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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelser av sociala mediers roll bland behandlingsassistenter i vård och behandling / An understanding of the social role of media among young people in care and treatment

Skornja, Tarik January 2012 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för sociala mediers (Facebook, Twitter, bloggar, forum) roll bland ungdomar i vård och behandling genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma personer som arbetar på HVB-hem (hem för vård eller boende). Vidare är syftet att undersöka om de sociala mediernas användning inverkar på arbetssituationen och arbetsmetoder bland de yrkesverksamma. Undersökningen byggde på en kvalitativ forskningsansats med en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem informanter vars yrkesprofession är behandlingsassistent. I resultaten framkom att informanterna upplevde sociala medier som en frizon som skapar både problem men också en känsla av gemenskap. Sociala medier ses som en negativ trend som kan orsaka hälsorisker. Yrkesrollen har påverkats i och med tillgången av sociala medier, där personalen anser att ungdomarna kan bli utsatta för mobbing och få tillgång till droger. Enligt behandlingsassisterna kunde man utifrån studiens resultat även se att ungdomarna försökte höja sin självkänsla genom hur de framställer sig på de sociala medierna. Förslag på framtida forskning är en fördjupning i hur social medier används av ungdomar vid organisering och mobilisering i olika kontext exempelvis idrottssammanhang, demonstrationer m.m. Detta ur ungdomarnas synvinkel eller andra yrkesverksamma personer som kommer i kontakt med ungdomar så som lärare, fritidsledare m.m. / This study purposed to increase the understanding of social media’s (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums) role of young people in care and treatment through interviews with professionals who work at HVB-homes (homes for care or residence). An additional purpose was to investigate whether the use of social media affects the work situation and work methods among the professionals. The study was based on a qualitative research approach with a thematic analysis. The result is based on semi structured interviews with five informants whose profession is care assistants.  The results showed that the informants experienced social media as a free zone, which creates problems, but also a sense of community. Social media is seen as a negative trend that is believed to lead to health risks and access to crime, but still gives them a sense of participation. By the results of the study we can see that young people are trying to increase their self-esteem and status by how they’re presenting themselves through social media. Suggestions for future research are a continuation of how social media are used by young people in the organization and mobilization in different contexts such as sports, demonstrations, and others; this from the young people’s point of view or other professionals who are in contact with young people.

Gender, Policy, Place: Ladies

Cavdar, Selin 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
There is a substantial amount of studies concerning the economic, social and political facades of the gender issue, further supported by gender - space discussions. The main aim of this study, however, is to make a survey and analysis of ladies&#039 / clubs established and supported by Greater Ankara Municipality / in order to define their problematic. The study intends to discover and analyze the policies and legislation developed by the administration about Ladies&rsquo / Clubs, to map their distribution in the city and the attitudes and appraisals of women participating in the activities of the clubs located at the core of the city.

Klinische Bedeutung der Leberverfettung bei Kühen / Clinical significance of fatty liver in cows

Saffaf, Jasem 23 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Problem: Die Leberverfettung wird als eine der wichtigsten metabolischen Störungen in der Frühlaktation bei Milchkühen und als Grund für Gesundheits- einschließlich Reproduktionsstörungen angesehen. Zielstellung: Deshalb wurden in dieser Studie folgende Fragestellungen bearbeitet: a) Bedeutung der klinischen und labordiagnostischen Befunde bei der Erstuntersuchung kranker Kühe, insbesondere des Leberfettes, b) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt und verschiedenen Laborparametern, c) Beziehungen zwischen dem Leberfettgehalt, den Krankheiten und dem Behandlungserfolg, d) prognostische Bedeutung des Leberfettgehaltes sowie klinisch-chemischer und hämatologischer Blutparameter. Material und Methoden: Dazu wurden chronologisch 312 in die MTK Leipzig eingelieferte Rinderpatienten entsprechend klinisch und labordiagnostisch einschließlich Leberbiopsie untersucht und die Befunde der Erstuntersuchung ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Bei 312 Rinderpatienten wurden in 18 Krankheitsgruppen, z.T. nach Verlauf und Schweregraden untersetzt, 196 links- und 40 rechtseitige Labmagenverlagerungen (LMV), 11 Labmagen- (LM) Ulcera, 182 Ketosen, 96 Mastitiden, 178 Endometritiden, 7 Retentio. sec., 7 puerperale Septikämien und 6 Multiorganversagen, 42 Indigestion, 31 Enteritis, 46 Peritonitiden, 30 Festlieger und 18 Pneumonien diagnostiziert. Die Kühe verteilten sich auf vier Leberfettklassen wie folgt: ≤6% =14,7%; 6 bis ≤15% = 37,5%; 15 bis ≤30% = 31,1% sowie >30% = 16,7%. Die Heilungsrate betrug in den ersten drei Leberfettklassen 80,4%, 83,8% bzw. 86,6%. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Heilungsrate und dem Leberfettgehalt war bis zu ≤30% nicht erkennbar. In der Leberfettklasse >30% sank die Heilungsrate auf 61,5%; bei >40% verschlechterte sie sich unter 50%. Dem entsprach das Verhalten verschiedener Laborparameter. Erst bei einem Leberfettgehalt >30%, besonders bei >45%, wurden, z.T. unabhängig vom Krankheitsausgang, die BHB-, Bilirubin- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sowie AST-, CK-, LDH-, GGT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten signifikant höher bzw. die anorg. Phosphat- (Pi) und Cholesterol-Konzentrationen niedriger. Mit dem Leberfettgehalt korrelierten am engsten (p<0,001) die Parameter BHB (0,620) und FFS (0,615), LDH (0,579), Bilirubin (0,367), AST (0,359), Cholesterol (-0,278), Laktat (-0,253), Hämoglobin (0,214), CK (0,207), Leukozyten (-0,202) sowie innere Körpertemperatur (0,210). Die Bedeutung dieser Beziehungen ist relativ. Sowohl Sensitivität und Spezifität waren für Pi (<1,25 mmol/l) >0,7, für Cholesterol (< 1,5 mmol/l) und Albumin (<30 g/l) >0,6 sowie für BHB, Harnstoff und Gesamteiweiß >0,5. Eine hohe Spezifität >0,8 bei geringer Sensitivität hatten K (<3,0 mmol/l) und segmentkernige neutrophile Granulozyten (< 4,6 G/l), eine hohe Sensitivität >0,8, aber geringe Spezifität Bilirubin (>5,3 μmol/l), AST (>80 U/l) sowie CK (>200 U/l). Hinsichtlich Krankheitsausgang und damit der prognostischen Nutzbarkeit waren die Flächen (AUC) unter den ROC-Kurven nur für K (0,37), Bilirubin (0,62), AST (0,61) und für Leberfett (0,60) schwach gesichert. Die leberspezifischen Enzyme GGT und GLDH korrelierten nur schwach mit 0,126 (p<0,05) sowie 0,192 (p<0,001) mit dem Leberfett. Das stellt ihre diagnostische Bedeutung nicht in Frage, sondern verdeutlicht, dass bei den analysierten Krankheiten keine stärkeren Leberschäden auftraten. Die bei den Korrelations-, Sensitivitäts- und Spezifitätsberechnungen sowie z.T. ROC-/AUC-Analysen informativen Parameter LDH, AST, CK, K, Pi, Bilirubin (>20 μmol/l) und Leukozyten weisen auf entzündliche Prozesse hin. Die in allen Leberfettklassen erhöhten Glucose-Konzentrationen, bes. bei >30% Leberfett und Ex. letalis, ordnen sich damit zumindest teilweise als Folge einer Insulinresistenz ein. Kühe mit LMV hatten i.d.R. zusätzliche Störungen: zu 58% Ketosen, 57% Endometritiden, 6,4% Retentio sec., puerperale Septikämie und Multiorganversagen, 30,8% Mastitiden, 14,7% Peritonitiden, 9,9% Enteritiden, 9,6% Festliegen, 5,8% Pneumonien sowie 3,5% Labmagenulcera. Außerdem kamen zu 13,5% Indigestionen vor. Die Heilungsrate lag bei links- und rechtseitigen LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden und Enteritiden zwischen 89% bis 70% und bei Indigestionen sowie akuten Peritonitiden zwischen 70 und 60%. Bei chronischen Peritonitiden, Pneumonien, Retentio sec., puerperalen Septikämien, Festliegen, LM-Ulcera und Multiorganversagen sank sie von 50% bis auf 0%. Der Leberfettgehalt schwankte bei LMV, Mastitiden, Endometritiden, chronischen Peritonitiden und Indigestionen zwischen 6% und 19%. Er stieg mit schlechterem Therapieergebnis bei Retentio sec., Pneumonien, akuten Peritonitiden puerperalen Septikämien, LM-Ulcera und Enteritiden bis gegen 30% und betrug bei Festliegern, hochgradigen Endometritiden sowie Multiorganversagen bis gegen 40%. Schlussfolgerungen: Leberfett bis ≤30% ist klinisch unbedeutend. Der Trend zu höherem Leberfett und schlechterer Heilungsrate unterstreicht die Bedeutung stark entzündlicher Grundkrankheiten für die Krankheitsentwicklung und den Therapieerfolg. Die Leberschwimmprobe kann für die Anwendung in der Praxis empfohlen werden. / Problem: The fatty liver is considered to be one of the most important metabolic disorders in early lactation in dairy cows and is a reason for poor health, including reproductive disorders. Objective: Therefore the following questions in this study were studied: a) importance of the clinical and laboratory findings at the initial examination of sick cows, especially the liver fat, b) relationships between liver fat content and various laboratory parameters, c) the relationship between the liver fat content, diseases and the treatment success, d) prognostic significance of liver fat content and clinical-chemical and hematological blood parameters. Material and Methods: For 312 bovine patients, provided chronological to the MTK Leipzig, were examined according to clinical and laboratory investigations including liver biopsy and evaluated the findings of the initial examination. Results: In 312 cattle, divided in 18 disease groups, 196 left and 40 right-sided abomasal displacements (LMV), 11 abomasal ulcers, 182 ketoses, 96 mastitis, endometritis 178, 7 Retentio sec., puerperal sepsis, 7 and 6 multi organ failure, 42 Indigestion, 31 enteritis, 46 peritonitis, 30 downer cows and 18 pneumonia diagnosed. The cows were grouped in four liver fat classes as follows: ≤6% = 14.7%; 6 to ≤15% = 37.5%; 15 to ≤30% = 31.1% and> 30% = 16.7%. The cure rate was in the first three classes of liver fat 80.4%, 83.8% and 86.6% respectively. A relationship between the cure rate and the liver fat content was not recognizable to ≤30%. In the liver fat class> 30% cure rate dropped to 61.5%; at> 40% it worsened <50%. This corresponded to the behavior of various laboratory parameters. Only when liver fat content> 30%, particularly at> 45%, were partly regardless of the outcome of the disease, the BHB, bilirubin and glucose concentrations as well as AST, CK, LDH, GGT and GLDH activities were significantly higher and the inorg. Phosphate (Pi) and cholesterol concentrations low. The liver fat content correlated most closely (p <0.001), the parameters BHB (0.620) and FFS (0.615), LDH (0.579), bilirubin (0.367), AST (0.359), cholesterol (-0.278), lactate (-0.253), hemoglobin (0.214), CK (0.207), leukocytes (-0.202) and internal body temperature (0.210). The significance of these relationships is relative. Sensitivity and specificity were Pi (<1.25 mmol / l)> 0.7, to cholesterol (<1.5 mmol / l) and albumin (<30 g / l)> 0.6, and for BHB, urea, and total protein> 0.5. High specificity> 0.8 for low sensitivity had K (<3.0 mmol / l) and segment neutrophilic granulocytes (<4.6 g / l), a high sensitivity> 0.8, but low specificity bilirubin (> 5 , 3 mol / l) AST (> 80 U / l) and CK (> 200 U / l). With regard to disease outcome and thus the prognostic value of the area under the curve (AUC) for K (0.37), bilirubin (0.62), AST (0.61) and liver fat (0.60) were weakly secured. The liver-specific enzymes GGT and GLDH correlated only weakly with 0.126 (p <0.05) and 0.192 (p <0.001) with the liver fat. This do not challenges their diagnostic significance, but it makes clear that in the studied diseases no greater liver damage occurred. Whereas the correlation, sensitivity and specificity calculations as well as some ROC/AUC analysis informative parameter LDH, AST, CK, C, Pi, bilirubin (> 20 μmol/l) and leukocytes indicate inflammatory processes. The increased liver fat in every group glucose concentrations, esp. at liver fat > 30% and ex. letalis, thus organize at least partially as a result of insulin resistance. Cows with DA had usually. additional disorders: 58% ketoses, 57% endometritis, 6.4% Retention sec, puerperal septicemia and multi-organ failure, 30.8% mastitis, 14.7% of peritonitis, enteritis 9.9%, 9.6% recumbency, 5.8% pneumonia and 3.5% ulceration of the abomasum. Furthermore, came to 13.5% before indigestion. The cure rate of left and right DA, mastitis, endometritis and enteritis were between 89% to 70% and for indigestion and acute peritonitis 70-60%. In chronic peritonitis, pneumonia, Retention sec., Puerperal septicemia, recumbency, abomasum ulcers and multiple organ failure they fell from 50% to 0%. The liver fat content varied with DA, mastitis, endometritis, chronic peritonitis and indigestion between 6% and 19%. He rose with a worse clinical outcome in Retentio sec., Pneumonia, acute peritonitis puerperal septicemia, DA ulcers and enteritis up to 30% and was at Festliegern, high-grade endometritis and multiorgan failure until about 40%. Conclusions: Liver fat to ≤30% is clinically insignificant. The trend towards higher liver fat and poorer cure rate underscores the importance of strong inflammatory diseases reason for the disease development and therapeutic success. The copper sulphate test according to Herdt can be recommended for use in practice.

The Indigenous Movement and the Struggle for Political Representation in Bolivia

Nieves, Angelica T. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The theme of ethnic identity in politics is gaining importance in countries such as Bolivia, where people recently elected their first indigenous President. The Indigenous movement has been able to incorporate themselves in the state apparatus and have produced new political policies and constitutional instruments. They represent an alternative to the "white" political elites who governed them for many decades. This study analyzes the dynamics within the Indigenous social movement in Bolivia and how they reinforced a composite vision of a participatory democratic society through political representation. The results of this participation (and, moreover, political representation) can be seen in the presidential election of 2005, as well as the election of senators and deputies and the new Constitution of 2009. The case studied here provides insight into the processes of how political representation can be obtained by the oppressed and excluded, in this case the indigenous people of Bolivia, who - for centuries - were a majority governed by a white minority. In this context, the importance of ethnicity and identity, in which discourses transformed views of an indigenous consciousness, can be seen in their political demands.

Democratic governance and the courts : the political sources of the judicialization of public policy in Argentina

Ryan, Daniel Eduardo 24 October 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine under what political conditions public policy issues are likely to become judicialized in Argentina. This study shows that the most widespread theoretical explanation, the loser argument, is too general and does not provide much analytical insight about the relationship between the political context and the judicialization of policy. Meanwhile, other explanations developed by the literature, mainly the politically disadvantaged group and the fragmented legislative power, although theoretically valid, have a limited empirical coverage and cannot fully explain the phenomenon of policy judicialization in Argentina. Taking into account the limitations and contributions of the existing theories, the theoretical argument of this dissertation is predicated upon the idea that there are various, alternative political scenarios under which judicialization is likely to occur. In other words, there is not just one, but several, different political conditions or combinations of conditions that might trigger the involvement of courts in public policy. Within this conceptual framework, the dissertation argues that policy disputes are likely to become judicialized under two political scenarios which have not been considered by the existing literature: first, when the state apparatus is unable to implement or enforce policy goals and mandates already approved by the political branches of government, and second, when the political elites in charge of the executive do not fully support existing policy mandates, and the legislature is too passive or deferential to the government regarding that policy issue. In these types of political contexts, social actors are likely to judicialize their policy claims. To assess these arguments, the dissertation develops a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of 13 major policy conflicts that occurred in Argentina during the last two decades, complemented by case studies. As a result of my analysis, I identify three combinations of political conditions that are sufficient to trigger the judicialization of policy in Argentina. Two of these combinations clearly fit with my theoretical argument and expectations about what political scenarios are likely to lead to policy judicialization, while the third combination closely reflects the political disadvantage argument. / text


Brayton, Abbott A. January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

"We Speak For Ourselves": The First National Congress of Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Indigenismo in Mexico, 1968-1982

Munoz, Maria L. O. January 2009 (has links)
In the midst of a violent decade where the Mexican government used force to suppress insurgent and student unrest, the Indian population avoided such a response by operating within official government parameters. The 1975 First National Congress of Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, though convened by the federal government, gave Indians an opportunity to claim a role in the complex political process of formulating a new version of national Indian policy while demanding self-determination. Through the congress, indigenous groups attempted to take the lead in shaping national programs to their needs and interests rather than merely responding to government initiatives. The congress marked a fundamental change in post-revolutionary politics, the most important restructuring and recasting of the relationship between local and regional indigenous associations and the federal government since the 1930s. Its history provides an important context for understanding more recent political disputes about indigenous autonomy and citizenship, especially in the aftermath of the Zapatista (EZLN) revolt in 1994. The 1975 Congress marked a watershed as it allowed for the advent of independent Indian organizations and proved to be momentous in the negotiation of political autonomy between indigenous groups and government officials.

The Human Endeavor of Intentional Communities: The Gawad Kalinga Movement

Villanueva, Ronald A. January 2010 (has links)
This is a story of a social movement's conception and the articulation of its meaning and meaningfulness. Gawad Kalinga, an ambitious Philippine community development cum nation building movement, initiated "GK777" to build 700,000 homes in 7,000 communities, in seven years. I assessed the national and global implications of this social movement's social networking model of nation-building through community development, poverty alleviation, and slum eradication. Using an ethnographic case study to conduct an inductive, grounded theory analysis, the study sought to explore if strategies and actions that go beyond traditional and conflict-centered social movement conceptions are enabling it to achieve their goals and to transfer its model to five other countries. The global implications and replicability of GK's nation-building model on the emergence and development of other forms of social movements, civil society-state governance, are compelling. The attempt at articulating and integrating political process and opportunity structure, resource/ structure mobilization, framing process, and new social movement theories in explaining another form of social movement and of civil society highlights the suitability for such kind of research, long-term monitoring and evaluation, and theorizing.

Peties sąnario mobilizacijos ir pratimų efektyvumas gydant peties sąnario sukamosios manžetės plyšimus / The effectiveness of shoulder joint mobilization and exercises in curing rotator cuff tears

Kisieliūtė, Eglė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Peties sąnario judesių amplitudės, raumenų jėgos, skausmo ir funkcinio pajėgumo pokyčiai taikant pratimus ir peties sąnario mobilizaciją po peties sąnario sukamosios manžetės plyšimo operacijos. Temos aktualumas. Peties sąnario sukamosios manžetės plyšimai dažnai lemia peties sąnario skausmus ir įvairaus pobūdžio negalią vyresniame amžiuje (Khair & Gulotta, 2011). Šią traumą patiria apie 25,0 proc. vyresnių nei 60 m žmonių ir apie 20,0 proc. vyresnių nei 20 m žmonių (Itoj, 2013). Lietuvoje yra atlikta nedaug tyrimų apie peties sąnario sukamosios manžetės plyšimus. Užsienio autoriai daugiau tyrinėja peties sąnario mobilizacijos ir pasyvių techninkų efektyvumą sergant peties ankšumo sindromu, artritu, artroze ir kitomis ligomis. Ypač trūksta informacijos apie gydymą, kuris leistų pacientams išvengti operacijos. Daugelis autorių nurodo, jog reikalingi išsamesni tyrimai šioje srityje. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti peties sąnario mobilizacijos ir pratimų efektyvumą gydant peties sąnario sukamosios manžetės plyšimus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti pacientų po sukamosios manžetės plyšimo operacijos paties sąnario judesių amplitudę, raumenų jėgą, skausmą ir funkcinį pajėgumą prieš kineziterapiją. 2. Įvertinti peties sąnario mobilizacijos ir gydomųjų pratimų poveikį pacientų peties sąnario judesių amplitudei, raumenų jėgai, skausmui ir funkciniam pajėgumui po sukamosios manžetės plyšimo operacijos. 3. Įvertinti pacientų po sukamosios manžetės plyšimo operacijos judesių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object: The change of shoulder range of motion, muscle strength, pain and functional capacity after taking exercises and shoulder joint mobilization for patients after rotator cuff tear reconstruction surgery. Relevance of the topic. In elder age shoulder pain and various disabilities often occur because of the rotator cuff tears (Khair & Gulotta, 2011). 25,0 percent of population over 60 years and 20,0 percent of population over 20 years suffer from this injury (Itoj, 2013). Foreigner scientists more often make studies about the effectiveness of shoulder joint mobilization and other passive physical therapy techniques in curing other shoulder illnesses such as impingement syndrome, arthritis and ect. Especially there is lack of information about treatment that would prevent patients from surgery. Many scientists indicate that more studies are necessary about this topic. Task. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of shoulder joint mobilization and therapeutic exercises curing rotator cuff tears. The main goals of this study were: 1. To evaluate range of motion, muscle strength, pain and functional capacity of operated shoulder for patients after rotator cuff tear arthroscopic reconstruction surgery. 2. To evaluate effectiveness of shoulder joint mobilization and therapeutic exercises for range of motion, muscle strength, pain and functional capacity of operated shoulder for patients after rotator cuff tear reconstruction surgery. 3. To evaluate how shoulder... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis pėdos judesių amplitudėms ir funkcijai po šoninės kulkšnies lūžio / Physiotherapy’s influence to foot's range of motion and function after lateral malleolus fracture

Veselkaitė, Gabrielė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektai: čiurnos ir blauzdos apimtys, pėdos judesių amplitudės, skausmas, pėdos ir kulkšnies funkcija, dinaminė pusiausvyra. Čiurnos lūžis yra antras pagal dažnumą pasitaikanti čiurnos pažeidimas po patempimo (Fong et al., 2007 iš Beckenkamp et al., 2011). Švedijoje čiurnos lūžis pasitaiko 71 asmenims iš 10,000 ir kiekvienais metais daugėja 0,2 proc. Dažniausia lūžio priežastis, nukritimas lygioje vietoje (Thur et al., 2012). Dažniausiai čiurnos lūžis yra gydomas imobilizauojant galūnę 6 sav., o tai lemia judesio funkcijos sutrikimą, kuris pasireiškia tinimu, sustingimu ir raumenų silpnumu. Reabilitacija yra pradedama iš karto, kai tik lūžis būna stabilizuotas arba tik nuėmus įtvarą (Lin et al., 2010). Dviem trečdaliams pacientų, po čiurnos lūžio, funkcinis aktyvumas atsigauna gerai arba puikiai, tačiau likusiam trečdaliui — priimtinai arba blogai (Nilsson et al., 2003). Reabilitacijos tikslas — kuo greičiau atstatyti sutrikusią funkciją ir grįžti į kasdieninę veiklą. Norint sudaryti tinkamą kineziterapijos programą, reikia žinoti koks buvo pažeidimo mechanizmas ir pritaikant anatomijos ir kineziologijos žinias taikyti efektyviausią gydymo metodiką (Birrer and O‘Connor, 2004). Kineziterapijos tikslas yra pagerinti pacientų gyvenimo kokybę ir skatinti aktyvumą kasdieninėje veikloje (Harvey, 2008 iš Pääbo and Pill, 2012), nepaisant senėjimo, patirtos traumos ar ligos, arba aplinkos poveikio (Giura and Nagel, 2010). Kineziterapija, kitaip negu operacijos ir injekcijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research objects: ankle’s and calf’s size, foot’s range of motion, pain, foot‘s and ankle‘s function, dynamic balance. Ankle fracture is the second most common ankle injury after the ankle sprain (Fong et al., 2007 from Beckenkamp et al., 2011). In Sweden ankle fracture occurs in 71 of 10,000 people and every year it increases by 0.2 percent. The most common reason for ankle fracture is falling of the flat surface (Thur et al., 2012). Usually ankle fracture is treated by immobilizing it for 6 weeks therefore, there is a loss of movement function that is shown in swelling, stiffness and the lack of muscle strength. Rehabilitation starts immediately after fracture stabilization or after when the cast is removed (Lin et al., 2010). After ankle fracture two thirds of patients recovers good or excellent function, but the one third has the acceptable or poor results (Nilsson et al., 2003). The aim of rehabilitation is to restore function and come back to work as soon as possible. To make proper physiotherapy program you need to know the mechanism of injury and applying anatomy and kinesiology knowledge apply the most effective treatment method (Birrer and O‘Connor, 2004). The aim of physiotherapy is to improve patients’ quality of life and daily activity (Harvey, 2008 from Pääbo and Pill, 2012), despite aging, injury or disease, or environmental effect (Giura and Nagel, 2010). Physiotherapy as distinct from operation or injection, is less risky, cheaper and after it patient can go... [to full text]

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