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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energibolags arbete med digitalisering för en marknadsstyrd energiförsörjning

Viktor, Glemne, Josef, Al-Khuzaie January 2022 (has links)
Den digitala transformationen som genomsyrar många delar i samhället idag har inte bearbetatsi energibranschen i samma grad. Energibranschen står inför stora förändringar med mål av attvara fossilfria fram till 2040. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett kommunaltenergibolag arbetar med digitalisering för en marknadsstyrd energiförsörjning analyseratgenom tjänstedominant logiken. Referensramen till studien grundar sig i digital transformationsom ramas ner till den tjänstedominanta logiken. Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativundersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer av ett energibolag och ett IT-konsultbolag.Utifrån intervjuerna återfinns data som analyserades genom den tjänstedominanta logiken.Undersökningen bidrar med nya perspektiv genom tjänstedominant logik som energibranschenhar nytta av och som kan möjliggöra nya sätt att möta kunder. I resultatet blir det tydligt hurenergibolaget arbetar med en digitalisering men att kundinvolvering inte är där. En ökaddigitalisering och tjänstefiering i energisektorn driver fram kreativa lösningar för branschenskunder där decentraliserade och demokratiserade styrsätt möjliggörs. / The digital transformation that undergoes changes in many parts of society has not been asprocessed in the energy industry at the same degree. The energy industry is facing majorchanges with the goal of being fossil-free by 2040. The purpose of the study was to investigatehow a municipal energy company works with digitization for a market-driven energy supplyanalyzed through service-dominant logic. The theoretical framework of the study is based ondigital transformation which then narrows down to the service dominant logic. The study isconducted based on qualitative research through semi-structured interviews of an energy utilitycompany and an IT consulting firm. The research provides insights into a service-dominantperspective for the energy industry in enabling new ways to approach their customers. Theresult makes it clear how the energy company works with digitalization, but that customerinvolvement is not there. An increased digitalization and servitization in the energy sectorfacilitate new creative solutions for the industry's customers, where decentralized anddemocratized governance are made possible.

Complexity in Statistical Relational Learning : A Study on Learning Bayesian Logic Programs / Komplexitet i statistiskt relationslärande

Hagerf, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Most work that is done within machine learning today uses statistical methods which assume that the data is identically and independently distributed. However, the problem domains that we face in the real world are often much more complicated and present both complex relational/logical parts as well as parts with uncertainty. Statistical relational learning (SRL) is a sub-field of machine learning and A.I. that tries to solve these limitations by combining both relational and statistical learning and has become a big research sector in recent years. This thesis will present SRL further and specifically introduce, test and review one of the implementations, namely Bayesian logic programs. / Idag används inom maskininlärning nästan alltid statistiska metoder som antar att datat för lärande är identiskt och oberoende distribuerat. Men de problemområden som vi står inför i den verkliga världen är ofta mycket mer komplicerade och har både komplexa relationella/logiska delar samt osäkerhet. Statistiskt relationslärande (SRL) är en del av maskininlärning och A.I. som försöker lösa dessa begränsningar genom att kombinera både relationer och statistiskt lärande och har på senare år blivit ett stort forskningsområde. Denna avhandling presenterar SRL mer i detalj och utreder och testar en specifik implementation, Bayesianska logikprogram.

Frederick C. Beiser: Hermann Cohen - An Intellectual Biography

Kohler, George Y. 17 June 2020 (has links)
Frederick C. Beiser: Hermann Cohen - An Intellectual Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, 387 S., ISBN: 978–0–19–882816–7, £60.00. Besprochen von George Y. Kohler.

Betydelsen av mellanmänskliga möten online : En studie om B2C-interaktioner mellan kunder och kundservicepersonal / The importance of interpersonal encounters online : A study of B2C interactions between customers and customer service representatives

Holm, Olivia, Blom, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Today's retail consumer market is characterized by global, intense competition. In times of intense competition, long-term customer relationships are described as the key to both profitability and survival, which is achieved by creating value together with customers through mutual dialogue. For e-commerce companies, the opportunities for human contacts and dialogue with customers are very few and are about to be completely absent due to the prevailing trend to implement technical elements in customer service. At the same time, a lot of research points to the fact that there are great values in offering human resources in customer service, but we know quite little about these values in an online context. We also do not know if these values are so important that companies should take them into account in their strategic decisions. Therefore, our study aims to investigate the importance of interpersonal encounters online. The purpose is fulfilled by studying and analyzing interactions in customer service to create an understanding of what values arise and what impact these have on customer relationships. This is done through a qualitative research design, with an exploratory case study of 92 email conversations between customer and customer service online, which have been processed through text analysis and coding according to social resource theory. The results show that customer service encourages different social exchanges with customers, depending on the goal of the interaction. Social exchanges of concrete resources such as money, goods and information are actions that give customers increased convenience and financial value, which strengthens the relationships if the customer is satisfied. Social exchanges of particular resources such as love, status and service form actions that give customers personal experiences and social and emotional value, which provides increased customer satisfaction but also strengthens relationships with customers even more. The exchange that takes place in interpersonal meetings online can be understood as important for developing customer relationships and competitive advantages. This study can be used to guide research in the field of research regarding service encounters and help retailers create sustainable business models and strategies. / Dagens konsumentmarknad och detaljhandel kännetecknas idag av en global, intensiv konkurrens. I tider med intensiv konkurrens beskrivs långsiktiga kundrelationer vara nyckeln till både lönsamhet och överlevnad, vilket uppnås genom att skapa värde tillsammans med kunderna genom ömsesidig dialog. För e-handelsföretag är möjligheterna till mänskliga kontakter och dialog med kunder idag väldigt få och på väg att utebli helt på grund av en rådande trend att implementera tekniska inslag i kundtjänst. Samtidigt pekar mycket forskning mot att det finns stora värden i att erbjuda mänskliga resurser i sin kundtjänst, men vi vet ganska lite om dessa värden i en online-kontext. Vi vet heller inte om dessa värden är så viktiga så att företag borde ta hänsyn till dem i sina strategiska beslut. Därför syftar vår studie till att undersöka betydelsen av mellanmänskliga möten online. Syftet uppfylls genom att studera och analysera interaktioner i kundtjänst för att skapa en förståelse för vilka värden som uppkommer och vilken påverkan dessa kan ha på kundrelationerna. Detta har gjorts genom en kvalitativ forskningsdesign, med en explorativ fallstudie av 92 mejlkonversationer mellan kund och kundtjänst online, vilka behandlats genom textanalys och kodning utefter social resursteori. Resultaten visar att kundtjänst uppmuntrar olika sociala utbyten med kunderna, beroende på typ av ärende. Sociala utbyten av konkreta resurser såsom pengar, varor och information utgör handlingar som ger kunderna ökad bekvämlighet och ekonomiskt värde, vilket stärker relationerna med dem om kunden är nöjd. Sociala utbyten av partikulära resurser såsom kärlek, status och service bildar handlingar som ger kunderna personliga upplevelser och socialt- och emotionellt värde, vilket ger en ökad kundtillfredsställelse men också stärker relationerna med kunderna ännu mer. Utbytet som sker i mellanmänskliga möten online kan förstås som betydelsefullt för att utveckla kundrelationer och konkurrensfördelar. Denna studie kan användas för att vägleda forskning inom forskningsfältet beträffande servicemöten och hjälpa detaljhandlare att skapa hållbara affärsmodeller och strategier.

Edith eller Södergran? : En undersökning hur kvinnliga samt manliga författarskap presenteras utifrån anaforiska uttryck i två läromedel / Edith or Södergran? : A study of how female and male authorship is presented based on anaphoric expressions in two teaching materials

Sandberg, Ronja Sandberg January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how two teaching materials in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, from the same publishing company, presented and referred to male and female authorship based on anaphoric expressions. The method used in this study was grounded on an article by Per Ledin which analyzes how social actors is being portrayed in two Swedish papers based on anaphoric expression. Besides this method, the study also chooses to include social actors as well as whether the authors were portraited based on background or accomplishment. By choosing these criteria, the aim was to be able to investigate how Hirdmans two logics: men as a norm and the distinction between the sexes, are implemented in the teaching material that are examined. The research questions used in this study were: How is female and male authorship referred to in the materials based on anaphoric expressions? In which way is male and female authorship being presented in the various textbooks? Is there a difference between how female and male authorship is presented and referenced to, based on if the textbook is in Swedish or Swedish as a second language? The results of this study show that there is a difference between the teaching materials even though they are published by the same company. The different textbooks show how the teaching materials maintain the man as the norm, as in previous research, but in varying degrees. The textbook in Swedish shows a clear masculine norm through the anaphoric pattern that female writing becomes more individualized. The female writers are also presented mainly by background, while male authors are presented based on achievements. When comparing Swedish course literature for second language one can see how the male norm is prevalent, notably female authorship are represented through their accomplishments and the textbook problematizes male authorship.

The Ext-Algebra of Standard Modules of Bound Twisted Double Incidence Algebras

Norlén Jäderberg, Mika January 2023 (has links)
Quasi-hereditary algebras are an important class of algebras with many appli-cations in representation theory, most notably the representation theory of semi-simple complex Lie-algebras. Such algebras sometimes admit an exact Borel sub-algebra, that is a subalgebra satisfying similar formal properties to the Borel sub-algebras from Lie theory. This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we classify quasi-hereditary algebras with two simple modules over perfect fields up to Morita equivalence, generalizing a similar result by Membrillo-Hernandez for thealgebraically closed case. In the second part, we take a poset X, a certain set M of constants, and a finite set ρ of paths in the Hasse-diagram of X and construct analgebra A(X, M, ρ) that generalizes the twisted double incidence algebras originally introduced by Deng and Xi. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for this algebra to be quasi-hereditary when X is a tree, and we show that A(X, M, ρ) admits an exact Borel subalgebra when these conditions are satisfied. Following this, we compute the Ext-algebra of the standard modules of A(X, M, ρ).

Digitala läromedel i algebraundervisningen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av elevuppgifter i årskurs 6 / Digital curriculum materials in algebraic teaching : A quantitative content analysis of pupil tasks in grade 6

Jalminger, Felicia, Svensson, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle blir mer digitaliserat för varje år som går och skolan följer den utvecklingen; därmed ökar digitaliseringen och användandet av digitala läromedel även i skolan. Därför är undersökningen relevant för den nutida skolans utveckling. Digitala läromedel är något som används frekvent i matematikundervisning, vilket är något vi har observe- rat under våra VFU-perioder. Dessutom uppmärksammade vi att många yrkesverksamma lärare är mindre insatta i innehållet i digitala läromedel, till skillnad från innehållet i de analoga läromedlen som används. Vi såg att det fanns studier kring digitala läromedel, men att det verkade vara brist på studier med fokus på hur algebra behandlas i elevuppgifter i digitala läromedel. Matematikområdet algebra är i sig ett område där tidigare forskning lyfter behovet av vidare forskning. Därav valde vi att specificera vår undersökning om hur algebra behandlas i elevuppgifter i digitala läromedel. Analysen i undersökningen grundar sig i ett analysschema med kategorier och kriterier utformade efter teorier från Sjödén (2014), Choppin m.fl. (2014), Blanton m.fl. (2015) samt Madej (2021). Teorierna har hjälpt oss att analysera det digitala och algebraiska innehållet i elevuppgifterna och Blantons m.fl. (2015) Big ideas framhäver väsentliga delar av algebraundervisning. Syftet med undersökningen är att belysa vilka potentiella mervärden som skapas genom olika digitala läro- medel inom området algebra för årskurs 6. Det görs genom insamling av data för en kvantitativ innehålls- analys av elevuppgifter innehållande algebra i tre digitala läromedel som används i grundskolan. Valet av läromedel gjordes utifrån vilka digitala läromedel vi har sett används av yrkesverksamma lärare i mellan- stadiet. Resultatet som kan utläsas av analysen är att digitala läromedel erbjuder olika möjligheter som inte erbjuds i analoga läromedel, samt att det algebraiska innehållet varierar i de olika digitala läromedlen. / Today's society is becoming more digitized every year and school follows that evolution; therefore the digitization and the use of digital curriculum materials increases in school as well. This study is relevant for today’s school development. Digital curriculum materials are frequently used in mathematics teaching, which we have noticed during our work-based education (VFU). We also noticed that teachers have less insight about the digital curricu- lum materials than in the books that are used. We found studies about digital curriculum materials, but there seemed to be a lack of research with focus on how algebra is processed in pupil tasks in digital curriculum materials. The mathematical field of algebra is an area where previous research requires further research. Hence, we chose to specify our investigation about how algebra is processed in pupil tasks in digital cur- riculum materials. The analysis in our inquiry is based on an analysis schedule with categories and criteria designed from theories from Sjödén (2014), Choppin et.al. (2014), Blanton et.al. (2015) and Madej (2021). The theories were helpful when we analyzed the digital and algebraic content in the pupil tasks and Blantons et.al. (2015) Big ideas highlights essential parts concerning algebra teaching. The study aims to highlight potential values created through various digital curriculum materials in the area of algebra for grade 6. It is done by collecting data for a content analysis of pupil tasks containing algebra in three digital curriculum materials used in primary school. The choice of resources was made based on which digital curriculum materials we have seen been used by professional teachers in middle school. The result that can be deduced from the analysis is that digital curriculum materials offer different potential values that are not offered in analog curriculum materials, and that the algebraic content where digital values occur varies depending on the digital curriculum materials.

Waiting for Locks: How Long Does It Usually Take?

Baier, Christel, Daum, Marcus, Engel, Benjamin, Härtig, Hermann, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Reliability of low-level operating-system (OS) code is an indispensable requirement. This includes functional properties from the safety-liveness spectrum, but also quantitative properties stating, e.g., that the average waiting time on locks is sufficiently small or that the energy requirement of a certain system call is below a given threshold with a high probability. This paper reports on our experiences made in a running project where the goal is to apply probabilistic model checking techniques and to align the results of the model checker with measurements to predict quantitative properties of low-level OS code.

Chiefly Symmetric: Results on the Scalability of Probabilistic Model Checking for Operating-System Code

Baier, Christel, Daum, Marcus, Engel, Benjamin, Härtig, Hermann, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Reliability in terms of functional properties from the safety-liveness spectrum is an indispensable requirement of low-level operating-system (OS) code. However, with evermore complex and thus less predictable hardware, quantitative and probabilistic guarantees become more and more important. Probabilistic model checking is one technique to automatically obtain these guarantees. First experiences with the automated quantitative analysis of low-level operating-system code confirm the expectation that the naive probabilistic model checking approach rapidly reaches its limits when increasing the numbers of processes. This paper reports on our work-in-progress to tackle the state explosion problem for low-level OS-code caused by the exponential blow-up of the model size when the number of processes grows. We studied the symmetry reduction approach and carried out our experiments with a simple test-and-test-and-set lock case study as a representative example for a wide range of protocols with natural inter-process dependencies and long-run properties. We quickly see a state-space explosion for scenarios where inter-process dependencies are insignificant. However, once inter-process dependencies dominate the picture models with hundred and more processes can be constructed and analysed.

Standing Processes in Service-Oriented Environments

Lehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Preißler, Steffen 01 November 2022 (has links)
Current realization techniques for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and business process management (BPM) cannot be efficiently applied to any kind of application scenario. For example, an important requirement in the finance sector is the continuous evaluation of stock prices to automatically trigger business processes--e.g. the buying or selling of stocks--with regard to several strategies. In this paper, we address the continuous evaluation of message streams within BPM to establish a common environment for stream-based message processing and traditional business processes. In detail, we propose the notion of standing processes as (i) a process-centric concept for the interpretation of message streams, and (ii) a trigger element for subsequent business processes. The demonstration system focuses on the execution of standing processes and the smooth interaction with the traditional business process environment.

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