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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memes och kulturella artefakter

Alfaro Molina, Diego, Mayol, John-Michael January 2015 (has links)
We chose to base our literature study on the meme phenomena. The meme is a portion of culture that is spread among us from mind to mind. Every time we learn something by copying others we use information that has been passed on from a previous person, that information can be seen as a meme. The theoretical frame for our methodology in our exam paper is founded on Forsberg och Wengström research on literature studies. Our aim is to describe to the reader in depth what a meme is and how they could be helpful in an academic and pedagogical setting.Our study will show how memes are seen predominantly as graphic designs and as artifacts for cultural representation parallel to their imagery. This means that the cultural reference is only clear to the beholder if they have corresponding prior knowledge to the reference.Our study will also show via concrete examples how this could be used in school settings and as pedagogical tools in the classroom.

Récits de fin du monde : la littérature comme arche

Thuot, Marie-Ève 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le champ des études sur les fictions de la fin du monde. J’y explore la question suivante : pourquoi existe-t-il autant de romans et de films racontant la fin d’un monde, et si peu la fin du monde ? En effet, la plupart des fictions dites de « fin du monde » mettent en scène la menace d’une catastrophe évitée, ou une destruction partielle, ou encore un univers post-apocalyptique habité de survivants. L’anéantissement total et définitif de l’espèce humaine, quant à lui, constitue rarement le dénouement de ce type d’œuvres. Ce déséquilibre s’explique en partie par le fait que ces œuvres représentent davantage le renouvellement du monde que sa disparition. Mon hypothèse est que nombre de ces récits de la fin héritent d’un imaginaire, d’une structure, de thèmes, de motifs, etc., provenant du mythe du déluge tel qu’il s’est développé dans l’Antiquité (entre autres dans sa version biblique), lequel symbolise la refondation et la transmission, et non l’anéantissement. Dans le premier chapitre, je propose une exploration de différents concepts et théories permettant de mieux définir les romans et les films de la fin du monde : les dispositif et contre-dispositif de Giorgio Agamben ; la conception des mythes de René Girard (principalement pour les notions d’indifférenciation et de bouc émissaire) ; le décalage prométhéen de Gunther Anders ; le catastrophisme éclairé de Jean-Pierre Dupuy ; les deux raisonnements mythologiques opposés identifiés dans les récits antiques de la fin du monde par Christine Reungoat-Dumas. Dans le deuxième chapitre, j’étudie d’abord comment le thème de la transmission s’articule dans quelques mythes antiques du déluge, avant de proposer un canevas général des mythèmes constituants. À partir de cette délimitation, je procède ensuite à l’analyse de trois mythèmes (la crise indifférenciatrice ; l’abri ; le lâcher d’oiseaux) dans un corpus de romans et de films des 20e et 21e siècles. Cette analyse permet de faire ressortir l’importance du thème de la transmission (de gènes et de mèmes, donc de réplicateurs). La transmission reflète un besoin de transcendance qui définit, oriente, ou du moins colore, pratiquement toutes les œuvres de la fin du monde. Dans ce contexte, la littérature, objet de transmission, peut être appréhendée comme une « arche métaphorique ». Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur l’analyse d’une œuvre, la trilogie MaddAddam (Oryx and Crake ; The Year of the Flood ; MaddAddam) de Margaret Atwood. J’y avance que cette œuvre prend la forme d’une épopée, dans laquelle on assiste à la mise en scène de sa propre écriture. Cette mise en abyme démontre bien que la trilogie, tout en étant une œuvre de fin du monde, raconte également la naissance d’un nouveau monde : l’épopée intradiégétique qui s’y compose tente d’immortaliser une partie du passé et d’orienter le futur. La littérature, sous la forme de cette épopée, figure ainsi une arche qui relie les mondes pré-apocalyptique et post-apocalytique de l’œuvre d’Atwood. / This thesis falls within the field of studies pertaining to end-of-the-world works of fiction. In it, I examine the following question: why are there so many novels and films about the end of a world, and so few about the end of the world? Indeed, most of the so-called end-of-the-world fiction portrays the threat of averted catastrophe, a partial destruction, or a post-apocalyptic universe inhabited by survivors. The total and final annihilation of the human species, on the other hand, is seldom the outcome of this type of work. This imbalance is partly explained by the fact that these works represent the renewal of the world rather than its disappearance. My hypothesis is that many of these stories inherit their imagery, structure, themes, motifs, etc., from the flood myth as it developed in antiquity (notably in the biblical version), which symbolize refoundation and transmission, rather than annihilation. In the first chapter, I offer an exploration of different concepts and theories allowing to better define the novels and films dealing with the end of the world: the apparatus and counter-apparatus of Giorgio Agamben; the conception of myths by René Girard (mainly, the notions of indifferentiation and scapegoating); the Promethean shift of Gunther Anders; the enlightened catastrophism of Jean-Pierre Dupuy; the two opposing mythological reasonings identified in ancient end-of-the-world narratives by Christine Reungoat-Dumas. In the second chapter, I begin by studying how the theme of transmission is elaborated in some ancient flood myths, before presenting a general outline of constituent mythemes. I then proceed to analyze three mythemes (the crisis of indifferentiation; the shelter; the release of birds) in a body of novels and films from the 20th and 21st centuries. This analysis highlights the importance of the theme of transmission (of genes and memes, and therefore of replicators). The transmission reflects a need for transcendence which defines, orients, or at least colors, practically all the works dealing with the end of the world. In this context, literature, an object of transmission, can be understood as a “metaphorical ark”. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the MaddAddam trilogy (Oryx and Crake; The Year of the Flood; MaddAddam) by Margaret Atwood. I suggest that this work takes the form of an epic, in which we witness the staging of its own writing. This mise en abyme clearly shows that the trilogy, while being a work about the end of the world, also tells the birth of a new world: the intradiegetic epic composed therein attempts to immortalize a part of the past and to shape the future. Literature, in the form of this epic, thus symbolizes an ark that connects the pre-apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic worlds of Atwood’s narrative.

Harmlöst - eller inte? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Nordiska Motståndsrörelsens memes om covid-19 och etablissemanget / Harmless - or not? : A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Covid-19pandemic memes communicated by the Nordic resistance movement in Sweden

Karlsson, Samuel, Rådberg, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
Studien “Harmlös - eller inte?”  undersöker memes skapade av den högerextrema organisationen Nordiska motståndsrörelsen (NMR) för att se hur de framställer etablissemanget i  kopplat till covid-19. Studien undersöker även hur dessa memes är konstruerade. Memes är ett framgångsrikt digitalt verktyg som används på internet. Deras största kännetecken är ironi och humor. På senare tid har memes även börjat användas som opinionsverktyg då de levererar budskap snabbt och effektivt. Högerextrema organisationer i synnerhet använder memes särskilt flitigt för att nå ut och locka nya följare. Teorier som använts för att uppnå studiens syfte är representationsteorin, ideologier samt teorin om intertextualitet. Analysen har genomförts på 13 memes i bild- och textform genom en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på en anpassad version av Carvalhos (2008) modell för diskursanalys. Analysstegen som används är layout & struktur, objekt & aktörer, språk, grammatik och retorik samt ideologiska ståndpunkter. Resultatet visar att Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen i sina memes anpassar nyheter som rör coronapandemin till att passa sin fiendebild. NMR framställer etablissemanget som något främmande och opålitligt i samband med Covid-19. NMR använder humor, ironi och satir för att kritisera makthavarna. Dessutom finns starka kopplingar till högerextrema idéer, bland annat antisemitism, homofobi samt våld- och dödshot. / The study "Harmless - or not?" examines memes created by Swedish far-right organization The Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) to see how they portray the establishment in connection with covid-19. The study also examines how these memes are constructed. Memes are a successful digital tool used on the internet. Their biggest characteristics are irony and humor. Recently, memes have also started to see use as tools of opinion-making, as users can derive meaning from them quickly and efficiently. Right-wing extremist organizations in particular use memes particularly extensively to reach out and attract new followers. Theories used to achieve the purpose of the study are ideology, the theory of representation and the theory of intertextuality. The analysis has been carried out on 13 memes in image and text form through a critical discourse analysis based on an adapted version of Carvalho's (2008) model for  discourse analysis. The analysis steps used are layout & structure, objects & actors, language, grammar and rhetoric as well as ideological positions. The result shows that the Nordic Resistance Movement in its memes adapts news related to the corona pandemic to fit its image of the enemy. NMR portrays the establishment as something alien and hostile in connection with Covid-19. NMR uses humor, irony and satire to criticize those in power. In addition, there are strong links to right-wing extremist ideas, including anti-Semitism, homophobia and threats of violence and death.

Multimodal Expressions of Young Arab Muslim American Women

Akl, Amira 29 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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