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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oligomerização e cooligomerização de alfa-olefinas catalizadas por sistemas do tipo ziegler-natta a base de complexos de niquel

Rosa, Ricardo Gomes da January 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho consistiu no estudo da reação de oligomerização/cooligomerização das a-olefinas buteno-1/hexeno-1/octeno-1, a oligômeros lineares na faixa C'8 e C'16, promovida por sistemas catalíticos à base de um complexo de níquel (11) como precursor catalítico e de um composto alquilalumínio como co-catalisador. 0 sistema mais reativo obtido constituiu-se em Ni(acac)2/AlEt2OEt, empregando-se uma relação AI/Ni na faixa de 0,8-1,4,em tolueno e a 60°C. Nestas condições obteve-se produtos com taxas de linearidade variando de 98%, para a fração C'8, a 65% para a fração C'16. A taxa de seletividade média observada para este sistema foi de 40% em oligomerizacação, sendo obtidas taxas de conversão superiores a 90%. As grandezas reacionais como: taxa de conversação de seletividade (isomerização e oligomerização) e de linearidade, foram determinadas com o auxilio de cálculos de distribuição em massa das a-olefinas reagentes nos diversos produtos. 0s parâmetros do processo foram otimizados pela execução de um plano de experimentos de primeiro grau do tipo Simplex Modificado. / This work describe the study of oligomerization/cooligomerization reactions of a-olefins (1- butene/1-hexene/1-octene) to linear oligomers (C'8-C'16 range), promoted by catalytic systems based on nickel(ll)salts/alkylaluminum complexes. The best results were attained with Ni(acac)2/AlEt2OEt systems working at 60°C, AI/Ni ratio in the range 0,8-1,4 and in toluene medium. Under these conditions, the convertion ratio was greater than 90% with 40% seletivity to oligomerization. Moreover, linear oligomers were obtained in 65% (C'16 fraction) to 98% (C'8 fraction) in seletivity. Conversion, selectivity (isomerization and oligomerization) and linearity ratios were determined through mass distribuction calculation of reagent a-olefins in the products. The process parameters were optimized by execution of a first degree experiments plane Modified Simplex type.

Perkolacioni procesi pri polimerizaciji olefina pomoću jedinjenja prelaznih metala / Percolation Processes in Olefin Polymerization with Transition Metals

Pilić Branka 12 January 2006 (has links)
<p>Prema postojećem tumačenju Ziegler-Natta polimerizacije, smatra se da se prekursor prelaznog metala (Mt) aktivira pomoću alkila metala, a da se rast polimernog lanca ostvaruje umetanjem monomera između Mt i rastućeg polimernog lanca. Postoje mnoga neslaganja eksperimentalnih činjenica sa tumačenjem polimerizacije mehanizmom insertacije. U ovom radu predložen je novi mehanizam polimerizacije olefina pomoću jedinjenja prelaznih metala perkolacijom naelektrisanja (CPM): makromolekulski lanac nastaje polimerizacijorm grozda monomera (nM) koji je adsorbovan na nosaču (S) između dva adsorbovana prelazna metala, jednog u vi&scaron;em (Mt<sup>+4</sup>), a drugog u nižem oksidacionom stanju (Mt<sup>+2</sup>):</p><p style="text-align: center;">( Mt<sup>n+1...</sup>nM<sup>...</sup>Mt<sup>n+1</sup>)/S&nbsp;&rarr;(Mt<sup>n</sup>Mt<sup>n</sup>)/S + polimer.</p><p>Novi&nbsp;mehanizam polimerizacije perkoracijom naelektrisanja potvrđen je eksperimentalnim podacima, matematičkim proračunima i kompjuterskim simulacijama. U radu je prvo ukazano na značaj dosada&scaron;njih istraživanja i dat je prikaz pojedinih eksperimentalnih činjenica koje potvrđuju perkolacioni model polimerizacije. Po principu Monte-Carlo simulacija, napravljen je novi specijalni kompjuterski program &quot;Lattice&quot; koji omogućuje simulaciju polimerizacije olefina pomoću CPM. U radu je dat detaljan opis kompjuterskog programa &quot;Lattice&quot; i oja&scaron;njeno je na koji način se eksperimentalni parametri prevode u parametre perkolacionog modela polimerizacije. Na osnovu matematičkog proračuna i kompjuterske simulacije (primenom teorije Kobozeva) predviđen je uticaj sadržaja prelaznog metala na nosaču na produktivnost metala i nosača, &scaron;to je potvrđeno eksperimentalnim podacima. U radu je prikazano na koji način promene: tipa nosača, početne povr&scaron;inske koncentracije monomera, koncentracije prelaznim metala redosledu dodavanja reagujućih komponenti, utiču na grafiku brzina polimerizacije - vreme. Primenom perkolacionog modela polimerizacije obja&scaron;njene su eksperimentalne činjenice koje do sad nisu mogle biti potpuno obja&scaron;njene primenom mehanizma insertacije.</p> / <p>According the current explanation of Ziegler-Natta polymerization, transition metal (Mt)<br />is activated by alkyl group and vacant orbital are formed. It is belived that polymer<br />chain propagates by monomer insertion between Mt and growing polymer chain. It has also been known that by using existing insertion mechanism of the polymerization,<br />some experimentally proved facts cannot be explained completely. In this paper new<br />charge percolation mechanism (CPM) of olefin polymeiization by supported Mt<br />complexes is presented: a macromolecular chain is formed polymerization of<br />monomer cluster (nM) adsorbed at the support (S) between two immobilised Mt ions,<br />one in the higher (Mt<sup>+4</sup>) and the other in the lower (Mt<sup>+2</sup>) oxidation state:</p><p style="text-align: center;">( Mtn+1...nM...Mtn+1)/S &rarr;(MtnMtn)/S + polymer.</p><p>New CPM has been confirmed by published experimental data, by calculating and by computer simulation. First it has been clarified the signifigance of the existing<br />experiment and some experimental facts wich are confrlmed by CPM are shown. A special computer program &quot;Lattice&quot; has been developed to simulate olefin<br />polymerization based on CPM using Monte Carlo procedure. In this work it is explanied<br />how the polymerization parametar from real experiments are transfered to percolation<br />and simulation parametars. The effects of thesurface concentration of active centres on<br />metal productivities and support productivites has been predicted by the calculating and computer simulation (using catalytic theory of Kobozev) and confirmed by real<br />experimental data. In this work it is also shown how the polymer structure and tipe of<br />the curve polymerization rate/time depend on reaction conditions (Mt concentration, tipe of the support, Mt/S ratio, sequence of chemical components addition, time). At the end the experimental facts which couldn&#39;t have been explained completaly ty insertion<br />mechanism are explanied using CpM.</p><p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p>

Influência do agente de halogenação e da razão molar Cl:Nd na polimerização e nas características do polibutadieno obtido com catalisador Ziegler-Natta à base de neodímio / Influence of halogenating compound and CI:Nd molar ratio on polymerization and polybutadiene characteristics produced by Ziegler-Natta catalysts based on neodymium

Cíntia Nogueira Ferreira 28 May 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta Dissertação foi utilizado um sistema catalítico Zieger-Natta à base de neodímio para avaliar a influência do agente de halogenação e da razão molar halogênio:Nd sobre a atividade catalítica, a constante de velocidade de propagação, a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molecular e a polidispersão do polibutadieno 1,4-cis. O sistema utilizado era constituído por versatato de neodímio (NdV), hidreto de diisobutilalumínio (DIBAH) e um agente de halogenação. Os agentes halogenantes estudados foram: cloreto de t-butila (t-BuCl), sesquicloreto de etilalumínio (EASC) e cloreto de dietilalumínio (DEAC), em valores de razão molar Cl:Nd que variaram entre 0,5:1 e 5:1 e o dietil-eterato de trifluoreto de boro (BF3.Et2O), na razão molar F:Nd = 3:1. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho para determinação da microestrutura e por cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho para determinação das massas moleculares. O teor de unidades 1,4-cis variou de 90 a 98%, a massa molecular numérica média ( ) permaneceu na faixa entre 0,2 e 2x105, e a massa molecular ponderal média ( ) variou de 1,4 a 4x105 / In this Dissertation a catalyst system based on neodymium was employed to evaluate the influence of halogen source and the halogen:Nd molar ratio on the catalyst activity, polymerization constant rate, polymerization conversion, molecular weight characteristics and microstructure of polybutadiene. The catalyst systems were formed by diisobutylaluminium hydride (DIBAH), neodymium versatate (NdV) and a halogen source. The halogenating agents studied were t-butyl chloride (t-BuCl), ethylaluminium sesquichloride (EASC) and diethylaluminium chloride (DEAC) in a nCl:nNd molar ratio in the range from 0,5 to 5, and boron trifluoride diethyl ether (BF3.Et2O). The polymers were characterized by infrared espectroscopy for determining the microstructure and by size exclusion chromatography to obtain the molecular mass characteristics. The cis-1,4 units contents varied from 90 to 98%, the number-average molecular mass ( ) varied from 0,2 to 2x105 and the weight-average molecular mass ( ) varied from 1,4 to 4x105

Copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno e alfa-olefinas com catalisadores à base de versatato de neodímio / Copolymaerization of butadiene - 1,3 e alpha-olefins by a catalyst based on meodymium versatate

Gustavo Monteiro da Silva 28 July 2010 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação, foram realizadas reações de copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno com diferentes alfa-olefinas (1-hexeno, 1-octeno e 1-dodeceno) utilizando-se um sistema catalítico do tipo Ziegler-Natta ternário constituído por versatato de neodímio, hidreto de diisobutilalumínio e cloreto de t-butila. O sistema catalítico também foi avaliado em reações de homopolimerização com cada alfa-olefina. As condições reacionais, tanto da síntese do catalisador como das reações de polimerização, foram mantidas constantes. Foi estudada a influência de diferentes teores de cada alfa-olefina (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 e 30 % em relação ao 1,3-butadieno) sobre a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molar, as propriedades viscosimétricas e a estabilidade térmica dos polímeros obtidos. Foi avaliada, ainda, a influência do tamanho da cadeia da alfa-olefina sobre as características da polimerização. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC), viscosimetria capilar e termogravimetria (TG). A microestrutura dos polímeros, praticamente, não variou com a adição das alfa-olefinas. A massa molar numérica média (Mn) não sofreu alterações significativas, enquanto que a massa molar ponderal média (Mw) apresentou tendência ao aumento, quanto maior foi a incorporação de comonômero. A viscosidade intrínseca não apresentou uma tendência com a adição da alfa-olefina na reação, permanecendo na faixa de 2,015 a 3,557 dL/g. A estabilidade térmica do copolímero mostrou uma tendência a aumentar com a incorporação das alfa-olefinas / In this work, were performed copolymerization reactions of 1,3-butadiene with different alpha-olefins (1-hexene, 1-octene and 1-dodecene), using a ternary catalytic system of Ziegler-Natta, constituted by neodymium versatate, diisobutylaluminum hydride and t-butyl chloride. The catalytic system was also evaluated in homopolymerization reactions with the alpha-olefins. The reaction conditions, both the catalyst synthesis as the polymerization reactions, were kept constant. The influence of different content of each alpha-olefin (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30% compared to 1,3-butadiene) on the polymerization conversion, the microstructure, molar mass, viscometric properties and thermal stability of polymers was studied. The influence of alpha-olefin chain size on polymerization characteristics was also evaluated. The polymers were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), capillary viscometry and thermogravimetry (TG). The polymer microstructure, practically, did not change with the addition of alpha-olefins. The number average molecular mass (Mn) has not changed; while the weight average molecular mass (Mw) trended to increase. The intrinsic viscosity did not show a trend with the alpha-olefin addition, remaining in the range from 2.015 to 3.557 dL/g. The copolymer thermal stability showed a tendency to increase with the incorporation of alpha-olefins

Influência do agente de halogenação e da razão molar Cl:Nd na polimerização e nas características do polibutadieno obtido com catalisador Ziegler-Natta à base de neodímio / Influence of halogenating compound and CI:Nd molar ratio on polymerization and polybutadiene characteristics produced by Ziegler-Natta catalysts based on neodymium

Cíntia Nogueira Ferreira 28 May 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta Dissertação foi utilizado um sistema catalítico Zieger-Natta à base de neodímio para avaliar a influência do agente de halogenação e da razão molar halogênio:Nd sobre a atividade catalítica, a constante de velocidade de propagação, a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molecular e a polidispersão do polibutadieno 1,4-cis. O sistema utilizado era constituído por versatato de neodímio (NdV), hidreto de diisobutilalumínio (DIBAH) e um agente de halogenação. Os agentes halogenantes estudados foram: cloreto de t-butila (t-BuCl), sesquicloreto de etilalumínio (EASC) e cloreto de dietilalumínio (DEAC), em valores de razão molar Cl:Nd que variaram entre 0,5:1 e 5:1 e o dietil-eterato de trifluoreto de boro (BF3.Et2O), na razão molar F:Nd = 3:1. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho para determinação da microestrutura e por cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho para determinação das massas moleculares. O teor de unidades 1,4-cis variou de 90 a 98%, a massa molecular numérica média ( ) permaneceu na faixa entre 0,2 e 2x105, e a massa molecular ponderal média ( ) variou de 1,4 a 4x105 / In this Dissertation a catalyst system based on neodymium was employed to evaluate the influence of halogen source and the halogen:Nd molar ratio on the catalyst activity, polymerization constant rate, polymerization conversion, molecular weight characteristics and microstructure of polybutadiene. The catalyst systems were formed by diisobutylaluminium hydride (DIBAH), neodymium versatate (NdV) and a halogen source. The halogenating agents studied were t-butyl chloride (t-BuCl), ethylaluminium sesquichloride (EASC) and diethylaluminium chloride (DEAC) in a nCl:nNd molar ratio in the range from 0,5 to 5, and boron trifluoride diethyl ether (BF3.Et2O). The polymers were characterized by infrared espectroscopy for determining the microstructure and by size exclusion chromatography to obtain the molecular mass characteristics. The cis-1,4 units contents varied from 90 to 98%, the number-average molecular mass ( ) varied from 0,2 to 2x105 and the weight-average molecular mass ( ) varied from 1,4 to 4x105

Copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno e alfa-olefinas com catalisadores à base de versatato de neodímio / Copolymaerization of butadiene - 1,3 e alpha-olefins by a catalyst based on meodymium versatate

Gustavo Monteiro da Silva 28 July 2010 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação, foram realizadas reações de copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno com diferentes alfa-olefinas (1-hexeno, 1-octeno e 1-dodeceno) utilizando-se um sistema catalítico do tipo Ziegler-Natta ternário constituído por versatato de neodímio, hidreto de diisobutilalumínio e cloreto de t-butila. O sistema catalítico também foi avaliado em reações de homopolimerização com cada alfa-olefina. As condições reacionais, tanto da síntese do catalisador como das reações de polimerização, foram mantidas constantes. Foi estudada a influência de diferentes teores de cada alfa-olefina (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 e 30 % em relação ao 1,3-butadieno) sobre a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molar, as propriedades viscosimétricas e a estabilidade térmica dos polímeros obtidos. Foi avaliada, ainda, a influência do tamanho da cadeia da alfa-olefina sobre as características da polimerização. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC), viscosimetria capilar e termogravimetria (TG). A microestrutura dos polímeros, praticamente, não variou com a adição das alfa-olefinas. A massa molar numérica média (Mn) não sofreu alterações significativas, enquanto que a massa molar ponderal média (Mw) apresentou tendência ao aumento, quanto maior foi a incorporação de comonômero. A viscosidade intrínseca não apresentou uma tendência com a adição da alfa-olefina na reação, permanecendo na faixa de 2,015 a 3,557 dL/g. A estabilidade térmica do copolímero mostrou uma tendência a aumentar com a incorporação das alfa-olefinas / In this work, were performed copolymerization reactions of 1,3-butadiene with different alpha-olefins (1-hexene, 1-octene and 1-dodecene), using a ternary catalytic system of Ziegler-Natta, constituted by neodymium versatate, diisobutylaluminum hydride and t-butyl chloride. The catalytic system was also evaluated in homopolymerization reactions with the alpha-olefins. The reaction conditions, both the catalyst synthesis as the polymerization reactions, were kept constant. The influence of different content of each alpha-olefin (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30% compared to 1,3-butadiene) on the polymerization conversion, the microstructure, molar mass, viscometric properties and thermal stability of polymers was studied. The influence of alpha-olefin chain size on polymerization characteristics was also evaluated. The polymers were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), capillary viscometry and thermogravimetry (TG). The polymer microstructure, practically, did not change with the addition of alpha-olefins. The number average molecular mass (Mn) has not changed; while the weight average molecular mass (Mw) trended to increase. The intrinsic viscosity did not show a trend with the alpha-olefin addition, remaining in the range from 2.015 to 3.557 dL/g. The copolymer thermal stability showed a tendency to increase with the incorporation of alpha-olefins

Polimerização estereoespecífica do propeno utilizando catalisadores Ziegler-Natta homogêneos

Meneghetti, Mario Roberto January 1994 (has links)
Foram preparados três tipos de precursores catalíticos homogêneos a base de zirconocênos: os complexos estereorrígidos Et(Ind)2ZrCh 1 e iPrCpFluZrCh 2 contendo simetria C2 e Cs, respectivamente, e o complexo Ind2ZrCh 3. Estes complexos, em presença de metilaluminoxanas (MAO), polimerizam propeno conduzindo a três diferentes tipos de polipropileno. Os complexos estereorrígidos 1 e 2 conduzem a polímeros estereorregulares, iso e sindiotáticos, respectivamente, enquanto o complexo 3 produz polipropileno atático. O grau de estereorregularidade do polímero é dependente da temperatura de polimerização, assim, a baixas temperaturas foram obtidos polímeros altamente estereorregulares, com maiores peso moleculares, Tm eTc. A microestrutura dos polímeros foi determinada por RMN de 13C. / We have carried out three different kinds of homogeneous catalyst based on zirconocenes: stereorigid complexes Et(Ind)2ZrCh 1 ,and iPrCpFluZrCb 2 with symmetry C2 e Cs respectively and the complex Ind2ZrCh 3. These complexes together with methylaluminoxane (MAO) can polymerise propene leading to three different kinds of polypropylene. These stereorigid complexes (1 and 2) lead to stereoregular polymers iso and syndiotatic respectively while the complex 3 lead to atatic polypropylene. The polymer stereorigid degree is related with the polymer temperature thus we have obtained high stereoregular polymers with high molecular weight, Tm and Te. The polymers microstructure were obtained by 13C NMR.

Propylene Polymerization Using 4th Generation Ziegler-Natta Catalysts: Polymerization Kinetics and Polymer Microstructural Investigation

Alshaiban, Ahmad 02 August 2011 (has links)
A systematic study of propylene polymerization using a 4th generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst is presented in this thesis. The apparent kinetic rate constants for propylene polymerization were estimated in the presence and absence of hydrogen and/or donor. The estimated activation energies for activation, propagation, and deactivation were found to be close to values previously reported in the literature for similar catalysts. The polypropylene samples were characterized using high-temperature gel permeation chromatography (GPC), carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR), and crystallization elution fractionation (CEF). The effect of hydrogen and external electron donor on polypropylene microstructure was investigated at two polymerization temperatures. In addition to the expected electron donor positive effect on tacticity, hydrogen was also found to increase polypropylene tacticity. The effect of changing these polymerization conditions on molecular weight and polydispersity was also investigated. Finally, CEF profiles show how the distribution of polypropylene crystallizability changes by adding hydrogen and electron donor to the reactor. The concentrations of hydrogen and external donor were also varied to study their effect of polymerization kinetics and polymer microstructure. The estimated activation energies were close to those found in the first part of this investigation in the presence and/or absence of donor and hydrogen. A polypropylene microstructural study showed a positive effect of hydrogen concentration on mmmm pentad at low donor concentration, likely due to an increase in stereoselectivity of the aspecific sites by hydrogen. However, increasing donor concentration over a given threshold seems to transform the aspecific sitess into stereospecific sites that are no longer significantly affected by hydrogen. These experimental results were compared to a previously developed Monte Carlo model and found to agree with the trends predicted by simulation. Finally, the effect of diisopropyldimethoxysilane (P), n-propyltrimethoxysilane (N), paraethoxyethylbenzoate (PEEB), and dicyclopentyldimethoxysilane (D) external donors on catalyst activity and stereoselectivity was investigated. P and D donors were more stereoselective than N and PEEB donors; however, D donor had the best activity among all donors investigated. Therefore, D donor was mixed with PEEB to combine its high activity with the self-extinguishing properties of PEEB. The D/PEEB 90/10 (mol/mol) mixture generated a catalyst with good stereoselectivity but poor activity. When the ratio was increased to 95/5 and 98/2, the resulting catalyst had high activity and good stereoselectivity. Interestingly, the D/PEEB combination with just a small fraction of PEEB has a positive effect on the catalysts activation term which may decrease polymerization costs with this system.

Modeling of Molecular Weight Distributions in Ziegler-Natta Catalyzed Ethylene Copolymerizations

Thompson, Duncan 29 May 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work is to develop mathematical models to predict molecular weight distributions (MWDs) of ethylene copolymers produced in an industrial gas-phase reactor using a Ziegler-Natta (Z-N) catalyst. Because of the multi-site nature of Z-N catalysts, models of Z-N catalyzed copolymerization tend to be very large and have many parameters that need to be estimated. It is important that the data that are available for parameter estimation be used effectively, and that a suitable balance is achieved between modeling rigour and simplification. In the thesis, deconvolution analysis is used to gain an understanding of how the polymer produced by various types of active sites on the Z-N catalyst responds to changes in the reactor operating conditions. This analysis reveals which reactions are important in determining the MWD and also shows that some types of active sites share similar behavior and can therefore share some kinetic parameters. With this knowledge, a simplified model is developed to predict MWDs of ethylene/hexene copolymers produced at 90 °C. Estimates of the parameters in this isothermal model provide good initial guesses for parameter estimation in a subsequent more complex model. The isothermal model is extended to account for the effects of butene and temperature. Estimability analysis and cross-validation are used to determine which parameters should be estimated from the available industrial data set. Twenty model parameters are estimated so that the model provides good predictions of MWD and comonomer incorporation. Finally, D-, A-,and V-optimal experimental designs for improving the quality of the model predictions are determined. Difficulties with local minima are addressed and a comparison of the optimality criteria is presented. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-05-28 20:43:58.37

Propylene Polymerization Using 4th Generation Ziegler-Natta Catalysts: Polymerization Kinetics and Polymer Microstructural Investigation

Alshaiban, Ahmad 02 August 2011 (has links)
A systematic study of propylene polymerization using a 4th generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst is presented in this thesis. The apparent kinetic rate constants for propylene polymerization were estimated in the presence and absence of hydrogen and/or donor. The estimated activation energies for activation, propagation, and deactivation were found to be close to values previously reported in the literature for similar catalysts. The polypropylene samples were characterized using high-temperature gel permeation chromatography (GPC), carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR), and crystallization elution fractionation (CEF). The effect of hydrogen and external electron donor on polypropylene microstructure was investigated at two polymerization temperatures. In addition to the expected electron donor positive effect on tacticity, hydrogen was also found to increase polypropylene tacticity. The effect of changing these polymerization conditions on molecular weight and polydispersity was also investigated. Finally, CEF profiles show how the distribution of polypropylene crystallizability changes by adding hydrogen and electron donor to the reactor. The concentrations of hydrogen and external donor were also varied to study their effect of polymerization kinetics and polymer microstructure. The estimated activation energies were close to those found in the first part of this investigation in the presence and/or absence of donor and hydrogen. A polypropylene microstructural study showed a positive effect of hydrogen concentration on mmmm pentad at low donor concentration, likely due to an increase in stereoselectivity of the aspecific sites by hydrogen. However, increasing donor concentration over a given threshold seems to transform the aspecific sitess into stereospecific sites that are no longer significantly affected by hydrogen. These experimental results were compared to a previously developed Monte Carlo model and found to agree with the trends predicted by simulation. Finally, the effect of diisopropyldimethoxysilane (P), n-propyltrimethoxysilane (N), paraethoxyethylbenzoate (PEEB), and dicyclopentyldimethoxysilane (D) external donors on catalyst activity and stereoselectivity was investigated. P and D donors were more stereoselective than N and PEEB donors; however, D donor had the best activity among all donors investigated. Therefore, D donor was mixed with PEEB to combine its high activity with the self-extinguishing properties of PEEB. The D/PEEB 90/10 (mol/mol) mixture generated a catalyst with good stereoselectivity but poor activity. When the ratio was increased to 95/5 and 98/2, the resulting catalyst had high activity and good stereoselectivity. Interestingly, the D/PEEB combination with just a small fraction of PEEB has a positive effect on the catalysts activation term which may decrease polymerization costs with this system.

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