen und methodischen Grundlagen werden Erkenntnisse der historischen Forschung zu den soziokulturellen Voraussetzungen der Nahrungsgewinnung und -verarbeitung im frühen Mittelalter, zu den Organisationsformen, Arbeitstechniken, verwendeten Geräten sowie zu den erzeugten Nahrungsmitteln und Getränken vorgestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden die aus dem Althochdeutschen überlieferten Bezeichnungen für Tätigkeiten bei der Nahrungsherstellung und Speisenzubereitung sowie entsprechende Personenbezeichnungen ermittelt. Die Basis der vorliegenden Untersuchungen bilden die im Archiv des Althochdeutschen Wörterbuchs an der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig verzeichneten Belege. Damit wird für die untersuchten Bezeichnungen der Wortschatz der althochdeutschen Denkmäler und Glossen vollständig erfasst. In Einzelartikeln werden an die hundert Verben und über dreißig Substantive mit ihren Belegen dargestellt und einer eingehenden semantischen Analyse an Hand der althochdeutschen bzw. lateinischen Kontexte unterzogen. Die daran anschließende systematisierende Auswertung beschäftigt sich mit Fragen der Überlieferung der Bezeichnungen, ihrer Herkunft, Wortbildung und Semantik sowie der Gliederung dieses Wortschatzbereiches.:Vorwort I Einleitung 1 Forschungssituation und Aufgabenstellung 2 Sprache und Kommunikation im frühen Mittelalter 3 Methode der Untersuchung 4 Bedeutungsanalyse im althochdeutschen Wortschatz 5 Materialbasis der Untersuchung II Nahrungsmittelherstellung und Speisenzubereitung im frühen Mittelalter III Materialsammlung und Bedeutungsanalyse 1 Bezeichnungen für Tätigkeiten bei der Nahrungsmittelherstellung und Speisenzubereitung 1.1 Produktspezifische Tätigkeiten zur Vorbereitung von Nahrungsmitteln 1.1.1 Getreide Zerkleinern bôzen gibliuuuan niuuuan firniuuuan stamphôn stemphen griozan malan zisamanemalan mullen Reinigen rîtarôn girîtarôn redan siften feuuen Bereiten von Teig und Brei zitrîban zirlâzan sûren theismen knetan giknetan thuueran ruoren 1.1.2 Gemüse und Obst blatôn skelen scarbôn 1.1.3 Fleisch und Fisch slahan irslahan slahtôn skinten biskinten fillen bifillen gifillen lidôn houuuan scurphen gellen hackôn 1.1.4 Molkereiprodukte girennen thûhen Inhalt githûhen 1.2 Allgemeine Tätigkeiten bei der Zubereitung von Speisen 1.2.1 Garen siodan firsiodan fol(la)siodan kohhôn ûzsmelzen backan, bahhan brâtan brennen grouben roupen hersten rôsten girôsten suueizen 1.2.2 Würzen und Verfeinern soffôn salzan gisalzan suozen uuurzen pîmentôn temparôn anarîban milsken honagôn salbôn 1.2.3 Konservieren sulzen therren 1.2.4 Zerteilen brehhan brohhôn gibrockôn instungen thunkôn Inhalt 1.3 Tätigkeiten bei der Herstellung von Getränken 1.3.1 Pressen von Früchten tretan trotôn pressôn thûhen thrucken stôzan 1.3.2 Mischen und Ingangsetzen von Gärprozessen *briuuuan irsezzen jerien blantan misken zisamanemisken miskelôn zisamanegiozan gôzôn (?) 1.3.3 Weiterbehandeln der Flüssigkeiten siodan feimen ûzfeimôn lûttaren gilûttaren mûzôn sîhan ûzsîhan sêuuinôn ûzfliozan abaflôzen ûzflôzen 1.4 Auswertung 1.4.1 Zur Verteilung der Bezeichnungen in den Quellen 1.4.2 Zur Herkunft der Bezeichnungen 1.4.3 Semantische Aspekte 1.4.4 Zur Syntax 2 Bezeichnungen für bei der Nahrungsmittelherstellung und Speisenzubereitung tätige Personen Inhalt 2.1 Mühlenwesen mulinâri mulinersa 2.2 Bäckerei becka beckeri beckersa brôtbecko brôtbecka brôtbeckila brôtbeckeri brôtbeckere+ brôtbeckerin phistur knetârin 2.3 Fleischverarbeitung slahtâri fleiscslahtâri fleischacker+ fleischackel+ fleiscskerni fleiscmangeri mezzilâri mezziere+ lidâri uuurstâri salzman 2.4 Speisenzubereitung koh küchenmeister+ kuhhinkneht brâtâri 2.5 Getränkeherstellung briuuuino brouwer+ briumeistar grûzeri 2.6 Auswertung Inhalt 2.6.1 Zum Status der Bezeichnungen und zu ihrer Verteilung in den Quellen 2.6.2 Semantische Aspekte 2.6.3 Aspekte der Wortbildung IV Zusammenfassung V Verzeichnisse 1 Glossenhandschriften 2 Quellen des Belegmaterials 2.1 Althochdeutsche (und altsächsische) Quellen 2.2 Lateinische Vorlagen der Glossen und Texte 3 Sonstige Quellen 4 Verwendete Literatur 5 Siglen und Abkürzungen

Wörter. Wortbildung, Lexikologie und Lexikographie, Etymologie: 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für germanistische Sprachgeschichte in Leipzig, 22. bis 24. September 2016

Spranger, Franziska, Schmid, Hans Ulrich 07 February 2023 (has links)
Vom 22. bis 24. September 2016 fand in den Räumen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Leipzig die 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte statt. Wie bei den vorangegangenen Veranstaltungen war auch 2016 ein Rahmenthema vorgegeben, es lautete in diesem Jahr „Wörter. Wortbildung, Lexikologie und Lexikographie, Etymologie“.

Francouzština v Belgii / French in Belgium

Šťastná, Natalie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this research is to study the French language used in Belgium, to describe the linguistic situation and some peculiarities of the language there, and to compare it with French language used in France. The author lived in Belgium for nearly six years and compared her experience of the differences between the French language in Belgium with the one used in France. To explore her impressions, she has studied and analysed different sources on the topic and summarised the most important differences. The research is divided in two parts. One gives more general information on Belgium, describes the history of the territory and the linguistic situation of the country to help understand the situation of the French language there. The other, more important part on the language itself describes the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical particularities of Belgian French. The basic conclusion of this paper is that Belgian French is slightly different from French used in France but the differences are not great enough to make understanding between the two nations difficult.

Funkční pohled na slovansko-neslovanskou synonymiku rumunštiny / Slavic and Nonslavic Synonymy in Romanian Language: A Functional Perspective

Krucká, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this paper is to examine the role of Slavic substantive borrowings in Romanian vocabulary. Selected substantive loans are divided into five semantic areas. Analysis of each of them contains a series of synonyms, functional and stylistic inclusion in the Romanian vocabulary, idioms of which is part given lexical unit, and its derivatives. The result is a semantic classification of lexems of Slavic origin in the Romanian vocabulary, their stylistic stratification and position within the synonymic series.

Vývoj sémantiky společného lexikálního základu češtiny, slovinštiny a ruštiny / Semantic development of the common lexical basis of Czech, Slovenian and Russian languages

Shchelokova, Galina January 2016 (has links)
The object of the study is to follow and compare the development of the semantics of lexical units, which have the common Proto-Slavonic base and different meanings in modern languages. The development is studied within a time period ranging from the Proto-Slavonic period up to the modern language state. To cover all three representative groups of Slavic languages: West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic were selected the appropriate languages: Czech, Russian and Slovenian. The selection of lexical units is morphologically restricted. The research is focused on adjectives. The work contains theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part specifies terminology and presents a number views on the potential significance of the development of lexical units in terms of diachronic lexicology. The analysis is devoted to the development and is categorized as follows: each of the twelve selected semantic groups includes sections devoted to Proto-Slavonic, Old Church Slavonic, Russian, Czech and Slovenian languages. Each group is enclosed with a brief summary.

Jazykové roviny mluvy hráčů počítačových her / Linguistic levels of speech of the computer games players

SCHÖNBAUEROVÁ, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis extends the main topic of the bachelor thesis Speech of the Computer Games Players (also by Eliška Schönbauerová) and it will further research a new type of sociolect; the speech of computer games players. This sociolect has been researched just on the basic level, and so the author seeks to focus on other, yet unexplored linguistic levels of said sociolect: morphology, word-formation, phonetics, lexicology, syntax and stylistics. The goal is to deeply explore and research gamers' sociolect and to better understand the process of adapting Anglicisms in the system of contemporary Czech language. The theoretical part is based on available professional literature. This thesis also contains materials gathered by the author from gamers or they are available online.

Vliv arabského jazyka na portugalštinu / THE INFLUENCE OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE ON PORTUGUESE

Bedrníček, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The influence of a Semitic language, Arabic, on Portuguese vocabulary is the subject of this thesis. To contextualise this investigation, the first part of this thesis provides an introduction to Arabic, its history, and its linguistic particularities, as well as an overview of the history of Arabic influences upon Portuguese. Particular attention is given to the phonetic transformations of Arabic loan words resulting from the contact and exchange between speakers of these languages. Portuguese was influenced by Arabic in discrete phases, which are described in detail: the period of Muslim rule in Portugal in the Middle Ages and the period of migration of African Muslim slaves and the Syro-Lebanese population to Brazil. Having outlined Arabic words brought into Portuguese usage, the second part of this thesis then turns to the analysis of this corpus of loan words. Thanks to various Portuguese corpora, the frequency of Arabic loan words is analysed. This thesis is completed with an appendix including supplementary information about Arabic and cities of the former Gharb Al-Andalus. Key words: Arabic, Portuguese, lexicology, Arabic loan words, Syro-Lebanese migration, semantic fields

Neologie v současné francouzštině / Neology in contemporary French

Mizeráková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is dealing with the preference of certain categorical structures (VN compounds, nominal syntagmas N de N, N à N and their English equivalent) to denotate a new referent. Its aim is to describe current trends of denominative instrumental neology. The thesis is dividend into two parts: teoretical and practical. Theoretical part provides a brief characteristics of the concerned fields: neology, neologism, compounding, nominal syntagmas and productivity. Practical part includes survey and compares its results with corpus analyses and data obtained from Google browser.

Jazykový rozbor vybraných památek tzv. Pinvičkova sborníku / Language analysis of the selected texts of the Pinvicka collection

Klubalová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the language analysis of the Tandarias poem published as a part of Pinvicka collection which was written in the 2nd half of 15th century by Jan Pinvicka z Domazlic. The attention is paid to the description of ortography and all language dimensions. The main aim of this thesis is to describe the language statement of the relic and evaluate the influence of the previous versions of theTandarias poem on the examined version published in Pinvicka collection. We found out that it is not possible to give an evidence that the examined poem is significantly influenced by the language usus of the 14th century when this subject was translated to Czech. But we claim that some of the language phenomena refering to older language usus can be explained with the personal language manner of author. Nevertheless the influence of the original German writing is obvious in the lexical dimension. The addressing of the writing to the bourgeoisie and other lower social classes is supported with the tendency of the language of the text to approach to the spoken form of language.

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