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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instituce EU - vývoj, proměny, problémy / Institutions of the EU - development, transformation, difficulty

Pavlík, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis seeks to summarize the institutional development taken by the European Union so far (with a particular view to the changes brought about by the Treaty of Lisbon), and, based on this, to provide an assessment of the direction into which the European Union is headed at the beginning of this decade. Within this context, my thesis attempts to outline the various alternative scenarios for the future development of the EU's institutional framework; the likely candidates, to put it simply, are, on the one hand, even deeper integration in the form of a fiscal and political union, or, conversely, the abandonment of the idea of closer cooperation. Since the beginnings of the 1950s, the European Communities and, later, the European Union have been developing towards ever-increasing integration. Even today, one observes obvious tendencies towards intensifying this integration. However, this does not allow for the unambiguous conclusion that the European Union must result in the creation of a fiscal and political union. It is perfectly conceivable that the elected political representatives of individual member states may assume the opposite view, and that tendencies will prevail within the European Union towards a more informal collaboration among separate countries. The present work also attempts a comparison of the views held by politicians, political scientists, analysts, and intellectuals. One finds that even these authors do not arrive at clear-cut conclusions, nor should one expect them to be able to make such conclusions. This thesis draws attention to a number of contradictory aspects - chiefly among them the violation of the Maastricht criteria, and the obvious breach of Article 125 of the Treaty of Lisbon, which prohibits mutual financial assistance.

Dopady finanční krize na veřejné finance v ČR / Impact of financial crisis on public finance in Czech Republic

Hudáková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The final thesis deals with impact of financial crisis on public finance in Czech Republic. The aim of my thesis is to give to a reader an idea about impact of financial crisis on the state budget of CR, especially on expenditure and revenue side. Except of this, according to the Maastricht criteria, it is evaluated effect on debt of public budget and deficit of state budget. At the thesis are used sources mostly from CNB, MFCR and OECD. In theoretical part is defined the term "financial crisis", described causes of origin of the financial crisis and analysis impact of financial crisis on the world markets. Next part of the thesis is devoted to examination and analyzes of impacts of financial crisis on public budget, particularly on revenues, expenditures, debt and deficit of the budgets. At last part of the diploma thesis we can find adequate recommendations and summary of knowledge, which emerged from provided analysis.

Les relations monétaires franco-allemandes et l’UEM (1969-1992) : des ambitions aux réalités

Coën, Alain 12 1900 (has links)
En 1969, dans une Communauté économique européenne (CEE) aux fondements déjà bien établis, et sous l’égide d’un néogaullisme assumé par la présidence de Georges Pompidou, l’Allemagne devient le modèle d’une France en quête de politique industrielle qui lui permettrait d’affirmer son rang sur l’échiquier international. Depuis le milieu des années 1960, le système monétaire international est fragilisé par l’endettement considérable des États-Unis. La France veut être à l’initiative d’une relance de l’Union économique et monétaire (UEM). Cette décision politique doit lui permettre d’adapter son économie et son industrie à l’instabilité grandissante du Système monétaire international. Comme le rappelait Jacques Rueff, « L’Europe se fera par la monnaie ou ne se fera pas ». L’action de l’économie française durant cette période qui court de la relance de l’Union économique et monétaire (décembre 1969) à la rédaction du Traité de Maastricht (février 1992), jalonnée par la mise en place du Système monétaire européen (SME : janvier 1979) et de l’Acte unique (janvier 1986), repose sur une volonté politique primordiale au service des relations avec la RFA, puis de l’Allemagne réunifiée. Les relations monétaires franco-allemandes ont pour but de promouvoir une Europe forte, maîtresse de son destin, et, d’une certaine façon, de revenir à une stabilité des changes. Le mythe de la stabilité de « l’étalon-or » a des acceptations différentes des deux côtés du Rhin. Si des études historiques récentes ont été consacrées partiellement aux conséquences de l’évolution des politiques monétaires européennes (et surtout françaises) sur l’intégration économique et monétaire dans la CEE, elles demeurent souvent centrées sur le septennat de VGE ou le début du premier mandat de François Mitterrand. La genèse de l’UEM est un processus dynamique long qui court de décembre 1969 à février 1992. En fait, les relations monétaires franco-allemandes englobent deux niveaux de décisions et d’applications. En premier lieu, sont à mentionner, les plus hautes instances politiques (présidence, chancellerie et ministères, mais aussi Commission européenne). En second lieu, interviennent les banques centrales dont le rôle quant à la mise en place et l’application des politiques monétaires est primordial. Cette dichotomie illustre l’avènement progressif du primat de l’économie sur la politique, perçu et analysé différemment en France et en Allemagne. Les attentes et les objectifs politiques et économiques divergent. Nous montrons dans cette étude que le processus d’UEM apparaît souvent comme un engrenage économique, où la politique cède le pas à l’économie. Les relations monétaires apparaissent asymétriques. Le pouvoir politique français a comme véritable interlocuteur le pouvoir économique allemand, représenté par la Bundesbank. Le « couple » franco-allemand est un mythe politique, français, que brise la libéralisation économique mondiale. L’UEM est, pour l’Allemagne, un moyen d’établir une Allemagne européenne au sein d’une Europe fédérale. En France, elle apparaît pour les gouvernements néo-gaullistes et libéraux comme un moyen de compenser une grandeur blessée, alors que les gouvernements socialistes donnent l’impression de l’utiliser pour compenser une idéologie en déroute. L’UEM parvient à la stabilité monétaire, mais en refusant l’Union politique européenne, proposée par l’Allemagne, la France laisse s’éloigner le rêve d’une Europe puissance et établit les bases une Europe allemande. / In 1969, in a well-established European Economic Community (EEC) under the neo-Gaullist presidency of Georges Pompidou, Germany stood as a model for France, looking for an effective industrial policy and a recovery of its rank on the international scene. Since the mid 1960s the international monetary system had been weakened by the growing US debt. France wanted to be the leader of the economic and monetary union (EMU). This political decision was a means to improve its economy confronted with the instability of the international monetary system. As pointed out by Jacques Rueff, « L’Europe se fera par la monnaie ou ne se fera pas. » During this period, from the relaunch of the EMU (December 1969) to the Maastricht Treaty (February 1992), French economic action was based on a strong political will defined to reinforce the relationships with the Federal German Republic, and then the reunified Germany. The Franco-German monetary relationships aimed to promote a strong and independent Europe and to restore an exchange rate stability. The “golden standard” stability myth was viewed and understood differently in France and Germany. If recent historical studies have been partially devoted to the consequences of European monetary policies (essentially in France) on economic and monetary integration in the EEC, they focused on the 1974-1981 or 1981-1986 periods. The creation of the EMU was a dynamic process running from December 1969 to February 1992. Franco-German monetary relationships included two levels of decision-making. First, on the political level, there was the presidency, the chancellery, the European Commission and the ministers. Second, its counterpart, economic power. The latter requires analysis of the role played by central banks in the definition and application of monetary policies. This dichotomy illustrates the progressive transition between the political level and the economic level during the 1980s. The decline of politics and the primacy of economics were analyzed differently in France and Germany. Political and economic objectives and expectations were contrasted and divergent. This study demonstrates that the EMU dynamic was an economic process where politics gave way to economics. Monetary relations were asymmetric. The real interlocutor of French political authorities was German economic power, represented by the Bundesbank. The Franco-German tandem was a political myth broken by world economy liberalization. For Germany, the EMU was a device to define a European Germany in a federal Europe. In France, it represented an illusory means to restore French primacy for conservative and liberal governments and a way of compensating a failing ideology for socialist governments. The EMU provided monetary stability, but the dream of a powerful and independent Europe vanished with the Maastricht treaty. Even as it rejected the idea of European political union defended by the German diplomacy, France paradoxically laid the foundations of a German Europe.

Europe et identité nationale française : d’un référendum à l’autre, 1992-2005

Dubé-Senécal, Vincent 07 1900 (has links)
Le projet européen, à travers ses différents jalons, esquisse les contours d’un nouveau type d’entité sur la scène internationale qui serait étrangère à l’État-nation sans toutefois lui être supérieure. L’intégration toujours plus poussée a été à l’origine de questionnements sur l’interaction entre les identités nationales et l’identité européenne en gestation. La France constitue un champ d’étude privilégié de cette interaction, compte tenu qu’elle organise deux référendums – en 1992 et en 2005 – sur l’intégration européenne. Dans le présent mémoire, il est question de déterminer la manière dont cet approfondissement influence l’opinion publique française dans son processus de construction d’un discours identitaire national. L’analyse porte sur les périodes de débats préréférendaires entourant le traité de Maastricht de 1992 à l’origine de l’euro et celui de 2005 établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. Le mémoire repose sur le dépouillement de la presse réalisé pour chacune des deux périodes de débats préréférendaires. Afin d’étudier l’évolution de la perception identitaire des Français de toute allégeance politique, le mémoire a pour base documentaire les éditoriaux et les courriers des lecteurs des journaux Le Monde, Le Figaro, L'Humanité et Libération. La comparaison des discours identitaires de 1992 et de 2005 révèle que la relation d’identification entre la France et l’Europe a complètement changé durant cette période. Elle est passée d’une relation basée sur l’altérité entre ces deux entités idéelles à une relation fondée sur un socle de valeurs partagées. En 1992, les Français se servent de l’idée européenne comme d’un référent identitaire autour duquel ils réaffirment les valeurs perçues comme françaises, alors qu’en 2005, l’identité française n’est plus en question. Le débat se situe dorénavant sur le plan des valeurs que les Français souhaiteraient voir composer l’identité européenne à laquelle ils sont appelés à adhérer. Ces valeurs sont dorénavant tirées de l’identité personnelle de chaque Français plutôt que d’une certaine conception de l’identité nationale française. / The European project, through each of its milestones, outlines a new type of entity on the international scene, one which is a stranger to the nation state without being its better. From the intensification of European integration emerged a questioning on the nature of the interactions between national and European identity. In this respect, France represents a very interesting field of study as the country organised two referendums on European integration, one in 1992 and the other in 2005. The main goal of this research is to reveal the way in which the construction of a national discourse within the French public opinion is influenced by the deepening of European integration. The analysis covers both debate periods before the 1992 and 2005 referendums dealing with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on the Euro and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This work is based on a press analysis covering both periods of debate. In order to study the evolution of the French perception of their national identity with the least political bias possible, this thesis relies on documentary resources comprising editorials and letters to the editor of four newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro, L’Humanité and Libération. The comparison of the identity discourses of 1992 and 2005 reveals that the relation of identification between France and Europe has drastically changed during this period. It went from a relation founded on alterity to a relation founded on shared values. In 1992, the French use the European idea as an identity referent around which they reaffirm the “frenchness” of their shared values. In 2005, the French national identity is not in question anymore. From now on, the debate turns around the values the French hope to see at the root of the European identity to which they are called to adhere. These values are henceforth drawn from the personal identity of each Frenchman rather than from an encompassing concept of the French national identity.

Europe et identité nationale française : d’un référendum à l’autre, 1992-2005

Dubé-Senécal, Vincent 07 1900 (has links)
Le projet européen, à travers ses différents jalons, esquisse les contours d’un nouveau type d’entité sur la scène internationale qui serait étrangère à l’État-nation sans toutefois lui être supérieure. L’intégration toujours plus poussée a été à l’origine de questionnements sur l’interaction entre les identités nationales et l’identité européenne en gestation. La France constitue un champ d’étude privilégié de cette interaction, compte tenu qu’elle organise deux référendums – en 1992 et en 2005 – sur l’intégration européenne. Dans le présent mémoire, il est question de déterminer la manière dont cet approfondissement influence l’opinion publique française dans son processus de construction d’un discours identitaire national. L’analyse porte sur les périodes de débats préréférendaires entourant le traité de Maastricht de 1992 à l’origine de l’euro et celui de 2005 établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. Le mémoire repose sur le dépouillement de la presse réalisé pour chacune des deux périodes de débats préréférendaires. Afin d’étudier l’évolution de la perception identitaire des Français de toute allégeance politique, le mémoire a pour base documentaire les éditoriaux et les courriers des lecteurs des journaux Le Monde, Le Figaro, L'Humanité et Libération. La comparaison des discours identitaires de 1992 et de 2005 révèle que la relation d’identification entre la France et l’Europe a complètement changé durant cette période. Elle est passée d’une relation basée sur l’altérité entre ces deux entités idéelles à une relation fondée sur un socle de valeurs partagées. En 1992, les Français se servent de l’idée européenne comme d’un référent identitaire autour duquel ils réaffirment les valeurs perçues comme françaises, alors qu’en 2005, l’identité française n’est plus en question. Le débat se situe dorénavant sur le plan des valeurs que les Français souhaiteraient voir composer l’identité européenne à laquelle ils sont appelés à adhérer. Ces valeurs sont dorénavant tirées de l’identité personnelle de chaque Français plutôt que d’une certaine conception de l’identité nationale française. / The European project, through each of its milestones, outlines a new type of entity on the international scene, one which is a stranger to the nation state without being its better. From the intensification of European integration emerged a questioning on the nature of the interactions between national and European identity. In this respect, France represents a very interesting field of study as the country organised two referendums on European integration, one in 1992 and the other in 2005. The main goal of this research is to reveal the way in which the construction of a national discourse within the French public opinion is influenced by the deepening of European integration. The analysis covers both debate periods before the 1992 and 2005 referendums dealing with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on the Euro and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This work is based on a press analysis covering both periods of debate. In order to study the evolution of the French perception of their national identity with the least political bias possible, this thesis relies on documentary resources comprising editorials and letters to the editor of four newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro, L’Humanité and Libération. The comparison of the identity discourses of 1992 and 2005 reveals that the relation of identification between France and Europe has drastically changed during this period. It went from a relation founded on alterity to a relation founded on shared values. In 1992, the French use the European idea as an identity referent around which they reaffirm the “frenchness” of their shared values. In 2005, the French national identity is not in question anymore. From now on, the debate turns around the values the French hope to see at the root of the European identity to which they are called to adhere. These values are henceforth drawn from the personal identity of each Frenchman rather than from an encompassing concept of the French national identity.

Europäische Währungspolitik im Spannungsfeld von nationaler Souveränität und europäischer Integration : Konflikt und Kooperation zwischen Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Beispiel der Regierungskonferenz zur Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion /

Rehfeld, Annette. January 1995 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Tübingen, 1995.

Konvergenční proces České republiky k Evropské měnové unii / The convergence process of the Czech Republic to European monetary union

Kutinová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the convergence process of the Czech Republic. The thesis describes the historical background of the Treaty on European Union and the criteria for adopting the euro are described in detail. The convergence process of the Czech Republic is viewed from the perspective of a nominal convergence (inflation rates, government finance, exchange rates, long-term interest rates) as well as a real convergence (measured by GDP per capita in purchasing power parity). Further, the attention is paid to the institutional framework of fiscal policy of the Czech Republic. Indicators of economic harmonization are also analyzed, such as the business cycle, interest rates, exchange rates and stock indices. The comparative method is used to evaluate -- development indicators are compared over time and with countries in a similar position with the Czech Republic.

Eurons undantag : En undersökning om Danmark och Storbritanniens undantag från EU om att införa euro som valuta

Rhodin, Thimmy January 2016 (has links)
The aim with this thesis is to find out how one can understand the exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency of Denmark and the United Kingdom, as well as their attitude to European integration. It has been implemented in a comparative case study using theories in which the case has been the central focus of the investigation. The theories being used is rational actor model that emphasizes rational decision-making and self-interest. In comparison to that theory has a historical institutional perspective been used, which emphasizes path-dependency and critical events. The focus of the study is the time when the countries became members of the European Economic Community in 1973 to the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 where these exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency was ratified. In the analysis section, one can see portions of both theories to a varying degree. The conclusions of the study is that both countries show a skeptical attitude to European integration and that the exceptions to not introduce the euro as a currency is based on this critical view of moving power to centralized institutions.

Měnová politika ČNB a perspektivy přijetí eura / Monetary policy of Czech National Bank and the perspectives of acceptance of euro

Broftová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Thesis called "Monetary policy of Czech National Bank and the perspectives of acceptance of euro" is mainly focused on convergence process in Czech Republic. First part of the work consists of current monetary policy of Czech National Bank and characteristics of monetary cooperation development needed for Economic and monetary union establishment. Real convergence state evaluation and maastricht criteria discharging in Czech Republic are the main goals of the thesis. Current global financial crisis is shown in readiness of Czech Republic of EMU entering conclusions.

The Common Foreign And Security Policy: The European Union

Kaya, Taylan Ozgur 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate European States&rsquo / efforts to develop a coherent and effective foreign and security policy in the context of historical evolution of the CFSP. In this thesis, European States&rsquo / efforts to develop a coherent and effective foreign and security policy will be evaluated in three international political contexts. First period is Post World War II Period, second one is Post-Cold War Period and third one is Post September 11 Period. In the context of Post World War II period, European States&rsquo / efforts to develop a coherent and effective foreign and security policy is shaped by the conditions of Cold War, Bipolar World and threat of Soviet expansionism towards Western Europe and characterized by the attempts such as European Defence Community, Fouchet Plan and European Political Cooperation. In the context of Post-Cold War period, European States&rsquo / efforts to develop a coherent and effective foreign and security policy were shaped by ex-Yugoslavian Conflict in early 90s which brought new security challenges such as ethnic conflicts and instability in the ex-Communist States in Central and Eastern Europe. EU&rsquo / s attempts were characterized by the CFSP which was launched by the Maastricht Treaty and the CESDP which emerged after Kosovo War with Saint Malo Declaration as defence dimension of the CFSP. In the context of Post September 11 period, European States&rsquo / efforts to develop a coherent and effective foreign and security policy were shaped by global fight against international terrorism. EU&rsquo / s attempts were characterized by adoption of European Security Strategy which accepted international terrorism, organized crime and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as key threats towards Europe and aimed at developing a coherent vision of strategic objectives, shared threat assessment for European States in order to prevent divisions among EU States in future international events. The main argument of this thesis is that in order to be an important and effective actor in global politics, EU Member States should act coherently and speak with one voice. Their influence on important international issues is greater if they act as a coherent actor rather than acting individually.

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