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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Schneidige deutsche Mädel" : Fliegerinnen zwischen 1918 und 1945

Zegenhagen, Evelyn January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Neubiberg, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Diss., 2006

A 'New Order' : National Socialist notions of Europe and their implementation during the Second World War

Bauer, Raimund January 2016 (has links)
The term Europe was omnipresent in the Third Reich during the Second World War. An abundance of primary sources attests to the German interest in a new European order. Nevertheless, historiography is in disagreement on the Europeanness of this New Order and on its actual relevance for National Socialist policies. This study argues that these differing appraisals are the result of a mistaken understanding of the National Socialist New Order. National Socialist Germany did not pursue a single, stable, and clear-cut notion of Europe-to-be, but constantly kept negotiating its war aims and the future of Europe under the heading New Order. By means of a discourse-analytical approach, this thesis reconstructs this New Order and shows that its defining dimensions were long-standing and well-established knowledge and belief systems: the idea of European economic cooperation and völkisch beliefs. Depending on the military situation and the scope of the German sphere of influence, the discursive weight of these interpretive frames varied during the war. Nevertheless, they produced temporarily stable visions of Europe-to-be. Contrasted with this development, an analysis of German policies clearly demonstrates that the New Order discourse did matter. A hermeneutical approach which draws on discourse-analytical concepts of power relations makes clear that the New Order discourse was powerful. It defined the permissible ways of thinking and speaking about the future of Europe and it endowed the activities of German occupation authorities and private companies with meaning. Thus, this study and its innovative perspective shed new light on the New Order and broaden our understanding of National Socialist wartime policies. Its findings suggest that the National Socialist Europe must not be dismissed as anti-European. National Socialist Germany discursively constructed and realised its own ideals of Europe-to-be. This völkisch and economic reorganisation not only guided the policies of German occupation policies and informed the actions of private businesses, but it also fits well into the German tradition of European thinking.

Vitaminisierung und Vitaminbestimmung: Ernährungsphysiologische Forschung im Nationalsozialismus

Stoff, Heiko 04 February 2013 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: 'Vitamine sind Produkte ernährungsphysiologischer Experimente, die seit den 1890er Jahren durchgeführt wurden und Aufklärung über gravierende Erkrankungen in niederländischen und britischen Kolonien liefern sollten. Ihren Namen erhielten sie 1912 durch den polnischen Biochemiker Casimir Funk.1 Die Identität der Vitamine war durch ihre Leistung bei der Heilung von Mangelkrankheiten bestimmt. Im angloamerikanischen Raum und später in der übrigen Welt etablierte sich rasch eine alphabetische Nomenklatur: Vitamin A verhütet die Augenkrankheit Xerophthalmia, Vitamin B verhütet Beriberi, Vitamin C verhütet Skorbut. Zu diesen Vitaminen kamen in den 1920er Jahren das antirachitische Vitamin D, das Antisterilitäts-Vitamin E und das blutungsstillende Vitamin K hinzu. Die schon in geringsten Mengen gegebene Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Wirkstoffe weckte große Erwartungen, die weit über die experimentell herausgearbeitete Kompetenz hinausgingen. Schon über die von der IG Farben als Betaxin oder Betabion vertriebenen Vitamin B1-Präparate ließ sich jedoch zunächst nicht mehr sagen, als dass sie Beriberi heilten, was für den Inlandsmarkt keine besonders lukrativ erscheinende Aussage war.2 Der Schweizer Historiker Beat Bächi zeigt eindringlich, dass auch der weltweit führende Schweizer Vitamin-C-Produzent Hoffmann-La Roche noch Ende der 1920er Jahre die therapeutischen und kommerziellen Aussichten der Askorbinsäure nicht bestimmen konnte. Die Verwendung als Skorbutheilmittel spielte natürlich keine große Rolle. Es schien aber möglich, dass sich der spezifische Einfluss, den das Vitamin auf die oxydoreduktiven Vorgänge des Organismus ausübe, auch in anderen therapeutischen Richtungen auswirken könne. Bächi verweist darauf, dass die Propagandabteilungen der pharmazeutischen Firmen eine markante Rolle bei der Etablierung von Anwendungsgebieten spielten. Aber mehr noch setzte sich für alle Vitamine die Indikationsstellung Hypovitaminosis durch, der relative Vitaminmangel, mit der Vitamingaben für einen letztlich unbegrenzten Bereich an Erscheinungen empfohlen werden konnte.3 Vitamintherapien richteten sich nicht an die an Avitaminosen leidenden Kranken, sondern an Gesunde, die aufgrund von Hypovitaminosen noch nicht gesund genug waren bzw. Mangelkrankheiten vorbeugen wollten. Vor allem das Vitamin C wurde in den 1930er Jahren als universal einsetzbares Mittel zur Stärkung und Optimierung des Organismus konzipiert.' [...]:Einleitung S. 59 Biologische Nachweisverfahren S. 61 Chemisch-physikalische Bestimmungsmethoden S. 65 Nahrungsfreiheit und Leistungsmedizin S. 68 Gehaltsforschungen und Erhaltungsmaßnahmen S. 72 Vitaminisierung und Lebensmitteltechnik S. 76 Minimum und Optimum S. 81 Fazit S. 84

Lexikální a pragmatická rovina ve Völkischer Beobachter, nejdůležitějších německých novinách Druhé světové války / Lexical and pragmatic aspects of the Völkischer Beobachter, the most important newspaper during the Second World War

Kiesenbauerová, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
The presented thesis examines lexical and pragmatic instruments used by the leading newspaper in Germany during the Second World War, the Völkischer Beobachter. The objective is to determine the importance of the choice of lexical and pragmatic instruments and the communication strategy applied to influence readers. The targeting of readers by the press is illustrated by descriptions of the political climate and specific historical events. The thesis links language, history and wartime politics. By drawing on academic literature, the author describes the historical context preceding the Second World War, focusing on political events and press bans. Selected key wartime events are linked to linguistic analysis. The National Socialist ideology, led by Adolf Hitler, assists in demonstrating the origins of the typical features of National Socialist language. The newspapers themselves, Völkischer Beobachter, and selected linguistic and pragmatic phenomena are also described. The selected examples were chosen on the basis of a search in the Völkischer Beobachter and subsequent analysis. The linguistic analysis consists of a lexicological classification into linguistic devices of emotionality, expressivity, metaphor, metonymy and idiomatic expressions. The pragmatic devices as communication strategies and...

The Culture of Captivity: German Prisoners, British Captors, and Manhood in the Great War, 1914-1920

Feltman, Brian K. 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

»Die Härte des Krieges verlangt stählerne Herzen.«

Schwarz, Martin 19 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einführung: "Auf der Webseite des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) findet bis heute die Geschichte der Ingenieure in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus nicht statt.1 Das mag mit der spezifischen Funktion einer Webseite zusammenhängen, die auf eine gute Außendarstellung zielt. Gleichwohl ist die Rolle dieser Berufsgruppe im NS-System ein wichtiger Forschungsgegenstand, innerhalb dessen die damaligen Selbst- und Fremdbilder der Ingenieure zu analysieren sind."

Obraz rakouské společnosti za doby národního socialismu: tematická analýza románu Alle unsere Spiele od Eriky Mitterer / Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika Mitterer

Borowczaková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Title: Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika Mitterer Abstract: This diploma thesis deals with the work of the Austrian author Erika Mitterer and her experience with the ideology of the Third Reich. In the first part, I present the life and activities of the author, while putting a special emphasis on the period of National Socialism. The second part deals with the general characteristics of Mitterer's literary production. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the novel All our Games, in which Mitterer tries to achieve a qualitative image of Austrian society during the Nazi regime. This picture is drawn by the Author using the example of a life of a fictive family. A general picture of the novel's time is constructed on the basis of the motives that are found in the book. Keywords: Erika Mitterer, All our Games, National Socialism, coming to terms with the past

A Rosa Branca e a correção da (in)justiça nacional-socialista no Pós-guerra: interface entre história, direito e tradução / The White Rose and the correction of nacional-socialist (in)justice in the Post-War period: interface between history, law and translation

Salgado, Janaína Lopes 03 July 2017 (has links)
Com a ascensão do nacional-socialismo em 1933, iniciou-se uma série de medidas como promulgações de leis e criação de tribunais especiais para garantir a manutenção e expansão do poder do regime. Como exemplo da instrumentalização do sistema judicial nacional-socialista e suas consequências no Pós-guerra, destacamos na presente pesquisa os depoimentos de duas vítimas políticas do Tribunal do Povo, Hans Hirzel e Franz J. Müller. Ambos foram integrantes do grupo de resistência estudantil conhecido como Rosa Branca, cuja história contribuiu para o processo de contestação da validade de sentenças penais proferidas neste período. Desenvolvemos um estudo na interface entre as áreas da História (HUDEMANN, 2014; BENZ, 2008; STEINBACH; TUCHEL, 2004; ARENDT, 1989, entre outros) e do Direito (SILVA, 2011; ALEXY 1997; STOLLEIS, 1994; HART, 1958; RADBRUCH, 1946; entre outros), tendo como cerne o conceito de Unrecht (Injustiça extrema). Com base no modelo de análise textual de Christiane Nord (2010, 2009), dos Estudos da Tradução, destacamos a relevância de uma análise multidisciplinar da situação comunicativa e da temática dos textos-fontes para a tradução. Apresentamos uma edição bilíngue de três documentos pertinentes para abordar o conceito estudado nesta pesquisa. Nosso corpus é composto por um ofício enviado em 1983 pela Secretaria de Justiça do Estado Federado de Baden-Württemberg a Franz Müller; seu depoimento ao lado de Hans Hirzel no Parlamento Alemão em 1984, cuja temática central gira em torno da questão da validade do direito e das práticas jurídicas no período do nacional-socialismo, e a Lei de anulação das sentenças da injustiça extrema nacionalsocialista na administração da justiça penal de 1998, medida que anulou retroativamente sentenças penais proferidas por tribunais nacional-socialistas. Trata-se de documentos que registram parte do percurso histórico e jurídico de correção da injustiça nacional-socialista no período do Pós-guerra. Com esta pesquisa, pretendemos viabilizar o acesso a pesquisadores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento a este material inédito em português acerca da validade do direito legalmente produzido em períodos totalitários. / With the ascension of national-socialism in 1933, a series of measures such as promulgation of laws and the creation of special courts were introduced in order to guarantee the maintenance and expansion of the regimes power. As an example of the use of nationalsocialism court system as a power tool and its consequences in the post-war period, in this research we highlight the testimony of two political victims of the People\'s Court, Hans Hirzel and Franz J. Müller. Both were part of the student resistance group known as The White Rose, which has contributed for the contestation of the validity of the criminal judgments issued in this period. We developed a study at the interface between the fields of History (HUDEMANN, 2014; BENZ, 2008; STEINBACH; TUCHEL, 2004; ARENDT, 1989, among others) and Law (SILVA, 2011; ALEXY 1997; STOLLEIS, 1994; HART, 1958; RADBRUCH, 1946; among others) having the Unrecht concept (Extreme Injustice) as the core concept. Based on the model of text analysis of Christiane Nord (2010, 2009), on Translation Studies, we highlight the relevance of interdisciplinary analysis of the communicative situation and the topic of the source texts for translation. We produce a bilingual edition of three documents that are relevant to approach the concept studied in this research. Our corpus consists of an official document sent in 1983 by the Justice Administration of the state Baden-Württemberg to Franz Müller; his testimony beside Hans Hirzel at the German parliament in 1984, which central topic is based on the validity of the law and the legal practices in the period of national socialism, and the Law of annulation of extreme national socialist injustice in the implementation of criminal law, from 1998, measure that cancelled retroactively criminal judgements issued by national socialist courts. These are documents that register part of the historical and legal path of correction of national socialist injustice in the post-war period. With this research, we intend to facilitate the access to researches from different areas of knowledge to this unreleased material in Portuguese about the validity of the Law legally produced in totalitarian periods.

Quando a tradução (re)conta a história: análise textual e tradução comentada de interrogatórios da \'Rosa Branca\' / When translation (re)tells History: text analysis and commented translation of interrogations of the White Rose

Schäfer, Anna Carolina 12 August 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo produzir uma tradução comentada, do alemão para o português, de uma seleção de documentos emblemáticos da resistência alemã ao Nacional-Socialismo. O corpus constitui-se especificamente de registros escritos dos interrogatórios (em alemão: Verhörprotokolle, protocolos de interrogatório) conduzidos em fevereiro de 1943 pela Polícia Secreta Nazista com os irmãos Hans e Sophie Scholl. Ambos eram integrantes do grupo A Rosa Branca, formado sobretudo por estudantes da Universidade de Munique que se opuseram ao regime nacional-socialista através da produção e distribuição de panfletos, nos quais lançavam críticas incisivas ao regime e à postura apática da população alemã perante os crimes cometidos pelo Estado. Tendo em vista o objetivo geral do trabalho e a conjuntura histórica em que se insere o corpus, partiu-se na análise e tradução dos protocolos de uma base teórica interdisciplinar, pautada tanto em elementos da pesquisa historiográfica quanto em pressupostos dos Estudos Funcionais da Tradução sobretudo no modelo de análise textual e tradução de Christiane Nord (1988, 2009) , da Linguística Textual e da Análise do Discurso. Para a tradução comentada dos protocolos, produto final deste trabalho, previu-se desde o início uma função documental, a qual justifica diversas microdecisões tomadas ao longo do processo tradutório. Elas vão desde a opção por reproduzir a formatação original dos textos de partida em alemão até a busca por reconstituir seu pano de fundo histórico por meio de comentários e imagens, inseridos propositalmente na margem direita e não no rodapé ou no fim da tradução. Espera-se, assim, que os textos traduzidos possam ser consultados, lidos e analisados como documentos e testemunhos sobre a resistência alemã ao Nacional-Socialismo, tema ainda pouco divulgado e estudado no Brasil. / This study aims to produce a commented translation from German into Portuguese of a selection of iconic documents of the German resistance to the National Socialism. The corpus is specifically consisted of written records of the interrogations (in German: Verhörprotokolle, interrogation protocols) conducted in February 1943 by the Nazi Secret Police with the brothers Hans and Sophie Scholl. Both were members of the group The White Rose, mostly comprised of students from the University of Munich who opposed the National Socialist regime by producing and distributing pamphlets in which they released incisive criticism to the government and apathetic posture of the German population before the crimes committed by it. Bearing in mind the overall aim of the work and the historical context to which the corpus belongs, an interdisciplinary theoretical basis was used in the analysis and translation of the protocols, based both in the historical research elements and on suppositions of the Functional Translation Studies especially in the model for translation-oriented text analysis by Christiane Nord (1988, 2009) , Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. For the commented translation of the protocols, the end product of this research, a documentary function was envisaged from the beginning, which justifies different micro decisions taken throughout the translation process, ranging from the choice of reproducing the original formatting of the source texts in German to the search for reconstituting the historical background of the source texts by means of comments and images intentionally inserted on the right edge of the page, and not in footnotes or at the end of the translation. It is, therefore, expected that the translated texts can be consulted, read and analyzed as documents and testimonies of the German resistance to the National Socialism, a subject still little publicized and studied in Brazil.

Voices of survival: opera in Theresienstadt

Unknown Date (has links)
by Jackelyn Marcus. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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