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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flippad matematik : Elevers uppfattningar av det inverterade klassrummet / Flipped mathematics : Student perceptions of the inverted classroom

Fors, Rickard January 2012 (has links)
I det inverterade klassrummet flyttas genomgångarna från klassrummet till videofilmer som eleverna ser på hemma. Lektionerna ägnas till stor del åt sådant som annars hade utgjort hemarbete för eleven. I denna studie analyseras gymnasieelevers uppfattning av denna undervisningsmodell i matematikämnet med fokus på videogenomgångarna och förändringar i hem- och skolarbete. Det framkommer att elevernas uppfattningar av videogenomgångarna kan kategoriseras utifrån deras grad av aktivitet under videogenomgången samt deras beroende av relationen mellan elev och lärare. I en jämförelse mellan enkla filmer, digitala animationer och klassrumsgenomgångar framhålls de enkla filmernas tydlighet och fokus på matematik, samt klassrumsgenomgångarnas flyktiga natur. Dessa resultat diskuteras utifrån en kognitiv modell för överbelastning av arbetsminnet. Eleverna uppfattar att deras arbetsbelastning är lägre i det inverterade klassrummet än i ett traditionellt klassrum eftersom det finns mer tid för egen räkning i klassrummet. Dessutom uppfattas videogenomgångar som mer effektiva än klassrumsgenomgångar trots att de är betydligt kortare. Den tid som frigörs när klassrummet inverteras har inte förändrat elevernas sätt att arbeta inom matematikämnet. Elevers respons på förändrade undervisningsvillkor analyseras med hjälp av en kognitiv teori för elevers reglering av sitt eget lärande. Utifrån denna teori diskuteras hur lärare kan ta tillvara på de ökade tidsresurserna och förändra elevers tänkande om matematik och deras lärande.

Det vidgade textbegreppet : Vikten av IT, bilder och drama i undervisning / The Expanded Concept of Text :  the importance of IT, pictures and drama in education

Karlsson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att med hjälp av litteratur och intervjuer undersöka om lärare är medvetna om det vidgade textbegreppet samt hur de använder sig av det i klassrummet. Jag använde mig av två frågeställningar: Är lärare medvetna om det vidgade textbegreppet i klassrummet? Hur används det vidgade textbegreppet avseende drama/teater, bilder och IT i klassrummet? Mitt tillvägagångssätt var att intervjua sju lärare i olika årskurser och därefter sammanställa resultatet. Det framkom att endast en av de sju respondenterna var medveten om det vidgade textbegreppet men att samliga använde undervisningsmetoden i klassrummet, mer eller mindre. Med hjälp av utvald facklitteratur som beskriver det vidgade textbegreppet samt skolans läroplaners definition av begreppet analyserades och jämfördes resultatet av intervjuerna. Till hjälp att finna relevant litteratur användes sökord som bild, bildtolkning, det vidgande textbegreppet, drama och IT i skolan. Det visade sig att alla lärarna, trots okunskap om begreppet, använde sig mer av arbetssättet än vad de själva trodde. De ansåg alla att det var viktigt att använda sig av alternativa former i utbildningssituationen och skulle gärna göra det mer om inte tidsbrist, kunskapsbrist och resursbrist hindrade dem. Slutsatsen blir att vi som lärare har ett stort ansvar att leva upp till det vidgade textbegreppet och med ett nyfiket, kritiskt förhållningsätt försöka skapa en bra balans mellan nya mediers intåg i skolan och traditionella undervisningsformer.

Reklamvideor för gymnasieskolor

Fransson, Mikael, Hellqvist, Christofer January 2006 (has links)
Producing a commercial video targeted at several different formats poses a number of challenges. The different formats in this case are the web, TV and different setups of projection screens. Additional obstacles arise when the video not only has to be compatible with several different forms of display; its information also needs to stay current for as long as possible. This thesis addresses some of the issues encountered while producing commercial videos for two high schools in Osby kommun. / Att producera en reklamfilm som är anpassad för visning i flera format kan vara problematiskt. De olika presentationsformerna som berörs är webben, teve samt storbildsprojektorer. Ytterligare problem uppstår då man även måste se till att de har en lång livslängd och kan användas under flera terminer. Den här uppsatsen berör de problem som kan uppstå då reklamfilmer av det här slaget skapas. I uppsatsen ingår reklamfilmer som skapades för två gymnasieskolor i Osby kommun.

Elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide, konceptuell modell som nyttjar nationella databaser

Johansson, Maria, Johansson, Lena January 2004 (has links)
Resandet ökar i dagens samhälle och människor söker nya upplevelser och utmaningar. Konkurrensen om besökarna är stor. Med hjälp av den nya informations- och kommunikationstekniken kan en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide utgöra ett alternativ i syfte att attrahera besökarna och få dem att stanna längre. Genom tekniken kan intressanta berättelser presenteras med både ljud, bild och video, s k multimedieteknik. För att besökaren ska kunna vara rörlig och samtidigt ta emot information krävs en mobil utrustning som exempelvis en handdator.Denna magisteruppsats i informatik ingår i ett projekt, uppdelat i tre steg. Projektet, som drivs på uppdrag av Vision Vimmerby och Högskolan Dalarna, har som mål att ta fram en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide, avsedd för vuxna bilburna besökare i Astrid Lindgrens landskap. Den elektroniska guiden ska presenteras via en handdator som besökare kan hyra vid Turistbyrån i Vimmerby.Målet för uppsatsen, som utgör första fasen av dessa tre, är att redogöra för en konceptuell generell modell för en elektronisk rese- och upplevelseguide. Grundtanken är att modellen lätt ska kunna appliceras på vilket resmål som helst. Förutsättningar för det skapas genom att använda befintliga nationella databaser.Vi har strävat efter att den konceptuella modellen ska vara komponentbaserad så att andra datakällor kan väljas utan att konceptet faller. Vidare har vi analyserat om VITSA-projektets tekniska grundplattform, som innehåller funktionalitet som är anpassad för den här typen av tjänster, är lämplig att använda.I arbetet har vi använt oss av befintliga teorier om mobilitet, tjänster och systemarkitekturer. Parallellt med att de befintliga teorierna har använts, har en strukturell modell för IT-tjänster vidareutvecklats. Vår tanke är att den vidareutvecklade modellen ska inspirera till användning och eventuellt användas som stöd vid fortsatt forskning om IT-tjänster.

Advanced Transport Protocols for Space Communications

Fang, Jian 22 November 2004 (has links)
Satellite IP networks are characterized by high bit error rates, long propagation delays, low bandwidth feedback links, and persistent fades resulting from varying weather patterns. A new unicast transport protocol is designed to address all the above challenges. Two new algorithms, Jump Start and Quick Recovery, are presented to replace the traditional Slow Start algorithm and to recover rapidly from multiple segment losses within one window of data. The characteristics of satellite IP networks also distinguish satellite multicasting from multicasting in terrestrial wirelined networks. A reliable data multicast transport protocol, TCP-Peachtree, is proposed to solve the acknowledgment implosion and scalability problems in satellite IP networks. Developments in space technology are enabling the realization of deep space missions. The scientific data from these missions need to be delivered to the Earth successfully. To achieve this goal, the InterPlaNetary Internet is proposed as the Internet of the deep space planetary networks, which is characterized by extremely high propagation delays, high link errors, asymmetrical bandwidth, and blackouts. A reliable transport protocol, TP-Planet, is proposed for data traffic in the InterPlaNetary Internet. TP-Planet deploys rate-based additive-increase multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) congestion control and replaces the inefficient slow start algorithm with a novel Initial State algorithm that allows the capture of link resources in a very fast and controlled manner. A new congestion detection and control mechanism is developed and a Blackout State is incorporated into the protocol operation. Multimedia traffic is also one part of the aggregate traffic over InterPlaNetary Internet backbone links and it has additional requirements such as minimum bandwidth, smooth traffic, and error control. To address all the above challenges, RCP-Planet is proposed. RCP-Planet consists of two novel algorithms, i.e., Begin State and Operational State. The protocol is based on a novel rate probing mechanism and a new rate control scheme to update the media rate smoothly based on the observed rate for the probing sequence.

The Research of Consumers Behavior in Kaohsiung Multimedia Exhibition Event

Chien, Kuo-Chung 03 August 2011 (has links)
Nowadays, most consumers prefer products with originality, fashion and innovation, and seek for quality and design. In addition, by the effects of the popularized knowledge of media products, the increasing educational level, the change of social concepts and the frequent interaction between human-beings, the demand of multimedia merchandises is raising and the expenditure is also increasing. The purpose of this study is to discuss the impact factors of purchase behavior by impulse buying and the relationship between the background knowledge to products and the purchase intention in multimedia expos in Kaohsiung area. After deleting invalid questionnaires, 501 of 550 research objects who were the consumers in the multimedia expo in Kaohsiung were taken into this study. The results which were made by research tools such as impulse buying scale, impulse buying behavior factors scale, product knowledge scale and purchase intention scale through statistic methods including reliability test, item analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation and level regressions are as follows. (1) Significant differences can be seen in the catalogues of gender, marital status, age, educational level, occupation, average monthly wagers upon impose buying and the impact factors of behavior in the Multi Media Expo.(2) Consumers of various age or occupation have different knowledge level regarding the products. (3) Significant differences of purchase intentions between consumers in various educational levels in the multimedia expo. (4) Positive significant impacts of purchase intentions impacted by impulse buying especially in some promotion ways of advertisement, shopping situation and payment terms. (5) Significant influences of the impact between the consumers¡¦ shopping intentions and product knowledge. (6) Significant impacts in impulse buying personality to impulse shopping behavior and purchasing intention with positive interference between impulse shopping personality and purchasing intention. Negative impact occurs on shopping situation and purchasing intention regarding to impulse buying personality. (7) Significant interference impact on knowledge of products and shopping intention regarding to impulse buying personality. To conclude, except explaining and discussing the applications of the research result, the following suggestions were also mentioned to the exhibitors. (1) Combine marketing policies and product advertisement to raise the marketing performance. (2) Arrange better endorsements to attract the crowds. (3) Flexibly utilize quantitative promotions and main commodities to create a purchasing rush. (4) Properly plan the expo venue and improve the service quality to create situational stimuli. (5) Exercise various paying methods to improve the shopping intention of young people. (6) Make the best use of the consumers¡¦ product knowledge to improve shopping intention. (7) Utilize the interference impact of impulse shopping personality to raise the consumers¡¦ shopping intention. Moreover, some advices for future research were also mentioned.

MP3 Decoding Software Implementation for a DSP-enhanced Microcontroller

Chen, Shi-Wei 09 January 2004 (has links)
Multimedia workloads have always held an important role in embedded applications. Products are multifarious, such as various modeling mobile phone, MP3 player which is deft and convenient to carry and PDA which is popular with workers. We touch them all the time in our life. So these kinds of products are usually not high price. If their design cost and production cost are lower than others, then they can earn profits in this competition market. In so much multimedia applications, the most popular MP3 is our research goal. The design methods of multimedia audio application are using high performance CPU or combining general purpose processor with a DSP. Their performance satisfied the demand of multimedia application really, but the system hardware cost will increase at the same time. It is not the best solution in embedded products which emphasizing that low cost is better than high performance. So, my thesis will focus on MP3 algorithm optimization. We analyzed MP3 decoder algorithms, and found out the key operation. Using the SIMD operation feature of low cost multimedia processor development from our lab (It¡¦s named ME-MCU) to accelerate the processor speed. Then, I don¡¦t need a strong CPU or DSP, and I also can complete the MP3 decode operations as well. When I optimized the MP3 algorithm, I hope to provide some suggestion for ME-MCU modification. And the multimedia application will more agree with ME-MCU.

Application of multimedia modeling on NPS pollution evaluation for the Kaoping River Basin

Tang, Chin-ming 06 September 2005 (has links)
Abstract In Taiwan, non-point source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. The Kaoping River Basin is the largest and the most intensively used river basin in Taiwan. In the Kaoping River Basin, most of the upper catchment is used for agricultural activities including cropland and livestock farming. In this study, I-Liao Creek watershed, one the major sub-basin of Kaoping River Basin, was selected to study the impact of NPS pollution on river water quality. An integrated watershed management model was applied to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans in the I-Liao Creek watershed. Based on the results from the field investigation and model simulation, the overall ammonia-nitrogen loading to the I-Liao Creek watershed was approximately 92,117 kg/year. The following remedial strategies have been taken to reduce the impacts of NPS pollution on the water quality of Kaoping River and I-Liao Creek: application of best management practice for NPS pollutant control; application of natural treatment systems for stormwater runoff treatment; and construction of the watershed geographical information system (GIS) and real time water quality monitoring system to effectively manage the watershed. Linking land utilization information with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of pollution potential of NPS pollution for all sub-regions in the river basin. Experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and pollution control strategies for other similar river basins.

An Exploration of Taiwan's Media Industry Development and Multi-Business Strategic Analysis-EMG Case

Lee, Biau 02 December 2005 (has links)
For a long time, Taiwan media industry is affected greatly by the interwoven of economics and politics; before 1988 the numbers of newspaper¡Bbroadcasting station and TV company were heavily controlled by the government, but after 1988, due to the advancement of media technology, we witnessed that not only the scale and scope of whole industry expanded, but also the number of firm increases in accompany with the path of policy deregulation and democratic movement. Due to the emergence of media-broadcasting technology and the ¡§convergence¡¨ of TV¡B communication and network, conglomerate media firm appears in Taiwan which shows the ambitious development of cross-boundary from local-region to region-global, and the approach used by firm attract the attention and concern of scholars in different academic arenas. This thesis firstly proposed an economic-politic analysis of media industry, secondly, presented an integrated framework of industry evolution and international media expansion path, and thirdly, the case of Eastern Multimedia Group is examined and analyzed. Examining the organization change and the expansion path of Eastern Multimedia Group, the similarity between Eastern Multimedia Group and the giant firm like News Group can be found and identified, but seemly that the product sphere and its influence power are not as great as the international firm, and the expansion path is confined by the regional opportunity and market.

Integration Of Fuzzy Object-oriented Multimedia Database Components

Demir, Utku 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Improvements in technology have increased the amount of human interactive systems that support visual and audial operations. Besides many others, especially the recent entertainment industry has been built on the digital world and processing large collections of multimedia materials. Having huge amount multimedia data revealed the need for efficient and effective ways of modeling, storing, addressing, and retrieving such huge data, mostly, the semantic contents in it. Although there are some database management systems that support multimedia objects by some add-ons or extensions, they are far away from satisfying user requests, which are usually based on similarity and semantic contents. In this study, the requirements of multimedia databases are analyzed. To satisfy such requirements, a database architecture which is specialized for multimedia objects is constructed and a conceptual data model, handling semantic multimedia contents is implemented. In the architecture, a semantic information extractor, a high-dimensional index structure and an intelligent fuzzy object-oriented database component are integrated through a coordinator structure. The proposed architecture is realized and a prototype system is implemented by tightly coupling several multimedia modules.

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