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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Land Use and Water Quality in Southern Miami Dade County

Londono, Mario 25 June 2015 (has links)
This thesis research employs a multi-pronged analysis approach to contribute to the existing knowledge regarding land use and water quality in southern Miami Dade County. Nutrient concentrations for TP, NOx-N, and NH3-N were evaluated for water quality monitoring stations across seven canals for two time periods: 1990-2003 and 2009-2014. Overall, the sites did not surpass the mandated TP threshold but a number of sites exceeded the NOx-N and NH3-N criteria set by multiple government agencies. Statistical tests demonstrated that the sites had differing distributions, not sharing similar median concentrations. Land use classifications were derived for the area interest for the years 1994 and 2013. Regression models relating land use classifications to nutrient concentrations at various spatial scales provided mixed results. Lastly, a trend analysis for nutrient concentrations at the stations for 1990-2003 and 2009-2014 demonstrated that there were either no trends or a decreasing trend at most sites.

Recreational Angler Perspectives of Nonnative Fish Species and Mercury Advisories

Edwards, Christopher J. 15 November 2013 (has links)
The central Everglades serve as a Wildlife Management Area and as a Water Conservation Area for the Miami-Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area. It is also home to over 22 nonnative freshwater fish species and carries restrictive fish consumption guidelines for Mercury. In my study, boat anglers and canal bank anglers were personally interviewed in the field, to research their awareness and perspectives of these potential environmental and health threats. The study found 78% of anglers were aware of the presence of nonnative fish species, but favored native fish species, and that 69% were aware of mercury advisories, but did not eat fewer fish because of them. Demographic characteristics were found to predict awareness, which differed significantly between angler types. Public awareness campaigns of nonnative fish impacts should target high school educated, canal bank anglers while mercury advisories should be directed at canal bank anglers, who typically keep and consume their catch more than boat anglers, to those who live more than 30 miles from the area, and all anglers under the age of 48.

Mountain habitat activity guide

Glock, Gina 01 January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

The Vezo communities and fisheries of the coral reef ecosystem in the Bay of Ranobe, Madagascar

Abeare, Shane 20 December 2019 (has links)
Madagascar, a country whose extraordinary levels of endemism and biodiversity are celebrated globally by scientists and laymen alike, yet historically has received surprisingly little research attention, is the setting of the present dissertation. Here, I contribute to the need for applied research by: 1) focusing on the most intensely fished section of the Toliara Barrier Reef, the Bay of Ranobe; 2) characterizing the marine environment, the human population, and the fisheries; and 3) collecting the longest known time-series of data on fisheries of Madagascar, thereby providing a useful baseline for future analyses. In Chapter 1, the bathymetry of the Bay was characterized following a unique application of the boosted regression tree classifier to the RGB bands of IKONOS imagery. Derivation of water depths, based on DOS-corrected images, following a generic, log-transformed multiple linear regression approach produced a predictive accuracy of 1.28 m, whereas model fitting performed using the boosted regression tree classifier, allowing for interaction effects (tree complexity= 2), provided increased accuracy (RMSE= 1.01 m). Estimates of human population abundance, distribution, and dynamics were obtained following a dwelling-unit enumeration approach, using IKONOS Panchromatic and Google Earth images. Results indicated, in 2016, 31,850 people lived within 1 km of the shore, and 28,046 people lived within the 12 coastal villages of the Bay. Localized population growth rates within the villages, where birth rates and migration are combined, ranged from 2.96% - 6.83%, greatly exceeding official estimates of 2.78%. Annual pirogue counts demonstrated a shift in fishing effort from south to the north. Gear and boat (pirogue) profiles were developed, and the theoretical maximum number of fishermen predicted (n= 4,820), in 2013, from a regression model based on pirogue lengths (R2= 0.49). Spatial fishing effort distribution was mapped following a satellite-based enumeration of fishers-at-sea, resulting in a bay-wide estimate of intensity equaling 33.3 pirogue-meters km-2. Landings and CPUE were characterized, with respect to finfish, by family, species, gear, and village. Expansion of landings to bay-wide fisheries yields indicated 1,885.8 mt year-1 of mixed fisheries productivity, with an estimated wholesale value of 1.64 million USD per annum.

Geostatistical Approach to Delineate Wetland Boundaries in the Cutshaw Bog, Tennessee

Anderson, Victoria, Shockley, Isaac, Nandi, Arpita, Luffman, Ingrid 05 April 2018 (has links)
Wetlands are one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, providing a range of services, including: water quality improvement, flood mitigation, erosion control, habitat, and carbon storage. It is estimated that Tennessee has lost 60% of its original 2 million acres of pre-European settlement wetlands. Recently, increased funding has been made available for wetland restoration and expansion. In response, the Cherokee National Forest has proposed a range of wetland restoration actions within the Paint Creek Watershed to expand and restore some of the existing bogs and fens, including the Cutshaw Bog, a 163,864 m2 wetland located 32 km south of Greeneville, TN. The U.S. Forest Service has proposed a new expanded wetland boundary to result from restoration efforts. However, to assess the potential for success, current wetland indicators based on soil color, texture, depth, drainage, sulfide materials, and iron concentrations were examined. Sampling locations were identified by overlaying a grid, composed of 64 cells, each 40.5 meter by 40.5 meter in size. Soil cores were extracted up to a depth of 0.6 meters from each sampling cell and evaluated in situ for hydric soil properties using the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Soil physical (texture, bulk density, moisture content) and chemical (pH, cation exchange capacity, % base saturation, Nitrogen, Bray II Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc, and Total Carbon Content) properties were evaluated in the laboratory. Results indicated 47% of samples taken within the proposed wetland expansion area currently have hydric soil characteristics and were located along drainage lines. Presence of hydric soils was correlated with soil physicochemical properties including bulk density, moisture content, sulfur and phosphorus concentrations, iron, and other metals. Statistical analyses for the northern section and southern section of the bog were completed separately, as they were physically divided by a French drain structure. Logistic regression models were developed using properties most strongly correlated with the presence of hydric soil. For the northern section, bulk density and iron were retained in the model, while for the southern section, iron was retained. A spatial model for the presence of hydric soil was developed by spatially interpolating the covariates through kriging. Next, a probability map was created from the logistic regression equation with raster math in ArcGIS Pro. Results indicate that Cutshaw Bog’s area cannot be expanded to the original proposed boundary provided by the US Forest Service and a new recommended boundary was delineated from the probability map. The results of this data driven approach will assist the Forest Service in targeted wetland restoration efforts at the Cutshaw Bog.

Factors Affecting Habitat Quality for Wintering Wood Thrushes in a Coffee Growing Region in Honduras

Bailey, Brett A 04 November 2016 (has links)
Amongst the diversity of taxa that occur in the Neotropics, 200 migratory bird species that breed in temperate North America can be found. Many of these populations have seen significant declines since the 1960s. The Wood Thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, is one such species. Shade coffee and other agroforestry practices show potential for benefiting migratory species, but the quality of coffee habitat and optimal habitat characteristics for Wood Thrushes remain unknown. I surveyed a spatially complex, agricultural landscape in Honduras outside the recognized winter range of the Wood Thrush and radio-tagged 46 individuals within rustic coffee farms during the winters of 2012 and 2013. I used telemetry data to calculate metrics of habitat quality based on survival and persistence while also collecting detailed vegetation measurements across the landscape and within each home-range. Mixed-effects models were used to explore the relationship of survival, transience, movement, and home-range size to habitat class and microhabitat variables. Estimates for all four habitat quality metrics fell within the range of previous studies and were significantly related to habitat attributes. Structure, edge habitat, and shade coffee played a key role determining habitat quality. The variables associated with higher habitat quality in this study suggest that rustic coffee farms have potential to support wintering wood thrush populations. However, estimates of survival may be overly optimistic in the presence of transients, transforming highly fragmented landscapes into winter sinks. This study highlights several gaps in current scientific knowledge about some of the most essential questions of Wood Thrush winter ecology.

New England’s Underutilized Seafood Species: Defining And Exploring Marketplace Potential In A Changing Climate

Davis, Amanda 18 December 2020 (has links)
New England’s seafood industry has been searching for opportunities to diversify their landings and build resilience as it faces socio-economic challenges from a changing climate. Developing markets for underutilized species is one way the New England community could help their seafood industry build resilience. This thesis identified New England’s underutilized fish species and explored their marketplace potential by examining their availability in a changing climate, current availability to consumers, and consumers’ responses. In Chapter I, I account how New England’s seafood preferences have changed over time. In Chapter II, I identify New England’s seven underutilized seafood species: 1) Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus), 2) Atlantic pollock (Pollachius virens), 3) butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus), 4) the Georges Bank and Georges Bank East stocks of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), 5) scup (Stenotomus chrysops 6) the northern stock of silver hake (Mercluccius bilinearis), and 7) white hake (Urophycis tenuis). In the same chapter, I show that climate change will likely affect the availability of these species differently and that the broader ecological and socio-economic responses from shifting distributions and phenology are largely unknown. In Chapter III, I demonstrate that besides haddock, underutilized species were rarely accessible to consumers in restaurants. In the same chapter, I show how resources would likely help consumers and restaurants connect with their underutilized species since popular seafood suggestion guides either overlook or provide inconsistent recommendations for all underutilized species. In Chapter IV, I suggest that younger generations (Millennials and Generation Z) are interested in engaging with underutilized species. These younger consumers responded positively to hake, haddock, and Atlantic pollock in sensory assessments. Finally, in Chapter V, I suggest how New England’s seafood supply chain can use results from this research to make more informed policy, marketing, and purchasing decisions that align with their sustainability goals. These insights into availability, access, and consumer response may help New England’s seafood industry strategize approaches that will connect younger consumers to their local seafood options and build new adaptive markets in a changing climate.

A Tale of Two Species: Black-tailed and White-tailed Prairie Dog Biogeography from the Last Interglacial to 2070

Bledsoe, April Dawn 01 May 2020 (has links)
Ecological niche models (ENMs) were created for White-tailed and Black-tailed prairie dogs and projected into the Last Interglacial (LI), the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and mid-Holocene (mid-H) to discern possible past suitable habitat for both species. Additionally, ENMs were projected into the future year 2070 representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 8.5 to discern how climate change may affect future habitat suitability. Kernel density estimations, minimum convex polygons, and median distribution centers of White-tailed and Black-tailed occurrence records were examined between time-periods to discern the effects of anthropogenic westward expansion on both species’ distributions. Current ENMs were constructed from commonly used bioclimatic variables and non-traditional variables (including EPA level III Ecoregions) for White-tailed and Black-tailed prairie dogs for variable comparison performance in ENMs. Results indicate that both species respond to climate change and each occupy distinct ecological niches. Biogeographical changes coincident with westward expansion remain unknown.

Social-Ecological Dynamics of Coral Reef Resource Use and Management

Freed, Sarah J. 25 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation investigates social and ecological factors that facilitate effective management of coral reefs as social-ecological systems. Meta-analytical and field-based methods were employed to examine current management challenges and identify strategies that improve management effectiveness and coral reef health. A meta-analysis was used to evaluate biological indicators of reef health in relation to the types of fishing regulations in place (no-take areas, gear restriction areas, and periodic closures) and the actor groups (community-based, co-management, state, private) involved in management efforts for coral reef fisheries throughout the world. Other than enhancement of fish biomass within no-take areas that was significantly greater than in gear restriction areas, most biological indicators benefitted similarly from management techniques of no-take areas and gear restriction areas. Community-based and co-management were the best performing management arrangements for some biological outcomes but require further case studies to verify findings. Investigation of management effects by region indicated that previously degraded reefs received fewer benefits from management implementation than did relatively healthier reefs. For field investigations, the Comoros islands in the Western Indian Ocean served as a model for tropical coral reefs with challenging socioeconomic contexts, high biodiversity, and high vulnerability to coral reef degradation. Empirical study at 21 sites was used to identify the relative effects of natural and anthropogenic threats to coral reefs of the Comoros. Most previous studies of reef health focus on primarily natural factors or a single anthropogenic threat. This study examined suites of natural factors and human activities to identify the relative importance of each on reef health. Human activities including fishing, sand extraction, and beachfront housing and development were the best predictors of reef health status. Most notably, human population and fishing predicted fish richness, abundance, and biomass with seasonal variation in the effects, while site orientation strongly predicted benthic cover. Field studies in the Comoros were also used to investigate the roles of community and state actors in co-management and compare effectiveness of comanagement across sites with varying levels of actor participation. Effective management was found to occur with community or `meta-community' (in this case, a Marine Protected Area in which the efforts of several communities were organized) participation in governance and support of state or external agents, while resilient management that overcame considerable challenges was found to occur only with strong community participation and leadership in governance. External agents were found to contribute to development of meta-community governance structure and initiation of community participation through education and capacity building. The findings from these studies reveal that coral reef management can be improved through context appropriate regulations that address detrimental human activities and through wide acceptance and participation in governance with cooperation among states, communities, and external agents.

The Role of Habitat Restoration and Conservation in the Changing Socio-economic Conditions of Grant County, Oregon

Senkyr, Kristen Lauren 26 March 2012 (has links)
Habitat restoration has socio-economic as well as biophysical impacts. In Grant County, Oregon a recent influx of funding and technical resources for habitat restoration has led to focused monitoring efforts there to better understand the impacts. This study explores how local land use and land management practices are changing in Grant County as a result of restoration and other drivers. In-depth interviews were conducted with 17 landowners, land managers, and long time residents to document the change they have observed and identify how they are adapting. The results suggest that many interconnected social, economic, and ecological changes have taken place in Grant County in the recent past, of which the increased focus on restoration and conservation is just one. Other significant changes include the decline of the timber industry, shifting land ownership patterns, intensified regulation of natural resources, and increased environmental awareness. Ways that the community is adapting and additional ways in which they might more successfully adapt to these changes were identified. Recommendations for how to contribute to a more resilient Grant County are presented for the regulatory, academic, and scientific communities.

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