Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nitrite"" "subject:"vitrite""
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Mechanistic Studies on the Reaction of Cob(I)alamin and NitritePlymale, Noah T. 22 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Mainstream Deammonification process monitoring by bacterial activity testsCarranza Muñoz, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Deammonification is a widely used technology for side stream treatment with rich ammonium streams at relatively high temperatures, such as, the reject water coming from dewatering units in treatment of digested sludge and industrial wastewaters. The deammonification process has lower operational costs than conventional systems, consumes less energy, enables the increase of biogas production and it is easy to implement. However, this technology has not yet been applied in full- scale mainstream treatment due to its restrictions in coping with high C/N ratios, low temperatures, and the need for post-treatment processes. These conditions are allegedly negative to the growth and performance of anammox bacteria affecting the bacterial groups’ behavior in the process. This master thesis project aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using deammonification to remove nitrogen from mainstream wastewater, which was studied by monitoring the bacterial activity in a pilot scale reactor. The different bacterial groups involved (AOB, NOB, heterotrophs, and denitrifiers) were monitored by weekly measuring their activity in batch activity tests. The results allowed the evaluation of different operational scenarios and their impact by following up on the changes in the bacterial competition. The study was conducted for six months in a single-stage IFAS (integrated fixed-film activated sludge) pilot-scale reactor located in Stockholm and fed with pretreated (with a UASB) municipal wastewater. The different operational scenarios involved changes in temperature, aeration patterns, DO concentration, SRT, and HRT. The adjustment of these features was done in the interest of promoting AOB and anammox bacterial growth, leading to an improvement of the deammonification efficiency in future studies. However, the chosen operational conditions were to enhance bacterial competition and facilitate its visualization, not to maximize nitrogen removal. Thus, the most suitable scenario found during this study included DO concentration of 1.5 mg/L with 10 aeration-20 non-aeration pattern and ensured nitrogen removal rates within normal values while allowing the monitoring of all the bacterial groups. TN removal reached a value above 50% and NH4-N above 95%, whereas nitrogen Removal Rate (NRR) increased to 30g/N/m3-d and the system had an overall nitrogen removal efficiency of 75%. Nevertheless, it was proven that in the right environment, the necessary bacterial groups can be selectively accumulated and successfully perform deammonification and reduce nitrogen levels in mainstream wastewater. / Deammonifikation är en välanvänd teknik för rening av sidoströmmar med höga ammoniumkoncentrationer vid relativt hög temperatur, som till exempel rejektvatten från avvattning av rötslam eller industriellt avloppsvatten. Deammonifikationsprocessen har lägre driftkostnad än konventionella reningsprocesser, förbrukar mindre energi samt möjliggör högre biogasproduktion samtidigt som processen är enkel att implementera. Reningstekniken har dock ännu inte tillämpats i fullskala för rening av huvudströmmen på grund av den höga C/N-kvoten och de låga vattentemperaturerna i kommunalt avloppsvatten samt behovet av efterbehandling. Detta anses ha en negativ inverkan på anammoxbakteriernas tillväxthastighet och funktion vilket påverkar bakteriegruppens beteende i processen. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utvärdera om det är praktiskt genomförbart att använda deammonifikation för att rena kväve från kommunalt avloppsvatten, vilket följdes upp genom att studera bakterieaktiviteten i en pilotskalereaktor. De involverade bakteriegrupperna (AOB, NOB, heterotrofer och denitrifierare) övervakades genom att mäta den mikrobiella aktiviteten varje vecka med hjälp av batch-tester. Resultaten användes till att utvärdera olika driftstrategier och deras effekt genom att följa förändringarna i mikrobiell aktivitet hos de konkurrerande bakteriegrupperna. Studien genomfördes i Stockholm under sex månader i en enstegs-IFAS-pilotskalereaktor (integrerad process med biofilm på fast bärarmaterial och aktivslam) som matades med kommunalt avloppsvatten som förbehandlats i en UASB-reaktor. De olika driftstrategierna omfattade olika temperaturer, luftningsstrategier, syrekoncentrationer, slamåldrar och hydrauliska uppehållstider. Syftet med driftstrategierna var att främja AOB- och anammoxbakteriers tillväxt för att i framtida studier kunna erhålla en förbättrad deammonifikationsprocess. Syftet i denna studie var dock i första hand att förbättra den bakteriella konkurrensen och göra den lättare att mäta, inte att uppnå bästa möjliga kväverening. Den driftstrategi som gav bäst resultat i denna studie innebar att hålla en syrehalt på 1,5 mg/l med 10 minuter luftning följt av 20 minuter utan luftning vilket säkerställde en normal kväveavskiljning och samtidigt möjliggjorde övervakning av samtliga fyra bakteriegrupper. Totalkväveavskiljningen var över 50 % och ammoniumavskiljningen över 95 % medan kvävereningsaktiviteten ökade till 30 g N/m3-d och systemet hade en övergripande effektivitet på 75 %. Studien visade att under rätt förutsättningar kan de nödvändiga bakteriegrupperna selekteras fram och deammonifikation av kommunalt avloppsvatten kan utföras på ett framgångsrikt sätt.
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Treatment of High-Strength Nitrogen Wasetewater With a Hollow-Fiber Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor: A Comprehensive EvaluationGilmore, Kevin R. 17 September 2008 (has links)
Protecting the quality and quantity of our water resources requires advanced treatment technologies capable of removing nutrients from wastewater. This research work investigated the capability of one such technology, a hollow-fiber membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (HFMBR), to achieve completely autotrophic nitrogen removal from a wastewater with high nitrogen content.
Because the extent of oxygenation is a key parameter for controlling the metabolic processes that occur in a wastewater treatment system, the first part of the research investigated oxygen transfer characteristics of the HFMBR in clean water conditions and with actively growing biofilm. A mechanistic model for oxygen concentration and flux as a function of length along the non-porous membrane fibers that comprise the HFMBR was developed based on material properties and physical dimensions. This model reflects the diffusion mechanism of non-porous membranes; namely that oxygen follows a sorption-dissolution-diffusion mechanism. This is in contrast to microporous membranes in which oxygen is in the gas phase in the fiber pores up to the membrane surface, resulting in higher biofilm pore liquid dissolved oxygen concentrations. Compared to offgas oxygen analysis from the HFMBR while in operation with biofilm growing, the model overpredicted mass transfer by a factor of approximately 1.3. This was in contrast to empirical mass transfer coefficient-based methods, which were determined using either bulk aqueous phase dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration or the DO concentration at the membrane-liquid interface, measured with oxygen microsensors. The mass transfer coefficient determined with the DO measured at the interface was the best predictor of actual oxygen transfer under biofilm conditions, while the bulk liquid coefficient underpredicted by a factor of 3. The mechanistic model exhibited sensitivity to parameters such as the initial lumen oxygen concentration (at the entry to the fiber) and the diffusion coefficient and partitioning coefficients of oxygen in the silicone membrane material. The mechanistic model has several advantages over empirical-based methods. Namely, it does not require experimental determination of KL, it is relatively simple to solve without the use of advanced mathematical software, and it is based upon selection of the membrane-biofilm interfacial DO concentration. The last of these is of particular importance when designing and operating HFMBR systems with redox (aerobic/anoxic/anaerobic) stratification, because the DO concentration will determine the nature of the microenvironments, the microorganisms present, and the metabolisms that occur.
During the second phase of the research, the coupling of two autotrophic metabolisms, partial nitrification to nitrite (nitritation) and anaerobic ammonium oxidation, was demonstrated in a single HFMBR. The system successfully treated a high-strength nitrogen wastewater intended to mimic a urine stream from such sources as extended space missions. For the last 250 days of operation, operating with an average oxygen to ammonia flux (J<sub>O₂</sub>/J<sub>NH₄⁺</sub>) of 3.0 resulted in an average nitrogen removal of 74%, with no external organic carbon added. Control of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) presented a challenge that was addressed by maintaining the J<sub>O₂</sub>/J<sub>NH₄⁺</sub> below the stoichiometric threshold for complete nitrification to nitrate (4.57 g O₂ / g NH₄⁺). The DO-limiting condition resulted in formation of harmful gaseous emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO, N2O), which could not be prevented by short-term control strategies. Controlling JO2/JNH4+ prevented NOB proliferation long enough to allow an anaerobic ammoniaoxidizing bacteria (AnaerAOB) population to develop and be retained for >250 days. Addition of a supplemental nutrient solution may have contributed to the growth of AnaerAOB by overcoming a possible micronutrient deficiency. Disappearance of the gaseous nitrogen oxide emissions coincided with the onset of anaerobic ammonium oxidation, demonstrating a benefit of coupling these two autotrophic metabolisms in one reactor. Obvious differences in biofilm density were evident across the biofilm depth, with a region of low density in the middle of the biofilm, suggesting that low cell density or exocellular polymeric substances were primarily present in this region, Microbial community analysis using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) did not reveal consistent trends with respect to length along the fibers, but radial stratification of aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AerAOB), NOB, and AnaerAOB were visible in biofilm section samples. AerAOB were largely found in the first 25% of the biofilm near the membrane, AnaerAOB were found in the outer 30%, and NOB were found most often in the mid-depth region of the biofilm. This community structure demonstrates the importance of oxygen availability as a determinant of how microbial groups spatially distribute within an HFMBR biofilm.
The combination of these two aspects of the research, predictive oxygen transfer capability and the effect of oxygen control on performance and populations, provides a foundation for future application of HFMBR technology to a broad range of wastewaters and treatment scenarios. / Ph. D.
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Regulation of the nitric oxide synthesis and signaling by posttranslational modifications and N-end rule pathway-mediated proteolysis in Arabidopsis thalianaCosta Broseta, Álvaro 04 January 2019 (has links)
El óxido nítrico (NO) es una molécula gaseosa altamente reactiva que regula el crecimiento y el desarrollo de las plantas así como sus respuestas de defensa. El NO se produce principalmente a partir de nitrito por las nitrato reductasas (NRs) en balance con las nitrito reductasas (NiRs), y es percibido a través de un mecanismo en el que está involucrada la proteólisis dirigida por la secuencia aminoterminal del grupo VII de los factores de transcripción ERF (ERFVIIs). El NO ejerce especialmente su función señalizadora al causar modificaciones postraduccionales en las proteínas y alterar su función, estructura y/o estabilidad. Por estos medios y en colaboración con distintas rutas de señalización fitohormonales, el NO es capaz de regular un amplio abanico de procesos celulares en plantas, incluyendo aquellos relacionados con la adquisición de tolerancia a la congelación.
Utilizando Arabidopsis thaliana como planta modelo, en este trabajo se descubrió que el NO puede regular su propia biosíntesis, puesto que las enzimas NRs y NiRs fueron reguladas por tres factores principales: señalización inducida por nitrato y controlada por la función del factor de transcripción NIN-like protein 7 (NLP7), la proteólisis dirigida por la secuencia aminoterminal, y la degradación mediada por el proteasoma, probablemente ocasionada por modificaciones postraduccionales relacionadas con el NO. Adicionalmente, se descubrió que el factor de transcripción ERFVII RAP2.3 regula negativamente tanto la biosíntesis de NO como las respuestas que desencadena a través de un mecanismo similar a un reóstato en el que están involucradas ramas específicas relacionadas con el NO de las rutas de señalización de jasmonato y ácido abscísico. Por otro lado, una caracterización metabolómica y transcriptómica combinada de plantas mutantes nia1,2noa1-2 deficientes en NO y plantas fumigadas con NO permitió desentrañar una serie de mecanismos que están controlados por NO. En primer lugar, la percepción de NO en los hipocotilos requeriría varias hormonas para ser completada, como fue confirmado por los rastreos de acortamiento de hipocotilo por NO con mutantes relacionados con hormonas y la colección TRANSPLANTA de líneas transgénicas que expresan condicionalmente factores de transcripción de Arabidopsis. En segundo lugar, dosis elevadas de NO causan una reprogramación masiva aunque transitoria de los metabolismos primario y secundario, incluyendo la alteración del estado redox celular, la alteración de la permeabilidad de estructuras lipídicas y el recambio de proteínas y ácidos nucleicos. Por último, se descubrió que el NO previene el desarrollo de la tolerancia a congelación bajo condiciones no estresantes de temperatura, mientras que resulta esencial para la aclimatación a frío desencadenada por bajas temperaturas que conduce a una tolerancia mejorada a congelación. El NO conseguiría esta modulación afinada de la activación de respuestas relacionadas con frío al coordinar la acumulación de diferentes metabolitos y hormonas. En conjunto, este trabajo arroja luz sobre los mecanismos mediante los cuales, al interactuar con varias rutas señalizadoras y metabólicas, el NO puede regular distintos procesos clave de la fisiología vegetal. / L'òxid nítric (NO) és una molècula gasosa altament reactiva que regula el creixement i desenvolupament de les plantes així com les seves respostes de defensa. El NO es produeix principalment a partir de nitrit per les nitrat reductases (NRs) en balanç amb les nitrit reductases (NiRs), i és percebut a traves d'un mecanisme que inclou la proteòlisi dirigida per la seqüència aminoterminal del grup VII dels factors de transcripció ERF (ERFVII). El NO exerceix la seva funció senyalitzadora majoritàriament al provocar modificacions postraduccionals en les proteïnes i alterar la seva funció, estructura i/o estabilitat. Mitjançant aquestes modificacions i en col·laboració amb distintes rutes de senyalització fitohormonals, el NO es capaç de regular un ampli espectre de processos cel·lulars en plantes, inclosos aquells relacionats amb l'adquisició de tolerància a la congelació.
Emprant Arabidopsis thaliana com a planta model, en aquest treball es va descobrir que el NO regula la seva pròpia biosíntesi, donat que els enzims NRs i NiRs foren regulades per tres factors principals: senyalització induïda per nitrat i controlada per la funció del factor de transcripció NIN-like protein 7 (NLP7), la proteòlisi dirigida per la seqüència aminoterminal, i la degradació mitjançant el proteasoma, probablement a causa de modificacions postraduccionals relacionades amb el NO. A més, es va descobrir que el factor de transcripció ERFVII RAP2.3 regula negativament tant la biosíntesi de NO com les respostes que desencadena aquest a través d'un mecanisme similar a un reòstat en el que estan involucrades branques específiques de les rutes de senyalització de jasmonat i àcid abscísic relacionades amb el NO. Per altre costat, una caracterització metabolòmica i transcriptòmica combinada de plantes mutants nia1,2noa1-2 deficients en NO i plantes fumigades amb NO va permetre desentranyar una sèrie de mecanismes que estan controlats per NO. En primer lloc, la percepció de NO en els hipocòtils requeriria de varies hormones, com fou confirmat pels rastrejos d'acurtament d'hipocòtil per NO amb mutants relacionats amb hormones i la col·lecció TRANSPLANTA de línies transgèniques d'expressió condicional de factors de transcripció d'Arabidopsis. En segon lloc, dosis elevades de NO causen una reprogramació massiva, encara que transitòria, dels metabolismes primari i secundari, incloent l'alteració de l'estat redox cel·lular, canvis en la permeabilitat de estructures lipídiques i el recanvi de proteïnes i àcids nucleics. Per últim, es va descobrir que el NO prevé el desenvolupament de la tolerància a congelació en condicions no estressants de temperatura, mentre que resulta essencial per a l'aclimatació a fred induïda per baixes temperatures que condueix a una tolerància millorada a congelació. El NO aconseguiria aquesta modulació minuciosa de l'activació de les respostes relacionades amb fred al coordinar l'acumulació de diferents metabòlits i hormones. En conjunt, aquest treball clarifica els mecanismes pels quals el NO pot regular distints processos clau de la fisiologia vegetal al interactuar amb varies rutes senyalitzadores i metabòliques. / Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly reactive gaseous molecule that regulates plant growth and development as well as defense responses. NO is mainly produced from nitrite by nitrate reductases (NRs) in balance with nitrite reductases (NiRs), and is sensed through a mechanism involving the N-end rule pathway-mediated proteolysis of the group VII of ERF transcription factors (ERFVIIs). NO especially exerts its signaling function by triggering post-translational modifications in proteins and altering their function, structure and/or stability. By these means and in collaboration with different phytohormone signaling pathways, NO is capable of regulating a wide array of cell processes in plants, including those related to the acquirement of freezing tolerance.
By using Arabidopsis thaliana as model plant, during the development of this work it was found that NO can regulate its own biosynthesis, as NRs and NiR enzymes were regulated by three main factors: nitrate-induced signaling controlled by the function of the NIN-like protein 7 (NLP7) transcription factor, N-end rule proteolytic pathway, and proteasome-mediated degradation, likely triggered by NO-related post-translational modifications. In addition, the ERFVII transcription factor RAP2.3 was found to negatively regulate both the NO biosynthesis and their triggered responses through a rheostat-like mechanism that involves specific NO-related branches of jasmonate and abscisic acid signaling pathways. On the other hand, a combined metabolomic and transcriptomic characterization of NO-deficient nia1,2noa1-2 mutant plants and NO-fumigated plants allowed to unravel a number of mechanisms that are controlled by NO. First, NO perception in hypocotyls would require various hormones to be fulfilled as it was confirmed by NO-triggered hypocotyl shortening screenings with hormone-related mutants and the TRANSPLANTA collection of transgenic lines conditionally expressing Arabidopsis transcription factors. Second, high NO doses caused a massive but transient reprogramming of primary and secondary metabolism, including alteration of the cellular redox status, alteration of the permeability of lipidic structures or turnover of proteins and nucleic acids. Lastly, NO was found to prevent the development of freezing tolerance under non-stress temperature conditions, while being essential for the low temperature stress-triggered cold acclimation that leads to enhanced freezing tolerance. NO would achieve this fine-tuned modulation of the activation of the cold-related responses by coordinating the accumulation of different metabolites and hormones. Altogether, this work sheds light on the mechanisms by which, by interacting with various signaling and metabolic pathways, NO can regulate several key processes of plant physiology. / Costa Broseta, Á. (2018). Regulation of the nitric oxide synthesis and signaling by posttranslational modifications and N-end rule pathway-mediated proteolysis in Arabidopsis thaliana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/114825
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Untersuchungen zur Prävalenz und Stammdiversität sowie zur Tenazität von Campylobacter spp. aus lebensmittelhygienischer SichtHamedy, Ahmad 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Today, thermophilic Campylobacter spp. (besides Salmonella) represent one of the most common sources of human bacterial gastrointestinal infection. The main source of human C. jejuni infections is the consumption of insufficient heated chicken meat.
Quantitative data on the occurrence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. on poultry carcasses and poultry meat are needed to perform quantitative risk assessments and to verify the effect of different intervention strategies.
The aims of the investigations presented here were (i) to generate accurate qualitative and quantitative data on the occurrence of Campylobacter spp. on within the primary production stage in at the abattoir and food, (ii) to study the behaviour of nine genotypically different C. jejuni strains in chicken meat juice supplemented with different concentrations of sodium chloride, curing salt and sodium nitrite, (iii) to detect the Campylobacter genotype distribution in poultry flocks by applying AFLP analysis and to describe a potential carry-over of Campylobacter strains among sequential and adjacent poultry flocks.
For the above mentioned purposes, a number of samples (171 neck skin samples, 1047 samples of different turkey meat products and 112 turkey minced meat samples from an abattoir) were investigated in accordance with themethod of ISO / TS 10272-2: 2006 and ISO10272-1: 2006 to the quantitative and qualitative presence of Campylobacter spp.. The Campylobacter-strains were inoculated in chicken juice at initial concentrations of 102 and 104 CFU/ml and incubated for 24h at 42°C. Furthermore, 18 flocks of four poultry species were monitored to investigate the distribution and spread of Campylobacter genotypes between sequential and adjacent flocks. Caecal and liver samples were obtained at frequent intervals from birds of all flocks and these samples were examined for Campylobacter. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was performed to genotype Campylobacter isolates.
The prevalence of Campylobacter on neck skin was 83.0 % and the mean number was 2.00 log10 cfu/g. For turkey meat samples with skin (wings and thighs) the detected prevalence was 68.2 % and mean number 1.73 log10 cfu/g, respectively. Turkey meat samples without skin (breast filet) showed a prevalence of 79.0 % and a mean number of 1.58 log10 cfu/g. No Campylobacters were detectable in the turkey minced meat samples. Large variations between the detectable numbers of Campylobacter spp. were observed (maximum number up to 3.98 log10 cfu/g for turkey meat with skin) and confirm the importance of an early detection (before or during slaughter and processing) of these heavily contaminated slaughter lots.
Whereas the strains multiplied in the media supplemented without additional of NaCl or with 1% NaCl, the bacterial population was significantly reduced when 2% NaCl was added. Growth did not occur and the cell number gradually decreased in chicken meat juice containing 3% NaCl. Significant differences in the survival potential among the different strains were only visible in the extreme condition of 3% NaCl supplementation. There was no different behaviour of the strains under the influence of NaCl compared with the behaviour in meat juice containing curing salt. The addition of sodium nitrite did not alter the survival.
Of the 1643 caecal and liver samples investigated, 452 (27.5%) caecal samples and 11 (0.7%) liver samples contained Campylobacter. Of the caecal isolates 76.3% were identified as C. jejuni and 23.7% were identified as C. coli. Poultry flocks were largely colonized by more than one AFLP type and an intense exchange of Campylobacter genotypes between different poultry flocks occurred.
The results show clearly that poultry and poultry meat are regarded as one of the main sources of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. infection in humans in the food chain.
This is evident not only from the high rate of occurrence of these pathogens, but also from the often-high quantitative exposure samples. The risk of a foodborne infection is also enhanced by the comparatively very low minimum infectious dose for humans. At present, a complete elimination of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. from the food chain appears practically unreachable. This difficulty is reduced by the results of genetic strain diversity, because they suggest the existence of a variety of input sources. / hermophile Campylobacter (C.) spp. stellen heute neben den Salmonellen eine der häufigsten Ursachen für bakteriell bedingte Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen beim Menschen dar. Unzureichend erhitztes Geflügelfleisch und Geflügelfleischprodukte stellen eine der Hauptinfektionsquellen für humane C. jejuni-Infektionen dar. Quantitative Daten über die Belastung von Geflügelkarkassen und Geflügelfleisch mit thermophilen Campylobacter spp. werden benötigt, um einerseits quantitative Risikobewertungen durchführen zu können, andererseits aber auch den Erfolg verschiedener Interventionsmaßnahmen messen zu können.
Zur Minderung der Zahl alimentär bedingter humaner Campylobacter-Infektionen spielt neben der Senkung der Campylobacter-Belastung von Nutztieren und der Vermeidung von Kreuzkontaminationen auch die Reduktion des Vorkommens des Erregers in der Lebensmittelkette durch technologische Prozesse eine große Rolle. Campylobacter spp. sind während der Be- und Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln verschiedensten Stressoren ausgesetzt.
Ziele der hier vorgestellten Untersuchungen waren,
(i) Exakte qualitative und quantitative Daten zum Vorkommen von Campylobacter spp. in der Primärproduktion, auf dem Schlachthof und in Lebensmitteln zu ermitteln.
(ii) Die Tenazität ausgewählter, genetisch unterschiedlicher C. jejuni-Stämme gegenüber verschiedenen Natriumchlorid-, Pökelsalz- und Natriumnitrit-Konzentrationen im Geflügelfleischsaftmodell zu untersuchen.
(iii) Die Verwandtschaftsgrade der isolierten Stämme mit Hilfe einer molekularbiologischen Fingerprintingmethode (AFLP-Typisierung) darzustellen sowie das Vorkommen von thermophilen Campylobacter in verschiedenen Geflügelarten in einem Betrieb zu ermitteln.
Dazu wurden 171 Halshautproben, 783 Proben verschiedener Putenfleischerzeugnisse und 233 Putenhackfleischproben aus einem Schlacht- und Zerlegebetrieb in Anlehnung an die Methode ISO/TS 10272-2: 2006 und ISO10272-1:2006 auf das quantitative und qualitative Vorkommen von Campylobacter spp. untersucht.
Der Keimzahlverlauf wurde in experimentell kontaminiertem Geflügelfleischsaft (Zusatz von C. jejuni: 102 und 104 KbE/ml) über einen Zeitraum von 24 h (Bebrütungstemperatur 37°C) untersucht.
19 verschiedene Wirtschaftsgeflügel-Herden wurden untersucht, um die Verteilung und Ausbreitung von Campylobater-Genotypen zwischen sequentiellen und angrenzenden Herden festzustellen. Blinddarm- und Leber-Proben wurden in kurzen Abständen von Vögeln aller Herden gewonnen und untersucht . Für die Genotypisierung von Campylobacter spp. wurde die AFLP-Methode eingesetzt.
Im Ergebnis wurden auf 83,0 % der Halshautproben Campylobacter spp. nachgewiesen, wobei der Mittelwert der quantitativen Belastung von Putenhalshautproben bei 2,00 log10 KbE/g lag. Putenfleischproben mit Haut waren zu 54,8 % Campylobacter positiv. Hier betrug die quantitative Belastung 1,79 log10 KbE/g. Bei Putenfleisch ohne Haut lagen die Nachweisraten bei 52,2,% bzw. 2,03 log10 KbE/g. In keiner der Putenhackfleischproben war Campylobacter nachweisbar. Große Schwankungen in der quantitativen Belastung (Maximalwerte bis 4,0 log10 KbE/g bei Putenfleisch mit Haut) bestätigen die Notwendigkeit, vor allem die stark belasteten Schlachtpartien schon vor bzw. während der Schlachtung und Verarbeitung identifizieren zu können.
In Geflügelfleischsaft ohne bzw. mit Zusatz von 1% NaCl konnten sich alle Stämme vermehren, während das Wachstum bei 2% NaCl-Zusatz gehemmt wurde. Darüber hinaus konnte bei höherer NaCl-Konzentration (3%) eine Reduktion der Keimzahl nach 6 h Bebrütung bzw. ein Absterben von C.jejuni nach 24 h festgestellt werden. Dabei zeigten die Stämme im Geflügelfleischsaft mit 3% NaCl-Zusatz signifikante Unterschiede in ihrer Absterberate. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass unterschiedlich ausgeprägte Salztoleranzen innerhalb der untersuchten Stämme mit unterschiedlichem Genotyp existieren, diese jedoch nur unter Extremsituationen signifikant ausgeprägt waren. Durch die Zugabe von praxisüblichen Pökelsalzkonzentrationen anstelle von Kochsalz und von Natriumnitrit konnte das Verhalten von C. jejuni in keinem Versuchsansatz beeinflusst werden.
452 Caecalproben (27,5%) und 11 Leberproben (0,7%) von insgesamt 1643 Caecal- und Leberproben wurden positiv auf Campylobacter spp. getestet. Von den 1643 aus dem Caecum stammenden getesteten Isolaten wurden 76,3% der Isolate als C. jejuni und (23,7%) der Isolate als C. coli identifiziert. Die AFLP- Analyse zeigte einen signifikanten Unterschied in der Diversität der AFLP-Typen aus den individuellen Herden und Proben aus unterschiedlichen Herden. Dies deutet auf eine große Zahl von Infektionsquellen hin.
Die Ergebnisse belegen insgesamt sehr deutlich, dass Geflügel- Geflügelfleisch eine bedeutsame Quelle des Eintrags von Campylobacter-Keimen in die Nahrungskette ist. Das geht nicht nur aus der hohen Rate des Vorkommens dieser Erreger hervor, sondern auch aus der oftmals hohen quantitativen Belastung der Proben. Das Risiko einer Lebensmittelinfektion wird zudem durch die vergleichsweise sehr geringe minimale Infektionsdosis für den Menschen erhöht. Eine vollständige Elimination von thermophilen Campylobacter spp. aus der Lebensmittelkette erscheint derzeit praktisch nicht erreichbar. Diese Schwierigkeit wird durch die Ergebnisse zur genetischen Stammdiversität untersetzt, denn sie legen die Existenz einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Eintragsquellen nahe.
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Schockwellensynthese und Charakterisierung von Aluminiumnitrid mit KochsalzstrukturKeller, Kevin 06 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Ergebnisse der Synthese und Charakterisierung der Hochdruckphase von Aluminiumnitrid mit Kochsalzstruktur (rs-AlN). Die Versuche wurden mittels Schockwellensynthese unter Verwendung der „flyer-plate-Methode“ mit anschließender Probenrückgewinnung durchgeführt. Für verschiedene Aluminiumnitridpulver mit einer Ausgangsporosität k = rho_solid/rho_porous von 1,5 bis 2,5 wurde bei einem Druck von 15 bis 43 GPa die Phasenumwandlung von der Wurtzitstruktur (w-AlN) in die Kochsalzstruktur (rs-AlN) bewirkt. Es ist damit erstmals gelungen, rs-AlN mit dynamischen HP-HT-Methoden herzustellen und damit Probenmengen im Milligramm- bis Grammbereich zu erhalten. Dadurch ist es möglich Untersuchungen durchzuführen, die zur weiteren Erforschung und Charakterisierung des Materials beitragen sollen. Im Fokus liegen dabei insbesondere die Untersuchung der mechanischen, thermischen und chemischen Stabilität, um die Eignung des Materials zur Herstellung ultraharter Komposite zu evaluieren.
Die geschockten Pulver bestehen aus einem Phasengemisch aus dem Ausgangsmaterial (w-AlN), der Hochdruckphase (rs-AlN), Aluminiumoxid und -oxynitriden, sowie amorphen Aluminiumhydroxiden. Die höchste Ausbeute an rs-AlN (~41 Ma% bei 2 mm Probenhöhe) kann bei Drücken von 24 GPa und einer Ausgangsporosität k von 2,1 erhalten werden. Anhand dem Auftreten verschiedener Al-O-N Phasen kann die Schocktemperatur für die einzelnen Versuche abgeschätzt werden (<1700 °C bis <2000 °C). Die Phasenumwandlung wird durch die Temperaturerhöhung aufgrund der Schockkompaktion der Pulver aktiviert. Als entgegenwirkender Prozess wurde die thermisch aktivierte Rückwandlung in die Niederdruckphase w-AlN aufgrund einer zu hohen Post-Schocktemperatur und einem zu langsamen Abkühlen der Probe postuliert. Daraus ergibt sich eine optimale Temperatur für den Versuchsaufbau von 1700 bis 1900 °C, bei der die höchsten rs-AlN Anteile beobachtet wurden. Eine Verringerung der Probenhöhe erhöht den Einfluss von Mehrfachreflektionen in der Probe und trägt damit zur Verbesserung der Umsetzung bei. Für drei Nanopulver (Kristallitgröße <25 nm) wurde die teilweise Umwandlung in die Kochsalzstruktur beobachtet, wohingegen für ein gröberes Nanopulver und ein Submikropulver (Kristallitgröße >45 nm) kein rs-AlN in den geschockten Proben nachgewiesen werden konnte. Es wird ein Stabilisierungsmechanismus der Kochsalzstruktur durch Kristallitgrößeneffekte vorhergesagt. Die Verringerung der Kristallitgröße führt zur Herabsetzung des Umwandlungsdrucks w-AlN -> rs-AlN. Es lässt sich daher schlussfolgern, dass für kleinere Partikel die Hochdruckmodifikation aufgrund der geringeren Entfernung vom chemischen Gleichgewicht bei Normalbedingungen stabilisiert werden kann, wohingegen für größere Kristallite die Rückwandlung in die Ausgangsphase geschieht. Weitere Stabilisierungsmechanismen wurden diskutiert.
Mithilfe einer Rietveld-Verfeinerung der Röntgendiffraktogramme wurde die Gitterkonstante des rs-AlN mit a = 4,044 ± 0,001 Å und die Kristallitgröße mit 15,3 ± 0,2nm bestimmt. Die mittels hoch-aufgelöster Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) bestimmte Kristallitgröße (10 bis 20 nm) ist in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der Rietveld-Verfeinerung. Mit 27Al Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie (NMR) wurde die oktaedrische Al–N-Umgebung (AlN6) mit einer korrigierten chemischen Verschiebung von 2 ppm nachgewiesen. Anhand der IR-Spektren wird eine Al–N-Schwingungsbande des rs-AlN bei ca. 490 cm−1 vermutet.
Dynamisch-thermische Untersuchungen zeigen, dass nanokristallines rs-AlN bei 600 °C beginnt zu Aluminiumoxid zu oxidieren und damit keine größere Beständigkeit im Vergleich zum w-AlN zeigt. Die thermisch aktivierte Rückwandlung des rs-AlN in die Niederdruckphase wurde ab 1200 °C (in Argon) bzw. 1100 °C (im Vakuum) bei einer Heizrate von 10 K/min beobachtet. Eine gute chemische Beständigkeit des Aluminiumnitrid mit Kochsalzstruktur gegenüber Wasser, Natronlauge und Säuren (HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4, HNO3 und Königswasser) wurde in Langzeit-Löslichkeitsversuchen nachgewiesen. / In the present work the results of the synthesis and characterisation of the high-pressure phase of aluminium nitride with rocksalt structure (rs-AlN) are presented. The experiments were carried out with the flyer-plate-method with subsequently sample recovery. For different aluminium nitride powders with starting porosities k = rho_solid/rho_porous of 1.5 to 2.5 the phase transition from wurtzite structure (w-AlN) to the rocksalt structure (rs-AlN) was induced at a pressure of 15 to 43 GPa. This is to our knowledge the first succesful synthesis of rs-AlN with dynamic HP-HT methods. With this advance, samples in the milligram or gram range can be produced. Therefore further investigations to characterise the material are possible, especially the study of the mechanical, thermal and chemical stability to validate the potential for the production of ultrahard composites.
The shocked samples consist of a phase mixture from the starting material (w-AlN), the high-pressure phase (rs-AlN), aluminium oxide and oxynitrides, as well as amorphous aluminium hydroxides. The highest yield of rs-AlN (~41 wt% at 2 mm sample height) can be obtained at a pressure of 24 GPa and a starting porosity k of 2.1. The shock temperature can be estimated by the formation of different Al-O-N phases (<1700 °C to <2000 °C). The phase transition is
activated by the raise of temperature due to shock compression. A thermal activated reconversion to the low-pressure phase w-AlN caused by a high post-shock temperature and a slow cooling of the sample is postulated as a contrary process. This results in an optimum temperature of 1700 to 1900 °C for this set-up. A decrease of the sample height increases the influence of multiple reflections and therefore causes a better transformation. A partial conversion to rs-AlN was observed for three nanopowders (crystallite size <25 nm), whereas for a more coarse nanopowder and an submicronpowder (crystallite size >45 nm) no rs-AlN could be found in the shocked samples. A stabilisation mechanism of the rocksalt phase by crystallite size effects is predicted. The reduction of the crystallite size causes a decrease of the transition pressure for w-AlN -> rs-AlN. It can be concluded, that for smaller particles the high-pressure phase can be stabilised at ambient conditions on the basis of the smaller distance from equilibrium, whereas for larger particles the reconversion to the low-pressure phase occurs.
By a Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffractograms, the lattice constant of rs-AlN and the crystallite size was determined to be a = 4.044 ± 0.001 Å respectively 15.3 ± 0.2 nm. The crystallite size of rs-AlN (10 to 20 nm) determined with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is in good agreement with the results of the Rietveld refinement. The octahedral Al–Npolyhedral (AlN6) was demonstrated by 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) with a corrected chemical shift of 2 ppm. Based on infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) an AlN vibration band at about 490 cm−1 is assumed.
Dynamic thermal analysis show, that the rs-AlN starts to oxidise to alumina at 600 °C and thus have no greater resistance in comparison with w-AlN. The thermal activated reconversion of rs-AlN to the low-pressure phase starts at 1200 °C (in argon) respectively 1100 °C (under vacuum) at a heating rate of 10 K/min. The aluminium nitride with rocksalt structure shows a good chemical resistance against water, caustic soda and acids (HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4, HNO3 and aqua regia).
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Bacterial diversity and denitrifier communities in arable soilsCoyotzi Alcaraz, Sara Victoria January 2014 (has links)
Agricultural management is essential for achieving optimum crop production and maintaining soil quality. Soil microorganisms are responsible for nutrient cycling and are an important consideration for effective soil management. The overall goal of the present research was to better understand microbial communities in agricultural soils as they relate to soil management practices. For this, we evaluated the differential impact of two contrasting drainage practices on microbial community composition and characterized active denitrifiers from selected agricultural sites.
Field drainage is important for crop growth in arable soils. Controlled and uncontrolled tile drainage practices maintain water in the field or fully drain it, respectively. Because soil water content influences nutrient concentration, moisture, and oxygen availability, the effects of these two disparate practices on microbial community composition was compared in paired fields that had diverse land management histories. Libraries of the 16S rRNA gene were generated from DNA from 168 soil samples collected from eight fields during the 2012 growing season. Paired-end sequencing using next-generation sequencing was followed by read assembly and multivariate statistical analyses. Results showed that drainage practice exerted no measureable effect on the bacterial communities. However, bacterial communities were impacted by plant cultivar and applied fertilizer, in addition to sampled soil depth. Indicator species were only recovered for depth; plant cultivar or applied fertilizer type had no strong and specific indicator species. Among indicator species for soil depth (30-90 cm) were Chloroflexi (Anaerolineae), Betaproteobacteria (Janthinobacterium, Herminiimonas, Rhodoferax, Polaromonas), Deltaproteobacteria (Anaeromyxobacter, Geobacter), Alphaproteobacteria (Novosphingobium, Rhodobacter), and Actinobacteria (Promicromonospora).
Denitrification in agricultural fields transforms nitrogen applied as fertilizer, reduces crop production, and emits N2O, which is a potent greenhouse gas. Agriculture is the highest anthropogenic source of N2O, which underlines the importance of understanding the microbiology of denitrification for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by altered management practices. Existing denitrifier probes and primers are biased due to their development based mostly on sequence information from cultured denitrifiers. To circumvent this limitation, this study investigated active and uncultivated denitrifiers from two agricultural sites in Ottawa, Ontario. Using DNA stable-isotope probing, we enriched nucleic acids from active soil denitrifiers by exposing intact replicate soil cores to NO3- and 13C6-glucose under anoxic conditions using flow-through reactors, with parallel native substrate controls. Spectrophotometric chemistry assays and gas chromatography confirmed active NO3- depletion and N2O production, respectively. Duplicate flow-through reactors were sacrificed after one and four week incubation periods to assess temporal changes due to food web dynamics. Soil DNA was extracted and processed by density gradient ultracentrifugation, followed by fractionation to separate DNA contributed by active denitrifiers (i.e., “heavy” DNA) from that of the background community (i.e., “light” DNA). Light and heavy DNA samples were analyzed by paired-end sequencing of 16S rRNA genes using next-generation sequencing. Multivariate statistics of assembled 16S rRNA genes confirmed unique taxonomic representation in heavy fractions from flow-through reactors fed 13C6-glucose, which exceeded any site-specific or temporal shifts in putative denitrifiers. Based on high relative abundance in heavy DNA, labelled taxa affiliated with the Betaproteobacteria (71%; Janthinobacterium, Acidovorax, Azoarcus, Dechloromonas), Alphaproteobacteria (8%; Rhizobium), Gammaproteobacteria (4%; Pseudomonas), and Actinobacteria (4%; Streptomycetaceae). Metagenomic DNA from the original soil and recovered heavy fractions were subjected to next-generation sequencing and the results demonstrated enrichment of denitrification genes with taxonomic affiliations to Brucella, Ralstonia, and Chromobacterium in heavy fractions of flow-through reactors fed 13C6-glucose. The vast majority of heavy-DNA-associated nitrite-reductase reads annotated to the copper-containing form (nirK), rather than the heme-containing enzyme (nirS). Analysis of recovered nirK genes demonstrated low sequence identity across common primer-binding sites used for the detection and quantification of soil denitrifiers, indicating that these active denitrifiers would not have been detected in molecular surveys of these same soils.
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Endogenous markers of nitric oxide in the Flinders sensitive line (FSL) rat : a genetic animal model of depression / Melissa WatsonWatson, Melissa January 2010 (has links)
The rising number of the population that present with major depressive disorder has intensified the need to identify and elucidate new biological markers for the diagnosis and treatment of depression. Depression presents with evidence of changes in the nitric oxide (NO) pathway. In this study, levels of various endogenous markers of the NO cascade, viz. nitrite (NO2–), asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) and arginase II activity, were investigated in the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat, a genetic animal model of depression.
The aim of the current study was to determine if there are differences between these markers in the plasma of the FSL rat compared to its healthy control, the (Flinders Resistant Line) FRL rat, with the possibility of considering their use as biomarkers of depression. Nitrite was chosen as metabolite over nitrate (NO3–) because the dietary intake of nitrite and/or nitrate does not significantly affect nitrite (NO2–) levels in plasma. Although this is of no significance if applied to rats, it is an important factor to be considered when doing clinical studies.
For neurochemical determination of nitrite a sensitive fluorometric reversed phase high–performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay was developed to analyze nitrite in human and rat plasma. Derivatization of sample nitrite was performed with 2,3–diaminonaphthalene (DAN) followed by the quantification of the stable and highly fluorescent product, 2,3–naphthotriazole (NAT).
Determination of arginase II activity was performed by measuring L–arginine and L–ornithine concentrations in the plasma, while ADMA was measured simultaneously with L–arginine and L–ornithine using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, or LC/MS/MS.
Plasma nitrite levels of FSL rats were significantly decreased compared to plasma nitrite levels in the FRL rat, but neither the levels of ADMA nor arginase II activity showed a significant difference between the FSL and FRL rat groups. From these results it is concluded that in accordance with previous studies, the NO pathway plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depression, as depicted in the differences found between plasma nitrite levels in the FSL rat compared to its healthy control. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Endogenous markers of nitric oxide in the Flinders sensitive line (FSL) rat : a genetic animal model of depression / Melissa WatsonWatson, Melissa January 2010 (has links)
The rising number of the population that present with major depressive disorder has intensified the need to identify and elucidate new biological markers for the diagnosis and treatment of depression. Depression presents with evidence of changes in the nitric oxide (NO) pathway. In this study, levels of various endogenous markers of the NO cascade, viz. nitrite (NO2–), asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) and arginase II activity, were investigated in the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat, a genetic animal model of depression.
The aim of the current study was to determine if there are differences between these markers in the plasma of the FSL rat compared to its healthy control, the (Flinders Resistant Line) FRL rat, with the possibility of considering their use as biomarkers of depression. Nitrite was chosen as metabolite over nitrate (NO3–) because the dietary intake of nitrite and/or nitrate does not significantly affect nitrite (NO2–) levels in plasma. Although this is of no significance if applied to rats, it is an important factor to be considered when doing clinical studies.
For neurochemical determination of nitrite a sensitive fluorometric reversed phase high–performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay was developed to analyze nitrite in human and rat plasma. Derivatization of sample nitrite was performed with 2,3–diaminonaphthalene (DAN) followed by the quantification of the stable and highly fluorescent product, 2,3–naphthotriazole (NAT).
Determination of arginase II activity was performed by measuring L–arginine and L–ornithine concentrations in the plasma, while ADMA was measured simultaneously with L–arginine and L–ornithine using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, or LC/MS/MS.
Plasma nitrite levels of FSL rats were significantly decreased compared to plasma nitrite levels in the FRL rat, but neither the levels of ADMA nor arginase II activity showed a significant difference between the FSL and FRL rat groups. From these results it is concluded that in accordance with previous studies, the NO pathway plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depression, as depicted in the differences found between plasma nitrite levels in the FSL rat compared to its healthy control. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The effect of nitric oxide donors on human performanceBescós García, Raúl 22 December 2011 (has links)
Tesi qualificada amb un EXCEL.LENT "Cum Laude", per a l'obtenció del títol de doctor per la Universitat de Barcelona amb menció europea / Nitric oxide or nitrogen monoxide (NO) is a tiny free radical gas. The discovery of this intriguing molecule has revolutionized physiology and pharmacology research during the last 20 years. Currently, it is known that NO is endogenously synthesized by several molecules and tissues via two pathways: the synthase-dependent pathway and the synthase-independent pathway. In the first, the amino acid L-arginine is the main donnor of NO synthesis. In the second, inorganic nitrate is the main substrate for the synthesis of this molecule. Interestingly, both pathways are directly connected. While the synthase-dependent pathway is oxygen dependent, the synthase-independent metabolic route is greatly facilitated under hypoxia conditions. Thus, these mechanisms of NO production regulate levels of NO in the tissues. An adequate production of NO is important because it plays an essential role in mechanisms related with vasodilatation and blood flow distribution. Additionally, NO modulates other important functions in the human body such as mitochondrial respiration and immune mechanisms. For all these reasons, the interest for dietary NO donors have increased during the last years. It has been suggested that the consumption of food rich in L-arginine or in inorganic nitrate may enhance NO availability in the human body. This hypothesis has not been unnoticed in exercise physiology. In fact, it has been suggested that supplementation with NO donors may improve the cardio-respiratory response, as well as the tolerance to endurance exercise in humans. However, there is a lack of studies analyzing this issue. Therefore, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to assess the effect of L-arginine and inorganic nitrate in the cardio-respiratory and metabolic response of healthy humans.
To develop this aim, three studies and one review were carried out. In the first, it was found that L-arginine supplementation during three days at several doses, between 5.5 and 20.5 g/day was not effective to increase plasma markers of NO, as well as the cardio-respiratory and metabolic response during endurance test. In the second study we found that acute dose of inorganic nitrate supplementation (10 mg/kg of body mass) raised significantly plasma levels of nitrate and nitrite. However, this effect did not report an improvement in the cardio-respiratory response at low-to-moderate intensities of exercise. However, at maximal work loads of exercise dietary nitrate induced significantly reduction of oxygen consumption (VO2peak) compared with placebo. Other cardio-respiratory parameters, as well as blood lactate concentration did not differ between nitrate and placebo. In addition, exercise performance measured as time to exhaustion during an incremental test did not increase compared with placebo. All these findings together suggested that at higher intensities of exercise energy production became more efficient after inorganic nitrate ingestion. Accordingly, in the third study it was analyzed the effect of dietary inorganic nitrate ingestion for three days during endurance exercise in a cycle ergometer at high intensity (time-trial of 40-min). Results of this study showed that nitrate supplementation did not increase significantly plasma levels of nitrite, as well as enhance performance in healthy subjects. Interestingly, a significant, negative correlation was found between change in nitrite and endurance capacity measured as VO2peak during the exercise test. These results indicated that the effect of dietary nitrate ingestion was lower in subjects with high cardiovascular capacity compared with subjects with poor tolerance capacity to endurance exercise. This fact is very important, since it is known that endurance training increase values of VO2peak in sedentary population and this fact is correlated with lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases. These and other important conclusions of these studies are included in the last work of this thesis which was a review article. / L’òxid nítric (NO) es un radical lliure alliberat per diverses molècules i teixits en l’organisme humà. El descobriment d’aquesta intrigant molècula ha revolucionat la recerca en el camp de la fisiologia i la farmacologia durant els últims 20 anys. Actualment, es coneix que la alliberació de NO per part de les cèl•lules endotelials estimula el procés de vasodilatació. A més, també es coneix que aquesta molècula es un important regulador de la respiració mitocondrial i del sistema immunològic. Totes aquestes funcions han generat un gran interès per els precursors nutricionals de NO. En l’àmbit de la fisiologia de l’exercici físic s’ha suggerit que la suplementació amb alguna d’aquestes substancies (L-arginina o nitrat inorgànic) pot millorar la tolerància a l’exercici físic de resistència. No obstant, hi ha molta controvèrsia en els resultats dels estudis que han analitzat aquesta hipòtesi. Per tant, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi doctoral va ser analitzar els efectes dels principals precursors de NO, L-arginina i nitrat inorgànic, en la resposta cardiorrespiratòria i metabòlica durant l’exercici físic de caràcter aeròbic en humans. Per dur a terme aquest objectiu es van realitzar 3 estudis i una revisió bibliogràfica. Els principals resultats d’aquests estudis van mostrar que la suplementació de L-arginina en diferents dosis no va ser efectiva per augmentar el marcadors plasmàtics de NO, així com, la resposta cardiorrespiratòria i metabòlica durant un exercici físic aeròbic en intensitats moderades. En referència als nitrat inorgànic, es va observar que la suplementació augmenta els nivells d’aquests compostos en plasma. No obstant, aquest fet no es va correlacionar amb una millora de la tolerància a l’exercici físic de resistència. A més, es va observar una correlación negativa i significativa entre l’augment dels nitrits plasmàtics i la potència aeròbica màxima (VO2max). Tots aquests resultats van ser àmpliament tractats en l’últim treball (revisió bibliogràfica) d’aquesta tesi. En resum, l’ingesta nutricional de L-arginina i/o nitrat inorgànic no resulta efectiva per millorar la resposta cardiorrespiratòria i la tolerància a l’exercici físic de resistència en humans sans i entrenats físicament.
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