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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reorganização estrutural e metabólica do tecido cardíaco associada à dormência e jejum sazonal em lagartos teiú Tupinambis merianae / Structural and metabolic reorganization of heart tissue associated with seasonal dormancy and fasting in tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae

Lilian Cristina da Silveira 18 February 2011 (has links)
O coração é um órgão notável por sua flexibilidade estrutural e metabólica em resposta a variações de demanda. Na dormência sazonal, a interrupção da alimentação, associada à inatividade física e à acentuada redução da frequência cardíaca, ocasiona uma inibição da demanda sobre a função do órgão e, provavelmente, uma reorganização estrutural e metabólica do tecido cardíaco. Estes aspectos foram investigados ao longo do ciclo anual de atividades em lagartos teiú Tupinambis merianae, com o objetivo de examinar as alterações de capacidade funcional cardíaca dadas por ajustes da massa, estrutura e composição do tecido, por regulação do fluxo de substratos energéticos em vias de produção de energia e por mudanças da composição de ácidos graxos dos fosfolipídios das membranas. Grupos de animais jovens foram mortos em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual e após 20 dias de jejum na fase ativa e o ventrículo cardíaco foi removido e pesado. Um fragmento da parede ventricular foi retirado, transferido para fixador e utilizado posteriormente para a confecção de cortes histológicos de 10 μm de espessura que foram analisados utilizando-se método estereológico. O restante do tecido ventricular foi congelado em N2 líquido e conservado em freezer -80 ºC. Os teores de água, proteína total e solúvel e lipídio total foram medidos por meio de ensaios padrão; as atividades máximas de enzimas foram medidas por espectrofotometria em condições saturantes de substratos e cofatores; e o perfil de ácidos graxos dos lipídios neutros e polares foi determinado por cromatografia gasosa. No início do outono, a massa ventricular relativa é 0,16% e aumenta 31% até o final desta fase, quando o miocárdio esponjoso possui aspecto denso e poucos espaços lacunares que ocupam cerca de 8% da área total do corte. Este arranjo é mantido na dormência, quando a massa ventricular relativa aumenta 29% em relação ao final do outono, e no início do despertar, quando a massa ventricular relativa diminui para valores semelhantes aos do final do outono. Após a retomada da alimentação, a massa ventricular relativa volta a exibir uma porcentagem comparável a da dormência, juntamente com um pequeno aumento da área de lacunas no miocárdio esponjoso. Na primavera, a massa ventricular relativa é de 0,24% e o miocárdio esponjoso possui aspecto extremamente reticulado, com 29% da área total do corte ocupada por espaços lacunares. Animais ativos submetidos a jejum apresentam redução de 19% da massa ventricular relativa em relação a animais alimentados. A densidade numérica de cardiomiócitos na camada esponjosa é 37% menor na dormência em relação à atividade de primavera, resultando em um volume calculado de um cardiomiócito nesta fase 52% maior em relação à atividade de primavera. A análise do teor de água, proteínas totais e solúveis não indica variação ao longo do ciclo anual, com exceção de uma tendência ao aumento do teor de água na dormência e de uma tendência à redução do teor de proteínas solúveis após o despertar e ingestão de água e no grupo de animais ativos submetidos ao jejum. Na atividade de outono e dormência de inverno a concentração de proteínas miofibrilares é reduzida em relação à atividade de primavera e aumenta no início do despertar após a ingestão de água. A concentração de lipídios totais é menor na dormência e despertar em relação à atividade de outono e no grupo de animais submetidos a jejum em relação a animais alimentados. As enzimas glicolíticas PK e LDH não variam ao longo do ciclo anual, enquanto a CS, indicadora da capacidade aeróbia, exibe forte tendência ao aumento na dormência, e a HOAD, enzima da β-oxidação lipídica, encontra-se inibida na dormência e no despertar em relação ao outono. Em contraste, com exceção da LDH que também não varia, a PK e a CS diminuem, enquanto que a HOAD é mantida constante após jejum na fase ativa. As variações do perfil de ácidos graxos da fração lipídica neutra sugerem que ácidos graxos insaturados são preferencialmente mobilizados das reservas do miocárdio durante a dormência e início do despertar, enquanto que no jejum durante a fase ativa as diferentes classes de ácidos graxos são equitativamente mobilizadas. A composição de ácidos graxos da fração lipídica polar exibe uma notável constância ao longo do ciclo anual, sugerindo que os ajustes à dormência sazonal não afetam de modo abrangente os fosfolipídios do tecido cardíaco e, portanto, não sugerem um papel preponderante de mudanças da composição lipídica das membranas na regulação metabólica sazonal nos teiús. Além disso, o contraste em relação às alterações observadas em mamíferos hibernantes sugere que, nestes, os ajustes seriam mais relacionados com a adaptação às baixas temperaturas corpóreas típicas da hibernação. A análise de regressão indica uma variação do conteúdo dos ácidos graxos C18:1n-9, C22:5n-6 e C22:6n-3 em função da massa corpórea dos jovens teiús e as mudanças do padrão alométrico sugerem uma relação entre o conteúdo destes ácidos graxos e as diferenças de taxa metabólica em animais de diferentes massas corpóreas, observadas em determinadas fases do ciclo anual de atividades e após o jejum durante a fase ativa. / The structural and metabolic flexibility of cardiac response to a variable physiological demand is notable. During seasonal dormancy, interruption of feeding together with inactivity and reduced heart beating, cause a large decrease of demand which probably brings about structural and metabolic heart tissue reorganization. These aspects were studied during the annual cycle in young tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae to investigate the hypothesis of seasonal changes of the heart capacities given by adjustments of tissue mass, structure and composition, by regulation of flux of substrates in the pathways of energy production, and by changes in the composition of fatty acids of tissue membranes. Groups of animals were killed in selected phases during the first year cycle of young tegus and after a 20 days fasting period during spring activity. Heart ventricle was removed and weighed and a tissue sample was collected and transfered to fixative solution, being used to obtain tissue slices of 10μm width for histological analysis with stereological tools. The remaining tissue was cut and split into aliquots, frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -80ºC. Later, the aliquots were used to assess the content of water, total and soluble proteins, and total lipids, by standard assays, the maximum activity of enzymes by spectrophotometry, and neutral and polar fatty acids profiles by gas chromatography. In early fall, the relative mass ventricle is 0.16%, and 31% increased in late fall, when the spongy myocardium appears dense and with few lacunar spaces which area corresponds to 8% of slice total área. During dormancy, the ventricle mass increases further 29%, decreasing to values of late fall during early arousal. After food intake, mass ventricle is again increased together with a small increase of the lacunar spaces, which appear highly expanded later in spring (29% of the total area), when tissue mass is 0,24% increased in relation to early fall. Unlike dormancy, fasting during spring caused a decrease of 19% of the ventricle mass. The cardiomyocytes density in the spongy layer is 37% decreased during dormancy while estimated cell volume is 52% increased, in relation to spring activity. There was no seasonal changes in the content of water and proteins in the groups analysed, except to a tendency to increase in the water content during dormancy, and to decrease in the soluble proteins in early arousal and in fasted animals. Myofibrillar protein is lower during fall and dormancy in relation to spring, increasing soon in early arousal after water intake. Total lipids decrease in the tissue during dormancy in relation to late fall by similar proportion than after fasting during spring. The glycolytic enzymes PK e LDH are unchanged during the year cycle, whereas the mitochondrial CS shows a tendency to increase, and HOAD, a β-oxidation enzyme, is decreased during dormancy and early arousal, in relation to fall. Unlike, PK and CS are decreased, while HOAD is unchanged after a period of fasting during spring. Fatty acids (FA) profiles of neutral lipids suggest that unsaturated FA are preferentially mobilized during dormancy and arousal, whereas all FA would be equally used during spring fasting. FA of polar lipids are remarkably constant during the year, suggesting that membrane FA in the heart tissue are not generally affected by season, and thus, results do not support a predominant role played by compositional changes of membranes in metabolic depression in the tegu. In addition, the otherwise distinct findings with hibernating mammals suggest that changes of FA composition in these animals would be an adaptation to the low body temperature of torpor, rather than mechanism of metabolic inhibition. Regression analysis indicate significant relationships of C18:1n-9, C22:5n-6, and C22:6n-3 contents as a function of body mass in young tegus, and changes in the allometric patterns are consistent with a putative relationship between these FA levels and the scaling of mass specific metabolic rates of young tegus during the year cycle.

Intermittent hypoxia elicits a unique physiological coping strategy in Fundulus killifish

Borowiec, Brittney G. January 2019 (has links)
Fish encounter daily cycles of hypoxia in the wild, but the physiological strategies for coping with repeated cycles of normoxia and hypoxia (intermittent hypoxia) are poorly understood. Contrastingly, the physiological strategies for coping with continuous (constant) exposure to hypoxia have been studied extensively in fish. The main objective of this thesis was to understand how Fundulus killifish cope with a diurnal cycle of intermittent hypoxia, an ecologically relevant pattern of aquatic hypoxia in the natural environment. To do this, I characterized the effects of intermittent hypoxia on hypoxia tolerance, oxygen transport, metabolism, and the oxidative stress defense system of killifish, and compared these effects to fish exposed to normoxia, a single cycle of hypoxia-normoxia, and constant hypoxia. Specifically, I studied the following topics: (i) how acclimation to intermittent hypoxia modifies hypoxia tolerance, and the hypoxia acclimation response of Fundulus heteroclitus (Chapter 2), (ii) metabolic adjustments occurring during a hypoxia-reoxygenation cycle (Chapter 3), (iii) how acclimation to intermittent hypoxia alters O2 transport capacity and maximal aerobic metabolic rate (Chapter 4), (iv) the effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress (Chapter 5), and (v) variation in hypoxia tolerance and in the hypoxia acclimation responses across Fundulus fishes (Chapter 6). Killifish rely on a unique and effective physiological strategy to cope with intermittent hypoxia, and that this strategy is distinct from both the response to a single bout of acute hypoxia-reoxygenation (12 h hypoxia followed by 6 h reoxygenation) and to chronic exposure to constant hypoxia (24 h hypoxia per day for 28 d). Key features of the acclimation response to intermittent hypoxia include (i) maintenance of resting O2 consumption rate in hypoxia followed by a substantial increase in O2 consumption rate during recovery in normoxia, (ii) reversible increases in blood O2 carrying capacity during hypoxia bouts, (iii) minimal recruitment of anaerobic metabolism during hypoxia bouts, and (iv) protection of tissues from oxidative damage despite alterations in the homeostasis of reactive oxygen species and cellular redox status. Of these features, (i) is unique to intermittent hypoxia, (ii) also occurs in fish exposed to acute hypoxia-reoxygenation, and (iii) and (iv) are observed in both fish acclimated to intermittent hypoxia as well as those acclimated to constant hypoxia. This is the most extensive investigation to date on how fish cope with the energetic and oxidative stress challenges of intermittent hypoxia, and how these responses differ from constant hypoxia. This thesis adds substantial insight into the general mechanisms by which animals can respond to an ecologically important but poorly understood feature of the aquatic environment. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Oxygen levels in the aquatic environment are dynamic. Many fishes routinely encounter changes in oxygen content in their environment. However, we have very little understanding of how cycles between periods of low oxygen (hypoxia) and periods of high oxygen (normoxia) affect the physiology of fish. This thesis investigated how Fundulus killifish cope with daily cycles between hypoxia and normoxia (intermittent hypoxia) by modifying oxygen transport, metabolism, and oxidative stress defense systems. I found that killifish rely on a unique and effective physiological strategy to cope with intermittent hypoxia, and that this strategy is distinct from how they respond to a single bout of hypoxia (followed by normoxia) and to a constant pattern of only hypoxia. This is the most extensive investigation to date on how fish respond to the challenges of intermittent hypoxia, an understudied but ecologically important type of aquatic hypoxia.

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