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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de respostas morfológicas e fisiológicas de plantas de soja submetidas a estresse hídrico / Morphological and physiological characterization of soybean plants under water stress

Guilherme Felisberto 20 January 2016 (has links)
A cultura de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) é muito importante mundialmente em função de seu uso na alimentação animal, como principal fonte de proteína e óleo, além de constituir a matéria prima básica para diversos setores da indústria. Sabe-se que a produtividade potencial de uma cultura é determinada por fatores genéticos e pelos seguintes atributos do ambiente de produção: temperatura, radiação solar, dióxido de carbono e fotoperíodo, sem restrição de água, nutrientes, plantas daninhas, pragas e doenças. A disponibilidade hídrica afeta o crescimento e desenvolvimento da cultura de soja, especialmente durante o período reprodutivo, fase de elevada atividade fisiológica. A deficiência hídrica é o principal fator limitante da produção mundial da cultura, que em sua maioria é cultivada em sistema de sequeiro em áreas com consideráveis riscos de ocorrência de deficit hídrico ao longo do ciclo da cultura. As plantas, ao longo do tempo, desenvolveram mecanismos para tolerar e/ou evitar os efeitos negativos desse estresse. O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar esses mecanismos de tolerância associando-os ao potencial matricial do solo em processo de secagem. Foi avaliado a umidade gravimétrica e potencial matricial do solo, conteúdo relativo de água na folha, potencial hídrico foliar, prolina e caracteres relacionados à produção de plantas de soja, durante o período de enchimento de grãos, submetidas a três, seis, nove e doze dias sem irrigação, comparados com o controle irrigado diariamente. De acordo com o observado, os mecanismos de tolerância da soja à deficiência hídrica foram satisfatórios para a manutenção do conteúdo relativo de água e potencial hídrico foliar em níveis adequados até o valor de potencial matricial de água no solo de -0,8 atm, tendo a prolina papel importante nesse mecanismo. As avaliações hídricas, conteúdo relativo de água e potencial foliar se mostraram relacionados com a manutenção da produtividade de soja sob situação de deficiência hídrica, mostrando-se adequados para o estudo de tolerância de cultivares de soja à restrição hídrica. / Soybean crop (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is very important worldwide because it is used in animal feeding, a source of protein and oil, and also raw material for many manufactured goods. It is known that a crop potential yield is determined by genetic factors and by the following production environment characteristics: temperature, solar radiation, carbon dioxide, photoperiod, water availability, nutrients, weeds, pests and diseases. Water availability affects soybean growth and development especially during the reproductive phase which has high physiological activity. Water deficit is a key factor on world`s soybean production which is generally grown in dry land systems with considerable high risks of water deficit along soybean crop season. Plants have developed mechanisms over time to tolerate and/or avoid negative effects of this kind of stress. The present study had as the main goal to characterize these mechanisms of tolerance associating them with soil matric potential of a soil in a drying process. It was assessed the gravimetrical humidity and soil matric potential, leaf relative water content, leaf water potential, proline and yield component of plants under three, six, nine and twelve days without irrigation during grain filling phase. In accordance with the observed, soybean water deficit tolerance mechanisms were enough to maintain leaf relative water content and leaf water potential at acceptable levels until soil matric potential were around -0.8 atm, which proline was a key factor in this mechanism. Leaf relative water content and leaf water potential showed to be related in maintaining soybean yield under water deficit and they may be used in studies of soybean tolerant cultivars to water restriction.
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Mesure et modélisation des bilans d'énergie et de masse (eau) sur des plantes cultivées sous serre : impact d'une restriction hydrique / Measurement and modeling of energy and mass balances (water) on plants grown under greenhouse : impact of water restriction

Bouhoun Ali, Hacene 24 November 2016 (has links)
La réduction de la consommation de l’eau dans les serres agricoles représente un grand intérêt ne serait-ce que pour accroitre l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau par les cultures et rendre les professionnelsdu secteur horticole plus compétitifs. La thèse vise à apporter des réponses concernant la gestion optimale de l’eau. Ceci passe par la mise en place d’un modèle capable de prédire les bilans demasse et d’énergie sur l’ensemble du continuum substrat-planteatmosphère en régimes de confort et de restriction hydrique. La plupart des modèles de transfert existants se focalisent soit surle système sol-plante, soit sur le système plante-atmosphère. Ils ont de plus été établis principalement pour les systèmes de grandes cultures, alors que les cultures en pot sous serre possèdent desspécifi cités liées au confi nement tant aérien que racinaire. L’enjeu est de bâtir une approche intégrée du continuum substrat-planteatmosphère pour modéliser le fonctionnement de plantes en pots sousserre. La thèse s’appuie sur une double approche expérimentale et numérique. Une campagne expérimentale a été lancée en 2014 puis en 2015 sous serre et une autre en chambre climatique en 2014,en utilisant l’Impatiens de Nouvelle Guinée comme plante modèle. Il s’agissait d’abord d’élaborer un modèle de la résistance stomatique, élément clef de la transpiration en s’appuyant sur le modèleméthode multiplicatif de Jarvis puis sur la méthode des plans d’expérience en confort et en restriction hydrique. Les données acquises ont permis de caler/valider ces modèles de résistance,qui ont pu êtr / In greenhouses, reducing water consumption is of high interest, not only to increase water effi ciency, but also to maintain competitiveness of the growers. The aim of this thesis is to provideanswers regarding the optimal water management. To reach this goal, predictive models water and energy transfers through the substrate-plant-atmosphere are implemented, considering wellwatered plants and plants under water restriction. Most existing models of water and energy transfers have benne established either on the soil-plants system, or on theplant-atmosphere system. Moreover, such models were mainly developed for open fi eld conditions, although plants grown in pots have specifi cities linked to the aerial and root confi nement.The challenge is therefore to develop an integrated soil-plantatmosphere model for greenhouse plants grown in pot. The thesis was based on a combined experimental and numerical approach.A field survey was conducted in 2014 and then in 2015 inside a greenhouse, and another one in a growth chamber in 2014. The New Guinea Impatiens was used as a plant model. The stomatal resistance was fi rst modeled, as a key factor impacting the transpiration, by using the multiplicative Jarvis model, andthen the design of experiments method for plants under wellwatered and water restriction conditions. The collected data was used to calibrate/validate the aforementioned stomatalresistance models; the obtained models could then be tested to evaluate transpiration with the Penman Monteith model and the direct method. Finally, these models were integrated in
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