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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maintenance management for effective operations management at Matimba Power Station / Oufa Ernest Mutloane.

Mutloane, Oufa Ernest January 2009 (has links)
Effective and efficient operations management is the cornerstone of any company's success. Presently, because of cost-cutting pressures, all investors look out for companies' operations before making any investment commitment. The South African Government (through the Department of Public Enterprises), as an owner and investor in Eskom, is looking at optimising operational excellence within state-owned enterprises like Eskom. Eskom is presently experiencing problems with increased electricity consumption which it cannot meet due to the limited plant capacity it presently has. These challenges are forcing Eskom to be more efficient and effective in management of the present plant assets (like Matimba Power Station) it presently operates. Matimba Power Station has consistently shown improvement in the areas of plant, financial and operations performance over the last three years. It is presently the standard bearer for the whole Eskom in terms of plant and operational performance. Asset management (through maintenance and management thereof), especially preventative management with in a power utility like Eskom, is a critical factor because supply (generation of electricity) has to meet demand (consumption of electricity) instantaneously as electricity cannot be saved. The planning, scheduling and execution of maintenance (through a work management process) to ensure success of business operations are very critical. An Eskom document titled Routine Work Management Manual emphasised the criticality of preventative management and included a six-step process of work management within the power generation business. The Japanese success in ensuring that operations costs are limited by implementing total productive maintenance (which includes work management) is suggested in the study as a way to go for operational success at Matimba Power Station. Many of the research studies done at Eskom in regard to maintenance were based on and confined to a sampling population of senior staff members like managers, engineers and supervisors. Experience has shown that progress of implementing change (whether in systems or structures) is slow if there was no proactive involvement of all participants and stakeholders, especially employees at lower levels involved in operations. A work management process, which is one of the pillars of total productive maintenance, was recently implemented at Matimba and is currently experiencing teething problems which are being attended to. Employee involvement in making sure of the success of work management is critical. The study investigates the implementation of work management from the employees' perspective in order to address problems for possible full implementation of total productive maintenance. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Identifying and quantifying maintenance improvement opportunities in physcial asset management

Von Petersdorff, Hagen Alexander 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Asset Management initiatives suffer many barriers in implementation which hinder their influence and sustainability. One of these barriers is the lack of buy-in from all levels in the organisation, due to a lack of understanding of the perceived benefits of Asset Management. The relationship between throughput and the maturity of Asset Management implementation is usually felt throughout the organisation, but is difficult to prove or quantify. Furthermore, it is di cult to isolate the effects of maintenance using traditional methods. Organisational alignment in an Asset Management project is achieved by aligning employees' views on what the deficient areas in the organisation are, and managing their expectations in what the perceived benefit of a good application of Asset Management would bring forth. However, the lack of a transparent method to convey the significance of critical areas in the system, and a clear way to communicate these problems creates a barrier in implementation. Without empirical evidence people rely on argumentative opinions to uncover problems, which tends to create friction as opinions from various factions may differ. Typically, these initiatives are constrained by available resources, and the allocation of resources to the correct areas is thus vital. In order for Asset Management initiatives to be successful there first needs to be alignment in execution through a clear understanding of which assets are critical, so that resources can be allocated effectively. In this study, this problem is thoroughly examined and solutions are sought in literature. A method is sought which seeks to isolate the effects of the maintenance function in an operation and uncover critical areas. A study is performed on methods which are typically used to create such understanding, which are shown to have shortcomings that limit their applicability. Thus a new methodology utilising simulation is created in order to overcome these problems. The methodology is validated through a case study, where it is shown that the simulation, in the context of the methodology, is highly beneficial to uncovering critical areas and achieving organisational alignment through communication of results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fisiese bate bestuursinitiatiewe het verskeie tekortkominge in hulle implementering wat hulle invloed en volhoubaarheid verhinder. Een van hierdie hindernisse is die tekort aan ondersteuning van alle vlakke in die organisasie, wat as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan begrip van die voordele van bate bestuur voorkom. Die verhouding tussen die volwassenheid van batebestuur en produksie deurset word gewoonlik reg deur die organisasie gevoel, maar hierdie verhouding is moeilik om te bewys of te kwantifiseer. Verder is dit moeilik om met huidige methodes die gevolge van instandhouding te isoleer, en dus deeglik te begryp. Organisatoriese aanpassing by `n bate bestuursprojek word bereik deur werknemers se siening te belyn oor wat die gebrekkige areas is, en om hulle verwagtinge te bestuur oor die voordele wat `n goeie bate bestuursprojek kan voortbring. Daar is `n gebrek aan metodes om in `n deursigtige wyse die kritieke areas aan te dui en te komunikeer aan werknemers. Dit skep `n hindernis in die uitvoer van projekte en, in die afwesigheid van empiriese bewyse van probleme, is werknemers afhanklik van argumentatiewe menings om probleme te ontbloot, en die menings van verskeie rolspelers kan verskil. Enige inisiatiewe is tipies beperk deur die beskikbaarheid van hulpbronne daarvoor, en `n effektiewe toedeling van beskikbare hulpbronne is dus noodsaaklik. Om `n suksesvolle batebestuursprojek uit te voer, moet daar eers `n duidelike begrip en ooreenstemming wees oor wat die verskeie kritieke areas is wat die meeste aandag verlang, sodat hulpbronne doeltreffend toegeken kan word. In die studie word hierdie probleem deeglik ondersoek deur oplossings na te vors in die literatuur. `n Metode is gesoek wat daarop gemik is om die gevolge van instandhouding te isoleer in `n produksiestelsel en kritiese areas te ontbloot. `n Studie is uitgevoer op metodes wat gewoonlik gebruik word om sodanige analises uit te voer, en dit word gewys dat huidige metodes terkortkominge het wat hulle toepaslikheid beperk. Dus is `n nuwe metode geskep wat gebruik maak van simulasie om hierdie probleme te oorkom. Die metode is gevalideer deur om `n gevallestudie uit te voer, waar dit bevestig is dat die metode voordelig is om op `n deursigtige wyse kritiese areas te ontbloot en om organisatoriese belyning te bewerkstellig deur effektiewe kommunikasie van die resultate.

Méthode hybride d'affectation des ressources humaines pour l'amélioration de la performance de la maintenance. / Hybrid method for human resources assignment problem to improve maintenance performance

Lahiani, Nouha 09 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un outil d’aide à la décision pour la gestion de processus de maintenance basée surune affectation optimale des ressources humaines afin d’améliorer la performance de la maintenance.En effet, une bonne performance de la fonction maintenance est indispensable pour maintenir laproductivité des installations industrielles, et donc de la compétitivité des entreprises manufacturières.L’approche que nous développons dans ce manuscrit procure un cadre de référence des leviersd’actions envisageables pour mesurer, évaluer, améliorer et optimiser la performance de lamaintenance. Nous prenons en considération un problème d’affectation des ressources humaines, quiprend en compte non seulement leurs disponibilités et compétences, mais aussi la gestion des urgencesd’intervention sur terrain.La méthode que nous proposons est basée sur un modèle de simulation à événements discrets,reproduisant au mieux un service de maintenance. Ceci nous a permis d’évaluer la situation via desindicateurs de performance présélectionnés. Pour optimiser le système, nous proposons un couplagedu modèle de simulation avec un module d’optimisation indépendant qui se réfère à une métaheuristiquebasée sur une approche Pareto. Notre proposition a été testée dans une entrepriseindustrielle réelle.L’approche que nous proposons donne un ensemble de solutions d’affectation des ressourceshumaines, aidant le décideur à mieux gérer l’indisponibilité de ses outils. Nous obtenons de bonsrésultats en un temps raisonnable. / In this thesis, a decision-making tool for maintenance management process based on assignment ofhuman resources is proposed in order to improve maintenance performance. An optimal maintenanceperformance is indispensable to guarantee the productivity and competitiveness of manufacturingcompanies.The proposed approach provides a framework of different possible levers to measure, evaluate,improve and optimize the maintenance performance. The assignment of human resources problem isconsidered. It takes into account different constraints like human resources availability, competences,urgency degree management of interventions requests etc.The proposed method is based on a discrete event simulation model, providing a better presentation ofthe maintenance service and better comprehensive thanks to the performance indicators. To improveuntil optimize the model, a simulation-based Pareto optimization method is introduced. Optimizationmodule was coded on independent programs in order to provide an opportunity of control thesimulation based optimization process.The proposed simulation based optimization method find good solutions in a reasonable amount oftime. Applying this technique on an industrial case-study, we show that it is more effective indetecting real faults than existing alternatives. The approach can be extended to cover other domainsand other types of simulation models.

Estudos de confiabilidade de manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração

Faria, Pedro Henrique Librelon de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de confiabilidade e manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração. O estudo envolveu o desenvolvimento e aplicação de um simulador que permite prever (e utilizar) janelas de oportunidade para manutenção. O simulador foi desenvolvido considerando o caso da mina de Carajás no Pará, uma das maiores do país. Para tal, foi elaborado um modelo heurístico para prever as janelas de oportunidade, de forma a capturá-las para atividades de manutenção. Esse modelo foi baseado em conhecimentos prévios do pesquisador sobre o problema e estudo da lógica de operação do sistema, dando origem a um aplicativo que foi nomeado Mosaico de Simulação da Expedição. Apoiado no modelo desenvolvido e nos resultados de um grupo focado com lideranças e especialistas com experiência técnica no assunto, foram estabelecidas novas diretrizes e procedimentos de manutenção, buscando otimizar o aproveitamento das oportunidades e, consequentemente, melhorar o desempenho do sistema em estudo. O trabalho foi dividido em três etapas principais, sendo: (i) Proposição de um modelo para previsão de janelas de oportunidade para sistemas de expedição para produtos de mineração, adequado ao caso da mina de Carajás; (ii) Estabelecimento de uma proposta de estrutura e rotina da manutenção necessária para aproveitar a previsão mais precisa das janelas de oportunidade de intervenção. e (iii) Aplicação do modelo em estudo junto ao sistema real de expedição na mina de Carajás, visando avaliação e aprimoramento do mesmo. Os resultados iniciais obtidos com a aplicação da sistemática desenvolvida indicaram um aumento de 15,9% no MTBF em comparação com a média dos valores apurados do trimestre anterior à aplicação do estudo. Estima-se que este incremento proporcionou um aumento de 422 toneladas/dia no Volume de Minério Expedido na mina de Carajás no Pará, usando a mesma base de comparação. A partir desta estimativa, e considerando que todas as condições, recursos, estrutura operacional, preços e demanda por minério de ferro à qual o estudo foi aplicado sejam mantidas, pode-se aferir um ganho de faturamento mensal de US$ 1,04 milhões, totalizando US$ 10,7 milhões em um ano. Ganhos maiores podem ser esperados à medida em que a equipe de manutenção obtenha maior experiência no uso da sistemática proposta. / This work presents a reliability study of maintenance in expedition systems for mining products. The study involved the development and implementation of a simulator that can predict (and use) windows of opportunity for maintenance activities. The simulator was developed considering the case of the Carajas mine in Pará, one of the largest in the country. For such system, a heuristic model for predicting the windows of opportunity in order to capture them for maintenance activities was design through the application of a simulator. This model was based on the researcher's prior knowledge about the problem and operation logic of the system, resulting in an applet called Expedition Mosaic Simulator. New guidelines and maintenance procedures have been established, supported in the simulator and a focus group development that included leaders and specialists with expertise in the subject. The main objetctive was optimize the opportunities and consequently improve the performance of the system under study. The work was divided into three main stages, namely: (i) Proposal of a model to predict the windows of opportunity for maintenance activities in the expedition systems for mining products, appropriate to the case of Carajás mine; (ii) Establishment of a proposal for maintenance structure and routine required to capture the most accurate forecast of windows of opportunity, and (iii) Application of the model at the actual expedition system in the Carajás mine, aiming to evaluate and improve it. Initial results obtained by applying the developed systematic indicated an increase of 15.9% in the MTBF value compared to the average values from the previous quarter to the implementation of the study. It is estimated that this results had also increased the Volume Loaded in Carajas mine in Pará in 422 tonnes / day of iron ore, using the same basis of comparison. Based on this estimative, and considering that all the conditions, resources, operational structure, prices and demand for iron ore at which the study has been applied are kept, a gain of US$ 1.04 million in monthly sales might be infered, thus totaling US$ 10.7 million in one year. Further gains can be expected as the maintenance team get experienced in the use of systematic proposed.

Redução de custo na manutenção de ativos no Ambiente Industrial / Cost reduction in the manintenance of assets in the industrial environment

Gonçalves Junior, Jairo José Modesto [UNESP] 16 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JAIRO JOSÉ MODESTO GONÇALVES JUNIOR Modesto Gonçalves (jairomodesto@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-26T00:41:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Redução de Custo na Manutenção de Ativos no Ambiente Industrial..pdf: 3290718 bytes, checksum: 0339aba4b7370285403f8ef980b5b0bc (MD5) / Rejected by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: O arquivo submetido está sem a ficha catalográfica. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-04-28T12:16:02Z (GMT) / Submitted by JAIRO JOSÉ MODESTO GONÇALVES JUNIOR Modesto Gonçalves (jairomodesto@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-12T20:07:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Redução de Custo na Manutenção de Ativos no Ambiente Industrial FN..pdf: 3247739 bytes, checksum: 429ad74fa57b3028eaeaffc38852dee4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-13T13:07:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 goncalvesjunior_jjm_me_guara.pdf: 3247739 bytes, checksum: 429ad74fa57b3028eaeaffc38852dee4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-13T13:07:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 goncalvesjunior_jjm_me_guara.pdf: 3247739 bytes, checksum: 429ad74fa57b3028eaeaffc38852dee4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-16 / Outra / Neste trabalho apresentam-se os elementos que demonstram a utilização do conceito de Gestão dos Custos de Manutenção de ativos, bem como a estrutura e formas adotadas na implantação de melhorias no modelo de gestão de custos em uma empresa de autopeças, o trabalho traz a contribuição para comunidade industrial com uso da ferramenta Seis-Sigma para atingir os objetivos e resultados (R$1.002.864,00) financeiros pré-definidos, utilizando a metodologia de pesquisa-ação, descrevendo todas as atenuantes que envolvem a utilização deste modelo para o refinamento da teoria. Tem-se como objetivo ressaltar a importância na gestão dos custos de manutenção em ativos de uma forma estratégica e operacional, para que seja possível entender melhor e/ou confrontar modelos atuais de avalição destes custos. Além disto, isto propiciará as empresas uma melhor previsão nos custos envolvidos através de um modelo para tal, com grande resultados financeiros e conhecimentos adquiridos, podendo assim se valer da garantia de indicadores balanceados e alinhados a real situação dos equipamentos do parque de máquinas. / In this work we present the elements that demonstrate the use of the concept of management of maintenance of assets and costs, as well as the structure and forms adopted in the implementation of improvements in cost management model in an auto parts company, the work brings the contribution industrial community with use of Six Sigma tool to achieve the objectives and results (R$1.002,864.00) pre-defined financial, using the methodology of action research, describing all the mitigating involving the use of this model for refinement theory.It has been aimed to highlight the importance in the management of maintenance costs in assets from a strategic and operational manner, so that you can better understand and / or confront current models these costs. In addition, it will provide companies a better forecast of the costs involved through a model for this, with great financial results and acquired knowledge, so it may be worth ensuring balanced and aligned indicators the actual situation of the machine park equipment.

Estudos de confiabilidade de manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração

Faria, Pedro Henrique Librelon de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de confiabilidade e manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração. O estudo envolveu o desenvolvimento e aplicação de um simulador que permite prever (e utilizar) janelas de oportunidade para manutenção. O simulador foi desenvolvido considerando o caso da mina de Carajás no Pará, uma das maiores do país. Para tal, foi elaborado um modelo heurístico para prever as janelas de oportunidade, de forma a capturá-las para atividades de manutenção. Esse modelo foi baseado em conhecimentos prévios do pesquisador sobre o problema e estudo da lógica de operação do sistema, dando origem a um aplicativo que foi nomeado Mosaico de Simulação da Expedição. Apoiado no modelo desenvolvido e nos resultados de um grupo focado com lideranças e especialistas com experiência técnica no assunto, foram estabelecidas novas diretrizes e procedimentos de manutenção, buscando otimizar o aproveitamento das oportunidades e, consequentemente, melhorar o desempenho do sistema em estudo. O trabalho foi dividido em três etapas principais, sendo: (i) Proposição de um modelo para previsão de janelas de oportunidade para sistemas de expedição para produtos de mineração, adequado ao caso da mina de Carajás; (ii) Estabelecimento de uma proposta de estrutura e rotina da manutenção necessária para aproveitar a previsão mais precisa das janelas de oportunidade de intervenção. e (iii) Aplicação do modelo em estudo junto ao sistema real de expedição na mina de Carajás, visando avaliação e aprimoramento do mesmo. Os resultados iniciais obtidos com a aplicação da sistemática desenvolvida indicaram um aumento de 15,9% no MTBF em comparação com a média dos valores apurados do trimestre anterior à aplicação do estudo. Estima-se que este incremento proporcionou um aumento de 422 toneladas/dia no Volume de Minério Expedido na mina de Carajás no Pará, usando a mesma base de comparação. A partir desta estimativa, e considerando que todas as condições, recursos, estrutura operacional, preços e demanda por minério de ferro à qual o estudo foi aplicado sejam mantidas, pode-se aferir um ganho de faturamento mensal de US$ 1,04 milhões, totalizando US$ 10,7 milhões em um ano. Ganhos maiores podem ser esperados à medida em que a equipe de manutenção obtenha maior experiência no uso da sistemática proposta. / This work presents a reliability study of maintenance in expedition systems for mining products. The study involved the development and implementation of a simulator that can predict (and use) windows of opportunity for maintenance activities. The simulator was developed considering the case of the Carajas mine in Pará, one of the largest in the country. For such system, a heuristic model for predicting the windows of opportunity in order to capture them for maintenance activities was design through the application of a simulator. This model was based on the researcher's prior knowledge about the problem and operation logic of the system, resulting in an applet called Expedition Mosaic Simulator. New guidelines and maintenance procedures have been established, supported in the simulator and a focus group development that included leaders and specialists with expertise in the subject. The main objetctive was optimize the opportunities and consequently improve the performance of the system under study. The work was divided into three main stages, namely: (i) Proposal of a model to predict the windows of opportunity for maintenance activities in the expedition systems for mining products, appropriate to the case of Carajás mine; (ii) Establishment of a proposal for maintenance structure and routine required to capture the most accurate forecast of windows of opportunity, and (iii) Application of the model at the actual expedition system in the Carajás mine, aiming to evaluate and improve it. Initial results obtained by applying the developed systematic indicated an increase of 15.9% in the MTBF value compared to the average values from the previous quarter to the implementation of the study. It is estimated that this results had also increased the Volume Loaded in Carajas mine in Pará in 422 tonnes / day of iron ore, using the same basis of comparison. Based on this estimative, and considering that all the conditions, resources, operational structure, prices and demand for iron ore at which the study has been applied are kept, a gain of US$ 1.04 million in monthly sales might be infered, thus totaling US$ 10.7 million in one year. Further gains can be expected as the maintenance team get experienced in the use of systematic proposed.

Estudos de confiabilidade de manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração

Faria, Pedro Henrique Librelon de January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de confiabilidade e manutenção em sistemas de expedição de produtos de mineração. O estudo envolveu o desenvolvimento e aplicação de um simulador que permite prever (e utilizar) janelas de oportunidade para manutenção. O simulador foi desenvolvido considerando o caso da mina de Carajás no Pará, uma das maiores do país. Para tal, foi elaborado um modelo heurístico para prever as janelas de oportunidade, de forma a capturá-las para atividades de manutenção. Esse modelo foi baseado em conhecimentos prévios do pesquisador sobre o problema e estudo da lógica de operação do sistema, dando origem a um aplicativo que foi nomeado Mosaico de Simulação da Expedição. Apoiado no modelo desenvolvido e nos resultados de um grupo focado com lideranças e especialistas com experiência técnica no assunto, foram estabelecidas novas diretrizes e procedimentos de manutenção, buscando otimizar o aproveitamento das oportunidades e, consequentemente, melhorar o desempenho do sistema em estudo. O trabalho foi dividido em três etapas principais, sendo: (i) Proposição de um modelo para previsão de janelas de oportunidade para sistemas de expedição para produtos de mineração, adequado ao caso da mina de Carajás; (ii) Estabelecimento de uma proposta de estrutura e rotina da manutenção necessária para aproveitar a previsão mais precisa das janelas de oportunidade de intervenção. e (iii) Aplicação do modelo em estudo junto ao sistema real de expedição na mina de Carajás, visando avaliação e aprimoramento do mesmo. Os resultados iniciais obtidos com a aplicação da sistemática desenvolvida indicaram um aumento de 15,9% no MTBF em comparação com a média dos valores apurados do trimestre anterior à aplicação do estudo. Estima-se que este incremento proporcionou um aumento de 422 toneladas/dia no Volume de Minério Expedido na mina de Carajás no Pará, usando a mesma base de comparação. A partir desta estimativa, e considerando que todas as condições, recursos, estrutura operacional, preços e demanda por minério de ferro à qual o estudo foi aplicado sejam mantidas, pode-se aferir um ganho de faturamento mensal de US$ 1,04 milhões, totalizando US$ 10,7 milhões em um ano. Ganhos maiores podem ser esperados à medida em que a equipe de manutenção obtenha maior experiência no uso da sistemática proposta. / This work presents a reliability study of maintenance in expedition systems for mining products. The study involved the development and implementation of a simulator that can predict (and use) windows of opportunity for maintenance activities. The simulator was developed considering the case of the Carajas mine in Pará, one of the largest in the country. For such system, a heuristic model for predicting the windows of opportunity in order to capture them for maintenance activities was design through the application of a simulator. This model was based on the researcher's prior knowledge about the problem and operation logic of the system, resulting in an applet called Expedition Mosaic Simulator. New guidelines and maintenance procedures have been established, supported in the simulator and a focus group development that included leaders and specialists with expertise in the subject. The main objetctive was optimize the opportunities and consequently improve the performance of the system under study. The work was divided into three main stages, namely: (i) Proposal of a model to predict the windows of opportunity for maintenance activities in the expedition systems for mining products, appropriate to the case of Carajás mine; (ii) Establishment of a proposal for maintenance structure and routine required to capture the most accurate forecast of windows of opportunity, and (iii) Application of the model at the actual expedition system in the Carajás mine, aiming to evaluate and improve it. Initial results obtained by applying the developed systematic indicated an increase of 15.9% in the MTBF value compared to the average values from the previous quarter to the implementation of the study. It is estimated that this results had also increased the Volume Loaded in Carajas mine in Pará in 422 tonnes / day of iron ore, using the same basis of comparison. Based on this estimative, and considering that all the conditions, resources, operational structure, prices and demand for iron ore at which the study has been applied are kept, a gain of US$ 1.04 million in monthly sales might be infered, thus totaling US$ 10.7 million in one year. Further gains can be expected as the maintenance team get experienced in the use of systematic proposed.

Gestão da manutenção em EHIS / Housing maintenance management

Iara Del\'Arco Sanches 10 February 2011 (has links)
A gestão da manutenção de uma edificação tem influência direta em seu desempenho, ou seja, em sua duração, seus impactos e seu consumo de recursos como água e energia. O planejamento, a facilidade e demanda de execução dos serviços de manutenção, assim como a transparência para os usuários das necessidades, prazos e procedimentos de manutenção são de fundamental importância para a qualidade e sustentabilidade dos edifícios. O processo de gestão da manutenção de uma edificação tem início ainda nas etapas iniciais de projeto do empreendimento, quando tomadas de decisões que considerem fatores de manutenção fornecem subsídios para elaboração de projetos da manutenção mais eficazes e de menor impacto social, ambiental e econômico, tem continuidade durante a etapa de construção quando se deve primar pela qualidade e continua durante a etapa de operação, uso e manutenção. Particularmente em empreendimentos de habitação de interesse social, a geração de subsídios, a consideração de fatores de manutenção, o planejamento da manutenção, da maneira como operacionalizá-la, são fatores determinantes para conservação de edificações, além de contribuir com a luta contra o déficit habitacional, buscando empreendimentos de melhor qualidade, com maiores graus de manutenibilidade e conseqüentemente tarifas condominiais e consumo de recursos reduzidos. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir com o processo de gestão da manutenção, a partir de um levantamento feito através do ponto de vista das empresas administradoras de empreendimentos PAR do estado de São Paulo, abordando o tratamento dispensado à manutenção a partir da fase de uso e operação, identificando requisitos para elaboração de diretrizes que contribuam com a operacionalização da manutenção. / A building maintenance management has direct influence on its performance, ie, its duration, its impacts and its resources consumption as water and energy. The planning, execution ease and demand of maintenance services as well as transparency of needs, deadlines and maintenance procedures for the users are essential to the quality and sustainability of buildings. The process of a building maintenance management begins in the early stages of a building design, when making decisions considering maintenance aspects provides subsides for more effective designs with less social, environmental and economic impacts. This process continues during the construction stage when it is necessary to strive for quality, maintaining this line of reasoning during the operation, use and maintenance phase. Particularly in housing projects, generating subsides, considering maintenance factors, maintenance planning and the means to operate it are determining factors for building maintenance, thus it contributes to combating the housing shortage seeking buildings of better quality, with greater degrees of maintainability and condominium prices and therefore reduced resource consumption. Thus, this research aims to contribute to the maintenance management process, starting from a survey done by the point of view of companies that manage PAR housing projects of the state of São Paulo, addressing the treatment given to the operation, use and maintenance phase, identifying requirements for guidelines developing to contribute to the maintenance operation and management.

The impact of total productive maintenance (TPM) on manufacturing performance at the Colt Section of DaimlerChrysler in the Eastern Cape

Ncube, Mfowabo January 2006 (has links)
Today's successful manufacturing organisations require a significant competitive advantage, hence the need to implement and develop a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy. This research paper addresses the impact of TPM on manufacturing performance at the Colt production facility (DCSA). A literature survey was undertaken into the elements and benefits of TPM. Questionaires were also sent to all levels of people at the Colt production facility for their views on TPM and the impact, they believe, it has had on manufacturing performance. In conclusion, this research paper has also led to the development of recommendations to improve TPM activities at the Colt production facility. From the research, it was shown that top management support for TPM activities is needed and that training is an essential factor for TPM's success in improving manufacturing performance.

Continuous Delivery : Utmaningar ett förvaltningsuppdrag kan stå inför vid en övergång till Continuous Delivery / Challenges a maintenance management project may face during a transition to Continuous delivery

Lööf, Erika, Mack, Colin January 2016 (has links)
Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach where the focus lays on creating a short delivery cycle by automating parts of the deployment pipeline which includes build, deploy-, test and release process. CD is based on that during development should be possible to always automatically generate a release based on the source code in its current state. One of CD's many advantages is that through continuous releases it allows you to get a quick feedback loop leading to faster and more efficient implementation of new functions, at the same time fixing errors. Although CD has many advantages, there are also several challenges a maintenance management project must manage in the transition to CD. These challenges may differ depending on the maturity level for a maintenance management project and what strengths and weaknesses the project has. Our research question was: "What challenges can a maintenance management project face in transition to Continuous delivery?" The purpose of this study is to describe Continuous delivery and the challenges a maintenance management project may face during a transition to Continuous delivery. A descriptive case study has been carried out with the data collection methods of interviews and documents. A situation analysis was created based on the collected data in a shape of a process model that represent the maintenance management projects release process. The processmodel was used as the basis of SWOT analysis and analysis by Rehn et al's Maturity Model. From these analyzes we found challenges of a maintenance management project may face in the transition to CD. The challenges are about customers and the management's attitude towards a transition to CD. But the biggest challenge is about automation of the deployment pipeline steps. / Continuous Delivery (CD) är en metod inom systemutveckling där fokus ligger på att skapa en kort leveranscykel genom att automatisera delar av deployment pipeline vilket innehåller bygg-, deploy-, test- och releaseprocessen. CD bygger på att det alltid under pågående utveckling skall vara möjligt att automatiskt generera en release utifrån källkoden i dess aktuella tillstånd. En av CD’s många fördelar är att man genom kontinuerliga releaser får en snabb feedbackloop vilket leder till snabbare och effektivare införande av nya funktioner, samtidigt som man åtgärdar fel. Även om CD har många fördelar finns det också flera utmaningar ett förvaltningsuppdrag måste hantera vid en övergång till CD. Dessa utmaningar kan skilja sig beroende på vilken mognadsnivå ett förvaltningsuppdrag befinner sig i och vilka styrkor och svagheter uppdraget har. Vår frågeställning har varit: "Vilka utmaningar kan ett förvaltningsuppdrag stå inför vid en övergång till Continuous Delivery?" Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för Continuous Delivery samt vilka utmaningar förvaltningsuppdrag kan stå inför vid en övergång till Continuous Delivery. En beskrivande fallstudie har genomförts med datainsamlingsmetoderna intervjuer och dokument. Av insamlad data skapades en nulägesanalys i form av en processmodell över förvaltningsuppdragens releaseprocess. Den har använts som grund för en SWOT- analys och en analys med hjälp Rehn mfl’s Maturity model. I från dessa analyser kom vi fram till utmaningar ett förvaltningsuppdrag kan stå inför vid en övergång till CD. Utmaningarna handlar dels om kunder och ledningens inställningar inför en övergång till CD. Men den största utmaningen gäller automatisering av delarna i deployment pipeline.

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