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Construction nationale et revendications linguistiques en contexte minoritaire : le cas des Bunjevci de Bačka (Serbie) / National construction and linguistic claims in minority context : the case of the Bunjevci of Bačka (Serbia)Dubois, Chloé 23 September 2016 (has links)
Les Bunjevci sont un petit groupe ethnolinguistique sud-slave qui réside dans la région de Bačka, au nord de la Province de Voïvodine en Serbie, ainsi qu'au sud de la Hongrie voisine. À travers une approche monographique et transdisciplinaire, nous tentons de contribuer à la compréhension des rapports complexes entre langue et identité (ethno)nationale en contexte minoritaire. Les Bunjevci peuvent être considérés, selon l'anthropologue serbe M. Prelić (2007), comme un groupe « à l'identité ethnique controversée ou contestée ». En effet, la question de leur appartenance ethnonationale – notamment leur catégorisation vis-à-vis des autres groupes sud-slaves de la région, Croates et Serbes – fait l'objet de débats depuis plusieurs siècles, dans les sphères politiques et scientifiques. Au cours de l'histoire, ils se sont trouvés en périphérie de divers mouvements d'intégration nationale (hongrois, serbe, croate, yougoslave) qui tendaient à les incorporer. À l'heure actuelle, bien qu'ils soient officiellement reconnus comme l'une des nombreuses « minorités nationales » de Serbie, ce statut leur est formellement dénié, de l'autre côté de la frontière, par les institutions hongroises. Leur existence en tant qu'entité ethnonationale particulière est également explicitement contestée par la Croatie voisine, tout comme par les institutions de la minorité nationale croate en Serbie, qui perçoivent les Bunjevci comme des Croates. Ayant obtenu le statut de « minorité nationale » au début des années 2000, les Bunjevci de Serbie – ou plutôt, les activistes nationaux qui les représentent – amorcent un véritable processus de (re)construction nationale dans lequel un rôle primordial est attribué à la langue. La « langue des Bunjevci » (bunjevački jezik), une variété štokavienne ikavienne (autrefois considérée comme un parler local de la langue serbo-croate), est aujourd'hui placée au centre des revendications de cette minorité et mise en avant comme un des éléments assurant l'individuation des Bunjevci vis-à-vis des Serbes et des Croates. / The Bunjevci are a small South Slavic ethnolinguistic group which lives in the Bačka region, in the north of the Province of Vojvodina in Serbia, as well as in the south of neighboring Hungary. Through a monographic and interdisciplinary approach, we try to contribute to the understanding of the complex relationship between language and (ethno)national identity in a minority context. According to the Serbian anthropologist M. Prelić (2007), the Bunjevci can be considered as a group "with controversial or disputed ethnic identity". Indeed, the question of their ethnonationality – especially their categorization vis-à-vis other South Slavic groups in the region, Croats and Serbs – has been the subject of debate for centuries, in political and scientific spheres. In the past, they were located on the periphery of various national integration movements (Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, Yugoslavian) which tended to incorporate them. Today, although they are officially recognized as one of the many "national minorities" of Serbia, the Hungarian institutions formally deny them this status on the other side of the border. Their existence as a particular ethnonational entity is also explicitly contested by neighboring Croatia, as well as by the institutions of the Croatian national minority in Serbia, which perceive Bunjevci as Croats. Having obtained the status of "national minority" in the early 2000s, the Bunjevci of Serbia – or rather, the national activists representing them – begin a genuine process of national (re)construction in which a key role is assigned to the language. The "Bunjevac language" (bunjevački jezik), a štokavian ikavian variety (once considered as a local speech of the Serbo-Croatian language), is now placed at the center of the minority's claims and put forward as one of the elements ensuring the individuation of the Bunjevci from the Serbs and the Croats.
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Naturen består av "grönt" : Kvantitativ studie av identifikationsmöjligheter i svensk barn- och skollitteratur 1750–2015 / Nature consists of "green" : Quantitative study of representation in Swedish children’s and school books 1750–2015Israelsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Elever med utländsk bakgrund presterar generellt sämre i NO-ämnen än elever med svensk bakgrund. Det kan endast delvis förklaras med socioekonomiska faktorer och språksvårigheter. Det är däremot tänkbart att de försämrade resultaten för elever med utländsk bakgrund kan förklaras av normativ exkludering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om läroplanens krav på alla elevers rätt till likvärdig undervisning uppfylls. De frågeställningar som ställs är om identifieringsmöjligheterna för elever med olika etnisk bakgrund har påverkats av kraven i Lpo94 och Lgr11, och om arbetet med skolans värdegrund återspeglar sig i förändringar av läroböckernas illustrationer. Studien är en kartläggning av förekomsten av synliggörande och normativ exkludering genom osynliggörande med fokus på elevernas förutsättningar inför högstadiet. Den består av en kvantitativ kartläggning av vilka som är avbildade i barn- och skollitteratur under 1750–2015 (utifrån etnicitet, kön och ålder). Den ska inte ses som en läromedelsanalys utan snarare som en analys av värderingar visade genom läromedelsinköp. Studien kan påvisa både långsiktiga trender och kortare fluktuationer i såväl andelen avbildade som graden av inkluderande avbildning. Ingen ökad grad av inkludering kunde detekteras under slutet av 1900-talet och under 2000-talet (förutom angående andelen barn i litteratur för äldre barn). Märkbarapositiva effekter av Lpo94, Lgr11 och de senare årens värdegrundsarbete i skolan kan alltså inte detekteras. Det bör därför krävas nya typer av insatser för att kunna uppnå kravet på likvärdig undervisning för alla elever. / The purpose of this study is to examine if the Swedish ethnocentrism influences the education in biology in Swedish school: if students with different ethnical background have unequal opportunities to identification due to inequality in representation in Swedish school books, and of the current Swedish curriculum Lgr11 and the previous curriculum Lpo94 have had any effect on representation in Swedish school books. Students with non-Swedish ethnical background generally perform less well in science than students with Swedish ethnical background. It can only be partially explained by socio-economic factors or language skills. However, norm-based exclusion could be a major factor. This study focus on normative exclusion through invisibilizing. It reports an intersectional quantitative study of depiction of age, ethnicity, gender and national minorities in Swedish children and school books 1750–2015. It is not an analysis of text books as such but rather an analysis of values shown by purchases of educational material. The analyses revealed both long-term trends and shorter fluctuationsin the degree of depictions as well as in the degree of exclusion/inclusion. The study cannot find any detectable increase in ethnic or gender inclusion during the late 20thand the 21thcentury. Therefore, any significant positive effects of the national Swedish curricula Lpo94 and Lgr11 and the focus of core values (“värdegrund”) can be excluded.
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National Minority Rights : A Caste Study of Croatia and the National Minority Croatian SerbsZizmond, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The Serbs are a national group which has been disliked by the Croats for hundreds of years. Even before Croatia became a part of Yugoslavia, the country wanted its independence. However, before and after the break up of Yugoslavia, there was a strong nationalism in the country which led to hatred towards the Serbs and the Serb minorities in Croatia. Studies have shown that minorities often are disfavoured by the majority decisions. This leads to a disadvantageous position for the minorities in the relation to the majority. The problem is how a state should compensate these groups for their disadvantageous position to be able to ensure justice and equality for all citizens within the country. The aim of this thesis is to compare Croatia’s formal national minority rights with the actual national minority rights of the Serbs and to see whether they coincide with each other. The research questions are: • What formal minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in Croatia? • What minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in reality? The method used in this study is the qualitative text analysis. The conclusion of this thesis is that Croatia has a positive attitude towards minority rights and the Serb minority, as Croatia has allocated group-differentiated rights to its national minorities. The Croatian view upon national minority rights coincides to a large extent with Will Kymlicka´s theory. Furthermore, the formal rights and the virtual rights regarding education, language, culture and proportional representation coincides to a great extent if not precisely.
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Metody interkulturního tréninku / Intercultural Training MethodsMatysová, Kamila January 2010 (has links)
Goal. The goal of the following study is it to propose educational measures in readiness for the methods of intercultural training at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics Prague based on revealed cultural attitudes of the students studying International Trade to chosen ethnic, national, racial and religious groups (also called categories). In particular, the goal is it to detect explicit and implicit attitudes and related prejudice, stereotypes and experienced emotions of the students studying International Trade (IT) at the University of Economics Prague to/against 17 (respectively 20) chosen categories; to evaluate its magnitude for business practice and economy; and to propose appropriate measures for intercultural training. Sample and conditions. 167 students of International Trade from The University of Economics Prague took part in the first study. For measuring magnitude of the determinants of explicit attitudes 166 members of common population were questioned. Another 293 students were questioned in the first study and altogether 460 students took part in the second study. There were used the Bogardus social distance scale as a measuring psychological technique for explicit attitudes and prejudice, the syllogisms aptitude tests as a measuring tool for implicit attitudes and prejudice and the open questionnaire for stereotypes. Hypotheses. The following hypothesis was settled in the first study: Attitudes of the IT students have specific features, on the one hand, they differ from the attitudes and prejudice of common population and on the other hand, they have relation to the status of the perceived national, ethnic, racial and religious groups. There were tested 24 zero, working hypotheses. The first 17 working hypotheses are related to the relationship between the memberships in the two observed populations and the expressed explicit attitudes and prejudice. The next 6 hypotheses are connected to the attitudes of the students to occidental nationalities, to the Ukrainians, Russians, the Mongols and Moldovans, to the Slovaks and Czechs, Arabians and Muslims. The last working hypothesis is related to the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes to and prejudice against Roma minority and Muslims. The following hypothesis was settled in the second study: Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences, experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. There was tested a working hypothesis related to the dependence between prejudice and stereotypes. Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed by the chi-square test and the strength of the relationship was measured by Cramér V. Furthermore agglomerative clustering by nearest neighbor method was applied and the results were presented as a horizontal dendrogram. Results. The results of the first study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. International Trade Students have relatively less prejudice comparing to the common population, it is influenced by their age as well as by their academic degree. There were identified several clusters of categories, that show similar attitudes. The students have positive, but not identical attitudes to all occidental categories, the same attitudes to the Ukrainians and Russians, Arabians and Muslims. The most favored national group are the Slovaks and the most prejudiced ethnic group is the Roma minority. There is dependence between explicit and implicit attitudes. The results of the second study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences as well as to experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. The dependence between explicit stereotypes and explicit prejudice is caused by positively connoted attributes. Proposed educational measures for intercultural training are discussed in the study illustrated with examples of optional course 2OP321 Effective communication in English. Limits. Bogardus social distance scale is mostly focused on the behavioral component of the explicit attitudes, which does not necessarily mean an equivalent behavioral action.
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Role OBSE při prevenci konfliktu / The role of the OSCE in conflict preventionStaňková, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis focuses on one of the most significant instrument of conflict prevention in the OSCE -- the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM). The aim of this thesis is to find out which determinants of his involvement contributed to the prevention of Civil War in the FYROM and why it failed in Kosovo. The first part looks into the theory of conflict prevention. The second chapter introduces the OSCE and focuses on function, mandate and activities of the HCNM. The third chapter analyzes and compares the involvement of the HCNM in the FYROM and Kosovo.
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Participace vietnamské národnostní menšiny na české komunální politice / Participation of Vietnamese National Minority in Czech Local PoliticsVitovská, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the participation of the Vietnamese national minority in the Czech Republic, especially at the level of local politics. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze and critically reflect on the motivations, attitudes, and views of the Vietnamese national minority on political and civic participation with an emphasis the local politics. At the same time, the work explores the forms of participation of the Vietnamese community and the factors that influence them. Because the target group of this work is a Vietnamese national minority, the national minority policy is first analyzed at the international level, followed by analysis at the national level. The reason for this approach is that the international environment plays a vital role in examining national minority politics and ethnic minorities. Selected instruments and institutions of national minority politics in the Czech environment are then further analyzed and compared with the German counterpart where minorities, and in particular the Vietnamese minority, have long been a significant part of society. The research part of the thesis is designed as qualitative research, using document analysis and semi- structured interviews as data acquisition techniques. This is a key part of the whole work where the...
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Německé státoprávní projekty v českých zemích na podzim 1918. (K činnosti zemských vlád Deutschböhmen a Sudetenlandu) / German State projects in the Czech lands in the autumn 1918. (Activities of the provincional governments of the Deutschböhmen and the Sudetenland)Bandžuch, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the PhD thesis is to describe the emergence and functioning of the Deutschböhmen and Sudetenland provinces' governments proclaimed by Czech, Moravian and Silesian Germans in the autumn of 1918 and consecutively to compare their practical politics in the selected fields. The emphasize is put especially on the building of the state administration and defence mechanisms, foreign political relations as well as relations with the Czech minority inhabiting the disputed territory. The thesis should contribute to understanding the extent to which the declaration of these provinces was an immediate response to developments in Central Europe, or whether it was the result of long-term trends in Czech-German relations. One of its parts is dedicated to conceptions of a dissolution of the Czech lands, which were created in the years 1848-1918. Conclusion of this thesis is focused on the comparsion of the political activities of the both provincional governments and author tries to answer the question, how much are these policies similar and which governement better reacted to he challenges of the turning points of the autumn 1918.
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Kazachstán: úmrtnost v evropském kontextu (srovnání s vybranými evropskými zeměmi a etniky) / Kazakhstan: Mortality in European context (comparison with selected European countries and nationalities)Petkov, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Kazakhstan: Mortality in european context (comparison with selected european countries and nationalities) Abstract The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare mortality rates in Kazakhstan with selected European countries. The first part discusses literature, available data sources and a list of indicators. The thesis deals with brief outline of history and development of ethnic composition in this Central Asian republic. Another section contains a comparison of the economic and social conditions in Kazakhstan with two selected European countries - the Czech Republic and Sweden. The thesis continues with comparison and development of the most important mortality indicators in the three above mentioned countries. The last chapter summarizes findings from the comparison of mortality backgrounds of three selected European minorities living in Kazakhstan (Germans, Russians and Ukrainians) with their country of origin. The analysis of above mentioned factors shows a clear gap in Kazakhstan levels of mortality in comparison with selected European countries. A Comparison of mortality of European minorities living in the territory of Kazakhstan with their countries of origin shows a big difference for German nationality, for Russians and Ukrainians the differences are minimal. Keywords: Kazakhstan, European...
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Vnímání kulturních odlišností u dětí s odlišným mateřským jazykem a u dětí pocházejících z bilingvního prostředí / Perception of cultural differences in children with different mother tongue and children from bilingual environmentHalámková, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
Thesis Perception of cultural differences in children with different mother tongue and children from bilingual environment is a case study at a specific primary school. The theoretical part deals with methodology of education of pupils with different mother tongue than Czech and the methodology of education of pupils living in a bilingual environment. Furthermore, the cultural differences, the identification of cultural clashes is explained here. The thesis also deals with the issue of national minorities in the Czech Republic, stereotypes and labelling. The practical part is focused on finding out whether the students with different mother tongue and students from bilingual environment perceive cultural differences at a particular primary school. How the school and pedagogical support them to integrate into the mainstream teaching. Keywords different mother tongue, bilingual environment, cultural diversity, stereotypes, prejudices, identity, national minorities, labelling
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”Man måste ju börja någonstans” : En fallstudie av Upplands Väsby biblioteks arbete med de nationella minoriteterna / "You have to start somewhere" : A case study of Upplands Väsby library's work with national minoritiesÖberg, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de nationella minoriteterna synliggörs på ett svenskt folkbibliotek samt hur bibliotekets arbete kan förstås utifrån R. David Lankes teoretiska ramverk för The New Librarianship. Enligt tidigare studier är det flera av Sveriges folkbibliotek som idag inte uppfyller det lagstadgade uppdraget gentemot de nationella minoriteterna. Uppdraget ska realiseras av olika aktörer i samhället, däribland biblioteken och bibliotekarier. Hur uppdraget utförs verkar vara beroende av resurser men framförallt av professionens kunskap och kompetens vilket sannolikt är något som påverkar målgruppens synliggörande på biblioteken. Det avser både på individnivå och institutionell nivå. Det skapar en ojämlikhet i samhället och är problematiskt ur flera aspekter men främst på grund av att man inte uppfyller lagstiftningen om demokratiska, mänskliga rättigheter. Lisa Hussey (2010) menar att det sätt som professionella inom biblioteks-och informationsvetenskap tillhandahåller tjänster kan stärka positiva sociala strukturer men det kan också förstärka orättvisor. Metod och teori: Undersökningen är en kvalitativ fallstudie av Upplands Väsby biblioteks arbete gentemot de nationella minoriteterna i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet består av en semistrukturerad intervju med två respondenter, en observationsstudie av biblioteksrummet och en textanalys av Upplands Väsby kommuns biblioteksplan 2021–2024. För analys av studiens resultat, används utvalda delar av R. David Lankes teoretiska ramverk The New Librarianship. Material och resultat: Genom studier av den semistrukturerade intervjun, observationsstudien och närläsning av Upplands Väsby biblioteksplan framkom det sju teman som resultatet delades in i. I undersökningen framgår det att den enskilda bibliotekariens engagemang, kunskap och kompetens spelar en viktig roll för bibliotekets arbete med att stärka och främja de nationella minoriteterna. Det framgår även att det är en politisk fråga och en fråga om resurser som påverkar hur målgruppen synliggörs i samhället. I resultatet lyfts även vikten av samverkan fram, dels med minoriteterna själva, dels med andra aktörer i samhället. Slutsatser: På Upplands Väsby bibliotek drivs det ett medvetet och riktat arbete för de nationella minoriteterna. Det kan ses som en utveckling av uppdraget och en ny bibliotekarieroll, som med rätt kompetens och kunskap har utrymme att bedriva ett värderingsstyrt biblioteksarbete. Med begränsade resurser behöver prioriteringar göras och man kan även med små medel synliggöra och samverka på olika sätt. Genom omvärldsbevakning och att vara i samtal med andra kan man vidga sin kunskap. De delarna tillsammans och att verka för mångfald av människor, litteratur och programverksamhet kan ändå åstadkomma viss skillnad i bibliotekens arbete gentemot de nationella minoriteterna. / Problem and purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the national minorities are made visible in a Swedish public library and how the library´s work can be understood from R. David Lankes theoretical framework The New Librarianship. According to previous studies, several of Sweden’s public libraries do not fulfill their statutory mission towards the national minorities. The mission must be realized by various actors in society, including libraries and librarians. How the assignment is carried out seems to depend on resources, but above all by the librarian’s knowledge and competence, which is likely something that affects the visibility of the target group in the libraries. This applies both at the individual level and at the institutional level. It creates an inequality in society and is problematic from several aspects, but mainly due to not complying with the legislation on democratic, human rights. Lisa Hussey (2010) argues that the way library and information science professionals provide services can reinforce positive social structures but also reinforce injustice. Method and theory: The survey is a qualitative case study of Upplands Väsby library’s work towards the national minorities in Sweden. The empirical material consists of a semi structured interview with two respondants, an observation study of the library room and a text analysis of Upplands Väsby municipality library plan 2021-2024. For analysis of the study’s result, selected parts of R. David Lankes theoretical framework The New Librarianship are used. Materials and results: Through studies of the semi-structured interview, the observation study and a close reading of Upplands Väsby’s library plan, seven themes emerged which the result were divided into. The survey shows that the commitment, knowledge, and competence of the individual librarian play an important role in the library’s work to strengthen and promote the national minorities. It also appears that it is a political issue and a matter of resources that affect how the target group is made visible in society. The result also highlights the importance of cooperation with the minorities themselves and with other actors in society. Conclusions: At Upplands Väsby’s library, a conscious and targeted work is carried out for the national minorities. It can be seen as a development of the mission and a new librarian role, which with the right skills and knowledge has room to carry out value-driven library work. With limited resources, priorities need to be set, but even with small funds you can collaborate with and make the national minorities visible in different ways. By observing the world around you and being in conversations with other, you can expand your knowledge. Those parts together and working for a diversity of people, literature and program activities can still make a certain difference in the work of the libraries for the national minorities.
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