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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transforming more woth less? : Exploring NGO Communication on Sustainable Anti-Consumption in the Context of Clothing

Birk, Stephanie January 2023 (has links)
The textile industry is an unsustainable industry that contributes to many environmental and social challenges. As a promising approach to its transformation, this thesis explores the con-cept of anti consumption. It investigates how non governmental Organizations (NGOs) com-municate the concept in the context of fashion on Instagram. The study aims to explore the key themes used and seeks to understand how organizations critique the capitalist system and to whom responsibility for its implementation within the communication is attributed . A total of 45 Instagram posts from the organizations Fashion Revolution and Remake were examined in a thematic analysis.The NGOs expose exploitative power dynamics and colonial structures and reveal manipulation as a tool of capitalism. In contrast, the value of clothing is redefined and happiness in individuality is examined. While brands are held accountable in the communication, the emphasis is on individual responsibility.

Post Disaster: Examining Social Tension,Humanitarian Aid Impact and Urban PlanningLessons : The case of Karantina in Beirut, Lebanon / Efter katastrofen: En undersökning av sociala spänningar, effekter på humanitärt bistånd och lektioner i stadsplanering : En fallstudie av Karantina i Beirut, Libanon

Ali, Khadija January 2023 (has links)
Lebanon has a long history of hosting refugees. The influx of refugees has placed pressure on thecountry’s resources, infrastructure, and economy. With internal and external crises taking place, suchas the economic crises in 2019, Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and Beirut Port Explosion in 2020, thecountry has endured deepening wounds that continue to escalate. In the aftermath of these disasters, thetension amidst the local residents in Karantina, a socially vulnerable area in Beirut has resurfaced.Factors contributing to the resurgence of tension among local residents include a complex interplay ofeconomic strain, competition for limited resources, and perceived shifts in societal dynamics. Previousresearch has addressed the impact of refugee influxes on various countries with differing capacities;however, there is limited research into how a nation and city grapple with persistent and multiple crisesthat span over a decade, straining their ability to effectively manage challenges as they resurface. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants and employed a case study methodology.The analysis shows a strong correlation between limited sources and tension. The findings indicate thatcommunities are unique, requiring tailored strategies for success. Advocating for policies that supportdevelopment, resilience, and long-term infrastructure can mitigate tensions and promote socialcohesion. Effective urban planning must be context-specific and community-driven, with directengagement with residents being a key consideration. / Libanon har en lång historia av att vara värd för flyktingar. Inflödet av flyktingar har satt press pålandets resurser, infrastruktur och ekonomi. Med interna och externa kriser som ägt rum, såsom denekonomiska krisen år 2019, Covid-19-pandemin år 2020 och explosionen i Beiruts hamn år 2020, harlandet genomgått fördjupade sår som fortsätter att eskalera. Efter dessa katastrofer har spänningen blandde lokala invånarna i Karantina, ett socialt utsatt område i Beirut, återuppstått. Faktorer som bidrar tillåterkomsten av spänningar bland lokala invånare inkluderar en komplex samverkan av ekonomiskbelastning, konkurrens om begränsade resurser och förändringar i samhälls dynamiken. Tidigareforskning har studerat effekten av flyktingströmmar på olika länder med varierande kapacitet; det finnsdock begränsad forskning om hur en nation och en stad brottas med ihållande och mångfacetteradekriser som sträcker sig över ett årtionde, vilket belastar deras förmåga att effektivt hantera utmaningarnär de återkommer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta deltagare och en fallstudiemetodologi användes. Analysen visar en stark korrelation mellan begränsade resurser och spänningar.Resultaten indikerar att samhällen är unika och kräver skräddarsydda strategier för framgång. Attförespråka politik som främjar utveckling, motståndskraft och långsiktig infrastruktur kan mildraspänningar och främja social sammanhållning. Effektiv stadsplanering måste vara kontextspecifik ochsamhällsdriven, där direkt engagemang med invånarna är en viktig övervägning.

Policing Humanitarianism : The Impact of Policing on the Humanitarian Operations of Search and Rescue NGOs in the Aegean Sea between 2015-2022

Huizenga, Adinde January 2023 (has links)
Throughout 2015, the European Union’s response to the large number of migrants crossing the Aegean Sea became increasingly securitised. It translated to the policing of non-governmental search and rescue organisations (SAR NGOs) active in the Aegean Sea. This thesis investigates the impact of policing on the ability of SAR NGOs to deliver humanitarian assistance in the Aegean Sea between 2015-2022. It employs social constructivist deviance theory to investigate the limiting effects of policing and its potential to generate resilience and resistance. Semi-structured interviews with five staff members and volunteers who worked with SAR NGOs in the Aegean Sea between 2015-2022 explore the research question. The findings were triangulated with existing scholarly literature to address the limited sample size. The study finds that policing limits SAR NGOs’ activities and fosters resilience and resistance. Resilience and resistance may have prolonged SAR NGOs’ ability to operate. Yet, over time, the increasing severity of policing, combined with intra- and inter-organisational fragmentation undermining resilience and resistance, forced SAR NGOs to end their humanitarian assistance in the Aegean Sea. Currently, no SAR NGOs are active in the Aegean Sea, resulting in a lack of search and rescue and human rights monitoring. Consequently, the risk of deaths and human rights abuses in the Aegean Sea has increased.

Help that Hinders? Exploring the ways donors shape local community participation in environmental NGO projects.

Cuel, Jessica 13 December 2022 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate the impact of donor organizations on NGOs’ efforts to foster local community participation in environmental projects, by analyzing how conditions on project funding affect a sample of South African NGOs. Numerous NGOs take environmental justice as a key tenet of their work. Yet, promoting environmental justice is not an easy task to perform. Aside from cultural, political and social contingencies peculiar to specific contexts, there are external constraints that can help or hinder NGOs’ efforts, among which resource-dependency dynamics stand out as particularly relevant. In fact, donors hold power over NGOs, who must stick to specific conditions to secure their support. My aim is to understand what conditions and what type of donors facilitate or hinder community participation —a basic condition for achieving environmental justice— in environmental projects, where hindrances are exemplified by the presence of NGOization dynamics. I analyze donors’ guiding principles, eligibility criteria and monitoring and evaluation standards, delving into the provisions of five different funders that financially support local environmental projects in South Africa, classified according to their core values and organizational settings. Data are collected, coded, and analyzed with the help of NVIVO through a content analysis of calls for grants, project proposals, project reports, and semi-structured interviews to donors and NGO professionals. In this study, I argue that donor organizations can facilitate community participation and avoid NGOization dynamics by acknowledging the existence of unequal power relations between them and the NGOs they fund and by taking measures to respond to NGOs demands. This study highlights the importance of long-term engagement and a relationship based on trust between donors and NGOs as key to creating alternative funding models that help secure the goals that local communities define. Moreover, this study also claims that donors’ upward accountability has a weight in determining conditions on funds and eligibility criteria, and that many of the donors’ virtuous practices originate from their independence from upward accountability measures.

An Evaluation of Organizations Servicing Internally Displaced Persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Aliyev, Emil Malik 16 September 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Non-State Actors in the European Small Arms Regime

Anders, Nils H. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

“När jag ser det här så tänker jag bara, tyst!” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av Instagramanvändares inställning och attityder till representationer av mänskligt lidande på Instagram / “When I see this I just think, be quiet!” : A qualitative interview study of Instagram users perceptions and attitudes towards the representations of human suffering on Instagram

Enqvist, Vilma, Hartonen, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka Instagramanvändares inställningar och attityder till representationen av mänskligt lidande på plattformen Instagram. Tidigare forskning inom samma genre har fokuserat på liknande aspekter kring mänskligt lidande i media. Denna studie tar ett nytt grepp genom att fokusera specifikt på Instagrams roll i denna representation och undersöker hur både plattformen och avsändaren påverkar användarens attityder till mänskligt lidande. I detta sammanhang formulerades tre centrala frågeställningar enligt följande. Hur upplever Instagramanvändare representationen av mänskligt lidande på Instagram? Samt, hur uppfattas olika kommunikativa strategier för att porträttera mänskligt lidande från olika typer av representanter på Instagram? Och slutligen, Hur uppfattar Instagramanvändare att plattformen Instagram och typ av avsändare påverkar representationen av mänskligt lidande? För att besvara dessa frågeställningar genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta individuella användare av Instagram. Studien strävade efter att få en djupgående förståelse för användarnas attityder och upplevelser relaterade till ämnet. Intervjuerna erbjöd rika insikter i hur olika avsändare ser på bilder och texter som porträtterar mänskligt lidande, och hur dessa element samverkar för att forma deras uppfattningar. En viktig del av studien är dess teoretiska ramverk, som kombinerar retorik, sociala-medie logik och de teoretiska begreppen compassion fatigue och distant suffering. Compassion fatigue hänvisar till en minskad förmåga att känna empati efter upprepade exponeringar för andras lidande, medan distant suffering handlar om att uppleva andras lidande på avstånd. Genom att applicera dessa teorier har studien kunnat belysa nyanserade aspekter av hur mänskligt lidande uppfattas på Instagram.  Resultaten visade att användarnas reaktioner varierade beroende på flera faktorer. Vissa respondenter betonade bildens betydelse i ett inlägg, medan andra lade större vikt vid den medföljande texten. Dessa uppdelningar visar att både visuella och textuella element är viktiga för att kommunicera ut budskap på Instagram. Många respondenter uttryckte en preferens för inlägg som var tydliga och konkreta, och som kommunicerar sitt budskap direkt och effektivt. Detta understryker vikten av att skapa engagerande och lättförståeligt innehåll på plattformen. Studien fann också att användarnas förväntningar och tolkningar av inlägg om mänskligt lidande påverkas av både avsändaren och plattformen. Till exempel kan ett inlägg från en välkänd organisation med hög trovärdighet uppfattas som mer autentiskt och trovärdigt, vilket kan påverka användarens emotionella respons. På samma sätt kan Instagrams visuella och interaktiva natur förstärka eller försvaga användarens reaktioner på lidande beroende på hur innehållet presenteras. Sammantaget har denna studie bidragit med värdefulla insikter i hur mänskligt lidande representeras på Instagram. Genom att förstå dessa dynamiker kan kommunikatörer och organisationer bättre anpassa sina strategier för att effektivt nå ut till och engagera sina målgrupper. Studien belyser även behovet av vidare forskning för att utforska dessa fenomen i andra sociala medieplattformar och i olika kulturella kontexter, för att få en ännu djupare förståelse av hur digitala medier formar vår uppfattning av mänskligt lidande i dagens samhälle. / The purpose of this study was to examine Instagram users' attitudes and perceptions regarding the representation of human suffering on the platform. Previous research in the same genre has focused on similar aspects of human suffering in the media. However, this study takes a new approach by specifically focusing on Instagram's role in this representation and investigates how both the platform and the sender influence users' attitudes toward suffering. In this context, three central research questions were formulated as follows: How do Instagram users perceive the representation of human suffering on Instagram? Also, how are different communicative strategies for portraying human suffering perceived by different types of representatives on Instagram? And finally, How do Instagram users perceive that the Instagram platform and type of sender influence the representation of human suffering? To answer these questions, qualitative interviews were conducted with eight individual Instagram users. The study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of users' attitudes and experiences related to the topic. The interviews provided rich insights into how different senders view images and texts portraying human suffering and how these elements interact to shape their perceptions. An important part of the study is its theoretical framework, which combines rhetoric, social media logic, and the theoretical concepts of compassion fatigue and distant suffering. Compassion fatigue refers to a diminished ability to feel empathy after repeated exposure to others' suffering, while distant suffering is about experiencing others' suffering from a distance. By applying these theories, the study has been able to illuminate nuanced aspects of how human suffering is perceived on Instagram. The results showed that users' reactions varied depending on several factors. Some respondents emphasized the importance of the image in a post, while others placed greater emphasis on the accompanying text. These divisions show that both visual and textual elements are important for communicating messages on Instagram. Many respondents expressed a preference for posts that were clear and concrete, and that communicated their message directly and effectively. This underscores the importance of creating engaging and easily understandable content on the platform. The study also found that users' expectations and interpretations of posts about human suffering are influenced by both the sender and the platform. For example, a post from a well-known organization with high credibility may be perceived as more authentic and credible, which can affect the user's emotional response. Similarly, Instagram's visual and interactive nature can enhance or diminish users' reactions to suffering depending on how the content is presented. Overall, this study has provided valuable insights into how human suffering is represented and perceived on Instagram. By understanding these dynamics, communicators and organizations can better tailor their strategies to effectively reach and engage their target audiences. The study also highlights the need for further research to explore these phenomena on other social media platforms and in different cultural contexts, to gain an even deeper understanding of how digital media shape our perception of human suffering in today's society.

Kulturelles Erbe in Gefahr

Al-Jumaili, Diana 08 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In den Diskussionen zu Globalisierung und Global Governance wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass Staaten und zwischenstaatliche Organisationen allein nicht in der Lage sind, die verstärkt auftretenden transnationalen Probleme zu lösen. Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) gelten als Hoffnungsträger, die Problemlösungskompetenzen beisteuern und die Legitimität internationaler Politik verbessern könnten. Obwohl die UNESCO bereits seit 1945 eine ausgeprägte und institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft pflegt, lassen viele politikwissenschaftliche Studien über die Einbeziehung von NGOs durch internationale Organisationen die UNESCO völlig unberücksichtigt. In Arbeiten zu globalen öffentlichen Gütern bleibt die UNESCO ebenso unter-belichtet. Der Fokus richtet sich vor allem auf Umwelt und Klima. Doch das Weltkulturerbe ist gleichfalls ein globales öffentliches Gut. Mit dem Welterbeprogramm ruft die UNESCO alle Menschen weltweit auf, auch die Kulturstätten anderer Völker als ihr eigenes kulturelles Erbe zu begreifen und sich für dessen Erhaltung einzusetzen. Seit der von der UNESCO initiierten Rettung der nubischen Kulturstätten in den 1960er Jahren etablierte sich ein spannendes transnationales Politikfeld – leider wenig beachtet von der Politikwissenschaft. Wird in Medien über das Welterbe berichtet, findet die UNESCO meist nur im Zusammenhang mit der Verleihung des Welterbetitels Erwähnung. Von der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen, hat die UNESCO auch die Aufgabe, Welterbestätten zu überwachen und ggf. Hilfsprogramme zu initiieren. Diese Studienarbeit wird politikwissenschaftliches Licht auf die Interaktionen zwischen UNESCO und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutze von gefährdetem Kulturerbe werfen. Dabei konzentriere ich mich auf die Notfallmaßnahmen für die Kulturgüter in Syrien, die seit Beginn der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen im Jahr 2011 massiv von Zerstörung und illegaler Entwendung bedroht sind. Eine umfassende Analyse aller Beziehungen zwischen NGOs und UNESCO im Rahmen der Arbeit ist unmöglich. Ich wählte deshalb die NGO ‚Heritage for Peace‘ aus, um an diesem Beispiel zu zeigen, aus welchen Gründen und in welchen Bereichen die UNESCO mit NGOs kooperiert bzw. welche Gründe dagegen sprechen. Theoretisch angeleitet wird die Arbeit von der Ressourcentausch-Theorie. Die Untersuchung beginne ich mit einer kurzen Darstellung des Kulturgutschutzes durch die UNESCO und der Situation, in der sich die syrischen Kulturgüter gegenwärtig befinden.

Evaluating the role of non governmental organisations in global governance : case studies of two campaigns

Saaiman, Hurchele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is a study of the growmg importance of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in global governance. Global governance is defined as a complex and dynamic process that deals with issues that go beyond the capacity of national governments, that is distinguished from global government because of an absence of a central authority that can ensure compliance and the presence of a wide range of actors including non-state actors. The theory of Complex Multilateralism captures the role of NGOs and NGO coalitions well. Using this theory as a theoretical framework, this study focuses on two recent transnational NGO campaigns (The International Campaign to Ban Landmines [fCBL) and the NGOs against Arms Trade) to determine why some NGO campaigns are more successful than others. The theory of Complex Multilateralism in combination with extensive information on different types of NGOs and their activities on national and international levels, makes it possible to identify criteria that can determine success. These criteria are: a realistic goal, the issue area (type, number, salience and techniques used to frame the issue), government and intergovernmental organisation (lGO) commitment, access to IGOs, extensive expertise, effective use of the media, effective use of information technology, activity variance, leadership, persuasive and influential spokespersons, membership and funds. These criteria are described, defined and then applied to the above-mentioned transnational NGO campaigns. The main finding was that the ICBL was the more successful of the two campaigns because it had more of the criteria for success. In this case the most important reasons for success is: a realistic goal, the focus on a single issue and the effective framing of the issue, significant government commitment as well as good leadership. Although, the criteria that were developed can hardly be universalised, they do provide a useful starting point for further research into this important field in International Studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bestudeer die toenemende belangrikheid van Nie-Regerings Organisasies (NROs) in "global governance" Laasgenoemde konsep word gedefinieer as 'n komplekse en dinamiese proses wat behels die hantering van vraagstukke wat buite die beheer is van 'n enkele staat, wat onderskei word van 'n wereld regering as gevolg van die afwesigheid van sentrale gesag en die aanwesigheid van 'n wye reeks van akteurs of rolbekleers insluitente nie-staatlike rolbekleers. Komplekse Multilateralisme bied 'n goeie teoretiese begrip van die rol van NROs en NRO koalisies in hierdie proses. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van Komplekse Multilateralisme as 'n teoretiese raamwerk om te fokus op twee onlangse transnasionale NRO veldtogte ( Die internasionale veldtog om landmyne te verban en die NROs teen wapenhandel) en sodoende te bepaal hoekom sekere NRO veldtogte meer geslaag is as ander. Reedsgenoemde teorie in kombinasie met inligting oor verskillende tipes NROs en hul aktiwiteite op nasionale en internasionale vlakke maak dit moontlik om kriteria vir 'n suksesvolle NRO veldtog te identifiseer. Hierdie kriteria bestaan uit die volgende: 'n realistiese doel, die aard van die vraagstuk (tipe, hoeveelheid, "salience", en tegnieke wat gebruik is om die vraagstuk te formuleer, toewyding van regerings en tussen-regerings-organisasies, toegang tot tussenregerings -organisasies, veelsydige kundigheid, effektiewe gebruik van die media, effektiewe gebruik van inligtingstegnologie, verskeidenheid van aktiwiteite, leierskap, oorredende en invloedryke segspersone, lidmaatskap en fondse. Die bevinding is dat die internasionale veldtog om landmyne te verban die meer geslaagde veldtog is. Die belangriskste redes hiervoor is: 'n realistiese doel, die fokus op enkele vraagstukke en die effektiewe formulering van die vraagstuk, die toegewydheid van baie regerings, sowel as goeie leierskap. Alhoewel die kriteria wat in die studie ontwikkel is nie veralgemeen kan word nie dien dit as 'n nuttige basis vir vedere navorsing oor hierdie belangrike tema in die veld van Internasionale Studie.

Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency

Acquah, Augusta 11 October 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.

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