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Myonuclear Organization and Regulation of Muscle Contraction in Single Muscle Fibres : Effects of Ageing, Gender, Species, Endocrine Factors and Muscle SizeQaisar, Rizwan January 2012 (has links)
The skeletal muscle fibre is a syncitium where each myonucleus regulates the gene products in a finite volume of cytoplasm i.e., the myonuclear domain (MND). A novel image analysis algorithm applied to confocal images, analyzing MND size and myonuclear spatial distribution in 3-dimensions in single skeletal muscle fibres has been used in this project. The goal was to explore the modulation of myonuclei count and MND size in response to muscle adaptation processes. The effects of ageing, gender, hormones, muscle hypertrophy and body size were investigated on MND size. A strong linear relationship was found between MND size and body size in the muscle fibres from mammals representing a 100,000-fold difference in body size. Independent of species, MND size was highly dependent on MyHC isoform type and mitochondrial contents of skeletal muscle fibres. In hypertrophic mice, a significant effect of MND size on specific force and myosin content was observed. This effect was muscle fibre type-specific and shows that the bigger MNDs in fast-twitch EDL muscle fibres are optimally tuned for force production while smaller MNDs in slow-twitch soleus muscle fibres have a much more dynamic range of hypertrophy without functional compromise. This indicates a critical volume individual myonuclei can support efficiently for a proportional gain in muscle fibre force and size. In human muscle fibres, spatial organization of myonuclei was affected by both ageing and MyHC isoform expression. In fibres expressing type I MyHC isoform, an increased MND size variability and myonuclear aggregates were observed in old age although average MND size was unchanged. In contrast, in type IIa fibres, the average MND size was smaller reflecting smaller size of muscle fibres. Those changes may influence the transcriptional activity per myonucleus and/or local cooperatively of myonuclei in a gender and muscle fibre-type specific manner. Finally, hormone replacement therapy was shown to negate menopause-related functional impairment in skeletal muscle fibres. The positive effect on force was due to quantitative effect in fibres expressing fast myosin isoform while the effect was both quantitative and qualitative in fibres expressing slow myosin isoform. The effect on MND size was fibre type dependent and was achieved by significantly reducing domain size in slow- but not the fast-twitch muscle fibres. Together, our data suggest that modulation of myonuclei count and MND size is a mechanism contributing to remodelling of skeletal muscle in muscle adaptation process. These findings should be considered when developing therapeutic approaches towards restoring muscle mass and strength in muscle wasting conditions.
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Mesonic fusion - pion and eta meson production in light ion nuclear fusion reactionsZartova, Irina January 2010 (has links)
The present thesis describes two experiments performed in the storage ring CELSIUS at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala. In the first experiment the importance of three - nucleon clustering in the six - nucelon system was investigated. The total cross section for the production of the ground state and the 3.56 MeV second excited state of 6Li in the 3He(3He,6Li)π+ reaction has been measured at two beam energies, 261.1 and 262.5 MeV, corresponding to center - of - mass energies 1.2 and 1.9 MeV above the production threshold for the 3.56 MeV state. For the ground state the result was 347 ± 84 ± 42 and 92 ± 84 ± 11 nb respectively. The result for the 3.56 MeV state, 104 ± 23 ± 12 and 56 ± 35 ± 7 nb respectively, is compared to the result of a previous study where the 3.56 MeV state was populated in the d(4He,6Li)π0 reaction. In the second experiment a clean sample of 5×105 eta mesons was prepared by means of the d(p,3He)η reaction. Eta production was tagged by the precise determination of the kinetic energy of the associated 3He ions. In the subsequent decay of eta mesons, channels with lepton - anti - lepton pairs were studied in the WASA detector. In a separate study properties of the WASA deuterium pellet target were investigated and in particular the effects on the beam of the beam - target interactions. In both sets of experiments the fused nuclear system was detected by means of a zero - degree spectrometer with a semiconductor detector telescope. Choosing the detectors to match the rather different requirements, precise information regarding the identity and the momentum of the detected ions could be obtained in both cases.
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Using measurements of CCN activity to characterize the mixing state, chemical composition, and droplet growth kinetics of atmospheric aerosols to constrain the aerosol indirect effectMoore, Richard Herbert 14 November 2011 (has links)
Atmospheric aerosols are known to exert a significant influence on the Earth's climate system; however, the magnitude of this influence is highly uncertain because of the complex interaction between aerosols and water vapor to form clouds. Toward reducing this uncertainty, this dissertation outlines a series of laboratory and in-situ field measurements, instrument technique development, and model simulations designed to characterize the ability of aerosols to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and form cloud droplets. Specifically, we empirically quantify the mixing state and thermodynamic properties of organic aerosols (e.g., hygroscopicity and droplet condensational uptake coefficient) measured in polluted and non-polluted environments including Alaska, California, and Georgia. It is shown that organic aerosols comprise a substantial portion of the aerosol mass and are often water soluble. CCN measurements are compared to predictions from theory in order to determine the error associated with simplified composition and mixing state assumptions employed by current large-scale models, and these errors are used to constrain the uncertainty of global and regional cloud droplet number and albedo using a recently-developed cloud droplet parameterization adjoint coupled with the GMI chemical transport model. These sensitivities are important because they describe the main determinants of climate forcing. We also present two novel techniques for fast measurements of CCN concentrations with high size, supersaturation, and temporal resolution that substantially improve the state of the art by several orders of magnitude. Ultimately, this work represents a step toward better understanding how atmospheric aerosols influence cloud properties and Earth's climate.
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The Role of Ribosomal Protein L7, An Estrogen Receptor Coactivator, on the Development of Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata) Song SystemDuncan, Kelli Adams 21 November 2008 (has links)
The Australian zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) serves as an excellent model organism for studying the mechanisms that influence brain sexual differentiation. The brain and behavior of the zebra finch are sexually dimorphic. The regions of the brain that control the learning and production of song (song control nuclei) are significantly larger in the male brain than in the female brain and only males sing courtship songs, thus the majority of past research has focused on the development of these sex differences. In the majority of mammals, brain sexual differentiation occurs because hormones secreted from the gonads act to initiate male or female brain development. In zebra finches, estradiol is sufficient to masculinize the male brain, however manipulations of developmental hormone exposure fail to fully reverse the sex differences in song nuclei size. Furthermore, genetic females induced to develop functional testicular tissue do not develop a completely masculinized song system and castration has no effect on development of the song system in males. The source of the increased estrogenic signal in male zebra finch brain has yet to be identified, but data suggest that other neuronal factors play a role in development of the song control nuclei. Coregulators, such as coactivators and corepressors, are proteins and RNA activators that work by enhancing or depressing transcriptional activity of the nuclear steroid receptor with which they associate. Coregulators also modulate the development of sex-specific brain morphology and behavior in rodents and birds and may help to explain the difficulties observed in altering song nuclei development via castration and gonadal hormone replacement. As an estrogen receptor-α coactivator, ribosomal protein L7 (RPL7) is able to make the brain more sensitive to estradiol by enhancing the effects of steroid receptor action. Therefore, this dissertation addressed the following questions regarding RPL7: (1) is RPL7 expression sexually dimorphic in the song nuclei of the zebra finch brain?; (2) is RPL7 protein expression regulated by steroid hormones?; and (3) does decreasing RPL7 protein expression with antisense oligonucleotides alter neuronal survival in vivo and song nuclei size and neuron number in vitro? Collectively, these studies will provide valuable information about the role of steroid receptor coactivators in development of the zebra finch song system and on the role of coactivators on sexual differentiation of the brain.
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The Blazar Envelope and the Relativistic Jet Dichotomy: Unification of Radio-Loud AGNMeyer, Eileen 24 July 2013 (has links)
Motivated by recent successes in linking the kinetic power of
relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN) to the
low-frequency, isotropic lobe emission, I have re-examined the blazar
and radio-loud AGN unification scheme through careful analysis of the
four parameters we believe to be fundamental in producing a particular
jet spectral energy distribution (SED): the kinetic power, accretion
power, accretion mode, and orientation. In particular, I have compiled
a multi-wavelength database for hundreds of jet SEDs in order to
characterize the jet spectrum by the synchrotron peak output, and have
conducted an analysis of the steep lobe emission in blazars in order
to determine the intrinsic jet power. This study of the link between
power and isotropic emission is likely to have a wider applicability
to other types or relativistic jet phenomena, such as
microquasars. Based on a well-characterized sample of over 200
sources, I suggest a new unification scheme for radio-loud AGN (Meyer
et al. 2011) which compliments evidence that a transition in jet
power at a few percent of the Eddington luminosity produces two types
of relativistic jet (Ghisellini, et al., 2009). The `broken power
sequence' addresses a series of recent findings severely at odds with
the previous unification scheme. This scheme makes many testable
predictions which will can be addressed with a larger body of data,
including a way to determine whether the coupling between accretion
and jet power is the currently presumed one-to-one correspondence, or
whether accretion power forms an upper bound, as very recent
observations suggest (Fernandes et al. 2011). This work is a first
step toward a unified understanding of the relativistic jets found in
radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) and their connection to
accretion onto the super-massive black holes from which they emanate.
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Investigation of Fundamental Black Hole Properties of AGN through Optical VariabilityRyle, Wesley Thomas 17 July 2008 (has links)
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are known to vary in brightness in all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and over a wide range of timescales. Many methods have been utilized to transform this observed variability into meaningful information about the central engines of AGN. One such technique, adapted from time series analysis of galactic x-ray binary systems, has been used to detect a characteristic break timescale in the power density spectra of x-ray variability in Seyfert galaxies. This timescale, thought to be related to instabilities in the accretion disk, appears to scale with black hole mass over many orders of magnitude. This dissertation performs similar time series analyses with the optical data of eight blazars. The majority of these objects also display a characteristic break timescale. In cases where a black hole estimate is known, the timescales are in good agreement with the relationship observed for galactic x-ray binary systems and Seyfert galaxies. For objects of unknown mass, this relationship can be used to provide a mass estimate of the supermassive black hole. Comparisons are made between the structure function and power density spectrum for each object, and the implications for the connection between the accretion disk and the relativistic jet in AGN are discussed.
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A Multi-Wavelength Investigation of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 GalaxiesTrippe, Margaret 17 July 2009 (has links)
We focus on determining the underlying physical cause of a Seyfert galaxy's appearance as type a 1.8 or 1.9. Are these "intermediate" Seyfert types typical Seyfert 1 nuclei reddened by central dusty tori or by nuclear dust lanes/spirals in the narrow-line region? Or, are they similar to NGC 2992, objects that have intrinsically weak continua and weak broad emission lines? Our study compares measurements of the reddenings of the narrow and broad-line regions with each other and with the X-ray column derived from XMM Newton 0.5-10 keV spectra to determine the presence and location of dust in the line of sight for a sample of 35 Seyfert 1.8s and 1.9s. From this, we find that Seyfert 1.9s are an almost equal mix of low-flux objects with unreddened broad line regions, and objects with broad line regions reddened by an internal dust source, either the torus or dust structures on the same size scale as the narrow line region. The 1.9s that recieved this designation due to a low continuum flux state showed variable type classifications. All three of the Seyfert 1.8s in our study are probably in low continuum states. Many objects have been misclassified as Seyfert 1.8/1.9s in the past, probably due to improper [N II]/H-alpha deconvolution leading to a false detection of weak broad H-alpha.
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Photodisintegration studies of astrophysically relevant p-nucleiKumaran Nair, Chithra 19 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The majority of the light elements up to iron (Fe) are formed by successive rounds of ther-
monuclear fusion burning in the stellar interiors. The nuclei heavier than iron (Z>26) are
being synthesized mainly by neutron-capture reactions - the astrophysical r-and s-processes.
There are 35 neutron de¯cient stable isotopes between Se and Hg which are shielded from the
rapid neutron capture by stable isobars. These so-called p-nuclei are produced in explosive
stellar environments via photodisintegration reactions like (°,n), (°,p) and (°,®) on r- or s-
seed nuclei. The reaction rates of the p-nuclei are mostly based on theoretical parameteriza-
tions using statistical model calculations. At the bremsstrahlung facility of the superconducting
electron accelerator ELBE, photon-induced reactions of the p-nuclei are being studied.
In the scope of this thesis work, photodisintegration measurements of the p-nuclei 92Mo and
144Sm have been performed via the photoactivation technique. The residual nuclei resulting
from photoactivation were studied via °-ray spectroscopy. For the decay measurements of
short-lived nuclei, a pneumatic delivery system has been used. In the case of 144Sm(°,p) and
144Sm(°,®) reactions, the activated samarium samples with very low counting statistics were
measured at the underground laboratory "Felsenkeller" in Dresden. The experimental activa-
tion yields for the 144Sm (°,n), (°,p) and (°; ®) and the 92Mo(°; ®) reactions were determined.
It is to be emphasized that the (°,p) and (°; ®) reactions were measured for the ¯rst time in a
laboratory at astrophysically relevant energies.
In all the mentioned experiments, special care was taken to determine the endpoint energy of
the bremsstrahlung spectra by using the photodisintegration of deuteron. The 197Au(°,n)196Au
reaction has been established as an activation standard. The photoactivation yields for the
197Au(°,n) and 144Sm(°; n) reactions have been compared to the yield calculated using cross
sections from previous photoneutron experiments. A comparison of the two data sets leads to
a conclusion on the inaccuracies in previous data. The statistical uncertainties involved in the
activation experiments are very small except for the case of decay spectra with weak counting
statistics. The systematic uncertainties are mostly from the experimental determination of
photon °ux. A detailed discussion of the overall uncertainty is provided.
Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations using TALYS and NON-SMOKER codes have
been performed for all the concerned reactions. The experimental activation yields, in general,
agree within a factor of 2 to the simulated yields using statistical model predictions. The
sensitivity of the model codes to the nuclear physics inputs like optical-model potentials, nuclear
level densities and °-ray strength functions has been tested.
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Neural circuits engaged in mastication and orofacial nociceptionAthanassiadis, Tuija, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.
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Emission-line properties of active galactic nuclei and an experiment in integrated, guided-inquiry science classes and implications for teaching astronomyLudwig, Randi Renae 27 September 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines two broad topics -- emission line properties of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the effect of hands-on, integrated science courses on student understanding of astronomy. To investigate trends in overall properties of emission lines in AGN, we apply principal component analysis (PCA) to the fluxes in the H [beta] - (O III) region of a sample of 9046 spectroscopically-identified broad-line AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5 with a redshift range of 0.1 < z < 0.56. After performing independent spectral PCA on subsets defined effectively by their (O III) equivalent width (EW), we find only the weakest (O III) objects retain the optical Fe II - (O III) anticorrelation and the correlation of EW[subscript O III] with H [beta] linewidth that have previously been found in high-luminosity AGN. The objects with strongest EW[subscript O III] do not differ from the entire data set significantly in other spectral and derived properties, such as luminosity, redshift, emission line shapes, Eddington ratio, continuum slope, and radio properties. However, our findings are consistent with previous suggestions that (O III) emission is primarily a function of covering factor of the narrow-line region. To investigate the other side of the Fe II - (O III) anticorrelation, we examine the effect of changes in the gas-phase abundance of Fe on observed variation in Fe II. Using AGN spectra from the SDSS in the redshift range of 0.2 < z < 0.35, we measure the Fe/Ne abundance of the narrow-line region (NLR) using the (Fe VII)/(Ne V) line intensity ratio. We find no significant difference in the abundance of Fe relative to Ne in the NLR as a function of Fe II/H [beta]. However, the (N II)/(S II) ratio increases by a factor of 2 with increasing Fe II strength. This indicates a trend in N/S abundance ratio, and by implication in the overall metallicity of the NLR gas, with increasing Fe II strength. We propose that the wide range of Fe II strength in AGN largely results from the selective depletion of Fe into grains in the low ionization portion of the broad-line region. We utilize photoionization models to show that the strength of the optical Fe II lines varies almost linearly with gas-phase Fe abundance, while the ultraviolet Fe II strength varies more weakly, as seen observationally. After examining the emission line properties of large samples of fairly typical AGN, we investigated the newly expanded regime of low-mass AGN (M[subscript BH] [less than or approximately equal to] 10⁶ M[subscript sun]) with respect to their emission line properties at a smaller scale. We utilize the high spectral resolution and small aperture of our Keck data of 27 low-mass AGN, taken with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager, to isolate the NLRs of these low-mass black holes. Some of these low-luminosity objects plausibly represent examples of the low-metallicity AGN described by Groves et al. (2006), based on their (N II)/H[alpha] ratios and their consistency with the Kewley & Ellison (2008) mass-metallicity relation. We also find that these low-mass AGN have steeper UV continuum slopes than more-massive AGN based on their He II/H[beta] ratio. Overall, NLR emission lines in these low-mass AGN exhibit trends similar to those seen in AGN with higher-mass BHs, such as increasing blueshifts and broadening with increasing ionization potential. Additionally, we see evidence of an intermediate line region whose intensity correlates with L/L[subscript Edd] in these objects, as seen in higher-mass AGN. We highlight the interesting trend that, at least in these low-mass BHs, the (O III) EW is highest in symmetric NLR lines with no blue wing. This trend of increasing (O III) EW with line symmetry could be explained by a high covering factor of lower ionization gas in the NLR. We also investigate effective methods for teaching astronomy and connections between astronomical topics in student learning and understanding. After developing the curriculum for a hands-on, learner-centered astronomy course (Hands-on-Science, hereafter HoS) aimed at pre-service elementary teachers, we measure student performance in HoS compared to traditional, large lecture courses (hereafter Astro101). We utilize distractor-driven multiple choice assessments in order to quantitatively assess student understanding and evaluate the persistence or correction of common misconceptions in astronomy. We find that for the topics included in the HoS curriculum, HoS students have a higher average post-test score, and higher normalized gains, than the Astro101 students. We cannot pinpoint the exact cause of this student achievement because of the multitude of nontraditional practices incorporated into the HoS implementation. Increased time-on-task, a classroom environment structured around student discussion, or focus on conceptual understanding could each be key factors in the high achievement of HoS students. We conclude that the HoS students are better prepared in astronomy for their future careers as elementary school teachers by HoS courses than they would have been in traditional, introductory astronomy courses. When we compare directly between topics covered in both HoS and Astro101, we find that HoS students have normalized gains that are a factor of 2-4 higher than those of Astro101 students. Therefore, we conclude that curricula similar to the HoS approach would benefit Astro101 students as well, particularly for topics which are most impacted by the HoS method, such as Moon phases and seasons. Lastly, a PCA of the changes in HoS student scores reveals that there is very little systematic student variation apart from the trends apparent in the mean changes in the sample. Thus, we do not find groupings of questions that some subsets of students systematically learn more readily than others. Another way to interpret this result is that the HoS curriculum and methodology indiscriminately help all kinds of pre-service elementary teachers, despite presumptive differences in their own learning styles and strengths. / text
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