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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inner versus Overt Speech Production: Does This Make a Difference in the Developing Brain?

Stephan, Franzisk, Saalbach, Henrik, Rossi, Sonja 13 April 2023 (has links)
Studies in adults showed differential neural processing between overt and inner speech. So far, it is unclear whether inner and overt speech are processed differentially in children. The present study examines the pre-activation of the speech network in order to disentangle domain-general executive control from linguistic control of inner and overt speech production in 6- to 7-year-olds by simultaneously applying electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Children underwent a picture-naming task in which the pure preparation of a subsequent speech production and the actual execution of speech can be differentiated. The preparation phase does not represent speech per se but it resembles the setting up of the language production network. Only the fNIRS revealed a larger activation for overt, compared to inner, speech over bilateral prefrontal to parietal regions during the preparation phase. Findings suggest that the children’s brain can prepare the subsequent speech production. The preparation for overt and inner speech requires different domain-general executive control. In contrast to adults, the children’s brain did not show differences between inner and overt speech when a concrete linguistic content occurs and a concrete execution is required. This might indicate that domain-specific executive control processes are still under development.

Evaluating Competition between Verbal and Implicit Systems with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Schiebel, Troy A 01 January 2016 (has links)
In category learning, explicit processes function through the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and implicit processes function through the basal ganglia. Research suggested that these two systems compete with each other. The goal of this study was to shed light on this theory. 15 undergraduate subjects took part in an event-related experiment that required them to categorize computer-generated line-stimuli, which varied in length and/or angle depending on condition. Subjects participated in an explicit "rule-based" (RB) condition and an implicit "information-integration" (II) condition while connected to a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) apparatus, which measured the hemodynamic response (HR) in their PFC. Each condition contained 2 blocks. We hypothesized that the competition between explicit and implicit systems (COVIS) would be demonstrated if, by block 2, task-accuracy was approximately equal across conditions with PFC activity being comparatively higher in the II condition. This would indicate that subjects could learn the categorization task in both conditions but were only able to decipher an explicit rule in the RB condition; their PFC would struggle to do so in the II condition, resulting in perpetually high activation. In accordance with predictions, results revealed no difference in accuracy across conditions with significant difference in channel activation. There were channel trends (p < .1) which showed PFC activation decrease in the RB condition and increase in the II condition by block 2. While these results support our predictions, they are largely nonsignificant, which could be attributed to the event-related design. Future research should utilize a larger samples size for improved statistical power.


Bliss, Matthew Vern 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for Assessment of the Visual and Motor Cortices in Adults

Giacherio, Brenna 04 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Driver Response to Dynamic Message Sign Safety Campaign Messages

Kryschtal, Pamela Jean 03 February 2020 (has links)
Unsafe driving habits increase the severity of roadway accidents. The behaviors that are generally associated with unsafe driving are influenced by drivers and their decision to engage in dangerous habits. In order to solve this problem, Departments of Transportation use roadside safety campaigns. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of these campaigns, this research study captured five different metrics of effectiveness to understand what messages are effective and how to target messages to different groups of people. Since reading and interpreting the messages produces cognitive activation among participants, a neuroimaging technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to measure neurocognitive activation as a proxy for response. The fNIRS system captures this cognitive activation by measuring change in oxygenated blood (oxy-Hb). An increase in oxy-Hb is a proxy for increased task engagement. The first journal paper provides an understanding of what types of messages are perceived as effective, are misunderstood, are memorable, are considered inappropriate, and cause the greatest increase in cognitive engagement. Overall, drivers perceive messages to be effective at changing behavior, but particular messages are perceived as more effective than others. Messages about distracted driving and driving without a seat belt, messages that are intended to produce a negative emotional response, and messages with statistics are the behaviors, emotions, and themes that are most likely to be perceived to change driver behavior. Messages about distracted driving and messages about statistics are most likely to be remembered by drivers. In general, drivers do not find messages used in safety campaigns to be inappropriate. Drivers elicit more cognitive attention to signs about distracted driving and signs with a humorous emotion. The second journal considers the effectiveness of these messages with different target demographics by further investigating the first journal's results by different dependent variables, including age, gender, and risky driving habits of the participants. In the second study, the results from the first study are further examined to determine if some campaigns are more effective among different demographics of drivers. The behavioral results indicated that females, drivers over 65, low-risk and high-risk drivers, and urban and rural drivers perceive the safety campaigns as more effective. The neurological data revealed that younger drivers had more activation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, an area known for semantics and word processing, which might indicate more cognitive attention to these types of messages. This study provides a unique application of using neuroimaging techniques to understand driver response to safety messages. The recommendations for an effective safety campaign are to use messages about distracted driving, messages with an emotional stimulus, and messages about statistics. Messages about word play and rhyme are recommended for appealing to younger demographics. / Master of Science / Messages like "New year, new you, use your blinker" and "May the 4th be with you, text I will not" are increasingly used to catch drivers' attention. The development and use of these non-traditional safety messages are distinctly different than messages previously displayed on highway signs because the intent of these messages is to modify driver behavior rather than just provide information. Unfortunately, there is little empirical evidence measuring how effective these messages are at changing driver behavior or guidance on how to target messages for specific groups of people. The goal of this study was to understand what types of non-traditional safety messages are effective and how to target these messages to different target audiences. Roadway collisions are made more severe when the cause of the incident involves dangerous driving habits, such as distracted, impaired, or aggressive driving. The problem is made even more severe by the fact that the habits that make driving dangerous are affected by the driver's decision to engage in risky driving behavior. The solution to this problem is to gain an understanding of driver preferences and response, a research effort this study will address. Reading and interpreting the messages produces cognitive activation among participants. The study uses functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which allows researchers to capture this cognitive activation by measuring change in oxygenated blood (oxy-Hb). This provides not only the ability to gain a more detailed understanding of driver response, but the ability to triangulate this with what drivers perceive as effective in changing driver behavior. In the first study, the participants felt that campaigns targeting distracted driving, messages with a negative emotion, and campaigns about statistics were significantly more effective at changing driver behavior compared to other behaviors, emotions, and themes. The neurological data revealed that drivers respond more to campaigns about distracted driving. However, the neurological data indicates that humorous messages and messages that fit under the theme word play and rhyme elicit a greater cognitive response. The second study furthers the first study and revealed that females, drivers over 65, low-risk and high-risk drivers, and urban and rural drivers perceive the safety campaigns as more effective. The neurological data revealed that younger and older males and older high-risk drivers respond with greater peak oxy-Hb when compared to other groups of people. This study advances the applicability of fNIRS in traffic related studies.

Improving the Design of Civil Infrastructure Messages for the Public

Grinton Jr, Charlie Wendell 18 September 2024 (has links)
Civil infrastructure serves as the driving force behind the evolution of a safe, sustainable, and efficient environment. However, the way information about civil infrastructure has been communicated to the public has been insufficient. Since every human is intrinsically different, designing, and dispersing information about civil infrastructure that accommodates everyone, while also being direct and concise has been a challenge for policymakers and other federal, state, local, and tribal civil engineering stakeholders. Though there has been a plethora of research conducted on message design and communication in other disciplines, little research has been done in the US that focuses on designing more accessible, actionable civil infrastructure messages. The objective of this research was to investigate how to improve the accessibility of civil infrastructure messages and communication infrastructure to enhance the public's ability to make daily infrastructure decisions. This research study utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze and discuss various ways that civil infrastructure messages can be improved. Results from this study are based on the exploration of three different ways in which civil infrastructure messaging can be improved: policy, transportation/roadway safety, and emergency response. Data sources include eight publicly accessible energy policies from 1978-2022, a publicly available dataset of more than 75 thousand WEAs, and a dataset retrieved from Shealy et al. (2020), which collected data on 300 Virginia drivers in both rural and urban areas. A descriptive policy analysis and Flesch-Kincaid readability test were conducted to historically analyze energy policies and understand their accessibility impacts for research question 1; a brain activation network analysis was conducted and nodal network measures (i.e., network density, degree centrality) were used to investigate the cognitive response Virginia drivers had for various types of non-traditional traffic safety messages for research question 2; and sentiment analysis, emotion detection analysis, as well as a two-phased qualitative coding analysis (i.e., in-vivo coding, focused coding) were conducted to investigate how WEAs can be better designed to increase public attention and engagement for research question 3. The findings from this study demonstrate how emotional content that is present in tweets authored by community members affected by the natural disaster event can be incorporated into the WEA template. The findings from research question 1 identified potential issues with accessibility and energy policy. Also, the findings from this study describe the content included in the parallel documents that federal agencies use to communicate the most important information of a policy. The findings from research question 2 demonstrate that while the various types of non-traditional traffic safety messages produced variances in cognitive response, messages that included negative emotional content or statistics should be further explored on their impact on evoking safer driving behaviors. The findings from research question 3 reported on how emotional content could be incorporated into the template design of WEAs. The implications from this dissertation provide valuable insights for policymakers, civil engineers, transportation engineers, and emergency response stakeholders and the conclusions set the stage for future research to improve the design of more accessible civil infrastructure messages. / Doctor of Philosophy / Civil infrastructure messages are used daily, but improper design can make them difficult to understand or to continue to use over long periods of time. Also, every human is different and interprets information about civil infrastructure, which adds a level of difficulty to designing effective civil infrastructure messages. Though there has been a lot of research on the effectiveness of civil infrastructure, little research has used a human-centered design approach to improve civil infrastructure messages. This study analyzes three different ways to improve civil infrastructure messages: policy, traffic safety, and emergency response. We used publicly available energy policies from 1978-2022, data collected by co-authors from Shealy et al. (2020) to analyze the cognitive response of 300 Virginia drivers to various types of non-traditional traffic safety messages, a publicly available dataset of more than 75 thousand Wireless Emergency Alerts sent by FEMA, and a publicly available data set of more than 9.1 thousand tweets about Hurricane Harvey. To analyze this data, this research study utilized various methods to understand how easy policies are to read, to understand how the brains of Virginia drivers respond to different types of non-traditional traffic safety messages and to identify the differences between tweets and WEAs. Results from this study suggest that parallel documents should be published alongside energy policies to help the public understand the main points of the policy, establish a readability metric to use for all energy policies, continue to investigate non-traditional traffic safety messages that included negative emotional content or statistics, measure the brain activation and observe long-term driving behaviors, use more negative emotional content in templated WEAs, and use social media data to better design templated WEAs. The findings reported from this study can be beneficial for various types of civil infrastructure stakeholders such as policymakers, utilities, US State Departments of Transportation, FEMA, alerting officials, and the public to further explore ways in which the language of civil infrastructure messages can be improved to address accessibility issues with energy policy, traffic safety, and emergency response to the public.

Apport de nouvelles techniques dans l’évaluation de patients candidats à une chirurgie d’épilepsie : résonance magnétique à haut champ, spectroscopie proche infrarouge et magnétoencéphalographie

Nguyen, Dang Khoa 05 1900 (has links)
L'épilepsie constitue le désordre neurologique le plus fréquent après les maladies cérébrovasculaires. Bien que le contrôle des crises se fasse généralement au moyen d'anticonvulsivants, environ 30 % des patients y sont réfractaires. Pour ceux-ci, la chirurgie de l'épilepsie s'avère une option intéressante, surtout si l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) cérébrale révèle une lésion épileptogène bien délimitée. Malheureusement, près du quart des épilepsies partielles réfractaires sont dites « non lésionnelles ». Chez ces patients avec une IRM négative, la délimitation de la zone épileptogène doit alors reposer sur la mise en commun des données cliniques, électrophysiologiques (EEG de surface ou intracrânien) et fonctionnelles (tomographie à émission monophotonique ou de positrons). La faible résolution spatiale et/ou temporelle de ces outils de localisation se traduit par un taux de succès chirurgical décevant. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons exploré le potentiel de trois nouvelles techniques pouvant améliorer la localisation du foyer épileptique chez les patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie d’épilepsie : l’IRM à haut champ, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR) et la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG). Dans une première étude, nous avons évalué si l’IRM de haut champ à 3 Tesla (T), présentant théoriquement un rapport signal sur bruit plus élevé que l’IRM conventionnelle à 1,5 T, pouvait permettre la détection des lésions épileptogènes subtiles qui auraient été manquées par cette dernière. Malheureusement, l’IRM 3 T n’a permis de détecter qu’un faible nombre de lésions épileptogènes supplémentaires (5,6 %) d’où la nécessité d’explorer d’autres techniques. Dans les seconde et troisième études, nous avons examiné le potentiel de la SPIR pour localiser le foyer épileptique en analysant le comportement hémodynamique au cours de crises temporales et frontales. Ces études ont montré que les crises sont associées à une augmentation significative de l’hémoglobine oxygénée (HbO) et l’hémoglobine totale au niveau de la région épileptique. Bien qu’une activation contralatérale en image miroir puisse être observée sur la majorité des crises, la latéralisation du foyer était possible dans la plupart des cas. Une augmentation surprenante de l’hémoglobine désoxygénée a parfois pu être observée suggérant qu’une hypoxie puisse survenir même lors de courtes crises focales. Dans la quatrième et dernière étude, nous avons évalué l’apport de la MEG dans l’évaluation des patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie. Il s’est avéré que les localisations de sources des pointes épileptiques interictales par la MEG ont eu un impact majeur sur le plan de traitement chez plus des deux tiers des sujets ainsi que sur le devenir postchirurgical au niveau du contrôle des crises. / Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder after stroke. The major form of treatment is long-term drug therapy to which approximately 30% of patients are unfortunately refractory to. Brain surgery is recommended when medication fails, especially if magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify a well-defined epileptogenic lesion. Unfortunately, close to a quarter of patients have nonlesional refractory focal epilepsy. For these MRI-negative cases, identification of the epileptogenic zone rely heavily on remaining tools: clinical history, video-electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring, ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and a positron emission tomography (PET). Unfortunately, the limited spatial and/or temporal resolution of these localization techniques translates into poor surgical outcome rates. In this thesis, we explore three relatively novel techniques to improve the localization of the epileptic focus for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who are potential candidates for epilepsy surgery: high-field 3 Tesla (T) MRI, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). In the first study, we evaluated if high-field 3T MRI, providing a higher signal to noise ratio, could help detect subtle epileptogenic lesions missed by conventional 1.5T MRIs. Unfortunately, we show that the former was able to detect an epileptogenic lesion in only 5.6% of cases of 1.5T MRI-negative epileptic patients, emphasizing the need for additional techniques. In the second and third studies, we evaluated the potential of NIRS in localizing the epileptic focus by analyzing the hemodynamic behavior of temporal and frontal lobe seizures respectively. We show that focal seizures are associated with significant increases in oxygenated haemoglobin (HbO) and total haemoglobin (HbT) over the epileptic area. While a contralateral mirror-like activation was seen in the majority of seizures, lateralization of the epileptic focus was possible most of the time. In addition, an unexpected increase in deoxygenated haemoglobin (HbR) was noted in some seizures, suggesting possible hypoxia even during relatively brief focal seizures. In the fourth and last study, the utility of MEG in the evaluation of nonlesional drug-refractory focal epileptic patients was studied. It was found that MEG source localization of interictal epileptic spikes had an impact both on patient management for over two thirds of patients and their surgical outcome.

Développement d'une technique optique ayant pour but l'analyse de procédés en ligne de comprimés pharmaceutiques

Cournoyer, Antoine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Localisation des aires cérébrales impliquées dans le rappel de mots : validation d’un protocole d’imagerie optique

Lefrançois, Mélanie 08 1900 (has links)
Jusqu'à récemment, les patients souffrant d'épilepsie réfractaire aux traitements médicamenteux étaient destinés à un avenir incertain. Le recours à la chirurgie comme traitement alternatif offre l'espoir de mener un jour une vie normale. Pour déterminer si un patient peut bénéficier d’une intervention chirurgicale, une évaluation complète est cruciale. Les méthodes d’évaluation préchirurgicale ont connu des progrès importants au cours des dernières décennies avec le perfectionnement des techniques d’imagerie cérébrale. Parmi ces techniques, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR), aussi connue sous le nom d’imagerie optique, présente de nombreux avantages (coût, mobilité du participant, résolution spatiale et temporelle, etc.). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de développer un protocole d'évaluation préchirurgicale de la mémoire. Une tâche de mémoire verbale incluant l’encodage, le rappel immédiat et le rappel différé de listes de mots a été administrée à dix adultes sains lors d’un enregistrement en imagerie optique. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent l’activation bilatérale des aires préfrontales antérieures et dorsolatérales ainsi que des aires temporales antérieures et moyennes. Les aires préfrontales et temporales antérieures semblent modulées par les différents processus mnésiques et la position du rappel dans le temps. La première fois qu’une liste est rappelée, l’activité hémodynamique est plus élevée que lors des rappels subséquents, et ce, davantage dans l’hémisphère gauche que dans l’hémisphère droit. Cette étude constitue la première étape dans le processus de validation du protocole à des fins cliniques auprès de patients épileptiques. / Until recently, patients with epilepsy refractory to drug treatments were intended to an uncertain future. Surgery as an alternative treatment offers hope to, one day, lead a normal life. In order to determine if a patient may benefit from a surgical intervention, a complete evaluation is essential. With the advancements in brain imagery techniques over the last few decades, preoperative evaluation methods have seen important progress. Among these techniques, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), also known as optical imaging, presents numerous advantages (cost, participant mobility, spatial and temporal resolution, etc.). The purpose of this study is to develop a preoperative evaluation protocol for memory assessment. During a NIRS recording, a verbal memory task including encoding, immediate and delayed free-recall of a list of words was administered to ten healthy adults. The results obtained revealed bilateral activation of anterior and dorsolateral prefrontal areas as well as anterior and median temporal areas. Prefrontal and anterior temporal areas seemed to be regulated by different memory processes and the recall location in time. The first time that a list is recalled, increased hemodynamic activity is observed in comparison to subsequent recalls, with a greater activity in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere. This study constitutes the first step in the validation process of the protocol for clinical needs among epileptic patients.

Apport de nouvelles techniques dans l’évaluation de patients candidats à une chirurgie d’épilepsie : résonance magnétique à haut champ, spectroscopie proche infrarouge et magnétoencéphalographie

Nguyen, Dang Khoa 05 1900 (has links)
L'épilepsie constitue le désordre neurologique le plus fréquent après les maladies cérébrovasculaires. Bien que le contrôle des crises se fasse généralement au moyen d'anticonvulsivants, environ 30 % des patients y sont réfractaires. Pour ceux-ci, la chirurgie de l'épilepsie s'avère une option intéressante, surtout si l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) cérébrale révèle une lésion épileptogène bien délimitée. Malheureusement, près du quart des épilepsies partielles réfractaires sont dites « non lésionnelles ». Chez ces patients avec une IRM négative, la délimitation de la zone épileptogène doit alors reposer sur la mise en commun des données cliniques, électrophysiologiques (EEG de surface ou intracrânien) et fonctionnelles (tomographie à émission monophotonique ou de positrons). La faible résolution spatiale et/ou temporelle de ces outils de localisation se traduit par un taux de succès chirurgical décevant. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons exploré le potentiel de trois nouvelles techniques pouvant améliorer la localisation du foyer épileptique chez les patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie d’épilepsie : l’IRM à haut champ, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR) et la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG). Dans une première étude, nous avons évalué si l’IRM de haut champ à 3 Tesla (T), présentant théoriquement un rapport signal sur bruit plus élevé que l’IRM conventionnelle à 1,5 T, pouvait permettre la détection des lésions épileptogènes subtiles qui auraient été manquées par cette dernière. Malheureusement, l’IRM 3 T n’a permis de détecter qu’un faible nombre de lésions épileptogènes supplémentaires (5,6 %) d’où la nécessité d’explorer d’autres techniques. Dans les seconde et troisième études, nous avons examiné le potentiel de la SPIR pour localiser le foyer épileptique en analysant le comportement hémodynamique au cours de crises temporales et frontales. Ces études ont montré que les crises sont associées à une augmentation significative de l’hémoglobine oxygénée (HbO) et l’hémoglobine totale au niveau de la région épileptique. Bien qu’une activation contralatérale en image miroir puisse être observée sur la majorité des crises, la latéralisation du foyer était possible dans la plupart des cas. Une augmentation surprenante de l’hémoglobine désoxygénée a parfois pu être observée suggérant qu’une hypoxie puisse survenir même lors de courtes crises focales. Dans la quatrième et dernière étude, nous avons évalué l’apport de la MEG dans l’évaluation des patients avec épilepsie focale réfractaire considérés candidats potentiels à une chirurgie. Il s’est avéré que les localisations de sources des pointes épileptiques interictales par la MEG ont eu un impact majeur sur le plan de traitement chez plus des deux tiers des sujets ainsi que sur le devenir postchirurgical au niveau du contrôle des crises. / Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder after stroke. The major form of treatment is long-term drug therapy to which approximately 30% of patients are unfortunately refractory to. Brain surgery is recommended when medication fails, especially if magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify a well-defined epileptogenic lesion. Unfortunately, close to a quarter of patients have nonlesional refractory focal epilepsy. For these MRI-negative cases, identification of the epileptogenic zone rely heavily on remaining tools: clinical history, video-electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring, ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and a positron emission tomography (PET). Unfortunately, the limited spatial and/or temporal resolution of these localization techniques translates into poor surgical outcome rates. In this thesis, we explore three relatively novel techniques to improve the localization of the epileptic focus for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who are potential candidates for epilepsy surgery: high-field 3 Tesla (T) MRI, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). In the first study, we evaluated if high-field 3T MRI, providing a higher signal to noise ratio, could help detect subtle epileptogenic lesions missed by conventional 1.5T MRIs. Unfortunately, we show that the former was able to detect an epileptogenic lesion in only 5.6% of cases of 1.5T MRI-negative epileptic patients, emphasizing the need for additional techniques. In the second and third studies, we evaluated the potential of NIRS in localizing the epileptic focus by analyzing the hemodynamic behavior of temporal and frontal lobe seizures respectively. We show that focal seizures are associated with significant increases in oxygenated haemoglobin (HbO) and total haemoglobin (HbT) over the epileptic area. While a contralateral mirror-like activation was seen in the majority of seizures, lateralization of the epileptic focus was possible most of the time. In addition, an unexpected increase in deoxygenated haemoglobin (HbR) was noted in some seizures, suggesting possible hypoxia even during relatively brief focal seizures. In the fourth and last study, the utility of MEG in the evaluation of nonlesional drug-refractory focal epileptic patients was studied. It was found that MEG source localization of interictal epileptic spikes had an impact both on patient management for over two thirds of patients and their surgical outcome.

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