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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of the distribution of aeration, perfusion, and inflammation using PET/CT in an animal model of acute lung injury

Braune, Anja 14 September 2017 (has links)
Hintergrund Durch die Entwicklung neuer in vivo Bildgebungsmethoden, z.B. der Computertomographie (CT) und der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET), konnte in den letzten Jahren das Verständnis über die Pathophysiologie des akuten Lungenversagens (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) maßgeblich verbessert werden. So zeigten PET/CT-Messungen, dass beim ARDS pathophysiologische Veränderungen von Lungenbelüftung und -durchblutung zu einer Störung des Gasaustausches beitragen. Die deshalb erforderliche mechanische Beatmung kann allerdings zu einer weiteren Schädigung der Lunge führen (ventilator induced lung injury, VILI). Bisher konnten weder die exakten pathophysiologischen Mechanismen des ARDS noch der potentiell schädigende Einfluss der mechanischen Beatmung vollständig geklärt werden. Fragestellung In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden PET/CT-Bildgebungstechniken für die Quantifizierung der pulmonalen Belüftung, neutrophilischen Inflammation und Perfusion im experimentellen Modell des ARDS verwendet. Hierfür wurden zwei Substudien durchgeführt. Ziel der ersten Substudie war es, in einem tierexperimentellen Modell des ARDS den relativen Einfluss der beiden wesentlichen Mechanismen von VILI, das zyklische Öffnen und Schließen von Alveolen (Atelektrauma) und die alveoläre Überdehnung (Volutrauma), auf die pro-inflammatorische Antwort der Lunge zu untersuchen. Die zweite Substudie hatte das Ziel, die Anwendung von Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären für Messungen der pulmonalen Perfusionsverteilung in akut geschädigten Lungen zu validieren. Es sollte geprüft werden, ob ex vivo Messungen mittels Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären alternativ zu in vivo PET/CT-Messungen mittels Gallium-68 (68Ga)-markierten Mikrosphären im experimentellen Modell das ARDS herangezogen werden können. Material und Methoden Es wurden zwei Substudien in analgosedierten, intubierten und mechanisch beatmeten Schweinen durchgeführt. Die Induktion des ARDS erfolgte durch repetitives, bronchoalveoläres Lavagieren mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung. In der ersten Substudie erfolgten Untersuchungen an 10 Tieren. Nach Rekrutierung beider Lungen wurde eine absteigende Titration des positiven, end-exspiratorischen Drucks (positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP) durchgeführt. Es folgte eine randomisierte Zuordnung der Versuchstiere zu einer vierstündigen Beatmungstherapie der linken, VILI Lunge zur Induktion eines Atelektraumas oder Volutraumas. In beiden Versuchsgruppen wurde ein vergleichbares Tidalvolumen von 3 ml/kg Körpergewicht appliziert. Zur Induktion von Volutrauma wurde ein hoher PEEP gewählt (2 cmH2O oberhalb des Levels, an dem sich die dynamische Compliance während der PEEP-Titration um mehr als 5 % erhöht). Zur Induktion von Atelektrauma wurde ein niedriger PEEP appliziert (PEEP, bei dem eine mit Volutrauma vergleichbare Atemwegsdruckdifferenz (Differenz aus Spitzendruck und PEEP) auftritt). In der rechten Lunge, welche als Kontrolllunge diente, wurde ein kontinuierlicher, positiver Atemwegsdruck von 20 cmH2O aufrechterhalten. Der Gasaustausch, insbesondere die Eliminierung von Kohlenstoffdioxid, wurde extrakorporal unterstützt. Nach vierstündiger Beatmung der linken, VILI Lunge erfolgte die Bildgebung. Für die Quantifizierung von Ausmaß und regionaler Verteilung der pulmonalen Inflammation wurde 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18F-FDG) intravenös injiziert und die Aktivität mittels dynamischen PET/CT-Aufnahmen erfasst. Die Erfassung der Lungenperfusion erfolgte mittels intravenös injizierten, 68Ga-markierten Mikrosphären und statischen PET/CT-Aufnahmen. Anschließende CT-Aufnahmen während Atemmanövern am Ende der Inspiration, Exspiration und am mittleren Atemvolumen dienten der Bestimmung von Lungenbelüftung, zyklischer Überdehnung und Rekrutierung. In der zweiten Substudie wurde in 7 Schweinen die Perfusion der linken und rechten Lunge untersucht (n = 14 Lungen). Nach jeweils einstündiger mechanischer Beatmung mittels zweiphasigem, positivem Beatmungsdruck überlagert mit einem Anteil an Spontanatmung am Minutenvolumen von 0 % oder > 60 % wurden Fluoreszenzmarkierte und 68Ga-markierte Mikrosphären intravenös injiziert. Unmittelbar im Anschluss erfolgten PET/CT-Messungen der Verteilung der 68Ga-markierten Mikrosphären. Für die Analyse der Verteilung der Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären wurden die Lungen am Versuchsende entnommen, getrocknet, in Würfel gesägt und die emittierende Fluoreszenz sowie das Gewicht jedes Würfels gemessen. Die in vivo PET-Aktivitätsmessungen wurden auf die mittels CT bestimmte Lungenmasse normalisiert (QRM). Die QRM-Daten wurden auf die Auflösung der Fluoreszenzmessungen herunterskaliert (QRM,downscaled). Die Analyse der ex vivo Fluoreszenzmessungen erfolgte durch Normalisierung auf die Masse der Lungenwürfel (QFM,Mass), auf deren Volumen (QFM,Volume) und auf Würfelmasse und -volumen (QFM,Mass,Volume). Die Auflösung und die äußeren Konturen der Lungen wurden zwischen ex vivo und in vivo Messungen verglichen. Lineare Regressionen von Perfusion und axialer Verteilung jedes Lungenvolumenelementes dienten der Bestimmung von Perfusionsgradienten entlang der ventro-dorsalen und kranio-kaudalen Achse. Die Anstiege der Regressionsgeraden wurden zwischen den Messmethoden verglichen. Für jede Lunge wurde die globale und regionale Perfusionsheterogenität bestimmt und zwischen den Messmethoden verglichen. Ergebnisse In der ersten Substudie verdeutlichten PET/CT-Messungen, dass, trotz vergleichbarer Perfusion, Volutrauma im Vergleich zu Atelektrauma zu einer höheren spezifischen Aufnahme von 18F-FDG in den beatmeten, VILI Lungen führte. Dieser Effekt trat hauptsächlich in zentralen Lungenregionen auf. Weiterhin führte Volutrauma, aber nicht Atelektrauma, zu einer höheren spezifischen 18F-FDG-Aufnahme in den beatmeten, VILI Lungen im Vergleich zu den nicht-ventilierten Kontrolllungen. CT-Aufnahmen verdeutlichten, dass Atelektrauma einen höheren Anteil an nicht belüfteten Lungenkompartimenten und mehr zyklische Rekrutierung zur Folge hatte. Volutrauma bedingte hingegen höhere Anteile an überblähten und normal belüfteten Lungenarealen und mehr zyklische Überdehnung. Die Atemwegsdruckdifferenzen waren anfänglich zwischen den Gruppen vergleichbar, stiegen im Verlauf bei Atelektrauma, aber nicht bei Volutrauma, an. In der zweiten Substudie verdeutlichten sowohl ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen, als auch in vivo QRM-Messungen die Existenz von Perfusionsgradienten entlang der ventrodorsalen und kranio-kaudalen Achsen, trotzdem QFM-Messungen eine 21-fach geringere Auflösung aufwiesen und die erforderliche Lungenentnahme und -trocknung eine Lungendeformation bedingte. Beide Messverfahren zeigten stärkere Perfusionen dorsaler und kaudaler im Vergleich zu ventraler und kranialer Lungenareale. Im Vergleich zu QRM,downscaled-Messungen wiesen QRM-Messungen höhere globale Perfusionsheterogenitäten auf. Verglichen mit QRM,downscaled-Messungen wiesen sowohl QFM,Volume-Messungen, als auch QFM,Mass,Volume-Messungen vergleichbare regionale Perfusionsheterogenitäten auf. Schlussfolgerungen In der ersten Substudie führte Volutrauma im Vergleich zu Atelektrauma, trotz vergleichbarem Tidalvolumen, geringerer Atemwegsdruckdifferenz und vergleichbarer Perfusion, zu einer höheren pulmonalen Inflammation. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass in diesem Modell des ARDS die mit Volutrauma assoziierten hohen statischen Drücke im Vergleich zu dynamischen Einflüssen die schädlicheren Mechanismen von VILI sind. Die zweite Substudie verdeutlichte, dass ex vivo Messungen der Verteilung von Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären bei Volumennormalisierung, trotz geringerer Auflösung und auftretenden Lungendeformationen, vergleichbare Messergebnisse hinsichtlich der Existenz und des Ausmaßes von Lungengradienten mit in vivo PET/CTMessungen aufzeigen. Eine Anpassung der Auflösung der in vivo Perfusionsmessungen an die der ex vivo Messungen verringerte sowohl die globale, als auch die regionale Perfusionsheterogenität. Bei gleicher Auflösung zeigten ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen vergleichbare globale und regionale Perfusionsheterogenitäten wie in vivo Messungen. Die Studienergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass für die Quantifizierung von pulmonalen Perfusionsgradienten ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen alternativ zu in vivo PET/CTMessungen durchgeführt werden können.

Estudo dos efeitos da posição prona na distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar através da tomografia de impedância elétrica e da tomografia computadorizada multislice / Effects of prone position on regional distribution of lung aeration and perfusion. Analysis by electrical impedance tomography and computer tomography

Beraldo, Marcelo do Amaral 22 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A utilização da posição prona melhora significativamente a oxigenação de pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Estudos prévios sugerem que o recrutamento das regiões pulmonares colapsadas e pobremente aeradas é um dos possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela melhora da oxigenação, no entanto, os mesmos ainda não foram comprovados. Objetivos: Quantificar a distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar, em ambas as posições prona e supina, através da tomografia de impedância elétrica (TIE) e da tomografia computadorizada multislice (TC), correlacionando-as com as respectivas trocas gasosas. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 suínos, da raça Ladrasse anestesiados e em ventilação mecânica controlada. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o método de imagem. 13 animais foram estudados com a TIE (grupo TIE) e 8 animais foram estudados com a TC (grupo TC). Após a indução do modelo de lesão pulmonar (infusão intermitente de solução salina e ventilação lesiva por 3 horas), os animais foram submetidos a uma manobra de recrutamento alveolar máxima (MR) seguida por uma manobra de titulação da PEEP (MTP), realizada em passos decrementais de 2 em 2 cmH2O PEEP. Onze animais (7 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) foram randomizados para iniciar o estudo na posição supina, seguida de uma segunda MR e MTP na posição prona. Dez animais (6 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) receberam as manobras na ordem inversa. Para o estudo da perfusão foram adicionados mais sete animais (2 no grupo TIE e 5 no grupo TC) que foram submetidos à injeção rápida de solução salina hipertônica e/ou de contraste iodado respectivamente. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado e hiperdistendido, entre as posições estudadas em ambos os grupos TIE e TC (p= 0.06). Entretanto, as trocas gasosas foram consistentemente melhores durante a posição prona (p<0.05), com shunt pulmonar significativamente menor (<55%, p<0.001) para níveis equivalentes de PEEP entre ambas as posições. A análise da perfusão pulmonar evidenciou a presença de grande fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (2x mais perfusão específica) nas áreas de colapso pulmonar durante a posição supina, assim como a ausência de maiores efeitos gravitacionais na distribuição da perfusão entre as posturas. Conclusão: A análise quantitativa da TIE e da TC evidenciou que, para a mesma quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado, a oxigenação arterial foi sempre mais comprometida durante a posição supina, com aumento significativo do shunt pulmonar e com uma região de colapso pulmonar mais perfundida, sugerindo que a posição prona melhora a oxigenação e a relação ventilação perfusão, mas não atenua os efeitos gravitacionais sobre o parênquima pulmonar, o que não confirma os possíveis efeitos protetores associados à posição prona / Introduction: Prone position has been shown to consistently improve oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Previous studies suggested some improvement in lung recruitment or a better ventilation of poorly aerated areas as possible mechanisms for such oxygenation benefits. Objective: To quantify the regional distribution of aeration (collapse and hyperdistend lung tissue) and lung perfusion by Computer Tomography (CT) and electrical impedance tomography in supine and prone positions and to correlate them with pulmonary gas exchange. Methods: We studied 21 anesthetized Landrace pigs under controlled mechanical ventilation. These animals were divided in two groups: Thirteen (13) animals in the EIT group and eight (8) in the CT group. After lung injury (saline lavage + VILI during 3 hours), animals were recruited and submitted to two sequential PEEP trials, both consisting of decremental PEEP steps (2 cmH2O steps). Seven (n=7) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group were allocated to a PEEP trial under supine position, followed by a second PEEP trial in prone. Six (6) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group received PEEP trials in reverse order. Seven (7) additional animals were studied for lung perfusion distribution, by analyzing the first pass kinetics of hypertonic solution (2 animals - EIT group) and iodine contrast (5 animals - CT group). Results: No differences in the amount of collapsed and hyperdistended lung tissue were found between both postures (p= 0.12 vs. p = 0.41 respectively) in both the EIT and CT groups. However, the gas exchange was consistently better (p <0.05), with much lower (55% lower) pulmonary shunt during prone position (p=0.001), at equivalent PEEP levels in both groups. The perfusion studies confirmed a higher perfusion ( 2 times increment in specific perfusion) of the atelectatic lung tissue in supine position, without majors gravitational effects between both positions. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis of EIT and CT showed that for the same amount of collapsed lung tissue, the PaO2 was always lower in supine position, with higher pulmonary shunt and higher perfusion of the collapsed lung areas. We could not demonstrate any lung protective effect associated with prone positioning. Thus, these results suggest that prone position improves oxygenation and V/Q imbalances, but it does not attenuate the effects of gravity on the lung

Efeito fotobiomodulador da terapia laser de baixa intensidade na transição inflamação-reparo em modelo de lesão pulmonar / Effect of low level laser therapy in the transition between inflammation and repair in a model of lung injury

Cury, Vivian 22 October 2013 (has links)
A terapia laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT) é capaz de modular a resposta inflamatória em vários modelos experimentais, reduzindo o infiltrado de células do sistema imune e a secreção de mediadores químicos. Estudos prévios sugerem sua utilidade também no tratamento da lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA), condição caracterizada por intensa reação inflamatória em vias aéreas distais. Assim, considerando os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do laser e a fisiopatologia da LPA, formulamos a hipótese de que a LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, poderia modular o processo inflamatório nessa patologia favorecendo a transição inflamação-reparo. Foram utilizados camundongos C57BL distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: PBS- instilado com PBS intratraqueal; PBS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de PBS; LPS- instilado com LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de LPS. Observou-se que a instilação de LPS intratraqueal levou a um aumento do número de células inflamatórias tanto na região peribronquiolar quanto no lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), detectado na histologia pulmonar e pela expressão de F4/80. Houve também aumento da transcrição e secreção de citocinas (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) e quimiocinas (MCP-1) (detectadas por PCR quantitativo e ELISA). A aplicação de LLLT 6 horas após a instilação de LPS causou uma significativa diminuição tanto no influxo de células inflamatórias quanto na secreção de mediadores. Em seguida, foram caracterizadas as populações de macrófagos presentes no tecido pulmonar e observou-se nos animais do grupo LPS+LLLT, comparados ao grupo LPS, uma diminuição na expressão de mRNA de HIF-1alfa e aumento para arginase 1, sugerindo um predomínio da população de macrófagos M2. Esse efeito da LLLT foi também testado em populações de macrófagos peritoneais estimulados com LPS em cultura, porém, embora houvesse diminuição da produção de citocinas e quimiocinas, não foram observadas diferenças nos marcadores de polarização dessas células / A low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is able to modulate the inflammatory response in several experimental models, reducing the infiltration of immune system cells and the secretion of chemical mediators. There are some previous studies suggesting also useful in the treatment of acute lung injury (ALI), a condition characterized by an intense inflammatory reaction in the distal airways. Considering the anti-inflammatory effects of laser and the pathophysiology of ALI, we hypothesized that LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, could modulate the inflammatory process in this disease favoring the transition between inflammation and repair. C57BL mice were divided into four groups: PBS - intratracheal instillation of PBS; PBS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of PBS; LPS - intratracheal instillation of LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of LPS. Animals were sacrificed 24 hours after injury. Intratracheal LPS inoculation induced a marked increase in the number of inflammatory cells in perivascular and alveolar spaces (detected by lung histology and in bronchoalveolar lavage), and F4/80 expression (macrophage marker). There was also an increase in the expression and secretion of cytokines (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) and chemokine (MCP-1) detected by ELISA and quantitative PCR. The LLLT application 6 hours after LPS induced a significant decrease in both of the inflammatory cells influx and mediators secretion. Then, we characterized the macrophages populations in lung tissue and we observed that in the LPS+LLLT group the expression of HIF-1alfa mRNA was reduced while arginase 1 was increased, which suggested that the M2 macrophages were predominant. The LLLT effect was also tested on peritoneal macrophage population in culture stimulated with LPS and there was decreased of cytokines and chemokine production, however any difference in polarization markers was found

Efeito fotobiomodulador da terapia laser de baixa intensidade na transição inflamação-reparo em modelo de lesão pulmonar / Effect of low level laser therapy in the transition between inflammation and repair in a model of lung injury

Vivian Cury 22 October 2013 (has links)
A terapia laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT) é capaz de modular a resposta inflamatória em vários modelos experimentais, reduzindo o infiltrado de células do sistema imune e a secreção de mediadores químicos. Estudos prévios sugerem sua utilidade também no tratamento da lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA), condição caracterizada por intensa reação inflamatória em vias aéreas distais. Assim, considerando os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do laser e a fisiopatologia da LPA, formulamos a hipótese de que a LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, poderia modular o processo inflamatório nessa patologia favorecendo a transição inflamação-reparo. Foram utilizados camundongos C57BL distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: PBS- instilado com PBS intratraqueal; PBS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de PBS; LPS- instilado com LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de LPS. Observou-se que a instilação de LPS intratraqueal levou a um aumento do número de células inflamatórias tanto na região peribronquiolar quanto no lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), detectado na histologia pulmonar e pela expressão de F4/80. Houve também aumento da transcrição e secreção de citocinas (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) e quimiocinas (MCP-1) (detectadas por PCR quantitativo e ELISA). A aplicação de LLLT 6 horas após a instilação de LPS causou uma significativa diminuição tanto no influxo de células inflamatórias quanto na secreção de mediadores. Em seguida, foram caracterizadas as populações de macrófagos presentes no tecido pulmonar e observou-se nos animais do grupo LPS+LLLT, comparados ao grupo LPS, uma diminuição na expressão de mRNA de HIF-1alfa e aumento para arginase 1, sugerindo um predomínio da população de macrófagos M2. Esse efeito da LLLT foi também testado em populações de macrófagos peritoneais estimulados com LPS em cultura, porém, embora houvesse diminuição da produção de citocinas e quimiocinas, não foram observadas diferenças nos marcadores de polarização dessas células / A low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is able to modulate the inflammatory response in several experimental models, reducing the infiltration of immune system cells and the secretion of chemical mediators. There are some previous studies suggesting also useful in the treatment of acute lung injury (ALI), a condition characterized by an intense inflammatory reaction in the distal airways. Considering the anti-inflammatory effects of laser and the pathophysiology of ALI, we hypothesized that LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, could modulate the inflammatory process in this disease favoring the transition between inflammation and repair. C57BL mice were divided into four groups: PBS - intratracheal instillation of PBS; PBS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of PBS; LPS - intratracheal instillation of LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of LPS. Animals were sacrificed 24 hours after injury. Intratracheal LPS inoculation induced a marked increase in the number of inflammatory cells in perivascular and alveolar spaces (detected by lung histology and in bronchoalveolar lavage), and F4/80 expression (macrophage marker). There was also an increase in the expression and secretion of cytokines (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) and chemokine (MCP-1) detected by ELISA and quantitative PCR. The LLLT application 6 hours after LPS induced a significant decrease in both of the inflammatory cells influx and mediators secretion. Then, we characterized the macrophages populations in lung tissue and we observed that in the LPS+LLLT group the expression of HIF-1alfa mRNA was reduced while arginase 1 was increased, which suggested that the M2 macrophages were predominant. The LLLT effect was also tested on peritoneal macrophage population in culture stimulated with LPS and there was decreased of cytokines and chemokine production, however any difference in polarization markers was found

Estudo dos efeitos da posição prona na distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar através da tomografia de impedância elétrica e da tomografia computadorizada multislice / Effects of prone position on regional distribution of lung aeration and perfusion. Analysis by electrical impedance tomography and computer tomography

Marcelo do Amaral Beraldo 22 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A utilização da posição prona melhora significativamente a oxigenação de pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Estudos prévios sugerem que o recrutamento das regiões pulmonares colapsadas e pobremente aeradas é um dos possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela melhora da oxigenação, no entanto, os mesmos ainda não foram comprovados. Objetivos: Quantificar a distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar, em ambas as posições prona e supina, através da tomografia de impedância elétrica (TIE) e da tomografia computadorizada multislice (TC), correlacionando-as com as respectivas trocas gasosas. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 suínos, da raça Ladrasse anestesiados e em ventilação mecânica controlada. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o método de imagem. 13 animais foram estudados com a TIE (grupo TIE) e 8 animais foram estudados com a TC (grupo TC). Após a indução do modelo de lesão pulmonar (infusão intermitente de solução salina e ventilação lesiva por 3 horas), os animais foram submetidos a uma manobra de recrutamento alveolar máxima (MR) seguida por uma manobra de titulação da PEEP (MTP), realizada em passos decrementais de 2 em 2 cmH2O PEEP. Onze animais (7 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) foram randomizados para iniciar o estudo na posição supina, seguida de uma segunda MR e MTP na posição prona. Dez animais (6 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) receberam as manobras na ordem inversa. Para o estudo da perfusão foram adicionados mais sete animais (2 no grupo TIE e 5 no grupo TC) que foram submetidos à injeção rápida de solução salina hipertônica e/ou de contraste iodado respectivamente. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado e hiperdistendido, entre as posições estudadas em ambos os grupos TIE e TC (p= 0.06). Entretanto, as trocas gasosas foram consistentemente melhores durante a posição prona (p<0.05), com shunt pulmonar significativamente menor (<55%, p<0.001) para níveis equivalentes de PEEP entre ambas as posições. A análise da perfusão pulmonar evidenciou a presença de grande fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (2x mais perfusão específica) nas áreas de colapso pulmonar durante a posição supina, assim como a ausência de maiores efeitos gravitacionais na distribuição da perfusão entre as posturas. Conclusão: A análise quantitativa da TIE e da TC evidenciou que, para a mesma quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado, a oxigenação arterial foi sempre mais comprometida durante a posição supina, com aumento significativo do shunt pulmonar e com uma região de colapso pulmonar mais perfundida, sugerindo que a posição prona melhora a oxigenação e a relação ventilação perfusão, mas não atenua os efeitos gravitacionais sobre o parênquima pulmonar, o que não confirma os possíveis efeitos protetores associados à posição prona / Introduction: Prone position has been shown to consistently improve oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Previous studies suggested some improvement in lung recruitment or a better ventilation of poorly aerated areas as possible mechanisms for such oxygenation benefits. Objective: To quantify the regional distribution of aeration (collapse and hyperdistend lung tissue) and lung perfusion by Computer Tomography (CT) and electrical impedance tomography in supine and prone positions and to correlate them with pulmonary gas exchange. Methods: We studied 21 anesthetized Landrace pigs under controlled mechanical ventilation. These animals were divided in two groups: Thirteen (13) animals in the EIT group and eight (8) in the CT group. After lung injury (saline lavage + VILI during 3 hours), animals were recruited and submitted to two sequential PEEP trials, both consisting of decremental PEEP steps (2 cmH2O steps). Seven (n=7) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group were allocated to a PEEP trial under supine position, followed by a second PEEP trial in prone. Six (6) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group received PEEP trials in reverse order. Seven (7) additional animals were studied for lung perfusion distribution, by analyzing the first pass kinetics of hypertonic solution (2 animals - EIT group) and iodine contrast (5 animals - CT group). Results: No differences in the amount of collapsed and hyperdistended lung tissue were found between both postures (p= 0.12 vs. p = 0.41 respectively) in both the EIT and CT groups. However, the gas exchange was consistently better (p <0.05), with much lower (55% lower) pulmonary shunt during prone position (p=0.001), at equivalent PEEP levels in both groups. The perfusion studies confirmed a higher perfusion ( 2 times increment in specific perfusion) of the atelectatic lung tissue in supine position, without majors gravitational effects between both positions. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis of EIT and CT showed that for the same amount of collapsed lung tissue, the PaO2 was always lower in supine position, with higher pulmonary shunt and higher perfusion of the collapsed lung areas. We could not demonstrate any lung protective effect associated with prone positioning. Thus, these results suggest that prone position improves oxygenation and V/Q imbalances, but it does not attenuate the effects of gravity on the lung

Approche translationnelle de la voie RAGE au cours du syndrôme de détresse respiratoire aiguë : implications diagnostiques, physiopathologiques et thérapeutiques. / Translational Approach to Understanding RAGE Pathway in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome : Pathophysiologic, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications

Jabaudon Gandet, Matthieu 06 June 2016 (has links)
Le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA) est caractérisé par des lésions alvéolaires diffuses menant à un œdème alvéolaire lésionnel et une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypoxémique. Malgré les progrès récents dans la prise en charge des patients de réanimation, le SDRA reste un syndrome fréquent et associé à une morbimortalité importante. Deux mécanismes principaux du SDRA semblent associés à une mortalité plus élevée et à des réponses thérapeutiques différentes : la déficience de la clairance liquidienne alvéolaire (AFC, pour alveolar fluid clearance), l’incapacité pour l’épithélium alvéolaire de résorber l’œdème alvéolaire, et la présence d’un phénotype « hyper-inflammatoire ». Les approches pharmacologiques du traitement du SDRA restent limitées et il est nécessaire de poursuivre l’étude des voies biologiques impliquées dans la pathogénie du SDRA et dans sa résolution afin de développer des approches innovantes des prises en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique du SDRA. RAGE, le récepteur des produits de glycation avancée, est un récepteur multi-ligands, exprimé abondamment par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires du poumon (pneumocytes), qui module de nombreuses voies de signalisation intracellulaire. De nombreuses études récentes suggèrent que sRAGE, la forme soluble principale de RAGE, pourrait servir de marqueur lésionnel du pneumocyte de type I, et que RAGE pourrait jouer un rôle-pivot dans la pathophysiologie du SDRA, en initiant et en entretenant la réponse inflammatoire alvéolaire. Nos objectifs étaient de caractériser les rôles de RAGE au cours du SDRA, grâce à une approche translationnelle combinant études cliniques et précliniques. D’abord, des études cliniques observationnelles et interventionnelles ont été conduites afin de caractériser sRAGE comme un véritable biomarqueur dans le SDRA. Ensuite, des cultures in vitro de cellules épithéliales et de macrophages, ainsi qu’un modèle expérimental in vivo de SDRA murin par instillation trachéale d’acide chlorhydrique ont été utilisés pour décrire les effets de la voie RAGE sur les mécanismes d’AFC et l’inflammation macrophagique médiée par l’inflammasome « Nod-Like Receptor family, Pyrin domain containing 3 » (NLRP3). Enfin, l’effet d’une inhibition de RAGE, par sRAGE recombinant ou par anticorps monoclonal anti-RAGE, était testée en modèle murin. Nos résultats issus des études cliniques suggèrent que sRAGE présente toutes les caractéristiques d’un biomarqueur au cours du SDRA, avec un intérêt dans le diagnostic, le pronostic et la prédiction du risque de développer un SDRA dans une population à risque. Pris ensemble, notre travail suggère que la voie RAGE joue un rôle important dans la régulation de l’atteinte pulmonaire, de l’AFC et de l’activation macrophagique au cours du SDRA. Toutefois, les mécanismes précis de cette régulation restent incertains. La forme soluble de RAGE (sRAGE), lorsqu’elle est dosée dans le plasma, présente toutes les caractéristiques d’un biomarqueur pouvant être utile en pratique clinique, mais son intérêt dans la sélection de sous-groupes (ou « phénotypes ») de patients pouvant bénéficier de traitements ciblés reste à étudier. La voie RAGE pourrait enfin représenter une cible thérapeutique prometteuse. Bien que des études de validation restent nécessaires, ces résultats pourraient ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de SDRA. / The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with diffuse alveolarinjury leading to increased permeability pulmonary edema and hypoxemic respiratory failure. Despite recent improvements in intensive care, ARDS is still frequent and associated with high mortality and morbidity. Two major features of ARDS may contribute to mortality and response to treatment: impaired alveolar fluid clearance (AFC), i.e. altered capacity of the alveolar epithelium to remove edema fluid from distal lung airspaces, and phenotypes of severe inflammation. Pharmacological approaches of ARDS treatment are limited and further mechanistic explorations are needed to develop innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) is a multiligand pattern recognition receptor that is abundantly expressed by lung alveolar epithelial cells andmodulates several cellular signaling pathways. There is growing evidence supporting sRAGE (the main soluble isoform of RAGE) as a marker of epithelial cell injury, and RAGE may be pivotal in ARDS pathophysiology through the initiation and perpetuation of inflammatory responses. Our objectives were to characterize the roles of RAGE in ARDS through a translational approach combining preclinical and clinical studies. First, observational and interventional clinical studies were conducted to test sRAGE as a biomarker during ARDS.Then, cultures of epithelial cells, macrophages and a mouse model of acidinduced lung injury were used to describe the effects of RAGE pathway on AFC and inflammation, with special emphasis on a macrophage activation through NodLikeReceptor family, Pyrindomain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. Acidinjured mice were treated with an antiRAGE monoclonal antibody or recombinant sRAGE to test the impact of RAGE inhibition on criteria of experimental ARDS. Results from clinical studies support a role of sRAGE as a biomarker of ARDS, withdiagnostic, prognostic and predictive values. In addition, plasma sRAGE is correlated with a lung imaging phenotype of nonfocal ARDS and could inform on therapeutic response. Herein, we also describe in vivo and in vitro effects of RAGE activation on transepithelial fluid transport and expression levels of epithelial channels (aquaporin 5, αNa,KATPaseandαENaC) and on macrophage activation through NLRP3 inflammasome. Finally, RAGE inhibition improves AFC and decreases lung injury in vivo. Taken together, our findings support a role of RAGE pathway in the regulation of lung injury, AFC and macrophage activation during ARDS, albeit precise regulatory mechanisms remain uncertain. sRAGE has most features of a validated biomarker that could be used in clinical medicine, but whether it may help to identify subgroups (or phenotypes) of patients that would benefit from tailored therapy remains underinvestigated. Modulation ofRAGE pathway may be a promising therapeutic target, and though validation studies are warranted, such findings may ultimately open novel diagnostic and therapeutic perspectivesin patients with ARDS.

Impact de la ventilation mécanique sur la réponse inflammatoire médiée par les Toll-like receptors 2 et 4 dans un modèle de pneumopathie bactérienne / Impact of mechanical ventilation on inflammatory response mediated by Toll-like Receptors 2 and 4 in a model of bacterial pneumonia

Barbar, Saber Davide 28 October 2014 (has links)
Introduction: La pneumonie associée à la ventilation mécanique (VM) est fréquente chez les patients ventilés. L’étirement cyclique (EC) induit par la VM pourrait amorcer le poumon vers une réponse inflammatoire en cas d'exposition à des bactéries. Les Toll-like Receptors (TLR) reconnaissent les bactéries et déclenchent l'immunité. La VM pourrait moduler l'expression des TLR et leur réactivité aux agonistes. Le décubitus ventral (DV) réduit l’étirement du poumon. Méthodes: Les niveaux de TLR2 et la réponse à ses agonistes ont été mesures dans des cellules pulmonaires soumises à un EC, et dans un modèle de lapin ventilé. Une stimulation ex vivo du sang total prélevé sur lapins ventilés a été réalisée. Une pneumonie a été induite chez des lapins soumis à VM et maintenus en décubitus dorsal ou tournés en DV. Résultats: L’EC des cellules ainsi que des poumons de lapins augmente les niveaux de TLR2 et la réponse inflammatoire à ses agonistes. La VM et l’exposition du poumon à des agonistes TLR2 induisent synergiquement des lésions. Chez des lapins avec pneumonie sous VM la clairance bactérienne pulmonaire est réduite, la probabilité de bactériémie et le taux des cytokines circulantes augmentés. Le sang total provenant d'animaux sous VM libère de grandes quantités de cytokines après stimulation. Le DV est associe à des niveaux plus faibles de concentrations bactériennes et d'inflammation. Conclusions: La VM sensibilise le poumon aux ligands bactériens de TLR2, modifie la clairance bactérienne pulmonaire, favorise les lésions pulmonaires et de l'inflammation. La surexpression de TLR2 induite par l’EC pourrait expliquer ces différences. Le DV pourrait avoir un effet protecteur. / Introduction: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is common in patients subjected to mechanical ventilation (MV). Cyclic stretch subsequent to MV could prime the lung toward an inflammatory response if exposed to bacteria. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize pathogens thus triggering immunity. MV could modulate TLRs expression and responsiveness to agonists. The prone position (PP) reduces lung stretch.Methods:TLR2 levels and response to the TLR2 ligands were measured in human pulmonary cells submitted to cyclic stretch, and either spontaneously breathing (SB) or MV rabbits. Ex vivo stimulation of whole blood taken from SB or MV rabbits was performed.Enterobacter aerogenes pneumonia was induced in rabbits subjected to MV and kept supine or turned to the PP. Results: Cyclic stretch of human cells as well as rabbitsÕ lung increased both TLR2 levels and inflammatory response to its agonist. MV and airways exposure to TLR2 ligands acted synergistically in causing lung injury.A decrease of lung bacterial clearance and a greater likelihood of bacteremia were observed in MV rabbits with S. aureus pneumonia. Circulating cytokines rose significantly only in these animals. MV induced TLR2 spleen overexpression. Whole blood obtained from MV animals released larger amounts of cytokines after stimulation. PP was associated with lower levels of bacterial concentrations and inflammation. Conclusions: MV sensitizes the lung to bacterial TLR2 ligands, alters lung bacterial clearance, promotes lung injury and inflammation. Both pulmonary and peripheral blood stretch-induced TLR2 overexpression could account at least in part for such differences. The PP could be protective.

Mechanosensitive ATP release in the lungs

Tan, Ju Jing 12 1900 (has links)
L’ATP est bien connue pour son rôle de transporteur d'énergie à l’intérieur des cellules, mais en dehors de la cellule, elle agit en tant que molécule de signalisation extracellulaire. En se liant aux récepteurs purinergiques, l’ATP extracellulaire amorce la signalisation purinergique afin de réguler certains processus physiologiques et pathophysiologiques. Dans les poumons, l’ATP stimule la sécrétion de surfactant et promeut la clairance mucociliaire. Compte tenu du rôle critique de l’ATP extracellulaire dans les poumons, il est important de comprendre le mécanisme du relargage d’ATP cellulaire — la première étape de la signalisation purinergique. Parce que les forces mécaniques constituent le déclencheur principal du relargage d’ATP, cette thèse a pour but d’investiguer le(s) mécanisme(s) physiologique(s) et les sources cellulaires d’un tel relargage d’ATP mécanosensible. Cet ouvrage est divisé en trois parties : 1) Pour étudier les caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles du relargage d’ATP, j’ai développé une technique d’imagerie hautement sensible basée sur la bioluminescence de la luciférine-luciférase couplée avec un système de lentilles à grand champ de vision (WFOV, wide field of view) optimisant l’apport de lumière. Pour évaluer notre approche d’imagerie, j’ai soumis des cellules A549, dérivées d’un adénocarcinome pulmonaire humain, à un étirement ou un choc hypotonique de 50% pour déclencher un relargage d’ATP. J’ai démontré que notre technique nous permet de quantifier précisément la quantité et le taux (ou l’efflux) d’ATP s’échappant des cellules. Le WFOV constitue un outil essentiel utilisé dans les études décrites dans cette thèse pour déterminer le mécanisme et la source cellulaire du relargage d’ATP dans l’alvéole. 2) Afin d’examiner le mécanisme physiologique du relargage d’ATP induit par l’étirement dans les cellulaires alvéolaires primaires, j’ai déterminé les contributions individuelles des cellules alvéolaires de type 1 (AT1) en comparaison des cellules alvéolaires de type 2 (AT2). Pour ce faire, des cellules AT2 fraîchement isolées de poumons de rats ont été ensemencées sur une chambre flexible en silicone et cultivées jusqu’à sept jours, ce qui permettait aux cellules AT2 de se transdifférencier progressivement en cellules semblables aux cellules AT1. Le ratio des cellules alvéolaires (AT2:AT1), étant de 4:1 au jour 3, est devenu 1:4 au jour 7. La quantité d'ATP libérée diminuait avec le nombre décroissant de cellules AT2, les impliquant en tant que principale source pour le relargage d’ATP en réponse à un étirement. Alors que les modulateurs pharmacologiques des canaux d’ATP, carbenoxolone et probénécide, ne diminuaient pas la quantité d’ATP libérée, le BAPTA, un chélateur de calcium intracellulaire ([Ca2+]i), l’a significativement réduite. De même, ces trois modulateurs exercent des effets similaires sur les réponses calciques intracellulaires mesurées par le Fura-2, suggérant une connexion entre le relargage d’ATP et les niveaux de [Ca2+]i. 3) Pour explorer le rôle qu’ont les propriétés viscoélastiques de la membrane dans le relargage d’ATP mécanosensible, j’ai démontré qu’une déformation de 30% induisait un relargage d’ATP transitoire qui était accompagné d’une absorption d’iodure de propidium (PI, propidium iodide) chez des cellules AT2. Ceci est cohérent avec une rupture membranaire transitoire induite par une déformation, assez large pour le passage d’ATP et de PI. L’efflux d’ATP augmente aussi selon le taux de déformation, et la durée de déformation prolonge la demi-vie du relargage d’ATP. Donc, ces résultats fournissent des indices sur la manière dont l’étirement de la membrane viscoélastique peut mener au relargage d’ATP par un mécanisme alternatif impliquant une mécanoporation de la membrane cellulaire. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats démontrent que le relargage d’ATP ne se produit pas à travers les canaux conduisant l’ATP mais plutôt par une mécanoporation transitoire de la membrane. D’autres études sur les dommages membranaires sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre sa contribution dans le relargage d’ATP mécanosensible et les signaux de [Ca2+]i. De telles études élucideront la signalisation purinergique dans les organes qui sont constamment exposés à des contraintes physiques. Ceci pourrait suggérer des cibles/approches thérapeutiques pour moduler les impacts négatifs d’un relargage d’ATP excessif observés lors de certaines conditions pathologiques, telles que les lésions pulmonaires induites par la ventilation mécanique. / ATP is widely known to be an energy carrier within cells, but outside of the cell, it acts as an extracellular signaling molecule. Upon binding to purinergic receptors, extracellular ATP initiates the purinergic signaling to regulate certain physiological and pathophysiological processes. In the lungs, ATP stimulates surfactant secretion and promotes mucociliary clearance. Given the critical role of extracellular ATP in the lungs, it is important to understand the mechanism of cellular ATP release — the first step of purinergic signaling. Because mechanical forces constitute the primary trigger of ATP release, this thesis aims to investigate the physiological mechanism(s) and cellular sources of such mechanosensitive ATP release. This work is divided into three parts: 1) To study the spatial and temporal characteristics of ATP release, I developed a highly sensitive imaging technique based on luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence coupled with a custom-designed lens system, which combined a wide field of view (WFOV) and high light-gathering power. To evaluate our imaging approach, I subjected A549 cells, derived from human lung adenocarcinoma, to stretch or 50% hypotonic shock to trigger ATP release. I demonstrated that our technique allows us to precisely quantify the amount and the rate (or efflux) of ATP escaping from cells. The WFOV constitutes an essential tool used in the studies described in this thesis to determine the mechanism and cellular source of ATP release in the alveolus. 2) To examine the physiological mechanism of stretch-induced ATP release in primary alveolar cells, I determined the individual contributions of alveolar type 1 (AT1) in comparison with alveolar type 2 (AT2) cells. To this end, freshly isolated AT2 cells from rat lungs were seeded on a flexible silicone chamber and were cultured for up to seven days, which allowed AT2 cells to progressively transdifferentiate into AT1-like cells. The ratio of alveolar cells (AT2:AT1), being 4:1 on day 3, became 1:4 on day 7. The quantity of released ATP decreased with the decreasing numbers of AT2 cells, implicating them as the main source of ATP release in response to stretch. While pharmacological ATP channel modulators, carbenoxolone and probenecid, did not diminish the amount of ATP release, BAPTA, an intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) chelator, significantly reduced it. Likewise, these three modulators had similar effects on intracellular calcium responses measured by Fura-2, suggesting a connection between ATP release and [Ca2+]i levels. 3) To explore the role of membrane viscoelastic properties in mechanosensitive ATP release, I demonstrated that a 30% strain induced transient ATP release that was accompanied by uptake of propidium iodide (PI) in AT2 cells. This is consistent with a strain-induced transient membrane rupture, big enough for the passage of ATP and PI. ATP efflux also increases with strain rate, and hold time prolongs the half-life of ATP release. Thus, these results provide clues on how stretching of the viscoelastic membrane may lead to ATP release via an alternate mechanism involving transient mechanoporation of the cell membrane. Overall, these findings demonstrate that stretch-induced ATP release does not occur through ATP-conducting channels but rather a transient membrane mechanoporation. Further studies on membrane injury induced by strain are needed to better understand its contribution to mechanosensitive ATP release and [Ca2+]i signaling. Such studies will elucidate purinergic signaling in organs that are constantly exposed to physical stresses. This could suggest novel therapeutic targets/approach to modulate the negative impacts of excessive ATP release observed under certain pathological conditions, such as ventilator-induced lung injury.

Mesure de la déformation pleurale régionale durant la ventilation mécanique par élastographie ultrasonore : une étude preuve de concept

Girard, Martin 08 1900 (has links)
La ventilation mécanique est une thérapie fréquente au bloc opératoire et aux soins intensifs. Lorsque mésadaptée, celle-ci est responsable de la survenue de lésions pulmonaires (ventilator- induced lung injury ou VILI) qui ont été associées à un mauvais devenir clinique. Le principal mécanisme supputé du VILI est la déformation pulmonaire excessive. Peu de techniques validées et simple d’utilisation permettent la mesure de la déformation pulmonaire au chevet. Nous proposons l’élastographie ultrasonore comme nouvel outil permettant de mesurer la déformation pleurale régionale. Une étude randomisée en chassé-croisé à simple aveugle a été réalisée chez 10 patients intubés et ventilés dans le cadre d’une chirurgie élective sous anesthésie générale. Quatre volumes courants ont été étudiés en ordre aléatoire : 6, 8, 10 et 12 cc.kg-1 de poids prédit. Pour chaque volume, la plèvre sera imagée à 4 emplacements anatomiques. L’élastographie ultrasonore sera utilisée pour calculer les différentes composantes de translation, de déformation et de cisaillement. Ces différents paramètres d’élastographie ont été étudiés pour identifier ceux possédant les meilleurs effets dose-réponse à l’aide de modèles linéaires mixtes. La qualité de l’ajustement des modèles a été vérifiée à l’aide du coefficient de détermination. Les reproductibilités intra-observateur, inter-observateur et test-retest ont été calculées à l’aide des coefficients de corrélation intra-classe (ICC). L’analyse a été possible dans 90,7% des séquences échographiques. La déformation latérale absolu, le cisaillement latéral absolu et la déformation de Von Mises ont varié significativement avec le volume courant et présentaient les meilleurs effets dose-réponse ainsi que la meilleure qualité d’ajustement. Les estimés ponctuels de la reproductibilité intra-observateur étaient excellents pour les trois paramètres (ICC 0,94, 0,94, 0,93, respectivement). Les estimés ponctuels des reproductibilités inter-observateur (ICC 0,84, 0,83, 0,77, respectivement) et test-retest (ICC 0,85, 0,82, 0,76, respectivement) étaient bons. L’élastographie ultrasonore semble faisable et reproductible dans ce contexte clinique. Elle pourrait éventuellement servir à personnaliser la ventilation mécanique de patients. / Mechanical ventilation is a common therapy in operating rooms and intensive care units. When ill-adapted, it can lead to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), which in turn is associated with poor outcomes. Excessive regional pulmonary strain is thought to be a major mechanism responsible for VILI. Scarce bedside methods exist to measure regional pulmonary strain. We propose a novel way to measure regional pleural strain using ultrasound elastography. We conducted a single blind randomized crossover pilot study in 10 patients requiring general anesthesia. After induction, patients were received tidal volumes of 6, 8, 10 and 12 mL.kg-1 in random order, while pleural ultrasound cineloops were acquired at 4 standardized locations. Ultrasound radiofrequency speckle tracking allowed computing various pleural translation, strain and shear components. These were screened to identify those with the best dose-response with tidal volumes using linear mixed effect models. Goodness-of-fit was assessed by the coefficient of determination. Intraobserver, interobserver and test-retest reliability were calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients. Analysis was possible in 90.7% of ultrasound cineloops. Lateral absolute shear, lateral absolute strain and Von Mises strain varied significantly with tidal volume and offered the best dose-responses and data modelling fits. Point estimates for intraobserver reliability measures were excellent for all 3 parameters (0.94, 0.94 and 0.93, respectively). Point estimates for interobserver (0.84, 0.83 and 0.77, respectively) and test-retest (0.85, 0.82 and 0.76, respectively) reliability measures were good. Thus, strain imaging is feasible and reproducible, and may eventually guide mechanical ventilation strategies in larger cohorts of patients.

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