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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ověření korespondence mezi mediální a veřejnou agendou / The verification of correspondence between the media and the public agenda

Horová, Terezie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the subject of correspondence between the media and the public agenda. It is based on previous studies , where the relationship between the media and the public agenda confirmed sociologist McCombs (Dearing a Rogers 1996: 6). On the sources it is trying to establish a linkage on the specific topic of the church restitutions , which discusses in particular the development and opinions both in the media and in the public agenda. In contrast to previous pieces I try to penetrate deeper into the linkage between media and public agenda and investigate their mutual correspondence. For analyzing the media agenda, the author uses the method of content analysis of newspaper articles in selected printed media. Then the result is compared to a secondary analysis of survey data Naše společnost, that realized the Center for Public Opinion Research, which represents the public agenda in this case. The main results of the analysis is verified that the media and the public agenda influenced each toher in the particular case, the issue of restitution of churches . First, it is managed to identify similarities between the frequency of occurrences of each media reports and public interest in the topic. It is also discovered a connection between opinions on the topic in the media and public...

Who Sets the Media Agenda? : news vs. advertising

Flores Gutiérrez, Maria de los Ángeles 27 April 2015 (has links)
Grounded in the theory of intra-media agenda-setting, this research will analyze the dynamic process among the Mexican national television networks during the 2006 presidential election campaign period. Specifically, what were the intra-media agenda-setting effects between the Mexican television media Televisa and TV Azteca during the 2006 presidential election campaign? The television content analysis data set is from a systematic random sample of national Mexican prime time television news programs broadcast during the official Instituto Federal Electoral's (Federal Electoral Institute) presidential campaign period, which runs from January 19 to June 28, 2006. The Mexican television newscasts that were analyzed are Televisa's El Noticiero con Joaquín López Dóriga, and TV Azteca's Hechos de la Noche. Overall, the results indicated that television news strongly influences a presidential candidate's television political spots. The flow of communication between television news and a candidate’s television political spots was scrutinized in several time frames in order to examine the influence from a general perspective (3 months, then 2 months) into a specific (month by month) perspective. The outcome at the 3-month scale indicated that television news strongly influenced a candidate’s political spots. The same pattern was observed at the two-month interval. Finally, the month-by month outcome also indicated that television news influenced a candidate’s political spots. / text

News Coverage of Housing Matters: Examining Housing Crises During the Great Recession and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sharonda D Woodford (16676292) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Housing is an issue that affects all individuals in society. People have firsthand experiences with housing daily. Housing is also a macro issue that is affected by and has implications for the nation’s economy and public policy. Despite the centrality of housing for individuals <i>and</i> society, few scholars have examined media coverage of housing issues and housing policy. This gap is especially problematic when considering the critical role of the housing market collapse in the 2008 Great Recession, the landmark housing policies instituted during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the media's potential to shape perceptions of housing policy and the economy. In this study, I use content analysis to examine the media agenda-setting and framing of housing and housing policies from 2005 to 2010 and 2020 in the <i>New York Times</i>. I investigate whether housing is framed in episodic or thematic ways and how housing media frames changed in response to the economic collapse and the pandemic. I also examine the context of media agenda-setting using housing topics. Lastly, I pay particular attention to whether housing media frames and housing topics are racialized. The data for this project was collected from the <i>New York Times</i> between 2005 - 2010 and 2020. The search terms used to identify relevant news articles were housing policy, subprime, affordable housing, foreclosure, homeownership, and eviction. The articles identified are all from the front page of the <i>New York Times</i>.</p>

Media som kritisk granskare : en kvalitativ studie om medierapporteringen av hållbarhet / Media as a critical scrutinizer : a qualitative study on media reporting of sustainability

Malmberg, Charlotte, Provén, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har hållbarhetsrelaterade ämnen tagit allt större plats, både inom vetenskapen och också populärvetenskapen. Tidigare forskning visar att hållbarhetsredovisning och hållbarhetsarbete oftast studeras ur ett företagsperspektiv. Media är en viktig intressent för företag och är en av de främsta kommunikationsvägarna mellan företag och deras andra intressenter. Medias rapportering är på så sätt värdefull för båda parter. Vi har därför valt att utifrån ett intressentperspektiv studera medias rapportering av företags arbete med hållbarhet. Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett intressentperspektiv bidra med kunskap om medias roll som kritisk granskare i rapporteringen av hållbarhetsredovisning och hållbarhetsarbete. Resultatet visar att media inte axlar rollen som kritisk granskare fullt ut då rapporteringen inte är särskilt omfattande. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsartiklar från dagspress utifrån en abduktiv ansats. Studien har en tvärsnittsdesign i vår kvalitativa metodansats. Vår analys kan likställas med tematisk analys, då vi har skapat teman med tillhörande underkategorier för att koda vårt material. Studien utgår från tre tidningar för att fånga variationen som finns i sättet media kommunicerar och har ett interpretativistiskt angreppssätt med inspiration från det hermeneutiska perspektivet. Analysmodellen har utvecklats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen som består av litteraturöversikt och teorier. Vår forskning visar att nyhetsartiklar i regel är legitimitetsstjälpande för det omskrivna företaget. Nyhetsartiklarna berör både allmänna och specifika områden kopplat till hållbarhet och inkluderar vanligtvis opartiska röster som kommenterar texterna. Vidare kan vi konstatera att sökningen efter nyhetsartiklar utifrån våra kriterier genererade färre sökträffar än väntat. Med det sagt rapporterar media om hållbarhetsredovisning och hållbarhetsarbete i lägre grad än förväntat. I synnerhet är rapporteringen kring hållbarhetsredovisning mycket låg. Därmed kan vi påvisa att medias roll som kritisk granskare i rapporteringen av hållbarhetsredovisning och hållbarhetsarbete i nuläget är försumbar. / Over the past decades, sustainability-related subjects have become more significant, both in science and in popular science. Previous research shows that sustainability reports and sustainability work are usually studied from a business perspective. Media is an important stakeholder for businesses and is often one of the main intermediator between companies and its other stakeholders, making its reporting valuable to both parties. We have therefore chosen to adapt a stakeholder perspective that of the media is the main focus. The purpose of this study is to throughout a stakeholder perspective contribute knowledge about the role of media as a critical scrutinizer in the reporting of sustainability reports and sustainability work. The result shows that media does not take on the role as a critical scrutinizer to the fullest since the reporting is not particularly extensive. We have conducted a qualitative content analysis of popular science articles based on an abductive approach. We applied a cross-sectional design in our qualitative methodology. Our analysis can be compared to the thematic analysis, since we created themes with associated subcategories to encode our material. We based the study on three newspapers to capture the variation in the way media communicates. We adopted an interpretative approach with inspiration from the hermeneutical perspective. Our analysis model was developed based on the theoretical frame of reference based on our literature review and theories. Our research shows that news articles generally weakens the legitimacy regarding the current company. The news articles concern both general and specific areas linked to sustainability and usually include impartial voices that comment on the texts. Furthermore, we can find that the search for news articles based on our criteria generated fewer hits than we expected. In addition to this, the media coverage of sustainability reports and work is far less extensive than expected. In particular, the contribution from media on sustainability reporting is almost non-existent. Thus, we can demonstrate that the role of media as a critical scrutinizer in the reporting of sustainability reports and sustainability work in the present is negligible.

Political contradictions : discussions of virtue in American life

LaVally, Rebecca 26 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation asserts that American political culture faces a crisis of virtue and explores the role of citizens, journalists and politicians in fostering it. The historic election of Barack Obama on a platform of hope and change in 2008 suggests that Americans yearn for an infusion of virtue into political life. I assert, however, that we have lacked a lexicon of political virtue, or any systematic understanding of which virtues we value and which matter most to us. Nor have we understood whether groups who constitute key elements of our democracy—citizens, journalists, politicians, men and women, Democrats and Republicans—value virtues in politics similarly or differently. Without a working knowledge of the anatomy of virtue in the body politic, what is to prevent us from having to change again? By charting the virtue systems of these key groups, I have made explicit what is implicit to reveal that political virtue is more valued—and more present—than Americans likely realize. This exploration, I believe, contributes to the scholarship of political communication by enabling a fuller and more useful understanding of American political culture—and of the contradictions, curiosities, and surprises that enrich it. / text

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