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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of selective real-time PCR (SPCR) asays for the detection of K103N resistance mutation in minor HIV-1 populations

Seleka, Mpho Maria 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The conventional sequence analysis is the most common method used for the detection of drug-resistant mutants. Due to its sensitivity limitations, it is unable to detect these mutants when comprising less than 20% (minor populations) of the total virus population in a sample. However, real-time PCR-based assays offer a rapid, sensitive, specific and easy detection and quantification of such mutants. The HIV-1 variants harbouring the K103N mutation are associated with resistance to nevirapine (NVP) and efavirenz (EFV). The persisting drug-resistant mutants decay slowly to low levels, and therefore they are called minor drug-resistant mutants. Consequently, they affect subsequent treatment with the drugs of the relevant class. Objectives: The objective of this study was to design two TaqMan real-time PCR-based assays called selective-polymerase chain reaction (SPCR), namely the total viral copy SPCR assay and the K103N-SPCR assay. The former detects HIV-1 of subtype C reverse transcriptase sequences, whereas the latter detects K103N drug-resistant variants in these sequences. Design and Methods: In developing the SPCR assays, sets of appropriate primers and probes for the HIV-1 subtype C reverse transcriptase (RT) were developed to use in the K103N-specific reaction and the total copy reaction. Twelve DNA plasmid standards with sequence diversity were constructed for the assay from two HIV-1subtype C samples known to harbour the K103N mutation (AAC or AAT) in our Department‟s Resistance Databank. Their RT regions were amplified, cloned and verified with sequencing. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to induce mutations at 103 amino acid position in some of these clones to generate more standards with either one of the three codons (AAA, AAC and AAT). The two assays were optimized and validated, and a standard curve was generated for each assay using 10-fold serial dilution (5x107-5x100 DNA copy/μL) of a K103N-mutant plasmid standard. The optimized and validated SPCR assays were used to screen 40 nested PCR products of previously genotyped patient samples for minor K103N variants. Results: Two sensitive and reproducible selective real-time PCR (SPCR) assays, with cut-offs of 8.23 and 10.33 and a detection limit of 0.01% for the K103N resistance variants, were successfully developed. The assays detected a prevalence of 25.64-46.15% for the K103N resistance mutation in 39 patient samples. The genotyping (population sequencing) missed 40-53.85% of these variants. Conclusion: In conclusion, sensitive and reliable selective real-time PCR assays to detect and quantify minor K103N variants of HIV-1 in nested PCR products were successfully developed. The assay had a lower detection limit of 0.01%. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Konvensionele volgorde bepaling analise is die mees algemeenste metode wat gebruik word vir die opsporing van middel-weerstandige mutasies, maar weens beperkte sensitiwiteit is dit nie moontlik om hierdie mutante op te spoor wanneer dit minder as 20% (minderheids populasie) van die totale viruspopulasie in `n monster uitmaak nie. Nietemin, kwalitatiewe PKR-gebaseerd toetse bied vinnige, sensitiewe, spesifieke en makliker opsporings en kwantifisering van sulke mutante aan. MIV-1 variante wat die K103N mutasie bevat word geassosieer met weerstand teen nevirapine (NVP) and efavirenz (EFV). Volhoudende middel-weerstandige mutasies vergaan stadig na laer vlakke en word daarom na minderheids middel weerstandige mutasies verwys. Gevolglik affekteer dit opvolgende behandeling met die middel van die relevante klas. Doelwitte: Die doel van die studie was om twee TaqMan kwantifiserende PKR gebaseerde selektiewe polymerase ketting reaksies (SPKR), naamlik totale virale kopie SPKR en K103N-SPKR te ontwikkel. Die voormalige toets het die MIV-1 subtipe C omgekeerde transkriptase volgorde bepaal, waar K103N die middel-weerstand variante in hierdie volgorde opspoor. Ontwerp en Metodes: `n Geskikte stel inleiers en peiler was ontwikkel vir die MIV-1 subtipe C omgekeerde transkriptase (OT) vir gebruik in die K103N-spesifieke en die totaal kopie reaksie. Twaalf DNS plasmied standaarde met volgorde diversiteit was saamgestel vir die toets vanaf twee MIV-1 subtipe C monsters wat volgens ons Departement se weerstand databasis geklassifeer is vir die besit van die K103N mutasie (AAC of AAT). Die OT streke was geamplifiseer, gekloneer en geverifieer deur volgorde bepaling. Punt-gerigte mutagenese is gebruik om `n mutasie by die amino suur posisie 103 van sekere klone te induseer om meer standaarde te genereer wat een van die drie kodons (AAA, AAC en AAT) bevat. Die twee toetse is geoptimiseer en gevalideer en `n standard kurwe is genereer vir elk van die toetse deur die gebruik van tienvoud serie verdunnings (107-1 DNS kopie/μL) van `n algemene K103N-mutante plasmied standard. Die geoptimiseerde en gevalideerde SPKR toets was gebruik om vir die minderheids K103N variante in 40 “nested” PKR produkte van voorheen gegenotipeerde pasiënt te soek. Resultate: Twee sensitiewe en herproduseerbare selektiewe kwantitiewe PKR toetse met `n ΔCt afsnypunt van 8.23 en `n deteksie limiet van 0.006% was ontwikkel vir die K103N weerstand variant. Die toets het `n voorkomsyfer van 25.6 % vir die K103N weerstand mutasie in 40 pasiënt monsters bepaal, waar genotipering (populasie volgorde ) 40% van hierdie variante nie opgespoor het nie. Gevolgtrekking: `n Sensitiewe en betroubare selektiewe kwantitatiewe PKR toets vir die opspoor en kwantifisering van die minderheids K103N variante van MIV-1 in PKR produkte was ontwikkel. Hierdie toets het `n laer opsporings limiet van 0.01%. / Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / National Research Fund (NRF) / National Health Laboratory Service Research Trust (NHLS RT)

Control of substrate utilization by O-islands and S-loops in Escherichia coli O157:H7

Paquette, Sarah-Jo January 2011 (has links)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an enteric pathogen that can cause severe gastrointestinal disease, sometimes leading to hospitalization and death. These bacteria have a variety of virulence factors that can be encoded for on pathogenicity islands (PAIs). The goal of this study was to characterize specific E. coli O157:H7 PAI deletion mutants using three methods: Phentotype Microarrays (PM), growth curves and survival curves were used to elucidate possible roles for the PAIs. Results from the PM study suggest that PAIs have a role in carbon substrate utilization; i.e., four of the O-island (OI) deletion mutants (OI-87, 98, 102 and 172) and an S-Loop (SL-72) deletion mutant exhibited differences in substrate utilization (gains and losses in utilization) compared to parental O157:H7 strains EDL933 (OI) and Sakai (SL), respectively. All of the mutants with the exception of the OI-135 mutant exhibited differences in level of substrate utilization for substrates shown to have important roles in the bacterium. Cell growth results showed that three OI deletion mutants (OI-55, 87 and 102) and the SL (SL-72) mutant exhibited a difference in rate of growth compared to the parental strains. Cell viability results showed that seven of the OI deletion mutants (OI-51, 55, 98, 108, 135, 172 and 176) exhibited different rates of decline in cell number when transferred to sterile water compared to the parental strain. The results show that removal of PAIs from E. coli O157:H7 can affect carbon utilization, growth and survival demonstrating the importance of PAIs in the ecology of these bacteria. / xx, 208 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm

Mutagenesis and functional studies of the HIV-1 vpr gene and Vpr protein obtained from South African virus strains

Romani, Bizhan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viral protein R (Vpr) is an accessory protein that interacts with a number of host cellular and other viral proteins. Vpr exerts several functions such as induction of apoptosis, induction of cell cycle G2 arrest, modulation of gene expression, and suppression of immune activation. The functionality of subtype C Vpr, especially South African strains, has not been studied. The aim of this study was to describe the diversity of South African HIV-1 subtype C vpr genes and to investigate selected functions of these Vpr proteins. Methodology: The HIV-1 vpr region of 58 strains was amplified, sequenced, and subtyped using phylogenetic analysis. Fragments containing natural mutations were cloned in mammalian expression vectors. A consensus subtype C vpr gene was constructed and site-directed mutagenesis was used to induce mutations in postions in which no natural mutations have been described. The functionality of all constructs was compared with the wild-type subtype B Vpr, by transfecting human 293T cell line to investigate subcellular localization, induction of apoptosis and cell cycle G2 arrest. The modulation of genes expressed in the induction of apoptosis using TaqMan Low density arrays (TLDA) was also investigated. Results: Phylogenetic analysis characterized 54 strains as HIV-1 subtype C and 4 strains as HIV-1 subtype B. The overall amino acid sequence of Vpr was conserved including motifs FPRPWL and TYGDTW, but the C-terminal was more variable. The following mutations were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis: P14I, W18C, Y47N, Q65H and Q88S. Subtype B and all natural mutants of subtype C Vpr localized to the nucleus but the W18C mutation disturbed the nuclear localization of Vpr. The cell cycle G2 arrest activity of all the mutants, as well as consensus-C, was lower than that of subtype B Vpr. All the natural mutants of subtype C Vpr induced cell cycle G2 arrest in 54.0-66.3% of the cells, while subtype B Vpr induced cell cycle G2 arrest in 71.5% of the cells. Subtype B and the natural mutant Vpr proteins induced apoptosis in a similar manner, ranging from 95.3-98.6% of transfected cells. However, an artificially designed Vpr protein containing the consensus sequences of subtype C Vpr indicated a reduced ability to induce apoptosis. While consensus-C Vpr induced apoptosis in only 82.0% of the transfected cells, the artificial mutants of Vpr induced apoptosis in 88.4 to 96.2% of the cells. The induction of apoptosis associated gene expression was similar for all constructs, indicated that apoptosis was efficiently induced through the intrinsic pathway by the mutants. Conclusion: This study indicated that both HIV-1 subtype B and C Vpr display a similar ability for nuclear localization and apoptosis induction. The induction of cell cycle G2 arrest by HIV-1 subtype B Vpr may be more robust than many subtype C Vpr proteins. The natural mutations studied in the isolates did not disturb the functions of subtype C Vpr and in some cases even potentiated the protein to induce apoptosis. Naturally occurring mutations in HIV-1 Vpr cannot be regarded as defective, since enhanced functionality would be more indicative of an adaptive role. The increased potency of the mutated Vpr proteins suggests that Vpr may increase the pathogenicity of HIV-1 by adapting apoptotic enhancing mutations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die virus protein R (Vpr) van Menslike Immuungebrek Virus tipe 1 (MIV-1) is ‘n bykomstige protein wat met ‘n aantal sellulêre proteine van die gasheer en ander virus proteine in wisselwerking tree. Vpr het 'n invloed op verskeie funksies onder andere die induksie van apoptose, die induksie van selsiklus G2 staking, modulering van geen uitdrukking en onderdrukking van immuun aktivering. Die funksionaliteit van subtipe C Vpr, en veral die van Suid-Afrikaanse stamme, is nie beskryf nie. Die doelwit van die studie was om die diversiteit van Suid Afrikaanse MIV-1 subtipe C vpr gene te beskryf en ook om selektiewe funksies van die Vpr proteine te ondersoek Metodiek: Die MIV-1 vpr streek van 58 stamme is vermeerder, die DNA volgordes is bepaal en die stamme is gesubtipeer deur filogenetiese analise. Fragmente met natuurlike mutasies is in ekspressie vektore gekloon. ‘n Konsensus subtipe C Vpr geen is ontwerp en mutasies in posisies waar geen natuurlike mutasies beskryf is nie, is ontwerp deur mutagenese. Die funksionaliteit van die konstrukte is met die wilde tipe subtype B vergelyk deur 293T sellyn te transfekteer en te ondersoek vir subsellulêre lokalisering, induksie van apoptose, en G2 selsiklus stilstand. Die modulering van geen uitdrukking in die induksie van apoptose is deur TLDA ondersoek. Resultate: Filogenetiese analise het 54 stamme as HIV-1 subtipe C geklassifiseer en 4 stamme as subtype B. Die Vpr aminosuur volgordes was konstant insluitend die FPRPWL en TYGDTW motiewe, maar die C-terminaal was meer variëerbaar. Deur mutagenese is die volgende mutasies ontwerp: P14I, W18C, Y47N, Q65H and Q88S. Subtipe B en al die natuurlike mutante van subtipe C het in die selkern gelokaliseer, maar die W18C mutasie het die lokalisasie versteur. Die G2 selsiklus stilstand van alle mutante en konsensus C was laer as die van subtype B. Al die natuurlike subtipe C mutante het G2 selsiklus tot stilstand gebring in 54.0-66.3% van die selle, terwyl subtype B selsiklus tot stilstand gebring het in 71.5% van die selle. Subtipe B en die natuurlike Vpr mutante het apoptose op ‘n soortgelyke wyse geinduseer, wat wissel tussen 95.3-98.6% van getransfekteerde selle. Die protein met die kunsmatig ontwerpte konsensus C volgorde het egter ‘n verlaagde vermoë gehad om apoptose te induseer. Die konsensus subtipe C het apoptose in 82.0% van getransfekteerde selle geinduseer en die kunsmatige mutante in 88.4 – 96.2% van die selle. Die induksie van die apoptose verwante geen ekspressie deur die mutante was soortgelyk as die van konsensus C en subtipe B Vpr wat ’n aangeduiding is dat apoptose effektief veroorsaak is deur die intrinsieke roete. Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie studie het aangetoon dat kern lokalisering en apoptose op ‘n soortgelyke wyse by beide MIV-1 subtipe B en C Vpr plaasvind. Die induksie van selsiklus G2 stilstand deur MIV-1 subtipe B Vpr is egter meer robuust as baie van die subtipe C Vpr proteïene. Natuurlike mutasies in MIV-1 Vpr kan nie as gebrekkig beskou word nie, aangesien beter funksionaliteit 'n aanduiding is vandie aanpasbare rol. Die verhoogde krag van die gemuteerde Vpr proteïen dui daarop dat Vpr die patogenisiteit van MIV-1 kan verbeter deur die aanpassing van mutasies.

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