Spelling suggestions: "subject:"människa–datorinteraktion"" "subject:"männniska–datorinteraktion""
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Adequate Usability for Simplifying Complex User Interfaces while Maintaining Functionality / Adekvat Användbarhet för Simplifiering av Komplexa Användargränssnitt med Bibehållande av FunktionalitetLundmark, Jonathan, Lundgren, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Complex interfaces can be subject to inferior usability, encompassing difficulties- to learn and handle them as well as deficient recovery from erroneous usage. This thesis seeks to establish potential measures employable to reduce the complexity of an interface, without negatively impacting functionality. Adequate usability is furthermore the highlighted stance from which to pursue potential solutions. Related research presented applicable knowledge in terms of clarifying usability aspects to consider when analyzing as well as designing a complex interface. Previously employed evaluation methodologies for interfaces with successful outcomes were additionally reviewed. Evaluation strategies for relevant surveys, prototypes and tests were consequently established. Succeeding literature studies, the design process of proposing an interface assembly was separated into three core phases. Initially, an interface subject to appropriate complexity was procured and investigated. The investigation resulted in an interactable prototype suitable for evaluation. Evaluation results from the prototype furthermore emitted the basis from which an actual interface implementation was developed. The accumulated results from each design phase in conjunction with acquired design knowledge, ultimately formed a set of proposed design guidelines about element distinguishment, designing for intuition and flattening of nested layers. The conducted design phases were concluded to incrementally have simplified a complex interface and substantially heightened usability. The constraint of maintaining functionality while reducing complexity, was exceeded by instead heightening functionality. Established and employed design guidelines, were concluded to correlate with the proven increase in usability heuristics and performance. However, which guidelines having a more drastic impact than others were inconclusive and subsequently proposed for future work to analyze further in order to potentially prioritize design considerations. / Komplexa gränssnitt kan vara föremål för undermålig användbarhet. Svårigheter kan förekomma inom deras hantering och lärbarhet, men det finns även en ökad risk för deficit återhämtning från felaktigt användande. Denna studie avser etablera potentiellt implementerbara medel för att minska komplexiteten hos ett gränssnitt, utan att negativt påverka dess funktionalitet. Adekvat användbarhet är den utsedda grundställningen varifrån potentiella lösningar sökes. Relaterad forskning presenterade applicerbar kunskap i form av förtydliganden för aspekten användbarhet att beakta vid analys och design av komplexa gränssnitt. Tidigare implementerade utvärderingsmetoder för gränssnitt med lyckade utfall undersöktes därefter. Utvärderingsstrategier för relevanta frågeformulär, prototyper och tester etablerades följaktligen. Nästföljande litteraturstudier, planerades designprocessen att föreslå ett utvecklat gränssnitt till tre huvudfaser. Inledningsvis införskaffades ett gränssnitt med lämplig komplexitet för inspektion. Utredningen resulterade i en interagerbar prototyp passande för utvärdering. Utvärderingsresultat från prototypen utgjorde följaktligen grunden för en slutgiltigt utvecklad implementation. De ackumulerade resultaten från varje designfas kombinerat med inhämtad designkunskap, formade slutligen en uppsättning föreslagna designriktlinjer om särskiljning av element, design gentemot intuition och sammanfogning av nästlade lager. Designfaserna konkluderades till att stegvis ha minskat ett gränssnitts komplexitet och påtagligt ökat dess användbarhet. Begränsningen att bevara funktionalitet vid minskningen av komplexitet, överträffades istället genom att höja funktionaliteten. Etablerade och tillämpade designriktlinjer summerades till att korrelera med ökningen av heuristik inom användbarhet och prestanda. Vilken riktlinje vars påverkan var mer drastisk än andra var dock ovederhäftigt, således föreslogs en framtida vidareanalys för ett potentiellt utfall av prioriterade designriktlinjer att överväga.
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Interrupting prolonged sitting behavior with gamification: Mobile adaptation of the break reminder desktop app Liopep / Att avbryta långvarigt sittbeteende med gamification: Mobilanpassning av pauspåminnelse-skrivbordsappen LiopepHernandez Cerutti, Angelica Caridad January 2023 (has links)
The present work aims at guiding the design transition of the break reminder desktop application Liopep to a mobile platform. The goal is to improve and adapt the gamified intervention to address sedentary behavior at an organizational level. Addressing sedentary behavior at the workplace is crucial given the evidence that prolonged sitting periods are associated with a variety of metabolic health problems. Consequently, mobile based interventions appear to be a promising avenue for behavior change techniques allowing companies to stay up to date with competitive demands. The study began with a preparation phase involving analysis of the desktop application, interview with the client and examination of the relevant theoretical frameworks used to identify strategies for the intervention. Through an iterative approach, the initial insights and theoretical strategies were applied to prototype the mobile app. The first iteration included a client feedback while the second incorporated a user evaluation. The user evaluation involved test tasks, a feedback questionnaire and the System usability scale (SUS) test. Although the study is conducted on a relatively small scale, the feedback on the gamified system's improvement and adaptation was positive and demonstrated a good overall usability of the app. In conclusion, the integration of theoretical strategies, client feedback and user evaluation showed to contribute to the transition of the app, enhancing flexibility, accessibility and functionality. The study outlines practical design techniques based on theoretical models of motivation, behavior change and persuasive system principles.
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Requirements of a dairy farm owneron a organizational software tool : Using interaction design to design and evaluate aprototype of an organizational tool for dairy farmersZetterman, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
This study was conducted in collaboration with Agricam, a Swedish agritech company thatdevelops digital solutions to monitor animal health on dairy farms. The purpose of the study is toexamine the requirements dairy farmers have for a new digital planning tool Agricam isdeveloping, and to develop a design proposal that accommodates these requirements. Additionally,the study also aims to examine whether or not both the requirements of Agricam and those of theircustomers can be met simultaneously. The following research questions are posed: “What needsand requirements do dairy farmers have for a desktop-oriented organizational software tool?”,“How can interaction design be used to design a product that meets these needs andrequirements?”, and “Can interaction design be used to accommodate these needs andrequirements while still complying with stakeholder demands?” Through a case study of a singleSwedish dairy farm, requirements were identified and incorporated into a digital prototype usinginteraction design, mental models, and gestalt principles. The prototype was evaluated through afeedback interview with the dairy farm owner, as well as through a heuristic analysis. Theevaluation showed that the prototype sufficiently fulfilled the requirements of the dairy farm ownerwhile maintaining the requirements placed upon the planning tool from the stakeholder Agricam.
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Digital Third Place for older adults after the Covid-19 pandemicToumpin, Alexandros January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Measuring of Wearable Haptic Interaction : Design and Characterization of novel 3D structured Electronic SkinNordström, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Haptic garments provide a medium for generating mediated social touch. Though,not everything is understood about how the forces from the haptic garments affect theusers. To better understand how the haptic garments impact the user, the first step is tomeasure the forces from the haptic garment. Therefore, this thesis created two electronicskins with a novel 3D structure to detect and measure the normal and shear forces thatthe haptic garments exert and some social touch gestures. Both E-skins differed in size andsensing material, one used Force Sensitive Resistors and the other used Velostat and coppertape. The different sensors were evaluated and it was concluded that the Force SensitiveResistors E-skin experienced less hysteresis and was more stable than the Velostat E-skin,two characteristics found to be important for haptic garments measurements. Though, theVelostat E-skin shows potential for its novel shear force distinction. The potential of theE-skin motivates further development and research in the area of 3D structured E-skins.
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Consistency, Efficiency, and Scalability in Design Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Material Design, Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, and IBM Design Systems.Visnapuu, Kaspar January 2023 (has links)
This research paper aims to answer the question: 'How do Material Design, Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, and IBM Design Systems compare in terms of factors contributing to Consistency, Efficiency, and Scalability?' By employing a comparative analysis, this study offers valuable insights into the design systems. Conducting a thematic analysis of an autoethnographic journal, the findings provide a comprehensive look into the dynamics of Material Design, Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, and IBM Design Systems. A thematic analysis, paired with the perspective of Activity Theory, reveals a unanimous priority towards consistency across the systems. Yet, this often comes at the expense of potentially stifling designers' creative freedom. While each system boasts unique efficiency strategies, there's an overarching concern about generic solutions that might overlook specific user needs. Their adaptability to the fast-paced tech world underscores their scalability, but evolving designs may alienate users acquainted with older interfaces. Beyond these systems, the broader design community, encompassing designers to end-users, finds its practices and trends shaped by them. Delving deeper through an autoethnographic lens, the study offers a personal touch, spotlighting the profound societal ripple effects of design choices. Ethical quandaries emerge, pondering the balance between inclusivity and unintentional biases. In conclusion, while the research illuminates critical facets of these design systems, it also emphasises the fluidity of design perceptions and the importance of reflection in both design and research practices.
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Att våga handla online: ”Får man prata med någon så vet man ju att det blir rätt” Övertalande systemdesign för att leva upp till konsumentbehov: information, inspiration och trygghetskänsla / Dare to shop online: "If you can talk to someone, you know it will be right" Persuasive system design to meet consumer needs: information, inspiration and sense of securitySofie, Forsberg January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluating the user experience of a learning management system : – to improve usability / Utvärdering av användarupplevelsen av en lärplattformGerhardsen, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis evaluates the usability of an internal learning management system (LMS) in cooperation with the industrial organization Atlas Copco. As e-learning gains increasing prominence as a central tool for competence development within organizations, the seamless usability of LMSs plays a vital role in enhancing the employee experience. The evaluation of the LMS involved employing multiple human-computer interaction (HCI) methods, including user testing, interviews, and a questionnaire. A total of 20 Atlas Copco employees participated in the questionnaire, with two of them further engaging in semi-structured interviews. In addition, six inexperienced non-employees took part in user testing activities. The results obtained were triangulated to shed light on several dimensions of usability issues, such as the success rate distribution, error frequencies, time-based efficiency, mouse clicks per task, and subjective satisfaction assessed through the SUS scale. These find- ings were used as a basis for the creation of a list of recommendations on how to enhance the usability of the LMS. Ultimately, this thesis contributes to the e-learning landscape by providing insights into the usability challenges faced by users interacting with the orga- nization’s LMS and offering recommendations for improving the user experience of the platform.
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Tool in a Box : How should a website for renting tools be implemented to benavigable and be perceived as usable?Grims, Edgar, Ederth, Lisa, Swärd, Joel, Rydin, Elsa, Nyman, Gabriel, Lundberg, Erik, Öhman, Hjalmar, Jaksic, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Today, when university students move into a new apartment they seldom have the neededtools to complete the tasks, such as putting up a shelf, related to the occupancy. Thereexist few services that rent these tools in a smooth and simple manner, which leads thesestudents to purchase new tools. Therefore the study has created a web application torent these tools from parcel lockers. The purpose of this study is to research the impact ofdifferent variables on usability and navigability using the aforementioned web application.To this end, a web application was designed and produced as a basis for the tests conducted in this study. To measure the impact of these variables the tests used metricssuch as lostness and the system usability scale together with methods including CTA andretrospective probing. After the tests had been performed using the web application thestudy could conclude that it is of paramount importance for critical information to bedisplayed in relevant and easy-to-find places. It was also concluded that the display ofinformation should be done in as simple of a manner as possible to maximize user information retention. It was also found that smaller changes such as allowing users to submituser credentials using the return key do not substantially increase the perceived usability.However, it was concluded that such features are perceived as an obvious features anddecrease the perceived usability of the website when not present. The study also observedthe importance of continuous user testing, as it revealed many aspects that could otherwisebe difficult to spot. / Idag, när universitetsstudenter ska flytta har de sällan de nödvändiga verktyg som behövs för att slutföra inflyttningsrelaterade uppgifter, så som att sätta upp en hylla. Därfinns idag få tjänster som lätt och smidigt hyr ut dessa verktyg, vilket leder människortill att köpa helt nya verktyg. Därmed utvecklades en web-applikation för att simulerauthyrningen av dessa verktyg från smarta paketskåp. Studien syfte är att använda dennaweb-applikation för att undersöka påverkan av olika variablers påverkan på användbarhetoch navigerbarhet. Därmed utvecklades webbapplikationen som bas för de test som utfärdades i dennastudie. För att kunna mäta påverkan av dessa variabler användes mätmetoder så som lostness och system usability scale tillsammans med CTA och retrospective probing. Efteratt testerna utfärdats kunde flera slutsatser dras. Slutsatsen kunde dras att det är mycketviktigt att kritisk information visas upp på ett så enkelt och lättförståeligt sätt som möjligtför att maximera användarens informations upptag. Studien kunde även se vikten av mindre ändringar så som att tillåta användare att logga in och registrera sig genom att tryckapå Enterknappen. Dessa små saker gjorde inte nödvändigtvis att hemsidan upplevdes sommer användbar när de var implementerade. Men i stället ansågs de som mer självklaraoch påverkade den upplevda användbarheten negativt när de inte fanns implementerade.Studien beaktade även den stora vikten av kontinuerliga användartester för att finna småfel som annars kan vara svåra att upptäcka.
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Träning och lärande i Emergo Train System® / Training and learning in Emergo Train System®Tova, Annertz January 2023 (has links)
Emergo Train System® är ett simuleringsverktyg som används för övningar i katastrofmedicin och krisberedskap. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bekväma instruktörer i Emergo Train System känner sig med att hålla i ETS-övningar efter sin utbildning, och att undersöka vad deltagare i instruktörernas övningar tycker om verktyget och övningarna. Datainsamlingen skedde i form av enkäter och två semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visade att instruktörer är nöjda med sin utbildning, och att de upplever att de efter utbildningen hade fått tillräcklig kunskap för att sätta upp egna övningar. En stor trygghet för instruktörerna låg även i att kunna vända sig till varandra för stöd och problemlösning. Deltagarna i övningarna upplevde att träning med ETS var lärorikt och relevant för deras arbete. Den här studien har gett en utgångspunkt till att få förståelse för hur instruktörer och deltagare i ETS-övningar upplever sin beredskap efter att ha övat med Emergo Train System. Det är däremot relevant att utföra vidare studier om ämnet, med fler deltagare, för att få en tydligare uppfattning om hur det ser ut ute på sjukhusen.
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