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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Διερεύνηση μοριακών μηχανισμών που εμπλέκονται στον καθορισμό του φαινότυπου των λείων μυικών κυττάρων των αγγείων

Νταή, Αικατερίνη 29 July 2011 (has links)
Ο έλεγχος της έκφρασης των πρωτεϊνών που χαρακτηρίζουν τον Λείο Μυικό Φαινότυπο (ΛΜΦ) είναι εξαιρετικής σημασίας για την κατανόηση, σε μοριακό επίπεδο, διεργασιών που σχετίζονται με πολλές φυσιο-παθολογικές καταστάσεις στον άνθρωπο. Μεταξύ των ασθενειών όπου ο ΛΜΦ είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας για την ανάπτυξη και εξέλιξή τους, είναι η αθηροσκλήρωση, η υπέρταση, η επαναστένωση των αρτηριών μετά από αγγειοπλαστική, η ίνωση οργάνων όπως οι πνεύμονες, το ήπαρ και οι νεφροί, και η ανάπτυξη μεταστάσεων από συμπαγείς όγκους. Επομένως, κατανόηση των κυτταρικών και μοριακών μηχανισμών που οδηγούν σε τροποποίηση του ΛΜΦ είναι βασικής σημασίας για την αναγνώριση στρατηγικών περιορισμού της εξέλιξης των νόσων αυτών και της εκδήλωσης των κλινικών συνεπειών τους. Αρχικό στόχο αποτέλεσε η ανάπτυξη και καθιέρωση ενός in vitro προτύπου συστήματος για την διαφοροποίηση μη διαφοροποιημένων κυττάρων προς φαινότυπο που προσομοιάζει με αυτό των Λείων Μυικών Κυττάρων (ΛΜΚ), ώστε να χρησιμεύσει στη μελέτη του μοριακού καθορισμού και ελέγχου του φαινότυπου των κυττάρων αυτών. Πρώτα-πρώτα, χαρακτηρίσαμε βασικά, σημαντικά «μοριακά εργαλεία» για την διαπίστωση και μοριακή διερεύνηση του ΛΜ-φαινοτύπου. Χρησιμοποιώντας τα, αναπτύξαμε και χαρακτηρίσαμε πρωτογενώς ένα πρότυπο σύστημα διαφοροποίησης σε ΛΜΚ, βασιζόμενο σε Μεσεγχυματικά Βλαστικά Κύτταρα (ΜΒΚ) προερχόμενα από γέλη Wharton ομφάλιου λώρου. Στα κύτταρα αυτά, η έκφραση γονιδίων και πρωτεϊνών που χαρακτηρίζουν τον ΛΜΦ εξαρτάται από την επαρκή έκφραση της πρωτεΐνης Serum Response Factor (SRF), από την ύπαρξη αλληλουχιών Serum Response Element (SRE) στον υποκινητή των εξεταζόμενων ΛΜΚ-ειδικών γονιδίων, και επάγεται από εξωγενή έκφραση της Μυοκαρδίνης. Επομένως, όπως έχει περιγραφεί και για άλλα πρότυπα συστήματα, η διαφοροποίηση των κυττάρων αυτών σε κύτταρα που προσομοιάζουν ΛΜΚ στηρίζεται στην συνέργεια δύο μεταγραφικών παραγόντων, του SRF και της Μυοκαρδίνης. Το πρότυπο αυτό θα είναι χρήσιμο για να διερευνήσουμε τους μοριακούς μηχανισμούς δράσης φυσιολογικών και φαρμακολογικών παραγόντων στον έλεγχο του ΛΜΦ. Επί πλέον, το πρότυπο σύστημα αυτό δύναται να αποβεί χρήσιμο για την κατανόηση εν γένει διεργασιών που οδηγούν στην βασική κυτταρική αλλαγή γνωστή ως Επιθηλιακή-Μεσεγχυματική Μετάβαση (ΕΜΤ) και κατ’ επέκταση για την κατανόηση μηχανισμών παθογένειας πλείστων νόσων που χαρακτηρίζονται από ΕΜΤ. Παράλληλα, έγινε προσπάθεια διερεύνησης αν η κυτταρική σειρά A7r5 αγγειακών ΛΜΚ αποτελεί βιώσιμο φαρμακολογικό σύστημα για την διερεύνηση των μηχανισμών μέσω των οποίων η έκφραση του ΛΜΦ ελέγχεται σε μοριακό επίπεδο από τους αδρενεργικούς υποδοχείς, μία οικογένεια υποδοχέων που διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην ομοιόσταση του αγγειακού τοιχώματος και στην αρτηριακή παθοφυσιολογία. Δείξαμε ότι ο κυτταρικός πληθυσμός A7r5 δεν απαντά σε α1-αδρενεργική διέγερση διότι στερείται α1-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων. Διέγερση αποκτάται με εισαγωγή μέσω πλασμιδίου α1-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων, άρα το ενδογενές σηματοδοτικό σύστημα είναι παρόν και λειτουργικό. Επιπρόσθετα, ανακαλύψαμε ότι τα κύτταρα A7r5 εκφράζουν ενδογενώς λειτουργικούς β-αδρενεργικούς υποδοχείς. Θέτουμε έτσι τα θεμέλια για μία σε βάθος διερεύνηση του τυχόν ρόλου των β-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων στον έλεγχο του φαινοτύπου των αγγειακών ΛΜΚ, ο οποίος είναι καθοριστικός για την γένεση και πορεία των καρδιαγγειακών νοσημάτων εν γένει. Συμπερασματικά λοιπόν α) τα μεσεγχυματικά βλαστικά κύτταρα προερχόμενα από τη γέλη Wharton ανθρώπινου ομφάλιου λώρου αποτελούν κατάλληλο πρότυπο σύστημα διερεύνησης της ρύθμισης των μοριακών μηχανισμών που εμπλέκονται στη διαφοροποίηση προς ΛΜΚ από μόρια φαρμακολογικής σημασίας, και β) τα κύτταρα A7r5 αποτελούν καλό πρότυπο σύστημα για την διερεύνηση του τυχόν ρόλου των β-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων στον έλεγχο του φαινοτύπου των ΛΜΚ των αγγείων. / The control of the genes that specify the Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype is of great importance for our understanding, at a molecular level, of the processes central in a number of human pathologies. Among the diseases whose onset and progress is influenced by alterations in Smooth Muscle-Like (SM-L) phenotype are atherosclerosis, organ fibrosis (lung, liver and kidney), and metastasis associated with solid tumors. For these reasons, the understanding of the cell and molecular mechanisms that lead to changes in the SM phenotype expression are of central importance in our efforts to identify new approaches in limiting the progress of these diseases and the manifestation of the associated clinical symptoms. The first Aim of this work was the development and initial characterization of an in vitro model of differentiation towards a Smooth-Muscle-Like phenotype, to serve for the study of its molecular control. Initially, we characterized basic important molecular tools useful in determining the SM-L phenotype. With their aid, we developed and characterized a model system based on Wharton’s Jelly-derived Mesenchymal stem Cells (MSCs). In these cells, the expression of genes and proteins characteristic of the SM Phenotype depends on the protein levels of Serum Response Factor (SRF) and on the existence of SRF-binding elements on the promoters of the SM-specific genes; it is also potently induced by the exogenous expression of the transcription factor Myocardin. Therefore, this population of MSCs behaves as other characterized model systems, in that their differentiation to a SM-L phenotype is supported by the synergistic action of SRF and Myocardin. This novel model system based on Wharton’s Jelly MSCs will be useful to study the role of specific physiological and pharmacological agents in the control of the SM phenotype. In addition, such a system can offer insights in the basic cellular process of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and by extent, in the pathological mechanisms of diseases characterized by EMT. In parallel, we investigated whether the differentiated SMC line A7r5 is a viable pharmacological model system to investigate the control of the SMC phenotype by adrenergic receptors, a family of receptors that plays a crucial role in the homeostasis of the vessel wall. We showed that A7r5 cells do not express functional α1-adrenergic receptors; however, the intracellular signaling system linked to α-adrenergic receptors is present and functional. In contrast, A7r5 cells endogenously express functional β-adrenergic receptors, and A7r5 cells are therefore an attractive model to study the role of these receptors in the control of the SMC-phenotype. In conclusion, a) Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Wharton’s Jelly surrounding the human umbilical cord are a suitable in vitro model for the study of the molecular mechanisms that modulating Smooth Muscle Cell differentiation, and b) A7r5 cells are a good in vitro model system to investigate the role of the β-adrenergic receptor in controlling the phenotype of Vascular Smooth Muscle cells.

Evaluation des modifications transcriptionnelles, phénotypiques et fonctionnelles des cellules souches mésenchymateuses dans les leucémies aiguës myéloblastiques de novo / Evaluation of transcriptional, phenotypic and functional modifications of mesenchymal stem cells in de novo acute myeloid leukemia

Desbourdes, Laura 30 January 2015 (has links)
La contribution des Cellules Souches/Stromales Mésenchymateuses (CSM) dans le développement des Leucémies Aiguës Myéloblastiques (LAM) n’est pas encore clairement établie. L'objectif de ce travail a été de rechercher de potentielles modifications phénotypiques et fonctionnelles au sein des CSM médullaires de patients atteints de LAM de novo au diagnostic. Nous montrons que ces cellules présentent un défaut prolifératif accompagné d’une augmentation de l’apoptose et d’un déficit d’expression de certains facteurs de la niche (Ang-1, SCF, TPO et VCAM-1). De façon intéressante, ce défaut prolifératif est indépendamment associé à une évolution péjorative de la maladie. Néanmoins, ces anomalies des CSM de LAM ne semblent pas affecter leur capacité de soutien de l’hématopoïèse physiologique ou leucémique in vitro. En effet, comme les CSM normales, elles protègent les cellules leucémiques de l’apoptose, induisent leur quiescence (principalement par contact direct) et ainsi diminuent la proportion des cassures double-brin d’ADN. Ces données suggèrent que les modifications des CSM de LAM, probablement une des conséquences délétères de la prolifération tumorale, n'auraient pas un rôle spécifique dans le développement du processus leucémique. / The contribution of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (MSCs) to the development of Acute Myeloid Leukemias (AMLs) remains poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated potential functional and phenotypic modifications of Bone Marrow (BM)-derived MSCs from patients with AML de novo at diagnosis. We showed that BM-derived MSCs from most of AML patients display proliferative defect, had increased apoptosis levels and demonstrated defective expression of several niche-related factors (Ang-1, SCF, TPO and VCAM-1). Interestingly, this proliferative defect was independently associated with disease progression. Nevertheless, these abnormalities in AML MSCs did not affect their in vitro capacity to support physiological but also leukemic hematopoiesis. Indeed, as normal MSCs do, they protect blast cells from apoptosis, induce their quiescence (mainly by direct contact), and decreased yields of DNA double-strand breaks. Consequently, in AML de novo these stromal cell alterations, probably a consequence of the deleterious effect of the tumor cell growth on BM MSCs, do not appear to have a specific role in the development of the leukemic process.

Combination of nano and microcarriers for stem cell therapy of Huntington's disease : new regenerative medicine strategy / Combinaison de nano et de microsupports pour la thérapie par cellules souches de la maladie de Huntington : nouvelle stratégie de médecine régénérative

André, Emilie 11 December 2015 (has links)
La combinaison de biomatériaux et cellules souches, a pour but de protéger des cellules endommagées et de ralentir la progression des maladies neurodégénératives, comme la maladie de Huntington (MH). Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses et particulièrement une sous-population, les cellules MIAMI, ont déjà démontré leur efficacité dans la maladie de Parkinson. Il est cependant essentiel d’améliorer leur différenciation neuronale, leur survie et évaluer leur sécrétome. L’objectif principal de ce travail fut de proposer une stratégie innovante de médecine régénératrice pour la MH associant cellules souches, nano et micro médecines. Pour l’évaluer, un nouveau modèle animale ex vivo de la MH a été mis en place. Nous avons ensuite développé et optimisé deux nano-vecteurs, des nanocapsules lipidiques et des nanoparticules solides de SPAN, et les avons associés à un inhibiteur de REST qui est un facteur de transcription qui empêche la différenciation neuronale. La transfection de ce siREST a montré une amélioration du phénotype neuronal. Ces cellules ainsi modifiées furent ensuite induites vers un phénotype GABAergic grâce à des facteurs de croissance. Puis elles ont été associées à un support 3D, les microcarriers pharmacologiquement actif (MPA) permettant une meilleure intégration des cellules après greffe. Les MPA sont des microsphères ayant une surface biomimétique de laminine et libérant de façon contrôlée un facteur trophique le « brain derived neurotrophic factor » (inducteur d’un phénotype neuronal et neuro-protecteur). Des résultats prometteurs ont été obtenus, encourageant à continuer l’évaluation de cette stratégie in vivo dans des modèles génétiques de la MH. / The combination of biomaterials and stem cells aims to protect damaged cells and slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease(HD). Mesenchymal stem cells, particularly a subpopulation known as MIAMI cells, have already demonstrated their effectiveness in Parkinson's disease. However, it is essential to improve their neuronal differentiation, survival, and to assess their secretome. The main objective of this work was to propose an innovative regenerative medicine strategy for HD by combining stemcells, micro and nano medicines. To perform this assessment, a new ex vivo animal model of HD has been set up. We then developed and optimized two nanovectors,lipid nanocapsules and solid SPAN nanoparticles,carrying an inhibitor of REST a transcription factor, which prevents neuronal differentiation. The transfection of this siREST showed an improvement in the neuronal phenotype. These modified cells were then induced into a GABAergic phenotype through growth factors. They were then associated with a 3D support, the pharmacologically active microcarriers (PAM) allowing a high rate of engraftment. The PAM are microspheres which have a biomimetic surface of laminin and release a trophic factor BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor (inducer of a neural phenotype and neuroprotective) in a controlled manner. Promising results were obtained, further encouraging continuing the evaluation of this strategy in vivo in genetic models of HD.

Isolamento e caracterização de células-tronco obtidas de corações de camundongos adultos.

Silva, Daniela Nascimento January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2014-07-21T17:48:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Nascimento Siilva, Isolamento e caracterização... 2014a.pdf: 1250843 bytes, checksum: 1e4824ac04c822156d7a910d485dbc6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-21T17:48:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Nascimento Siilva, Isolamento e caracterização... 2014a.pdf: 1250843 bytes, checksum: 1e4824ac04c822156d7a910d485dbc6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / O uso de células-tronco representa uma alternativa para o tratamento das doenças que acometem o coração, devido à capacidade que essas células indiferenciadas têm de preservar sua própria população e de se diferenciar em células dos diversos tecidos, incluindo o cardíaco. Nesse trabalho comparamos as características de células-tronco isoladas a partir do tecido cardíaco e da medula óssea de camundongos transgênicos para a proteína fluorescente verde (GFP). As células-tronco cardíacas e da medula óssea apresentaram característica morfológica fibroblastóide e imunofenotípica de células-tronco mesenquimais, com alta expressão dos marcadores CD44, CD90, CD73, Sca-1 e baixa expressão dos marcadores de células hematopoiéticas. A análise citogenética revelou um cariótipo poliplóide a partir da terceira passagem das células-tronco isoladas do coração e da medula-óssea. A capacidade de diferenciação em vários tipos celulares, tais como adipócitos, osteócitos e condrócitos, também foi avaliada nas células-tronco de ambas as fontes. Tanto as células-tronco isoladas do coração como da medula óssea foram capazes de se diferenciar nessas três linhagens. Quando estimuladas com 5’azacitidina para testar o potencial cardiomiogênico das células isoladas do coração e da medula óssea, apenas as células-tronco cardíacas passaram a expressar alguns marcadores de cardiomiócitos, tais como troponina T cardíaca e GATA-4. As células-tronco cardíacas GFP+ foram injetadas na parede lateral do ventrículo esquerdo de camundongos C57BL/6. Nenhum animal morreu durante o procedimento, e os parâmetros funcionais cardíacos mantiveram-se inalterados. Após 48 horas e uma semana depois da injeção foi possível observar células GFP+ em secções do miocárdio. Os resultados indicam que células-tronco isoladas do coração e da medula óssea possuem características similares, porém o potencial cardiomiogênico das células-tronco cardíacas é maior. A injeção intramiocárdica mostrou-se segura podendo ser candidata à via de administração de células no miocárdio. Novos estudos no campo da medicina regenerativa que visam a utilização de células-tronco cardíacas poderão ser úteis para demonstrar sua aplicação clínica como opção de tratamento para as doenças cardíacas. / Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability of self-renewal and differentiation into different cell types, with the potential to treat heart diseases. In the present study we compared the characteristics of stem cells isolated from the heart to bone marrow stem cells, both obtained from EGFP transgeneic mice. Cardiac and bone marrow stem cells presented fibroblastic morphology and an immunophenotype compatible with mesenchymal stem cells – high expression of CD44, CD90, CD73, Sca-1 and low expression of of hematopoietic lineage markers. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated polyploid karyotypes after the third passage of the stem cells isolated from heart and bone marrow. Both bone marrow and heart stem cells were able to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes. In order to test the potential of differentiation into cardiomyocytes, cells were stimulated with 5’azacytidine and only cardiac stem cells expressed heart-specific markers: cardiac T troponin and GATA-4. GFP+ cardiac stem cells were injected into the lateral wall of the left ventricule of C57bl/6 mice. The procedure did not alter the functional cardiac parameters or induced mortality. GFP+ cells were observed in the heart 48 hours and seven days after the intramyocardial injection. The results indicate that cardiac stem cells and bone marrow stem cells are similar cell populations, although cardiac stem cells appear to have an increased cardiomyogenic potential. Intramyocardial injection was a safe and useful procedure for the transplantation of cardiac stem cells. New studies in the field of regenerative medicine aimed at the use of cardiac stem cells may be useful to demonstrate its clinical application as a treatment option for heart disease.

Diferenciação neural de células-tronco mesenquimais sobre matrizes de nanofibras para aplicação em lesões do sistema nervoso : influência dos substratos e da incorporação do fator de crescimento neural

Quintiliano, Kerlin January 2013 (has links)
O uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) na medicina regenerativa, principalmente quando associado ao sistema nervoso, requer alternativas em relação à via de aplicação. A associação da terapia celular com a nanotecnologia para uso em neurociências, desenvolvida nesse trabalho, é uma abordagem inovadora no Brasil. Dessa forma, as matrizes de nanofibras, produzidas pela técnica de electrospinning (ES), funcionam como suportes para a proliferação e diferenciação celular proporcionando uma alternativa para a reconstituição do tecido lesado. O processo de regeneração do tecido neural pode ser aperfeiçoado com a liberação controlada de fatores neurotróficos, através do uso dessas matrizes. Entre esses fatores, encontra-se o NGF (Nerve Growth Factor – fator de crescimento neural), o qual exerce um papel central no desenvolvimento, manutenção e sobrevivência dos neurônios. Além disso, características de superfície das matrizes, como o alinhamento de nanofibras, podem estimular a diferencição neural. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver matrizes de nanofibras alinhadas e não alinhadas com e sem o NGF incorporado, através da técnica ES de emulsão. Além disso, objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento celular, bem como a capacidade de diferenciação neural das CTMs, sobre as estruturas tridimensionais desenvolvidas. As CTMs foram extraídas da polpa de dentes decíduos esfoliados humanos. Quatro grupos de scaffolds foram desenvolvidos, caracterizados e avaliados: scaffolds com fibras randomizadas e com fibras alinhadas, sendo cada tipo com e sem o NGF incorporado. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram morfologia, diâmetro das fibras e degradabilidade do biomaterial. Os parâmetros biológicos avaliados foram morfologia, adesão, viabilidade e proliferação celular, bem como a citotoxicidade frente ao biomaterial. A diferenciação neural foi quantificada através da expressão dos genes neurais nestina, β- III tubulina e NSE (enolase específica para neurônios). As matrizes de nanofibras produzidas mostraram-se satisfatórias para o cultivo de CTMs, mimetizando a estrutura física da matriz extracelular (MEC). Além disso, a técnica utilizada permitiu a obtenção de estruturas com nanofibras alinhadas e randomizadas. As CTMs cultivadas nas matrizes foram capazes de aderir e proliferar com vantagens para adesão nas matrizes alinhadas contendo o NGF, em relação às matrizes alinhadas controle. As estruturas produzidas não apresentaram características tóxicas permitindo que as CTMs mantivessem a viabilidade ao longo do tempo. A avaliação da diferenciação neural das CTMs indicou que todos os grupos de matrizes foram capazes de promover o aumento da expressão de genes neurais. Tal capacidade foi observada tanto para CTMs cultivadas sobre as matrizes com o meio controle quanto com o meio de indução neural. Esses achados mostram a possível influência das características químicas e topográficas providas pelos substratos produzidos. As características da matriz artificial permitem que as CTMs respondam adequadamente ao microambiente e expressem genes neurais, podendo auxiliar na regeneração tecidual quando aplicada em lesões do sistema nervoso. / The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in regenerative medicine, particularly when associated with the nervous system, requires alternatives with respect to cell application methods. The association of cellular therapy with nanotechnology for use in neuroscience, developed with this work, is an innovative approach in Brazil. Scaffolds produced by electrospinning (ES) technique act as supports for cell proliferation and differentiation, providing an alternative to reconstitute the damaged tissue. The process of neural tissue regeneration can be improved through the controlled release of neurotrophic factors from the scaffolds. Among these factors, NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) plays a central role in the development, maintenance and survival of neurons. Furthermore, surface characteristics of nanofibers, such as alignment, can stimulate neural differentiation. The main objective of this study was to develop aligned nanofiber scaffolds and random nanofiber scaffolds with and without NGF incorporated through emulsion ES. In addition it was aimed to characterize the physico-chemical properties of the scaffolds, related to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and evaluate the cell behavior, as well as the neural differentiation on these three-dimensional devices. The MSCs were extracted from the dental pulp of human exfoliated deciduous teeth. Four groups of scaffolds were developed, characterized and evaluated: scaffolds with randomized fibers and with aligned fibers, each type with and without NGF incorporated. The physico-chemical analyzes performed were morphology, fiber diameter and degradability of the biomaterial. The biological parameters evaluated were cell morphology, adhesion, proliferation and viability, as well as cytotoxicity by the biomaterial. The neural differentiation was quantified by measuring gene expression for the neural genes nestin, β-III tubulin and NSE (neuron-specific enolase). The scaffolds produced demonstrated a satisfactory environment for MSC growth, mimicking the ECM physical structure. Furthermore, the technique allowed for the production of scaffolds with aligned and with randomized nanofibers. MSCs cultured on scaffolds were able to adhere and proliferate, with better adhesion performance on aligned nanofiber scaffolds with NGF incorporated, when compared to aligned nanofiber scaffolds control. The devices produced showed nontoxic characteristics permitting MSCs to maintain their viability over time. The evaluation of MSC neural differentiation indicated that all groups of scaffolds were able to upregulate neural genes expression. Such ability was observed for both MSCs cultured on scaffolds with control medium as on scaffolds under neural induction medium. These features provided by this artificial ECM permit proper MSC response to microenvironment, leading to neuronal genes expression, which could improve tissue regeneration when applied to nerve lesions.

Matrizes de nanofibras alinhadas com fator de crescimento epidermal incorporado como suporte eficiente para a diferenciação de células-tronco em células neurais

Crestani, Thayane January 2013 (has links)
Danos ao sistema nervoso central (SCN) resultam em perda de conexões axonais, das funções motoras e sensoriais. Uma das estratégias para seu reparo é o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs). Porém essa alternativa requer uma adequada via de aplicação. Nesse sentido, o uso de matrizes alinhadas pode ser usado para apoiar o crescimento e diferenciação das CTMs e, quando incorporadas com fatores de crescimento, otimizam o processo de regeneração tecidual. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a diferenciação neural das CTMs cultivadas sobre matrizes de nanofibras orientadas com o fator de crescimento epidermal (EGF) incorporado. Os scaffolds com fibras alinhadas foram produzidos por electrospinning de emulsão e avaliados conforme a sua morfologia, o diâmetro das nanofibras, a degradabilidade e a liberação do EGF. As CTMs utilizadas foram provenientes da polpa de dentes decíduos esfoliados humanos. Essas células foram cultivadas nos scaffolds e avaliadas conforme os testes biológicos: adesão, viabilidade, proliferação, citotoxicidade e diferenciação neural. Os scaffolds com fibras alinhadas controle (AC) e contendo o EGF (AE) apresentaram morfologia, diâmetro das nanofibras e tempo de degradação semelhantes. Com base no total de EGF presente na matriz AE, 90,14% foi liberado após 28 dias. O citoesqueleto e o núcleo das CTMs cultivadas nos scaffolds AC e AE estavam mais alongados e alinhados quando comparado com as CTMs cultivadas no poço de cultura (controle). As CTMs aderiram mais nas matrizes AE em relação às matrizes AC, porém a proliferação e viabilidade celular foram similares, exceto no tempo de 72 horas, o qual a viabilidade no grupo controle foi maior, em comparação aos demais grupos. Os scaffolds AC e AE não foram tóxicos para as CTMs. Em relação aos resultados da neuro-diferenciação, a expressão de nestina e neurofilamentos consideravelmente maior em todos os grupos analisados quando comparado ao grupo controle. A expressão de βIII-tubulina e GFAP foi maior em todos os grupos diferenciados quando comparada ao grupo controle. A maioria das CTMs cultivadas nas matrizes AC e AE, induzidas ou não à diferenciação neural, apresentaram correntes dependente de voltagem para sódio. O valor de condutância máxima foi maior para todos os grupos analisados quando comparado ao grupo controle onde as células não foram diferenciadas. Portanto, as matrizes com nanofibras orientadas induzem à diferenciação neural das CTMs em neurônios funcionais tanto na ausência como na presença de EGF incorporado. As matrizes AE ainda mostraram ser capazes de melhorar a adesão celular. Dessa forma, conclui-se que as matrizes de nanofibras estudadas são uma possível estratégia para otimização da regeneração de lesões neurológicas. / Damage to the central nervous system (CNS) results in loss of axonal connections and motor and sensory functions. One of the strategies for its repair is the transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, this requires a suitable application route. Accordingly, the use of scaffolds support the growth of MSCs and, when incorporated with growth factors, optimize the regeneration process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neural differentiation of MSCs cultured on nanofiber matrices oriented with epidermal growth factor (EGF) incorporated. Aligned scaffolds were produced by electrospinning emulsion and evaluated according to their degradation, the morphology and diameter of the nanofibers, and release of EGF from the nanofibers. MSCs used were from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). These cells were cultured on the scaffolds and evaluated according to biological tests: adhesion, viability, proliferation, cytotoxicity and neural differentiation. The aligned control scaffolds (AC) containing EGF (AE) presented similar morphology, diameter of nanofibers and degradation time. Based on the total EGF present in the scaffold AE, 90.14% was released after 28 days. The cytoskeleton and the core of the MSCs cultured on scaffolds AC and AE were more aligned and elongated when compared to the MSCs grown on plate wells (control). MSCs adhered more to matrices AE when compared to matrices AC, although proliferation and cell viability were similar, except after 72 hours. In this period, the viability of the control group was higher when compared to the rest of the groups. Scaffolds AC and AE were not toxic to MSCs. In regard to the results of neuro-differentiation, the expression of nestin and neurofilament was much higher in all groups than the control group. The expression of βIII tublin and GFAP was higher in all differentiated groups than the control group. Most of the MSCs grown in matrices AC and AE, induced or not to neural differentiation, showed voltage-dependent sodium currents. The maximum value of conductance of these groups was higher for the cells in all groupscompared to the control group, where the cells were not differentiated. Therefore, oriented nanofiber matrices induce neural differentiation of MSCs into functional neurons both in the absence and in the presence of incorporated EGF. The matrices AE also showed improved cell adhesion. Thus, these matrices are a possible strategy for optimizing the regeneration of neurologic lesions.

Avaliação in vitro de polímeros de PHBV, PCL e blendas (75/25 e 50/50) para engenharia de tecidos ósseos

Silva, Amália Baptista Machado January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Rodrigues dos Santos Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnociência, 2014. / Na engenharia de tecidos, a utilização de uma fonte de celular juntamente com um biomaterial, representa uma alternativa clínica a ser aplicada a pacientes com graves lesões no tecido ósseo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar células Vero, uma linhagem de célula fibroblásticas, e uma linhagem de células-tronco mesenquimais (Rat (SD) Mesenchymal Stem Cells) em testes de biocompatibilidade in vitro com polímeros de poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV), poli(caprolactona) (PCL) e blendas 75/25 e 50/50 desenvolvidos para a bioengenharia de tecido ósseo. A diferenciação osteogênica das CTMs sobre os polímeros também foi analisada. Os biomateriais foram caracterizados morfologicamente através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Estereoscópio e Micrômetro. Polímeros porosos se mostram mais espesso que os densos. Através das imagens obtidas nota-se a distribuição, tamanho e morfologia dos poros, notando que os polímeros se mostram com características condizentes a de outros trabalhos. As células Vero e células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) foram cultivadas sobre as amostras citadas. Realizamos o ensaio com o MTT, análise morfológica e citoquímica. Para as CTMs fizemos ainda ensaios para avaliar a diferenciação osteogênica (fosfatase alcalina e vermelho alizarina). Nenhum dos polímeros foi considerado tóxico para as células Vero e na maioria deles foi notada atividade celular, camadas de células bem distribuídas. As blendas 50/50 mostraram resultados um pouco inferiores, quanto ao MTT, essa blenda porosa demonstrou ser a uma amostra onde adesão ocorre de forma bem mais lenta, os demais polímeros apresentaram resultados semelhantes e até superiores ao controle positivo de adesão, principalmente o PCL denso. Apesar das amostras 50/50 densa e porosa não se mostrarem tóxicas, aparentemente não funcionam com bons substratos como os demais polímeros, também apresentaram várias dificuldades na técnica de preparação, sendo assim descartadas. A relação das CTMs com os biomateriais se mostrou semelhante aos resultados com Vero. As células foram capazes de se espalhar por quase toda a superfície dos polímeros inclusive entre os poros dos materiais porosos. As CTMs apresentaram resultados de adesão (MTT) sobre os polímeros, mais rápido do que a Vero, demonstrando também maior afinidade pelo PCL denso. Através da análise da atividade da enzima fosfatase alcalina (usada como marcador de diferenciação), notamos que as células-tronco se mostraram capazes de se diferenciar em contato com os polímeros. Esses dados foram confirmados com o vermelho de alizarina, que também mostrou que a diferenciação celular se mostra um pouco mais lenta nos materiais do que nas placas. De uma forma geral os polímeros com exceção das blendas 50/50 se mostraram como bons substratos para as células, com ausência de toxicidade, características morfológicas dentro do recomendado e, além disso, não bloqueiam respostas biológicas específicas, como a diferenciação osteogênica. / In tissue engineering, the use of a cell source coupled with biomaterial represents a clinical alternative which can be applied to patients with severe bone damage. This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility between Vero a fibroblastic cell line and Mesenquymal stem cells (Rat (SD) MSC) with biomaterials developed as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, bioresorbable polymers composed of poly ( hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate ) [ PHVB ] and poly ( caprolactone ) [ PCL ] pure and ratios of (75 /25) and (50 /50) blends. The osteogenic differentiation of MSCs on the polymers was also analyzed. Morphological characterization of the materials was performed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Stereoscope and micrometer. The porous polymers are thicker than dense. Through the images obtained it is possible to note distribution, morphology and pore size. The biomaterials seem to the same consistent characteristics of other studies. Vero cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were cultured on the samples mentioned. We performed the assay with MTT, morphological and histochemical analysis. About MSCs we also evaluated the osteogenic differentiation (alkaline phosphatase and Alizarin red). None of the polymers was considered toxic to Vero cells and most of them presented cellular activity, layers of well-distributed cells was noted in most of them. However 50/50 blends showed no such significant results as other. In the MTT assay, this porous blend demonstrated to be the only sample where adhesion occurs more slowly, other polymers showed similar and even higher results than the adhesion positive control, especially the dense PCL. Although the dense and porous 50/50 samples do not show toxic, apparently they are not good substrates as the other polymers, also presented several difficulties in their preparation thus being discarded. The ratio of MSCs with biomaterials was similar to the Vero cells results. They were able to spread to almost all surface of the polymers including into the pores of porous materials. MSCs showed adhesion (MTT) faster than the Vero cell, also demonstrated a greater affinity for dense PCL sample. Through analysis of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase activity (used as a marker for differentiation), we noticed that the stem cells showed differentiation into contact with the polymers. These data were confirmed by alizarin red, which also showed that the cell differentiation was slower on the materials than on the plates. In general all the polymer blends but the 50/50 proved to be good substrates for cells, with no toxicity, morphological characteristics within recommended and in addition do not block specific biological responses, such as osteogenic differentiation.

Implantes de matrizes de colágeno isoladas ou associadas às células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes autólogas na reparação tendínea em ovinos

Hernández Tovar, María Cristina [UNESP] 27 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-11-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:02:18Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 hernandeztovar_mc_dr_jabo.pdf: 3642290 bytes, checksum: c426af96b828f5acd5ad320a0cdb0514 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este projeto tem como proposta avaliar o comportamento biológico das células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes autólogas associadas ou não às matrizes de colágeno, na reconstrução tendínea. Optou-se em trabalhar com ovinos e, para isso, os ovinos foram submetidos à ferida no tendão flexor superficial do membro torácico esquerdo, que consistiu na realização de uma tenectomia parcial medindo 1,5cm de comprimento e 0,3cm de largura. Aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico foram retirados os tendões flexores superficiais dos membros torácicos dos animais e os fragmentos colhidos foram destinados para procedimento histológico, e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Nas avaliações histopatológicas evidenciou-se aumento na quantidade de fibroblastos aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica, além de uma desorganização severa da matriz colágena nos diferentes grupos. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou nos tendões do grupo controle (G1) aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, fibras colágenas finas, ramificadas com perda do arranjo, quando comparadas com as fibras colágenas do tendão normal. O grupo G2 apresentou melhor organização das fibras, porém similares às observadas no G1. Já no grupo G3 a melhor organização e arranjo das fibras colágenas foram evidentes. Dessa maneira, esses resultados permitem inferir que a engenharia de tecidos utilizando CTMs associadas a enxertos biológicos apresentam tratamento clínico promissor para a reparação de tendões / This project has as purpose to pick, cultivate, characterize and study the biological behavior of the Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the collagen scalffold, in the reconstruction of the connective tissue Tendons. It was decided to work with sheep and, therefore, three treatments were accomplished using Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells and applied in the superficial flexor tendon of the left thoracic member of the sheep, injured for the experience. The sheep were submitted to the wound in the superficial flexor tendon of the left thoracic limb that consisted of an accomplishment of a partial tenectomic measuring 1,5cm of length and 0,3cm of width. After 30, 60 and 90 days after the surgical procedure, the superficial flexor tendons of the left thoracic limb of the animals were withdrawed and the picked fragments were sent to histology procedure, and Scan electron microscopy. In the histopatology evaluations, there was an increase of fibroblast amount after 30, 60 and 90 days after the surgical intervention of the control group (G1), the one treated with collagen scalfod, and the one treated with collagen scalffold associated to the Mesenchymal Stem Cells, besides of sever disorganization of the main collage which was more severe at the 30 days in the different groups when compared to the normal tissue. The Scan electron microscopy showed in the tendons of the control group (G1) after, 30, 60 and 90 days after the surgical procedure thin collagen fibers, ramified with lose of arrangement, when compared to the collagen fibers of the normal tendon. Group G2 showed better organization of the fibers, however, similar to the ones observed in G1. In G3, the best organization and arrangement of the collagen fibers were evident. Finally, it can be verified that the implantation of collagen scalfold associated to Mesenchymal Stem Cells is of great importance to the wound healing

Efeito do transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais multipotentes na regeneração de nervo periférico em ratos / Effect of transplanting multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in rat peripheral nerve regeneration

Sanchez, Diego Noé Rodriguez [UNESP] 12 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by DIEGO NOE RODRIGUEZ SANCHEZ null (dnr_51@hotmail.com) on 2016-06-22T16:49:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Diego_Final.pdf: 62116504 bytes, checksum: c5a01fb03474d162a65b0ca8041e5d46 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-06-23T19:11:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 sanchez_dnr_me_bot.pdf: 62116504 bytes, checksum: c5a01fb03474d162a65b0ca8041e5d46 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-23T19:11:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 sanchez_dnr_me_bot.pdf: 62116504 bytes, checksum: c5a01fb03474d162a65b0ca8041e5d46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-12 / As lesões de nervos periféricos por neurotmese apresentam resultados paradoxais na recuperação pela ausência na regeneração. Assim, manter o ambiente permissivo de crescimento no coto distal após a lesão é essencial, sendo as células de Schwann chaves neste processo. A terapia celular apresenta potencial para a regeneração nervosa, baseado na substituição celular e promoção do crescimento axonal. As células tronco mesenquimais multipotentes de tecido adiposo (CTMM-TA) são uma fonte promissora pela fácil obtenção, expansão in vitro e por apresentarem propriedades imunomoduladoras e antinflamatórias. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os efeitos do transplante de CTMM caninas e murinas em combinação com a técnica de tubulação com veia descelularizada, na regerenaração do nervo ciático em modelo experimental de neurotmese em ratos. Ratos Wistar submetidos a neurotmese do nervo ciático foram divididos em 5 grupos: Grupo controle (GC), Grupo denervado (GD), Grupo Transplante de Veia descelularizada (GV), Grupo Veia + células tronco mesenquimais multipotentes caninas (GCTMMc), Grupo Veia + células tronco mesenquimais multipotentes murinas (GCTMMm). Após a marcação com nanocristais fluorescentes e viabilidade celular, 1 x 106 CTMM caninas e murinas foram injetadas depois da realização da lesão experimental por neurotmese com 10mm por tubulação com veia descelularizada nos grupos GCTMMc e GCTMMm, e solução tampão salina de Hank's (HBSS) no grupo veia (GV). Durante o período de 35 dias, o índice de funcionalidade do nervo ciático (IFNC) e a eletroneuromiografia (ENMG) foram realizadas para avaliar a recuperação funcional. Análises histológicas e imunohistoquímicas foram efetuadas para revelar a mielinização, a produção de fatores neurtróficos e a persistencia das CTMM. Observaram-se resultados positivos funcionais nos dias 27 e 35 no grupo tratado com GCTMMm. Os resultados eletrofisiológicos de latência (m/s) e amplitude (mV) no nervo ciático foram superiores nos grupos GCTMMc e GCTMMm. Na avaliação do número e a densidade de fibras nervosas, os grupos GCTMMm e GCTMMc, mostraram melhores resultados. Foi observado uma expressão significativamente alta de BDNF no grupo GCTMMc, associado com o incremento na expressão da proteína S-100 nos grupos GCTMMc e GCTMMm, comparado com o GD. Demonstrou-se, também, que as CTMM derivadas do tecido adiposo canino e murino apresentaram efeitos positivos na regeneração do nervo ciático após neurotmese em ratos. / The peripheral nerves injury by neurotmesis presents confusing results in the recovery by the lack of regeneration. Thus, it is essential to maintain a growth permissive microenvironment in the distal stump following injury for Schwann cells. The cell therapy has therapeutic potential for nerve regenertion, based on cell replacement and promotion of axonal growth. Adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (AdMSC) are a promising source for easy retrieval and expansion in vitro and have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of canine and murine MSC transplantation in combination with the tubulization of decellularized vein in sciatic nerve regeneration. Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups: control group (CG), denervated group (DG), decellularized vein transplantation group (VG), vein + canine MSC group (cMSC) and vein + murine MSC group (mMSC). After labeling with fluorescent nanocrystals and cell viability, 1 x 106 canine and murine MSC were injected after experimental injury for neurotmesis with 10mm and tubulization with decellularized vein in the cMSC and mMSC groups. During a period of 35 days the sciatic nerve functional index (SFI) and electroneuromyography (EMG) were performed to access functional recovery. Histological analysis and immunohistochemistry were performed to evaluate myelination, neurotrophic factor production and persistence of MSC. It was observed functional postive results at 27th and 35th days in the group treated with mMSC. The electrophysiologycal results of latency (m/s) and amplitude (mV) in the sciatic nerve, they were higher in groups cMSC and mMSC. In assessing the number and density of nerve fibers, mMSC and cMSC groups showed better results. It was observed a significantly higher BDNF expression than the cMSC group, associated with increased xvi expression of S-100 protein in the cMSC and mMSC groups compared to the GD. Also, it has been shown that MSC canine and murine derived of adipose tissue (AdMSC) showed positive effects on the sciatic nerve regeneration in the rat model neurotmesis.

Diferenciação neural de células-tronco mesenquimais sobre matrizes de nanofibras para aplicação em lesões do sistema nervoso : influência dos substratos e da incorporação do fator de crescimento neural

Quintiliano, Kerlin January 2013 (has links)
O uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) na medicina regenerativa, principalmente quando associado ao sistema nervoso, requer alternativas em relação à via de aplicação. A associação da terapia celular com a nanotecnologia para uso em neurociências, desenvolvida nesse trabalho, é uma abordagem inovadora no Brasil. Dessa forma, as matrizes de nanofibras, produzidas pela técnica de electrospinning (ES), funcionam como suportes para a proliferação e diferenciação celular proporcionando uma alternativa para a reconstituição do tecido lesado. O processo de regeneração do tecido neural pode ser aperfeiçoado com a liberação controlada de fatores neurotróficos, através do uso dessas matrizes. Entre esses fatores, encontra-se o NGF (Nerve Growth Factor – fator de crescimento neural), o qual exerce um papel central no desenvolvimento, manutenção e sobrevivência dos neurônios. Além disso, características de superfície das matrizes, como o alinhamento de nanofibras, podem estimular a diferencição neural. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver matrizes de nanofibras alinhadas e não alinhadas com e sem o NGF incorporado, através da técnica ES de emulsão. Além disso, objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento celular, bem como a capacidade de diferenciação neural das CTMs, sobre as estruturas tridimensionais desenvolvidas. As CTMs foram extraídas da polpa de dentes decíduos esfoliados humanos. Quatro grupos de scaffolds foram desenvolvidos, caracterizados e avaliados: scaffolds com fibras randomizadas e com fibras alinhadas, sendo cada tipo com e sem o NGF incorporado. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram morfologia, diâmetro das fibras e degradabilidade do biomaterial. Os parâmetros biológicos avaliados foram morfologia, adesão, viabilidade e proliferação celular, bem como a citotoxicidade frente ao biomaterial. A diferenciação neural foi quantificada através da expressão dos genes neurais nestina, β- III tubulina e NSE (enolase específica para neurônios). As matrizes de nanofibras produzidas mostraram-se satisfatórias para o cultivo de CTMs, mimetizando a estrutura física da matriz extracelular (MEC). Além disso, a técnica utilizada permitiu a obtenção de estruturas com nanofibras alinhadas e randomizadas. As CTMs cultivadas nas matrizes foram capazes de aderir e proliferar com vantagens para adesão nas matrizes alinhadas contendo o NGF, em relação às matrizes alinhadas controle. As estruturas produzidas não apresentaram características tóxicas permitindo que as CTMs mantivessem a viabilidade ao longo do tempo. A avaliação da diferenciação neural das CTMs indicou que todos os grupos de matrizes foram capazes de promover o aumento da expressão de genes neurais. Tal capacidade foi observada tanto para CTMs cultivadas sobre as matrizes com o meio controle quanto com o meio de indução neural. Esses achados mostram a possível influência das características químicas e topográficas providas pelos substratos produzidos. As características da matriz artificial permitem que as CTMs respondam adequadamente ao microambiente e expressem genes neurais, podendo auxiliar na regeneração tecidual quando aplicada em lesões do sistema nervoso. / The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in regenerative medicine, particularly when associated with the nervous system, requires alternatives with respect to cell application methods. The association of cellular therapy with nanotechnology for use in neuroscience, developed with this work, is an innovative approach in Brazil. Scaffolds produced by electrospinning (ES) technique act as supports for cell proliferation and differentiation, providing an alternative to reconstitute the damaged tissue. The process of neural tissue regeneration can be improved through the controlled release of neurotrophic factors from the scaffolds. Among these factors, NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) plays a central role in the development, maintenance and survival of neurons. Furthermore, surface characteristics of nanofibers, such as alignment, can stimulate neural differentiation. The main objective of this study was to develop aligned nanofiber scaffolds and random nanofiber scaffolds with and without NGF incorporated through emulsion ES. In addition it was aimed to characterize the physico-chemical properties of the scaffolds, related to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and evaluate the cell behavior, as well as the neural differentiation on these three-dimensional devices. The MSCs were extracted from the dental pulp of human exfoliated deciduous teeth. Four groups of scaffolds were developed, characterized and evaluated: scaffolds with randomized fibers and with aligned fibers, each type with and without NGF incorporated. The physico-chemical analyzes performed were morphology, fiber diameter and degradability of the biomaterial. The biological parameters evaluated were cell morphology, adhesion, proliferation and viability, as well as cytotoxicity by the biomaterial. The neural differentiation was quantified by measuring gene expression for the neural genes nestin, β-III tubulin and NSE (neuron-specific enolase). The scaffolds produced demonstrated a satisfactory environment for MSC growth, mimicking the ECM physical structure. Furthermore, the technique allowed for the production of scaffolds with aligned and with randomized nanofibers. MSCs cultured on scaffolds were able to adhere and proliferate, with better adhesion performance on aligned nanofiber scaffolds with NGF incorporated, when compared to aligned nanofiber scaffolds control. The devices produced showed nontoxic characteristics permitting MSCs to maintain their viability over time. The evaluation of MSC neural differentiation indicated that all groups of scaffolds were able to upregulate neural genes expression. Such ability was observed for both MSCs cultured on scaffolds with control medium as on scaffolds under neural induction medium. These features provided by this artificial ECM permit proper MSC response to microenvironment, leading to neuronal genes expression, which could improve tissue regeneration when applied to nerve lesions.

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