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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Queer Legacies: Tracing the Roots of Contemporary Transgender Performance

Savard, Nicolas Shannon January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Les corrélats de sexe et de genre dans la cognition sexuellement polymorphique

Cartier, Louis 08 1900 (has links)
La cognition sexuellement polymorphique (CSP) résulte de l'interaction entre des facteurs biologiques du sexe (sexe assigné à la naissance, hormones sexuelles) et psychosociaux du genre (identité de genre, rôles de genre, orientation sexuelle). La littérature reste assez mitigée quant à la magnitude des effets de ces variables. Seules quelques études ont considéré la CSP au-delà du sexe assigné à la naissance. Dans ces quelques études, ces facteurs supplémentaires liés au sexe et au genre n’ont été pris en compte qu’individuellement. Ce projet a utilisé une batterie de tests cognitifs classiques conçus pour évaluer l'influence des hormones sexuelles sur les performances cognitives. Parallèlement, nous avons cherché à évaluer les effetsrespectifs du sexe assigné à la naissance, des hormones sexuelles et des facteurs psychosociaux liés au genre sur la CSP. Nous avons recruté 222 adultes qui ont effectué huit tâches cognitives évaluant diverses fonctions cognitives au cours d'une session protocolaire de 150 minutes. Les sous-groupes ont été divisés comme suit : hommes cisgenres hétérosexuels (n = 46), hommes cisgenres non hétérosexuels (n = 36), femmes cisgenres hétérosexuelles (n = 36), femmes cisgenres non hétérosexuelles (n = 38), et personnes issues de la diversité de genre (n = 66). Des échantillons de salive ont été prélevés avant, pendant et après les tests cognitifs pour mesurer les niveaux de testostérone, d'estradiol, de progestérone, de cortisol et de déhydroépiandrostérone. Les variables psychosociales ont été adressées via des questionnaires autorapportés validés. La batterie cognitive présentée reflète des différences entre les sexes qui sont partiellement en concordance avec la littérature. Il est intéressant de noter que les facteurs biologiques semblent expliquer les différences de performances dans les tâches cognitives genrées «masculines» (par exemple, spatiales), tandis que les facteurs psychosociaux semblent expliquer les différences de performances dans les tâches cognitives genrées «féminines» (par exemple, verbales). Nos résultats fournissent une base solide pour une meilleure compréhension de la CSP en allant au-delà du sexe assigné à la naissance en tant que variable binaire. Nous soulignons l'importance de considérer le sexe comme un facteur biologique et le genre comme un facteur socioculturel, tous deux associés de manière unique à la CSP. / Sexually polymorphic cognition (SPC) results from the interaction between biological sex (birth-assigned sex, sex hormones) and psychosocial gender (gender identity, gender roles, sexual orientation) factors. The literature remains quite mixed regarding the magnitude of the effects of these variables. Only few studies consider SPC beyond birth-assigned sex. From these studies, other sex and gender factors were considered individually. This project used a battery of classic cognitive tests designed to assess the influence of sex hormones on cognitive performance. At the same time, we aimed to assess the inter-related and respective effects that birth-assigned sex, sex hormones, and gender-related psychosocial factors have on SPC. We recruited 222 adults who completed eight cognitive tasks that assessed a variety of cognitive domains during a 150-minute session. Subgroups were recruited as follows: cisgender heterosexual men (n = 46), cisgender nonheterosexual men (n = 36), cisgender heterosexual women (n = 36), cisgender non-heterosexual women (n = 38), and gender diverse (n = 66). Saliva samples were collected before, during, and after the test to assess testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Psychosocial variables were derived from self-report questionnaires. The cognitive battery presented reflects gender differences that are partially consistent with the literature. Interestingly, biological factors seem to explain differences in male-typed cognitive tasks (e.g., spatial), while psychosocial factors seem to explain differences in female-typed cognitive tasks (e.g., verbal). Our results provide a solid foundation for a better understanding of SPC by going beyond birth-assigned sex as a binary. We highlight the importance of treating sex as a biological factor and gender as a sociocultural factor both uniquely associated with SPC.

”Man har liksom oändligt med möjligheter och det är väldigt befriande” : En studie om ickebinära transpersoners minoritetsglädje och positiva erfarenheter / ”One has like an infinate number of possibilities and that is very liberating” : A study of nonbinary transgender people´s minority joy and positive experiences

Ekesbo, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Transpersoner i Sverige har en ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa, samtidigt som cirka hälften har god livskvalité. Då de positiva hälsofaktorerna för gruppen är underbeforskat, framför allt för ickebinära transpersoner, var studiens syfte att undersöka vilka positiva erfarenheter (minoritetglädje) ickebinära transpersoner har av att tillhöra minoritetsgruppen. En kvalitativ intervjustudie gjordes med åtta deltagare som sedan analyserades med tematisk analys. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar att minoritetsglädjen främst utgörs av en stark gemenskap med andra transpersoner och att leva ett autentiskt liv i relation till sig själv och omgivningen. Även att utvecklas som person och att transtillhörigheten blir ett verktyg för att förstå världen och andra människor är viktiga fynd. Resultaten går i linje med tidigare forskning om positiva hälsofaktorer för gruppen. Nya fynd är framför allt att upplevelsen av frihet från tvåkönsnormen tycks kunna utgöra en extra stor positiv faktor för den ickebinära gruppen.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

Straight Kits F/or Queer Bodies? An Inter-textual Study of the Spatialization and Normalization of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Soccer League Sport Space

Strang, Matthew 25 August 2011 (has links)
Sport is an inherently hegemonic hyper masculinity-building project. Therefore, tensions exist when non-hegemonic groups reclaim sport. This thesis questions how normativity is constructed and resisted in non-normative sporting spaces. Drawing from semi-structured interviews, participant observations, self-reflection qualitative methods and post-structural, spatial and post-colonial theory, I problematize how sportsmanship (sportspersonship) is “cultivated” in a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (lgbtq) soccer league . Specifically, I interrogate how queer sporting bodies negotiate (homo/hetero)normativity by either contesting or confirming neoliberal values of ‘sportsmanship.’ Five interlocking themes that emerged from my data suggest that ‘a queer muscularity’ and ‘a normative queer nationhood’ is being (re)produced by and through queer sporting bodies and sports spaces. I argue that we need to be vigilant of queer sporting spaces that claim to be or are assumed to have greater inclusivity because these spaces may actually facilitate the (re)production of dominant discourses and norms.

Straight Kits F/or Queer Bodies? An Inter-textual Study of the Spatialization and Normalization of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Soccer League Sport Space

Strang, Matthew 25 August 2011 (has links)
Sport is an inherently hegemonic hyper masculinity-building project. Therefore, tensions exist when non-hegemonic groups reclaim sport. This thesis questions how normativity is constructed and resisted in non-normative sporting spaces. Drawing from semi-structured interviews, participant observations, self-reflection qualitative methods and post-structural, spatial and post-colonial theory, I problematize how sportsmanship (sportspersonship) is “cultivated” in a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (lgbtq) soccer league . Specifically, I interrogate how queer sporting bodies negotiate (homo/hetero)normativity by either contesting or confirming neoliberal values of ‘sportsmanship.’ Five interlocking themes that emerged from my data suggest that ‘a queer muscularity’ and ‘a normative queer nationhood’ is being (re)produced by and through queer sporting bodies and sports spaces. I argue that we need to be vigilant of queer sporting spaces that claim to be or are assumed to have greater inclusivity because these spaces may actually facilitate the (re)production of dominant discourses and norms.

Kunskapsbrist eller värderingstvist? : Den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal i ett urval västerländska länders asylprövning då sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet åberopas som asylskäl. / Is it Rather a Matter of Values? : On the Romantic Liberalism and its Freedom Ideals in a sample of Western Asylum Procedures were Lgbtq+-claims are made.

Ezimoha, Stella January 2020 (has links)
Då asylsökande åberopar sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet som asylskäl, är den egna berättelsen inte sällan den enda bevisning som finns att tillgå. Detta innebär att trovärdigheten i den asylsökandes framförande av sin berättelse tillmäts stor vikt. Tidigare forskning har funnit att trovärdighetsbedömningen i västerländska länders asylprövning påverkas av vilken handläggare som hanterar ärendet, och dennas stereotyper av sexuell läggning och könsidentitet. Förekomsten av stereotyper har härletts till kompetens- eller rutinbrist. Exempelvis har det anförts att asylprövande myndigheter och domstolar lider brist på normkritik och nyanserad kunskap i hbtq+-personers olika omständigheter och leverne. Denna studie erbjuder en annan hypotes, med utgångspunkt i etablerad politisk teori och samtida statsvetenskaplig forskning: Att ideologin romantisk liberalism präglar västerländska länders asylprövning. Det finns empiriskt stöd för att människor i västvärlden i allt större utsträckning värdesätter individuell frihet. Tidigare forskning har antagit att detta värdesättande leder till ökad tolerans och välkomnande av ökad mångfald. Ett sådant positivt förhållande ifrågasätts emellertid av flera statsvetare, däribland den svenska statsvetaren Gina Gustavsson. I en avhandling från 2014 presenterar Gustavsson en beskrivning av en romantisk gren inom liberalismen. Denna ideologi framhåller ett obevekligt, provokativt och kreativt uttryck för individens originalitet: både vad avser beskrivningar av vad människan är, och värderande utsagor om hur människan bör vara. En sådan syn, menar Gustavsson, är en förrädisk förståelse för frihet som kan urarta i intolerans, trots att den utges för det motsatta. Med ideologianalys prövas rätts- och myndighetsmaterial från ett urval västerländska länders asylprövning mot en idealtyp av den romantiska liberalismen. Resultatet är att den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal i flera avseenden kommer till uttryck i urvalet västerländska länders asylprövning. Slutsatsen är att beslutsfattare och utredares upptagenhet av särskilda uttryck för den asylsökandes identitet, kan förstås som en manifestation av den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal. Detta snarare än som uttryck främst för kompetens- och rutinbrist, såsom tidigare forskning konstaterat. Vidare förs en diskussion kring betydande spänningar mellan den romantiska liberalismen och mänskliga rättigheters universella anspråk. Detta särskilt avseende asylsökandes begränsade möjlighet eller avsikt att leva upp till romantiskt liberala frihetsideal. / As asylum seekers invoke sexual orientation or gender identity as a reason for asylum, their own story is often the only evidence available. This means that the credibility of asylum seeker's presentation of their story, often is given great importance. Previous research shows that credibility assessments in Western countries can differ depending on the sexual orientation and gender identity stereotypes of the case officer who is handling the case. The existence of stereotypes has been related to lack of skills or routine. For example, it is in previous research stated that asylum reviewing authorities and courts suffer from a lack of norm criticism and nuanced knowledge of lgbtq+-persons' different circumstances and living. This study offers another hypothesis, based on established political theory and contemporary political science research: That the ideology romantic liberalism characterizes the asylum procedure in Western countries. There is empirical support for the fact that people in the Western world increasingly value individual freedom. Previous research has assumed that such values leads to increased tolerance and a welcoming of diversity. However, such a positive relationship is questioned by the Swedish political scientist Gina Gustavsson. In Gustavssons’ dissertation from 2014, a description of a romantic branch of liberalism is presented, which elevates a relentless, creative and provocative expression of the individual's originality: both in terms of descriptions of what an individual is, and evaluative statements about what an individual should be. Such a view, Gustavsson says, is a treacherous understanding of freedom that can degenerate into intolerance, even though it is issued to stand for the contrary. With ideology analysis, judicial and governmental material from a sample of Western countries' asylum procedures is tested against an ideal type of romantic liberalism. The results of the analysis show that the ideal of freedom of romanticism, in several respects, can be found in the asylum procedure in a sample of Western countries. The conclusion is that decision makers and investigators' preoccupation with specific expressions of the identity of the asylum seeker can be understood as a manifestation of the freedom ideals in the romantic liberalism. This rather than a lack of skills and routine, as previous research has found. Furthermore, a discussion is held regarding that there is considerable tension between romantic liberalism and the universal claims of human rights. This particularly regarding the asylum seekers' limited ability or intention to live up to the freedom ideals of the romantic liberalism.

A Spectrum of Silence and the Single Storyteller: Stigma, Sex, and Mental Illness among the Latter-day Saints

Crawford, Rebekah Perkins 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de la representación de la mujer en la serie Las chicas del cable (Netflix 2017-20XX)

Anthony, Tyler Robert Daniel 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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