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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic urbanism and typological transformation in Shenzhen PRD. / 深圳急剧变更城市化及建筑类型之转型 / Shenzhen ji ju bian geng cheng shi hua ji jian zhu lei xing zhi zhuan xing

January 2008 (has links)
Cheung Tin Yan Jessica. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2007-2008, design report." / Includes bibliographical references. / Some text also in Chinese. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

A study of municipal complex.

January 2006 (has links)
Lui Hung Wai Keith. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2005-2006, design report." / Chapter > --- thesis statement / Chapter > --- research studies + conclusions / Chapter > --- the project / Chapter > --- the final design

HKSZ bridgescape: towards a post-border era. / Hong Kong Shenzhen bridgescape: towards a post-border era

January 2010 (has links)
Law Pui Yin, Kathy. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2009-2010, design report." / "May 2010." / Includes bibliographical references (p. [102]-103). / 01 / BACKGROUND / Introduction / Case Study - Political Borders / HKSZ Border Future Speculation (Timeline Study) / Criticisms on HK Government / ISSUE / Interface / Urban Polarity / PROGRAM / Program Research / Program Proposal (Whole Border) / 02 / SITE / Site Selection / Site Planning / 03 / DESIGN CONCEPT / Case Study - Habitable Bridge / Case Study - River as a Physical Border / Design Concept / the DESIGN / Situated At Site / Program / Terraces / Types of Space / Types of Space: Truss BoxPartition / 04 / REFERENCE

24_7_architecture. / Twenty_four_seven architecture

January 2007 (has links)
Chu Chi Man, Jip. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2006-2007, design report."

Urban complex: [the study of public space vs public building].

January 2005 (has links)
Tso Wing Fai. / Subtitle from content page. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2004-2005, design report." / PHENOMENON IN HONG KONG --- p.4 / Fa Yuen Street Civic Complex --- p.6 / Tai Po Civic Complex --- p.14 / Sheung Wan Civic Complex --- p.22 / Festival Walk --- p.30 / Grand Century Place --- p.34 / PRECEDENT STUDY --- p.38 / "Nordrhein-Westfalen Museum, James Stirling" --- p.40 / "Centre for Art & Media Technology, Rem Koolhaas OMA" --- p.46 / "Wolfsburg Cultural Centre, Alvar Aalto" --- p.52 / "Dutch Embassy, Rem Koolhaas OMA" --- p.56 / "Pare de la Villette, Bernard Tschumi" --- p.60 / SITE ANALYSIS --- p.64 / Historical Issue --- p.70 / Contextual Issue --- p.72 / Significant Corridor --- p.74 / DESIGN INTERVENTION --- p.80 / Thesis Statement --- p.81 / Design Objective --- p.81 / Design Strategies --- p.84 / Drawing and View --- p.88

Interactive dwelling public space, private space and the space in-between /

Smith, Mone. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--University of Detroit Mercy, 2007 / "30 April 2007". Includes bibliographical references (p. 18-20).

Programmatic hybridity.

January 2002 (has links)
Chan King Ming. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2001-2002, design report." / Chapter 1. --- Topic defined / Chapter 2. --- Programs defined / Chapter 3. --- Research / Precedent Study / Case Study / Technical Study / Chapter 4. --- Sketches / Water Sport Transformation / Combinations / Chapter 5. --- Site Selection / Chapter 6. --- 1st Proposal of Combination / Chapter 7. --- Logic of Combination / Chapter 8. --- Revised Proposal of Combination / Chapter 9. --- Design Refine / Chapter 10. --- Final Design

Artists' studio + industrial buildings. / Artists' studio plus industrial buildings

January 2007 (has links)
Tsang Chui Lan, Cara. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2006-2007, design report." / Includes bibliographical references (p. 68) / Chapter 1.0 --- Foreword / Chapter 1.0.1 --- Thesis Statement / Chapter 2.0 --- Background Study / Chapter 2.0.1 --- Old Dilapidated Industrial Buildings / Chapter 2.0.2 --- Other Uses in Industrial Buildings / Chapter 2.0.3 --- Exhibition Sites / Chapter 2.0.4 --- Concern of Artist / Chapter 2.0.5 --- Existing Galleries / Chapter 3.0 --- Site Study_ FoTan / Chapter 3.0.1 --- City Level _ FoTan Industrial District / Chapter 3.0.2 --- Building Level _ Wah Luen Industrial Center / Chapter 3.0.3 --- Unit Level _ Interview of Artsit / Chapter 4.0 --- Design / Chapter 4.0.1 --- Material / Chapter 4.0.2 --- City Level / Chapter 4.0.3 --- District Level / Chapter 4.0.4 --- Unit Level / Chapter 4.0.5 --- Details / Chapter 5.0 --- Precedent Study / Chapter 5.0.1 --- Steven Holl's Project / Chapter 5.0.2 --- Intervention / Chapter 5.0.2 --- Details / Chapter 6.0 --- Reading List / Chapter 7.0 --- Final Panels

The space in-between: design an alternative prototype between commercial (public) and residential (private).

January 2011 (has links)
Cheung Nga Wun, Mimi. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2010-2011, design report." / Includes bibliographical references. / ABSTRACT / Aim / To experiment an alternative model to accommodate residential and commercial programme in Hong Kong dense district / BACKGROUND INFORMATION / Existing Scenerio / Chapter I. --- Shopping Centre as Public Place / Chapter II. --- Segregation of Public and Private Programme / Chapter III. --- Intimacy of Public Space / Definition of Podium Structure / Reflection on Precedent Study --- p.P.8-P.13 / Chapter 1. --- Shinonome Canal Court / Chapter 2. --- Linked Hybrid / RESEARCH / Theory on In-between Space --- p.P. 16- P. 17 / Review on Sejima's theory on in-between space as a medium to connect inside and outside; different programmes. / General View of Podium in North Point --- p.P. 18 - P.25 / A brief history of podium strcuture in Hong Kong and study how different quality of space evoluted with time. / Urban In-between Study --- p.P.28 - P.39 / Road Junction / Building In-between Study --- p.P42 - P.57 / Understanding formal Creation of In-between Space AND Definition of Boundary of In-between Space / EARLY DESIGN TRIAL / Site Analysis / North Point is selected as potential site. / Design Strategy --- p.P.61 - P.63 / Breaking down existing podium-type massing to formulate new model of commercial and residential. New in-between spatial quality is the main focus to accommodate social life within the building.

Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture / Estudio y análisis del comportamiento de un sistema constructivo para arquitectura sostenible

Jaber, Nader 12 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar una estructura polivalente que tiene la capacidad y los criterios a ser utilizados en situaciones de emergencia, y en los países en desarrollo, donde se deben realizar intervenciones para ayudar a superar algunos problemas de la vida. Se trata de un esqueleto principal que definirá la forma final de la estructura y se va a transformar con el fin de que se adapte a todos los climas, y a los diferentes terrenos, y a las diferentes situaciones de emergencia. Esta estructura puede ser utilizada para las escuelas y los hospitales en los países en desarrollo, para el apoyo a los refugiados, para las exposiciones temporales de recaudación de fondos... El proyecto se realizará con materiales sostenibles traídos de los alrededores de la zona de intervención con el fin de eliminar los gastos de transporte y dejar que se mezclan con su ambiente. La tecnología elegida es la del Space Frame, proporcionando una gran cobertura de espacio con un mínimo de material. La estructura es sostenible por lo que se basara únicamente en las fuentes naturales de energía para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios y, si es posible, crear energía adicional. La investigación y el desarrollo del proyecto se llevaron a cabo en 3 países: el estudio sostenible ha sido realizado en Italia, el desarrollo del proyecto en España, Valencia, y la recuperación de información, investigación de campo y la experimentación se llevaba a cabo en el Líbano, donde los conflictos en curso han dado lugar a un número sin precedente de refugiados allí. La tesis parte desde el estudio de la arquitectura de emergencia en general para después tratar la historia de este tema en el Líbano. Una vez entendido el contexto es más fácil traer las líneas guiadas necesarias para que este proyecto no cae en los mismos errores de los antecedentes. Llegado a este nivel, y para justificar más el proyecto y hacerlo lo más cercano de las necesidades actuales en el país, se ha hecho un largo trabajo e investigación y entrevistas en diferentes campos de refugiados. Desde esta parte se ha podido traer otras líneas guiadas para mejorar el proyecto. Con todas estas líneas guiadas, se ha adelantado el dibujo, estudio y análisis sostenible y estructural del proyecto de la tesis. / [CA] L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és dissenyar una estructura polivalent que tingui la capacitat i els criteris a utilitzar en situacions d'emergència i en països en desenvolupament, on s'han de fer intervencions per ajudar a superar alguns problemes de vida. Es tracta d'un esquelet principal que definirà la forma final de l'estructura i es transformarà de manera que s'adapti a tots els climes i a diferents terrenys i a diferents situacions d'emergència. Aquesta estructura es pot utilitzar per a escoles i hospitals dels països en desenvolupament, per donar suport als refugiats, per a exposicions temporals de recaptació de fons... El projecte es farà amb materials sostenibles provocats per l'àrea d'intervenció per eliminar els costos de transport i deixar-los barrejar al seu entorn. La tecnologia escollida és Space Frame, proporcionant una gran cobertura espacial amb un mínim de material. L'estructura és sostenible, de manera que només es basarà en fonts d'energia naturals per satisfer les necessitats dels usuaris i, si és possible, crear energia addicional. La investigació i el desenvolupament del projecte es van dur a terme a 3 països: l'estudi sostenible es va dur a terme a Itàlia, el desenvolupament del projecte a Espanya, València i la recuperació d'informació, la investigació i l'experimentació de camp es van dur a terme al Líban, on els conflictes en curs han provocat un nombre sense precedents de refugiats. La tesi parteix de l'estudi de l'arquitectura d'emergència en general i després tracta la història d'aquest tema al Líban. Un cop entès el context, és més fàcil portar les línies guiades necessàries perquè aquest projecte no caigui en els mateixos errors que els anteriors. A aquest nivell, i per justificar encara més el projecte i fer-lo tan a prop de les necessitats actuals del país, s'han realitzat treballs extensos i investigacions i entrevistes en diferents camps de refugiats. A partir d'aquesta part ha estat possible portar altres línies guiades per millorar el projecte. Amb totes aquestes línies guiades, s'ha avançat el dibuix, l'estudi i l'anàlisi sostenible i estructural del projecte de tesi. / [EN] The objective of this thesis is to design a multipurpose structure that has the capacity and criteria to be used in emergency situations, and in developing countries, where interventions must be made to help overcome some life problems. This is a main skeleton that will define the final shape of the structure and will be transformed so that it adapts to all climates, and to different terrains, and to different emergency situations. This structure can be used for schools and hospitals in developing countries, for supporting refugees, for temporary fundraising exhibitions... The project will be made with sustainable materials brought from around the area of intervention in order to eliminate transportation costs and let them blend into their environment. The technology chosen is Space Frame, providing great space coverage with a minimum of material. The structure is sustainable so it will rely solely on natural energy sources to meet the needs of users and, if possible, create additional energy. The research and development of the project was carried out in 3 countries: the sustainable study was carried out in Italy, the development of the project in Spain, Valencia, and the information retrieval, field research and experimentation was carried out in Lebanon, where ongoing conflicts have led to unprecedented numbers of refugees there. The thesis starts from the study of emergency architecture in general and then deals with the history of this topic in Lebanon. Once the context is understood, it is easier to bring the necessary guided lines so that this project does not fall into the same errors as the previous ones. At this level, and to further justify the project and make it as close to the current needs in the country, extensive work and research and interviews have been done in different refugee camps. From this part it has been possible to bring other guided lines to improve the project. With all these lines guided, the drawing, study and sustainable and structural analysis of the thesis project has been advanced. / Jaber, N. (2024). Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206180

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